130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 499  As Introduced
As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 499

Representative Oelslager 

Cosponsors: Representatives McGregor, J., Hughes, Combs, Barrett 

To amend sections 2109.01, 5801.01, 5801.02, 5801.06, 5801.10, 5803.02, 5803.03, 5804.02, 5804.11, 5804.13, 5804.14, 5804.17, 5805.01, 5805.03, 5806.01, 5806.02, 5806.03, 5806.04, 5808.13, 5808.14, 5808.16, 5810.05, and 5810.13, to enact section 5801.11, and to repeal section 2109.022 of the Revised Code to modify the Ohio Trust Code.

Section 1. That sections 2109.01, 5801.01, 5801.02, 5801.06, 5801.10, 5803.02, 5803.03, 5804.02, 5804.11, 5804.13, 5804.14, 5804.17, 5805.01, 5805.03, 5806.01, 5806.02, 5806.03, 5806.04, 5808.13, 5808.14, 5808.16, 5810.05, and 5810.13 be amended and section 5801.11 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 2109.01.  "Fiduciary," as used in Chapters 2101. to 2131. of the Revised Code, except as provided in section 2109.022 of the Revised Code, means any person, other than an assignee or trustee for an insolvent debtor or a guardian under sections 5905.01 to 5905.19 of the Revised Code, appointed by and accountable to the probate court and acting in a fiduciary capacity for any person, or charged with duties in relation to any property, interest, trust, or estate for the benefit of another; and includes an agency under contract with the department of mental retardation and developmental disabilities for the provision of protective service under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code, appointed by and accountable to the probate court as guardian or trustee with respect to mentally retarded or developmentally disabled persons.
Sec. 5801.01.  As used in Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code:
(A) "Action," with respect to an act of a trustee, includes a failure to act.
(B) "Ascertainable standard" means a standard relating to an individual's health, education, support, or maintenance within the meaning of section 2041(b)(1)(A) or 2514(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(C) "Beneficiary" means a person that has a present or future beneficial interest in a trust, whether vested or contingent, or that, in a capacity other than that of trustee, holds a power of appointment over trust property, or a charitable organization that is expressly designated in the terms of the trust to receive distributions. "Beneficiary" does not include any charitable organization that is not expressly designated in the terms of the trust to receive distributions, but to whom the trustee may in its discretion make distributions.
(D) "Beneficiary surrogate" means a person, other than a trustee, designated by the settlor in the trust instrument to receive notices, information, and reports otherwise required to be provided to a current beneficiary under divisions (B)(8) and (9) of section 5801.04 of the Revised Code.
(E) "Charitable trust" means a trust, or portion of a trust, created for a charitable purpose described in division (A) of section 5804.05 of the Revised Code.
(F) "Current beneficiary" means a beneficiary that, on the date the beneficiary's qualification is determined, is a distributee or permissible distributee of trust income or principal.
(G) "Environmental law" means a federal, state, or local law, rule, regulation, or ordinance relating to protection of the environment.
(H) "Guardian of the estate" means a guardian appointed by a court to administer the estate of any individual or to serve as conservator of the property of an individual eighteen years of age or older under section 2111.021 of the Revised Code.
(I) "Guardian of the person" means a guardian appointed by a court to make decisions regarding the support, care, education, health, and welfare of any individual or to serve as conservator of the person of an individual eighteen years of age or older under section 2111.021 of the Revised Code. "Guardian of the person" does not include a guardian ad litem.
(J) "Internal Revenue Code" means the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1 et seq., as amended.
(K) "Interests of the beneficiaries" means the beneficial interests provided in the terms of the trust.
(L) "Jurisdiction," with respect to a geographic area, includes a state or country.
(M) "Mandatory distribution" means a distribution of income or principal, including a distribution upon termination of the trust, that the trustee is required to make to a beneficiary under the terms of the trust. Mandatory distributions do not include distributions that a trustee is directed or authorized to make pursuant to a support or other standard, regardless of whether the terms of the trust provide that the trustee "may" or "shall" make the distributions pursuant to a support or other standard.
(N) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, government, governmental agency or instrumentality, public corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(O) "Power of withdrawal" means a presently exercisable general power of appointment other than a power exercisable by a trustee that is limited by an ascertainable standard or that is exercisable by another person only upon consent of the trustee or a person holding an adverse interest.
(P) "Property" means anything or any interest in anything that may be the subject of ownership.
(Q) "Qualified beneficiary" means a beneficiary to whom, on the date the beneficiary's qualification is determined, any of the following applies:
(1) The beneficiary is a distributee or permissible distributee of trust income or principal.
(2) The beneficiary would be a distributee or permissible distributee of trust income or principal if the interests of the distributees described in division (Q)(1) of this section terminated on that date, but the termination of those interests would not cause the trust to terminate.
(3) The beneficiary would be a distributee or permissible distributee of trust income or principal if the trust terminated on that date.
(R) "Revocable," as applied to a trust, means revocable at the time of determination by the settlor alone or by the settlor with the consent of any person other than a person holding an adverse interest. A trust's characterization as revocable is not affected by the settlor's lack of capacity to exercise the power of revocation, regardless of whether an agent of the settlor under a power of attorney, or a guardian of the person or estate of the settlor, is serving.
(S) "Settlor" means a person, including a testator, who creates, or contributes property to, a trust. If more than one person creates or contributes property to a trust, each person is a settlor of the portion of the trust property attributable to that person's contribution except to the extent another person has the power to revoke or withdraw that portion.
(T) "Spendthrift provision" means a term of a trust that restrains both voluntary and involuntary transfer of a beneficiary's interest.
(U) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a territory or possession of the United States, or an Indian tribe or band recognized by federal law or formally acknowledged by a state.
