130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

S. B. No. 124  As Passed by the Senate
As Passed by the Senate

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 124

Senators Faber, Schiavoni 

Cosponsors: Senators Seitz, Fedor, Schuler, Kearney, Miller, D., Carey, Harris, Hughes, Patton, Strahorn, Wagoner, Gibbs, Stewart, Miller, R., Sawyer, Turner, Wilson 

To amend sections 5302.01, 5302.02, 5302.22, 5302.221, 5302.23, and 5815.36 and to enact sections 5302.222 and 5302.24 of the Revised Code to change the transfer on death (TOD) designation instrument from a deed to an affidavit, to allow real property owners holding title in survivorship tenancy to execute such an affidavit, to clarify the status of a trustee of a trust as a TOD beneficiary and the dower rights of the spouse of the property owner, and to make other changes pertaining to the transfer on death of real property.

Section 1. That sections 5302.01, 5302.02, 5302.22, 5302.221, 5302.23, and 5815.36 be amended and sections 5302.222 and 5302.24 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 5302.01.  The forms set forth in sections 5302.05, 5302.07, 5302.09, 5302.11, 5302.12, 5302.14, and 5302.17, and 5302.22 of the Revised Code may be used and shall be sufficient for their respective purposes. They shall be known as "Statutory Forms" and may be referred to as such. They may be altered as circumstances require, and the authorization of such those forms shall not prevent the use of other forms. Wherever the phrases defined in sections 5302.06, 5302.08, 5302.10, and 5302.13 of the Revised Code are to be incorporated in instruments by reference, the method of incorporation as indicated in the statutory forms shall be sufficient, but shall not preclude other methods.
Sec. 5302.02.  The rules and definitions contained in sections 5302.03, 5302.04, 5302.06, 5302.08, 5302.10, 5302.13, 5302.17, 5302.18, 5302.19, 5302.20, and 5302.21, and 5302.22 of the Revised Code apply to all deeds or other instruments relating to real estate, whether the statutory forms or other forms are used, where the instruments are executed on or after October 1, 1965, or, in relation to the. The rules and definitions contained in section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, as it existed prior to the effective date of this amendment, apply to instruments executed on or after August 29, 2000, and prior to the effective date of this amendment. The rules and definitions contained in section 5302.22 of the Revised Code apply to instruments executed on or after the effective date of this amendment.
Sec. 5302.22.  (A) A deed conveying any interest in real property, and in substance following the form set forth in this division, when duly executed in accordance with Chapter 5301. of the Revised Code and recorded in the office of the county recorder, creates a present interest as sole owner or as a tenant in common in the grantee and creates a transfer on death interest in the beneficiary or beneficiaries. Upon the death of the grantee, the deed vests the interest of the decedent in the beneficiary or beneficiaries. The deed described in this division shall in substance conform to the following form:
"Transfer on Death Deed
.................... (marital status), of ........... County, .................... (for valuable consideration paid, if any), grant(s) (with covenants, if any), to .................... whose tax mailing address is ...................., transfer on death to ...................., beneficiary(s), the following real property:
(Description of land or interest in land and encumbrances, reservations, and exceptions, if any.)
Prior Instrument Reference: .............................
...................., wife (husband) of the grantor, releases all rights of dower therein.
Executed this ............... day of ................
(Signature of Grantor)

(Execution in accordance with Chapter 5301. of the Revised Code)" As used in sections 5302.22, 5302.222, 5302.23, and 5302.24 of the Revised Code:
(1) "Affidavit of confirmation" means an affidavit executed under division (A) of section 5302.222 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Survivorship tenancy" means an ownership of real property or any interest in real property by two or more persons that is created by executing a deed pursuant to section 5302.17 of the Revised Code.
(3) "Survivorship tenant" means one of the owners of real property or any interest in real property in a survivorship tenancy.
