130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 657As Introduced
As Introduced

124th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 657

REPRESENTATIVES Reidelbach, G. Smith, Britton, McGregor

To amend sections 1349.01, 2151.231, 2151.33, 2151.49, 3111.81, 3113.07, 3119.01, 3119.30, 3119.301, 3119.31, 3119.33, 3119.34, 3119.35, 3119.38, 3119.46, 3119.47, 3119.48, 3119.49, 3119.491, 3119.50, 3119.52, 3119.53, 3119.54, 3119.56, 3119.57, 3119.58, 3119.76, 3121.03, 3121.035, 3121.27, 3121.58, 3121.67, 3121.896, 3123.01, 3123.03, 3123.031, 3123.04, 3123.05, 3123.06, 3123.062, 3123.17, 3123.25, 3123.42, 3123.53, 3123.62, 3123.66, 3123.67, 3123.92, 3924.48, 3924.49, and 4705.021; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 3119.31 (3119.32), 3119.33 (3119.45), 3119.34 (3119.46), 3119.35 (3119.47), 3119.37 (3119.48), 3119.38 (3119.49), 3119.46 (3119.39), 3119.47 (3119.40), 3119.48 (3119.351), 3119.49 (3119.352), 3119.491 (3119.353), 3119.50 (3119.354), 3119.52 (3119.361), 3119.53 (3119.362), 3119.57 (3119.41), 3119.58 (3119.43), 3123.031 (3123.033), and 3123.062 (3123.07); to enact new sections 3119.31, 3119.33, 3119.34, 3119.35, 3119.37, 3119.44, 3119.50, 3123.031, 3123.061, and 3123.18 and sections 3119.29, 3119.331, 3319.36, 3119.363, 3123.021, 3123.022, 3123.023, 3123.032, 3123.034, 3123.171, 3123.181, 3123.182, and 3123.183; and to repeal sections 3119.40, 3119.41, 3119.43, 3119.44, 3119.45, 3119.51, 3123.061, 3123.07, 3123.071, and 3123.18 of the Revised Code to revise the law governing child support enforcement and to declare an emergency.

Section 1.  That sections 1349.01, 2151.231, 2151.33, 2151.49, 3111.81, 3113.07, 3119.01, 3119.30, 3119.301, 3119.31, 3119.33, 3119.34, 3119.35, 3119.38, 3119.46, 3119.47, 3119.48, 3119.49, 3119.491, 3119.50, 3119.52, 3119.53, 3119.54, 3119.56, 3119.57, 3119.58, 3119.76, 3121.03, 3121.035, 3121.27, 3121.58, 3121.67, 3121.896, 3123.01, 3123.03, 3123.031, 3123.04, 3123.05, 3123.06, 3123.062, 3123.17, 3123.25, 3123.42, 3123.53, 3123.62, 3123.66, 3123.67, 3123.92, 3924.48, 3924.49, and 4705.021 be amended, sections 3119.31 (3119.32), 3119.33 (3119.45), 3119.34 (3119.46), 3119.35 (3119.47), 3119.37 (3119.48), 3119.38 (3119.49), 3119.46 (3119.39), 3119.47 (3119.40), 3119.48 (3119.351), 3119.49 (3119.352), 3119.491 (3119.353), 3119.50 (3119.354), 3119.52 (3119.361), 3119.53 (3119.362), 3119.57 (3119.41), 3119.58 (3119.43), 3123.031 (3123.033), and 3123.062 (3123.07) be amended for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, and new sections 3119.31, 3119.33, 3119.34, 3119.35, 3119.37, 3119.44, 3119.50, 3123.031, 3123.061, and 3123.18 and sections 3119.29, 3119.331, 3319.36, 3119.363, 3123.021, 3123.022, 3123.023, 3123.032, 3123.034, 3123.171, 3123.181, 3123.182, and 3123.183 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 1349.01.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Consumer reporting agency" has the same meaning as in the "Fair Credit Reporting Act," 84 Stat. 1128, 15 U.S.C.A. 1681a.
(2) "Court" means the division of the court of common pleas having jurisdiction over actions for divorce, annulment, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, child support, or spousal support.
(3) "Health insurance coverage" means hospital, surgical, or medical expense coverage provided under any health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan or any other health benefits arrangement.
(4) "Provider" has the same meaning as in section 3902.11 of the Revised Code.
(B) If, pursuant to an action for divorce, annulment, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation, the court determines that a party who is a resident of this state is responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage for the party's former spouse or children or if, pursuant to a child support order issued in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code, the court requires a party who is a resident of this state to obtain health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of the child support order, and the party fails to obtain such coverage, no provider or collection agency shall collect or attempt to collect from the former spouse, children, or person responsible for the children, any reimbursement of any hospital, surgical, or medical expenses incurred by the provider for services rendered to the former spouse or children, which expenses would have been covered but for the failure of the party to obtain the coverage, if the former spouse, any of the children, or a person responsible for the children, provides the following to the provider or collection agency:
(1) A copy of the court order requiring the party to obtain health insurance coverage for the former spouse or children.
(2) Reasonable assistance in locating the party and obtaining information about the party's health insurance coverage.
(C) If the requirements of divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section are not met, the provider or collection agency may collect the hospital, surgical, or medical expenses both from the former spouse or person responsible for the children and from the party who failed to obtain the coverage. If the requirements of divisions (B)(1) and (2) are met, the provider or collection agency may collect or attempt to collect the expenses only from the party.
A party required to obtain health insurance coverage for a former spouse or children who fails to obtain the coverage is liable to the provider for the hospital, surgical, or medical expenses incurred by the provider as a result of the failure to obtain the coverage. This section does not prohibit a former spouse or person responsible for the children from initiating an action to enforce the order requiring the party to obtain health insurance for the former spouse or children or to collect any amounts the former spouse or person responsible for the children pays for hospital, surgical, or medical expenses for which the party is responsible under the order requiring the party to obtain health insurance for the former spouse or children.
(D)(1) If the requirements of divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section are met, both of the following restrictions shall apply:
(a) No collection agency or provider of hospital, surgical, or medical services may report to a consumer reporting agency, for inclusion in the credit file or credit report of the former spouse or person responsible for the children, any information relative to the nonpayment of expenses for the services incurred by the provider, if the nonpayment is the result of the failure of the party responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage to obtain health insurance coverage.
(b) No consumer reporting agency shall include in the credit file or credit report of the former spouse or person responsible for the children, any information relative to the nonpayment of any hospital, surgical, or medical expenses incurred by a provider as a result of the party's failure to obtain the coverage.
(2) If the requirements of divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section are not met, both of the following provisions shall apply:
(a) A provider of hospital, surgical, or medical services, or a collection agency, may report to a consumer reporting agency, for inclusion in the credit file or credit report of the former spouse or person responsible for the children, any information relative to the nonpayment of expenses for the services incurred by the provider, if the nonpayment is the result of the failure of the party responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage to obtain such coverage.
(b) A consumer reporting agency may include in the credit file or credit report of the former spouse or person responsible for the children, any information relative to the nonpayment of any hospital, surgical, or medical expenses incurred by the provider, if the nonpayment is the result of the failure of the party responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage to obtain such coverage.
(3)(a) A provider of hospital, surgical, or medical services, or a collection agency, may report to a consumer reporting agency, for inclusion in the credit file or credit report of that party, any information relative to the nonpayment of expenses for the services incurred by the provider, if the nonpayment is the result of the failure of the party responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage to obtain such coverage.
(b) A consumer reporting agency may include in the credit file or credit report of the party responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage, any information relative to the nonpayment of any hospital, surgical, or medical expenses incurred by a provider, if the nonpayment is the result of the failure of that party to obtain health insurance coverage.
(4) If any information described in division (D)(2) of this section is placed in the credit file or credit report of the former spouse or person responsible for the children, the consumer reporting agency shall remove the information from the credit file and credit report if the former spouse or person responsible for the children provides the agency with the information required in divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section. If the agency fails to remove the information from the credit file or credit report pursuant to the terms of the "Fair Credit Reporting Act," 84 Stat. 1128, 15 U.S.C. 1681a, within a reasonable time after receiving the information required by divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section, the former spouse may initiate an action to require the agency to remove the information.
If any information described in division (D)(3) of this section is placed in the party's credit file or credit report, the party has the burden of proving that the party is not responsible for obtaining the health insurance coverage or, if responsible, that the expenses incurred are not covered expenses. If the party meets that burden, the agency shall remove the information from the party's credit file and credit report immediately. If the agency fails to remove the information from the credit file or credit report immediately after the party meets the burden, the party may initiate an action to require the agency to remove the information.
Sec. 2151.231.  The parent, guardian, or custodian of a child, the person with whom a child resides, or the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the child, parent, guardian, or custodian of the child resides may bring an action in a juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code under this section requesting the court to issue an order requiring a parent of the child to pay an amount for the support of the child without regard to the marital status of the child's parents. No action may be brought under this section against a person presumed to be the parent of a child based on an acknowledgment of paternity that has not yet become final under former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 or section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code.
The parties to an action under this section may raise the issue of the existence or nonexistence of a parent-child relationship, unless a final and enforceable determination of the issue has been made with respect to the parties pursuant to Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code or an acknowledgment of paternity signed by the child's parents has become final pursuant to former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 or section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code. If a complaint is filed under this section and an issue concerning the existence or nonexistence of a parent-child relationship is raised, the court shall treat the action as an action pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code. An order issued in an action under this section does not preclude a party to the action from bringing a subsequent action pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code if the issue concerning the existence or nonexistence of the parent-child relationship was not determined with respect to the party pursuant to a proceeding under this section, a proceeding under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, or an acknowledgment of paternity that has become final under former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 or section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code. An order issued pursuant to this section shall remain effective until an order is issued pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code that a parent-child relationship does not exist between the alleged father of the child and the child or until the occurrence of an event described in section 3119.88 of the Revised Code that would require the order to terminate.
