Sub. H.B. 187

126th General Assembly

(S. Insurance, Commerce, and Labor)



Displacement rights

Reinserts existing law that the House-passed version would have repealed permitting an employee who has been laid off to displace a person with the fewest retention points in the classification that the employee held immediately before being appointed to the classification from which the employee was laid off.  This displacement is subject to two limitations:  (1) the employee must meet the minimum qualifications of the prior classification (existing law) and (2) the employee must have last held the prior classification within 3 years of the lay-off date (this modifies existing law which imposes a 5-year limit).  (R.C. 124.324(A).)

Temporary and intermittent employees

Reinserts the category of intermittent employees that the House-passed version would have repealed and that, under existing law, is a category of unclassified employees who serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority.  And, continues the requirement that the Director of Administrative Services set the rate of compensation for intermittent employees, but limits this duty to intermittent employees in the service of the state.  (R.C. 124.11(A)(29), 124.14(I), and 124.30(B).)

Modifies existing law regarding temporary and intermittent employees by eliminating the requirement that they be "external" in order to be considered unclassified employees who serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority (R.C. 124.11(A)(29) and 124.30(B)).



H0187-126.doc/ar                                                                                                    12/19/2006