130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 38  As Introduced
As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 38

Representative McGregor 

To amend sections 9.33, 153.65, 718.01, 2937.221, 3354.13, 3355.10, 3357.12, 5503.31, 5503.32, 5513.01, 5533.31, 5537.01, 5537.02, 5537.03, 5537.04, 5537.05, 5537.051, 5537.06, 5537.07, 5537.08, 5537.09, 5537.11, 5537.12, 5537.13, 5537.14, 5537.15, 5537.16, 5537.17, 5537.19, 5537.20, 5537.21, 5537.22, 5537.24, 5537.25, 5537.26, 5537.27, 5537.28, 5537.30, 5728.01, 5735.05, 5735.23, 5739.02, 5747.01, and 5751.01; to enact section 5537.18; and to repeal sections 126.60, 126.601, 126.602, 126.603, 126.604, and 126.605 of the Revised Code to authorize the Ohio Turnpike Commission to issue revenue bonds for infrastructure projects, to rename the Ohio Turnpike Commission as the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, to repeal authority allowing the Director of Budget and Management and the Director of Transportation to execute a contract with a private entity for the purpose of outsourcing turnpike-related highway services, to make other changes in the law governing the Ohio Turnpike Commission, and to make an appropriation.

Section 101.01.  That sections 9.33, 153.65, 718.01, 2937.221, 3354.13, 3355.10, 3357.12, 5503.31, 5503.32, 5513.01, 5533.31, 5537.01, 5537.02, 5537.03, 5537.04, 5537.05, 5537.051, 5537.06, 5537.07, 5537.08, 5537.09, 5537.11, 5537.12, 5537.13, 5537.14, 5537.15, 5537.16, 5537.17, 5537.19, 5537.20, 5537.21, 5537.22, 5537.24, 5537.25, 5537.26, 5537.27, 5537.28, 5537.30, 5728.01, 5735.05, 5735.23, 5739.02, 5747.01, and 5751.01 be amended and section 5537.18 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 9.33.  As used in sections 9.33 to 9.335 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Construction manager" means a person with substantial discretion and authority to plan, coordinate, manage, and direct all phases of a project for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of any public building, structure, or other improvement, but does not mean the person who provides the professional design services or who actually performs the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction work on the project.
(B)(1) "Construction manager at risk" means a person with substantial discretion and authority to plan, coordinate, manage, direct, and construct all phases of a project for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of any public building, structure, or other improvement and who provides the public authority a guaranteed maximum price as determined in section 9.334 of the Revised Code.
(2) As used in division (B)(1) of this section:
(a) "Construct" includes performing, or subcontracting for performing, construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction.
(b) "Manage" includes approving bidders and awarding subcontracts for furnishing materials regarding, or for performing, construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction.
(C) "Construction management contract" means a contract between a public authority and another person obligating the person to provide construction management services.
(D) "Construction management services" or "management services" means the range of services that either a construction manager or a construction manager at risk may provide.
(E) "Qualified" means having the following qualifications:
(1) Competence to perform the required management services as indicated by the technical training, education, and experience of the construction manager's or construction manager at risk's personnel, especially the technical training, education, and experience of the construction manager's or construction manager at risk's employees who would be assigned to perform the services;
(2) Ability in terms of workload and the availability of qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the required management services competently and expeditiously;
(3) Past performance as reflected by the evaluations of previous clients with respect to factors such as control of costs, quality of work, and meeting of deadlines;
(4) Financial responsibility as evidenced by the capability to provide a letter of credit pursuant to Chapter 1305. of the Revised Code, a surety bond, certified check, or cashier's check in an amount equal to the value of the construction management contract, or by other means acceptable to the public authority;
(5) Other similar factors.
(F)(1) "Public authority" means the state, any state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, any county, township, municipal corporation, school district, or other political subdivision, or any public agency, authority, board, commission, instrumentality, or special purpose district of the state or of a political subdivision.
(2) "Public authority" does not include the Ohio turnpike commission.
(G) "Open book pricing method" means a method in which a construction manager at risk provides the public authority, at the public authority's request, all books, records, documents, and other data in its possession pertaining to the bidding, pricing, or performance of a construction management contract awarded to the construction manager at risk.
Sec. 153.65.  As used in sections 153.65 to 153.73 of the Revised Code:
(A)(1) "Public authority" means the state, a state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, a county, township, municipal corporation, school district, or other political subdivision, or any public agency, authority, board, commission, instrumentality, or special purpose district of the state or of a political subdivision.
(2) "Public authority" does not include the Ohio turnpike commission.
(B) "Professional design firm" means any person legally engaged in rendering professional design services.
(C) "Professional design services" means services within the scope of practice of an architect or landscape architect registered under Chapter 4703. of the Revised Code or a professional engineer or surveyor registered under Chapter 4733. of the Revised Code.
(D) "Qualifications" means all of the following:
(1)(a) For a professional design firm, competence to perform the required professional design services as indicated by the technical training, education, and experience of the firm's personnel, especially the technical training, education, and experience of the employees within the firm who would be assigned to perform the services;
(b) For a design-build firm, competence to perform the required design-build services as indicated by the technical training, education, and experience of the design-build firm's personnel and key consultants, especially the technical training, education, and experience of the employees and consultants of the design-build firm who would be assigned to perform the services, including the proposed architect or engineer of record.
(2) Ability of the firm in terms of its workload and the availability of qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the required professional design services or design-build services competently and expeditiously;
(3) Past performance of the firm as reflected by the evaluations of previous clients with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and meeting of deadlines;
(4) Any other relevant factors as determined by the public authority;
(5) With respect to a design-build firm, compliance with sections 4703.182, 4703.332, and 4733.16 of the Revised Code, including the use of a licensed design professional for all design services.
(E) "Design-build contract" means a contract between a public authority and another person that obligates the person to provide design-build services.
(F) "Design-build firm" means a person capable of providing design-build services.
(G) "Design-build services" means services that form an integrated delivery system for which a person is responsible to a public authority for both the design and construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of a public improvement.
(H) "Architect or engineer of record" means the architect or engineer that serves as the final signatory on the plans and specifications for the design-build project.
(I) "Criteria architect or engineer" means the architect or engineer retained by a public authority to prepare conceptual plans and specifications, to assist the public authority in connection with the establishment of the design criteria for a design-build project, and, if requested by the public authority, to serve as the representative of the public authority and provide, during the design-build project, other design and construction administration services on behalf of the public authority, including but not limited to, confirming that the design prepared by the design-build firm reflects the original design intent established in the design criteria package.
(J) "Open book pricing method" means a method in which a design-build firm provides the public authority, at the public authority's request, all books, records, documents, contracts, subcontracts, purchase orders, and other data in its possession pertaining to the bidding, pricing, or performance of a contract for design-build services awarded to the design-build firm.
Sec. 718.01.  (A) As used in this chapter:
(1) "Adjusted federal taxable income" means a C corporation's federal taxable income before net operating losses and special deductions as determined under the Internal Revenue Code, adjusted as follows:
(a) Deduct intangible income to the extent included in federal taxable income. The deduction shall be allowed regardless of whether the intangible income relates to assets used in a trade or business or assets held for the production of income.
(b) Add an amount equal to five per cent of intangible income deducted under division (A)(1)(a) of this section, but excluding that portion of intangible income directly related to the sale, exchange, or other disposition of property described in section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code;
(c) Add any losses allowed as a deduction in the computation of federal taxable income if the losses directly relate to the sale, exchange, or other disposition of an asset described in section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code;
(d)(i) Except as provided in division (A)(1)(d)(ii) of this section, deduct income and gain included in federal taxable income to the extent the income and gain directly relate to the sale, exchange, or other disposition of an asset described in section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code;
(ii) Division (A)(1)(d)(i) of this section does not apply to the extent the income or gain is income or gain described in section 1245 or 1250 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(e) Add taxes on or measured by net income allowed as a deduction in the computation of federal taxable income;
(f) In the case of a real estate investment trust and regulated investment company, add all amounts with respect to dividends to, distributions to, or amounts set aside for or credited to the benefit of investors and allowed as a deduction in the computation of federal taxable income;
(g) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal taxable income, any income derived from providing public services under a contract through a project owned by the state, as described in section 126.604 of the Revised Code or derived from a transfer agreement or from the enterprise transferred under that agreement under section 4313.02 of the Revised Code.
If the taxpayer is not a C corporation and is not an individual, the taxpayer shall compute adjusted federal taxable income as if the taxpayer were a C corporation, except guaranteed payments and other similar amounts paid or accrued to a partner, former partner, member, or former member shall not be allowed as a deductible expense; amounts paid or accrued to a qualified self-employed retirement plan with respect to an owner or owner-employee of the taxpayer, amounts paid or accrued to or for health insurance for an owner or owner-employee, and amounts paid or accrued to or for life insurance for an owner or owner-employee shall not be allowed as a deduction.
Nothing in division (A)(1) of this section shall be construed as allowing the taxpayer to add or deduct any amount more than once or shall be construed as allowing any taxpayer to deduct any amount paid to or accrued for purposes of federal self-employment tax.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as limiting or removing the ability of any municipal corporation to administer, audit, and enforce the provisions of its municipal income tax.
(2) "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended.
(3) "Schedule C" means internal revenue service schedule C filed by a taxpayer pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.
(4) "Form 2106" means internal revenue service form 2106 filed by a taxpayer pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.
(5) "Intangible income" means income of any of the following types: income yield, interest, capital gains, dividends, or other income arising from the ownership, sale, exchange, or other disposition of intangible property including, but not limited to, investments, deposits, money, or credits as those terms are defined in Chapter 5701. of the Revised Code, and patents, copyrights, trademarks, tradenames, investments in real estate investment trusts, investments in regulated investment companies, and appreciation on deferred compensation. "Intangible income" does not include prizes, awards, or other income associated with any lottery winnings or other similar games of chance.
(6) "S corporation" means a corporation that has made an election under subchapter S of Chapter 1 of Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code for its taxable year.
(7) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2004, "net profit" for a taxpayer other than an individual means adjusted federal taxable income and "net profit" for a taxpayer who is an individual means the individual's profit required to be reported on schedule C, schedule E, or schedule F, other than any amount allowed as a deduction under division (E)(2) or (3) of this section or amounts described in division (H) of this section.
(8) "Taxpayer" means a person subject to a tax on income levied by a municipal corporation. Except as provided in division (L) of this section, "taxpayer" does not include any person that is a disregarded entity or a qualifying subchapter S subsidiary for federal income tax purposes, but "taxpayer" includes any other person who owns the disregarded entity or qualifying subchapter S subsidiary.
(9) "Taxable year" means the corresponding tax reporting period as prescribed for the taxpayer under the Internal Revenue Code.
(10) "Tax administrator" means the individual charged with direct responsibility for administration of a tax on income levied by a municipal corporation and includes:
(a) The central collection agency and the regional income tax agency and their successors in interest, and other entities organized to perform functions similar to those performed by the central collection agency and the regional income tax agency;
(b) A municipal corporation acting as the agent of another municipal corporation; and
(c) Persons retained by a municipal corporation to administer a tax levied by the municipal corporation, but only if the municipal corporation does not compensate the person in whole or in part on a contingency basis.
(11) "Person" includes individuals, firms, companies, business trusts, estates, trusts, partnerships, limited liability companies, associations, corporations, governmental entities, and any other entity.
(12) "Schedule E" means internal revenue service schedule E filed by a taxpayer pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.
(13) "Schedule F" means internal revenue service schedule F filed by a taxpayer pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.
(B) No municipal corporation shall tax income at other than a uniform rate.
(C) No municipal corporation shall levy a tax on income at a rate in excess of one per cent without having obtained the approval of the excess by a majority of the electors of the municipality voting on the question at a general, primary, or special election. The legislative authority of the municipal corporation shall file with the board of elections at least ninety days before the day of the election a copy of the ordinance together with a resolution specifying the date the election is to be held and directing the board of elections to conduct the election. The ballot shall be in the following form: "Shall the Ordinance providing for a ... per cent levy on income for (Brief description of the purpose of the proposed levy) be passed?

In the event of an affirmative vote, the proceeds of the levy may be used only for the specified purpose.
(D)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no municipal corporation shall exempt from a tax on income compensation for personal services of individuals over eighteen years of age or the net profit from a business or profession.
(2)(a) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2004, no municipal corporation shall tax the net profit from a business or profession using any base other than the taxpayer's adjusted federal taxable income.
(b) Division (D)(2)(a) of this section does not apply to any taxpayer required to file a return under section 5745.03 of the Revised Code or to the net profit from a sole proprietorship.
(E)(1) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may, by ordinance or resolution, exempt from withholding and from a tax on income the following:
(a) Compensation arising from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of a stock option, the exercise of a stock option, or the sale, exchange, or other disposition of stock purchased under a stock option; or
(b) Compensation attributable to a nonqualified deferred compensation plan or program described in section 3121(v)(2)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(2) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may adopt an ordinance or resolution that allows a taxpayer who is an individual to deduct, in computing the taxpayer's municipal income tax liability, an amount equal to the aggregate amount the taxpayer paid in cash during the taxable year to a health savings account of the taxpayer, to the extent the taxpayer is entitled to deduct that amount on internal revenue service form 1040.
(3) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may adopt an ordinance or resolution that allows a taxpayer who has a net profit from a business or profession that is operated as a sole proprietorship to deduct from that net profit the amount that the taxpayer paid during the taxable year for medical care insurance premiums for the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, and dependents as defined in section 5747.01 of the Revised Code. The deduction shall be allowed to the same extent the taxpayer is entitled to deduct the premiums on internal revenue service form 1040. The deduction allowed under this division shall be net of any related premium refunds, related premium reimbursements, or related insurance premium dividends received by the taxpayer during the taxable year.
(F) If an individual's taxable income includes income against which the taxpayer has taken a deduction for federal income tax purposes as reportable on the taxpayer's form 2106, and against which a like deduction has not been allowed by the municipal corporation, the municipal corporation shall deduct from the taxpayer's taxable income an amount equal to the deduction shown on such form allowable against such income, to the extent not otherwise so allowed as a deduction by the municipal corporation.
(G)(1) In the case of a taxpayer who has a net profit from a business or profession that is operated as a sole proprietorship, no municipal corporation may tax or use as the base for determining the amount of the net profit that shall be considered as having a taxable situs in the municipal corporation, an amount other than the net profit required to be reported by the taxpayer on schedule C or F from such sole proprietorship for the taxable year.
(2) In the case of a taxpayer who has a net profit from rental activity required to be reported on schedule E, no municipal corporation may tax or use as the base for determining the amount of the net profit that shall be considered as having a taxable situs in the municipal corporation, an amount other than the net profit from rental activities required to be reported by the taxpayer on schedule E for the taxable year.
(H) A municipal corporation shall not tax any of the following:
(1) The military pay or allowances of members of the armed forces of the United States and of members of their reserve components, including the Ohio national guard;
(2) The income of religious, fraternal, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational institutions to the extent that such income is derived from tax-exempt real estate, tax-exempt tangible or intangible property, or tax-exempt activities;
(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (I) of this section, intangible income;
(4) Compensation paid under section 3501.28 or 3501.36 of the Revised Code to a person serving as a precinct election official, to the extent that such compensation does not exceed one thousand dollars annually. Such compensation in excess of one thousand dollars may be subjected to taxation by a municipal corporation. A municipal corporation shall not require the payer of such compensation to withhold any tax from that compensation.
(5) Compensation paid to an employee of a transit authority, regional transit authority, or regional transit commission created under Chapter 306. of the Revised Code for operating a transit bus or other motor vehicle for the authority or commission in or through the municipal corporation, unless the bus or vehicle is operated on a regularly scheduled route, the operator is subject to such a tax by reason of residence or domicile in the municipal corporation, or the headquarters of the authority or commission is located within the municipal corporation;
(6) The income of a public utility, when that public utility is subject to the tax levied under section 5727.24 or 5727.30 of the Revised Code, except a municipal corporation may tax the following, subject to Chapter 5745. of the Revised Code:
(a) Beginning January 1, 2002, the income of an electric company or combined company;
(b) Beginning January 1, 2004, the income of a telephone company.
As used in division (H)(6) of this section, "combined company," "electric company," and "telephone company" have the same meanings as in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code.
(7) On and after January 1, 2003, items excluded from federal gross income pursuant to section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code;
(8) On and after January 1, 2001, compensation paid to a nonresident individual to the extent prohibited under section 718.011 of the Revised Code;
(9)(a) Except as provided in division (H)(9)(b) and (c) of this section, an S corporation shareholder's distributive share of net profits of the S corporation, other than any part of the distributive share of net profits that represents wages as defined in section 3121(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or net earnings from self-employment as defined in section 1402(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(b) If, pursuant to division (H) of former section 718.01 of the Revised Code as it existed before March 11, 2004, a majority of the electors of a municipal corporation voted in favor of the question at an election held on November 4, 2003, the municipal corporation may continue after 2002 to tax an S corporation shareholder's distributive share of net profits of an S corporation.
(c) If, on December 6, 2002, a municipal corporation was imposing, assessing, and collecting a tax on an S corporation shareholder's distributive share of net profits of the S corporation to the extent the distributive share would be allocated or apportioned to this state under divisions (B)(1) and (2) of section 5733.05 of the Revised Code if the S corporation were a corporation subject to taxes imposed under Chapter 5733. of the Revised Code, the municipal corporation may continue to impose the tax on such distributive shares to the extent such shares would be so allocated or apportioned to this state only until December 31, 2004, unless a majority of the electors of the municipal corporation voting on the question of continuing to tax such shares after that date vote in favor of that question at an election held November 2, 2004. If a majority of those electors vote in favor of the question, the municipal corporation may continue after December 31, 2004, to impose the tax on such distributive shares only to the extent such shares would be so allocated or apportioned to this state.
(d) For the purposes of division (D) of section 718.14 of the Revised Code, a municipal corporation shall be deemed to have elected to tax S corporation shareholders' distributive shares of net profits of the S corporation in the hands of the shareholders if a majority of the electors of a municipal corporation vote in favor of a question at an election held under division (H)(9)(b) or (c) of this section. The municipal corporation shall specify by ordinance or rule that the tax applies to the distributive share of a shareholder of an S corporation in the hands of the shareholder of the S corporation.
(10) Employee compensation that is not "qualifying wages" as defined in section 718.03 of the Revised Code;
(11) Beginning August 1, 2007, compensation paid to a person employed within the boundaries of a United States air force base under the jurisdiction of the United States air force that is used for the housing of members of the United States air force and is a center for air force operations, unless the person is subject to taxation because of residence or domicile. If the compensation is subject to taxation because of residence or domicile, municipal income tax shall be payable only to the municipal corporation of residence or domicile.
(I) Any municipal corporation that taxes any type of intangible income on March 29, 1988, pursuant to Section 3 of Amended Substitute Senate Bill No. 238 of the 116th general assembly, may continue to tax that type of income after 1988 if a majority of the electors of the municipal corporation voting on the question of whether to permit the taxation of that type of intangible income after 1988 vote in favor thereof at an election held on November 8, 1988.
(J) Nothing in this section or section 718.02 of the Revised Code shall authorize the levy of any tax on income that a municipal corporation is not authorized to levy under existing laws or shall require a municipal corporation to allow a deduction from taxable income for losses incurred from a sole proprietorship or partnership.
(K)(1) Nothing in this chapter prohibits a municipal corporation from allowing, by resolution or ordinance, a net operating loss carryforward.
(2) Nothing in this chapter requires a municipal corporation to allow a net operating loss carryforward.
(L)(1) A single member limited liability company that is a disregarded entity for federal tax purposes may elect to be a separate taxpayer from its single member in all Ohio municipal corporations in which it either filed as a separate taxpayer or did not file for its taxable year ending in 2003, if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The limited liability company's single member is also a limited liability company;
(b) The limited liability company and its single member were formed and doing business in one or more Ohio municipal corporations for at least five years before January 1, 2004;
(c) Not later than December 31, 2004, the limited liability company and its single member each make an election to be treated as a separate taxpayer under division (L) of this section;
(d) The limited liability company was not formed for the purpose of evading or reducing Ohio municipal corporation income tax liability of the limited liability company or its single member;
(e) The Ohio municipal corporation that is the primary place of business of the sole member of the limited liability company consents to the election.
(2) For purposes of division (L)(1)(e) of this section, a municipal corporation is the primary place of business of a limited liability company if, for the limited liability company's taxable year ending in 2003, its income tax liability is greater in that municipal corporation than in any other municipal corporation in Ohio, and that tax liability to that municipal corporation for its taxable year ending in 2003 is at least four hundred thousand dollars.
Sec. 2937.221.  (A) A person arrested without warrant for any violation listed in division (B) of this section, and having a current valid Ohio driver's or commercial driver's license, if the person has been notified of the possible consequences of the person's actions as required by division (C) of this section, may post bond by depositing the license with the arresting officer if the officer and person so choose, or with the local court having jurisdiction if the court and person so choose. The license may be used as bond only during the period for which it is valid.
When an arresting officer accepts the driver's or commercial driver's license as bond, the officer shall note the date, time, and place of the court appearance on "the violator's notice to appear," and the notice shall serve as a valid Ohio driver's or commercial driver's license until the date and time appearing thereon. The arresting officer immediately shall forward the license to the appropriate court.
When a local court accepts the license as bond or continues the case to another date and time, it shall provide the person with a card in a form approved by the registrar of motor vehicles setting forth the license number, name, address, the date and time of the court appearance, and a statement that the license is being held as bond. The card shall serve as a valid license until the date and time contained in the card.
The court may accept other bond at any time and return the license to the person. The court shall return the license to the person when judgment is satisfied, including, but not limited to, compliance with any court orders, unless a suspension or cancellation is part of the penalty imposed.
Neither "the violator's notice to appear" nor a court- granted card shall continue driving privileges beyond the expiration date of the license.
If the person arrested fails to appear in court at the date and time set by the court or fails to satisfy the judgment of the court, including, but not limited to, compliance with all court orders within the time allowed by the court, the court may declare the forfeiture of the person's license. Thirty days after the declaration of the forfeiture, the court shall forward the person's license to the registrar. The court also shall enter information relative to the forfeiture on a form approved and furnished by the registrar and send the form to the registrar. The registrar shall suspend the person's license and send written notification of the suspension to the person at the person's last known address. No valid driver's or commercial driver's license shall be granted to the person until the court having jurisdiction orders that the forfeiture be terminated. The court shall inform the registrar of the termination of the forfeiture by entering information relative to the termination on a form approved and furnished by the registrar and sending the form to the registrar. Upon the termination, the person shall pay to the bureau of motor vehicles a reinstatement fee of fifteen dollars to cover the costs of the bureau in administering this section. The registrar shall deposit the fees so paid into the state bureau of motor vehicles fund created by section 4501.25 of the Revised Code.
In addition, upon receipt from the court of the copy of the declaration of forfeiture, neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar shall accept any application for the registration or transfer of registration of any motor vehicle owned by or leased in the name of the person named in the declaration of forfeiture until the court having jurisdiction over the offense that led to the suspension issues an order terminating the forfeiture. However, for a motor vehicle leased in the name of a person named in a declaration of forfeiture, the registrar shall not implement the preceding sentence until the registrar adopts procedures for that implementation under section 4503.39 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt by the registrar of such an order, the registrar also shall take the measures necessary to permit the person to register a motor vehicle the person owns or leases or to transfer the registration of a motor vehicle the person owns or leases if the person later makes a proper application and otherwise is eligible to be issued or to transfer a motor vehicle registration.