The court, in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code, shall include in each support order made under this section the requirement that one or both of the parents provide for the health care needs of the child to the satisfaction of the court.
Sec. 2151.33.  (A) Pending hearing of a complaint filed under section 2151.27 of the Revised Code or a motion filed or made under division (B) of this section and the service of citations, the juvenile court may make any temporary disposition of any child that it considers necessary to protect the best interest of the child and that can be made pursuant to division (B) of this section. Upon the certificate of one or more reputable practicing physicians, the court may summarily provide for emergency medical and surgical treatment that appears to be immediately necessary to preserve the health and well-being of any child concerning whom a complaint or an application for care has been filed, pending the service of a citation upon the child's parents, guardian, or custodian. The court may order the parents, guardian, or custodian, if the court finds the parents, guardian, or custodian able to do so, to reimburse the court for the expense involved in providing the emergency medical or surgical treatment. Any person who disobeys the order for reimbursement may be adjudged in contempt of court and punished accordingly.
If the emergency medical or surgical treatment is furnished to a child who is found at the hearing to be a nonresident of the county in which the court is located and if the expense of the medical or surgical treatment cannot be recovered from the parents, legal guardian, or custodian of the child, the board of county commissioners of the county in which the child has a legal settlement shall reimburse the court for the reasonable cost of the emergency medical or surgical treatment out of its general fund.
(B)(1) After a complaint, petition, writ, or other document initiating a case dealing with an alleged or adjudicated abused, neglected, or dependent child is filed and upon the filing or making of a motion pursuant to division (C) of this section, the court, prior to the final disposition of the case, may issue any of the following temporary orders to protect the best interest of the child:
(a) An order granting temporary custody of the child to a particular party;
(b) An order for the taking of the child into custody pursuant to section 2151.31 of the Revised Code pending the outcome of the adjudicatory and dispositional hearings;
(c) An order granting, limiting, or eliminating parenting time or visitation rights with respect to the child;
(d) An order requiring a party to vacate a residence that will be lawfully occupied by the child;
(e) An order requiring a party to attend an appropriate counseling program that is reasonably available to that party;
(f) Any other order that restrains or otherwise controls the conduct of any party which conduct would not be in the best interest of the child.
(2) Prior to the final disposition of a case subject to division (B)(1) of this section, the court shall do both of the following:
(a) Issue an order pursuant to Chapters 3119. to 3125. of the Revised Code requiring the parents, guardian, or person charged with the child's support to pay support for the child.
(b) Issue an order requiring the parents, guardian, or person charged with the child's support to continue to maintain any health insurance coverage for the child that existed at the time of the filing of the complaint, petition, writ, or other document, or to obtain health insurance coverage in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
(C)(1) A court may issue an order pursuant to division (B) of this section upon its own motion or if a party files a written motion or makes an oral motion requesting the issuance of the order and stating the reasons for it. Any notice sent by the court as a result of a motion pursuant to this division shall contain a notice that any party to a juvenile proceeding has the right to be represented by counsel and to have appointed counsel if the person is indigent.
(2) If a child is taken into custody pursuant to section 2151.31 of the Revised Code and placed in shelter care, the public children services agency or private child placing agency with which the child is placed in shelter care shall file or make a motion as described in division (C)(1) of this section before the end of the next day immediately after the date on which the child was taken into custody and, at a minimum, shall request an order for temporary custody under division (B)(1)(a) of this section.
(3) A court that issues an order pursuant to division (B)(1)(b) of this section shall comply with section 2151.419 of the Revised Code.
(D) The court may grant an ex parte order upon its own motion or a motion filed or made pursuant to division (C) of this section requesting such an order if it appears to the court that the best interest and the welfare of the child require that the court issue the order immediately. The court, if acting on its own motion, or the person requesting the granting of an ex parte order, to the extent possible, shall give notice of its intent or of the request to the parents, guardian, or custodian of the child who is the subject of the request. If the court issues an ex parte order, the court shall hold a hearing to review the order within seventy-two hours after it is issued or before the end of the next day after the day on which it is issued, whichever occurs first. The court shall give written notice of the hearing to all parties to the action and shall appoint a guardian ad litem for the child prior to the hearing.
The written notice shall be given by all means that are reasonably likely to result in the party receiving actual notice and shall include all of the following:
(1) The date, time, and location of the hearing;
(2) The issues to be addressed at the hearing;
(3) A statement that every party to the hearing has a right to counsel and to court-appointed counsel, if the party is indigent;
(4) The name, telephone number, and address of the person requesting the order;
(5) A copy of the order, except when it is not possible to obtain it because of the exigent circumstances in the case.
If the court does not grant an ex parte order pursuant to a motion filed or made pursuant to division (C) of this section or its own motion, the court shall hold a shelter care hearing on the motion within ten days after the motion is filed. The court shall give notice of the hearing to all affected parties in the same manner as set forth in the Juvenile Rules.
(E) The court, pending the outcome of the adjudicatory and dispositional hearings, shall not issue an order granting temporary custody of a child to a public children services agency or private child placing agency pursuant to this section, unless the court determines and specifically states in the order that the continued residence of the child in the child's current home will be contrary to the child's best interest and welfare and the court complies with section 2151.419 of the Revised Code.
(F) Each public children services agency and private child placing agency that receives temporary custody of a child pursuant to this section shall maintain in the child's case record written documentation that it has placed the child, to the extent that it is consistent with the best interest, welfare, and special needs of the child, in the most family-like setting available and in close proximity to the home of the parents, custodian, or guardian of the child.
(G) For good cause shown, any court order that is issued pursuant to this section may be reviewed by the court at any time upon motion of any party to the action or upon the motion of the court.
Sec. 2151.49.  In every case of conviction under sections 2151.01 to 2151.54 of the Revised Code, where imprisonment is imposed as part of the punishment, the juvenile judge may suspend sentence, before or during commitment, upon such condition as the juvenile judge imposes. In the case of conviction for nonsupport of a child who is receiving aid under Chapter 5107. or 5115. of the Revised Code, if the juvenile judge suspends sentence on condition that the person make payments for support, the payment shall be made to the county department of job and family services rather than to the child or custodian of the child.
The court, in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code, shall include in each support order made under this section the requirement that one or both of the parents provide for the health care needs of the child to the satisfaction of the court.
Sec. 3111.81.  After the hearing under section 3111.80 of the Revised Code is completed, the administrative officer may issue an administrative order for the payment of support and provision for the child's health care. The order shall do all of the following:
(A) Require periodic payments of support that may vary in amount, except that, if it is in the best interest of the child, the administrative officer may order the purchase of an annuity in lieu of periodic payments of support if the purchase agreement provides that any remainingprincipal remaining principal will be transferred to the ownership and control of the child on the child's attainment of the age of majority;
(B) Require the parents to provide for the health care needs of the child in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code;
(C) Include a notice that contains the information described in section 3111.84 of the Revised Code informing the mother and the father of the right to object to the order by bringing an action for the payment of support and provision of the child's health care under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code and the effect of a failure to timely bring the action.
Sec. 3113.07.  As used in this section, "executive director" has the same meaning as in section 5153.01 of the Revised Code.
Sentence may be suspended, if a person, after conviction under section 3113.06 of the Revised Code and before sentence thereunder, appears before the court of common pleas in which such conviction took place and enters into bond to the state in a sum fixed by the court at not less than five hundred dollars, with sureties approved by such court, conditioned that such person will pay, so long as the child remains a ward of the public children services agency or a recipient of aid pursuant to Chapter 5107. or 5115. of the Revised Code, to the executive director thereof or to a trustee to be named by the court, for the benefit of such agency or if the child is a recipient of aid pursuant to Chapter 5107. or 5115. of the Revised Code, to the county department of job and family services, the reasonable cost of keeping such child. The amount of such costs and the time of payment shall be fixed by the court.
The court, in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code, shall include in each support order made under this section the requirement that one or both of the parents provide for the health care needs of the child to the satisfaction of the court.
Sec. 3119.01.  (A) As used in the Revised Code, "child support enforcement agency" means a child support enforcement agency designated under former section 2301.35 of the Revised Code prior to October 1, 1997, or a private or government entity designated as a child support enforcement agency under section 307.981 of the Revised Code.
(B) As used in this chapter and Chapters 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code:
(1) "Administrative child support order" means any order issued by a child support enforcement agency for the support of a child pursuant to section 3109.19 or 3111.81 of the Revised Code or former section 3111.211 of the Revised Code, section 3111.21 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to January 1, 1998, or section 3111.20 or 3111.22 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to the effective date of this section March 22, 2001.
(2) "Child support order" means either a court child support order or an administrative child support order.
(3) "Obligee" means the person who is entitled to receive the support payments under a support order.
(4) "Obligor" means the person who is required to pay support under a support order.
(5) "Support order" means either an administrative child support order or a court support order.
(C) As used in this chapter:
(1) "Combined gross income" means the combined gross income of both parents.
(2) "Court child support order" means any order issued by a court for the support of a child pursuant to Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, section 2151.23, 2151.231, 2151.232, 2151.33, 2151.36, 2151.361, 2151.49, 3105.21, 3109.05, 3109.19, 3111.13, 3113.04, 3113.07, 3113.31, 3119.65, or 3119.70, or 3123.07 of the Revised Code, or division (B) of former section 3113.21 of the Revised Code.
(3) "Court support order" means either a court child support order or an order for the support of a spouse or former spouse issued pursuant to Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, section 3105.18, 3105.65, or 3113.31, or 3123.07 of the Revised Code, or division (B) of former section 3113.21 of the Revised Code.
