130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

Am. H. B. No. 181  As Reported by the Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee
As Reported by the Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee

124th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. H. B. No. 181

REPRESENTATIVES Buehrer, Carey, Calvert, Clancy, Core, Evans, Faber, Gilb, Goodman, Grendell, Hoops, Hughes, Husted, Metzger, Peterson, Raga, Schmidt, Trakas, Webster, Widowfield, Womer Benjamin, Jones, Allen, Barrett, Fedor, Flannery, Jerse, Metelsky, D. Miller, Oakar, Wilson, Hagan, Willamowski, Coates, Olman, Flowers, Schuring, Jolivette, Callender, Collier, Niehaus, Boccieri, Kilbane, DeWine, Perry, Hartnett, Hollister, Cates, Ogg, Setzer, Carano, Sferra, Lendrum, Williams, Young, Reinhard, Salerno, Manning, G. Smith, Redfern, Roman, Seitz, Kearns, Latta, Otterman, Krupinski, Key, Woodard, Britton, Carmichael

SENATORS Spada, White, Robert Gardner, Fingerhut, Hagan

To amend Section 4.18 of Am. Sub. H.B. 282 of the1
123rd General Assembly, as subsequently amended,2
to make an appropriation for the 12th grade3
proficiency stipend.4


       Section 1. That Section 4.18 of Am. Sub. H.B. 282 of the5
123rd General Assembly, as amended by Am. Sub. H.B. 640 and Sub.6
S.B. 237 of the 123rd General Assembly, be amended to read as7

       "       Sec. 4.18.  OHIOREADS GRANTS9

       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-566, OhioReads10
Grants, $20,000,000 each year shall be disbursed by the OhioReads11
Office in the Department of Education at the direction of the12
OhioReads Council, to provide classroom grants to public schools13
in city, local, and exempted village school districts; community14
schools; and educational service centers serving kindergarten15
through fourth grade students.16

       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-566, OhioReads17
Grants, $5,000,000 each year shall be disbursed by the OhioReads18
Office in the Department of Education at the direction of the19
OhioReads Council, to provide community matching grants to20
community organizations and associations, libraries, and others21
for tutoring, tutor recruitment and training, and parental22

       Grants awarded by the OhioReads Council are intended to24
improve reading outcomes, especially on the fourth grade reading25
proficiency test.26


       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-570, School28
Improvement Incentive Grants, $2,000,000 in each fiscal year shall29
be used to provide grants of $25,000 per building for improvements30
in reading performance based on selection criteria developed by31
the OhioReads Council.32

       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-570, School33
Improvement Incentive Grants, $6,500,000 in each fiscal year shall34
be used to provide grants of $25,000 each to elementary schools35
and $50,000 each to middle schools, junior high schools, and high36
schools that demonstrate significant improvement on proficiency37
tests, attendance rates, and graduation rates based on standards38
developed by the Department of Education.39

       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-570, School40
Improvement Incentive Grants, $500,000 in each fiscal year shall41
be used to provide grants of $50,000 each to educational service42
centers and joint vocational school districts for exemplary43
programs or that demonstrate significant improvement on44
proficiency tests, attendance rates, and graduation rates based on45
standards developed by the Department of Education.46

       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-570, School47
Improvement Incentive Grants, $1,000,000 in each fiscal year shall48
be used to provide grants of up to $50,000 each to educational49
best practices award winners selected for superior performance by50
BEST, Building Excellent Schools for Today and the 21st Century.51

       Any grants awarded from the foregoing appropriation item52
200-570, School Improvement Incentive Grants, shall be awarded to53
individual school buildings, educational service centers, or joint54
vocational school districts, as appropriate. Grant awards shall55
be expended for staff development, classroom equipment, materials,56
and/or books. The principal or administrator of each grantee57
shall decide how best to use the grant award, with input from58
staff members.59


       The foregoing appropriation item 200-572, Teacher Incentive61
Grants, shall be used by the Department of Education to pay62
one-time stipends to qualified teachers of reading, mathematics,63
and science. To be eligible, teacher applicants must hold a valid64
teaching certificate; be employed by a city, local, exempted65
village, or joint vocational school district or by a chartered66
nonpublic school; and be certified by the district or the67
nonpublic school as necessary to meet an existing need for68
teachers with a reading, mathematics, or science credential.69

       Individuals with an elementary school teaching certificate70
that successfully complete a program for a reading endorsement,71
and who successfully complete the examination prescribed by the72
State Board of Education, shall be paid a stipend of $1,000.73
Individuals with an elementary or high school teaching certificate74
that successfully complete a program required to add mathematics75
or science to that certificate, and who successfully complete the76
mathematics or science examination prescribed by the State Board77
of Education, shall be paid a stipend of $1,500. The variance in78
stipend amounts reflects the variance in requirements to secure79
the different credentials.80