(B) Division (A) of this section applies to persons arrested for violation of:
(1) Any of the provisions of Chapter 4511. or 4513. of the Revised Code, except sections 4511.19, 4511.20, 4511.251, and 4513.36 of the Revised Code;
(2) Any municipal ordinance substantially similar to a section included in division (B)(1) of this section;
(3) Any bylaw, rule, or regulation of the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission substantially similar to a section included in division (B)(1) of this section.
Division (A) of this section does not apply to those persons issued a citation for the commission of a minor misdemeanor under section 2935.26 of the Revised Code.
(C) No license shall be accepted as bond by an arresting officer or by a court under this section until the officer or court has notified the person that, if the person deposits the license with the officer or court and either does not appear on the date and at the time set by the officer or the court, if the court sets a time, or does not satisfy any judgment rendered, including, but not limited to, compliance with all court orders, the license will be suspended, and the person will not be eligible for reissuance of the license or issuance of a new license, or the issuance of a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle owned or leased by the person until the person appears and complies with any order issued by the court. The person also is subject to any criminal penalties that may apply to the person.
(D) The registrar shall not restore the person's driving or vehicle registration privileges until the person pays the reinstatement fee as provided in this section.
Sec. 3354.13.  The ownership of a community college created and established pursuant to provisions of sections 3354.02 and 3354.04 of the Revised Code, including all right, title, and interest in and to all property, both real and personal, pertaining thereto, shall be vested in the board of trustees of the community college district in which such college is situated, except as may be provided in a contract entered into under the authority of division (A) of section 3354.09 of the Revised Code. The board may acquire by appropriation any land, rights, rights of way, franchises, easements, or other property necessary or proper for the construction or the efficient operation of any facility of the community college district, pursuant to the procedure provided in section 5537.06 of the Revised Code, with respect to the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, and insofar as such procedure is applicable.
Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3355.10.  The ownership of the university branch campus, created and established pursuant to sections 3355.01 to 3355.14 of the Revised Code, including all right, title, and interest in and to all property, both real and personal, pertaining thereto, shall be vested in the managing authority of the university branch district. The board may acquire by appropriation any land, rights, rights of way, franchises, easements, or other property necessary or proper for the construction or the efficient operation of any facility of the university branch district, pursuant to section 5537.06 of the Revised Code, with respect to the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, and insofar as such procedure is applicable.
University branch district bonds, issued pursuant to section 3355.08 of the Revised Code, are lawful investments of banks, savings banks, trust companies, trustees, boards of trustees of sinking funds of municipal corporations, school districts, counties, the administrator of workers' compensation, the state teachers retirement system, the public employees retirement system, and the school employees retirement system, and also are acceptable as security for the deposit of public moneys.
Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3357.12.  The ownership of a technical college, created and established pursuant to section 3357.07 of the Revised Code, including all right, title, and interest in and to all property, both real and personal, pertaining thereto, shall be vested in the board of trustees of the technical college district in which such college is situated. The board may acquire by appropriation any land, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, or other property necessary or proper for the construction or the efficient operation of any facility of the technical college district, pursuant to the procedure provided in section 5537.06 of the Revised Code, with respect to the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, and insofar as such procedure is applicable.
Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5503.31.  The state highway patrol shall have the same authority as is conferred upon it by section 5503.02 of the Revised Code with respect to the enforcement of state laws on other roads and highways and on other state properties, to enforce on all turnpike projects the laws of the state and the bylaws, rules, and regulations of the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission. The patrol, the superintendent of the patrol, and all state highway patrol troopers shall have the same authority to make arrests on all turnpike projects for violations of state laws and of bylaws, rules, and regulations of the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission as is conferred upon them by section 5503.02 of the Revised Code to make arrests on, and in connection with offenses committed on, other roads and highways and on other state properties.
Sec. 5503.32.  The director of public safety may from time to time enter into contracts with the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission with respect to the policing of turnpike projects by the state highway patrol. The contracts shall provide for the reimbursement of the state by the commission for the costs incurred by the patrol in policing turnpike projects, including, but not limited to, the salaries of employees of the patrol assigned to the policing, the current costs of funding retirement pensions for the employees of the patrol and of providing workers' compensation for them, the cost of training state highway patrol troopers and radio operators assigned to turnpike projects, and the cost of equipment and supplies used by the patrol in such policing, and of housing for such troopers and radio operators, to the extent that the equipment, supplies, and housing are not directly furnished by the commission. Each contract may provide for the ascertainment of such costs, and shall be of any duration, not in excess of five years, and may contain any other terms, that the director and the commission may agree upon. The patrol shall not be obligated to furnish policing services on any turnpike project beyond the extent required by the contract. All payments pursuant to any contract in reimbursement of the costs of the policing shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the turnpike policing fund, which is hereby created. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund.
Sec. 5513.01.  (A) All purchases of machinery, materials, supplies, or other articles that the director of transportation makes shall be in the manner provided in this section. In all cases except those in which the director provides written authorization for purchases by district deputy directors of transportation, all such purchases shall be made at the central office of the department of transportation in Columbus. Before making any purchase at that office, the director, as provided in this section, shall give notice to bidders of the director's intention to purchase. Where the expenditure does not exceed the amount applicable to the purchase of supplies specified in division (B) of section 125.05 of the Revised Code, as adjusted pursuant to division (D) of that section, the director shall give such notice as the director considers proper, or the director may make the purchase without notice. Where the expenditure exceeds the amount applicable to the purchase of supplies specified in division (B) of section 125.05 of the Revised Code, as adjusted pursuant to division (D) of that section, the director shall give notice by posting for not less than ten days a written, typed, or printed invitation to bidders on a bulletin board, which shall be located in a place in the offices assigned to the department and open to the public during business hours. Producers or distributors of any product may notify the director, in writing, of the class of articles for the furnishing of which they desire to bid and their post-office addresses, in which case copies of all invitations to bidders relating to the purchase of such articles shall be mailed to such persons by the director by regular first class mail at least ten days prior to the time fixed for taking bids. The director also may mail copies of all invitations to bidders to news agencies or other agencies or organizations distributing information of this character. Requests for invitations shall not be valid nor require action by the director unless renewed, either annually or after such shorter period as the director may prescribe by a general rule. The invitation to bidders shall contain a brief statement of the general character of the article that it is intended to purchase, the approximate quantity desired, and a statement of the time and place where bids will be received, and may relate to and describe as many different articles as the director thinks proper, it being the intent and purpose of this section to authorize the inclusion in a single invitation of as many different articles as the director desires to invite bids upon at any given time. Invitations issued during each calendar year shall be given consecutive numbers, and the number assigned to each invitation shall appear on all copies thereof. In all cases where notice is required by this section, sealed bids shall be taken, on forms prescribed and furnished by the director, and modification of bids after they have been opened shall not be permitted.
(B) The director may permit the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, any political subdivision, and any state university or college to participate in contracts into which the director has entered for the purchase of machinery, materials, supplies, or other articles. The turnpike and infrastructure commission and any political subdivision or state university or college desiring to participate in such purchase contracts shall file with the director a certified copy of the bylaws or rules of the turnpike and infrastructure commission or the ordinance or resolution of the legislative authority, board of trustees, or other governing board requesting authorization to participate in such contracts and agreeing to be bound by such terms and conditions as the director prescribes. Purchases made by the turnpike and infrastructure commission, political subdivisions, or state universities or colleges under this division are exempt from any competitive bidding required by law for the purchase of machinery, materials, supplies, or other articles.
(C) As used in this section:
(1) "Political subdivision" means any county, township, municipal corporation, conservancy district, township park district, park district created under Chapter 1545. of the Revised Code, port authority, regional transit authority, regional airport authority, regional water and sewer district, county transit board, or school district as defined in section 5513.04 of the Revised Code.
(2) "State university or college" has the same meaning as in division (A)(1) of section 3345.32 of the Revised Code.
(3) "Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission" means the commission created by section 5537.02 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5533.31.  The road known as interstate route eighty, extending across Ohio from the Pennsylvania border in Trumbull county to the Indiana border in Williams county, shall be known as the "Christopher Columbus highway."
The director of transportation may erect suitable markers upon the portions of such highway under his the director's jurisdiction indicating its name, and the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may erect suitable markers on the portions of such highway under its jurisdiction indicating its name.
Sec. 5537.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) "Commission" means the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission created by section 5537.02 of the Revised Code or, if that commission is abolished, the board, body, officer, or commission succeeding to the principal functions thereof or to which the powers given by this chapter to the commission are given by law.
(B) "Project" or "turnpike Turnpike project" means any express or limited access highway, super highway, or motorway constructed, operated, or improved, under the jurisdiction of the commission and pursuant to this chapter, at a location or locations reviewed by the turnpike legislative review committee and approved by the governor, including all bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, those portions of connecting public roads that serve interchanges and are determined by the commission and the director of transportation to be necessary for the safe merging of traffic between the turnpike project and those public roads, toll booths, service facilities, and administration, storage, and other buildings, property, and facilities that the commission considers necessary for the operation or policing of the turnpike project, together with all property and rights which may be acquired by the commission for the construction, maintenance, or operation of the turnpike project, and includes any sections or extensions of a turnpike project designated by the commission as such for the particular purpose. Each turnpike project shall be separately designated, by name or number, and may be constructed, improved, or extended in such sections as the commission may from time to time determine. Construction includes the improvement and renovation of a previously constructed turnpike project, including additional interchanges, whether or not the turnpike project was initially constructed by the commission.
(C) "Infrastructure project" means any public express or limited access highway, super highway, or motorway, including all bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, and those portions of connecting public roads that serve interchanges, that is constructed or improved, in whole or in part, with infrastructure funding approved pursuant to criteria established under section 5537.18 of the Revised Code.
(D) "Cost," as applied to construction of a turnpike project or an infrastructure project, includes the cost of construction, including bridges over or under existing highways and railroads, acquisition of all property acquired either by the commission or by the owner of the infrastructure project for the construction, demolishing or removing any buildings or structures on land so acquired, including the cost of acquiring any lands to which the buildings or structures may be moved, site clearance, improvement, and preparation, diverting public roads, interchanges with public roads, access roads to private property, including the cost of land or easements therefor, all machinery, furnishings, and equipment, communications facilities, financing expenses, interest prior to and during construction and for one year after completion of construction, traffic estimates, indemnity and surety bonds and premiums on insurance, title work and title commitments, insurance, and guarantees, engineering, feasibility studies, and legal expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of cost and revenues, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of constructing or operating a turnpike project or an infrastructure project, administrative expenses, and any other expense that may be necessary or incident to the construction of the turnpike project or an infrastructure project, the financing of the construction, and the placing of the turnpike project or an infrastructure project in operation. Any obligation or expense incurred by the department of transportation with the approval of the commission for surveys, borings, preparation of plans and specifications, and other engineering services in connection with the construction of a turnpike project or an infrastructure project, or by the federal government with the approval of the commission for any public road projects which must be reimbursed as a condition to the exercise of any of the powers of the commission under this chapter, shall be regarded as a part of the cost of the turnpike project or an infrastructure project and shall be reimbursed to the state or the federal government, as the case may be, from revenues, state taxes, or the proceeds of bonds as authorized by this chapter.
(D)(E) "Owner" includes all persons having any title or interest in any property authorized to be acquired by the commission for turnpike projects under this chapter, or the public entity for whom an infrastructure project is funded, in whole or in part, by the commission under this chapter.
(E)(F) "Revenues" means all tolls, service revenues, investment income on special funds, rentals, gifts, grants, and all other moneys coming into the possession of or under the control of the commission by virtue of this chapter, except the proceeds from the sale of bonds. "Revenues" does not include state taxes.
(F)(G) "Public roads" means all public highways, roads, and streets in the state, whether maintained by a state agency or any other governmental agency.
(G)(H) "Public utility facilities" means tracks, pipes, mains, conduits, cables, wires, towers, poles, and other equipment and appliances of any public utility.
(H)(I) "Financing expenses" means all costs and expenses relating to the authorization, issuance, sale, delivery, authentication, deposit, custody, clearing, registration, transfer, exchange, fractionalization, replacement, payment, and servicing of bonds including, without limitation, costs and expenses for or relating to publication and printing, postage, delivery, preliminary and final official statements, offering circulars, and informational statements, travel and transportation, underwriters, placement agents, investment bankers, paying agents, registrars, authenticating agents, remarketing agents, custodians, clearing agencies or corporations, securities depositories, financial advisory services, certifications, audits, federal or state regulatory agencies, accounting and computation services, legal services and obtaining approving legal opinions and other legal opinions, credit ratings, redemption premiums, and credit enhancement facilities.
(I)(J) "Bond proceedings" means the resolutions, trust agreements, certifications, notices, sale proceedings, leases, lease-purchase agreements, assignments, credit enhancement facility agreements, and other agreements, instruments, and documents, as amended and supplemented, or any one or more or any combination thereof, authorizing, or authorizing or providing for the terms and conditions applicable to, or providing for the security or sale or award or liquidity of, bonds, and includes the provisions set forth or incorporated in those bonds and bond proceedings.
(J)(K) "Bond service charges" means principal, including any mandatory sinking fund or mandatory redemption requirements for the retirement of bonds, and interest and any redemption premium payable on bonds, as those payments come due and are payable to the bondholder or to a person making payment under a credit enhancement facility of those bond service charges to a bondholder.
(K)(L) "Bond service fund" means the applicable fund created by the bond proceedings for and pledged to the payment of bond service charges on bonds provided for by those proceedings, including all moneys and investments, and earnings from investments, credited and to be credited to that fund as provided in the bond proceedings.
(L)(M) "Bonds" means bonds, notes, including notes anticipating bonds or other notes, commercial paper, certificates of participation, or other evidences of obligation, including any interest coupons pertaining thereto, issued by the commission pursuant to this chapter.
(M)(N) "Infrastructure fund" means the applicable fund or funds created by the bond proceedings, which shall be used to pay or defray the cost of infrastructure projects recommended by the director of transportation and evaluated and approved by the commission.
(O) "Net revenues" means revenues lawfully available to pay both current operating expenses of the commission and bond service charges in any fiscal year or other specified period, less current operating expenses of the commission and any amount necessary to maintain a working capital reserve for that period.
(N)(P) "Pledged revenues" means net revenues, moneys and investments, and earnings on those investments, in the applicable bond service fund and any other special funds, and the proceeds of any bonds issued for the purpose of refunding prior bonds, all as lawfully available and by resolution of the commission committed for application as pledged revenues to the payment of bond service charges on particular issues of bonds.
(O)(Q) "Service facilities" means service stations, restaurants, and other facilities for food service, roadside parks and rest areas, parking, camping, tenting, rest, and sleeping facilities, hotels or motels, and all similar and other facilities providing services to the traveling public in connection with the use of a turnpike project and owned, leased, licensed, or operated by the commission.
(P)(R) "Service revenues" means those revenues of the commission derived from its ownership, leasing, licensing, or operation of service facilities.
(Q)(S) "Special funds" means the applicable bond service fund and any accounts and subaccounts in that fund, any other funds or accounts permitted by and established under, and identified as a "special fund" or "special account" in, the bond proceedings, including any special fund or account established for purposes of rebate or other requirements under federal income tax laws.
(R)(T) "State agencies" means the state, officers of the state, and boards, departments, branches, divisions, or other units or agencies of the state.
(S)(U) "State taxes" means receipts of the commission from the proceeds of state taxes or excises levied and collected, or appropriated by the general assembly to the commission, for the purposes and functions of the commission. State taxes do not include tolls, or investment earnings on state taxes except on those state taxes referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution.
(T)(V) "Tolls" means tolls, special fees or permit fees, or other charges by the commission to the owners, lessors, lessees, or operators of motor vehicles for the operation of or the right to operate those vehicles on a turnpike project.
(U)(W) "Credit enhancement facilities" means letters of credit, lines of credit, standby, contingent, or firm securities purchase agreements, insurance, or surety arrangements, guarantees, and other arrangements that provide for direct or contingent payment of bond service charges, for security or additional security in the event of nonpayment or default in respect of bonds, or for making payment of bond service charges and at the option and on demand of bondholders or at the option of the commission or upon certain conditions occurring under put or similar arrangements, or for otherwise supporting the credit or liquidity of the bonds, and includes credit, reimbursement, marketing, remarketing, indexing, carrying, interest rate hedge, and subrogation agreements, and other agreements and arrangements for payment and reimbursement of the person providing the credit enhancement facility and the security for that payment and reimbursement.
(V)(X) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and, unless the context otherwise provides, also includes any governmental agency and any combination of those persons.
(W)(Y) "Refund" means to fund and retire outstanding bonds, including advance refunding with or without payment or redemption prior to stated maturity.
(X)(Z) "Governmental agency" means any state agency, federal agency, political subdivision, or other local, interstate, or regional governmental agency, and any combination of those agencies.
(Y)(AA) "Property" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code, and includes interests in property.
(Z)(BB) "Administrative agent," "agent," "commercial paper," "floating rate interest structure," "indexing agent," "interest rate hedge," "interest rate period," "put arrangement," and "remarketing agent" have the same meanings as in section 9.98 of the Revised Code.
(AA)(CC) "Outstanding," as applied to bonds, means outstanding in accordance with the terms of the bonds and the applicable bond proceedings.
(BB)(DD) "Ohio turnpike system" or "system" means all existing and future turnpike projects constructed, operated, and maintained under the jurisdiction of the commission.
(EE) "Ohio turnpike and infrastructure system" means turnpike projects and infrastructure projects funded by the commission existing on and after July 1, 2013.
Sec. 5537.02.  (A) There is hereby created a commission to be known on and after July 1, 2013, as the "Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission." The commission is a body both corporate and politic, constituting an instrumentality of the state, and the exercise by it of the powers conferred by this chapter in the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Ohio turnpike system, and also in entering into agreements with the department of transportation to pay the cost or a portion of the costs of infrastructure projects, are and shall be held to be essential governmental functions of the state, but the commission shall not be immune from liability by reason thereof. Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code applies to the commission and the commission is a political subdivision of the state for purposes of that chapter. The commission is subject to all provisions of law generally applicable to state agencies which do not conflict with this chapter.
(B)(1) The commission shall consist of nine ten members as follows:
(a) Four Six members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, no more than two three of whom shall be members of the same political party;
(b) The director of transportation, who shall be a voting member, and the director of budget and management, and the director of development, each both of whom shall be a member serve as ex officio members, without compensation;
(c) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, who shall represent either a district in which is located or through which passes a portion of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system or a district located in the vicinity of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system;
(d) One member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, who shall represent either a district in which is located or through which passes a portion of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system or a district located in the vicinity of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system.
(2) The members appointed by the governor shall be residents of the state, shall have been qualified electors therein for a period of at least five years next preceding their appointment, and. In making the appointments, the governor may appoint persons who reside in different geographic areas of the state, taking into consideration the various turnpike and infrastructure projects in the state. Members appointed to the commission prior to July 1, 2013, shall serve terms of eight years commencing on the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June. Thereafter, members appointed by the governor shall serve terms of three years commencing on the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June. Those members appointed by the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives shall serve a term of the remainder of the general assembly during which the senator or representative is appointed. Each appointed member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. If a commission member dies or resigns, or if a senator or representative who is a member of the commission ceases to be a senator or representative, or if an ex officio member ceases to hold the applicable office, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as provided in division (B)(1) of this section. Any member who fills a vacancy occurring prior to the end of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall, if appointed by the governor, hold office for the remainder of such term or, if appointed by the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives, shall hold office for the remainder of the term or for a shorter period of time as determined by the president or the speaker. Any member appointed by the governor shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. A member of the commission is eligible for reappointment. Each member of the commission appointed by the governor, before entering upon the member's duties, shall take an oath as provided by Section 7 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution. The governor, the president of the senate, or the speaker of the house of representatives, may at any time remove their respective appointees to the commission for misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance in office.
(3)(a) A member of the commission who is appointed by the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives shall not participate in any vote of the commission. Serving as an appointed member of the commission under divisions (B)(1)(c), (1)(d), or (2) of this section does not constitute grounds for resignation from the senate or the house of representatives under section 101.26 of the Revised Code.
(b) The director of budget and management and the director of development shall not participate in any vote of the commission.
(C) The voting members of the commission shall elect one of the appointed voting members as chairperson and another as vice-chairperson, and shall appoint a secretary-treasurer who need not be a member of the commission. Three Four of the voting members of the commission constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of three four voting members is necessary for any action taken by the commission. No vacancy in the membership of the commission impairs the rights of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the commission.
(D) Each member of the commission appointed by the governor shall give a surety bond to the commission in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars and the secretary-treasurer shall give such a bond in at least the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars. The commission may require any of its officers or employees to file surety bonds including a blanket bond as provided in section 3.06 of the Revised Code. Each such bond shall be in favor of the commission and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the office, executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in this state, approved by the governor, and filed in the office of the secretary of state. The costs of the surety bonds shall be paid or reimbursed by the commission from revenues. Each member of the commission appointed by the governor shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars, payable in monthly installments. Each member shall be reimbursed for the member's actual expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of the member's duties. All costs and expenses incurred by the commission in carrying out this chapter shall be payable solely from revenues and state taxes, and no liability or obligation shall be incurred by the commission beyond the extent to which revenues have been provided for pursuant to this chapter.
Sec. 5537.03.  In order to remove present and anticipated handicaps and potential hazards on the congested highways in this state, to facilitate vehicular traffic throughout the state, to finance infrastructure projects that enhance mobility and economic development in Ohio, to promote the agricultural, commercial, recreational, tourism, and industrial development of the state, and to provide for the general welfare by the construction, improvement, and maintenance of modern express highways embodying safety devices, including without limitation center divisions, ample shoulder widths, longsight distances, multiple lanes in each direction, and grade separations at intersections with other public roads and railroads, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, subject may do the following:
(A) Subject to section 5537.26 of the Revised Code, may construct, maintain, repair, and operate a system of turnpike projects at locations that are reviewed by the turnpike legislative review committee and approved by the governor, and in accordance with alignment and design standards that are approved by the director of transportation, and issue revenue bonds of this state, payable solely from pledged revenues, to pay the cost of those projects. The turnpikes and turnpike projects authorized by this chapter are hereby or shall be made part of the Ohio turnpike system.
(B) Provide the infrastructure funds to pay the cost or a portion of the cost of infrastructure projects as recommended by the director of transportation pursuant to a determination made by the commission based on criteria set forth in rules adopted by the commission under section 5537.18 of the Revised Code. A determination by the commission to provide infrastructure funds for an infrastructure project shall be conclusive and incontestable.
Sec. 5537.04.  (A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may do any of the following:
(1) Adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business;
(2) Adopt an official seal, which shall not be the great seal of the state and which need not be in compliance with section 5.10 of the Revised Code;
(3) Maintain a principal office and suboffices at such places within the state as it designates;
(4) Sue With respect to the Ohio turnpike system and turnpike projects, sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded, provided any actions against the commission shall be brought in the court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the commission is located, or in the court of common pleas of the county in which the cause of action arose if that county is located within this state, and all summonses, exceptions, and notices of every kind shall be served on the commission by leaving a copy thereof at its principal office with the secretary-treasurer or executive director of the commission;
(5) With respect to infrastructure projects only, sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded, provided any actions against the commission shall be brought in the court of common pleas of Franklin county, and all summonses, exceptions, and notices of every kind shall be served on the commission by leaving a copy thereof at its principal office with the secretary-treasurer or executive director of the commission.