(4) "Extraordinary medical expenses" means any uninsured medical expenses incurred for a child during a calendar year that exceed one hundred dollars.
(5) "Income" means either of the following:
(a) For a parent who is employed to full capacity, the gross income of the parent;
(b) For a parent who is unemployed or underemployed, the sum of the gross income of the parent and any potential income of the parent.
(6) "Insurer" means any person authorized under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code to engage in the business of insurance in this state, any health insuring corporation, and any legal entity that is self-insured and provides benefits to its employees or members.
(7) "Gross income" means, except as excluded in division (C)(7) of this section, the total of all earned and unearned income from all sources during a calendar year, whether or not the income is taxable, and includes income from salaries, wages, overtime pay, and bonuses to the extent described in division (D) of section 3119.05 of the Revised Code; commissions; royalties; tips; rents; dividends; severance pay; pensions; interest; trust income; annuities; social security benefits, including retirement, disability, and survivor benefits that are not means-tested; workers' compensation benefits; unemployment insurance benefits; disability insurance benefits; benefits that are not means-tested and that are received by and in the possession of the veteran who is the beneficiary for any service-connected disability under a program or law administered by the United States department of veterans' affairs or veterans' administration; spousal support actually received; and all other sources of income. "Gross income" includes income of members of any branch of the United States armed services or national guard, including, amounts representing base pay, basic allowance for quarters, basic allowance for subsistence, supplemental subsistence allowance, cost of living adjustment, specialty pay, variable housing allowance, and pay for training or other types of required drills; self-generated income; and potential cash flow from any source.
"Gross income" does not include any of the following:
(a) Benefits received from means-tested government administered programs, including Ohio works first; prevention, retention, and contingency; means-tested veterans' benefits; supplemental security income; food stamps; disability assistance; or other assistance for which eligibility is determined on the basis of income or assets;
(b) Benefits for any service-connected disability under a program or law administered by the United States department of veterans' affairs or veterans' administration that are not means-tested, that have not been distributed to the veteran who is the beneficiary of the benefits, and that are in the possession of the United States department of veterans' affairs or veterans' administration;
(c) Child support received for children who were not born or adopted during the marriage at issue;
(d) Amounts paid for mandatory deductions from wages such as union dues but not taxes, social security, or retirement in lieu of social security;
(e) Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow items;
(f) Adoption assistance and foster care maintenance payments made pursuant to Title IV-E of the "Social Security Act," 94 Stat. 501, 42 U.S.C.A. 670 (1980), as amended.
(8) "Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow item" means an income or cash flow item the parent receives in any year or for any number of years not to exceed three years that the parent does not expect to continue to receive on a regular basis. "Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow item" does not include a lottery prize award that is not paid in a lump sum or any other item of income or cash flow that the parent receives or expects to receive for each year for a period of more than three years or that the parent receives and invests or otherwise uses to produce income or cash flow for a period of more than three years.
(9)(a) "Ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in generating gross receipts" means actual cash items expended by the parent or the parent's business and includes depreciation expenses of business equipment as shown on the books of a business entity.
(b) Except as specifically included in "ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in generating gross receipts" by division (C)(9)(a) of this section, "ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in generating gross receipts" does not include depreciation expenses and other noncash items that are allowed as deductions on any federal tax return of the parent or the parent's business.
(10) "Personal earnings" means compensation paid or payable for personal services, however denominated, and includes wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, draws against commissions, profit sharing, vacation pay, or any other compensation.
(11) "Potential income" means both of the following for a parent who the court pursuant to a court support order, or a child support enforcement agency pursuant to an administrative child support order, determines is voluntarily unemployed or voluntarily underemployed:
(a) Imputed income that the court or agency determines the parent would have earned if fully employed as determined from the following criteria:
(i) The parent's prior employment experience;
(ii) The parent's education;
(iii) The parent's physical and mental disabilities, if any;
(iv) The availability of employment in the geographic area in which the parent resides;
(v) The prevailing wage and salary levels in the geographic area in which the parent resides;
(vi) The parent's special skills and training;
(vii) Whether there is evidence that the parent has the ability to earn the imputed income;
(viii) The age and special needs of the child for whom child support is being calculated under this section;
(ix) The parent's increased earning capacity because of experience;
(x) Any other relevant factor.
(b) Imputed income from any nonincome-producing assets of a parent, as determined from the local passbook savings rate or another appropriate rate as determined by the court or agency, not to exceed the rate of interest specified in division (A) of section 1343.03 of the Revised Code, if the income is significant.
(12) "Schedule" means the basic child support schedule set forth in section 3119.021 of the Revised Code.
(13) "Self-generated income" means gross receipts received by a parent from self-employment, proprietorship of a business, joint ownership of a partnership or closely held corporation, and rents minus ordinary and necessary expenses incurred by the parent in generating the gross receipts. "Self-generated income" includes expense reimbursements or in-kind payments received by a parent from self-employment, the operation of a business, or rents, including company cars, free housing, reimbursed meals, and other benefits, if the reimbursements are significant and reduce personal living expenses.
(14) "Split parental rights and responsibilities" means a situation in which there is more than one child who is the subject of an allocation of parental rights and responsibilities and each parent is the residential parent and legal custodian of at least one of those children.
(15) "Worksheet" means the applicable worksheet that is used to calculate a parent's child support obligation as set forth in sections 3119.022 and 3119.023 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.29.  As used in this section and sections 3119.30 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Custodial parent" means a parent who has been designated by the court as the residential parent and legal custodian of a child pursuant to a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment, or child custody proceeding.
(B) "Health plan administrator" means any person authorized under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code to engage in the business of insurance in this state, any health insuring corporation, and any legal entity that is self-insured and provides benefits to its employees or members.
(C) "National medical support notice" means a form required by the "Child Support Performance and Incentive Act of 1998," P.L. 105-200, 112 Stat. 659, 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(19), as amended, and jointly developed and promulgated by the secretary of health and human services and the secretary of labor in federal regulations adopted under that act.
(D) "Noncustodial parent" means a person who has been a party to a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment, or child custody proceeding but has not been designated by the court as a residential parent and legal custodian of the child.
(E) "Parent responsible for the health care of the children" means the parent determined by the court under a court child support order or by the child support enforcement agency under an administrative child support order to provide health insurance coverage for the children pursuant to section 3119.30 of the Revised Code.
(F) "State medical support notice" means a notice prescribed by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3119.39 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.30.  In any action or proceeding in which a child support order is issued or modified, the court, with respect to court child support orders, and the child support enforcement agency, with respect to administrative child support orders, shall determine the parent responsible for the health care of the children subject to the child support order and. The determination shall be made based on information provided to the court or to the child support enforcement agency under section 3119.31 of the Revised Code. The order shall include in the order one of the following:
(A) A requirement that the obligor under the child support order obtain health insurance coverage for the children if coverage is available at a reasonable cost through a group policy, contract, or plan offered by the obligor's employer or through any other group policy, contract, or plan available to the obligor and is not available for a more reasonable cost through a group policy, contract, or plan available to the obligee;
(B) A requirement that the obligee obtain health insurance coverage for the children if coverage is available through a group policy, contract, or plan offered by the obligee's employer or through any other group policy, contract, or plan available to the obligee and is available at a more reasonable cost than coverage is available to the obligor;
(C) If health insurance coverage for the children is not available at a reasonable cost through a group policy, contract, or plan offered by the obligor's or obligee's employer or through any other group policy, contract, or plan available to the obligor or the obligee, a requirement that the obligor and the obligee share liability for the cost of the medical and health care needs of the children, under an equitable formula established by the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, and a requirement that if, after the issuance of the order, health insurance coverage for the children becomes available at a reasonable cost through a group policy, contract, or plan offered by the obligor's or obligee's employer or through any other group policy, contract, or plan available to the obligor or obligee, the obligor or obligee to whom the coverage becomes available immediately inform the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order;
(D) A requirement that both the obligor and the obligee obtain health insurance coverage for the children if coverage is available for the children at a reasonable cost to both the obligor and the obligee and dual coverage by both parents would provide for coordination of medical benefits without unnecessary duplication of coverage.
Sec. 3119.301.  An order issued pursuant to former section 3111.241 or 3113.217 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to January 1, 1998, that was not terminated on or after that date, and that provides for the health care needs of children subject to a child support order shall be considered to be a requirement included as part of the child support order. The child support order shall be considered to have been issued in accordance with former section 3111.241 or 3113.217 of the Revised Code as those sections existed on and after January 1, 1998, and prior to the effective date of this section March 22, 2001. A child support order issued in accordance with, or any notice issued under, former section 3111.241 or 3113.217 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to the effective date of this section March 22, 2001, that was not terminated on or after that date shall be subject to sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code on and after that date.
Sec. 3119.31.  In any action or proceeding in which a court or child support enforcement agency is determining the parent responsible for the health care of the children who are or will be the subject of a child support order, each parent shall provide to the court or child support enforcement agency a list of any group health insurance policies, contracts, or plans available at a reasonable cost to the parent and the names of the plan administrators.
Sec. 3119.31 3119.32 A child support order shall contain all of the following:
(A) If the obligor, or both the obligor and obligee, are a parent is required under section 3119.30 of the Revised Code to provide health insurance coverage for the children, a requirement that whoever is required to obtain the health insurance coverage do all of the following:
(1) Provide the parent provide to the other with parent, not later than thirty days after the issuance of the order, information regarding the benefits, limitations, and exclusions of the coverage, copies of any insurance forms necessary to receive reimbursement, payment, or other benefits under the coverage, and a copy of any necessary insurance cards;
(2) Submit a copy of the child support order issued pursuant to section 3119.30 of the Revised Code to the insurer at the time of making application to enroll the children under the health insurance policy, contract, or plan;
(3) Furnish written proof to the child support enforcement agency of compliance with this division.