       To qualify for stipends, individuals must successfully81
complete all necessary coursework as prescribed by the State Board82
of Education by June 30, 2001, and must successfully complete all83
required practical experience by October 30, 2001.84

       At the request of the Superintendent of Public Instruction,85
the Director of Budget and Management may transfer any unexpended86
and unencumbered balances in this appropriation item as of June87
30, 2000, to fiscal year 2001. The amount so transferred is88
hereby appropriated.89


       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-573, Character91
Education, up to $50,000 in each fiscal year shall be used to92
develop, produce, or otherwise obtain a distance learning program,93
a video presentation, or other method of offering instruction in94
character education to multiple school districts. The program,95
presentation, or other method of instruction shall be made96
available to all school districts.97

       The remainder of appropriation item 200-573, Character98
Education, shall be used by the Department of Education to provide99
matching grants of up to $50,000 each to school districts to100
develop pilot character education programs.101


       Of the foregoing appropriation item 200-574, Substance Abuse103
Prevention, up to $2,000,000 in fiscal year 2000 and up to104
$2,120,000 in fiscal year 2001 shall be used for the Safe and Drug105
Free Schools Coordinators Program. Of the foregoing appropriation106
item 200-574, Substance Abuse Prevention, up to $300,000 in each107
fiscal year of the biennium shall be used for the Substance Abuse108
Prevention Student Assistance Program. The Department of109
Education and the Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction110
Services shall jointly develop and approve a plan for the111
expenditure of these funds including, but not limited to, the112
development of position descriptions and training specifications113
for safe and drug free schools coordinators. Safe and drug free114
schools coordinators shall possess or be in the process of115
obtaining credentials issued by the Ohio Credentialing Board for116
Chemical Dependency Professionals or other credentials recognized117
by that board.118


       The foregoing appropriation item 200-575, 12th Grade120
Proficiency Stipend, shall be used to fund a $500 scholarship to121
each student who meets the requirements of section 3365.15 of the122
Revised Code. At the request of the Superintendent of Public123
Instruction, the Director of Budget and Management shall, subject124
to the approval of the Controlling Board, transfer to125
appropriation item 200-575, 12th Grade Proficiency Stipend,126
obligated, but unexpended, fiscal years 1998, 1999, 2000, and127
2001 general revenue fund appropriations made to the Department of128
Education, not to exceed $17,500,000. The transferred funds shall129
be used for scholarships for students who meet the requirements of130
section 3365.15 of the Revised Code during fiscal year 2001.131

       Within thirty days of After the effective date of this132
section amendment, the Director of Budget and Management shall133
transfer the appropriation for this program to the Ohio Board of134
Regents for its administration.135


       The foregoing appropriation item 200-580, River Valley School137
Environmental Issues, shall be used to assist with costs arising138
from environmental assessment and clean-up of potential139
environmental contamination of school facilities of the River140
Valley Local School District.141


       Notwithstanding section 3317.064 of the Revised Code, if the143
unobligated cash balance is sufficient, the Treasurer of State144
shall transfer $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2000 within thirty days145
of the effective date of this section and $1,500,000 in fiscal146
year 2001 by August 1, 2000, from the Auxiliary Services Personnel147
Unemployment Compensation Fund to the Department of Education's148
Auxiliary Services Mobile Repair Fund (Fund 598).149

       Within 30 days after the effective date of this section, the150
Superintendent of Public Instruction shall certify to the Director151
of Budget and Management the amount of cash to be transferred from152
the Miscellaneous Revenue Fund, Fund 452, to the Educational153
Grants Fund, Fund 620.154


       The Department of Education shall not commit or spend any156
moneys from appropriation item 200-625, Coordinated School Health,157
or appropriation item 200-668, AIDS Education, for activities in158
preparation for or during the 1999-2000 school year or for the159
2000-2001 school year until the General Assembly has approved160
program plans for these purposes through the adoption of a161
concurrent resolution. Before the House of Representatives or the162
Senate votes on a concurrent resolution approving program plans,163
its standing committee having principal jurisdiction over primary164
and secondary education legislation shall conduct at least one165
public hearing on the program plans. Tobacco use prevention166
programs and dental health programs are exempt from these167

       Section 2. That existing Section 4.18 of Am. Sub. H.B. 282 of169
the 123rd General Assembly, as amended by Am. Sub. H.B. 640 and170
Sub. S.B. 237 of the 123rd General Assembly, is hereby repealed.171

       Section 3.  Section 4.18 of Am. Sub. H.B. 282 of the 123rd172
General Assembly is presented in this act as a composite of the173
section as amended by both Am. Sub. H.B. 640 and Sub. S.B. 237 of174
the 123rd General Assembly. The General Assembly, applying the175
principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised176
Code that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of177
simultaneous operation, finds that the composite is the resulting178
version of the section in effect prior to the effective date of179
the section as presented in this act.180

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