(6) Construct, maintain, repair, police, and operate the turnpike system, and establish rules for the use of any turnpike project;
(6)(7) Issue revenue bonds of the state, payable solely from pledged revenues, as provided in this chapter, for the purpose of paying any part of the cost of constructing any one or more turnpike projects or infrastructure projects;
(7)(8) Fix, and revise from time to time, and charge and collect tolls by any method approved by the commission, including, but not limited to, manual methods or through electronic technology accepted within the tolling industry;
(8)(9) Acquire, hold, and dispose of property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under this chapter;
(9)(10) Designate the locations and establish, limit, and control such points of ingress to and egress from each turnpike project as are necessary or desirable in the judgment of the commission and of the director of transportation to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of that turnpike project, and prohibit entrance to such a turnpike project from any point not so designated;
(10)(11) Make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this chapter, including participation in a multi-jurisdiction electronic toll collection agreement and collection or remittance of tolls, fees, or other charges to or from entities or agencies that participate in such an agreement;
(11)(12) Employ or retain or contract for the services of consulting engineers, superintendents, managers, and any other engineers, construction and accounting experts, financial advisers, trustees, marketing, remarketing, and administrative agents, attorneys, and other employees, independent contractors, or agents that are necessary in its judgment and fix their compensation, provided all such expenses shall be payable solely from the proceeds of bonds or from revenues of the Ohio turnpike system;
(12)(13) Receive and accept from any federal agency, subject to the approval of the governor, and from any other governmental agency grants for or in aid of the construction, reconstruction, repair, renovation, maintenance, or operation of any turnpike project, and receive and accept aid or contributions from any source or person of money, property, labor, or other things of value, to be held, used, and applied only for the purposes for which such grants and contributions are made;
(13)(14) Provide coverage for its employees under Chapters 4123. and 4141. of the Revised Code;
(14)(15) Fix and revise by rule, from time to time, such permit fees, processing fees, or administrative charges for the prepayment, deferred payment, or nonpayment of tolls and use of electronic tolling equipment or other commission property;
(16) Adopt rules for the issuance of citations either by a policing authority or through administrative means to individuals or corporations that evade the payment of tolls established for the use of any turnpike project;
(17) Approve funding and authorize agreements with the department of transportation for the funding of infrastructure projects recommended by the director of transportation pursuant to the criteria established by rule under section 5537.18 of the Revised Code.
(B) The commission may do all acts necessary or proper to carry out the powers expressly granted in this chapter.
Sec. 5537.05.  (A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may construct grade separations at intersections of any turnpike project with public roads and railroads, and change and adjust the lines and grades of those roads and railroads, and of public utility facilities, which change and adjustment of lines and grades of those roads shall be subject to the approval of the governmental agency having jurisdiction over the road, so as to accommodate them to the design of the grade separation. The cost of the grade separation and any damage incurred in changing and adjusting the lines and grades of roads, railroads, and public utility facilities shall be ascertained and paid by the commission as a part of the cost of the turnpike project or from revenues or state taxes.
(1) If the commission finds it necessary to change the location of any portion of any public road, railroad, or public utility facility, it shall cause the same to be reconstructed at the location the governmental agency having jurisdiction over such road, railroad, or public utility facility considers most favorable. The construction shall be of substantially the same type and in as good condition as the original road, railroad, or public utility facility. The cost of the reconstruction, relocation, or removal and any damage incurred in changing the location shall be ascertained and paid by the commission as a part of the cost of the turnpike project or from revenues or state taxes.
(2) The commission may petition the board of county commissioners of the county in which is situated any public road or part thereof affected by the location therein of any turnpike project, for the vacation or relocation of the road or any part thereof, in the same manner and with the same force and effect as is given to the director of transportation pursuant to sections 5553.04 to 5553.11 of the Revised Code.
(B) The commission and its authorized agents and employees, after proper notice, may enter upon any lands, waters, and premises in the state for the purpose of making surveys, soundings, drillings, and examinations that are necessary or proper for the purposes of this chapter, and the entry shall not be deemed a trespass, nor shall an entry for those purposes be deemed an entry under any appropriation proceedings which may then be pending, provided that before entering upon the premises of any railroad notice shall be given to the superintendent of the railroad involved at least five days in advance of entry, and provided that no survey, sounding, drilling, and examination shall be made between the rails or so close to a railroad track as would render the track unusable. The commission shall make reimbursement for any actual damage resulting to such lands, waters, and premises and to private property located in, on, along, over, or under such lands, waters, and premises, as a result of such activities. The state, subject to the approval of the governor, hereby consents to the use of all lands owned by it, including lands lying under water, that are necessary or proper for the construction, maintenance, or operation of any turnpike project, provided adequate consideration is provided for the use.
(C) The commission may make reasonable provisions or rules for the installation, construction, maintenance, repair, renewal, relocation, and removal of public utility facilities in, on, along, over, or under any turnpike project. Whenever the commission determines that it is necessary that any public utility facilities located in, on, along, over, or under any turnpike project should be relocated in or removed from the turnpike project, the public utility owning or operating the facilities shall relocate or remove them in accordance with the order of the commission. Except as otherwise provided in any license or other agreement with the commission, the cost and expenses of such relocation or removal, including the cost of installing the facilities in a new location, the cost of any lands, or any rights or interests in lands, and any other rights, acquired to accomplish the relocation or removal, shall be ascertained and paid by the commission as part of the cost of the turnpike project or from revenues of the Ohio turnpike system. In case of any such relocation or removal of facilities, the public utility owning or operating them and its successors or assigns may maintain and operate the facilities, with the necessary appurtenances, in the new location, for as long a period, and upon the same terms, as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location.
(D) The commission is subject to Chapters 1515., 6131., 6133., 6135., and 6137. of the Revised Code and shall pay any assessments levied under those chapters for an improvement or maintenance of an improvement on land under the control or ownership of the commission.
Sec. 5537.051.  (A)(1) In any county that as of January 1, 2011, had closed one or more roads as a result of grade separation failure at intersections of a turnpike project with a county or township road, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission is responsible for the major maintenance and repair and replacement of failed grade separations. The governmental entity with jurisdiction over the county or township road is responsible for routine maintenance of such failed grade separations.
(2) This section does not apply to any grade separation at intersections of a turnpike project with a county or township road except as described in division (A)(1) of this section.
(3) Major maintenance and repair and replacement of aforementioned failed grade separations shall commence not later than July 1, 2011, and be completed before December 31, 2014.
(B) As used in this section:
(1) "Major maintenance and repair and replacement" relates to all elements constructed as part of or required for a grade separation, including bridges, pile, foundations, substructures, abutments, piers, superstructures, approach slabs, slopes, embankments, fences, and appurtenances.
(2) "Routine maintenance" includes, without limitation, clearing debris, sweeping, snow and ice removal, wearing surface improvements, marking for traffic control, box culverts, drainage facilities including headwalls and underdrains, inlets, catch basins and grates, guardrails, minor and emergency repairs to railing and appurtenances, and emergency patching.
Sec. 5537.06.  (A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may acquire by purchase, lease, lease-purchase, lease with option to purchase, appropriation, or otherwise and in such manner and for such consideration as it considers proper, any public or private property necessary, convenient, or proper for the construction, maintenance, or efficient operation of the Ohio turnpike system. The commission may pledge net revenues, to the extent permitted by this chapter with respect to bonds, to secure payments to be made by the commission under any such lease, lease-purchase agreement, or lease with option to purchase. Title to personal property, and interests less than a fee in real property, shall be held in the name of the commission. Title to real property held in fee shall be held in the name of the state for the use of the commission. In any proceedings for appropriation under this section, the procedure to be followed shall be in accordance with the procedure provided in sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code, including division (B) of section 163.06 of the Revised Code notwithstanding the limitation in that division of its applicability to roads open to the public without charge. Except as otherwise agreed upon by the owner, full compensation shall be paid for public property so taken.
(B) This section does not authorize the commission to take or disturb property or facilities belonging to any public utility or to a common carrier engaged in interstate commerce, which property or facilities are required for the proper and convenient operation of the public utility or common carrier, unless provision is made for the restoration, relocation, replication, or duplication of the property or facilities elsewhere at the sole cost of the commission.
(C) Disposition of real property shall be by the commission in the manner and for the consideration it determines if to a state agency or other governmental agency, and otherwise in the manner provided in section 5501.45 of the Revised Code for the disposition of property by the director of transportation. Disposition of personal property shall be in the manner and for the consideration the commission determines.
(D) Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5537.07.  (A) When the cost to the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission under any contract with a person other than a governmental agency involves an expenditure of more than fifty thousand dollars, the commission shall make a written contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with section 9.312 of the Revised Code after advertisement for not less than two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin county, and in such other publications as the commission determines, which notice shall state the general character of the work and the general character of the materials to be furnished, the place where plans and specifications therefor may be examined, and the time and place of receiving bids. The commission may require that the cost estimate for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, improvement, renovation, or reconstruction of roadways and bridges for which the commission is required to receive bids be kept confidential and remain confidential until after all bids for the public improvement have been received or the deadline for receiving bids has passed. Thereafter, and before opening the bids submitted for the roadways and bridges, the commission shall make the cost estimate public knowledge by reading the cost estimate in a public place. The commission may reject any and all bids. The requirements of this division do not apply to contracts for the acquisition of real property or compensation for professional or other personal services.
(B) Each bid for a contract for construction, demolition, alteration, repair, improvement, renovation, or reconstruction shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and shall meet the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code.
(C) Other than for a contract referred to in division (B) of this section, each bid for a contract that involves an expenditure in excess of one hundred fifty thousand dollars or any contract with a service facility operator shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and shall be accompanied by a sufficient bond or certified check on a solvent bank that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of its proposal secured.
(D) Other than a contract referred to in division (B) of this section, a bond with good and sufficient surety, in a form as prescribed and approved by the commission, shall be required of every contractor awarded a contract that involves an expenditure in excess of one hundred fifty thousand dollars or any contract with a service facility operator. The bond shall be in an amount equal to at least fifty per cent of the contract price and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract.
(E) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, the commission may establish a program to expedite special turnpike projects by combining the design and construction elements of any public improvement project into a single contract. The commission shall prepare and distribute a scope of work document upon which the bidders shall base their bids. At a minimum, bidders shall meet the requirements of section 4733.161 of the Revised Code. Except in regard to those requirements relating to providing plans, the commission shall award contracts following the requirements set forth in divisions (A), (B), (C), and (D) of this section.
Sec. 5537.08.  (A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may provide by resolution for the issuance, at one time or from time to time, of revenue bonds of the state for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of any one or more turnpike projects or infrastructure projects. The bond service charges shall be payable solely from pledged revenues pledged for such payment pursuant to the applicable bond proceedings. The bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall bear interest at a rate or rates or at variable rates, and shall mature or be payable at such time or times, with a final maturity not to exceed forty years from their date or dates, all as determined by the commission in the bond proceedings. The commission shall determine the form of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and shall fix the denomination or denominations of the bonds and the place or places of payment of bond service charges.
(B) The bonds shall be signed by the chairperson or vice-chairperson of the commission or by the facsimile signature of that officer, the official seal of the commission or a facsimile thereof shall be affixed thereto or printed thereon and attested by the secretary-treasurer of the commission, which may be by facsimile signature, and any coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the chairperson or vice-chairperson of the commission. In case any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of bonds, such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if the officer had remained in office until such delivery.
(C) Subject to the bond proceedings and provisions for registration, the bonds shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under Title XIII of the Revised Code. The bonds may be issued in such form or forms as the commission determines, including without limitation coupon, book entry, and fully registered form, and provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also as to both principal and interest, and for the exchange of bonds between forms. The commission may sell such bonds by competitive bid on the best bid after advertisement or request for bids or by private sale in the manner, and for the price, it determines to be for the best interest of the state. The determination of the commission as to the manner of sale, by competitive bid or by private sale, shall be approved by the controlling board.
(D) The proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be used solely for the payment of the costs of the turnpike project or projects for which such bonds were issued, and or for the payment of the costs of the infrastructure project or projects as approved by the commission under section 5537.18 of the Revised Code. The proceeds shall be disbursed in such manner and under such restrictions as the commission provides in the applicable bond proceedings.
(E) Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the commission may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts or temporary bonds or bond anticipation notes, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds when such bonds have been executed and are available for delivery. The commission may provide for the replacement of any mutilated, stolen, destroyed, or lost bonds. Bonds may be issued by the commission under this chapter without obtaining the consent of any state agency, and without any other proceedings or the happening of any other conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions, or things that are specifically required by this chapter or those proceedings.
(F) Sections 9.98 to 9.983 of the Revised Code apply to the bonds.
(G) The bond proceedings shall provide, subject to the provisions of any other applicable bond proceedings, for the pledge to the payment of bond service charges and of any costs of or relating to credit enhancement facilities of all, or such part as the commission may determine, of the pledged revenues and the applicable special fund or funds, which pledges may be made to secure the bonds on a parity with bonds theretofore or thereafter issued if and to the extent provided in the bond proceedings. Every pledge, and every covenant and agreement with respect thereto, made in the bond proceedings may in the bond proceedings be extended to the benefit of the owners and holders of bonds and to any trustee and any person providing a credit enhancement facility for those bonds, for the further security for the payment of the bond service charges and credit enhancement facility costs.
(H) The bond proceedings may contain additional provisions as to:
(1) The redemption of bonds prior to maturity at the option of the commission or of the bondholders or upon the occurrence of certain stated conditions, and at such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as are provided in the bond proceedings;
(2) Other terms of the bonds;
(3) Limitations on the issuance of additional bonds;
(4) The terms of any trust agreement securing the bonds or under which the same may be issued;
(5) Any or every provision of the bond proceedings being binding upon the commission and state agencies, or other person as may from time to time have the authority under law to take such actions as may be necessary to perform all or any part of the duty required by such provision;
(6) Any provision that may be made in a trust agreement;
(7) Any other or additional agreements with the holders of the bonds, or the trustee therefor, relating to the bonds or the security for the bonds, including agreements for credit enhancement facilities.
(I) Any holder of bonds or a trustee under the bond proceedings, except to the extent that the holder's or trustee's rights are restricted by the bond proceedings, may by any suitable form of legal proceedings, protect and enforce any rights under the laws of this state or granted by the bond proceedings. Those rights include the right to compel the performance of all duties of the commission and state agencies required by this chapter or the bond proceedings; to enjoin unlawful activities; and in the event of default with respect to the payment of any bond service charges on any bonds or in the performance of any covenant or agreement on the part of the commission contained in the bond proceedings, to apply to a court having jurisdiction of the cause to appoint a receiver to receive and administer the revenues and the pledged revenues which are pledged to the payment of the bond service charges on such bonds or which are the subject of the covenant or agreement, with full power to pay, and to provide for payment of, bond service charges on such bonds, and with such powers, subject to the direction of the court, as are accorded receivers in general equity cases, excluding any power to pledge additional revenues or receipts or other income, funds, or moneys of the commission or state agencies to the payment of such bond service charges and excluding the power to take possession of, mortgage, or cause the sale or otherwise dispose of any turnpike project or other property of the commission.
(J) Each duty of the commission and the commission's officers and employees, undertaken pursuant to the bond proceedings, is hereby established as a duty of the commission, and of each such officer, member, or employee having authority to perform the duty, specifically enjoined by law resulting from an office, trust, or station within the meaning of section 2731.01 of the Revised Code.
(K) The commission's officers or employees are not liable in their personal capacities on any bonds issued by the commission or any agreements of or with the commission relating to those bonds.
(L) The bonds are lawful investments for banks, savings and loan associations, credit union share guaranty corporations, trust companies, trustees, fiduciaries, insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life, trustees or other officers having charge of sinking and bond retirement or other funds of the state or its political subdivisions and taxing districts, the commissioners of the sinking fund of the state, the administrator of workers' compensation, the state teachers retirement system, the public employees retirement system, the school employees retirement system, and the Ohio police and fire pension fund, notwithstanding any other provisions of the Revised Code or rules adopted pursuant thereto by any state agency with respect to investments by them, and are also acceptable as security for the repayment of the deposit of public moneys.
(M) Provision may be made in the applicable bond proceedings for the establishment of separate accounts in the bond service fund and for the application of such accounts only to the specified bond service charges pertinent to such accounts and bond service fund, and for other accounts therein within the general purposes of such fund.
(N) The commission may pledge all, or such portion as it determines, of the pledged revenues to the payment of bond service charges, and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves and special funds, as provided in the bond proceedings, and make other provisions therein with respect to pledged revenues, revenues, and net revenues as authorized by this chapter, which provisions are controlling notwithstanding any other provisions of law pertaining thereto.
Sec. 5537.09.  The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may provide by resolution for the issuance of revenue bonds of the state, payable solely from pledged revenues, for the purpose of refunding any bonds then outstanding, including the payment of related financing expenses and, if considered advisable by the commission, for the additional purpose of paying costs of improvements, extensions, renovations, or enlargements of any turnpike project or any infrastructure project. The issuance of refunding bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the holders thereof, and the rights, duties, and obligations of the commission in respect to such bonds shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter insofar as they are applicable and by the applicable bond proceedings.
Sec. 5537.11.  (A) The bonds do not constitute a debt, or a pledge of the faith and credit, of the state or of any political subdivision of the state. Bond service charges on outstanding bonds are payable solely from the pledged revenues pledged for their payment as authorized by this chapter and as provided in the bond proceedings. All turnpike and infrastructure revenue bonds shall contain on their face a statement to that effect.
(B) All expenses incurred in carrying out this chapter shall be payable solely from revenues provided under this chapter and from state taxes. This chapter does not authorize the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission to incur indebtedness or liability on behalf of or payable by the state or any political subdivision of the state.
Sec. 5537.12.  (A) In the discretion of the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission any bonds may be secured by a trust agreement between the commission and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the state but authorized to exercise trust powers within this state.
(B) Any trust agreement may pledge or assign the revenues to be received, but shall not convey or mortgage any turnpike project or infrastructure project, any part of a turnpike project or infrastructure project, or any part of the Ohio turnpike system or the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure system. Any such trust agreement or other bond proceedings may contain provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders that are reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the duties of the commission in relation to the acquisition of property, and the construction, maintenance, repair, operation, and insurance of the turnpike project or projects in connection with which the bonds are authorized, the rates of toll to be charged, and the custody, safeguarding, and application of all moneys, and provisions for the employment or retention of the services of consulting engineers in connection with the construction, maintenance, or operation of the turnpike project or projects. Any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of this state which may act as depository of the proceeds of bonds or of revenues may furnish such indemnifying bonds or may pledge such securities as are required by the commission. Any such trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and of the trustee, may restrict the individual right of action by bondholders as is customary in revenue bond trust agreements of public bodies, and may contain other provisions that the commission considers reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. All expenses incurred in entering into or carrying out the provisions of such a trust agreement may be treated as a part of the cost, or of the cost of the operation, of the turnpike project or projects.
Sec. 5537.13.  (A) Subject to section 5537.26 of the Revised Code, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may fix, revise, charge, and collect tolls for each turnpike project, and contract in the manner provided by this section with any person desiring the use of any part thereof, including the right-of-way adjoining the paved portion, for placing thereon telephone, electric light, or power lines, service facilities, or for any other purpose, and fix the terms, conditions, rents, and rates of charge for such use, provided that no toll, charge, or rental may be made by the commission for placing in, on, along, over, or under the turnpike project, equipment or public utility facilities that are necessary to serve service facilities or to interconnect any public utility facilities.
(B) Contracts for the operation of service facilities shall be made in writing. Such contracts, except contracts with state agencies or other governmental agencies, shall be made with the bidder whose bid is determined by the commission to be the best bid received, after advertisement for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin county, and in other publications that the commission determines. The notice shall state the general character of the service facilities operation proposed, the place where plans and specifications may be examined, and the time and place of receiving bids. Bids shall contain the full name of each person interested in them, and shall be in such form as the commission requires. The commission may reject any and all bids. All contracts for service facilities shall be preserved in the principal office of the commission.
(C) Tolls shall be so fixed and adjusted as to provide funds at least sufficient with other revenues of the Ohio turnpike system, if any, to pay:
(1) The cost of maintaining, improving, repairing, constructing, and operating the Ohio turnpike system and its different parts and sections, and to create and maintain any reserves for those purposes;
(2) Any unpaid bond service charges on outstanding bonds payable from pledged revenues as such charges become due and payable, and to create and maintain any reserves for that purpose.
(D) Tolls are not subject to supervision, approval, or regulation by any state agency other than the turnpike and infrastructure commission.
(E) Revenues derived from each turnpike project in connection with which any bonds are outstanding shall be first applied to pay the cost of maintenance, improvement, repair, and operation and to provide any reserves therefor that are provided for in the bond proceedings authorizing the issuance of those outstanding bonds, and otherwise as provided by the commission, and the balance. The bond proceedings also shall provide, subject to the provisions of any other applicable bond proceedings, for the pledge of all, or such part as the commission may determine of the pledged revenues shall be set aside, at such regular intervals as are provided in the bond proceedings, in a bond service fund, which is hereby pledged to and charged with and the applicable special fund or funds to the payment of the bond service charges on any such outstanding bonds as provided in the applicable, which pledge may be made to secure the bonds senior or subordinate to or on a parity with bonds theretofore or thereafter issued, if and to the extent provided in the bond proceedings. The pledge shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made; the revenues and the pledged revenues thereafter received by the commission immediately shall be subject to the lien of the pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act, and the lien of the pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the commission, whether or not those parties have notice thereof. The bond proceedings by which a pledge is created need not be filed or recorded except in the records of the commission. The use and disposition of moneys to the credit of a bond service fund shall be subject to the applicable bond proceedings. Except as is otherwise provided in such bond proceedings, such a bond service fund shall be a fund for all such bonds, without distinction or priority of one over another.
(F) The proceeds of bonds issued for the payment of the costs of infrastructure projects, net of the payment of all financing expenses and deposits into debt service reserves or other special funds as may be required in the applicable bond proceedings, shall be deposited to the infrastructure fund or funds and shall be exclusively used to pay the cost of infrastructure projects approved by the commission, except that income earned by the infrastructure fund may be used by the commission towards the payment of bond service charges.
Sec. 5537.14.  All moneys received by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission under this chapter, whether as proceeds from the sale of bonds or as revenues, are to be held and applied solely as provided in this chapter and in any applicable bond proceedings. Such moneys shall be kept in depositories as selected by the commission in the manner provided in sections 135.01 to 135.21 of the Revised Code, insofar as such sections are applicable, and the deposits shall be secured as provided in sections 135.01 to 135.21 of the Revised Code. The bond proceedings shall provide that any officer to whom, or any bank or trust company to which, revenues or pledged revenues are paid shall act as trustee of such moneys and hold and apply them for the purposes thereof, subject to applicable provisions of this chapter and the bond proceedings.
Sec. 5537.15.  Any holder of bonds issued and outstanding under this chapter, or any of the coupons appertaining thereto, and the trustee under any trust agreement, except to the extent the rights given by this chapter may be restricted or modified by the bond proceedings, may by suit, action, mandamus, or other proceedings, protect and enforce any rights under the laws of the state or granted under this chapter or the bond proceedings, and may enforce and compel the performance of all duties required by this chapter or the bond proceedings, to be performed by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission or any officer of the commission, including the fixing, charging, collecting, and application of tolls.
