Synopsis of Senate Committee Amendments*

Jeff Grim                                                 Legislative Service Commission


Sub. H.B. 458

126th General Assembly

(S. Agriculture)



Creates a provisional veterinary graduate license, authorizes the State Veterinary Medical Licensing Board to issue such a license to a person who graduated from a veterinary college approved by the Board and who applied for and is waiting to take a nationally recognized examination approved by the Board for a license to practice veterinary medicine, and establishes provisions governing provisional licenses, including a $100 application fee.

Establishes a fee of $35 for the issuance of an initial limited license to practice veterinary medicine to interns, residents in a veterinary specialty, and graduate students and a fee of $155 for the issuance of such a license to instructors, researchers, and diagnosticians rather than a fee of $375 for the issuance of all initial limited licenses on or after March 1 in an even-numbered year or $250 for the issuance of all initial limited licenses on or after March 1 in an odd-numbered year as in the House-passed version of the bill; changes the biennial renewal date for limited licenses from March 1 to July 1; and requires $10 of each limited license biennial renewal fee collected by the Board from instructors, researchers, and diagnosticians to be credited to the Veterinarian Loan Repayment Fund rather than requiring $10 collected from all limited license biennial renewal fees to be credited to that Fund as in the House-passed version of the bill.

Changes the term "veterinary facility" to "veterinary business facility."



H0458-126.doc/ss                                                                                                    05/15/06

* This synopsis does not address amendments that may have been adopted on the Senate floor.