130th Ohio General Assembly
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Sub. H. B. No. 6  As Passed by the House
As Passed by the House


128th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. H. B. No. 6

Representatives Patten, Schneider 

Cosponsors: Representatives DeGeeter, Garrison, Harris, Heard, Letson, Luckie, Murray, Newcomb, Szollosi, Yuko, Winburn, Chandler, Foley, Koziura, Slesnick, Yates, Book, Boyd, Celeste, DeBose, Domenick, Dyer, Fende, Garland, Goyal, Harwood, Lundy, Mallory, Mandel, Miller, Pryor, Stewart, Sykes, Williams, B., Williams, S. 

To amend sections 5733.98 and 5747.98 and to enact sections 122.85, 5733.58, and 5747.66 of the Revised Code to authorize refundable, nontransferable credits against the corporation franchise tax or income tax for production of motion pictures in Ohio.

Section 1. That sections 5733.98 and 5747.98 be amended and sections 122.85, 5733.58, and 5747.66 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 122.85. (A) As used in this section and in sections 5733.58 and 5747.66 of the Revised Code:
(1) "Tax credit-eligible production" means a motion picture production certified by the director of development under division (B) of this section as qualifying the motion picture company for a tax credit under section 5733.58 or 5747.66 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Certificate owner" means a motion picture company to which a tax credit certificate is issued.
(3) "Motion picture company" means an individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other form of business association producing a motion picture.
(4) "Eligible production expenditures" means expenditures made after the effective date of the enactment of this section by H.B. 6 of the 128th general assembly for goods or services purchased and consumed in this state by a motion picture company directly for the production of a tax credit-eligible production.
"Eligible production expenditures" includes, but is not limited to, expenditures for resident and nonresident cast and crew wages, accommodations, costs of set construction and operations, editing and related services, photography, sound synchronization, lighting, wardrobe, makeup and accessories, film processing, transfer, sound mixing, special and visual effects, music, location fees, and the purchase or rental of facilities and equipment. With respect to payroll for nonresident cast and crew, "eligible production expenditures" means one hundred per cent of the payroll expenditure for tax credit-eligible productions certified before July 1, 2010, and seventy-five per cent of the payroll expenditure for tax credit-eligible productions certified on or after July 1, 2010.
(5) "Motion picture" means entertainment content created in whole or in part within this state for distribution or exhibition to the general public, including, but not limited to, feature-length films; documentaries; long-form, specials, miniseries, series, and interstitial television programming; interactive web sites; sound recordings; videos; music videos; interactive television; interactive games; videogames; commercials; any format of digital media; and any trailer, pilot, video teaser, or demo created primarily to stimulate the sale, marketing, promotion, or exploitation of future investment in either a product or a motion picture by any means and media in any digital media format, film, or videotape, provided the motion picture qualifies as a motion picture. "Motion picture" does not include any television program created primarily as news, weather, or financial market reports, a production featuring current events or sporting events, an awards show or other gala event, a production whose sole purpose is fundraising, a long-form production that primarily markets a product or service or in-house corporate advertising or other similar productions, a production for purposes of political advocacy, or any production for which records are required to be maintained under 18 U.S.C. 2257 with respect to sexually explicit content.
(B) For the purpose of encouraging and developing a strong film industry in this state, the director of development may certify a motion picture produced by a motion picture company as a tax credit-eligible production. In the case of a television series, the director may certify the production of each episode of the series as a separate tax credit-eligible production. A motion picture company shall apply for certification of a motion picture as a tax credit-eligible production on a form and in the manner prescribed by the director. Each application shall include the following information:
(1) The name and telephone number of the motion picture production company;
(2) The name and telephone number of the company's contact person;
(3) A list of the first preproduction date through the last production date in Ohio;
(4) The Ohio production office address and telephone number;
(5) The total production budget of the motion picture;
(6) The total budgeted eligible production expenditures and the percentage that amount is of the total production budget of the motion picture;
(7) The total percentage of the motion picture being shot in Ohio;
(8) The level of employment of cast and crew who reside in Ohio;
(9) A synopsis of the script;
(10) The shooting script;
(11) A creative elements list that includes the names of the principal cast and crew and the producer and director;
(12) The motion picture's distribution plan, including domestic and international distribution, and sales estimates for the picture;
(13) Documentation of financial ability to undertake and complete the motion picture;
(14) Estimated value of the tax credit based upon total budgeted eligible production expenditures;
(15) Any other information considered necessary by the director.