Sec. 5537.16.  (A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may adopt such bylaws and rules as it considers advisable for the control and regulation of traffic on any turnpike project, for the protection and preservation of property under its jurisdiction and control, for the maintenance and preservation of good order within the property under its control, and for the purpose of establishing owner or operator liability for failure to comply with toll collection rules. The rules of the commission with respect to the speed, use of special engine brakes, axle loads, vehicle loads, and vehicle dimensions of vehicles on turnpike projects, including the issuance of a special permit by the commission to allow the operation on any turnpike project of a motor vehicle transporting two or fewer steel coils, shall apply notwithstanding sections 4511.21 to 4511.24, 4513.34, and Chapter 5577. of the Revised Code. Such bylaws and rules shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin county, and in such other manner as the commission prescribes.
(B) Such rules shall provide that public police officers shall be afforded ready access, while in the performance of their official duty, to all property under the jurisdiction of the commission and without the payment of tolls.
(C) No person shall violate any such bylaws or rules of the commission.
(D)(1) All fines collected for the violation of applicable laws of the state and the bylaws and rules of the commission or moneys arising from bonds forfeited for such violation shall be disposed of in accordance with section 5503.04 of the Revised Code.
(2) All fees or charges assessed by the commission against an owner or operator of a vehicle as a civil violation for failure to comply with toll collection or toll evasion rules shall be revenues of the commission.
Sec. 5537.17.  (A) Each turnpike project open to traffic shall be maintained and kept in good condition and repair by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission. The Ohio turnpike system shall be policed and operated by a force of police, toll collectors, and other employees and agents that the commission employs or contracts for.
(B) All public or private property damaged or destroyed in carrying out the powers granted by this chapter shall be restored or repaired and placed in its original condition, as nearly as practicable, or adequate compensation or consideration made therefor out of moneys provided under this chapter.
(C) All governmental agencies may lease, lend, grant, or convey to the commission at its request, upon terms that the proper authorities of the governmental agencies consider reasonable and fair and without the necessity for an advertisement, order of court, or other action or formality, other than the regular and formal action of the authorities concerned, any property that is necessary or convenient to the effectuation of the purposes of the commission, including public roads and other property already devoted to public use.
(D) Each bridge constituting part of a turnpike project shall be inspected at least once each year by a professional engineer employed or retained by the commission.
(E) On or before the first day of July in each year, the commission shall make an annual report of its activities for the preceding calendar year to the governor and the general assembly. Each such report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering the commission's operations and funding of any turnpike projects and infrastructure projects during the year. The commission shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once each year by certified public accountants, and the cost thereof may be treated as a part of the cost of operations of the commission. The auditor of state, at least once a year and without previous notice to the commission, shall audit the accounts and transactions of the commission.
(F) The commission shall submit a copy of its annual audit by the auditor of state and its proposed annual budget for each calendar or fiscal year to the governor, the presiding officers of each house of the general assembly, the director of budget and management, and the legislative service commission no later than the first day of that calendar or fiscal year.
(G) Upon request of the chairperson of the appropriate standing committee or subcommittee of the senate and house of representatives that is primarily responsible for considering transportation budget matters, the commission shall appear at least one time before each committee or subcommittee during the period when that committee or subcommittee is considering the biennial appropriations for the department of transportation and shall provide testimony outlining its budgetary results for the last two calendar years, including a comparison of budget and actual revenue and expenditure amounts. The commission also shall address its current budget and long-term capital plan.
(H) Not more than sixty nor less than thirty days before adopting its annual budget, the commission shall submit a copy of its proposed annual budget to the governor, the presiding officers of each house of the general assembly, the director of budget and management, and the legislative service commission. The office of budget and management shall review the proposed budget and may provide recommendations to the commission for its consideration.
Sec. 5537.18. (A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission shall adopt rules establishing the procedures and criteria under which the commission may approve an application received from the director of transportation for infrastructure project funding under division (B) of this section. The rules shall require an infrastructure project to have an anticipated economic or transportation-related impact on the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure system.
(B) The director of transportation may submit an application to the commission for infrastructure project funding. An application to the commission for infrastructure project funding, as submitted by the director, shall include only infrastructure projects that previously have been reviewed and recommended by the transportation review advisory council pursuant to the selection process followed by the council under Chapter 5512. of the Revised Code.
(C) The commission shall evaluate each application for infrastructure project funding submitted under division (B) of this section in accordance with the procedures and criteria established in rules adopted under division (A) of this section. A determination or approval made under this section is conclusive and incontestable.
Sec. 5537.19.  The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission shall expend such moneys as the commission considers necessary for studies of any turnpike project or infrastructure project, whether proposed, under construction, or in operation, and may employ consulting engineers, traffic engineers, and any other individuals or firms that the commission considers necessary to properly implement the studies. The cost of the studies may be paid from revenues, eligible state and federal grants, state taxes available to the commission and permitted by law to be spent for such purposes, or the proceeds of bonds.
Sec. 5537.20.  The exercise of the powers granted by this chapter is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of their commerce and prosperity, and for the improvement of their health and living conditions, and as the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Ohio turnpike system by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, the commission, except as provided in division (D) of section 5537.05 of the Revised Code, shall not be required to pay any state or local taxes or assessments upon any turnpike project or infrastructure project funded by it, or upon revenues or any property acquired or used by the commission under this chapter, or upon the income therefrom. The bonds issued under this chapter, their transfer, and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
Sec. 5537.21.  (A) When bond service charges on all outstanding bonds issued in connection with any turnpike project have been paid or provision for that payment has been made, as provided in the applicable bond proceedings, or in the case of a turnpike project in connection with which no bonds have been issued, the project shall continue to be or be operated, and improved and maintained, by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission as a part of the Ohio turnpike system and as a toll road, and all revenues received by the commission relating to that project shall be applied as provided in division (B) of this section.
(B) Subject to the bond proceedings for bonds relating to any turnpike project or infrastructure project, tolls relating to a turnpike project as referred to in division (A) of this section shall be so fixed and adjusted such that the aggregate of available revenues relating to that turnpike project and available for the purpose are in amounts to provide moneys at least sufficient, and those revenues shall be used, to pay the costs described in division (C)(1) of section 5537.13 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5537.22.  All final actions of the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission shall be journalized and such journal shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable times.
Sec. 5537.24.  (A) There is hereby created a turnpike legislative review committee consisting of six members as follows:
(1) Three members of the senate, no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party, one of whom shall be the chairperson of the committee dealing primarily with highway matters, one of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate, and one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
Both the senate member who is appointed by the president of the senate and the senate member appointed by the minority leader of the senate shall represent either districts in which is located or through which passes a portion of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system or districts located in the vicinity of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system.
The president of the senate shall make the president of the senate's appointment to the committee first, followed by the minority leader of the senate, and they shall make their appointments in such a manner that their two appointees represent districts that are located in different areas of the state. If the chairperson of the senate committee dealing primarily with highway matters represents a district in which is located or through which passes a portion of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system or a district located in the vicinity of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system, the president of the senate and the minority leader of the senate shall make their appointments in such a manner that their two appointees and the chairperson of the senate committee dealing primarily with highway matters all represent districts that are located in different areas of the state.
(2) Three members of the house of representatives, no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party, one of whom shall be the chairperson of the house of representatives committee dealing primarily with highway matters, one of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Both the house of representatives member who is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the house of representatives member appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives shall represent either districts in which is located or through which passes a portion of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system or districts located in the vicinity of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system.
The speaker of the house of representatives shall make the speaker of the house of representative's appointment to the committee first, followed by the minority leader of the house of representatives, and they shall make their appointments in such a manner that their two appointees represent districts that are located in different areas of the state. If the chairperson of the house of representatives committee dealing primarily with highway matters represents a district in which is located or through which passes a portion of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system or a district located in the vicinity of a turnpike project that is part of the Ohio turnpike system, the speaker of the house of representatives and the minority leader of the house of representatives shall make their appointments in such a manner that their two appointees and the chairperson of the house of representatives committee dealing primarily with highway matters all represent districts that are located in different areas of the state.
The chairperson of the house of representatives committee shall serve as the chairperson of the turnpike legislative review committee for the year 1996. Thereafter, the chair annually shall alternate between, first, the chairperson of the senate committee and then the chairperson of the house of representatives committee.
(B) Each member of the turnpike legislative review committee who is a member of the general assembly shall serve a term of the remainder of the general assembly during which the member is appointed or is serving as chairperson of the specified senate or house committee. In the event of the death or resignation of a committee member who is a member of the general assembly, or in the event that a member ceases to be a senator or representative, or in the event that the chairperson of the senate committee dealing primarily with highway matters or the chairperson of the house of representatives committee dealing primarily with highway matters ceases to hold that position, the vacancy shall be filled through an appointment by the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives or minority leader of the senate or house of representatives, as applicable. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the end of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the term or for a shorter period of time as determined by the president or the speaker. A member of the committee is eligible for reappointment.
(C) The turnpike legislative review committee shall meet at least quarterly and may meet at the call of its chairperson, or upon the written request to the chairperson of not fewer than four members of the committee. Meetings shall be held at sites that are determined solely by the chairperson of the committee. At each meeting, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission shall make a report to the committee on commission matters, including but not limited to financial and budgetary matters and proposed and on-going construction, maintenance, repair, and operational projects of the commission.
The committee, by the affirmative vote of at least four of its members, may submit written recommendations to the commission, either at meetings held pursuant to this section or at any other time, describing new turnpike projects or new interchanges located on existing projects that the committee believes the commission should consider constructing.
(D) At least annually the commission shall make a report to the committee of those infrastructure projects approved and paid for by the commission.
(E) The members of the turnpike legislative review committee who are members of the general assembly shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed by the commission for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties as committee members. Serving as a member of the turnpike legislative review committee does not constitute grounds for resignation from the senate or house of representatives under section 101.26 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5537.25.  (A) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission shall make no expenditure to engage the services of any person to influence either of the following:
(1) Administrative actions or decisions of the governor, the director of any department listed in section 121.02 of the Revised Code, any member of the staff of any public officer or employee listed in this section, the president of the United States, or any federal officer or employee;
(2) Legislation pending in this state or any other state, a subdivision of this state or any other state, or the federal government, including the executive approval or veto of any such pending legislation.
(B) This section shall not be interpreted to prohibit the commission from designating officers or members of the commission, or full-time, permanent employees of the commission, to act as administrative or legislative agents for the commission.
Sec. 5537.26.  (A) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, no increase by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission in the toll rate structure that is applicable to vehicles operating on a turnpike project shall become effective unless the commission complies with the notice and hearing requirements prescribed in division (B) of this section, and the commission shall not take any action that expands, has the effect of expanding, or will to any degree at any time in the future have the effect of expanding the sphere of responsibility of the commission beyond the Ohio turnpike, unless the commission complies with the notice and hearing requirements prescribed in division (B) of this section.
(B) Not less than ninety days prior to the date on which the commission votes to increase any part of the toll rate structure that is applicable to vehicles operating on a turnpike project, and not less than ninety days prior to the date on which the commission votes to take an action that expands, has the effect of expanding, or will to any degree at any time in the future have the effect of expanding the sphere of responsibility of the commission beyond the Ohio turnpike, the commission shall do both of the following:
(1) Send notice to the governor and the presiding officers and minority leaders of the senate and house of representatives that details the proposed increase to the toll rate structure or the expansion of the sphere of responsibility of the commission beyond the Ohio turnpike, including a description of and a justification for the increase or expansion;
(2) Commence holding public hearings on the proposed increase in the toll rate structure or the proposed action. If the commission is proposing an increase in the toll rate structure that is applicable to vehicles operating on a turnpike project, it shall hold not less than three public hearings in three geographically diverse locations in this state that are in the immediate vicinity of the affected project. If the commission is proposing to take an action that expands, has the effect of expanding, or will to any degree at any time in the future have the effect of expanding the sphere of responsibility of the commission beyond the Ohio turnpike, it shall hold not less than three public hearings in three locations in the immediate vicinity where the expanded responsibilities would arise.
The commission shall hold the third or, if it holds more than three hearings, the last hearing of any set of hearings required to be held under this section not less than thirty days prior to the date on which it votes to increase part of the toll rate structure that is applicable to vehicles operating on a turnpike project or to take an action that expands, has the effect of expanding, or will to any degree at any time in the future have the effect of expanding the sphere of responsibility of the commission beyond the Ohio turnpike.
The commission shall inform the public of all the hearings required to be held under this section by causing a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which each hearing is to be held, not less than once per week for two weeks prior to the date of the hearing.
(C) If the commission does not comply with the notice and hearing requirements contained in division (B) of this section and votes for an increase in the toll rate structure that is applicable to vehicles operating on a turnpike project, the increase in the toll rate structure shall not take effect, any attempt by the commission to implement the increase in the toll rate structure is void, and, if necessary, the attorney general shall file an action in the court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the commission is located to enjoin the commission from implementing the increase. The commission shall not implement any increase until it complies with division (B) of this section.
If the commission does not comply with the notice and hearing requirements contained in division (B) of this section and votes to take an action that expands, has the effect of expanding, or will to any degree at any time in the future have the effect of expanding the sphere of responsibility of the commission beyond the Ohio turnpike, the commission shall not take the proposed action and, if necessary, the attorney general shall file an action in the court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the commission is located to enjoin the commission from taking the proposed action. The commission shall not take the proposed action until it complies with the notice and hearing requirements prescribed in division (B) of this section.
(D) Divisions (A) to (C) of this section do not apply to any decrease made to the toll rate structure by the commission. The commission may implement a temporary decrease in the toll rate structure only if it does not exceed eighteen months in duration. Prior to instituting any decrease to the toll rate structure, the commission shall do both of the following:
(1) Not less than five days prior to any public meeting under division (D)(2) of this section, send notice to the governor and the presiding officers and minority leaders of the senate and house of representatives that details the proposed decrease to the toll rate structure;
(2) Hold a public meeting to explain to members of the traveling public the reasons for the upcoming decrease, to inform them of any benefits and any negative consequences, and to give them the opportunity to express their opinions as to the relative merits or drawbacks of each toll decrease. The commission shall inform the public of the meeting by causing a notice to be published in newspapers of general circulation in Cuyahoga, Lucas, Mahoning, Trumbull, Williams, and Summit counties not less than five days prior to the meeting. The commission shall not be required to hold any public hearing or meeting upon the expiration of any temporary decrease in the toll rate structure, so long as it implements the same toll rate structure that was in effect immediately prior to the temporary decrease.
(E) As used in this section, "Ohio turnpike" means the toll freeway that is under the jurisdiction of the commission and runs in an easterly and westerly direction across the entire northern portion of this state between its borders with the state of Pennsylvania in the east and the state of Indiana in the west, and carries the interstate highway designations of interstate seventy-six, interstate eighty, and interstate eighty-ninety.
Sec. 5537.27.  The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, the director of transportation or the director's designee, and another person designated by the governor shall establish a procedure whereby a political subdivision or other government agency or agencies may submit a written application to the commission, requesting the commission to construct and operate a turnpike project within the boundaries of the subdivision, agency, or agencies making the request. The procedure shall include a requirement that the commission send a written reply to the subdivision, agency, or agencies, explaining the disposition of the request. The procedure established pursuant to this section shall not become effective unless it is approved by the commission and by the director or the director's designee and the designee of the governor, and shall require submission of the proposed turnpike project to the turnpike legislative review committee if the project must be approved by the governor.
Sec. 5537.28.  (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, on and after the effective date of this section, the Ohio turnpike commission shall not expend any toll revenues that are generated by an existing turnpike project to fund in any manner or to any degree the construction, operation, maintenance, or repair of another turnpike project the location of which must be reviewed by the turnpike legislative review committee and approved by the governor.
In paying the cost of such a any turnpike project, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may issue bonds and bond anticipation notes as permitted by this chapter, and may accept moneys from any source to pay the cost of any portion of the turnpike project, including, but not limited to, the federal government, any department or agency of this state, and any political subdivision or other government agency. Each such project shall be constructed, operated, maintained, and repaired entirely with funds generated by that project or otherwise specifically acquired for that project or from sources permitted by this chapter excess funds available from any other turnpike project.
(B) The commission shall not expend any toll revenues generated by the Ohio turnpike to pay any amount of the principal amount of, or interest due on, any bonds or bond anticipation notes issued by the commission to pay any portion of the cost of another turnpike project the location of which must be reviewed by the turnpike legislative review committee and approved by the governor. The commission shall not expend any toll revenues generated by any turnpike project to pay any amount of the principal amount of, or interest due on, any bonds or bond anticipation notes issued by the commission to pay any portion of the cost of a new turnpike project the location of which must be reviewed by the turnpike legislative review committee and approved by the governor or the cost of the operation, repair, improvement, maintenance, or reconstruction of any turnpike project other than the project that generated those toll revenues.
(C) As used in this section:
(1) "Ohio turnpike" has the same meaning as in division (E) of section 5537.26 of the Revised Code;
(2) "Another "any turnpike project" does not include infrastructure improvements on the Ohio turnpike or on connecting roadways within one mile of an Ohio turnpike interchange projects. The costs of infrastructure projects approved under section 5537.18 of the Revised Code shall be funded exclusively out of the infrastructure fund or funds.
Sec. 5537.30.  (A) Not later than December 31, 2009, the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission shall establish a program for the placement of business logos for identification purposes on directional signs within the turnpike right-of-way.
(B)(1) The commission shall establish, and may revise at any time, a fee for participation in the business logo sign program. All direct and indirect costs of the business logo sign program established pursuant to this section shall be fully paid by the businesses applying for participation in the program. The direct and indirect costs of the program shall include, but not be limited to, the cost of capital, directional signs, blanks, posts, logos, installation, repair, engineering, design, insurance, removal, replacement, and administration.
(2) Money generated from participating businesses in excess of the direct and indirect costs and any reasonable profit earned by a person awarded a contract under division (C) of this section to operate, maintain, or market the business logo sign program shall be remitted to the commission.
(3) If the commission operates such a program and does not contract with a private person to operate it, all money collected from participating businesses shall be retained by the commission.
(C) The commission, in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, may contract with any private person to operate, maintain, or market the business logo sign program. The contract may allow for a reasonable profit to be earned by the successful applicant. In awarding the contract, the commission shall consider the skill, expertise, prior experience, and other qualifications of each applicant.
(D) The program shall permit the business logo signs of a seller of motor vehicle fuel to include on the seller's signs a marking or symbol indicating that the seller sells one or more types of alternative fuel so long as the seller in fact sells that fuel. As used in this division, "alternative fuel" has the same meaning as in section 125.831 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5728.01.  As used in sections 5728.02 to 5728.14 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Motor vehicle" means everything on wheels that is self-propelled, other than by muscular power or power collected from electric trolley wires and other than vehicles or machinery not designed for or employed in general highway transportation, used to transport or propel persons or property over a public highway.
(B) "Commercial car" means any motor vehicle used for transporting persons or property, wholly on its own structure on a public highway.
(C) "Commercial tractor" means any motor vehicle designed and used to propel or draw a trailer or semi-trailer or both on a public highway without having any provision for carrying loads independently of such trailer or semi-trailer.
(D) "Trailer" means everything on wheels that is not self-propelled, except vehicles or machinery not designed for or employed in general highway transportation, used for carrying property wholly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle on a public highway, including any such vehicle when formed by or operated as a combination of a semi-trailer and a vehicle of the dolly type such as that commonly known as a trailer dolly. "Trailer" does not include manufactured homes as defined in division (C)(4) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code or mobile homes as defined in division (O) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.
(E) "Semi-trailer" means everything on wheels that is not self-propelled, except vehicles or machinery not designed for or employed in general highway transportation, designed and used for carrying property on a public highway when being propelled or drawn by a commercial tractor when part of its own weight or the weight of its load, or both, rest upon and is carried by a commercial tractor.
(F) "Commercial tandem" means any commercial car and trailer or any commercial tractor, semi-trailer, and trailer when fastened together and used as one unit.
(G) "Commercial tractor combination" means any commercial tractor and semi-trailer when fastened together and used as one unit.
(H) "Axle" means two or more load carrying wheels mounted in a single transverse vertical plane.
(I) "Public highway" means any highway, road, or street dedicated to public use, including a highway under the control and jurisdiction of the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission created by the provisions of section 5537.02 of the Revised Code and land and lots over which the public, either as user or owner, generally has a right to pass even though such land or lots are closed temporarily by public authorities for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair.
(J) "Jurisdiction" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, or a province or territory of Canada.
Sec. 5735.05.  (A) To provide revenue for maintaining the state highway system; to widen existing surfaces on such highways; to resurface such highways; to pay that portion of the construction cost of a highway project which a county, township, or municipal corporation normally would be required to pay, but which the director of transportation, pursuant to division (B) of section 5531.08 of the Revised Code, determines instead will be paid from moneys in the highway operating fund; to enable the counties of the state properly to plan, maintain, and repair their roads and to pay principal, interest, and charges on bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for highway improvements; to enable the municipal corporations to plan, construct, reconstruct, repave, widen, maintain, repair, clear, and clean public highways, roads, and streets, and to pay the principal, interest, and charges on bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for highway improvements; to enable the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission to construct, reconstruct, maintain, and repair turnpike projects; to maintain and repair bridges and viaducts; to purchase, erect, and maintain street and traffic signs and markers; to purchase, erect, and maintain traffic lights and signals; to pay the costs apportioned to the public under sections 4907.47 and 4907.471 of the Revised Code and to supplement revenue already available for such purposes; to pay the costs incurred by the public utilities commission in administering sections 4907.47 to 4907.476 of the Revised Code; to distribute equitably among those persons using the privilege of driving motor vehicles upon such highways and streets the cost of maintaining and repairing them; to pay the interest, principal, and charges on highway capital improvements bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Section 2m of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and section 151.06 of the Revised Code; to pay the interest, principal, and charges on highway obligations issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and sections 5528.30 and 5528.31 of the Revised Code; to pay the interest, principal, and charges on major new state infrastructure bonds and other obligations of the state issued pursuant to Section 13 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and section 5531.10 of the Revised Code; to provide revenue for the purposes of sections 1547.71 to 1547.78 of the Revised Code; and to pay the expenses of the department of taxation incident to the administration of the motor fuel laws, a motor fuel excise tax is hereby imposed on all motor fuel dealers upon receipt of motor fuel within this state at the rate of two cents plus the cents per gallon rate on each gallon so received, to be computed in the manner set forth in section 5735.06 of the Revised Code; provided that no tax is hereby imposed upon the following transactions:
(1) The sale of dyed diesel fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer from a location other than a retail service station provided the licensed motor fuel dealer places on the face of the delivery document or invoice, or both if both are used, a conspicuous notice stating that the fuel is dyed and is not for taxable use, and that taxable use of that fuel is subject to a penalty. The tax commissioner, by rule, may provide that any notice conforming to rules or regulations issued by the United States department of the treasury or the Internal Revenue Service is sufficient notice for the purposes of division (A)(1) of this section.
(2) The sale of K-1 kerosene to a retail service station, except when placed directly in the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle. Such sale shall be rebuttably presumed to not be distributed or sold for use or used to generate power for the operation of motor vehicles upon the public highways or upon the waters within the boundaries of this state.