(V) "Terms of a trust" means the manifestation of the settlor's intent regarding a trust's provisions as expressed in the trust instrument or as may be established by other evidence that would be admissible in a judicial proceeding.
(W) "Trust instrument" means an instrument executed by the settlor that contains terms of the trust and any amendments to that instrument.
(X) "Trustee" includes an original, additional, and successor trustee and a cotrustee.
(Y)(1) "Wholly discretionary trust" means a trust to which all of the following apply:
(a) The trust is irrevocable.
(b) Distributions of income or principal from the trust may or shall be made to or for the benefit of the beneficiary only at the trustee's discretion.
(c) The beneficiary does not have a power of withdrawal from the trust.
(d) The terms of the trust use "sole," "absolute," "uncontrolled," or language of similar import to describe the trustee's discretion to make distributions to or for the benefit of the beneficiary.
(e) The terms of the trust do not provide any standards to guide the trustee in exercising its discretion to make distributions to or for the benefit of the beneficiary.
(f) The beneficiary is not the settlor, the trustee, or a cotrustee.
(g) The beneficiary does not have the power to become the trustee or a cotrustee.
(2) A trust may be a wholly discretionary trust with respect to one or more but less than all beneficiaries.
(3) If a beneficiary has a power of withdrawal, the trust may be a wholly discretionary trust with respect to that beneficiary during any period in which the beneficiary may not exercise the power. During a period in which the beneficiary may exercise the power, both of the following apply:
(a) The portion of the trust the beneficiary may withdraw may not be a wholly discretionary trust with respect to that beneficiary;
(b) The portion of the trust the beneficiary may not withdraw may be a wholly discretionary trust with respect to that beneficiary.
(4) If the beneficiary and one or more others have made contributions to the trust, the portion of the trust attributable to the beneficiary's contributions may not be a wholly discretionary trust with respect to that beneficiary, but the portion of the trust attributable to the contributions of others may be a wholly discretionary trust with respect to that beneficiary. If a beneficiary has a power of withdrawal, then upon the lapse, release, or waiver of the power, the beneficiary is treated as having made contributions to the trust only to the extent the value of the property affected by the lapse, release, or waiver exceeds the greatest of the following amounts:
(a) The amount specified in section 2041(b)(2) or 2514(e) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(b) If the donor of the property subject to the beneficiary's power of withdrawal is not married at the time of the transfer of the property to the trust, the amount specified in section 2503(b) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(c) If the donor of the property subject to the beneficiary's power of withdrawal is married at the time of the transfer of the property to the trust, twice the amount specified in section 2503(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(5) Notwithstanding divisions (Y)(1)(f) and (g) of this section, a trust may be a wholly discretionary trust if the beneficiary is, or has the power to become, a trustee only with respect to the management or the investment of the trust assets, and not with respect to making discretionary distribution decisions. With respect to a trust established for the benefit of an individual who is blind or disabled as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1382c(a)(2) or (3), as amended, a wholly discretionary trust may include either or both of the following:
(a) Precatory language regarding its intended purpose of providing supplemental goods and services to or for the benefit of the beneficiary, and not to supplant benefits from public assistance programs;
(b) A prohibition against providing food, clothing, and shelter to the beneficiary.
Sec. 5801.02. Except as otherwise provided in any provision of Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code, those chapters apply to charitable and noncharitable inter vivos express trusts and to trusts created pursuant to a statute, judgment, or decree that requires the trust to be administered in the manner of an express trust. Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code apply to charitable and noncharitable testamentary trusts to the extent provided by section 2109.69 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5801.06. (A) The law of the jurisdiction designated in the terms of a trust determines the meaning and effect of the terms unless the designation of that jurisdiction's law is contrary to a strong public policy of the jurisdiction having the most significant relationship to the matter at issue. In the absence of a controlling designation in the terms of the trust, the law of the jurisdiction having the most significant relationship to the matter at issue determines the meaning and effect of the terms.
(B) The administration of a trust is governed by the law designated in the terms of the trust to govern trust administration. If the terms of the trust do not designate the governing law, both of the following apply:
(1) The law of the trust's principal place of administration governs the administration of the trust.
(2) If the trust's principal place of administration is transferred to another jurisdiction under section 5801.07 of the Revised Code, the law of the new principal place of administration of the trust governs the administration of the trust from the time of the transfer.
Sec. 5801.10.  (A) As used in this section, "creditor" means any of the following:
(1) A person holding a debt or security for a debt entered into by a trustee on behalf of the trust;
(2) A person holding a debt secured by one or more assets of the trust;
(3) A person having a claim against the trustee or the assets of the trust under section 5805.06 of the Revised Code;
(4) A person who has attached through legal process a beneficiary's interest in the trust.
(B) The parties to an agreement under this section shall be all of the following, or their representatives under the representation provisions of Chapter 5803. of the Revised Code, except that only the settlor and any trustee are required to be parties to an amendment of any revocable trust:
(1) The settlor if living and if no adverse income or transfer tax results would arise from the settlor's participation;
(2) All beneficiaries;
(3) All currently serving trustees;
(4) Creditors, if their interest is to be affected by the agreement.
