Synopsis of Committee Amendments

Legislative Service Commission

LSC Synopsis of Senate Amendments


Sub. H.B. 33

126th General Assembly

(S. State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee)



Modifies the provision of the House-passed version that authorizes the prosecuting attorney, either at no cost to the district or under a contract with the district, to be the legal adviser to a joint fire district, joint ambulance district, joint emergency medical services district, or fire and ambulance district by requiring that the board of county commissioners approve the prosecuting attorney's action (R.C. 309.09(E), (F), (G), and (H)).

Adds a section to the House-passed version that authorizes an assistant prosecuting attorney to be a member of a board of education in any county other than the county in which the assistant prosecuting attorney is employed if the board of education's school district is not contiguous to the county in which the assistant prosecuting attorney is employed (R.C. 3313.13).



H0033-126.doc/ss                                                                                              06/21/05