(3) The sale of motor fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer to another licensed motor fuel dealer;
(4) The exportation of motor fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer from this state to any other state or foreign country;
(5) The sale of motor fuel to the United States government or any of its agencies, except such tax as is permitted by it, where such sale is evidenced by an exemption certificate, in a form approved by the tax commissioner, executed by the United States government or an agency thereof certifying that the motor fuel therein identified has been purchased for the exclusive use of the United States government or its agency;
(6) The sale of motor fuel that is in the process of transportation in foreign or interstate commerce, except insofar as it may be taxable under the Constitution and statutes of the United States, and except as may be agreed upon in writing by the dealer and the commissioner;
(7) The sale of motor fuel when sold exclusively for use in the operation of aircraft, where such sale is evidenced by an exemption certificate prescribed by the commissioner and executed by the purchaser certifying that the motor fuel purchased has been purchased for exclusive use in the operation of aircraft;
(8) The sale for exportation of motor fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer to a licensed exporter type A;
(9) The sale for exportation of motor fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer to a licensed exporter type B, provided that the destination state motor fuel tax has been paid or will be accrued and paid by the licensed motor fuel dealer.
(10) The sale to a consumer of diesel fuel, by a motor fuel dealer for delivery from a bulk lot vehicle, for consumption in operating a vessel when the use of such fuel in a vessel would otherwise qualify for a refund under section 5735.14 of the Revised Code.
Division (A)(1) of this section does not apply to the sale or distribution of dyed diesel fuel used to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways or upon water within the boundaries of this state by persons permitted under regulations of the United States department of the treasury or of the Internal Revenue Service to so use dyed diesel fuel.
(B) The two cent motor fuel tax levied by this section is also for the purpose of paying the expenses of administering and enforcing the state law relating to the registration and operation of motor vehicles.
(C) After the tax provided for by this section on the receipt of any motor fuel has been paid by the motor fuel dealer, the motor fuel may thereafter be used, sold, or resold by any person having lawful title to it, without incurring liability for such tax.
If a licensed motor fuel dealer sells motor fuel received by the licensed motor fuel dealer to another licensed motor fuel dealer, the seller may deduct on the report required by section 5735.06 of the Revised Code the number of gallons so sold for the month within which the motor fuel was sold or delivered. In this event the number of gallons is deemed to have been received by the purchaser, who shall report and pay the tax imposed thereon.
Sec. 5735.23.  (A) Out of receipts from the tax levied by section 5735.05 of the Revised Code, the treasurer of state shall place to the credit of the tax refund fund established by section 5703.052 of the Revised Code amounts equal to the refunds certified by the tax commissioner pursuant to sections 5735.13, 5735.14, 5735.141, 5735.142, and 5735.16 of the Revised Code. The treasurer of state shall then transfer the amount required by section 5735.051 of the Revised Code to the waterways safety fund, the amount required by section 4907.472 of the Revised Code to the grade crossing protection fund, and the amount required by section 5735.053 of the Revised Code to the motor fuel tax administration fund.
(B) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, each month the balance of the receipts from the tax levied by section 5735.05 of the Revised Code shall be credited, after receipt by the treasurer of state of certification from the commissioners of the sinking fund, as required by section 5528.35 of the Revised Code, that there are sufficient moneys to the credit of the highway obligations bond retirement fund to meet in full all payments of interest, principal, and charges for the retirement of highway obligations issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and sections 5528.30 and 5528.31 of the Revised Code due and payable during the current calendar year, as follows:
(1) To the state and local government highway distribution fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury, an amount that is the same percentage of the balance to be credited as that portion of the tax per gallon determined under division (B)(2)(a) of section 5735.06 of the Revised Code is of the total tax per gallon determined under divisions (B)(2)(a) and (b) of that section.
(2) After making the distribution to the state and local government highway distribution fund, the remainder shall be credited as follows:
(a) Thirty per cent to the gasoline excise tax fund for distribution pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code;
(b) Twenty-five per cent to the gasoline excise tax fund for distribution pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code;
(c) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, forty-five per cent to the highway operating fund for distribution pursuant to division (B)(1) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code.
(C) From the balance in the state and local government highway distribution fund on the last day of each month there shall be paid the following amounts:
(1) To the local transportation improvement program fund created by section 164.14 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to a fraction of the balance in the state and local government highway distribution fund, the numerator of which fraction is one and the denominator of which fraction is that portion of the tax per gallon determined under division (B)(2)(a) of section 5735.06 of the Revised Code;
(2) An amount equal to five cents multiplied by the number of gallons of motor fuel sold at stations operated by the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission, such gallonage to be certified by the commission to the treasurer of state not later than the last day of the month following. The funds paid to the commission pursuant to this section shall be expended for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repair of turnpike projects, except that the funds may not be expended for the construction of new interchanges. The funds also may be expended for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repair of those portions of connecting public roads that serve existing interchanges and are determined by the commission and the director of transportation to be necessary for the safe merging of traffic between the turnpike and those public roads.
The remainder of the balance shall be distributed as follows on the fifteenth day of the following month:
(a) Ten and seven-tenths per cent shall be paid to municipal corporations for distribution pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code and may be used for any purpose for which payments received under that division may be used. Through July 15, 2005, the sum of two hundred forty-eight thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars shall be monthly subtracted from the amount so computed and credited to the highway operating fund. Beginning August 15, 2005, the sum of seven hundred forty-five thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars shall be monthly subtracted from the amount so computed and credited to the highway operating fund.
(b) Five per cent shall be paid to townships for distribution pursuant to division (A)(5) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code and may be used for any purpose for which payments received under that division may be used. Through July 15, 2005, the sum of eighty-seven thousand seven hundred fifty dollars shall be monthly subtracted from the amount so computed and credited to the highway operating fund. Beginning August 15, 2005, the sum of two hundred sixty-three thousand two hundred fifty dollars shall be monthly subtracted from the amount so computed and credited to the highway operating fund.
(c) Nine and three-tenths per cent shall be paid to counties for distribution pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code and may be used for any purpose for which payments received under that division may be used. Through July 15, 2005, the sum of two hundred forty-eight thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars shall be monthly subtracted from the amount so computed and credited to the highway operating fund. Beginning August 15, 2005, the sum of seven hundred forty-five thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars shall be monthly subtracted from the amount so computed and credited to the highway operating fund.
(d) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, the balance shall be transferred to the highway operating fund and used for the purposes set forth in division (B)(1) of section 5735.27 of the Revised Code.
(D) Monthly from September to February of each fiscal year, an amount equal to one-sixth of the amount certified in July of that year by the treasurer of state pursuant to division (Q) of section 151.01 of the Revised Code shall, from amounts required to be credited or transferred to the highway operating fund pursuant to division (B)(2)(c) or (C)(2)(d) of this section, be credited or transferred to the highway capital improvement bond service fund created in section 151.06 of the Revised Code. If, in any of those months, the amount available to be credited or transferred to the bond service fund is less than one-sixth of the amount so certified, the shortfall shall be added to the amount due the next succeeding month. Any amount still due at the end of the six-month period shall be credited or transferred as the money becomes available, until such time as the office of budget and management receives certification from the treasurer of state or the treasurer of state's designee that sufficient money has been credited or transferred to the bond service fund to meet in full all payments of debt service and financing costs due during the fiscal year from that fund.
Sec. 5739.02.  For the purpose of providing revenue with which to meet the needs of the state, for the use of the general revenue fund of the state, for the purpose of securing a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the state, for the purpose of affording revenues, in addition to those from general property taxes, permitted under constitutional limitations, and from other sources, for the support of local governmental functions, and for the purpose of reimbursing the state for the expense of administering this chapter, an excise tax is hereby levied on each retail sale made in this state.
(A)(1) The tax shall be collected as provided in section 5739.025 of the Revised Code. The rate of the tax shall be five and one-half per cent. The tax applies and is collectible when the sale is made, regardless of the time when the price is paid or delivered.
(2) In the case of the lease or rental, with a fixed term of more than thirty days or an indefinite term with a minimum period of more than thirty days, of any motor vehicles designed by the manufacturer to carry a load of not more than one ton, watercraft, outboard motor, or aircraft, or of any tangible personal property, other than motor vehicles designed by the manufacturer to carry a load of more than one ton, to be used by the lessee or renter primarily for business purposes, the tax shall be collected by the vendor at the time the lease or rental is consummated and shall be calculated by the vendor on the basis of the total amount to be paid by the lessee or renter under the lease agreement. If the total amount of the consideration for the lease or rental includes amounts that are not calculated at the time the lease or rental is executed, the tax shall be calculated and collected by the vendor at the time such amounts are billed to the lessee or renter. In the case of an open-end lease or rental, the tax shall be calculated by the vendor on the basis of the total amount to be paid during the initial fixed term of the lease or rental, and for each subsequent renewal period as it comes due. As used in this division, "motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code, and "watercraft" includes an outdrive unit attached to the watercraft.
A lease with a renewal clause and a termination penalty or similar provision that applies if the renewal clause is not exercised is presumed to be a sham transaction. In such a case, the tax shall be calculated and paid on the basis of the entire length of the lease period, including any renewal periods, until the termination penalty or similar provision no longer applies. The taxpayer shall bear the burden, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the transaction or series of transactions is not a sham transaction.
(3) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, in the case of a sale, the price of which consists in whole or in part of the lease or rental of tangible personal property, the tax shall be measured by the installments of that lease or rental.
(4) In the case of a sale of a physical fitness facility service or recreation and sports club service, the price of which consists in whole or in part of a membership for the receipt of the benefit of the service, the tax applicable to the sale shall be measured by the installments thereof.
(B) The tax does not apply to the following:
(1) Sales to the state or any of its political subdivisions, or to any other state or its political subdivisions if the laws of that state exempt from taxation sales made to this state and its political subdivisions;
(2) Sales of food for human consumption off the premises where sold;
(3) Sales of food sold to students only in a cafeteria, dormitory, fraternity, or sorority maintained in a private, public, or parochial school, college, or university;
(4) Sales of newspapers and of magazine subscriptions and sales or transfers of magazines distributed as controlled circulation publications;
(5) The furnishing, preparing, or serving of meals without charge by an employer to an employee provided the employer records the meals as part compensation for services performed or work done;
(6) Sales of motor fuel upon receipt, use, distribution, or sale of which in this state a tax is imposed by the law of this state, but this exemption shall not apply to the sale of motor fuel on which a refund of the tax is allowable under division (A) of section 5735.14 of the Revised Code; and the tax commissioner may deduct the amount of tax levied by this section applicable to the price of motor fuel when granting a refund of motor fuel tax pursuant to division (A) of section 5735.14 of the Revised Code and shall cause the amount deducted to be paid into the general revenue fund of this state;
(7) Sales of natural gas by a natural gas company, of water by a water-works company, or of steam by a heating company, if in each case the thing sold is delivered to consumers through pipes or conduits, and all sales of communications services by a telegraph company, all terms as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code, and sales of electricity delivered through wires;
(8) Casual sales by a person, or auctioneer employed directly by the person to conduct such sales, except as to such sales of motor vehicles, watercraft or outboard motors required to be titled under section 1548.06 of the Revised Code, watercraft documented with the United States coast guard, snowmobiles, and all-purpose vehicles as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code;
(9)(a) Sales of services or tangible personal property, other than motor vehicles, mobile homes, and manufactured homes, by churches, organizations exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or nonprofit organizations operated exclusively for charitable purposes as defined in division (B)(12) of this section, provided that the number of days on which such tangible personal property or services, other than items never subject to the tax, are sold does not exceed six in any calendar year, except as otherwise provided in division (B)(9)(b) of this section. If the number of days on which such sales are made exceeds six in any calendar year, the church or organization shall be considered to be engaged in business and all subsequent sales by it shall be subject to the tax. In counting the number of days, all sales by groups within a church or within an organization shall be considered to be sales of that church or organization.
(b) The limitation on the number of days on which tax-exempt sales may be made by a church or organization under division (B)(9)(a) of this section does not apply to sales made by student clubs and other groups of students of a primary or secondary school, or a parent-teacher association, booster group, or similar organization that raises money to support or fund curricular or extracurricular activities of a primary or secondary school.
(c) Divisions (B)(9)(a) and (b) of this section do not apply to sales by a noncommercial educational radio or television broadcasting station.
(10) Sales not within the taxing power of this state under the Constitution of the United States;
(11) Except for transactions that are sales under division (B)(3)(r) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, the transportation of persons or property, unless the transportation is by a private investigation and security service;
(12) Sales of tangible personal property or services to churches, to organizations exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and to any other nonprofit organizations operated exclusively for charitable purposes in this state, no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the activities of which consists of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; sales to offices administering one or more homes for the aged or one or more hospital facilities exempt under section 140.08 of the Revised Code; and sales to organizations described in division (D) of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code.
"Charitable purposes" means the relief of poverty; the improvement of health through the alleviation of illness, disease, or injury; the operation of an organization exclusively for the provision of professional, laundry, printing, and purchasing services to hospitals or charitable institutions; the operation of a home for the aged, as defined in section 5701.13 of the Revised Code; the operation of a radio or television broadcasting station that is licensed by the federal communications commission as a noncommercial educational radio or television station; the operation of a nonprofit animal adoption service or a county humane society; the promotion of education by an institution of learning that maintains a faculty of qualified instructors, teaches regular continuous courses of study, and confers a recognized diploma upon completion of a specific curriculum; the operation of a parent-teacher association, booster group, or similar organization primarily engaged in the promotion and support of the curricular or extracurricular activities of a primary or secondary school; the operation of a community or area center in which presentations in music, dramatics, the arts, and related fields are made in order to foster public interest and education therein; the production of performances in music, dramatics, and the arts; or the promotion of education by an organization engaged in carrying on research in, or the dissemination of, scientific and technological knowledge and information primarily for the public.
Nothing in this division shall be deemed to exempt sales to any organization for use in the operation or carrying on of a trade or business, or sales to a home for the aged for use in the operation of independent living facilities as defined in division (A) of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code.
(13) Building and construction materials and services sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a structure or improvement to real property under a construction contract with this state or a political subdivision of this state, or with the United States government or any of its agencies; building and construction materials and services sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a structure or improvement to real property that are accepted for ownership by this state or any of its political subdivisions, or by the United States government or any of its agencies at the time of completion of the structures or improvements; building and construction materials sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a horticulture structure or livestock structure for a person engaged in the business of horticulture or producing livestock; building materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into a house of public worship or religious education, or a building used exclusively for charitable purposes under a construction contract with an organization whose purpose is as described in division (B)(12) of this section; building materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into a building under a construction contract with an organization exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 when the building is to be used exclusively for the organization's exempt purposes; building and construction materials sold for incorporation into the original construction of a sports facility under section 307.696 of the Revised Code; building and construction materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into real property outside this state if such materials and services, when sold to a construction contractor in the state in which the real property is located for incorporation into real property in that state, would be exempt from a tax on sales levied by that state; and, until one calendar year after the construction of a convention center that qualifies for property tax exemption under section 5709.084 of the Revised Code is completed, building and construction materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into the real property comprising that convention center;
(14) Sales of ships or vessels or rail rolling stock used or to be used principally in interstate or foreign commerce, and repairs, alterations, fuel, and lubricants for such ships or vessels or rail rolling stock;
(15) Sales to persons primarily engaged in any of the activities mentioned in division (B)(42)(a), (g), or (h) of this section, to persons engaged in making retail sales, or to persons who purchase for sale from a manufacturer tangible personal property that was produced by the manufacturer in accordance with specific designs provided by the purchaser, of packages, including material, labels, and parts for packages, and of machinery, equipment, and material for use primarily in packaging tangible personal property produced for sale, including any machinery, equipment, and supplies used to make labels or packages, to prepare packages or products for labeling, or to label packages or products, by or on the order of the person doing the packaging, or sold at retail. "Packages" includes bags, baskets, cartons, crates, boxes, cans, bottles, bindings, wrappings, and other similar devices and containers, but does not include motor vehicles or bulk tanks, trailers, or similar devices attached to motor vehicles. "Packaging" means placing in a package. Division (B)(15) of this section does not apply to persons engaged in highway transportation for hire.
(16) Sales of food to persons using supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to purchase the food. As used in this division, "food" has the same meaning as in 7 U.S.C. 2012 and federal regulations adopted pursuant to the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008.
(17) Sales to persons engaged in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture, of tangible personal property for use or consumption primarily in the production by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture of other tangible personal property for use or consumption primarily in the production of tangible personal property for sale by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture; or material and parts for incorporation into any such tangible personal property for use or consumption in production; and of tangible personal property for such use or consumption in the conditioning or holding of products produced by and for such use, consumption, or sale by persons engaged in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture, except where such property is incorporated into real property;
(18) Sales of drugs for a human being that may be dispensed only pursuant to a prescription; insulin as recognized in the official United States pharmacopoeia; urine and blood testing materials when used by diabetics or persons with hypoglycemia to test for glucose or acetone; hypodermic syringes and needles when used by diabetics for insulin injections; epoetin alfa when purchased for use in the treatment of persons with medical disease; hospital beds when purchased by hospitals, nursing homes, or other medical facilities; and medical oxygen and medical oxygen-dispensing equipment when purchased by hospitals, nursing homes, or other medical facilities;
(19) Sales of prosthetic devices, durable medical equipment for home use, or mobility enhancing equipment, when made pursuant to a prescription and when such devices or equipment are for use by a human being.
(20) Sales of emergency and fire protection vehicles and equipment to nonprofit organizations for use solely in providing fire protection and emergency services, including trauma care and emergency medical services, for political subdivisions of the state;
(21) Sales of tangible personal property manufactured in this state, if sold by the manufacturer in this state to a retailer for use in the retail business of the retailer outside of this state and if possession is taken from the manufacturer by the purchaser within this state for the sole purpose of immediately removing the same from this state in a vehicle owned by the purchaser;
(22) Sales of services provided by the state or any of its political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, institutions, or authorities, or by governmental entities of the state or any of its political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, institutions, or authorities;
(23) Sales of motor vehicles to nonresidents of this state under the circumstances described in division (B) of section 5739.029 of the Revised Code;
(24) Sales to persons engaged in the preparation of eggs for sale of tangible personal property used or consumed directly in such preparation, including such tangible personal property used for cleaning, sanitizing, preserving, grading, sorting, and classifying by size; packages, including material and parts for packages, and machinery, equipment, and material for use in packaging eggs for sale; and handling and transportation equipment and parts therefor, except motor vehicles licensed to operate on public highways, used in intraplant or interplant transfers or shipment of eggs in the process of preparation for sale, when the plant or plants within or between which such transfers or shipments occur are operated by the same person. "Packages" includes containers, cases, baskets, flats, fillers, filler flats, cartons, closure materials, labels, and labeling materials, and "packaging" means placing therein.
(25)(a) Sales of water to a consumer for residential use;
(b) Sales of water by a nonprofit corporation engaged exclusively in the treatment, distribution, and sale of water to consumers, if such water is delivered to consumers through pipes or tubing.
(26) Fees charged for inspection or reinspection of motor vehicles under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code;
(27) Sales to persons licensed to conduct a food service operation pursuant to section 3717.43 of the Revised Code, of tangible personal property primarily used directly for the following:
(a) To prepare food for human consumption for sale;
(b) To preserve food that has been or will be prepared for human consumption for sale by the food service operator, not including tangible personal property used to display food for selection by the consumer;
(c) To clean tangible personal property used to prepare or serve food for human consumption for sale.
(28) Sales of animals by nonprofit animal adoption services or county humane societies;
(29) Sales of services to a corporation described in division (A) of section 5709.72 of the Revised Code, and sales of tangible personal property that qualifies for exemption from taxation under section 5709.72 of the Revised Code;
(30) Sales and installation of agricultural land tile, as defined in division (B)(5)(a) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code;
(31) Sales and erection or installation of portable grain bins, as defined in division (B)(5)(b) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code;
(32) The sale, lease, repair, and maintenance of, parts for, or items attached to or incorporated in, motor vehicles that are primarily used for transporting tangible personal property belonging to others by a person engaged in highway transportation for hire, except for packages and packaging used for the transportation of tangible personal property;
(33) Sales to the state headquarters of any veterans' organization in this state that is either incorporated and issued a charter by the congress of the United States or is recognized by the United States veterans administration, for use by the headquarters;
(34) Sales to a telecommunications service vendor, mobile telecommunications service vendor, or satellite broadcasting service vendor of tangible personal property and services used directly and primarily in transmitting, receiving, switching, or recording any interactive, one- or two-way electromagnetic communications, including voice, image, data, and information, through the use of any medium, including, but not limited to, poles, wires, cables, switching equipment, computers, and record storage devices and media, and component parts for the tangible personal property. The exemption provided in this division shall be in lieu of all other exemptions under division (B)(42)(a) or (n) of this section to which the vendor may otherwise be entitled, based upon the use of the thing purchased in providing the telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, or satellite broadcasting service.
(35)(a) Sales where the purpose of the consumer is to use or consume the things transferred in making retail sales and consisting of newspaper inserts, catalogues, coupons, flyers, gift certificates, or other advertising material that prices and describes tangible personal property offered for retail sale.
(b) Sales to direct marketing vendors of preliminary materials such as photographs, artwork, and typesetting that will be used in printing advertising material; and of printed matter that offers free merchandise or chances to win sweepstake prizes and that is mailed to potential customers with advertising material described in division (B)(35)(a) of this section;
(c) Sales of equipment such as telephones, computers, facsimile machines, and similar tangible personal property primarily used to accept orders for direct marketing retail sales.
(d) Sales of automatic food vending machines that preserve food with a shelf life of forty-five days or less by refrigeration and dispense it to the consumer.
For purposes of division (B)(35) of this section, "direct marketing" means the method of selling where consumers order tangible personal property by United States mail, delivery service, or telecommunication and the vendor delivers or ships the tangible personal property sold to the consumer from a warehouse, catalogue distribution center, or similar fulfillment facility by means of the United States mail, delivery service, or common carrier.
(36) Sales to a person engaged in the business of horticulture or producing livestock of materials to be incorporated into a horticulture structure or livestock structure;
(37) Sales of personal computers, computer monitors, computer keyboards, modems, and other peripheral computer equipment to an individual who is licensed or certified to teach in an elementary or a secondary school in this state for use by that individual in preparation for teaching elementary or secondary school students;
(38) Sales to a professional racing team of any of the following:
(a) Motor racing vehicles;
(b) Repair services for motor racing vehicles;
(c) Items of property that are attached to or incorporated in motor racing vehicles, including engines, chassis, and all other components of the vehicles, and all spare, replacement, and rebuilt parts or components of the vehicles; except not including tires, consumable fluids, paint, and accessories consisting of instrumentation sensors and related items added to the vehicle to collect and transmit data by means of telemetry and other forms of communication.
(39) Sales of used manufactured homes and used mobile homes, as defined in section 5739.0210 of the Revised Code, made on or after January 1, 2000;
(40) Sales of tangible personal property and services to a provider of electricity used or consumed directly and primarily in generating, transmitting, or distributing electricity for use by others, including property that is or is to be incorporated into and will become a part of the consumer's production, transmission, or distribution system and that retains its classification as tangible personal property after incorporation; fuel or power used in the production, transmission, or distribution of electricity; energy conversion equipment as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code; and tangible personal property and services used in the repair and maintenance of the production, transmission, or distribution system, including only those motor vehicles as are specially designed and equipped for such use. The exemption provided in this division shall be in lieu of all other exemptions in division (B)(42)(a) or (n) of this section to which a provider of electricity may otherwise be entitled based on the use of the tangible personal property or service purchased in generating, transmitting, or distributing electricity.
(41) Sales to a person providing services under division (B)(3)(r) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code of tangible personal property and services used directly and primarily in providing taxable services under that section.