(C) The persons specified in division (B) of this section may by written instrument enter into an agreement with respect to any matter concerning the construction of, administration of, or distributions under the terms of the trust instrument, the investment of income or principal held by the trustee, or other matters. The agreement is valid only to the extent that it does may not effect a termination of the trust before the date specified for the trust's termination in the terms of the trust instrument, does not change the interests of the beneficiaries in the trust except as necessary to effect a modification described in division (C)(5) or (6) of this section, and includes or include terms and conditions that could not be properly approved by the court under Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code or other applicable law. The invalidity of any provision of the agreement does not affect the validity of other provisions of the agreement. Matters that may be resolved by a private settlement agreement include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
(1) Determining classes of creditors, beneficiaries, heirs, next of kin, or other persons;
(2) Resolving disputes arising out of the administration or distribution under the terms of the trust instrument, including disputes over the construction of the language of the trust instrument or construction of the language of other writings that affect the terms of the trust instrument;
(3) Granting to the trustee necessary or desirable powers not granted in the terms of the trust instrument or otherwise provided by law, to the extent that those powers either are not inconsistent with the express provisions or purposes of the terms of the trust instrument or, if inconsistent with the express provisions or purposes of the terms of the trust instrument, are necessary for the due administration of the terms of the trust instrument;
(4) Modifying the terms of the trust instrument, if the modification is not inconsistent with any dominant purpose or objective of the trust;
(5) Modifying the terms of the trust instrument in the manner required to qualify the gift under the terms of the trust instrument for the charitable estate or gift tax deduction permitted by federal law, including the addition of mandatory governing instrument requirements for a charitable remainder trust as required by the Internal Revenue Code and regulations promulgated under it in any case in which all parties interested in the trust have submitted written agreements to the proposed changes or written disclaimer of interest;
(6) Modifying the terms of the trust instrument in the manner required to qualify any gift under the terms of the trust instrument for the estate tax marital deduction available to noncitizen spouses, including the addition of mandatory governing instrument requirements for a qualified domestic trust under section 2056A of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations promulgated under it in any case in which all parties interested in the trust have submitted written agreements to the proposed changes or written disclaimer of interest;
(7) Resolving any other matter that arises under Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code.
(D) No agreement shall be entered into under this section affecting the rights of a creditor without the creditor's consent or affecting the collection rights of federal, state, or local taxing authorities.
(E) Any agreement entered into under this section that complies with the requirements of division (C) of this section shall be final and binding on the trustee, the settlor if living, all beneficiaries, creditors who are parties to the agreement, and their heirs, successors, and assigns.
(F) Notwithstanding anything in this section, in division (D) of section 5803.03 of the Revised Code, or in any other rule of law to the contrary, a trustee serving under the terms of the trust instrument shall only represent its own individual or corporate interests in negotiating or entering into an agreement subject to this section. No trustee serving under the terms of the trust instrument shall be considered to represent any settlor, beneficiary, or the interests of any settlor or beneficiary in negotiating or entering into an agreement subject to this section.
(G) Any party to a private settlement agreement entered into under this section may request the court to approve the agreement, to determine whether the representation as provided in Chapter 5803. of the Revised Code was adequate, and to determine whether the agreement contains terms and conditions the court could have properly approved.
(H) If an agreement entered into under this section contains a provision requiring binding arbitration of any disputes arising under the agreement, the provision is enforceable.
(I) Nothing in this section affects any of the following:
(1) The right of a beneficiary to disclaim under section 5815.36 of the Revised Code;
(2) The termination or modification of a trust under section 5804.10, 5804.11, 5804.12, 5804.13, 5804.14, 5804.15, or 5804.16 of the Revised Code;
(3) The ability of a trustee to divide or consolidate a trust under section 5804.17 of the Revised Code.
(J) Nothing in this section restricts or limits the jurisdiction of any court to dispose of matters not covered by agreements under this section or to supervise the acts of trustees appointed by that court.
(K) This section shall be liberally construed to favor the validity and enforceability of agreements entered into under it.
(L) A trustee serving under the trust instrument is not liable to any third person arising from any loss due to that trustee's actions or inactions taken or omitted in good faith reliance on the terms of an agreement entered into under this section.
(M) This section does not apply to any of the following:
(1) A charitable trust that has one or more charitable organizations as qualified beneficiaries;
(2) A charitable trust the terms of which authorize or direct the trustee to distribute trust income or principal to one or more charitable organizations to be selected by the trustee, or for one or more charitable purposes described in division (A) of section 5804.05 of the Revised Code, if any of the following apply:
(a) The distributions may be made on the date that an agreement under this section would be entered into.
(b) The distributions could be made on the date that an agreement under this section would be entered into if the interests of the current beneficiaries of the trust terminated on that date, but the termination of those interests would not cause the trust to terminate.
(c) The distributions could be made on the date that an agreement under this section would be entered into if the trust terminated on that date.
Sec. 5801.11. A guardian of the estate or person, in acting under Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code, shall comply with the guardian's duties under Chapter 2111. of the Revised Code or other applicable law.
Sec. 5803.02.  To the extent there is no conflict of interest between the holder of a general testamentary power of appointment and the persons represented with respect to the particular question or dispute, the holder may represent and bind persons whose interests, as permissible appointees, takers in default, or otherwise, are subject to the power. The rights of the holder of a presently exercisable general power of appointment are governed by section 5806.03 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5803.03.  To the extent there is no conflict of interest between the representative and the person represented or among those being represented with respect to a particular question or dispute, all of the following apply:
(A) A guardian of the estate may represent and bind the estate that the guardian of the estate controls.
(B) A guardian of the person may represent and bind the ward if a guardian of the estate has not been appointed.
(C) An agent having authority to act with respect to the particular question or dispute may represent and bind the principal.
(D) Except as provided in division (F) of section 5801.10 of the Revised Code, a trustee may represent and bind the beneficiaries of the trust.
(E) A personal representative of a decedent's estate may represent and bind persons interested in the estate.
(F) A parent may represent and bind the parent's minor or unborn child if neither a guardian for the child's estate or a guardian of the person has been appointed. If a minor or unborn child is not represented by a parent under this division, another person may represent and bind the minor or unborn child under section 5803.04 of the Revised Code if the requirements of that section are met.
Sec. 5804.02.  (A) A trust is created only if all of the following apply:
(1) The settlor of the trust, other than the settlor of a trust created by a court order, has capacity to create a trust.