Within ninety days after certification of a motion picture as a tax credit-eligible production, and any time thereafter upon the director's request, the motion picture company shall present to the director of development sufficient evidence of reviewable progress. If the motion picture company fails to present sufficient evidence, the director of development may rescind the certification. Upon rescission, the director shall notify the applicant that the certification has been rescinded. Nothing in this section prohibits an applicant whose tax credit-eligible production certification has been rescinded from submitting a subsequent application for certification.
(C)(1) A motion picture company whose motion picture has been certified as a tax credit-eligible production may apply to the director of development on or after July 1, 2009, for a refundable credit against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code. The director in consultation with the tax commissioner shall prescribe the form and manner of the application and the information or documentation required to be submitted with the application.
The credit is determined as follows:
(a) If the total budgeted eligible production expenditures stated in the application submitted under division (B) of this section or the actual eligible production expenditures as finally determined under division (D) of this section, whichever is least, is less than or equal to three hundred thousand dollars, no credit is allowed;
(b) If the total budgeted eligible production expenditures stated in the application submitted under division (B) of this section or the actual eligible production expenditures as finally determined under division (D) of this section, whichever is least, is greater than three hundred thousand dollars, the credit equals twenty-five per cent of the least of those eligible production expenditure amounts, subject to the limitation in division (C)(4) of this section.
(2) Except as provided in division (C)(4) of this section, if the director of development approves a motion picture company's application for a credit, the director shall issue a tax credit certificate to the company. The director in consultation with the tax commissioner shall prescribe the form and manner of issuing certificates. The director shall assign a unique identifying number to each tax credit certificate and shall record the certificate in a register devised and maintained by the director for that purpose. The certificate shall state the amount of the eligible production expenditures on which the credit is based and the amount of the credit. Upon the issuance of a certificate, the director shall certify to the tax commissioner the name of the applicant, the amount of eligible production expenditures shown on the certificate, and any other information required by the rules adopted to administer this section.
(3) The amount of eligible production expenditures for which a tax credit may be claimed is subject to inspection and examination by the tax commissioner or employees of the commissioner under section 5703.19 of the Revised Code and any other applicable law. Once the eligible production expenditures are finally determined under section 5703.19 of the Revised Code and division (D) of this section, the credit amount is not subject to adjustment unless the director determines an error was committed in the computation of the credit amount.
(4) No tax credit certificate may be issued before the completion of the tax credit-eligible production. Not more than twenty million dollars of tax credit may be allowed per fiscal biennium, and not more than ten million dollars may be allowed in the first year of the biennium. Not more than five million dollars of tax credit may be allowed per tax credit-eligible production.
(D) A motion picture company whose motion picture has been certified as a tax credit-eligible production shall engage, at the company's expense, an independent certified public accountant to examine the company's production expenditures to identify the expenditures that qualify as eligible production expenditures. The certified public accountant shall issue a report to the company and to the director of development certifying the company's eligible production expenditures and any other information required by the director. Upon receiving and examining the report, the director may disallow any expenditure the director determines is not an eligible production expenditure. If the director disallows an expenditure, the director shall issue a written notice to the motion picture production company stating that the expenditure is disallowed and the reason for the disallowance. Upon examination of the report and disallowance of any expenditures, the director shall determine finally the lesser of the total budgeted eligible production expenditures stated in the application submitted under division (B) of this section or the actual eligible production expenditures for the purpose of computing the amount of the credit.
(E) No credit shall be allowed under section 5733.58 or 5747.66 of the Revised Code unless the director has reviewed the report and made the determination prescribed by division (D) of this section.
(F) This state reserves the right to refuse the use of this state's name in the credits of any tax credit-eligible motion picture production.
(G)(1) The director of development in consultation with the tax commissioner shall adopt rules for the administration of this section, including rules setting forth and governing the criteria for determining whether a motion picture production is a tax credit-eligible production; activities that constitute the production of a motion picture; reporting sufficient evidence of reviewable progress; expenditures that qualify as eligible production expenditures; a competitive process for approving credits; and consideration of geographic distribution of credits. The rules shall be adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(2) The director may require a reasonable application fee to cover administrative costs of the tax credit program. The fees collected shall be credited to the motion picture tax credit program operating fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. The motion picture tax credit program operating fund shall consist of all grants, gifts, fees, and contributions made to the director of development for marketing and promotion of the motion picture industry within this state. The director of development shall use money in the fund to pay expenses related to the administration of the Ohio film office and the credit authorized by this section and sections 5733.58 and 5747.66 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5733.58. (A) Any term used in this section has the same meaning as in section 122.85 of the Revised Code.