(42) Sales where the purpose of the purchaser is to do any of the following:
(a) To incorporate the thing transferred as a material or a part into tangible personal property to be produced for sale by manufacturing, assembling, processing, or refining; or to use or consume the thing transferred directly in producing tangible personal property for sale by mining, including, without limitation, the extraction from the earth of all substances that are classed geologically as minerals, production of crude oil and natural gas, or directly in the rendition of a public utility service, except that the sales tax levied by this section shall be collected upon all meals, drinks, and food for human consumption sold when transporting persons. Persons engaged in rendering services in the exploration for, and production of, crude oil and natural gas for others are deemed engaged directly in the exploration for, and production of, crude oil and natural gas. This paragraph does not exempt from "retail sale" or "sales at retail" the sale of tangible personal property that is to be incorporated into a structure or improvement to real property.
(b) To hold the thing transferred as security for the performance of an obligation of the vendor;
(c) To resell, hold, use, or consume the thing transferred as evidence of a contract of insurance;
(d) To use or consume the thing directly in commercial fishing;
(e) To incorporate the thing transferred as a material or a part into, or to use or consume the thing transferred directly in the production of, magazines distributed as controlled circulation publications;
(f) To use or consume the thing transferred in the production and preparation in suitable condition for market and sale of printed, imprinted, overprinted, lithographic, multilithic, blueprinted, photostatic, or other productions or reproductions of written or graphic matter;
(g) To use the thing transferred, as described in section 5739.011 of the Revised Code, primarily in a manufacturing operation to produce tangible personal property for sale;
(h) To use the benefit of a warranty, maintenance or service contract, or similar agreement, as described in division (B)(7) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, to repair or maintain tangible personal property, if all of the property that is the subject of the warranty, contract, or agreement would not be subject to the tax imposed by this section;
(i) To use the thing transferred as qualified research and development equipment;
(j) To use or consume the thing transferred primarily in storing, transporting, mailing, or otherwise handling purchased sales inventory in a warehouse, distribution center, or similar facility when the inventory is primarily distributed outside this state to retail stores of the person who owns or controls the warehouse, distribution center, or similar facility, to retail stores of an affiliated group of which that person is a member, or by means of direct marketing. This division does not apply to motor vehicles registered for operation on the public highways. As used in this division, "affiliated group" has the same meaning as in division (B)(3)(e) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code and "direct marketing" has the same meaning as in division (B)(35) of this section.
(k) To use or consume the thing transferred to fulfill a contractual obligation incurred by a warrantor pursuant to a warranty provided as a part of the price of the tangible personal property sold or by a vendor of a warranty, maintenance or service contract, or similar agreement the provision of which is defined as a sale under division (B)(7) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code;
(l) To use or consume the thing transferred in the production of a newspaper for distribution to the public;
(m) To use tangible personal property to perform a service listed in division (B)(3) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, if the property is or is to be permanently transferred to the consumer of the service as an integral part of the performance of the service;
(n) To use or consume the thing transferred primarily in producing tangible personal property for sale by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture. Persons engaged in rendering farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture services for others are deemed engaged primarily in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture. This paragraph does not exempt from "retail sale" or "sales at retail" the sale of tangible personal property that is to be incorporated into a structure or improvement to real property.
(o) To use or consume the thing transferred in acquiring, formatting, editing, storing, and disseminating data or information by electronic publishing.
As used in division (B)(42) of this section, "thing" includes all transactions included in divisions (B)(3)(a), (b), and (e) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.
(43) Sales conducted through a coin operated device that activates vacuum equipment or equipment that dispenses water, whether or not in combination with soap or other cleaning agents or wax, to the consumer for the consumer's use on the premises in washing, cleaning, or waxing a motor vehicle, provided no other personal property or personal service is provided as part of the transaction.
(44) Sales of replacement and modification parts for engines, airframes, instruments, and interiors in, and paint for, aircraft used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program, and sales of services for the repair, modification, and maintenance of such aircraft, and machinery, equipment, and supplies primarily used to provide those services.
(45) Sales of telecommunications service that is used directly and primarily to perform the functions of a call center. As used in this division, "call center" means any physical location where telephone calls are placed or received in high volume for the purpose of making sales, marketing, customer service, technical support, or other specialized business activity, and that employs at least fifty individuals that engage in call center activities on a full-time basis, or sufficient individuals to fill fifty full-time equivalent positions.
(46) Sales by a telecommunications service vendor of 900 service to a subscriber. This division does not apply to information services, as defined in division (FF) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.
(47) Sales of value-added non-voice data service. This division does not apply to any similar service that is not otherwise a telecommunications service.
(48)(a) Sales of machinery, equipment, and software to a qualified direct selling entity for use in a warehouse or distribution center primarily for storing, transporting, or otherwise handling inventory that is held for sale to independent salespersons who operate as direct sellers and that is held primarily for distribution outside this state;
(b) As used in division (B)(48)(a) of this section:
(i) "Direct seller" means a person selling consumer products to individuals for personal or household use and not from a fixed retail location, including selling such product at in-home product demonstrations, parties, and other one-on-one selling.
(ii) "Qualified direct selling entity" means an entity selling to direct sellers at the time the entity enters into a tax credit agreement with the tax credit authority pursuant to section 122.17 of the Revised Code, provided that the agreement was entered into on or after January 1, 2007. Neither contingencies relevant to the granting of, nor later developments with respect to, the tax credit shall impair the status of the qualified direct selling entity under division (B)(48) of this section after execution of the tax credit agreement by the tax credit authority.
(c) Division (B)(48) of this section is limited to machinery, equipment, and software first stored, used, or consumed in this state within the period commencing June 24, 2008, and ending on the date that is five years after that date.
(49) Sales of materials, parts, equipment, or engines used in the repair or maintenance of aircraft or avionics systems of such aircraft, and sales of repair, remodeling, replacement, or maintenance services in this state performed on aircraft or on an aircraft's avionics, engine, or component materials or parts. As used in division (B)(49) of this section, "aircraft" means aircraft of more than six thousand pounds maximum certified takeoff weight or used exclusively in general aviation.
(50) Sales of full flight simulators that are used for pilot or flight-crew training, sales of repair or replacement parts or components, and sales of repair or maintenance services for such full flight simulators. "Full flight simulator" means a replica of a specific type, or make, model, and series of aircraft cockpit. It includes the assemblage of equipment and computer programs necessary to represent aircraft operations in ground and flight conditions, a visual system providing an out-of-the-cockpit view, and a system that provides cues at least equivalent to those of a three-degree-of-freedom motion system, and has the full range of capabilities of the systems installed in the device as described in appendices A and B of part 60 of chapter 1 of title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
(51) Any transfer or lease of tangible personal property between the state and a successful proposer in accordance with sections 126.60 to 126.605 of the Revised Code, provided the property is part of a project as defined in section 126.60 of the Revised Code and the state retains ownership of the project or part thereof that is being transferred or leased, between the state and JobsOhio in accordance with section 4313.02 of the Revised Code.
(C) For the purpose of the proper administration of this chapter, and to prevent the evasion of the tax, it is presumed that all sales made in this state are subject to the tax until the contrary is established.
(D) The levy of this tax on retail sales of recreation and sports club service shall not prevent a municipal corporation from levying any tax on recreation and sports club dues or on any income generated by recreation and sports club dues.
(E) The tax collected by the vendor from the consumer under this chapter is not part of the price, but is a tax collection for the benefit of the state, and of counties levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code and of transit authorities levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.023 of the Revised Code. Except for the discount authorized under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code and the effects of any rounding pursuant to section 5703.055 of the Revised Code, no person other than the state or such a county or transit authority shall derive any benefit from the collection or payment of the tax levied by this section or section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5747.01.  Except as otherwise expressly provided or clearly appearing from the context, any term used in this chapter that is not otherwise defined in this section has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes or if not used in a comparable context in those laws, has the same meaning as in section 5733.40 of the Revised Code. Any reference in this chapter to the Internal Revenue Code includes other laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes.
As used in this chapter:
(A) "Adjusted gross income" or "Ohio adjusted gross income" means federal adjusted gross income, as defined and used in the Internal Revenue Code, adjusted as provided in this section:
(1) Add interest or dividends on obligations or securities of any state or of any political subdivision or authority of any state, other than this state and its subdivisions and authorities.
(2) Add interest or dividends on obligations of any authority, commission, instrumentality, territory, or possession of the United States to the extent that the interest or dividends are exempt from federal income taxes but not from state income taxes.
(3) Deduct interest or dividends on obligations of the United States and its territories and possessions or of any authority, commission, or instrumentality of the United States to the extent that the interest or dividends are included in federal adjusted gross income but exempt from state income taxes under the laws of the United States.
(4) Deduct disability and survivor's benefits to the extent included in federal adjusted gross income.
(5) Deduct benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act and tier 1 railroad retirement benefits to the extent included in federal adjusted gross income under section 86 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(6) In the case of a taxpayer who is a beneficiary of a trust that makes an accumulation distribution as defined in section 665 of the Internal Revenue Code, add, for the beneficiary's taxable years beginning before 2002, the portion, if any, of such distribution that does not exceed the undistributed net income of the trust for the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the distribution is made to the extent that the portion was not included in the trust's taxable income for any of the trust's taxable years beginning in 2002 or thereafter. "Undistributed net income of a trust" means the taxable income of the trust increased by (a)(i) the additions to adjusted gross income required under division (A) of this section and (ii) the personal exemptions allowed to the trust pursuant to section 642(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, and decreased by (b)(i) the deductions to adjusted gross income required under division (A) of this section, (ii) the amount of federal income taxes attributable to such income, and (iii) the amount of taxable income that has been included in the adjusted gross income of a beneficiary by reason of a prior accumulation distribution. Any undistributed net income included in the adjusted gross income of a beneficiary shall reduce the undistributed net income of the trust commencing with the earliest years of the accumulation period.
(7) Deduct the amount of wages and salaries, if any, not otherwise allowable as a deduction but that would have been allowable as a deduction in computing federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year, had the targeted jobs credit allowed and determined under sections 38, 51, and 52 of the Internal Revenue Code not been in effect.
(8) Deduct any interest or interest equivalent on public obligations and purchase obligations to the extent that the interest or interest equivalent is included in federal adjusted gross income.
(9) Add any loss or deduct any gain resulting from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of public obligations to the extent that the loss has been deducted or the gain has been included in computing federal adjusted gross income.
(10) Deduct or add amounts, as provided under section 5747.70 of the Revised Code, related to contributions to variable college savings program accounts made or tuition units purchased pursuant to Chapter 3334. of the Revised Code.
(11)(a) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise allowable as a deduction or exclusion in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, the amount the taxpayer paid during the taxable year for medical care insurance and qualified long-term care insurance for the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, and dependents. No deduction for medical care insurance under division (A)(11) of this section shall be allowed either to any taxpayer who is eligible to participate in any subsidized health plan maintained by any employer of the taxpayer or of the taxpayer's spouse, or to any taxpayer who is entitled to, or on application would be entitled to, benefits under part A of Title XVIII of the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 301, as amended. For the purposes of division (A)(11)(a) of this section, "subsidized health plan" means a health plan for which the employer pays any portion of the plan's cost. The deduction allowed under division (A)(11)(a) of this section shall be the net of any related premium refunds, related premium reimbursements, or related insurance premium dividends received during the taxable year.
(b) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income during the taxable year, the amount the taxpayer paid during the taxable year, not compensated for by any insurance or otherwise, for medical care of the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, and dependents, to the extent the expenses exceed seven and one-half per cent of the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income.
(c) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income, any amount included in federal adjusted gross income under section 105 or not excluded under section 106 of the Internal Revenue Code solely because it relates to an accident and health plan for a person who otherwise would be a "qualifying relative" and thus a "dependent" under section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code but for the fact that the person fails to meet the income and support limitations under section 152(d)(1)(B) and (C) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(d) For purposes of division (A)(11) of this section, "medical care" has the meaning given in section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code, subject to the special rules, limitations, and exclusions set forth therein, and "qualified long-term care" has the same meaning given in section 7702B(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Solely for purposes of divisions (A)(11)(a) and (c) of this section, "dependent" includes a person who otherwise would be a "qualifying relative" and thus a "dependent" under section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code but for the fact that the person fails to meet the income and support limitations under section 152(d)(1)(B) and (C) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(12)(a) Deduct any amount included in federal adjusted gross income solely because the amount represents a reimbursement or refund of expenses that in any year the taxpayer had deducted as an itemized deduction pursuant to section 63 of the Internal Revenue Code and applicable United States department of the treasury regulations. The deduction otherwise allowed under division (A)(12)(a) of this section shall be reduced to the extent the reimbursement is attributable to an amount the taxpayer deducted under this section in any taxable year.
(b) Add any amount not otherwise included in Ohio adjusted gross income for any taxable year to the extent that the amount is attributable to the recovery during the taxable year of any amount deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income in any taxable year.
(13) Deduct any portion of the deduction described in section 1341(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, for repaying previously reported income received under a claim of right, that meets both of the following requirements:
(a) It is allowable for repayment of an item that was included in the taxpayer's adjusted gross income for a prior taxable year and did not qualify for a credit under division (A) or (B) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code for that year;
(b) It does not otherwise reduce the taxpayer's adjusted gross income for the current or any other taxable year.
(14) Deduct an amount equal to the deposits made to, and net investment earnings of, a medical savings account during the taxable year, in accordance with section 3924.66 of the Revised Code. The deduction allowed by division (A)(14) of this section does not apply to medical savings account deposits and earnings otherwise deducted or excluded for the current or any other taxable year from the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income.
(15)(a) Add an amount equal to the funds withdrawn from a medical savings account during the taxable year, and the net investment earnings on those funds, when the funds withdrawn were used for any purpose other than to reimburse an account holder for, or to pay, eligible medical expenses, in accordance with section 3924.66 of the Revised Code;
(b) Add the amounts distributed from a medical savings account under division (A)(2) of section 3924.68 of the Revised Code during the taxable year.
(16) Add any amount claimed as a credit under section 5747.059 or 5747.65 of the Revised Code to the extent that such amount satisfies either of the following:
(a) The amount was deducted or excluded from the computation of the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income as required to be reported for the taxpayer's taxable year under the Internal Revenue Code;
(b) The amount resulted in a reduction of the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income as required to be reported for any of the taxpayer's taxable years under the Internal Revenue Code.
(17) Deduct the amount contributed by the taxpayer to an individual development account program established by a county department of job and family services pursuant to sections 329.11 to 329.14 of the Revised Code for the purpose of matching funds deposited by program participants. On request of the tax commissioner, the taxpayer shall provide any information that, in the tax commissioner's opinion, is necessary to establish the amount deducted under division (A)(17) of this section.
(18) Beginning in taxable year 2001 but not for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2005, if the taxpayer is married and files a joint return and the combined federal adjusted gross income of the taxpayer and the taxpayer's spouse for the taxable year does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, or if the taxpayer is single and has a federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, deduct amounts paid during the taxable year for qualified tuition and fees paid to an eligible institution for the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, or any dependent of the taxpayer, who is a resident of this state and is enrolled in or attending a program that culminates in a degree or diploma at an eligible institution. The deduction may be claimed only to the extent that qualified tuition and fees are not otherwise deducted or excluded for any taxable year from federal or Ohio adjusted gross income. The deduction may not be claimed for educational expenses for which the taxpayer claims a credit under section 5747.27 of the Revised Code.
(19) Add any reimbursement received during the taxable year of any amount the taxpayer deducted under division (A)(18) of this section in any previous taxable year to the extent the amount is not otherwise included in Ohio adjusted gross income.
(20)(a)(i) Subject to divisions (A)(20)(a)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section, add five-sixths of the amount of depreciation expense allowed by subsection (k) of section 168 of the Internal Revenue Code, including the taxpayer's proportionate or distributive share of the amount of depreciation expense allowed by that subsection to a pass-through entity in which the taxpayer has a direct or indirect ownership interest.
(ii) Subject to divisions (A)(20)(a)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section, add five-sixths of the amount of qualifying section 179 depreciation expense, including the taxpayer's proportionate or distributive share of the amount of qualifying section 179 depreciation expense allowed to any pass-through entity in which the taxpayer has a direct or indirect ownership interest.
(iii) Subject to division (A)(20)(a)(v) of this section, for taxable years beginning in 2012 or thereafter, if the increase in income taxes withheld by the taxpayer is equal to or greater than ten per cent of income taxes withheld by the taxpayer during the taxpayer's immediately preceding taxable year, "two-thirds" shall be substituted for "five-sixths" for the purpose of divisions (A)(20)(a)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(iv) Subject to division (A)(20)(a)(v) of this section, for taxable years beginning in 2012 or thereafter, a taxpayer is not required to add an amount under division (A)(20) of this section if the increase in income taxes withheld by the taxpayer and by any pass-through entity in which the taxpayer has a direct or indirect ownership interest is equal to or greater than the sum of (I) the amount of qualifying section 179 depreciation expense and (II) the amount of depreciation expense allowed to the taxpayer by subsection (k) of section 168 of the Internal Revenue Code, and including the taxpayer's proportionate or distributive shares of such amounts allowed to any such pass-through entities.
(v) If a taxpayer directly or indirectly incurs a net operating loss for the taxable year for federal income tax purposes, to the extent such loss resulted from depreciation expense allowed by subsection (k) of section 168 of the Internal Revenue Code and by qualifying section 179 depreciation expense, "the entire" shall be substituted for "five-sixths of the" for the purpose of divisions (A)(20)(a)(i) and (ii) of this section.
The tax commissioner, under procedures established by the commissioner, may waive the add-backs related to a pass-through entity if the taxpayer owns, directly or indirectly, less than five per cent of the pass-through entity.
(b) Nothing in division (A)(20) of this section shall be construed to adjust or modify the adjusted basis of any asset.
(c) To the extent the add-back required under division (A)(20)(a) of this section is attributable to property generating nonbusiness income or loss allocated under section 5747.20 of the Revised Code, the add-back shall be sitused to the same location as the nonbusiness income or loss generated by the property for the purpose of determining the credit under division (A) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code. Otherwise, the add-back shall be apportioned, subject to one or more of the four alternative methods of apportionment enumerated in section 5747.21 of the Revised Code.
(d) For the purposes of division (A)(20)(a)(v) of this section, net operating loss carryback and carryforward shall not include the allowance of any net operating loss deduction carryback or carryforward to the taxable year to the extent such loss resulted from depreciation allowed by section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and by the qualifying section 179 depreciation expense amount.
(e) For the purposes of divisions (A)(20) and (21) of this section:
(i) "Income taxes withheld" means the total amount withheld and remitted under sections 5747.06 and 5747.07 of the Revised Code by an employer during the employer's taxable year.
(ii) "Increase in income taxes withheld" means the amount by which the amount of income taxes withheld by an employer during the employer's current taxable year exceeds the amount of income taxes withheld by that employer during the employer's immediately preceding taxable year.
(iii) "Qualifying section 179 depreciation expense" means the difference between (I) the amount of depreciation expense directly or indirectly allowed to a taxpayer under section 179 of the Internal Revised Code, and (II) the amount of depreciation expense directly or indirectly allowed to the taxpayer under section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code as that section existed on December 31, 2002.
(21)(a) If the taxpayer was required to add an amount under division (A)(20)(a) of this section for a taxable year, deduct one of the following:
(i) One-fifth of the amount so added for each of the five succeeding taxable years if the amount so added was five-sixths of qualifying section 179 depreciation expense or depreciation expense allowed by subsection (k) of section 168 of the Internal Revenue Code;
(ii) One-half of the amount so added for each of the two succeeding taxable years if the amount so added was two-thirds of such depreciation expense;
(iii) One-sixth of the amount so added for each of the six succeeding taxable years if the entire amount of such depreciation expense was so added.
(b) If the amount deducted under division (A)(21)(a) of this section is attributable to an add-back allocated under division (A)(20)(c) of this section, the amount deducted shall be sitused to the same location. Otherwise, the add-back shall be apportioned using the apportionment factors for the taxable year in which the deduction is taken, subject to one or more of the four alternative methods of apportionment enumerated in section 5747.21 of the Revised Code.
(c) No deduction is available under division (A)(21)(a) of this section with regard to any depreciation allowed by section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and by the qualifying section 179 depreciation expense amount to the extent that such depreciation results in or increases a federal net operating loss carryback or carryforward. If no such deduction is available for a taxable year, the taxpayer may carry forward the amount not deducted in such taxable year to the next taxable year and add that amount to any deduction otherwise available under division (A)(21)(a) of this section for that next taxable year. The carryforward of amounts not so deducted shall continue until the entire addition required by division (A)(20)(a) of this section has been deducted.
(d) No refund shall be allowed as a result of adjustments made by division (A)(21) of this section.
(22) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, the amount the taxpayer received during the taxable year as reimbursement for life insurance premiums under section 5919.31 of the Revised Code.
(23) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, the amount the taxpayer received during the taxable year as a death benefit paid by the adjutant general under section 5919.33 of the Revised Code.
(24) Deduct, to the extent included in federal adjusted gross income and not otherwise allowable as a deduction or exclusion in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, military pay and allowances received by the taxpayer during the taxable year for active duty service in the United States army, air force, navy, marine corps, or coast guard or reserve components thereof or the national guard. The deduction may not be claimed for military pay and allowances received by the taxpayer while the taxpayer is stationed in this state.
(25) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise allowable as a deduction or exclusion in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year and not otherwise compensated for by any other source, the amount of qualified organ donation expenses incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year, not to exceed ten thousand dollars. A taxpayer may deduct qualified organ donation expenses only once for all taxable years beginning with taxable years beginning in 2007.
For the purposes of division (A)(25) of this section:
(a) "Human organ" means all or any portion of a human liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine, or lung, and any portion of human bone marrow.
(b) "Qualified organ donation expenses" means travel expenses, lodging expenses, and wages and salary forgone by a taxpayer in connection with the taxpayer's donation, while living, of one or more of the taxpayer's human organs to another human being.
(26) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, amounts received by the taxpayer as retired military personnel pay for service in the United States army, navy, air force, coast guard, or marine corps or reserve components thereof, or the national guard, or received by the surviving spouse or former spouse of such a taxpayer under the survivor benefit plan on account of such a taxpayer's death. If the taxpayer receives income on account of retirement paid under the federal civil service retirement system or federal employees retirement system, or under any successor retirement program enacted by the congress of the United States that is established and maintained for retired employees of the United States government, and such retirement income is based, in whole or in part, on credit for the taxpayer's military service, the deduction allowed under this division shall include only that portion of such retirement income that is attributable to the taxpayer's military service, to the extent that portion of such retirement income is otherwise included in federal adjusted gross income and is not otherwise deducted under this section. Any amount deducted under division (A)(26) of this section is not included in a taxpayer's adjusted gross income for the purposes of section 5747.055 of the Revised Code. No amount may be deducted under division (A)(26) of this section on the basis of which a credit was claimed under section 5747.055 of the Revised Code.
(27) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, the amount the taxpayer received during the taxable year from the military injury relief fund created in section 5101.98 of the Revised Code.
(28) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, the amount the taxpayer received as a veterans bonus during the taxable year from the Ohio department of veterans services as authorized by Section 2r of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.
(29) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, any loss from wagering transactions that is allowed as an itemized deduction under section 165 of the Internal Revenue Code and that the taxpayer deducted in computing federal taxable income.
(30) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, any income derived from providing public services under a contract through a project owned by the state, as described in section 126.604 of the Revised Code or derived from a transfer agreement or from the enterprise transferred under that agreement under section 4313.02 of the Revised Code.