(2) The settlor of the trust, other than the settlor of a trust created by a court order, indicates an intention to create the trust.
(3) The trust has a definite beneficiary or is one of the following:
(a) A charitable trust;
(b) A trust for the care of an animal, as provided in section 5804.08 of the Revised Code;
(c) A trust for a noncharitable purpose, as provided in section 5804.09 of the Revised Code.
(4) The trustee has duties to perform.
(5) The same person is not the sole trustee and sole beneficiary.
(B) A beneficiary is definite if the beneficiary can be ascertained now or in the future, subject to any applicable rule against perpetuities.
(C) A power in a trustee or other person to select a beneficiary from an indefinite class is valid. If the power is not exercised within a reasonable time, the power fails, and the property subject to the power passes to the persons who would have taken the property had the power not been conferred.
(D) A trust is valid regardless of the existence, size, or character of the corpus of the trust. This division applies to any trust instrument that was executed prior to, or is executed on or after, the effective date of Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code January 1, 2007.
(E) A trust is not invalid because a person, including, but not limited to, the creator of the trust, is or may become the sole trustee and the sole holder of the present beneficial enjoyment of the corpus of the trust, provided that one or more other persons hold a vested, contingent, or expectant interest relative to the enjoyment of the corpus of the trust upon the cessation of the present beneficial enjoyment. A merger of the legal and equitable titles to the corpus of a trust described in this division does not occur in its creator, and, notwithstanding any contrary provision of Chapter 2107. of the Revised Code, the trust is not a testamentary trust that is required to comply with that chapter in order for its corpus to be legally distributed to other beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of the trust upon the cessation of the present beneficial enjoyment. This division applies to any trust that satisfies the provisions of this division, whether the trust was executed prior to, on, or after October 10, 1991.
Sec. 5804.11.  (A) If upon petition the court finds that the settlor and all beneficiaries consent to the modification or termination of a noncharitable irrevocable trust and that all consents, including any given by representatives under Chapter 5803. of the Revised Code, are valid, the court shall enter an order approving the modification or termination even if the modification or termination is inconsistent with a material purpose of the trust. An agent under a power of attorney may exercise a settlor's power to consent to a trust's modification or termination only to the extent expressly authorized by both the power of attorney and the terms of the trust. The settlor's guardian of the estate may exercise a settlor's power to consent to a trust's modification or termination with the approval of the court supervising the guardianship if an agent is not so authorized. The guardian of the settlor's person may exercise a settlor's power to consent to a trust's modification or termination with the approval of the court supervising the guardianship if an agent is not so authorized and a guardian of the estate has not been appointed. This division applies only to irrevocable trusts created on or after the effective date of Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code and to revocable trusts that become irrevocable on or after the effective date of Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code. This division does not apply to a noncharitable irrevocable trust described in 42 U.S.C. 1396p(d)(4).
(B) A noncharitable irrevocable trust may be terminated upon consent of all of the beneficiaries if the court concludes that continuance of the trust is not necessary to achieve any material purpose of the trust. A noncharitable irrevocable trust may be modified, but not to remove or replace the trustee, upon consent of all of the beneficiaries if the court concludes that modification is not inconsistent with a material purpose of the trust. A spendthrift provision in the terms of the trust may, but is not presumed to, constitute a material purpose of the trust.
(C) Upon termination of a trust under division (A) or (B) of this section, the trustee shall distribute the trust property as agreed by the beneficiaries.
(D) If not all of the beneficiaries consent to a proposed modification or termination of the trust under division (A) or (B) of this section, the court may approve the modification or termination if the court is satisfied of both of the following:
(1) That if all of the beneficiaries had consented, the trust could have been modified or terminated under this section;
(2) That the interests of a beneficiary who does not consent will be adequately protected.
Sec. 5804.13.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, if a particular charitable purpose becomes unlawful, impracticable, or impossible to achieve, all of the following apply:
(1) The trust does not fail in whole or in part.
(2) The trust property does not revert to the settlor or the settlor's successors in interest.
(3) The court may apply cy pres to modify or terminate the trust by directing that the trust property be applied or distributed, in whole or in part, in a manner consistent with the settlor's charitable purposes. In accordance with section 109.25 of the Revised Code, the attorney general is a necessary party to a judicial proceeding brought under this section.
(B) A provision in the terms of a charitable trust for an alternative charitable purpose or for the distribution of the trust property to a noncharitable beneficiary prevails over the power of the court under division (A) of this section to apply cy pres to modify or terminate the trust.
Sec. 5804.14.  (A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, after notice to the qualified beneficiaries, the trustee of an inter vivos trust consisting of trust property having a total value of less than one hundred thousand dollars may terminate the trust if the trustee concludes that the value of the trust property is insufficient to justify the cost of administration.
(2) Division (A)(1) of this section does not apply to any of the following:
(a) A charitable trust that has one or more charitable organizations as qualified beneficiaries;
(b) A charitable trust the terms of which authorize or direct the trustee to distribute trust income or principal to one or more charitable organizations to be selected by the trustee, or for one or more charitable purposes described in division (A) of section 5804.05 of the Revised Code, if any of the following apply:
(i) The distributions may be made on the date that the trust would be terminated under division (A)(1) of this section.
(ii) The distributions could be made on the date that the trust would be terminated under division (A)(1) of this section if the interests of the current beneficiaries of the trust terminated on that date, but the termination of those interests would not cause the trust to terminate.
(iii) The distributions could be made on the date that the trust would be terminated under division (A)(1) of this section, if the trust terminated on that date but not under that division.
(B) If an inter vivos trust consists of trust property having a total value of less than one hundred thousand dollars, the court may modify or terminate the trust or remove the trustee and appoint a different trustee if it determines that the value of the trust property is insufficient to justify the cost of administration.