(4) "Tenants by the entireties" mean only those persons who are vested as tenants in an estate by the entireties with survivorship pursuant to any deed recorded between February 9, 1972, and April 3, 1985, under section 5302.17 of the Revised Code as it existed during that period of time. Nothing in sections 5302.22, 5302.222, 5302.23, and 5302.24 of the Revised Code authorizes the creation of a tenancy by the entireties or recognizes a tenancy by the entireties created outside that period of time.
(5) "Transfer on death designation affidavit" means an affidavit executed under this section.
(6) "Transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries" means the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in a transfer on death designation affidavit.
(B) Any person individual who, under the Revised Code or the common law of this state, owns real property or any interest in real property as a sole owner or, as a tenant in common, or as a survivorship tenant, or together with the individual's spouse owns an indivisible interest in real property as tenants by the entireties, may create an designate the entire interest, or any specified part that is less than the entire interest, in the that real property as transferable on death to a designated beneficiary or beneficiaries by executing and recording a deed, together with the individual's spouse, if any, a transfer on death designation affidavit as provided in this section conveying the person's entire, separate interest in the real property to one or more individuals, including the grantor, and designating one or more other persons, identified in the deed by name, as transfer on death beneficiaries.
A deed conveying an interest in real property that includes a transfer on death beneficiary designation need not be supported by consideration and need not be delivered to the transfer on death beneficiary to be effective. If the affidavit is executed by an individual together with the individual's spouse, if any, the dower rights of the spouse are subordinate to the vesting of title to the interest in the real property in the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated under this section. The affidavit shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the real property is located, and, when so recorded, the affidavit or a certified copy of the affidavit shall be evidence of the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries so designated in the affidavit insofar as the affidavit affects title to the real property.
(C) Upon (1) If an individual who owns real property or an interest in real property as a sole owner or as a tenant in common executes a transfer on death designation affidavit, upon the death of that individual, title to the real property or interest in the real property specified in the affidavit vests in the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in the affidavit.
(2) If an individual who owns real property or an interest in real property as a survivorship tenant executes a transfer on death designation affidavit, upon the death of that individual or of one but not all of the surviving survivorship tenants, title to the real property or interest in the real property specified in the affidavit vests in the surviving survivorship tenant or tenants. Upon the death of the last surviving survivorship tenant, title to the real property or interest in the real property vests in the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in the affidavit, subject to division (B)(7) of section 5302.23 of the Revised Code.
(3) If an individual who together with the individual's spouse owns an indivisible interest in real property as tenants by the entireties executes a transfer on death designation affidavit, upon the death of that individual, title to the real property or interest in the real property vests in the remaining tenant by the entireties. Upon the death of the remaining tenant by the entireties, title to the real property or interest in the real property vests in the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in the affidavit, subject to division (B)(7) of section 5302.23 of the Revised Code.
(D) A transfer on death designation affidavit shall be verified before any person authorized to administer oaths and shall include all of the following:
(1) A description of the real property the title to which is affected by the affidavit and a reference to an instrument of record containing that description;
(2) If less than the entire interest in the real property is to be transferred on death under the affidavit, a statement of the specific interest or part of the interest in the real property that is to be so transferred;
(3) A statement by the individual executing the affidavit that the individual is the person appearing on the record of the real property as the owner of the real property or interest in the real property at the time of the recording of the affidavit and the marital status of that owner. If the owner is married, the affidavit shall include a statement by the owner's spouse stating that the spouse's dower rights are subordinate to the vesting of title to the real property or interest in the real property in the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in the affidavit.
(4) A statement designating one or more persons, identified by name, as transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries.
(E) The county recorder of the county in which a transfer on death designation affidavit is offered for recording shall receive the affidavit and cause it to be recorded in the same manner as deeds are recorded. The county recorder shall collect a fee for recording the affidavit in the same amount as the fee for recording deeds. The county recorder shall index the affidavit in the name of the owner of record of the real property or interest in the real property who executed the affidavit.