(B) A list of the group health insurance policies, contracts, and plans that the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, determines are available at a reasonable cost to the obligor or to the obligee and the name of the insurer that issues each policy, contract, or plan;
(C) A statement setting forth the name, address, and telephone number of the individual who is to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription expenses paid for each child and a statement that the insurer health plan administrator that provides the health insurance coverage for the children may continue making payment for medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription services directly to any health care provider in accordance with the applicable health insurance policy, contract, or plan;
(D)(C) A requirement that the obligor and the obligee a parent responsible for the health care of the children or both parents designate the children as covered dependents under any health insurance policy, contract, or plan for which they contract the parent contracts;
(E)(D) A requirement that the obligor, the obligee, or both of them under a formula established by the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, pay co-payment or deductible costs required under the health insurance policy, contract, or plan that covers the children;
(F)(E) A notice that the employer of the obligor or obligee parent required to obtain health insurance coverage is required to release to the other parent or the child support enforcement agency on written request any necessary information on the health insurance coverage, including the name and address of the insurer health plan administrator and any policy, contract, or plan number, and to otherwise comply with this section and any order or notice issued under this section;
(G)(F) A statement setting forth the full name and date of birth of each child who is the subject of the child support order;
(H)(G) A requirement that the obligor and the obligee comply with any requirement described in section 3119.30 of the Revised Code and divisions (A) and (D)(C) of this section that is contained in an order issued in compliance with this section no later than thirty days after the issuance of the order;
(I) A notice that if the obligor or obligee fails to obtain health insurance coverage required by a child support order, the child support enforcement agency shall comply with sections 3119.40 and 3119.41 of the Revised Code to obtain a court order requiring the obligor or obligee to obtain the health insurance coverage;
(J)(H) A notice that states the following: "If the person required to obtain health care insurance coverage for the children subject to this child support order obtains new employment and the health insurance coverage for the children is provided through the previous employer, the agency shall comply with the requirements of sections 3119.43 and 3119.44 section 3119.331 of the Revised Code, which may result in the issuance of a notice requiring the new employer to take whatever action is necessary to enroll the children in health care insurance coverage provided by the new employer."
Sec. 3119.33. (A)(1) A child support enforcement agency shall send the national medical support notice to the employer of a parent responsible for the health care of the children who are the subject of a child support order if either of the following is the case:
(a) The parent is the noncustodial parent and is required by an administrative child support order to obtain health insurance coverage for the children through the parent's employer.
(b) The parent is the noncustodial parent and is required by a court child support order to obtain health insurance coverage for the child through the parent's employer, and the court requires the child support enforcement agency to send the notice to the parent's employer.
(2) The child support enforcement agency shall act in accordance with federal regulations governing the national medical support notice and rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code.
(B)(1) A child support enforcement agency shall send the state medical support notice to the employer of a parent responsible for the health care of the children who are the subject of a child support order if either of the following is the case:
(a) The parent is the custodial parent and is required by an administrative child support order to obtain health insurance coverage for the children through the parent's employer.
(b) The parent is the custodial parent and is required by a court child support order to obtain health insurance coverage for the child through the parent's employer, and the court requires the child support enforcement agency to send the notice to the parent's employer.
(2) The child support enforcement agency shall act in accordance with rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.331. (A) Not later than the business day after receipt of a notice under section 3121.895 of the Revised Code of a new hire match, a child support enforcement agency shall send to a parent's new employer a national medical support notice if both of the following apply:
(1) The parent is the parent responsible for the health care of the children.
(2) The parent is the noncustodial parent.
(B) Not later than the business day after receipt of a notice under section 3121.895 of the Revised Code of a new hire match, a child support enforcement agency shall send to a parent's new employer a state medical support notice if both of the following apply:
(1) The parent is the parent responsible for the health care of the children.
(2) The parent is the custodial parent.
Sec.  3119.34.  If a parent responsible for the health care of the children provides coverage through a group policy, contract, or plan not provided by the parent's employer, the child support enforcement agency shall send a state medical support notice to the health plan administrator for the policy, contract, or plan. The agency shall act in accordance with rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.35.  (A) On receipt of a national medical support notice sent pursuant to division (A) of section 3119.33 or division (A) of section 3119.331 of the Revised Code, an employer shall do one of the following not later than twenty business days after the date specified in the notice:
(1) If the person named in the national medical support notice is a current employee and health insurance coverage of the person's children is available through the employer, complete and comply with the notice in accordance with its instructions, federal regulations, and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code and send the appropriate portion of the notice to the health plan administrator;
(2) If the person named in the notice is not a current employee, health insurance coverage of the person's children is not available through the employer, or the employer determines that coverage of the children would cause the total amount of income withholding and health insurance contributions from the person's income to exceed the maximum amount permitted under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 15 U.S.C. 1673(b), complete the notice in accordance with its instructions, federal regulations, and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code and return the completed notice to the child support enforcement agency.
(B) On receipt of a state medical support notice sent pursuant to division (B) of section 3119.33 or division (B) of section 3119.331 of the Revised Code, the employer shall do one of the following not later than twenty business days after the date specified in the notice:
(1) If the person named in the notice is a current employee and health insurance coverage of the person's children is available through the employer, complete and comply with the notice in accordance with its instructions and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code and send the appropriate portion of the notice to the health plan administrator;
(2) If the person named in the notice is not a current employee, health insurance coverage of the person's children is not available through the employer, or the employer determines that coverage of the children would cause the total amount of income withholding and health insurance contributions from the person's income to exceed the maximum amount permitted under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 15 U.S.C. 1673(b), complete the notice in accordance with its instructions and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code and return the completed notice to the child support enforcement agency.
Sec. 3119.48 3119.351 During the time that any child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, an order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, or a notice issued pursuant to section 3119.44 3119.33 or 3119.331 of the Revised Code is in effect and after the employer has received a copy of the order or notice, the employer of the obligor or obligee person required to provide health insurance coverage shall comply with the order or notice.
Sec. 3119.49 3119.352 On written request from the other parent or the child support enforcement agency, the employer of the obligor or obligee a parent required to provide health insurance coverage shall release to the other parent and the agency all information about the health insurance coverage that is necessary to ensure compliance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, an order a notice issued under section 3119.41 3119.33 of the Revised Code, or a notice issued under section 3119.44 3119.331 of the Revised Code, including the name and address of the insurer health plan administrator, and any policy, contract, or plan number.
Sec. 3119.491 3119.353 Information provided by an employer pursuant to section 3119.49 3119.352 of the Revised Code shall be used only for the purpose of the enforcement of an order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, an order a notice issued under section 3119.41 3119.33 of the Revised Code, or a notice issued pursuant to section 3119.44 3119.331 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.50 3119.354 Any employer who receives a copy of an order or notice described in section 3119.30, 3119.41 3119.33, or 3119.44 3119.331 of the Revised Code shall notify the child support enforcement agency of any change in or the termination of the health insurance coverage that is maintained pursuant to the order or notice.
Sec. 3119.36. (A) On receipt of a national medical support notice sent by an employer under division (A)(1) of section 3119.35 of the Revised Code, a health plan administrator shall complete and comply with the notice in accordance with its instructions, federal regulations, and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code.
(B) On receipt of a state medical support notice sent by a child support enforcement agency under section 3119.34 of the Revised Code or an employer under division (B)(1) of section 3119.35 of the Revised Code, a health plan administrator shall complete and comply with the notice in accordance with its instructions and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.52 3119.361 An insurer A health plan administrator that provides health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of a child support order in accordance with the child support order, an order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, or a notice issued pursuant to section 3119.44 3119.34 or 3119.35 of the Revised Code, shall reimburse the parent who is designated to receive reimbursement in the child support order for covered out-of-pocket medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription expenses incurred on behalf of the children.
Sec. 3119.53 3119.362 Nothing in sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code shall be construed to require an insurer a health plan administrator to accept for enrollment any child who does not meet the underwriting standards of the health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan for which application is made.
Sec. 3119.363. A health plan administrator that receives a state medical support notice pursuant to section 3119.34 of the Revised Code shall send written notice to the child support enforcement agency of any change in or the termination of the health insurance coverage that is maintained pursuant to the notice.
Sec. 3119.37. (A) A child support enforcement agency that receives a national medical support notice or state medical support notice returned by an employer pursuant to division (A)(2) or (B)(2) of section 3119.35 of the Revised Code or a written notice from a health plan administrator pursuant to section 3119.363 of the Revised Code shall do one of the following:
(1) If the requirement for health insurance coverage is pursuant to a court child support order, send written notice of the returned notice to the court that issued the order;
(2) If the requirement for health insurance coverage is pursuant to an administrative child support order, correct the order in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code.
(B) A court that receives a returned notice pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section shall correct the child support order in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.46 3119.39 The department of job and family services shall adopt standard forms for the state medical support notices required by division (B) of section 3119.44 3119.33, division (B) of section 3119.331, and section 3119.34 of the Revised Code. All child support enforcement agencies shall use the forms in issuing notices as required under that section those sections.
Sec. 3119.47 3119.40 A child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, any order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, or notice issued pursuant to section 3119.44 3119.33, 3119.331, or 3119.34 of the Revised Code is binding on the obligor and the obligee, their employers, and any insurer health plan administrator that provides health insurance coverage for either of them or their children.