(C) Upon the termination of a trust pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section, the trustee shall distribute the trust estate in accordance with any provision specified in the terms of the trust instrument for the premature termination of the trust. If there is no provision of that nature in the terms of the trust instrument, the trustee shall distribute the trust estate among the beneficiaries of the trust in accordance with their respective beneficial interests and in a manner that the trustee determines to be equitable. For purposes of distributing the trust estate among the beneficiaries of the trust under this division, the trustee shall consider all of the following:
(1) The existence of any agreement among the beneficiaries with respect to their beneficial interests;
(2) The actuarial values of the separate beneficial interests of the beneficiaries;
(3) Any expression of preference of the beneficiaries that is contained in the terms of the trust instrument.
(D) Upon the termination of a trust pursuant to division (B) of this section, the probate court shall order the distribution of the trust estate in accordance with any provision specified in the terms of the trust instrument for the premature termination of the trust. If there is no provision of that nature in the terms of the trust instrument, the probate court shall order the distribution of the trust estate among the beneficiaries of the trust in accordance with their respective beneficial interests and in a manner that the court determines to be equitable. For purposes of ordering the distribution of the trust estate among the beneficiaries of the trust under this division, the court shall consider the three factors listed in division (C) of this section.
(E) The existence of a spendthrift or similar provision in the terms of a trust instrument or will does not preclude the termination of a trust pursuant to this section.
(F) This section does not apply to an easement for conservation or preservation.
Sec. 5804.17.  After notice to the qualified beneficiaries, a trustee may combine two or more trusts into a single trust or divide a trust into two or more separate trusts if the result does not substantially impair the rights of any beneficiary or adversely affect have a materially adverse effect on the achievement of the purposes of the trust.
Sec. 5805.01.  (A) A spendthrift provision is valid only if it restrains both voluntary and involuntary transfer of a beneficiary's interest or if it restrains involuntary transfer of a beneficiary's interest and permits voluntary transfer of a beneficiary's interest only with the consent of a trustee who is not the beneficiary.
(B) A term of a trust providing that the interest of a beneficiary is held subject to a "spendthrift trust," or words of similar import, is sufficient to restrain both voluntary and involuntary transfer of the beneficiary's interest.
(C) A beneficiary may not transfer an interest in a trust in violation of a valid spendthrift provision and, except as otherwise provided in this chapter and in section 5810.04 of the Revised Code, a creditor or assignee of the beneficiary may not reach the interest or a distribution by the trustee before its receipt by the beneficiary. Real property or tangible personal property that is owned by the trust but that is made available for a beneficiary's use or occupancy in accordance with the trustee's authority under the terms of the trust instrument shall not be considered to have been distributed by the trustee or received by the beneficiary for purposes of allowing a creditor or assignee of the beneficiary to reach the property.
Sec. 5805.03.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in division (B) of section 5805.02 of the Revised Code, no creditor or assignee of a beneficiary of a wholly discretionary trust may reach the beneficiary's interest in the trust, or a distribution by the trustee before its receipt by the beneficiary, whether by attachment of present or future distributions to or for the benefit of the beneficiary, by judicial sale, by obtaining an order compelling the trustee to make distributions from the trust, or by any other means, regardless of whether the terms of the trust instrument includes include a spendthrift provision.
Sec. 5806.01.  The capacity of a settlor required to create, amend, revoke, or add property to a revocable trust, or to direct the actions of the trustee of a revocable trust, is the same as that required to make a will.
Sec. 5806.02.  (A) Unless the terms of a trust expressly provide that the trust is irrevocable, the settlor may revoke or amend the trust. This division does not apply to a trust created under an instrument executed before the effective date of this section January 1, 2007.
(B) If a revocable trust is created or funded by more than one settlor, all of the following apply:
(1) To the extent the trust consists of community property, either spouse acting alone may revoke the trust, but the trust may be amended only by joint action of both spouses.
(2) To the extent the trust consists of property other than community property, each settlor may revoke or amend the trust with regard to the portion of the trust property attributable to that settlor's contribution.
(3) Upon the revocation or amendment of the trust by less than all of the settlors, the trustee shall promptly notify the other settlors of the revocation or amendment.
(C) The settlor may revoke or amend a revocable trust by substantial compliance with a method provided in the terms of the trust or, if the terms of the trust do not provide a method, by any other method manifesting clear and convincing evidence of the settlor's intent, provided that a revocable trust may not be revoked or amended by a will or codicil, regardless of whether it refers to the trust or specifically devises property that would otherwise have passed according to the terms of the trust unless the terms of the trust expressly allow it to be revoked or amended by a will or codicil.
(D) Upon revocation of a revocable trust, the trustee shall deliver the trust property as the settlor directs.
(E) An agent under a power of attorney may exercise a settlor's powers with respect to revocation, amendment, or distribution of trust property only to the extent expressly authorized by both the terms of the trust and the power.
(F) A guardian of the estate of the settlor or, if no guardian of the estate has been appointed, a guardian of the person of the settlor may exercise a settlor's powers with respect to revocation, amendment, or distribution of trust property only with the approval of the court supervising the guardianship.
(G) A trustee who does not know that a trust has been revoked or amended is not liable to the settlor or settlor's successors in interest for distributions made and other actions taken on the assumption that the trust had not been amended or revoked.