(F) A transfer on death designation affidavit need not be supported by consideration and need not be delivered to the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in the affidavit to be effective. However, in order to be effective, that affidavit shall be recorded with the county recorder as described in this section prior to the death of the individual who executed the affidavit.
(G) Subject to division (C) of this section, upon the death of any individual who owns real property or an interest in real property that is subject to a transfer on death beneficiary designation made under a transfer on death deed designation affidavit as provided in this section, the deceased owner's that real property or interest in real property of the deceased owner shall be transferred only to the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries who are identified in the deed affidavit by name and who survive the deceased owner or that are in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner. The transfer of the deceased owner's interest shall be recorded by presenting to the county auditor and filing with the county recorder an affidavit, accompanied by a certified copy of a death certificate for the deceased owner. The affidavit shall recite the name and address of each designated transfer on death beneficiary who survived the deceased owner or that is in existence on the date of the deceased owner's death, the date of the deceased owner's death, a description of the subject real property or interest in real property, and the names of each designated transfer on death beneficiary who has not survived the deceased owner or that is not in existence on the date of the deceased owner's death. The affidavit shall be accompanied by a certified copy of a death certificate for each designated transfer on death beneficiary who has not survived the deceased owner. The county recorder shall make an index reference to any affidavit so filed in the record of deeds.
Upon the death of any individual holding real property or an interest in real property that is subject to a transfer on death beneficiary designation made under a transfer on death deed as provided in this section, if the title to the real property is registered pursuant to Chapter 5309. of the Revised Code, the procedure for the transfer of the interest of the deceased owner shall be pursuant to section 5309.081 of the Revised Code For purposes of this division, if a natural or legal person designated by name in the affidavit as a transfer on death beneficiary or as a contingent transfer on death beneficiary as provided in division (B)(2) of section 5302.23 of the Revised Code solely in that person's capacity as a trustee of a trust has died, has resigned, or otherwise has been replaced by a successor trustee of the trust on the date of death of the deceased owner, the successor trustee of the trust shall be considered the transfer on death beneficiary or contingent transfer on death beneficiary in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner in full compliance with this division, notwithstanding that the successor trustee is not named as a transfer on death beneficiary or contingent transfer on death beneficiary in the affidavit.
(H) Any person who knowingly makes any false statement in a transfer on death designation affidavit is guilty of falsification under division (A)(6) of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5302.221. (A) As used in this section:
"Estate" has the same meaning as in section 5111.11 of the Revised Code.
"Medicaid estate recovery program" means the program instituted under section 5111.11 of the Revised Code.
(B) The administrator of the medicaid estate recovery program shall prescribe a form on which a beneficiary of a transfer on death deed designation affidavit as provided in section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, who survives the deceased owner of the real property or an interest in the real property or that is in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner, or such a that beneficiary's representative is to indicate both of the following:
(1) Whether the deceased owner was either of the following:
(a) A decedent subject to the medicaid estate recovery program;
(b) The spouse of a decedent subject to the medicaid estate recovery program.
(2) Whether the real property or interest in the real property was part of the estate of a decedent subject to the medicaid estate recovery program.
(C) A county recorder shall obtain a properly completed form prescribed under division (B) of this section from the beneficiary of a transfer on death deed designation affidavit or the beneficiary's representative and send a copy of the form to the administrator of the medicaid estate recovery program before recording the transfer of the real property or interest in the real property under division (C) of section 5302.22 5302.222 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5302.222. (A) The transfer of a deceased owner's real property or interest in real property as designated in a transfer on death designation affidavit provided in section 5302.22 of the Revised Code shall be recorded by presenting to the county auditor of the county in which the real property is located and filing with the county recorder of that county an affidavit of confirmation executed by any transfer on death beneficiary to whom the transfer is made. The affidavit of confirmation shall be verified before a person authorized to administer oaths and shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the death certificate for the deceased owner. The affidavit of confirmation shall contain all of the following information:
(1) The name and address of each transfer on death beneficiary who survived the deceased owner or that is in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner. If a named beneficiary was designated as a transfer on death beneficiary solely in that person's capacity as a trustee of a trust and that trustee subsequently has been replaced by a successor trustee, the affidavit of confirmation shall include the name and address of the successor trustee and shall be accompanied by a copy of the recorded successor trustee affidavit described in section 5302.171 of the Revised Code.