(31) Deduct, to the extent not otherwise deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, Ohio college opportunity or federal Pell grant amounts received by the taxpayer or the taxpayer's spouse or dependent pursuant to section 3333.122 of the Revised Code or 20 U.S.C. 1070a, et seq., and used to pay room or board furnished by the educational institution for which the grant was awarded at the institution's facilities, including meal plans administered by the institution. For the purposes of this division, receipt of a grant includes the distribution of a grant directly to an educational institution and the crediting of the grant to the enrollee's account with the institution.
(B) "Business income" means income, including gain or loss, arising from transactions, activities, and sources in the regular course of a trade or business and includes income, gain, or loss from real property, tangible property, and intangible property if the acquisition, rental, management, and disposition of the property constitute integral parts of the regular course of a trade or business operation. "Business income" includes income, including gain or loss, from a partial or complete liquidation of a business, including, but not limited to, gain or loss from the sale or other disposition of goodwill.
(C) "Nonbusiness income" means all income other than business income and may include, but is not limited to, compensation, rents and royalties from real or tangible personal property, capital gains, interest, dividends and distributions, patent or copyright royalties, or lottery winnings, prizes, and awards.
(D) "Compensation" means any form of remuneration paid to an employee for personal services.
(E) "Fiduciary" means a guardian, trustee, executor, administrator, receiver, conservator, or any other person acting in any fiduciary capacity for any individual, trust, or estate.
(F) "Fiscal year" means an accounting period of twelve months ending on the last day of any month other than December.
(G) "Individual" means any natural person.
(H) "Internal Revenue Code" means the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1, as amended.
(I) "Resident" means any of the following, provided that division (I)(3) of this section applies only to taxable years of a trust beginning in 2002 or thereafter:
(1) An individual who is domiciled in this state, subject to section 5747.24 of the Revised Code;
(2) The estate of a decedent who at the time of death was domiciled in this state. The domicile tests of section 5747.24 of the Revised Code are not controlling for purposes of division (I)(2) of this section.
(3) A trust that, in whole or part, resides in this state. If only part of a trust resides in this state, the trust is a resident only with respect to that part.
For the purposes of division (I)(3) of this section:
(a) A trust resides in this state for the trust's current taxable year to the extent, as described in division (I)(3)(d) of this section, that the trust consists directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, of assets, net of any related liabilities, that were transferred, or caused to be transferred, directly or indirectly, to the trust by any of the following:
(i) A person, a court, or a governmental entity or instrumentality on account of the death of a decedent, but only if the trust is described in division (I)(3)(e)(i) or (ii) of this section;
(ii) A person who was domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter when the person directly or indirectly transferred assets to an irrevocable trust, but only if at least one of the trust's qualifying beneficiaries is domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter during all or some portion of the trust's current taxable year;
(iii) A person who was domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter when the trust document or instrument or part of the trust document or instrument became irrevocable, but only if at least one of the trust's qualifying beneficiaries is a resident domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter during all or some portion of the trust's current taxable year. If a trust document or instrument became irrevocable upon the death of a person who at the time of death was domiciled in this state for purposes of this chapter, that person is a person described in division (I)(3)(a)(iii) of this section.
(b) A trust is irrevocable to the extent that the transferor is not considered to be the owner of the net assets of the trust under sections 671 to 678 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(c) With respect to a trust other than a charitable lead trust, "qualifying beneficiary" has the same meaning as "potential current beneficiary" as defined in section 1361(e)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, and with respect to a charitable lead trust "qualifying beneficiary" is any current, future, or contingent beneficiary, but with respect to any trust "qualifying beneficiary" excludes a person or a governmental entity or instrumentality to any of which a contribution would qualify for the charitable deduction under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(d) For the purposes of division (I)(3)(a) of this section, the extent to which a trust consists directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, of assets, net of any related liabilities, that were transferred directly or indirectly, in whole or part, to the trust by any of the sources enumerated in that division shall be ascertained by multiplying the fair market value of the trust's assets, net of related liabilities, by the qualifying ratio, which shall be computed as follows:
(i) The first time the trust receives assets, the numerator of the qualifying ratio is the fair market value of those assets at that time, net of any related liabilities, from sources enumerated in division (I)(3)(a) of this section. The denominator of the qualifying ratio is the fair market value of all the trust's assets at that time, net of any related liabilities.
(ii) Each subsequent time the trust receives assets, a revised qualifying ratio shall be computed. The numerator of the revised qualifying ratio is the sum of (1) the fair market value of the trust's assets immediately prior to the subsequent transfer, net of any related liabilities, multiplied by the qualifying ratio last computed without regard to the subsequent transfer, and (2) the fair market value of the subsequently transferred assets at the time transferred, net of any related liabilities, from sources enumerated in division (I)(3)(a) of this section. The denominator of the revised qualifying ratio is the fair market value of all the trust's assets immediately after the subsequent transfer, net of any related liabilities.
(iii) Whether a transfer to the trust is by or from any of the sources enumerated in division (I)(3)(a) of this section shall be ascertained without regard to the domicile of the trust's beneficiaries.
(e) For the purposes of division (I)(3)(a)(i) of this section:
(i) A trust is described in division (I)(3)(e)(i) of this section if the trust is a testamentary trust and the testator of that testamentary trust was domiciled in this state at the time of the testator's death for purposes of the taxes levied under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code.
(ii) A trust is described in division (I)(3)(e)(ii) of this section if the transfer is a qualifying transfer described in any of divisions (I)(3)(f)(i) to (vi) of this section, the trust is an irrevocable inter vivos trust, and at least one of the trust's qualifying beneficiaries is domiciled in this state for purposes of this chapter during all or some portion of the trust's current taxable year.
(f) For the purposes of division (I)(3)(e)(ii) of this section, a "qualifying transfer" is a transfer of assets, net of any related liabilities, directly or indirectly to a trust, if the transfer is described in any of the following:
(i) The transfer is made to a trust, created by the decedent before the decedent's death and while the decedent was domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter, and, prior to the death of the decedent, the trust became irrevocable while the decedent was domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter.
(ii) The transfer is made to a trust to which the decedent, prior to the decedent's death, had directly or indirectly transferred assets, net of any related liabilities, while the decedent was domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter, and prior to the death of the decedent the trust became irrevocable while the decedent was domiciled in this state for the purposes of this chapter.
(iii) The transfer is made on account of a contractual relationship existing directly or indirectly between the transferor and either the decedent or the estate of the decedent at any time prior to the date of the decedent's death, and the decedent was domiciled in this state at the time of death for purposes of the taxes levied under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code.
(iv) The transfer is made to a trust on account of a contractual relationship existing directly or indirectly between the transferor and another person who at the time of the decedent's death was domiciled in this state for purposes of this chapter.
(v) The transfer is made to a trust on account of the will of a testator who was domiciled in this state at the time of the testator's death for purposes of the taxes levied under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code.
(vi) The transfer is made to a trust created by or caused to be created by a court, and the trust was directly or indirectly created in connection with or as a result of the death of an individual who, for purposes of the taxes levied under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code, was domiciled in this state at the time of the individual's death.
(g) The tax commissioner may adopt rules to ascertain the part of a trust residing in this state.
(J) "Nonresident" means an individual or estate that is not a resident. An individual who is a resident for only part of a taxable year is a nonresident for the remainder of that taxable year.
(K) "Pass-through entity" has the same meaning as in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.
(L) "Return" means the notifications and reports required to be filed pursuant to this chapter for the purpose of reporting the tax due and includes declarations of estimated tax when so required.
(M) "Taxable year" means the calendar year or the taxpayer's fiscal year ending during the calendar year, or fractional part thereof, upon which the adjusted gross income is calculated pursuant to this chapter.
(N) "Taxpayer" means any person subject to the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code or any pass-through entity that makes the election under division (D) of section 5747.08 of the Revised Code.
(O) "Dependents" means dependents as defined in the Internal Revenue Code and as claimed in the taxpayer's federal income tax return for the taxable year or which the taxpayer would have been permitted to claim had the taxpayer filed a federal income tax return.
(P) "Principal county of employment" means, in the case of a nonresident, the county within the state in which a taxpayer performs services for an employer or, if those services are performed in more than one county, the county in which the major portion of the services are performed.
(Q) As used in sections 5747.50 to 5747.55 of the Revised Code:
(1) "Subdivision" means any county, municipal corporation, park district, or township.
(2) "Essential local government purposes" includes all functions that any subdivision is required by general law to exercise, including like functions that are exercised under a charter adopted pursuant to the Ohio Constitution.
(R) "Overpayment" means any amount already paid that exceeds the figure determined to be the correct amount of the tax.
(S) "Taxable income" or "Ohio taxable income" applies only to estates and trusts, and means federal taxable income, as defined and used in the Internal Revenue Code, adjusted as follows:
(1) Add interest or dividends, net of ordinary, necessary, and reasonable expenses not deducted in computing federal taxable income, on obligations or securities of any state or of any political subdivision or authority of any state, other than this state and its subdivisions and authorities, but only to the extent that such net amount is not otherwise includible in Ohio taxable income and is described in either division (S)(1)(a) or (b) of this section:
(a) The net amount is not attributable to the S portion of an electing small business trust and has not been distributed to beneficiaries for the taxable year;
(b) The net amount is attributable to the S portion of an electing small business trust for the taxable year.
(2) Add interest or dividends, net of ordinary, necessary, and reasonable expenses not deducted in computing federal taxable income, on obligations of any authority, commission, instrumentality, territory, or possession of the United States to the extent that the interest or dividends are exempt from federal income taxes but not from state income taxes, but only to the extent that such net amount is not otherwise includible in Ohio taxable income and is described in either division (S)(1)(a) or (b) of this section;
(3) Add the amount of personal exemption allowed to the estate pursuant to section 642(b) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(4) Deduct interest or dividends, net of related expenses deducted in computing federal taxable income, on obligations of the United States and its territories and possessions or of any authority, commission, or instrumentality of the United States to the extent that the interest or dividends are exempt from state taxes under the laws of the United States, but only to the extent that such amount is included in federal taxable income and is described in either division (S)(1)(a) or (b) of this section;
(5) Deduct the amount of wages and salaries, if any, not otherwise allowable as a deduction but that would have been allowable as a deduction in computing federal taxable income for the taxable year, had the targeted jobs credit allowed under sections 38, 51, and 52 of the Internal Revenue Code not been in effect, but only to the extent such amount relates either to income included in federal taxable income for the taxable year or to income of the S portion of an electing small business trust for the taxable year;
(6) Deduct any interest or interest equivalent, net of related expenses deducted in computing federal taxable income, on public obligations and purchase obligations, but only to the extent that such net amount relates either to income included in federal taxable income for the taxable year or to income of the S portion of an electing small business trust for the taxable year;
(7) Add any loss or deduct any gain resulting from sale, exchange, or other disposition of public obligations to the extent that such loss has been deducted or such gain has been included in computing either federal taxable income or income of the S portion of an electing small business trust for the taxable year;
(8) Except in the case of the final return of an estate, add any amount deducted by the taxpayer on both its Ohio estate tax return pursuant to section 5731.14 of the Revised Code, and on its federal income tax return in determining federal taxable income;
(9)(a) Deduct any amount included in federal taxable income solely because the amount represents a reimbursement or refund of expenses that in a previous year the decedent had deducted as an itemized deduction pursuant to section 63 of the Internal Revenue Code and applicable treasury regulations. The deduction otherwise allowed under division (S)(9)(a) of this section shall be reduced to the extent the reimbursement is attributable to an amount the taxpayer or decedent deducted under this section in any taxable year.
(b) Add any amount not otherwise included in Ohio taxable income for any taxable year to the extent that the amount is attributable to the recovery during the taxable year of any amount deducted or excluded in computing federal or Ohio taxable income in any taxable year, but only to the extent such amount has not been distributed to beneficiaries for the taxable year.
(10) Deduct any portion of the deduction described in section 1341(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, for repaying previously reported income received under a claim of right, that meets both of the following requirements:
(a) It is allowable for repayment of an item that was included in the taxpayer's taxable income or the decedent's adjusted gross income for a prior taxable year and did not qualify for a credit under division (A) or (B) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code for that year.
(b) It does not otherwise reduce the taxpayer's taxable income or the decedent's adjusted gross income for the current or any other taxable year.
(11) Add any amount claimed as a credit under section 5747.059 or 5747.65 of the Revised Code to the extent that the amount satisfies either of the following:
(a) The amount was deducted or excluded from the computation of the taxpayer's federal taxable income as required to be reported for the taxpayer's taxable year under the Internal Revenue Code;
(b) The amount resulted in a reduction in the taxpayer's federal taxable income as required to be reported for any of the taxpayer's taxable years under the Internal Revenue Code.
(12) Deduct any amount, net of related expenses deducted in computing federal taxable income, that a trust is required to report as farm income on its federal income tax return, but only if the assets of the trust include at least ten acres of land satisfying the definition of "land devoted exclusively to agricultural use" under section 5713.30 of the Revised Code, regardless of whether the land is valued for tax purposes as such land under sections 5713.30 to 5713.38 of the Revised Code. If the trust is a pass-through entity investor, section 5747.231 of the Revised Code applies in ascertaining if the trust is eligible to claim the deduction provided by division (S)(12) of this section in connection with the pass-through entity's farm income.
Except for farm income attributable to the S portion of an electing small business trust, the deduction provided by division (S)(12) of this section is allowed only to the extent that the trust has not distributed such farm income. Division (S)(12) of this section applies only to taxable years of a trust beginning in 2002 or thereafter.
(13) Add the net amount of income described in section 641(c) of the Internal Revenue Code to the extent that amount is not included in federal taxable income.
(14) Add or deduct the amount the taxpayer would be required to add or deduct under division (A)(20) or (21) of this section if the taxpayer's Ohio taxable income were computed in the same manner as an individual's Ohio adjusted gross income is computed under this section. In the case of a trust, division (S)(14) of this section applies only to any of the trust's taxable years beginning in 2002 or thereafter.
(T) "School district income" and "school district income tax" have the same meanings as in section 5748.01 of the Revised Code.
(U) As used in divisions (A)(8), (A)(9), (S)(6), and (S)(7) of this section, "public obligations," "purchase obligations," and "interest or interest equivalent" have the same meanings as in section 5709.76 of the Revised Code.
(V) "Limited liability company" means any limited liability company formed under Chapter 1705. of the Revised Code or under the laws of any other state.
(W) "Pass-through entity investor" means any person who, during any portion of a taxable year of a pass-through entity, is a partner, member, shareholder, or equity investor in that pass-through entity.
(X) "Banking day" has the same meaning as in section 1304.01 of the Revised Code.
(Y) "Month" means a calendar month.
(Z) "Quarter" means the first three months, the second three months, the third three months, or the last three months of the taxpayer's taxable year.
(AA)(1) "Eligible institution" means a state university or state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, or a private, nonprofit college, university, or other post-secondary institution located in this state that possesses a certificate of authorization issued by the Ohio board of regents pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code or a certificate of registration issued by the state board of career colleges and schools under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code.
(2) "Qualified tuition and fees" means tuition and fees imposed by an eligible institution as a condition of enrollment or attendance, not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars in each of the individual's first two years of post-secondary education. If the individual is a part-time student, "qualified tuition and fees" includes tuition and fees paid for the academic equivalent of the first two years of post-secondary education during a maximum of five taxable years, not exceeding a total of five thousand dollars. "Qualified tuition and fees" does not include:
(a) Expenses for any course or activity involving sports, games, or hobbies unless the course or activity is part of the individual's degree or diploma program;
(b) The cost of books, room and board, student activity fees, athletic fees, insurance expenses, or other expenses unrelated to the individual's academic course of instruction;
(c) Tuition, fees, or other expenses paid or reimbursed through an employer, scholarship, grant in aid, or other educational benefit program.
(BB)(1) "Modified business income" means the business income included in a trust's Ohio taxable income after such taxable income is first reduced by the qualifying trust amount, if any.
(2) "Qualifying trust amount" of a trust means capital gains and losses from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of equity or ownership interests in, or debt obligations of, a qualifying investee to the extent included in the trust's Ohio taxable income, but only if the following requirements are satisfied:
(a) The book value of the qualifying investee's physical assets in this state and everywhere, as of the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the date on which the trust recognizes the gain or loss, is available to the trust.
(b) The requirements of section 5747.011 of the Revised Code are satisfied for the trust's taxable year in which the trust recognizes the gain or loss.
Any gain or loss that is not a qualifying trust amount is modified business income, qualifying investment income, or modified nonbusiness income, as the case may be.
(3) "Modified nonbusiness income" means a trust's Ohio taxable income other than modified business income, other than the qualifying trust amount, and other than qualifying investment income, as defined in section 5747.012 of the Revised Code, to the extent such qualifying investment income is not otherwise part of modified business income.
(4) "Modified Ohio taxable income" applies only to trusts, and means the sum of the amounts described in divisions (BB)(4)(a) to (c) of this section:
(a) The fraction, calculated under section 5747.013, and applying section 5747.231 of the Revised Code, multiplied by the sum of the following amounts:
(i) The trust's modified business income;
(ii) The trust's qualifying investment income, as defined in section 5747.012 of the Revised Code, but only to the extent the qualifying investment income does not otherwise constitute modified business income and does not otherwise constitute a qualifying trust amount.
(b) The qualifying trust amount multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of the book value of the qualifying investee's physical assets in this state on the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the day on which the trust recognizes the qualifying trust amount, and the denominator of which is the sum of the book value of the qualifying investee's total physical assets everywhere on the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the day on which the trust recognizes the qualifying trust amount. If, for a taxable year, the trust recognizes a qualifying trust amount with respect to more than one qualifying investee, the amount described in division (BB)(4)(b) of this section shall equal the sum of the products so computed for each such qualifying investee.
(c)(i) With respect to a trust or portion of a trust that is a resident as ascertained in accordance with division (I)(3)(d) of this section, its modified nonbusiness income.
(ii) With respect to a trust or portion of a trust that is not a resident as ascertained in accordance with division (I)(3)(d) of this section, the amount of its modified nonbusiness income satisfying the descriptions in divisions (B)(2) to (5) of section 5747.20 of the Revised Code, except as otherwise provided in division (BB)(4)(c)(ii) of this section. With respect to a trust or portion of a trust that is not a resident as ascertained in accordance with division (I)(3)(d) of this section, the trust's portion of modified nonbusiness income recognized from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of a debt interest in or equity interest in a section 5747.212 entity, as defined in section 5747.212 of the Revised Code, without regard to division (A) of that section, shall not be allocated to this state in accordance with section 5747.20 of the Revised Code but shall be apportioned to this state in accordance with division (B) of section 5747.212 of the Revised Code without regard to division (A) of that section.
If the allocation and apportionment of a trust's income under divisions (BB)(4)(a) and (c) of this section do not fairly represent the modified Ohio taxable income of the trust in this state, the alternative methods described in division (C) of section 5747.21 of the Revised Code may be applied in the manner and to the same extent provided in that section.
(5)(a) Except as set forth in division (BB)(5)(b) of this section, "qualifying investee" means a person in which a trust has an equity or ownership interest, or a person or unit of government the debt obligations of either of which are owned by a trust. For the purposes of division (BB)(2)(a) of this section and for the purpose of computing the fraction described in division (BB)(4)(b) of this section, all of the following apply:
(i) If the qualifying investee is a member of a qualifying controlled group on the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the date on which the trust recognizes the gain or loss, then "qualifying investee" includes all persons in the qualifying controlled group on such last day.
(ii) If the qualifying investee, or if the qualifying investee and any members of the qualifying controlled group of which the qualifying investee is a member on the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the date on which the trust recognizes the gain or loss, separately or cumulatively own, directly or indirectly, on the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the date on which the trust recognizes the qualifying trust amount, more than fifty per cent of the equity of a pass-through entity, then the qualifying investee and the other members are deemed to own the proportionate share of the pass-through entity's physical assets which the pass-through entity directly or indirectly owns on the last day of the pass-through entity's calendar or fiscal year ending within or with the last day of the qualifying investee's fiscal or calendar year ending immediately prior to the date on which the trust recognizes the qualifying trust amount.
(iii) For the purposes of division (BB)(5)(a)(iii) of this section, "upper level pass-through entity" means a pass-through entity directly or indirectly owning any equity of another pass-through entity, and "lower level pass-through entity" means that other pass-through entity.
An upper level pass-through entity, whether or not it is also a qualifying investee, is deemed to own, on the last day of the upper level pass-through entity's calendar or fiscal year, the proportionate share of the lower level pass-through entity's physical assets that the lower level pass-through entity directly or indirectly owns on the last day of the lower level pass-through entity's calendar or fiscal year ending within or with the last day of the upper level pass-through entity's fiscal or calendar year. If the upper level pass-through entity directly and indirectly owns less than fifty per cent of the equity of the lower level pass-through entity on each day of the upper level pass-through entity's calendar or fiscal year in which or with which ends the calendar or fiscal year of the lower level pass-through entity and if, based upon clear and convincing evidence, complete information about the location and cost of the physical assets of the lower pass-through entity is not available to the upper level pass-through entity, then solely for purposes of ascertaining if a gain or loss constitutes a qualifying trust amount, the upper level pass-through entity shall be deemed as owning no equity of the lower level pass-through entity for each day during the upper level pass-through entity's calendar or fiscal year in which or with which ends the lower level pass-through entity's calendar or fiscal year. Nothing in division (BB)(5)(a)(iii) of this section shall be construed to provide for any deduction or exclusion in computing any trust's Ohio taxable income.
(b) With respect to a trust that is not a resident for the taxable year and with respect to a part of a trust that is not a resident for the taxable year, "qualifying investee" for that taxable year does not include a C corporation if both of the following apply:
(i) During the taxable year the trust or part of the trust recognizes a gain or loss from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of equity or ownership interests in, or debt obligations of, the C corporation.
(ii) Such gain or loss constitutes nonbusiness income.
(6) "Available" means information is such that a person is able to learn of the information by the due date plus extensions, if any, for filing the return for the taxable year in which the trust recognizes the gain or loss.
(CC) "Qualifying controlled group" has the same meaning as in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.
(DD) "Related member" has the same meaning as in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code.
(EE)(1) For the purposes of division (EE) of this section:
(a) "Qualifying person" means any person other than a qualifying corporation.
(b) "Qualifying corporation" means any person classified for federal income tax purposes as an association taxable as a corporation, except either of the following:
(i) A corporation that has made an election under subchapter S, chapter one, subtitle A, of the Internal Revenue Code for its taxable year ending within, or on the last day of, the investor's taxable year;
(ii) A subsidiary that is wholly owned by any corporation that has made an election under subchapter S, chapter one, subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code for its taxable year ending within, or on the last day of, the investor's taxable year.
(2) For the purposes of this chapter, unless expressly stated otherwise, no qualifying person indirectly owns any asset directly or indirectly owned by any qualifying corporation.
(FF) For purposes of this chapter and Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code:
(1) "Trust" does not include a qualified pre-income tax trust.
(2) A "qualified pre-income tax trust" is any pre-income tax trust that makes a qualifying pre-income tax trust election as described in division (FF)(3) of this section.
(3) A "qualifying pre-income tax trust election" is an election by a pre-income tax trust to subject to the tax imposed by section 5751.02 of the Revised Code the pre-income tax trust and all pass-through entities of which the trust owns or controls, directly, indirectly, or constructively through related interests, five per cent or more of the ownership or equity interests. The trustee shall notify the tax commissioner in writing of the election on or before April 15, 2006. The election, if timely made, shall be effective on and after January 1, 2006, and shall apply for all tax periods and tax years until revoked by the trustee of the trust.