Sec. 5806.03.  (A) During the lifetime of the settlor of a revocable trust, whether or not the settlor has capacity to revoke the trust, the rights of the beneficiaries are subject to the control of the settlor, and the duties of the trustee, including the duties to inform and report under section 5808.13 of the Revised Code, are owed exclusively to, the settlor. If the trustee breaches its duty during the lifetime of the settlor, any recovery obtained from the trustee after the settlor becomes incapacitated or dies shall be apportioned by the court. If the settlor is living when the recovery is obtained, the court shall apportion the recovery between the settlor and the trust, or allocate the entire recovery to the settlor or the trust, as it determines to be equitable under the circumstances. If the settlor is not living when the recovery is obtained, the court shall apportion the recovery between the settlor's estate and the trust, or allocate the entire recovery to the settlor's estate or the trust, as it determines to be equitable under the circumstances.
(B) During the period the power may be exercised, the holder of a power of withdrawal has the rights of a settlor of a revocable trust under this section to the extent of the property subject to the power.
Sec. 5806.04.  (A) Any of the following actions pertaining to a revocable trust that is made irrevocable by the death of the settlor of the trust shall be commenced within by the earlier of the date that is two years after the date of the death of the settlor of the trust or that is six months from the date on which the trustee sends the person bringing the action a copy of the trust instrument and a notice informing the person of the trust's existence, of the trustee's name and address, and of the time allowed under this division for commencing an action:
(1) An action to contest the validity of the trust;
(2) An action to contest the validity of any amendment to the trust that was made during the lifetime of the settlor of the trust;
(3) An action to contest the revocation of the trust during the lifetime of the settlor of the trust;
(4) An action to contest the validity of any transfer made to the trust during the lifetime of the settlor of the trust.
(B) Upon the death of the settlor of a revocable trust that was made irrevocable by the death of the settlor, the trustee, without liability, may proceed to distribute the trust property in accordance with the terms of the trust unless either of the following applies:
(1) The trustee has actual knowledge of a pending action to contest the validity of the trust, any amendment to the trust, the revocation of the trust, or any transfer made to the trust during the lifetime of the settlor of the trust.
(2) The trustee receives written notification from a potential contestant of a potential action to contest the validity of the trust, any amendment to the trust, the revocation of the trust, or any transfer made to the trust during the lifetime of the settlor of the trust, and the action is actually filed within ninety days after the written notification was given to the trustee.
(C) If a distribution of trust property is made pursuant to division (B) of this section, a beneficiary of the trust shall return any distribution to the extent that it exceeds the distribution to which the beneficiary is entitled if the trust, an amendment to the trust, or a transfer made to the trust later is determined to be invalid.
(D) This section applies only to revocable trusts that are made irrevocable by the death of the settlor of the trust if the grantor dies on or after July 23, 2002.
Sec. 5808.13.  (A) A trustee shall keep the current beneficiaries of the trust reasonably informed about the administration of the trust and of the material facts necessary for them to protect their interests. Unless unreasonable under the circumstances, a trustee shall promptly respond to a beneficiary's request for information related to the administration of the trust.
(B) A trustee shall do all of the following:
(1) Upon the request of a beneficiary, promptly furnish to the beneficiary a copy of the trust instrument. Unless the beneficiary expressly requests a copy of the entire trust instrument, the trustee may furnish to the beneficiary a copy of a redacted trust instrument that includes only those provisions of the trust instrument that the trustee determines are relevant to the beneficiary's interest in the trust. If the beneficiary requests a copy of the entire trust instrument after receiving a copy of a redacted trust instrument, the trustee shall furnish a copy of the entire trust instrument to the beneficiary. If the settlor of a revocable trust that has become irrevocable has completely restated the terms of the trust, the trust instrument furnished by the trustee shall be the restated trust instrument, including any amendments to the restated trust instrument. Nothing in division (B)(1) of this section limits the ability of a beneficiary to obtain a copy of the original trust instrument, any other restatements of the original trust instrument, or amendments to the original trust instrument and any other restatements of the original trust instrument in a judicial proceeding with respect to the trust.
(2) Within sixty days after accepting a trusteeship, notify the current beneficiaries of the acceptance and of the trustee's name, address, and telephone number;
(3) Within sixty days after the date the trustee acquires knowledge of the creation of an irrevocable trust, or the date the trustee acquires knowledge that a formerly revocable trust has become irrevocable, whether by the death of the settlor or otherwise, notify the current beneficiaries of the trust's existence, of the identity of the settlor or settlors, of the right to request a copy of the trust instrument, and of the right to a trustee's report as provided in division (C) of this section;
(4) Notify the current beneficiaries in advance of any change in the method or rate of the trustee's compensation.
(C) A trustee of a trust that has a fiscal year ending on or after January 1, 2007, shall send to the current beneficiaries, and to other beneficiaries who request it, at least annually and at the termination of the trust, a report of the trust property, liabilities, receipts, and disbursements, including the source and amount of the trustee's compensation, a listing of the trust assets, and, if feasible, the trust assets' respective market values. Upon a vacancy in a trusteeship, unless a cotrustee remains in office, a report for the period during which the former trustee served must be sent to the current beneficiaries by the former trustee. A personal representative or guardian may send the current beneficiaries a report on behalf of a deceased or incapacitated trustee.
(D) A beneficiary may waive the right to a trustee's report or other information otherwise required to be furnished under this section. A beneficiary, with respect to future reports and other information, may withdraw a waiver previously given.
(E) The trustee may provide information and reports to beneficiaries to whom the provided information and reports are not required to be provided under this section.
(F) Divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section apply only to a trustee who accepts a trusteeship on or after the effective date of this section January 1, 2007, to an irrevocable trust created on or after the effective date of this section January 1, 2007, and to a revocable trust that becomes irrevocable on or after the effective date of this section January 1, 2007.
(G) During the lifetime of the settlor of a revocable trust, whether or not the settlor has capacity to revoke the trust, the trustee's duties under this section are owed exclusively to the settlor.