(2) The date of death of the deceased owner;
(3) A description of the subject real property or interest in real property;
(4) The name of each transfer on death beneficiary who has not survived the deceased owner or that is not in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner.
(B) The affidavit of confirmation shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the death certificate for each transfer on death beneficiary who has not survived the deceased owner.
(C) The county recorder shall make an index reference in the record of deeds to any affidavit of confirmation filed with the county recorder under this section.
(D) Upon the death of any individual holding real property or an interest in real property that is the subject of a transfer on death designation affidavit as provided in section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, if the title to the real property is registered pursuant to Chapter 5309. of the Revised Code, the procedure for the transfer of the interest of the deceased owner to the transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in the affidavit shall be pursuant to section 5309.081 of the Revised Code.
(E) Any person who knowingly makes any false statement in an affidavit of confirmation is guilty of falsification under division (A)(6) of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5302.23.  (A) Any deed affidavit containing language that shows a clear intent to designate a transfer on death beneficiary shall be liberally construed to do so.
(B) Real property or an interest in real property that is the subject to of a transfer on death beneficiary designation affidavit as provided in section 5302.22 of the Revised Code or as described in division (A) of this section has all of the following characteristics and ramifications:
(1) An interest of a deceased owner shall be transferred to the transfer on death beneficiaries who are identified in the deed affidavit by name and who survive the deceased owner or that are in existence on the date of the deceased owner's death. If there is a designation of more than one transfer on death beneficiary, the beneficiaries shall take title in to the interest in equal shares as tenants in common, unless the deceased owner has specifically designated other than equal shares or has designated that the beneficiaries take title as survivorship tenants, subject to division (B)(3) of this section. If a transfer on death beneficiary does not survive the deceased owner or is not in existence on the date of the deceased owner's death, and the deceased owner has designated one or more persons as contingent transfer on death beneficiaries as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, the designated contingent transfer on death beneficiaries shall take the same interest that would have passed to the transfer on death beneficiary had that transfer on death beneficiary survived the deceased owner or been in existence on the date of the deceased owner's death. If none of the designated transfer on death beneficiaries survives the deceased owner or is in existence on the date of the deceased owner's death and no contingent transfer on death beneficiaries have been designated or, have survived the deceased owner, or are in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner, the interest of the deceased owner shall be distributed as part of the probate estate of the deceased owner of the interest. If there are two or more transfer on death beneficiaries and the deceased owner has designated that title to the interest in the real property be taken by those beneficiaries as survivorship tenants, no designated contingent transfer on death beneficiaries shall take title to the interest unless none of the transfer on death beneficiaries survives the deceased owner on the date of death of the deceased owner.
(2) A transfer on death deed designation affidavit may contain a designation of one or more persons as contingent transfer on death beneficiaries, who shall take the interest of the deceased owner that would otherwise have passed to the designated transfer on death beneficiary if that named designated transfer on death beneficiary does not survive the deceased owner or is not in existence on the date of death of the deceased owner. Persons designated as contingent transfer on death beneficiaries shall be identified in the deed affidavit by name.
(3) Any transfer on death beneficiary or contingent transfer on death beneficiary may be a natural or legal person, including, but not limited to, a bank as trustee of a trust, except that if two or more transfer on death beneficiaries are designated as survivorship tenants, all of those beneficiaries shall be natural persons and if two or more contingent transfer on death beneficiaries are designated as survivorship tenants, all of those contingent beneficiaries shall be natural persons. A natural person who is designated a transfer on death beneficiary or contingent transfer on death beneficiary solely in that natural person's capacity as a trustee of a trust is not considered a natural person for purposes of designating the transfer on death beneficiaries or contingent transfer on death beneficiaries as survivorship tenants under division (B)(3) of this section.