(B) There is allowed a credit against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 of the Revised Code for any corporation that is the certificate owner of a tax credit certificate issued under section 122.85 of the Revised Code. The credit shall be claimed for the taxable year in which the certificate is issued by the director of development. The credit amount equals the amount stated in the certificate. The credit shall be claimed in the order required under section 5733.98 of the Revised Code. If the credit amount exceeds the tax otherwise due under section 5733.06 of the Revised Code after deducting all other credits in that order, the excess shall be refunded.
(C) If, pursuant to division (G) of section 5733.01 of the Revised Code, the corporation is not required to pay tax under this chapter, the corporation may file an annual report under section 5733.02 of the Revised Code and claim the credit authorized by this section. Nothing in this section allows a corporation to claim more than one credit per tax credit-eligible production.
Sec. 5733.98.  (A) To provide a uniform procedure for calculating the amount of tax imposed by section 5733.06 of the Revised Code that is due under this chapter, a taxpayer shall claim any credits to which it is entitled in the following order, except as otherwise provided in section 5733.058 of the Revised Code:
(1) For tax year 2005, the credit for taxes paid by a qualifying pass-through entity allowed under section 5733.0611 of the Revised Code;
(2) The credit allowed for financial institutions under section 5733.45 of the Revised Code;
(3) The credit for qualifying affiliated groups under section 5733.068 of the Revised Code;
(4) The subsidiary corporation credit under section 5733.067 of the Revised Code;
(5) The savings and loan assessment credit under section 5733.063 of the Revised Code;
(6) The credit for recycling and litter prevention donations under section 5733.064 of the Revised Code;
(7) The credit for employers that enter into agreements with child day-care centers under section 5733.36 of the Revised Code;
(8) The credit for employers that reimburse employee child care expenses under section 5733.38 of the Revised Code;
(9) The credit for maintaining railroad active grade crossing warning devices under section 5733.43 of the Revised Code;
(10) The credit for purchases of lights and reflectors under section 5733.44 of the Revised Code;
(11) The job retention credit under division (B) of section 5733.0610 of the Revised Code;
(12) The credit for tax years 2008 and 2009 for selling alternative fuel under section 5733.48 of the Revised Code;
(13) The second credit for purchases of new manufacturing machinery and equipment under section 5733.33 of the Revised Code;
(14) The job training credit under section 5733.42 of the Revised Code;
(15) The credit for qualified research expenses under section 5733.351 of the Revised Code;
(16) The enterprise zone credit under section 5709.66 of the Revised Code;
(17) The credit for the eligible costs associated with a voluntary action under section 5733.34 of the Revised Code;
(18) The credit for employers that establish on-site child day-care centers under section 5733.37 of the Revised Code;
(19) The ethanol plant investment credit under section 5733.46 of the Revised Code;
(20) The credit for purchases of qualifying grape production property under section 5733.32 of the Revised Code;
(21) The export sales credit under section 5733.069 of the Revised Code;
(22) The credit for research and development and technology transfer investors under section 5733.35 of the Revised Code;
(23) The enterprise zone credits under section 5709.65 of the Revised Code;
(24) The credit for using Ohio coal under section 5733.39 of the Revised Code;
(25) The credit for small telephone companies under section 5733.57 of the Revised Code;
(26) The credit for eligible nonrecurring 9-1-1 charges under section 5733.55 of the Revised Code;
(27) For tax year 2005, the credit for providing programs to aid the communicatively impaired under division (A) of section 5733.56 of the Revised Code;
(28) The research and development credit under section 5733.352 of the Revised Code;
(29) For tax years 2006 and subsequent tax years, the credit for taxes paid by a qualifying pass-through entity allowed under section 5733.0611 of the Revised Code;
(30) The refundable credit for rehabilitating a historic building under section 5733.47 of the Revised Code;
(31) The refundable jobs creation credit under division (A) of section 5733.0610 of the Revised Code;
(32) The refundable credit for tax withheld under division (B)(2) of section 5747.062 of the Revised Code;
(33) The refundable credit under section 5733.49 of the Revised Code for losses on loans made to the Ohio venture capital program under sections 150.01 to 150.10 of the Revised Code;
(34) For tax years 2006, 2007, and 2008, the refundable credit allowable under division (B) of section 5733.56 of the Revised Code;
(35) The refundable motion picture production credit under section 5733.58 of the Revised Code.
(B) For any credit except the refundable credits enumerated in divisions (A)(30) to (34) of this section, the amount of the credit for a tax year shall not exceed the tax due after allowing for any other credit that precedes it in the order required under this section. Any excess amount of a particular credit may be carried forward if authorized under the section creating that credit.