Sec. 5808.14.  (A) The judicial standard of review for discretionary trusts is that the trustee shall exercise a discretionary power reasonably, in good faith, and in accordance with the terms and purposes of the trust and the interests of the beneficiaries, except that with respect to distribution decisions a reasonableness standard shall not be applied to the exercise of discretion by the trustee of a wholly discretionary trust. The greater the grant of discretion by the settlor to the trustee, the broader the range of permissible conduct by the trustee in exercising it.
(B) Subject to division (D) of this section, and unless the terms of the trust expressly indicate that a rule in this division does not apply:
(1) A person other than a settlor who is a beneficiary and trustee of a trust that confers on the trustee a power to make discretionary distributions to or for the trustee's personal benefit may exercise the power only in accordance with an ascertainable standard.
(2) A trustee may not exercise a power to make discretionary distributions to satisfy a legal obligation of support that the trustee personally owes another person.
(C) A power whose exercise is limited or prohibited by division (B) of this section may be exercised by a majority of the remaining trustees whose exercise of the power is not so limited or prohibited. If the power of all trustees is so limited or prohibited, the court may appoint a special fiduciary with authority to exercise the power.
(D) Division (B) of this section does not apply to any of the following:
(1) A power held by the settlor's spouse who is the trustee of a trust for which a marital deduction, as defined in section 2056(b)(5) or 2523(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, was previously allowed;
(2) Any trust during any period that the trust may be revoked or amended by its settlor;
(3) A trust if contributions to the trust qualify for the annual exclusion under section 2503(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Sec. 5808.16.  Without limiting the authority conferred by section 5808.15 of the Revised Code, a trustee may do all of the following:
(A) Collect trust property and accept or reject additions to the trust property from a settlor or any other person;
(B) Acquire or sell property, for cash or on credit, at public or private sale;
(C) Exchange, partition, or otherwise change the character of trust property;
(D) Deposit trust money in an account in a regulated financial-service institution;
(E) Borrow money, with or without security, and mortgage or pledge trust property for a period within or extending beyond the duration of the trust;
(F) With respect to an interest in a proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, business trust, corporation, or other form of business or enterprise, continue the business or other enterprise and take any action that may be taken by shareholders, members, or property owners, including merging, dissolving, or otherwise changing the form of business organization or contributing additional capital;
(G) With respect to stocks or other securities, exercise the rights of an absolute owner, including the right to do any of the following:
(1) Vote, or give proxies to vote, with or without power of substitution, or enter into or continue a voting trust agreement;
(2) Hold a security in the name of a nominee or in other form without disclosure of the trust so that title may pass by delivery;
(3) Pay calls, assessments, and other sums chargeable or accruing against the securities and sell or exercise stock subscription or conversion rights;
(4) Deposit the securities with a depositary or other regulated financial-service institution.
(H) With respect to an interest in real property, construct, or make ordinary or extraordinary repairs to, alterations to, or improvements in, buildings or other structures, demolish improvements, raze existing or erect new party walls or buildings, subdivide or develop land, dedicate land to public use or grant public or private easements, and make or vacate plats and adjust boundaries;
(I) Enter into a lease for any purpose as lessor or lessee, including a lease or other arrangement for exploration and removal of natural resources, with or without the option to purchase or renew, for a period within or extending beyond the duration of the trust;
(J) Grant an option involving a sale, lease, or other disposition of trust property or acquire an option for the acquisition of property, including an option exercisable beyond the duration of the trust, and exercise an option so acquired;
(K) Insure the property of the trust against damage or loss and insure the trustee, the trustee's agents, and beneficiaries against liability arising from the administration of the trust;
(L) Abandon or decline to administer property of no value or of insufficient value to justify its collection or continued administration;
(M) With respect to possible liability for violation of environmental law, do any of the following:
(1) Inspect or investigate property the trustee holds or has been asked to hold, or property owned or operated by an organization in which the trustee holds or has been asked to hold an interest, for the purpose of determining the application of environmental law with respect to the property;
(2) Take action to prevent, abate, or otherwise remedy any actual or potential violation of any environmental law affecting property held directly or indirectly by the trustee, whether taken before or after the assertion of a claim or the initiation of governmental enforcement;
(3) Decline to accept property into trust or disclaim any power with respect to property that is or may be burdened with liability for violation of environmental law;
(4) Compromise claims against the trust that may be asserted for an alleged violation of environmental law;
(5) Pay the expense of any inspection, review, abatement, or remedial action to comply with environmental law.
(N) Pay or contest any claim, settle a claim by or against the trust, and release, in whole or in part, a claim belonging to the trust;
(O) Pay taxes, assessments, compensation of the trustee and of employees and agents of the trust, and other expenses incurred in the administration of the trust;
(P) Exercise elections with respect to federal, state, and local taxes;
(Q) Select a mode of payment under any employee benefit or retirement plan, annuity, or life insurance policy payable to the trustee, exercise rights under any employee benefit or retirement plan, annuity, or life insurance policy payable to the trustee, including the right to indemnification for expenses and against liabilities, and take appropriate action to collect the proceeds;
(R) Make loans out of trust property, including loans to a beneficiary on terms and conditions the trustee considers to be fair and reasonable under the circumstances, and the trustee has a lien on future distributions for repayment of those loans;
(S) Pledge the property of a revocable trust to guarantee Guarantee loans made by others to the settlor of the a revocable trust, or and, if the settlor so directs, to guarantee loans made by others to a third party and mortgage, pledge, or grant a security interest in the property of a revocable trust to secure the payment of loans made by others to the settlor of the revocable trust and, if the settlor so directs, loans made by others to a third party;
(T) Appoint a trustee to act in another jurisdiction with respect to trust property located in the other jurisdiction, confer upon the appointed trustee all of the powers and duties of the appointing trustee, require that the appointed trustee furnish security, and remove any trustee so appointed;
(U) Pay an amount distributable to a beneficiary who is under a legal disability or who the trustee reasonably believes is incapacitated, by paying it directly to the beneficiary or applying it for the beneficiary's benefit, or by doing any of the following:
(1) Paying it to the beneficiary's guardian of the estate, or, if the beneficiary does not have a guardian of the estate, the beneficiary's guardian of the person;
(2) Paying it to the beneficiary's custodian under sections 5814.01 to 5814.09 of the Revised Code and, for that purpose, creating a custodianship;
(3) If the trustee does not know of a guardian of the person or estate, or custodian, paying it to an adult relative or other person having legal or physical care or custody of the beneficiary, to be expended on the beneficiary's behalf;
(4) Managing it as a separate fund on the beneficiary's behalf, subject to the beneficiary's continuing right to withdraw the distribution.