(4) The designation of a transfer on death beneficiary has no effect on the present ownership of real property, and a person designated as a transfer on death beneficiary has no interest in the real property until the death of the owner of the interest.
(4)(5) The designation in a deed transfer on death designation affidavit of any transfer on death beneficiary may be revoked or changed at any time, without the consent of that designated transfer on death beneficiary, by the owner of the interest, by the surviving survivorship tenants of the interest, or by the remaining tenant by the entireties of the interest, by executing in accordance with Chapter 5301. of the Revised Code and recording, prior to the death of the owner of the interest, of the surviving survivorship tenants of the interest, or of the remaining tenant by the entireties of the interest, as the case may be, a deed conveying the grantor's entire, separate interest in the real property to one or more persons, including the grantor, with or without the designation of another transfer on death beneficiary new transfer on death designation affidavit pursuant to section 5302.22 of the Revised Code stating the revocation or change in that designation. The new transfer on death designation affidavit shall automatically supersede and revoke all prior recorded transfer on death designation affidavits with respect to the real property or the interest in real property identified in the new affidavit, provided that the prior recorded affidavit was executed before the later recorded affidavit.
(5)(6) A fee simple title or any fractional interest in a fee simple title may be subjected to a transfer on death beneficiary designation.
(6)(7)(a) A designated transfer on death beneficiary takes only the interest that the deceased owner or owners of the interest held on the date of death, subject to all encumbrances, reservations, and exceptions.
(7)(b) If the owners hold title to the interest in a survivorship tenancy, the death of all except the last survivorship tenant automatically terminates and nullifies any transfer on death beneficiary designations made solely by the deceased survivorship tenant or tenants without joinder by the last surviving survivorship tenant. The termination or nullification of any transfer on death beneficiary designations under division (B)(7)(b) of this section is effective as of the date of death of a deceased survivorship tenant. No affirmative act of revocation is required of the last surviving survivorship tenant for the termination or nullification of the transfer on death beneficiary designations to occur as described in division (B)(7)(b) of this section. If the last surviving survivorship tenant dies with no transfer on death beneficiary designation, the entire interest of that last surviving survivorship tenant shall be distributed as part of the tenant's probate estate.
(c) If the owners hold title to the interest in a tenancy by the entireties, the death of the first tenant by the entireties automatically terminates and nullifies any transfer on death beneficiary designations made solely by that deceased first tenant without joinder by the remaining tenant by the entireties. The termination or nullification of any transfer on death beneficiary designations under division (B)(7)(c) of this section is effective as of the date of death of the first tenant by the entireties. No affirmative act of revocation is required of the remaining tenant by the entireties for the termination or nullification of the transfer on death beneficiary designations to occur as described in division (B)(7)(c) of this section. If the remaining tenant by the entireties dies with no transfer on death beneficiary designation, the entire interest of that remaining tenant shall be distributed as part of the tenant's probate estate.
(8) No rights of any lienholder, including, but not limited to, any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or mechanic's lien holder, shall be affected by the designation of a transfer on death beneficiary pursuant to this section and section 5302.22 of the Revised Code. If any lienholder takes action to enforce the lien, by foreclosure or otherwise through a court proceeding, it is not necessary to join the any transfer on death beneficiary as a party defendant in the action unless the transfer on death beneficiary has another interest in the real property that is currently vested.
(8)(9) Any transfer on death of real property or of an interest in real property that results from a deed transfer on death designation affidavit designating a transfer on death beneficiary is not testamentary. That transfer on death shall supersede any attempted testate or intestate transfer of that real property or interest in real property.
(10) The execution and recording of a transfer on death designation affidavit shall be effective to terminate the designation of a transfer on death beneficiary in a transfer on death deed involving the same real property or interest in real property and recorded prior to the effective date of this section.
