130th Ohio General Assembly
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H. B. No. 273  As Introduced
As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 273

Representative Pillich 

Cosponsors: Representatives Letson, Reece, Sheehy, Hagan, R., Williams 

To enact section 5502.59 of the Revised Code to establish the "Yellow Dot" motor vehicle medical information program within the Department of Public Safety.

Section 1. That section 5502.59 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 5502.59.  There is hereby created the "yellow dot" motor vehicle medical information program, which shall be administered by the department of public safety. The purpose of the "yellow dot" program is to assist owners and lessees of motor vehicles who participate in the program, their passengers, and emergency medical responders in the event of a motor vehicle accident or a medical emergency involving a participant's vehicle.
The owner or lessee of a motor vehicle who participates in the program shall receive a "yellow dot" window decal and a "yellow dot" folder. The folder, which is intended to be stored in the glove compartment of the motor vehicle, shall contain an information form containing the participant's name, a photo of the participant, emergency contact information, the participant's medical conditions, recent surgeries, allergies, medications being used, and relevant information about the participant's personal physician. The participant shall affix the "yellow dot" window decal on the operator's side of the vehicle's rear window in the lower corner. The purpose of the decal is to alert emergency medical responders to search the glove compartment of the vehicle for the corresponding "yellow dot" folder. The purposes of the information in the folder are to assist emergency medical responders, in the event of an accident involving the motor vehicle, in positively identifying the participant, communicating with the participant's family or emergency contacts, and ensuring that the person's current medications and pre-existing medical conditions are considered when treatment is administered for any injury the participant suffers in the motor vehicle accident. Persons who ride in motor vehicles as passengers also may participate in the program, but shall not be issued a decal if the owner or lessee of the motor vehicle in which the person rides also participates in the program.
The department shall not charge any fee to participate in the "yellow dot" program and shall take reasonable measures to publicize the program. The department may accept donations and grants from any source to assist in paying the expenses the department incurs in administering the program.
The department shall adopt such rules governing the "yellow dot" program as may be necessary to implement and administer the program.
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