Sec. 3119.57 3119.41 Whoever violates a court child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, or an order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, may be punished as for contempt under Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.58 3119.43 If an obligor a parent is found in contempt under Chapter 2705. for failing to comply with a court child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, or an order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, to enforce a court child support order's health insurance provisions and the obligor parent previously has been found in contempt under that chapter, the court shall consider the obligor's failure to comply with the order as a change in circumstances for the purpose of modification of the amount of support due under the court child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.44. (A) Not later than fifteen calendar days after amounts withheld under a withholding notice issued pursuant to a court child support order are received by the office of child support in the department of job and family services, a parent may file a written motion for a court hearing to contest any withholding for the purpose of providing health insurance coverage for the children under the order. The court shall hold a hearing on the request as soon as possible, but not later than ten calendar days after the request is filed. Not later than five calendar days before the date on which the hearing is to be held, the court shall send both parents written notice by regular mail of the date, time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The hearing shall be limited to a determination of whether there is a mistake of fact in the withholding for health insurance coverage. If the court determines there is a mistake of fact in the withholding, it shall immediately correct the order. If withholding is no longer required, the court shall immediately send a notice to the employer.
(B) Not later than fifteen calendar days after amounts withheld under a withholding notice issued pursuant to an administrative child support order are received by the office of child support in the department of job and family services, a parent may file a written request with the child support enforcement agency for a hearing to contest the withholding for the purpose of providing health insurance coverage for the children under the order. The agency shall hold a hearing on the request as soon as possible, but not later than ten calendar days after the request is filed. Not later than five calendar days before the date on which the hearing is to be held, the agency shall send both parents written notice by regular mail of the date, time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The hearing shall be limited to a determination of whether there is a mistake of fact in the withholding for health insurance coverage. If the agency determines there is a mistake of fact in the withholding, it shall immediately correct the order. If withholding is no longer required, the agency shall immediately send a notice to the employer.
(C) Withholdings required by an order issued under section 3119.30 of the Revised Code shall commence and continue uninterrupted unless the court or child support enforcement agency determines under this section that the withholding is no longer required.
Sec. 3119.33 3119.45 An obligee under Either party to a court child support order may file a motion with the court that issued the order requesting that the court modify the order to require the obligor other party to obtain health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of the order. An obligor under a court child support order may file a motion with the court that issued the order requesting that the court modify the order to require the obligee to obtain health insurance coverage for those children.
Sec. 3119.34 3119.46 On the filing of a motion described in section 3119.33 3119.45 of the Revised Code, the court shall order the child support enforcement agency to conduct an investigation to determine whether the obligor or obligee has satisfactory health insurance coverage for the children. Upon completion of its investigation, the agency shall inform the court, in writing, of its determination.
Sec. 3119.35 3119.47 If the court determines that neither the obligor nor the obligee has satisfactory health insurance coverage for the children, it shall modify the court child support order in accordance with sections 3119.30 and 3119.31 3119.32 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.37 3119.48 An obligor or obligee under a court child support order may file a motion with the court that issued the order requesting that the court modify the amount of child support required to be paid under the order because that amount does not adequately cover the medical needs of the child.
Sec. 3119.38 3119.49 On the filing of a motion described in section 3119.37 3119.48 of the Revised Code, the court shall determine whether the amount of child support required to be paid under the court child support order adequately covers the medical needs of the child and whether to modify the order.
Sec. 3119.50. The department of job and family services shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as appropriate to implement the requirements of sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.54.  If an obligee under either party to a child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code is eligible for medical assistance under Chapter 5111. or 5115. of the Revised Code and the obligor other party has obtained health insurance coverage, the obligee party eligible for medical assistance shall notify any physician, hospital, or other provider of medical services for which medical assistance is available of the name and address of the obligor's other party's insurer and of the number of the obligor's other party's health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan. Any physician, hospital, or other provider of medical services for which medical assistance is available under Chapter 5111. or 5115. of the Revised Code who is notified under this division of the existence of a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan with coverage for children who are eligible for medical assistance shall first bill the insurer for any services provided for those children. If the insurer fails to pay all or any part of a claim filed under this section and the services for which the claim is filed are covered by Chapter 5111. or 5115. of the Revised Code, the physician, hospital, or other medical services provider shall bill the remaining unpaid costs of the services in accordance with Chapter 5111. or 5115. of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3119.56.  An obligor who fails to comply with Either party to a child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, or an who fails to comply with the order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, is liable to the obligee other party for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the failure to comply with the order. An obligee who fails to comply with a child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, or an order issued under section 3119.41 of the Revised Code, is liable to the obligor for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the failure to comply with the order.
Sec. 3119.76.  The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing a procedure for determining when existing child support orders should be reviewed to determine whether it is necessary and in the best interest of the children who are the subject of the child support order to change the child support order. The rules shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
(A) Any procedures necessary to comply with section 666(a)(10) of Title 42 of the U.S. Code, "Family Support Act of 1988," 102 Stat. 2346, 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(10), as amended, and any regulations adopted pursuant to, or to enforce, that section;
(B) Procedures for determining what child support orders are to be subject to review upon the request of either the obligor or the obligee or periodically by the child support enforcement agency administering the child support order;
(C) Procedures for the child support enforcement agency to periodically review and to review, upon the request of the obligor or the obligee, any child support order that is subject to review to determine whether the amount of child support paid under the child support order should be adjusted in accordance with the basic child support schedule set forth in section 3119.021 of the Revised Code or whether the provisions for the child's health care needs under the child support order should be modified in accordance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code;
(D) Procedures for giving obligors and obligees notice of their right to request a review of a child support order that is determined to be subject to review, notice of any proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under the child support order, notice of the procedures for requesting a hearing on any proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under a child support order, notice of any administrative hearing to be held on a proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under a child support order, at least forty-five days' prior notice of any review of their child support order, and notice that a failure to comply with any request for documents or information to be used in the review of a child support order is contempt of court;
(E) Procedures for obtaining the necessary documents and information necessary to review child support orders and for holding administrative hearings on a proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under a child support order;
(F) Procedures for adjusting child support orders in accordance with the basic child support schedule set forth in section 3119.021 of the Revised Code and the applicable worksheet in section 3119.022 or 3119.023 of the Revised Code, through the line establishing the actual annual obligation;
(G) Procedures for adjusting the provisions of the child support order governing the health care needs of the child pursuant to sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3121.03.  If a court or child support enforcement agency that issued or modified a support order, or the agency administering the support order, is required by the Revised Code to issue one or more withholding or deduction notices described in this section or other orders described in this section, the court or agency shall issue one or more of the following types of notices or orders, as appropriate, for payment of the support and also, if required by the Revised Code or the court, to pay any arrearages:
(A)(1) If the court or the child support enforcement agency determines that the obligor is receiving income from a payor, the court or agency shall require the payor to do all of the following:
(a) Withhold from the obligor's income a specified amount for support in satisfaction of the support order and begin the withholding no later than fourteen business days following the date the notice is mailed to the payor under section 3121.035, 3121.896, 3123.021, or 3123.06 of the Revised Code and division (A)(2) of this section or, if the payor is an employer, no later than the first pay period that occurs after fourteen business days following the date the notice is mailed;
(b) Send the amount withheld to the office of child support in the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3121.43 of the Revised Code immediately but not later than seven business days after the date the obligor is paid;
(c) Continue the withholding at intervals specified in the notice until further notice from the court or child support enforcement agency.
To the extent possible, the amount specified to be withheld shall satisfy the amount ordered for support in the support order plus any arrearages owed by the obligor under any prior support order that pertained to the same child or spouse, notwithstanding any applicable limitations of sections 2329.66, 2329.70, 2716.02, 2716.041, and 2716.05 of the Revised Code. However, in no case shall the sum of the amount to be withheld and any fee withheld by the payor as a charge for its services exceed the maximum amount permitted under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 15 U.S.C. 1673(b).
(2) A court or agency that imposes an income withholding requirement shall, within the applicable time specified in section 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.035, 3121.896, 3123.021, or 3123.06 of the Revised Code, send to the obligor's payor by regular mail a notice that contains all of the information applicable to withholding notices set forth in section 3121.037 of the Revised Code. The notice is final and is enforceable by the court.
(B)(1) If the court or child support enforcement agency determines that the obligor has funds that are not exempt under the laws of this state or the United States from execution, attachment, or other legal process and are on deposit in an account in a financial institution under the jurisdiction of the court that issued the court support order, or in the case of an administrative child support order, under the jurisdiction of the common pleas court of the county in which the agency that issued or is administering the order is located, the court or agency may require any financial institution in which the obligor's funds are on deposit to do all of the following:
(a) Deduct from the obligor's account a specified amount for support in satisfaction of the support order and begin the deduction no later than fourteen business days following the date the notice was mailed to the financial institution under section 3121.035 or 3123.06 of the Revised Code and division (B)(2) of this section;
(b) Send the amount deducted to the office of child support in the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3121.43 of the Revised Code immediately but not later than seven business days after the date the latest deduction was made;
(c) Provide the date on which the amount was deducted;
(d) Continue the deduction at intervals specified in the notice until further notice from the court or child support enforcement agency.
To the extent possible, the amount to be deducted shall satisfy the amount ordered for support in the support order plus any arrearages that may be owed by the obligor under any prior support order that pertained to the same child or spouse, notwithstanding the limitations of sections 2329.66, 2329.70, and 2716.13 of the Revised Code.
(2) A court or agency that imposes a deduction requirement shall, within the applicable period of time specified in section 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.035, or 3123.06 of the Revised Code, send to the financial institution by regular mail a notice that contains all of the information applicable to deduction notices set forth in section 3121.037 of the Revised Code. The notice is final and is enforceable by the court.