(11) The execution and recording of a transfer on death designation affidavit shall be effective to bar the vesting of any rights of dower in a subsequent spouse of the owner of the real property who executed that affidavit unless the affidavit is revoked or changed.
Sec. 5302.24. Sections 5302.22, 5302.222, and 5302.23 of the Revised Code do not affect any deed that was executed and recorded prior to the effective date of this section, or any transfer on death beneficiary designation made, pursuant to section 5302.22 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to the effective date of this section. If that deed or designation is valid on the day prior to the effective date of this section, the deed or designation continues to be valid on and after the effective date of this section. A grantee of that deed need not execute a transfer on death designation affidavit that designates the same transfer on death beneficiary or beneficiaries as in the deed unless the grantee chooses to do so.
Sec. 5815.36.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Disclaimant" means any person, any guardian or personal representative of a person or estate of a person, or any attorney-in-fact or agent of a person having a general or specific authority to act granted in a written instrument, who is any of the following:
(a) With respect to testamentary instruments and intestate succession, an heir, next of kin, devisee, legatee, donee, person succeeding to a disclaimed interest, surviving joint tenant, surviving tenant by the entireties, surviving tenant of a tenancy with a right of survivorship, beneficiary under a testamentary instrument, or person designated to take pursuant to a power of appointment exercised by a testamentary instrument;
(b) With respect to nontestamentary instruments, a grantee, donee, person succeeding to a disclaimed interest, surviving joint tenant, surviving tenant by the entireties, surviving tenant of a tenancy with a right of survivorship, beneficiary under a nontestamentary instrument, or person designated to take pursuant to a power of appointment exercised by a nontestamentary instrument;
(c) With respect to fiduciary rights, privileges, powers, and immunities, a fiduciary under a testamentary or nontestamentary instrument. Division (A)(1)(c) of this section does not authorize a fiduciary who disclaims fiduciary rights, privileges, powers, and immunities to cause the rights of any beneficiary to be disclaimed unless the instrument creating the fiduciary relationship authorizes the fiduciary to make such a disclaimer.
(d) Any person entitled to take an interest in property upon the death of a person or upon the occurrence of any other event.
(2) "Personal representative" includes any fiduciary as defined in section 2109.01 of the Revised Code and any executor, trustee, guardian, or other person or entity having a fiduciary relationship with regard to any interest in property passing to the fiduciary, executor, trustee, guardian, or other person or entity by reason of a disclaimant's death.
(3) "Property" means all forms of property, real and personal, tangible and intangible.
(B)(1) A disclaimant, other than a fiduciary under an instrument who is not authorized by the instrument to disclaim the interest of a beneficiary, may disclaim, in whole or in part, the succession to any property by executing and by delivering, filing, or recording a written disclaimer instrument in the manner provided in this section.
(2) A disclaimant who is a fiduciary under an instrument may disclaim, in whole or in part, any right, power, privilege, or immunity, by executing and by delivering, filing, or recording a written disclaimer instrument in the manner provided in this section.
(3) The written instrument of disclaimer shall be signed and acknowledged by the disclaimant and shall contain all of the following:
(a) A reference to the donative instrument;
(b) A description of the property, part of property, or interest disclaimed, and of any fiduciary right, power, privilege, or immunity disclaimed;
(c) A declaration of the disclaimer and its extent.
(4) The guardian of the estate of a minor or an incompetent, or the personal representative of a deceased person, whether or not authorized by the instrument to disclaim, with the consent of the probate division of the court of common pleas may disclaim, in whole or in part, the succession to any property, or interest in property, that the ward, if an adult and competent, or the deceased, if living, might have disclaimed. The guardian or personal representative, or any interested person may file an application with the probate division of the court of common pleas that has jurisdiction of the estate, asking that the court order the guardian or personal representative to execute and deliver, file, or record the disclaimer on behalf of the ward, estate, or deceased person. The court shall order the guardian or personal representative to execute and deliver, file, or record the disclaimer if the court finds, upon hearing after notice to interested parties and such other persons as the court shall direct, that:
(a) It is in the best interests of those interested in the estate of the person and of those who will take the disclaimed interest;
(b) It would not materially, adversely affect the minor or incompetent, or the beneficiaries of the estate of the decedent, taking into consideration other available resources and the age, probable life expectancy, physical and mental condition, and present and reasonably anticipated future needs of the minor or incompetent or the beneficiaries of the estate of the decedent.
