Sub. H.B. 144

126th General Assembly

(S. Judiciary Civil Justice)



The Committee amended the bill to prohibit a person who has not received and has not waived the right to receive notice of the admission of a will to probate to commence a will contest action more than three months after the filing of the certificate, to provide that the savings statute under R.C. 2305.19 does not apply to will contest actions, to provide that the testimonial privilege does not apply concerning a communication between a client who has since died and the deceased client's attorney if the dispute addresses the competency of the deceased client when executing a document that is the basis of the dispute or whether the deceased client was a victim of fraud, undue influence, or duress when executing a document that is the basis of the dispute, and to provide that the testimonial privilege does not apply, and a physician or dentist may be compelled to testify, concerning a communication made to either of them by a patient if the dispute addresses the competency of the deceased patient when executing a document that is the basis of the dispute or whether the deceased patient was a victim of fraud, undue influence, or duress when executing a document that is the basis of the dispute.






H0144-126.doc/blf                                                                                                   01/11/06