(V) On distribution of trust property or the division or termination of a trust, make distributions in divided or undivided interests, allocate particular assets in proportionate or disproportionate shares, value the trust property for those purposes, and adjust for resulting differences in valuation;
(W) Resolve a dispute concerning the interpretation of the trust or its administration by mediation, arbitration, or other procedure for alternative dispute resolution;
(X) Prosecute or defend an action, claim, or judicial proceeding in any jurisdiction to protect trust property and the trustee in the performance of the trustee's duties;
(Y) Sign and deliver contracts and other instruments that are useful to achieve or facilitate the exercise of the trustee's powers;
(Z) On termination of the trust, exercise the powers appropriate to wind up the administration of the trust and distribute the trust property to the persons entitled to it;
(AA) Employ agents, attorneys, accountants, investment advisors, and other professionals.
Sec. 5810.05.  (A) A beneficiary may not commence a proceeding against a trustee for breach of trust more than two years after the date the beneficiary, a representative of the beneficiary, or a beneficiary surrogate is sent a report that adequately discloses the existence of a potential claim for breach of trust and informs the beneficiary, the representative of the beneficiary, or the beneficiary surrogate of the time allowed for commencing a proceeding against a trustee.
(B) A report adequately discloses the existence of a potential claim for breach of trust if it provides sufficient information so that the beneficiary or the representative of the beneficiary knows of the potential claim or should know of the existence of the potential claim.
(C) If division (A) of this section does not apply, notwithstanding section 2305.09 of the Revised Code, a judicial proceeding by a beneficiary against a trustee for breach of trust must be commenced within four years after the first of the following to occur:
(1) The removal, resignation, or death of the trustee;
(2) The termination of the beneficiary's interest in the trust;
(3) The termination of the trust;
(4) The time at which the beneficiary knew or should have known of the breach of trust.
(D) Nothing in Chapters 5801. to 5811. of the Revised Code limits the operation of any principle of law or equity, including the doctrines of laches, unclean hands, estoppel, and waiver, that can bar claims.
(E) The liability limitations in this section apply to trustees as partners notwithstanding the broader personal liabilities otherwise imposed by any partnership law.
(F) When a trust is identified as a partner, the reference is deemed to be to, and the partner is, the current trustee or trustees of the trust and their successors as trustees.
Sec. 5810.13.  (A) Instead of furnishing a copy of the trust instrument to a person other than a beneficiary, the trustee may furnish to the person a certification of trust containing all of the following information:
(1) A statement that the trust exists and the date the trust instrument was executed;
(2) The identity of the settlor;
(3) The identity and address of the currently acting trustee;
(4) The powers of the trustee;
(5) The revocability or irrevocability of the trust and the identity of any person holding a power to revoke the trust;
(6) The authority of cotrustees to sign or otherwise authenticate and whether all or less than all are required in order to exercise powers of the trustee;
(7) The trust's taxpayer identification number;
(8) The manner of taking title to trust property.
(B) Any trustee may sign or otherwise authenticate a certification of trust.
(C) A certification of trust shall state that the trust has not been revoked, modified, or amended in any manner that would cause the representations contained in the certification of trust to be incorrect.
(D) A certification of trust is not required to contain the dispositive terms of a trust.
(E) A recipient of a certification of trust may require the trustee to furnish copies of those excerpts from the original trust instrument and later amendments that designate the trustee and confer upon the trustee the power to act in the pending transaction.
(F) A person who acts in reliance upon a certification of trust without knowledge that the representations contained in the certification are incorrect is not liable to any person for so acting and may assume without inquiry the existence of the facts contained in the certification. Knowledge of the terms of the trust may not be inferred solely from the fact that a copy of all or part of the trust instrument is held by the person relying upon the certification.
(G) A person who in good faith enters into a transaction in reliance upon a certification of trust may enforce the transaction against the trust property as if the representations contained in the certification were correct.
(H) A person making a demand for the trust instrument in addition to a certification of trust or excerpts is liable for damages if the court determines that the person did not act in good faith in demanding the This section does not affect the use or validity of a memorandum of trust instrument under section 5301.255 of the Revised Code.
(I) This section does not limit the right of a person to obtain a copy of the trust instrument in a judicial proceeding concerning the trust.
(J) The liability limitations in this section apply to fiduciaries as partners notwithstanding the broader personal liabilities otherwise imposed by any partnership law.
(K) When an estate or other fund held by a fiduciary is identified as a partner, the reference is deemed to be to, and the partner is, the current executor, administrator, or other fiduciary of the estate or other fund and their successors as executors, administrators, or other fiduciaries.
Section 2.  That existing sections 2109.01, 5801.01, 5801.02, 5801.06, 5801.10, 5803.02, 5803.03, 5804.02, 5804.11, 5804.13, 5804.14, 5804.17, 5805.01, 5805.03, 5806.01, 5806.02, 5806.03, 5806.04, 5808.13, 5808.14, 5808.16, 5810.05, and 5810.13 and section 2109.022 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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