A written instrument of disclaimer ordered by the court under this division shall be executed and be delivered, filed, or recorded within the time and in the manner in which the person could have disclaimed if the person were living, an adult, and competent.
(C) A partial disclaimer of property that is subject to a burdensome interest created by the donative instrument is not effective unless the disclaimed property constitutes a gift that is separate and distinct from undisclaimed gifts.
(D) The disclaimant shall deliver, file, or record the disclaimer, or cause the same to be done, prior to accepting any benefits of the disclaimed interest and at any time after the latest of the following dates:
(1) The effective date of the donative instrument if both the taker and the taker's interest in the property are finally ascertained on that date;
(2) The date of the occurrence of the event upon which both the taker and the taker's interest in the property become finally ascertainable;
(3) The date on which the disclaimant attains eighteen years of age or is no longer an incompetent, without tendering or repaying any benefit received while the disclaimant was under eighteen years of age or an incompetent, and even if a guardian of a minor or incompetent had filed an application pursuant to division (B)(4) of this section and the probate division of the court of common pleas involved did not consent to the guardian executing a disclaimer.
(E) No disclaimer instrument is effective under this section if either of the following applies under the terms of the disclaimer instrument:
(1) The disclaimant has power to revoke the disclaimer.
(2) The disclaimant may transfer, or direct to be transferred, to self the entire legal and equitable ownership of the property subject to the disclaimer instrument.
(F)(1) Subject to division (F)(2) of this section, if the interest disclaimed is created by a nontestamentary instrument, including, but not limited to, a transfer on death designation affidavit pursuant to section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, the disclaimer instrument shall be delivered personally or by certified mail to the trustee or other person who has legal title to, or possession of, the property disclaimed. If the interest disclaimed is created by a transfer on death designation affidavit pursuant to section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, the disclaimer instrument shall be filed with the county recorder of the county in which the real property that is the subject of that affidavit is located.
(2) If the interest disclaimed is created by a testamentary instrument, by intestate succession, by a transfer on death deed pursuant to section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, or by a certificate of title to a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor that evidences ownership of the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor that is transferable on death pursuant to section 2131.13 of the Revised Code, the disclaimer instrument shall be filed in the probate division of the court of common pleas in the county in which proceedings for the administration of the decedent's estate have been commenced, and an executed copy of the disclaimer instrument shall be delivered personally or by certified mail to the personal representative of the decedent's estate.
(3) If no proceedings for the administration of the decedent's estate have been commenced, the disclaimer instrument shall be filed in the probate division of the court of common pleas in the county in which proceedings for the administration of the decedent's estate might be commenced according to law. The disclaimer instrument shall be filed and indexed, and fees charged, in the same manner as provided by law for an application to be appointed as personal representative to administer the decedent's estate. The disclaimer is effective whether or not proceedings thereafter are commenced to administer the decedent's estate. If proceedings thereafter are commenced for the administration of the decedent's estate, they shall be filed under, or consolidated with, the case number assigned to the disclaimer instrument.
(4) If an interest in real estate is disclaimed, an executed copy of the disclaimer instrument also shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the real estate is located. The disclaimer instrument shall include a description of the real estate with sufficient certainty to identify it, and shall contain a reference to the record of the instrument that created the interest disclaimed. If title to the real estate is registered under Chapters 5309. and 5310. of the Revised Code, the disclaimer interest shall be entered as a memorial on the last certificate of title. A spouse of a disclaimant has no dower or other interest in the real estate disclaimed.