(C) With respect to any court support order it issues, a court may issue an order requiring the obligor to enter into a cash bond with the court. The court shall issue the order as part of the court support order or, if the court support order has previously been issued, as a separate order. The cash bond shall be in a sum fixed by the court at not less than five hundred nor more than ten thousand dollars, conditioned that the obligor will make payment as previously ordered and will pay any arrearages under any prior court support order that pertained to the same child or spouse.
The order, along with an additional order requiring the obligor to immediately notify the child support enforcement agency, in writing, if the obligor begins to receive income from a payor, shall be attached to and served on the obligor at the same time as service of the court support order or, if the court support order has previously been issued, as soon as possible after the issuance of the order under this section. The additional order requiring notice by the obligor shall state all of the following:
(1) That when the obligor begins to receive income from a payor the obligor may request that the court cancel its bond order and instead issue a notice requiring the withholding of an amount from income for support in accordance with this section;
(2) That when the obligor begins to receive income from a payor the court will proceed to collect on the bond if the court determines that payments due under the court support order have not been made and that the amount that has not been paid is at least equal to the support owed for one month under the court support order and will issue a notice requiring the withholding of an amount from income for support in accordance with this section. The notice required of the obligor shall include a description of the nature of any new employment, the name and business address of any new employer, and any other information reasonably required by the court.
The court shall not order an obligor to post a cash bond under this section unless the court determines that the obligor has the ability to do so.
A child support enforcement agency may not issue a cash bond order. If a child support enforcement agency is required to issue a withholding or deduction notice under this section with respect to a court support order but the agency determines that no withholding or deduction notice would be appropriate, the agency may request that the court issue a cash bond order under this section, and upon the request, the court may issue the order.
(D)(1) If the obligor under a court support order is unemployed, has no income, and does not have an account at any financial institution, or on request of a child support enforcement agency under division (D)(1) or (2) of this section, the court shall issue an order requiring the obligor, if able to engage in employment, to seek employment or participate in a work activity to which a recipient of assistance under Title IV-A of the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C.A. 301, as amended, may be assigned as specified in section 407(d) of the "Social Security Act," 42 U.S.C.A. 607(d), as amended. The court shall include in the order a requirement that the obligor notify the child support enforcement agency on obtaining employment, obtaining any income, or obtaining ownership of any asset with a value of five hundred dollars or more. The court may issue the order regardless of whether the obligee to whom the obligor owes support is a recipient of assistance under Title IV-A of the "Social Security Act." The court shall issue the order as part of a court support order or, if a court support order has previously been issued, as a separate order. If a child support enforcement agency is required to issue a withholding or deduction notice under this section with respect to a court support order but determines that no withholding or deduction notice would be appropriate, the agency may request that the court issue a court order under division (D)(1) of this section, and, on the request, the court may issue the order.
(2) If the obligor under an administrative child support order is unemployed, has no income, and does not have an account at any financial institution, the agency shall issue an administrative order requiring the obligor, if able to engage in employment, to seek employment or participate in a work activity to which a recipient of assistance under Title IV-A of the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C.A. 301, as amended, may be assigned as specified in section 407(d) of the "Social Security Act," 42 U.S.C.A. 607(d), as amended. The agency shall include in the order a requirement that the obligor notify the agency on obtaining employment or income, or ownership of any asset with a value of five hundred dollars or more. The agency may issue the order regardless of whether the obligee to whom the obligor owes support is a recipient of assistance under Title IV-A of the "Social Security Act." If an obligor fails to comply with an administrative order issued pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section, the agency shall submit a request to a court for the court to issue an order under division (D)(1) of this section.
Sec. 3121.035.  Within fifteen days after an obligor under a support order is located following issuance or modification of the support order or within fifteen days after default under a support order, whichever is applicable, the court or child support enforcement agency that issued or modified the support order, or the agency, pursuant to an agreement with the court with respect to a court support order, shall do either of the following:
(A) If a withholding or deduction notice described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code is appropriate, send the notice by regular mail to each person required to comply with it;
(B) If an order described in section 3121.03, 3121.04 to 3121.08, or 3121.12 of the Revised Code is appropriate, issue and send the appropriate order.
Sec. 3121.27.  (A) A court or child support enforcement agency shall include in any order for support it issues a general provision that states the following:
"All support under this order shall be withheld or deducted from the income or assets of the obligor pursuant to a withholding or deduction notice or appropriate order issued in accordance with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code or a withdrawal directive issued pursuant to sections 3123.24 to 3123.38 of the Revised Code and shall be forwarded to the obligee in accordance with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code."
(B) All support orders issued prior to December 31, 1993, that have not been modified or subject to division (B) of former section 3113.21 of the Revised Code or sections 3123.02 to 3123.071 of the Revised Code, regarding a default under the order on or after that date March 22, 2001, shall be considered to contain the general provision described in this section and shall be enforced and modified in the same manner as a support order issued on or after December 31, 1993 that date.
Sec. 3121.58.  If an obligor fails to pay the make the payment required administrative charge amount with each current support payment due in increments specified under the support order by division (B) of section 3119.28 of the Revised Code, the office of child support shall maintain a separate arrearage account of that amount for the obligor. The office shall not deduct the unpaid amount from any support payment due the obligee under the support order.
Sec. 3121.67.  The office of child support may enter into contracts with public entities or private vendors for the collection of amounts due under support orders or for the performance of other administrative duties of the office. The office may contract with a public or private entity for the collection of arrearages owed under any child support order for which a court or a child support enforcement agency has found the obligor in default pursuant to a final and enforceable order issued pursuant to sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code. Each contract shall comply with the rules adopted pursuant to section 3121.71 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3121.896.  Not later than the business day after receipt of the notice described in section 3121.895 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency administering the support order shall send a withholding notice to the employer pursuant to section 3121.03 of the Revised Code, unless the employee's income is not subject to withholding, and shall take any other appropriate action under Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code. Identification of a default under section 3123.02 of the Revised Code does not in any way affect the requirement that a withholding notice be sent to an employer under this section within the time required by this section.
Sec. 3123.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) "Court support order" and "personal earnings" have the same meanings as in section 3119.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) "Default," "financial institution," "income," and "payor" have the same meanings as in section 3121.01 of the Revised Code.
(C) "Default notice" means the notice required by section 3123.03 of the Revised Code.
(D) "Period of default" means the period beginning on the date a default under a support order is identified and ending on the date the total arrearage amount owed under the order is paid.
Sec. 3123.021.  If an obligor under a support order is identified as being in default under the order and is also identified under section 3121.895 of the Revised Code as obtaining employment, the withholding notice issued under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code in accordance with section 3121.896 of the Revised Code shall require the arrearage amount resulting from the default to be withheld in addition to current support amounts.
If an obligor under a support order is identified as being in default under the order and is also identified through a source other than section 3121.895 of the Revised Code as obtaining employment, the child support enforcement agency administering the order shall send a withholding notice to the employer pursuant to section 3121.03 of the Revised Code, unless the employee's income is not subject to withholding, not less than two business days after discovery of the employment. The withholding notice shall require the arrearage amount resulting from the default to be withheld in addition to current support amounts.
Section 3123.21 of the Revised Code applies to a withholding notice issued in accordance with this section beginning on the date it is issued and ending on the date the period of default ends.
Sec. 3123.022.  The issuance of a withholding notice in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code does not affect the obligor's right to contest pursuant to sections 3123.04 and 3123.05 of the Revised Code an identification of default or the amount of arrearages identified under the default.
The timely filing of a written request or motion for an administrative or court hearing under section 3123.04 or 3123.05 of the Revised Code does not cause the suspension of a withholding notice issued in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.023.  At the time it issues a withholding notice in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code the child support enforcement agency shall notify the obligee that the notice is being issued.
Sec. 3123.03.  (A) As used in this section, "period of default" means the time period beginning on the date a default under a support order is identified and ending on the date the total arrearage amount owed because of the default under the order is paid.
(B) Within fifteen calendar days after the identification of a default under a support order, the child support enforcement agency shall send advance notice to the obligor if the default occurs prior to the date the office of child support in the department of job and family services authorizes centralized collection and disbursement of support amounts under the support order in default. On and after that date, the office shall send the advance a default notice to the obligor. The agency or office, as appropriate, shall send the advance notice to the obligor only once for each period of default. The advance default notice shall include a notice describing summary of the actions that may be taken against the obligor if the court or agency makes a final and enforceable determination that the obligor is in default. If the location of the obligor is unknown at the time of the identification of a default under the support order, the agency or office, as appropriate, shall send the advance default notice to the obligor within fifteen days after the agency locates the obligor obligor's last known address.
(C) An advance notice to an obligor required by this section shall contain all of the following:
(1) A statement of the date on which the advance notice is sent, a statement that the obligor is in default under a support order, the amount of arrearages owed by the obligor due to the default as determined by the court or the child support enforcement agency, the types of withholding or deduction requirements and related notices described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code or the types of court orders described in sections 3121.03, 3121.04 to 3121.08, and 3121.12 of the Revised Code that will be issued to pay support and any arrearages, and the amount that will be withheld or deducted pursuant to those requirements;
(2) A statement that any notice for the withholding or deduction of an amount from income or assets apply to all current and subsequent payors of the obligor and financial institutions in which the obligor has an account and that any withholding or deduction requirement and related notice described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code or any court order described in sections 3121.03, 3121.04 to 3121.08, and 3121.12 of the Revised Code that is issued will not be discontinued solely because the obligor pays any arrearages;
(3) An explanation of the administrative and court action that will take place if the obligor contests the inclusion of any of the provisions;
(4) A statement that the contents of the advance notice are final and are enforceable by the court unless the obligor files with the child support enforcement agency, within seven days after the date on which the advance notice is sent, a written request for an administrative hearing to determine whether a mistake of fact was made in the notice.