Sec. 5747.66. (A) Any term used in this section has the same meaning as in section 122.85 of the Revised Code.
(B) There is allowed a credit against the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code for any individual who, on the last day of the individual's taxable year, is the certificate owner of a tax credit certificate issued under section 122.85 of the Revised Code. The credit shall be claimed for the taxable year that includes the date the certificate was issued by the director of development. The credit amount equals the amount stated in the certificate. The credit shall be claimed in the order required under section 5747.98 of the Revised Code. If the credit amount exceeds the tax otherwise due under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code after deducting all other credits in that order, the excess shall be refunded.
Nothing in this section limits or disallows pass-through treatment of the credit.
Sec. 5747.98.  (A) To provide a uniform procedure for calculating the amount of tax due under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code, a taxpayer shall claim any credits to which the taxpayer is entitled in the following order:
(1) The retirement income credit under division (B) of section 5747.055 of the Revised Code;
(2) The senior citizen credit under division (C) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code;
(3) The lump sum distribution credit under division (D) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code;
(4) The dependent care credit under section 5747.054 of the Revised Code;
(5) The lump sum retirement income credit under division (C) of section 5747.055 of the Revised Code;
(6) The lump sum retirement income credit under division (D) of section 5747.055 of the Revised Code;
(7) The lump sum retirement income credit under division (E) of section 5747.055 of the Revised Code;
(8) The low-income credit under section 5747.056 of the Revised Code;
(9) The credit for displaced workers who pay for job training under section 5747.27 of the Revised Code;
(10) The campaign contribution credit under section 5747.29 of the Revised Code;
(11) The twenty-dollar personal exemption credit under section 5747.022 of the Revised Code;
(12) The joint filing credit under division (G) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code;
(13) The nonresident credit under division (A) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code;
(14) The credit for a resident's out-of-state income under division (B) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code;
(15) The credit for employers that enter into agreements with child day-care centers under section 5747.34 of the Revised Code;
(16) The credit for employers that reimburse employee child care expenses under section 5747.36 of the Revised Code;
(17) The credit for adoption of a minor child under section 5747.37 of the Revised Code;
(18) The credit for purchases of lights and reflectors under section 5747.38 of the Revised Code;
(19) The job retention credit under division (B) of section 5747.058 of the Revised Code;
(20) The credit for selling alternative fuel under section 5747.77 of the Revised Code;
(21) The second credit for purchases of new manufacturing machinery and equipment and the credit for using Ohio coal under section 5747.31 of the Revised Code;
(22) The job training credit under section 5747.39 of the Revised Code;
(23) The enterprise zone credit under section 5709.66 of the Revised Code;
(24) The credit for the eligible costs associated with a voluntary action under section 5747.32 of the Revised Code;
(25) The credit for employers that establish on-site child day-care centers under section 5747.35 of the Revised Code;
(26) The ethanol plant investment credit under section 5747.75 of the Revised Code;
(27) The credit for purchases of qualifying grape production property under section 5747.28 of the Revised Code;
(28) The export sales credit under section 5747.057 of the Revised Code;
(29) The credit for research and development and technology transfer investors under section 5747.33 of the Revised Code;
(30) The enterprise zone credits under section 5709.65 of the Revised Code;
(31) The research and development credit under section 5747.331 of the Revised Code;
(32) The credit for rehabilitating a historic building under section 5747.76 of the Revised Code;
(33) The refundable credit for rehabilitating a historic building under section 5747.76 of the Revised Code;
(34) The refundable jobs creation credit under division (A) of section 5747.058 of the Revised Code;
(35) The refundable credit for taxes paid by a qualifying entity granted under section 5747.059 of the Revised Code;
(36) The refundable credits for taxes paid by a qualifying pass-through entity granted under division (J) of section 5747.08 of the Revised Code;
(37) The refundable credit for tax withheld under division (B)(1) of section 5747.062 of the Revised Code;
(38) The refundable credit under section 5747.80 of the Revised Code for losses on loans made to the Ohio venture capital program under sections 150.01 to 150.10 of the Revised Code;
(39) The refundable motion picture production credit under section 5747.66 of the Revised Code.
(B) For any credit, except the refundable credits enumerated in divisions (A)(33) to (38) of this section and the credit granted under division (I) of section 5747.08 of the Revised Code, the amount of the credit for a taxable year shall not exceed the tax due after allowing for any other credit that precedes it in the order required under this section. Any excess amount of a particular credit may be carried forward if authorized under the section creating that credit. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to allow a taxpayer to claim, directly or indirectly, a credit more than once for a taxable year.
Section 2. That existing sections 5733.98 and 5747.98 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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