(G) If a donative instrument expressly provides for the distribution of property, part of property, or interest in property if there is a disclaimer, the property, part of property, or interest disclaimed shall be distributed or disposed of, and accelerated or not accelerated, in accordance with the donative instrument. In the absence of express provisions to the contrary in the donative instrument, the property, part of property, or interest in property disclaimed, and any future interest that is to take effect in possession or enjoyment at or after the termination of the interest disclaimed, shall descend, be distributed, or otherwise be disposed of, and shall be accelerated, in the following manner:
(1) If intestate or testate succession is disclaimed, as if the disclaimant had predeceased the decedent;
(2) If the disclaimant is one designated to take pursuant to a power of appointment exercised by a testamentary instrument, as if the disclaimant had predeceased the donee of the power;
(3) If the donative instrument is a nontestamentary instrument, as if the disclaimant had died before the effective date of the nontestamentary instrument;
(4) If the disclaimer is of a fiduciary right, power, privilege, or immunity, as if the right, power, privilege, or immunity was never in the donative instrument.
(H) A disclaimer pursuant to this section is effective as of, and relates back for all purposes to, the date upon which the taker and the taker's interest have been finally ascertained.
(I) A disclaimant who has a present and future interest in property, and disclaims the disclaimant's present interest in whole or in part, is considered to have disclaimed the disclaimant's future interest to the same extent, unless a contrary intention appears in the disclaimer instrument or the donative instrument. A disclaimant is not precluded from receiving, as an alternative taker, a beneficial interest in the property disclaimed, unless a contrary intention appears in the disclaimer instrument or in the donative instrument.
(J) The disclaimant's right to disclaim under this section is barred if the disclaimant does any of the following:
(1) Assigns, conveys, encumbers, pledges, or transfers, or contracts to assign, convey, encumber, pledge, or transfer, the property or any interest in it;
(2) Waives in writing the disclaimant's right to disclaim and executes and delivers, files, or records the waiver in the manner provided in this section for a disclaimer instrument;
(3) Accepts the property or an interest in it;
(4) Permits or suffers a sale or other disposition of the property pursuant to judicial action against the disclaimant.
(K) Neither a fiduciary's application for appointment or assumption of duties as a fiduciary nor a beneficiary's application for appointment as a personal representative or fiduciary waives or bars the disclaimant's right to disclaim a right, power, privilege, or immunity as a personal representative or fiduciary or the beneficiary's right to disclaim property.
(L) The right to disclaim under this section exists irrespective of any limitation on the interest of the disclaimant in the nature of a spendthrift provision or similar restriction.
(M) A disclaimer instrument or written waiver of the right to disclaim that has been executed and delivered, filed, or recorded as required by this section is final and binding upon all persons.
(N) The right to disclaim and the procedures for disclaimer established by this section are in addition to, and do not exclude or abridge, any other rights or procedures that exist or formerly existed under any other section of the Revised Code or at common law to assign, convey, release, refuse to accept, renounce, waive, or disclaim property.
(O)(1) No person is liable for distributing or disposing of property in a manner inconsistent with the terms of a valid disclaimer if the distribution or disposition is otherwise proper and the person has no actual knowledge of the disclaimer.
(2) No person is liable for distributing or disposing of property in reliance upon the terms of a disclaimer that is invalid because the right of disclaimer has been waived or barred if the distribution or disposition is otherwise proper and the person has no actual knowledge of the facts that constitute a waiver or bar to the right to disclaim.
(P)(1) A disclaimant may disclaim pursuant to this section any interest in property that is in existence on September 27, 1976, if either the interest in the property or the taker of the interest in the property is not finally ascertained on that date.
(2) No disclaimer executed pursuant to this section destroys or diminishes an interest in property that exists on September 27, 1976, in any person other than the disclaimant.
(Q) This section may be applied separately to different interests or powers created in the disclaimant by the same testamentary or nontestamentary instrument.
Section 2. That existing sections 5302.01, 5302.02, 5302.22, 5302.221, 5302.23, and 5815.36 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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