Sec. 3123.031.  The default notice shall contain all of the following:
(A) The date on which it is sent;
(B) A statement that the obligor is in default under a support order;
(C) The amount of arrearages the obligor owes due to the default as of the date the default notice is sent;
(D) A statement that any arrearages owed by the obligor that arise after the default notice is sent and during the period of default will be added to the obligor's total child support obligation and will be subject to collection efforts without further default notice;
(E) A statement of the types of withholding or deduction requirements and related notices described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code or the types of court orders described in sections 3121.03, 3121.04 to 3121.08, and 3121.12 of the Revised Code that will be issued for payment of support and arrearages and the amount that will be withheld or deducted pursuant to those requirements;
(F) A statement that any notice for the withholding or deduction of an amount from income or assets applies to all current and subsequent payors of the obligor and financial institutions in which the obligor has an account and that any withholding or deduction requirement and related notice described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code or any court order described in sections 3121.03, 3121.04 to 3121.08, and 3121.12 of the Revised Code that is issued will not be discontinued solely because the obligor pays arrearages;
(G) A statement that the obligor may file with the child support enforcement agency, within seven business days after the date on which the default notice is sent, a written request for an administrative hearing under section 3123.04 of the Revised Code;
(H) A statement that, if the obligor files a timely written request for an administrative hearing, the obligor may file with the court, within seven business days after the agency makes its determinations under the administrative hearing, a written motion for a court hearing under section 3123.05 of the Revised Code;
(I) An explanation of the administrative and court action that will take place if the obligor files a timely written request or motion for an administrative or court hearing;
(J) An explanation of how a final and enforceable determination of default and amount of arrearages is made under sections 3123.032, 3123.04, and 3123.05 of the Revised Code;
(K) A statement that a withholding notice may be issued in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code if the child support enforcement agency determines the obligor has obtained employment and an explanation of the provisions of section 3123.022 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.032.  (A) If an obligor who has received a default notice under section 3123.03 of the Revised Code fails to make a timely request for an administrative hearing under section 3123.04 of the Revised Code, the default notice becomes a final and enforceable determination by the child support enforcement agency that identified the default of both of the following:
(1) The obligor is in default under the support order.
(2) The amount of the arrearage owed as a result of the default.
(B) If an agency's determination becomes final and enforceable under this section, the agency shall take further action as required under section 3123.06 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.031 3123.033 The department of job and family services shall adopt standard forms for the advance default notice. All courts and child support enforcement agencies shall use those forms, and the support withholding and deduction notice forms adopted under section 3121.0310 of the Revised Code, in complying with this chapter.
Sec. 3123.034. An advance notice issued under section 3123.03 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to the effective date of this section shall be treated the same as a default notice issued under section 3123.03 of the Revised Code as amended by this act. If an obligor subject to an advance notice has not exhausted the rights to contest withholding or deduction because of a mistake of fact pursuant to sections 3123.02 to 3123.071 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to the effective date of this section, the obligor may proceed in accordance with sections 3123.03 to 3123.06 of the Revised Code as amended by this act at the comparable point of the proceedings.
Sec. 3123.04.  If An obligor who receives a default notice under section 3123.03 of the Revised Code may file a written request for an administrative hearing with the child support enforcement agency that identified the default regarding whether a mistake of fact was made in the notice. The request must be filed not later than seven business days after the date on which the default notice is sent.
If the obligor requests makes a timely request for a hearing regarding the advance notice in accordance with division (C)(4) of section 3123.03 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency shall conduct an administrative hearing no later than ten days after the date on which the obligor files the request for the hearing. No later than five days before the date on which the hearing is to be conducted, the agency shall send the obligor and the obligee written notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The notice to the obligor and obligee also shall indicate that the obligor may present testimony and evidence at the hearing only in regard to the issue of whether a mistake of fact was made in the advance default notice.
At the hearing, the child support enforcement agency shall determine whether a mistake of fact was made in the advance default notice. If it determines that a mistake of fact was made, the agency shall determine the provisions that should be changed and included in a corrected notice and shall correct the advance notice accordingly. The agency shall send its determinations to the obligor. The agency's determinations are final and are enforceable by the court unless, within seven business days after the agency makes its determinations, the obligor files a written motion with the court for a court hearing to determine whether a mistake of fact still exists in the advance default notice or corrected advance notice.
If an agency's determination becomes final and enforceable under this section, the agency shall take further action as required under section 3123.06 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.05.  If, within not later than seven business days after the child support enforcement agency makes its determinations under section 3123.04 of the Revised Code, the obligor files a written motion for a court hearing to determine whether a mistake of fact still exists in the advance default notice or the corrected advance notice, the court shall hold a hearing on the request as soon as possible, but no not later than ten days, after the request motion is filed. If the obligor requests a court hearing, no Not later than five days before the date on which the court hearing is to be held, the court shall send the obligor and the obligee written notice by regular mail of the date, time, place, and purpose of the court hearing. The hearing shall be limited to a determination of whether there is a mistake of fact in the advance default notice or the corrected advance notice.
If, at a hearing conducted under this section, the court detects a mistake of fact in the advance notice or the corrected advance notice, it shall immediately correct the notice.
At the hearing, the court shall determine whether there is a mistake of fact in the default notice. On the conclusion of the hearing, the court shall make its determination. The determination is final and enforceable. The court shall take further action as provided in section 3123.06 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.06.  On exhaustion of all rights of the obligor to contest the withholding or deduction on the basis of a mistake of fact and no later than the expiration of forty-five days after the issuance of the advance notice under section 3123.03 of the Revised Code (A) If either a court, under section 3123.05 of the Revised Code, or child support enforcement agency, under section 3123.032 or 3123.04 of the Revised Code, makes a final and enforceable determination that an obligor is in default under a support order, one of the following shall apply:
(1) If no withholding notice was issued in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code with respect to the order, the court or child support enforcement agency shall issue one or more notices requiring withholding or deduction of income or assets of the obligor in accordance with section 3121.03 of the Revised Code, or the court shall issue one or more court orders imposing other appropriate requirements in accordance with sections 3121.03, 3121.035, 3121.04 to 3121.08, and 3121.12 of the Revised Code.
(2) If a withholding notice was issued in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code with respect to the order and the final and enforceable determination of default altered the arrearage amount stated in the default notice, the court or agency, whichever made the determination, shall revise the withholding notice and may issue, as appropriate, any of the notices or orders described in division (A)(1) of this section.
(3) If a withholding notice was issued in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code with respect to the order but the final and enforceable determination of default did not alter the arrearage amount stated in the default notice, the withholding notice shall remain in effect. The court or agency, in addition and as appropriate, may issue any other notice or order described in division (A)(1) of this section.
(B) If a court, under section 3123.05 of the Revised Code, or an agency, under section 3123.04 of the Revised Code, determines that no default exists under a support order, the court or agency shall terminate the default proceedings. If a withholding notice was issued in accordance with section 3123.021 of the Revised Code with respect to the order, the court or agency, whichever made the final and enforceable determination, shall revise the withholding notice, and may issue, as appropriate, any of the notices or orders described in division (A)(1) of this section, to collect current support.
(C) A withholding or deduction notice issued under division (A)(1), (2), or (3) of this section shall require the payment of arrearages caused by the default along with the payment for current support. A withholding or deduction notice or other appropriate order described under this section shall be issued not later than fifteen days after the determination of default under the support order becomes final and enforceable. Section 3123.21 of the Revised Code applies to a withholding or deduction notice or other appropriate order described under division (A) of this section beginning on the date it is issued and ending on the date the period of default ends.
Sec. 3123.061. Section 3123.21 of the Revised Code applies to a withholding or deduction notice or other appropriate order issued under section 3123.06 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to the effective date of this section beginning on the date the notice or order was issued and ending on the date the period of default ends.
Sec. 3123.062 3123.07 The failure of the court or office of child support enforcement agency in the department of job and family services to give the default notice required by section 3123.06 3123.03 of the Revised Code does not affect the ability of any child support enforcement agency or court to issue any notice or order for the payment of support, does not provide any defense to any notice or order for the payment of support, and does not affect any obligation to pay support.
Sec.  3123.17.  (A) When a court issues or modifies a court support order, the court shall determine the following:
(1) Whether the obligor is in default under a prior court support order or the court support order being modified;
(2) If the obligor is in default, the date the court support order went into default and the amount of support arrearages owed pursuant to the default.
If the court determines the obligor is in default under a support order, the court shall issue a new order requiring the obligor to pay support. If the court determines the default was willful, the court shall may assess interest on the arrearage amount from the date the court specifies as the date of default to the date the court issues the new order requiring the payment of support and, if interest is assessed, shall compute the interest at the rate specified in section 1343.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall specify in the support order the amount of interest the court assessed against the obligor, if any, and incorporate the amount of interest into the new monthly payment plan.
(B) When a court issues or modifies a court support order, the court may include in the support order a statement ordering either party to pay the costs of the action, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, fees for genetic tests in contested actions under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code, and court costs.
Sec. 3123.171.  Notwithstanding section 1343.03 of the Revised Code, interest may be charged on the amount of support arrearages owed pursuant to a default under a child support order only as provided by section 3123.17 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.18.  If a court or child support enforcement agency made a final and enforceable determination under sections 3123.02 to 3123.071 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to the effective date of this section or makes a final and enforceable determination under sections 3123.01 to 3123.07 of the Revised Code that an obligor is in default under a support order, each payment or installment that was due and unpaid under the support order that is the basis for the default determination plus any arrearage amounts that accrue after the default determination and during the period of default shall be a final judgment which has the full force, effects, and attributes of a judgment entered by a court of this state for which execution may issue under Title XXIII of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.181.  On the request of an obligor, obligee, or authorized representative of an obligor or obligee, the child support enforcement agency administering the order for which a judgment under section 3123.18 of the Revised Code has arisen shall issue a certified pay-off statement of the total amount due on the judgment as of the time of the request. The certified pay-off statement shall be valid for a period of thirty days after the date it was issued.
Sec. 3123.182.  During the period a certified pay-off statement issued under section 3123.181 of the Revised Code is valid, the obligee under the support order for which the statement was issued, or a child support enforcement agency on behalf of the obligee, may bring an action to obtain execution on the certified pay-off statement in the common pleas court that issued the support order or, if the order is an administrative child support order, the common pleas court of the county served by the agency that issued the order. The court shall rely on the certified pay-off statement as conclusive evidence of the amount of the judgment and shall not require the reduction of unpaid support payments and installments or arrearages under the support order for which the certified pay-off statement applies to a lump sum for purposes of execution.
Sec. 3123.183.  Nothing in sections 3123.18 to 3123.182 of the Revised Code limits the applicability of section 3123.22 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3123.25.  (A) If, as a result of information obtained pursuant to an agreement under section 3121.74 of the Revised Code, the office of child support in the department of job and family services finds or receives notice that identifies an obligor in default who maintains an account with a financial institution, the office shall, within one business day, enter the information into the case registry established pursuant to section 3121.81 of the Revised Code.
(B) If a child support enforcement agency, after examining the case registry, determines that an obligor in default under a support order administered by the agency maintains an account in a financial institution, the agency shall determine whether the obligor is subject to a final and enforceable determination of default made under sections 3123.03 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code. If the obligor is subject to a final and enforceable determination of default, the agency may issue an access restriction notice to the financial institution in which the obligor's account is maintained.
Sec. 3123.42.  If either of the following occurs with respect to an individual who is an obligor under a child support order, the child support enforcement agency administering the order may determine whether the individual holds a license issued by a board or, if possible, whether the individual has applied for, or is likely to apply for, a license:
(A) A court or child support enforcement agency makes a final and enforceable determination under sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code that the individual is in default under the child support order.
(B) The individual fails, after receiving appropriate notice, to comply with a subpoena or warrant issued by the court or child support enforcement agency with respect to a proceeding to enforce the child support order.
Sec. 3123.53.  If either of the following occurs with respect to an individual who is an obligor under a child support order, the child support enforcement agency administering the child support order may determine whether the individual holds a driver's or commercial driver's license, motorcycle operator's license or endorsement, temporary instruction permit, or commercial driver's temporary instruction permit issued by the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar or, if possible, whether the individual has applied for or is likely to apply for that license, endorsement, or permit:
(A) A court or child support enforcement agency makes a final and enforceable determination under sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code that the individual is in default under the child support order.
(B) The individual fails, after receiving appropriate notice, to comply with a subpoena or warrant issued by the court or child support enforcement agency with respect to a proceeding to enforce the child support order.
Sec.  3123.62.  (A) As used in this section, "recreational license" means any license, permit, or stamp issued pursuant to section 1533.10, 1533.11, 1533.111, 1533.112, or 1533.32 of the Revised Code.
(B) If a court or child support enforcement agency makes a final and enforceable determination pursuant to sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code that an individual is in default under a child support order, the agency administering the child support order may determine whether the individual holds a recreational license or, if possible, whether the individual has applied for, or is likely to apply for, such a license. If the agency determines that the individual holds, has applied for, or is likely to apply for, such a license, it shall follow procedures that are substantively the same as those set forth in sections 3123.42 to 3123.46 of the Revised Code and the division of wildlife shall follow procedures that are substantively the same as those set forth in sections 3123.47 to 3123.50 of the Revised Code with respect to the license if both of the following apply:
(1) The division of wildlife has implemented a computer system that maintains license numbers for licenses issued by the division, the names of persons to whom licenses are issued, and the social security numbers of persons to whom licenses are issued.
(2) The division has established safeguards that eliminate the risk that social security numbers provided to the division for the purpose of child support enforcement may be used for purposes other than those permitted by federal law.
Sec. 3123.66.  If a court or a child support enforcement agency makes a final and enforceable determination pursuant to sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code that an obligor is in default under a support order, the agency administering the support order may assert a lien on real and personal property of the obligor located in this state.
Sec. 3123.67.  The amount of the arrearage due under the support order determined to be in default pursuant to sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code, and any amounts due for current support that become an arrearage after the date the default determination was made, shall be a lien against all personal property, including after-acquired property, of the obligor that is situated in this state. The lien may be filed with the county recorder in each county of the state in which the personal property is located. The amount of the arrearage due under the support order determined to be in default and any amounts due for current support that become an arrearage after the date the default determination was made, shall be a lien against real property, including after-acquired property, of the obligor after the lien is filed with a county recorder of this state in which the real property is located. A lien may be filed with the county recorder in each county of the state in which real property of the obligor is located. In recording the lien, if registered land is involved, the county recorder shall take all necessary action required by Chapter 5309. of the Revised Code. The county recorder may be compensated for liens filed under this section pursuant to the development of unit costs that are reimbursed under the provider contract entered into pursuant to Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended.
Sec. 3123.92.  If a court or child support enforcement agency makes a final and enforceable determination pursuant to sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code that an obligor is in default under a support order, the child support enforcement agency administering the support order shall contact at least one consumer reporting agency in this state and provide to the consumer reporting agency the obligor's name, address, and social security number or other identification number and any other identifying information concerning the obligor the child support enforcement agency has. A child support enforcement agency shall not charge a consumer reporting agency a fee for information provided by the child support enforcement agency pursuant to this section.
Sec. 3924.48.  (A) If a parent of a child is required by a court or administrative order to provide health care coverage for the child, and if the parent is eligible for family health care coverage provided by a health insurer, the health insurer shall do both of the following:
(1) If the child is otherwise eligible for the coverage, permit the parent to enroll the child under the family coverage without regard to any enrollment period restrictions;
(2) If the parent is enrolled under the coverage but fails to make application to obtain coverage for the child, enroll the child under the family coverage upon application of the child's other parent or pursuant to a child support order containing provisions in compliance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
(B) The health insurer shall not terminate the child's coverage unless the health insurer is provided satisfactory written evidence of either of the following:
(1) The court or administrative order is no longer in effect.
(2) The child is or will be enrolled under comparable health care coverage provided by another health insurer, which coverage will take effect not later than the effective date of the termination of the current coverage.
(C) As used in this section, "child support order" has the same meaning as in section 3119.01 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3924.49.  (A) If a parent of a child is required by a court or administrative order to provide health care coverage for the child, which coverage is available through an employer doing business in this state, the employer shall do all of the following:
(1) If the child is otherwise eligible for the family coverage, permit the parent to enroll the child under the coverage without regard to any enrollment period restrictions;
(2) If the parent is enrolled under the coverage but fails to make application to obtain coverage for the child, enroll the child under the family coverage upon application of the child's other parent or pursuant to a child support order containing provisions in compliance with sections 3119.30 3119.29 to 3119.58 3119.56 of the Revised Code;
(3) Withhold from the employee's compensation the employee's share of premiums for the health care coverage, if any, and pay that amount to the health insurer providing the coverage;
(4) Comply with the requirements of sections 3119.35 to 3119.40 of the Revised Code and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.50 of the Revised Code.
(B) The employer shall not terminate the child's coverage unless the employer has eliminated family coverage for all of its employees or unless the employer is provided satisfactory written evidence of either of the following:
(1) The court or administrative order is no longer in effect.
(2) The child is or will be enrolled under comparable health care coverage that will take effect not later than the effective date of the termination of the current coverage.
(C) As used in this section, "child support order" has the same meaning as in section 3119.01 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4705.021.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Disciplinary counsel" means the disciplinary counsel appointed by the board of commissioners on grievances and discipline of the supreme court under the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio.
(2) "Certified grievance committee" means a duly constituted and organized committee of the Ohio state bar association or of one or more local bar associations of the state that complies with the criteria set forth in rule V, section 3 of the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio.
(3) "Child support order" has the same meaning as in section 3119.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) If an individual who has been admitted to the bar by order of the supreme court in compliance with its published rules is determined pursuant to sections 3123.02 3123.01 to 3123.071 3123.07 of the Revised Code by a court or child support enforcement agency to be in default under a support order being administered or handled by a child support enforcement agency, that agency may send a notice listing the name and social security number or other identification number of the individual and a certified copy of the court or agency determination that the individual is in default to the secretary of the board of commissioners on grievances and discipline of the supreme court and to either the disciplinary counsel or the president, secretary, and chairperson of each certified grievance committee.
Section 2.  That existing sections 1349.01, 2151.231, 2151.33, 2151.49, 3111.81, 3113.07, 3119.01, 3119.30, 3119.301, 3119.31, 3119.33, 3119.34, 3119.35, 3119.37, 3119.38, 3119.46, 3119.47, 3119.48, 3119.49, 3119.491, 3119.50, 3119.52, 3119.53, 3119.54, 3119.56, 3119.57, 3119.58, 3119.76, 3121.03, 3121.035, 3121.27, 3121.58, 3121.67, 3121.896, 3123.01, 3123.03, 3123.031, 3123.04, 3123.05, 3123.06, 3123.062, 3123.17, 3123.25, 3123.42, 3123.53, 3123.62, 3123.66, 3123.67, 3123.92, 3924.48, 3924.49, and 4705.021 and sections 3119.40, 3119.41, 3119.43, 3119.44, 3119.45, 3119.51, 3123.061, 3123.07, 3123.071, and 3123.18 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 3. This act is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The reason for such necessity is that federal law requires states to begin using the national medical support notice in child support enforcement by January 1, 2003, and this act provides for the notice's use. Therefore, this act shall go into immediate effect.
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