(4) A "pre-income tax trust" is a trust that satisfies all of the following requirements:
(a) The document or instrument creating the trust was executed by the grantor before January 1, 1972;
(b) The trust became irrevocable upon the creation of the trust; and
(c) The grantor was domiciled in this state at the time the trust was created.
Sec. 5751.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) "Person" means, but is not limited to, individuals, combinations of individuals of any form, receivers, assignees, trustees in bankruptcy, firms, companies, joint-stock companies, business trusts, estates, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, associations, joint ventures, clubs, societies, for-profit corporations, S corporations, qualified subchapter S subsidiaries, qualified subchapter S trusts, trusts, entities that are disregarded for federal income tax purposes, and any other entities.
(B) "Consolidated elected taxpayer" means a group of two or more persons treated as a single taxpayer for purposes of this chapter as the result of an election made under section 5751.011 of the Revised Code.
(C) "Combined taxpayer" means a group of two or more persons treated as a single taxpayer for purposes of this chapter under section 5751.012 of the Revised Code.
(D) "Taxpayer" means any person, or any group of persons in the case of a consolidated elected taxpayer or combined taxpayer treated as one taxpayer, required to register or pay tax under this chapter. "Taxpayer" does not include excluded persons.
(E) "Excluded person" means any of the following:
(1) Any person with not more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars of taxable gross receipts during the calendar year. Division (E)(1) of this section does not apply to a person that is a member of a consolidated elected taxpayer;
(2) A public utility that paid the excise tax imposed by section 5727.24 or 5727.30 of the Revised Code based on one or more measurement periods that include the entire tax period under this chapter, except that a public utility that is a combined company is a taxpayer with regard to the following gross receipts:
(a) Taxable gross receipts directly attributed to a public utility activity, but not directly attributed to an activity that is subject to the excise tax imposed by section 5727.24 or 5727.30 of the Revised Code;
(b) Taxable gross receipts that cannot be directly attributed to any activity, multiplied by a fraction whose numerator is the taxable gross receipts described in division (E)(2)(a) of this section and whose denominator is the total taxable gross receipts that can be directly attributed to any activity;
(c) Except for any differences resulting from the use of an accrual basis method of accounting for purposes of determining gross receipts under this chapter and the use of the cash basis method of accounting for purposes of determining gross receipts under section 5727.24 of the Revised Code, the gross receipts directly attributed to the activity of a natural gas company shall be determined in a manner consistent with division (D) of section 5727.03 of the Revised Code.
As used in division (E)(2) of this section, "combined company" and "public utility" have the same meanings as in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code.
(3) A financial institution, as defined in section 5726.01 of the Revised Code, that paid the tax imposed by section 5726.02 of the Revised Code based on one or more taxable years that include the entire tax period under this chapter;
(4) A person directly or indirectly owned by one or more financial institutions, as defined in section 5726.01 of the Revised Code, that paid the tax imposed by section 5726.02 of the Revised Code based on one or more taxable years that include the entire tax period under this chapter.
For the purposes of division (E)(4) of this section, a person owns another person under the following circumstances:
(a) In the case of corporations issuing capital stock, one corporation owns another corporation if it owns fifty per cent or more of the other corporation's capital stock with current voting rights;
(b) In the case of a limited liability company, one person owns the company if that person's membership interest, as defined in section 1705.01 of the Revised Code, is fifty per cent or more of the combined membership interests of all persons owning such interests in the company;
(c) In the case of a partnership, trust, or other unincorporated business organization other than a limited liability company, one person owns the organization if, under the articles of organization or other instrument governing the affairs of the organization, that person has a beneficial interest in the organization's profits, surpluses, losses, or distributions of fifty per cent or more of the combined beneficial interests of all persons having such an interest in the organization.
(5) A domestic insurance company or foreign insurance company, as defined in section 5725.01 of the Revised Code, that paid the insurance company premiums tax imposed by section 5725.18 or Chapter 5729. of the Revised Code, or an unauthorized insurance company whose gross premiums are subject to tax under section 3905.36 of the Revised Code based on one or more measurement periods that include the entire tax period under this chapter;
(6) A person that solely facilitates or services one or more securitizations of phase-in-recovery property pursuant to a final financing order as those terms are defined in section 4928.23 of the Revised Code. For purposes of this division, "securitization" means transferring one or more assets to one or more persons and then issuing securities backed by the right to receive payment from the asset or assets so transferred.
(7) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a pre-income tax trust as defined in division (FF)(4) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code and any pass-through entity of which such pre-income tax trust owns or controls, directly, indirectly, or constructively through related interests, more than five per cent of the ownership or equity interests. If the pre-income tax trust has made a qualifying pre-income tax trust election under division (FF)(3) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code, then the trust and the pass-through entities of which it owns or controls, directly, indirectly, or constructively through related interests, more than five per cent of the ownership or equity interests, shall not be excluded persons for purposes of the tax imposed under section 5751.02 of the Revised Code.
(8) Nonprofit organizations or the state and its agencies, instrumentalities, or political subdivisions.
(F) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (F)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, "gross receipts" means the total amount realized by a person, without deduction for the cost of goods sold or other expenses incurred, that contributes to the production of gross income of the person, including the fair market value of any property and any services received, and any debt transferred or forgiven as consideration.
(1) The following are examples of gross receipts:
(a) Amounts realized from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the taxpayer's property to or with another;
(b) Amounts realized from the taxpayer's performance of services for another;
(c) Amounts realized from another's use or possession of the taxpayer's property or capital;
(d) Any combination of the foregoing amounts.
(2) "Gross receipts" excludes the following amounts:
(a) Interest income except interest on credit sales;
(b) Dividends and distributions from corporations, and distributive or proportionate shares of receipts and income from a pass-through entity as defined under section 5733.04 of the Revised Code;
(c) Receipts from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of an asset described in section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code, without regard to the length of time the person held the asset. Notwithstanding section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code, receipts from hedging transactions also are excluded to the extent the transactions are entered into primarily to protect a financial position, such as managing the risk of exposure to (i) foreign currency fluctuations that affect assets, liabilities, profits, losses, equity, or investments in foreign operations; (ii) interest rate fluctuations; or (iii) commodity price fluctuations. As used in division (F)(2)(c) of this section, "hedging transaction" has the same meaning as used in section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code and also includes transactions accorded hedge accounting treatment under statement of financial accounting standards number 133 of the financial accounting standards board. For the purposes of division (F)(2)(c) of this section, the actual transfer of title of real or tangible personal property to another entity is not a hedging transaction.
(d) Proceeds received attributable to the repayment, maturity, or redemption of the principal of a loan, bond, mutual fund, certificate of deposit, or marketable instrument;
(e) The principal amount received under a repurchase agreement or on account of any transaction properly characterized as a loan to the person;
(f) Contributions received by a trust, plan, or other arrangement, any of which is described in section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or to which Title 26, Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter (D) of the Internal Revenue Code applies;
(g) Compensation, whether current or deferred, and whether in cash or in kind, received or to be received by an employee, former employee, or the employee's legal successor for services rendered to or for an employer, including reimbursements received by or for an individual for medical or education expenses, health insurance premiums, or employee expenses, or on account of a dependent care spending account, legal services plan, any cafeteria plan described in section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any similar employee reimbursement;
(h) Proceeds received from the issuance of the taxpayer's own stock, options, warrants, puts, or calls, or from the sale of the taxpayer's treasury stock;
(i) Proceeds received on the account of payments from insurance policies, except those proceeds received for the loss of business revenue;
(j) Gifts or charitable contributions received; membership dues received by trade, professional, homeowners', or condominium associations; and payments received for educational courses, meetings, meals, or similar payments to a trade, professional, or other similar association; and fundraising receipts received by any person when any excess receipts are donated or used exclusively for charitable purposes;
(k) Damages received as the result of litigation in excess of amounts that, if received without litigation, would be gross receipts;
(l) Property, money, and other amounts received or acquired by an agent on behalf of another in excess of the agent's commission, fee, or other remuneration;
(m) Tax refunds, other tax benefit recoveries, and reimbursements for the tax imposed under this chapter made by entities that are part of the same combined taxpayer or consolidated elected taxpayer group, and reimbursements made by entities that are not members of a combined taxpayer or consolidated elected taxpayer group that are required to be made for economic parity among multiple owners of an entity whose tax obligation under this chapter is required to be reported and paid entirely by one owner, pursuant to the requirements of sections 5751.011 and 5751.012 of the Revised Code;
(n) Pension reversions;
(o) Contributions to capital;
(p) Sales or use taxes collected as a vendor or an out-of-state seller on behalf of the taxing jurisdiction from a consumer or other taxes the taxpayer is required by law to collect directly from a purchaser and remit to a local, state, or federal tax authority;
(q) In the case of receipts from the sale of cigarettes or tobacco products by a wholesale dealer, retail dealer, distributor, manufacturer, or seller, all as defined in section 5743.01 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to the federal and state excise taxes paid by any person on or for such cigarettes or tobacco products under subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code or Chapter 5743. of the Revised Code;
(r) In the case of receipts from the sale of motor fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer, licensed retail dealer, or licensed permissive motor fuel dealer, all as defined in section 5735.01 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to federal and state excise taxes paid by any person on such motor fuel under section 4081 of the Internal Revenue Code or Chapter 5735. of the Revised Code;
(s) In the case of receipts from the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor, as defined in section 4301.01 of the Revised Code, by a person holding a permit issued under Chapter 4301. or 4303. of the Revised Code, an amount equal to federal and state excise taxes paid by any person on or for such beer or intoxicating liquor under subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code or Chapter 4301. or 4305. of the Revised Code;
(t) Receipts realized by a new motor vehicle dealer or used motor vehicle dealer, as defined in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, from the sale or other transfer of a motor vehicle, as defined in that section, to another motor vehicle dealer for the purpose of resale by the transferee motor vehicle dealer, but only if the sale or other transfer was based upon the transferee's need to meet a specific customer's preference for a motor vehicle;
(u) Receipts from a financial institution described in division (E)(3) of this section for services provided to the financial institution in connection with the issuance, processing, servicing, and management of loans or credit accounts, if such financial institution and the recipient of such receipts have at least fifty per cent of their ownership interests owned or controlled, directly or constructively through related interests, by common owners;
(v) Receipts realized from administering anti-neoplastic drugs and other cancer chemotherapy, biologicals, therapeutic agents, and supportive drugs in a physician's office to patients with cancer;
(w) Funds received or used by a mortgage broker that is not a dealer in intangibles, other than fees or other consideration, pursuant to a table-funding mortgage loan or warehouse-lending mortgage loan. Terms used in division (F)(2)(w) of this section have the same meanings as in section 1322.01 of the Revised Code, except "mortgage broker" means a person assisting a buyer in obtaining a mortgage loan for a fee or other consideration paid by the buyer or a lender, or a person engaged in table-funding or warehouse-lending mortgage loans that are first lien mortgage loans.
(x) Property, money, and other amounts received by a professional employer organization, as defined in section 4125.01 of the Revised Code, from a client employer, as defined in that section, in excess of the administrative fee charged by the professional employer organization to the client employer;
(y) In the case of amounts retained as commissions by a permit holder under Chapter 3769. of the Revised Code, an amount equal to the amounts specified under that chapter that must be paid to or collected by the tax commissioner as a tax and the amounts specified under that chapter to be used as purse money;
(z) Qualifying distribution center receipts.
(i) For purposes of division (F)(2)(z) of this section:
(I) "Qualifying distribution center receipts" means receipts of a supplier from qualified property that is delivered to a qualified distribution center, multiplied by a quantity that equals one minus the Ohio delivery percentage. If the qualified distribution center is a refining facility, "supplier" includes all dealers, brokers, processors, sellers, vendors, cosigners, and distributors of qualified property.
(II) "Qualified property" means tangible personal property delivered to a qualified distribution center that is shipped to that qualified distribution center solely for further shipping by the qualified distribution center to another location in this state or elsewhere or, in the case of gold, silver, platinum, or palladium delivered to a refining facility solely for refining to a grade and fineness acceptable for delivery to a registered commodities exchange. "Further shipping" includes storing and repackaging property into smaller or larger bundles, so long as the property is not subject to further manufacturing or processing. "Refining" is limited to extracting impurities from gold, silver, platinum, or palladium through smelting or some other process at a refining facility.
(III) "Qualified distribution center" means a warehouse, a facility similar to a warehouse, or a refining facility in this state that, for the qualifying year, is operated by a person that is not part of a combined taxpayer group and that has a qualifying certificate. All warehouses or facilities similar to warehouses that are operated by persons in the same taxpayer group and that are located within one mile of each other shall be treated as one qualified distribution center. All refining facilities that are operated by persons in the same taxpayer group and that are located in the same or adjacent counties may be treated as one qualified distribution center.
(IV) "Qualifying year" means the calendar year to which the qualifying certificate applies.
(V) "Qualifying period" means the period of the first day of July of the second year preceding the qualifying year through the thirtieth day of June of the year preceding the qualifying year.
(VI) "Qualifying certificate" means the certificate issued by the tax commissioner after the operator of a distribution center files an annual application with the commissioner. The application and annual fee shall be filed and paid for each qualified distribution center on or before the first day of September before the qualifying year or within forty-five days after the distribution center opens, whichever is later.
The applicant must substantiate to the commissioner's satisfaction that, for the qualifying period, all persons operating the distribution center have more than fifty per cent of the cost of the qualified property shipped to a location such that it would be sitused outside this state under the provisions of division (E) of section 5751.033 of the Revised Code. The applicant must also substantiate that the distribution center cumulatively had costs from its suppliers equal to or exceeding five hundred million dollars during the qualifying period. (For purposes of division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section, "supplier" excludes any person that is part of the consolidated elected taxpayer group, if applicable, of the operator of the qualified distribution center.) The commissioner may require the applicant to have an independent certified public accountant certify that the calculation of the minimum thresholds required for a qualified distribution center by the operator of a distribution center has been made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The commissioner shall issue or deny the issuance of a certificate within sixty days after the receipt of the application. A denial is subject to appeal under section 5717.02 of the Revised Code. If the operator files a timely appeal under section 5717.02 of the Revised Code, the operator shall be granted a qualifying certificate, provided that the operator is liable for any tax, interest, or penalty upon amounts claimed as qualifying distribution center receipts, other than those receipts exempt under division (C)(1) of section 5751.011 of the Revised Code, that would have otherwise not been owed by its suppliers if the qualifying certificate was valid.
(VII) "Ohio delivery percentage" means the proportion of the total property delivered to a destination inside Ohio from the qualified distribution center during the qualifying period compared with total deliveries from such distribution center everywhere during the qualifying period.
(VIII) "Refining facility" means one or more buildings located in a county in the Appalachian region of this state as defined by section 107.21 of the Revised Code and utilized for refining or smelting gold, silver, platinum, or palladium to a grade and fineness acceptable for delivery to a registered commodities exchange.
(IX) "Registered commodities exchange" means a board of trade, such as New York mercantile exchange, inc. or commodity exchange, inc., designated as a contract market by the commodity futures trading commission under the "Commodity Exchange Act," 7 U.S.C. 1 et seq., as amended.
(ii) If the distribution center is new and was not open for the entire qualifying period, the operator of the distribution center may request that the commissioner grant a qualifying certificate. If the certificate is granted and it is later determined that more than fifty per cent of the qualified property during that year was not shipped to a location such that it would be sitused outside of this state under the provisions of division (E) of section 5751.033 of the Revised Code or if it is later determined that the person that operates the distribution center had average monthly costs from its suppliers of less than forty million dollars during that year, then the operator of the distribution center shall be liable for any tax, interest, or penalty upon amounts claimed as qualifying distribution center receipts, other than those receipts exempt under division (C)(1) of section 5751.011 of the Revised Code, that would have not otherwise been owed by its suppliers during the qualifying year if the qualifying certificate was valid. (For purposes of division (F)(2)(z)(ii) of this section, "supplier" excludes any person that is part of the consolidated elected taxpayer group, if applicable, of the operator of the qualified distribution center.)
(iii) When filing an application for a qualifying certificate under division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section, the operator of a qualified distribution center also shall provide documentation, as the commissioner requires, for the commissioner to ascertain the Ohio delivery percentage. The commissioner, upon issuing the qualifying certificate, also shall certify the Ohio delivery percentage. The operator of the qualified distribution center may appeal the commissioner's certification of the Ohio delivery percentage in the same manner as an appeal is taken from the denial of a qualifying certificate under division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section.
Within thirty days after all appeals have been exhausted, the operator of the qualified distribution center shall notify the affected suppliers of qualified property that such suppliers are required to file, within sixty days after receiving notice from the operator of the qualified distribution center, amended reports for the impacted calendar quarter or quarters or calendar year, whichever the case may be. Any additional tax liability or tax overpayment shall be subject to interest but shall not be subject to the imposition of any penalty so long as the amended returns are timely filed. The supplier of tangible personal property delivered to the qualified distribution center shall include in its report of taxable gross receipts the receipts from the total sales of property delivered to the qualified distribution center for the calendar quarter or calendar year, whichever the case may be, multiplied by the Ohio delivery percentage for the qualifying year. Nothing in division (F)(2)(z)(iii) of this section shall be construed as imposing liability on the operator of a qualified distribution center for the tax imposed by this chapter arising from any change to the Ohio delivery percentage.
(iv) In the case where the distribution center is new and not open for the entire qualifying period, the operator shall make a good faith estimate of an Ohio delivery percentage for use by suppliers in their reports of taxable gross receipts for the remainder of the qualifying period. The operator of the facility shall disclose to the suppliers that such Ohio delivery percentage is an estimate and is subject to recalculation. By the due date of the next application for a qualifying certificate, the operator shall determine the actual Ohio delivery percentage for the estimated qualifying period and proceed as provided in division (F)(2)(z)(iii) of this section with respect to the calculation and recalculation of the Ohio delivery percentage. The supplier is required to file, within sixty days after receiving notice from the operator of the qualified distribution center, amended reports for the impacted calendar quarter or quarters or calendar year, whichever the case may be. Any additional tax liability or tax overpayment shall be subject to interest but shall not be subject to the imposition of any penalty so long as the amended returns are timely filed.
(v) Qualifying certificates and Ohio delivery percentages issued by the commissioner shall be open to public inspection and shall be timely published by the commissioner. A supplier relying in good faith on a certificate issued under this division shall not be subject to tax on the qualifying distribution center receipts under division (F)(2)(z) of this section. A person receiving a qualifying certificate is responsible for paying the tax, interest, and penalty upon amounts claimed as qualifying distribution center receipts that would not otherwise have been owed by the supplier if the qualifying certificate were available when it is later determined that the qualifying certificate should not have been issued because the statutory requirements were in fact not met.
(vi) The annual fee for a qualifying certificate shall be one hundred thousand dollars for each qualified distribution center. If a qualifying certificate is not issued, the annual fee is subject to refund after the exhaustion of all appeals provided for in division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section. The fee imposed under this division may be assessed in the same manner as the tax imposed under this chapter. The first one hundred thousand dollars of the annual application fees collected each calendar year shall be credited to the revenue enhancement fund. The remainder of the annual application fees collected shall be distributed in the same manner required under section 5751.20 of the Revised Code.
(vii) The tax commissioner may require that adequate security be posted by the operator of the distribution center on appeal when the commissioner disagrees that the applicant has met the minimum thresholds for a qualified distribution center as set forth in divisions (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) and (F)(2)(z)(ii) of this section.
(aa) Receipts of an employer from payroll deductions relating to the reimbursement of the employer for advancing moneys to an unrelated third party on an employee's behalf;
(bb) Cash discounts allowed and taken;
(cc) Returns and allowances;
(dd) Bad debts from receipts on the basis of which the tax imposed by this chapter was paid in a prior quarterly tax payment period. For the purpose of this division, "bad debts" means any debts that have become worthless or uncollectible between the preceding and current quarterly tax payment periods, have been uncollected for at least six months, and that may be claimed as a deduction under section 166 of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations adopted under that section, or that could be claimed as such if the taxpayer kept its accounts on the accrual basis. "Bad debts" does not include repossessed property, uncollectible amounts on property that remains in the possession of the taxpayer until the full purchase price is paid, or expenses in attempting to collect any account receivable or for any portion of the debt recovered;
(ee) Any amount realized from the sale of an account receivable to the extent the receipts from the underlying transaction giving rise to the account receivable were included in the gross receipts of the taxpayer;
(ff) Any receipts directly attributed to providing public services pursuant to sections 126.60 to 126.605 of the Revised Code, or any receipts directly attributed to a transfer agreement or to the enterprise transferred under that agreement under section 4313.02 of the Revised Code.
(gg)(i) As used in this division:
(I) "Qualified uranium receipts" means receipts from the sale, exchange, lease, loan, production, processing, or other disposition of uranium within a uranium enrichment zone certified by the tax commissioner under division (F)(2)(gg)(ii) of this section. "Qualified uranium receipts" does not include any receipts with a situs in this state outside a uranium enrichment zone certified by the tax commissioner under division (F)(2)(gg)(ii) of this section.
(II) "Uranium enrichment zone" means all real property that is part of a uranium enrichment facility licensed by the United States nuclear regulatory commission and that was or is owned or controlled by the United States department of energy or its successor.
(ii) Any person that owns, leases, or operates real or tangible personal property constituting or located within a uranium enrichment zone may apply to the tax commissioner to have the uranium enrichment zone certified for the purpose of excluding qualified uranium receipts under division (F)(2)(gg) of this section. The application shall include such information that the tax commissioner prescribes. Within sixty days after receiving the application, the tax commissioner shall certify the zone for that purpose if the commissioner determines that the property qualifies as a uranium enrichment zone as defined in division (F)(2)(gg) of this section, or, if the tax commissioner determines that the property does not qualify, the commissioner shall deny the application or request additional information from the applicant. If the tax commissioner denies an application, the commissioner shall state the reasons for the denial. The applicant may appeal the denial of an application to the board of tax appeals pursuant to section 5717.02 of the Revised Code. If the applicant files a timely appeal, the tax commissioner shall conditionally certify the applicant's property. The conditional certification shall expire when all of the applicant's appeals are exhausted. Until final resolution of the appeal, the applicant shall retain the applicant's records in accordance with section 5751.12 of the Revised Code, notwithstanding any time limit on the preservation of records under that section.
(hh) Amounts realized by licensed motor fuel dealers or licensed permissive motor fuel dealers from the exchange of petroleum products, including motor fuel, between such dealers, provided that delivery of the petroleum products occurs at a refinery, terminal, pipeline, or marine vessel and that the exchanging dealers agree neither dealer shall require monetary compensation from the other for the value of the exchanged petroleum products other than such compensation for differences in product location or grade. Division (F)(2)(hh) of this section does not apply to amounts realized as a result of differences in location or grade of exchanged petroleum products or from handling, lubricity, dye, or other additive injections fees, pipeline security fees, or similar fees. As used in this division, "motor fuel," "licensed motor fuel dealer," "licensed permissive motor fuel dealer," and "terminal" have the same meanings as in section 5735.01 of the Revised Code.
(ii) In the case of amounts collected by a licensed casino operator from casino gaming, amounts in excess of the casino operator's gross casino revenue. In this division, "casino operator" and "casino gaming" have the meanings defined in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code, and "gross casino revenue" has the meaning defined in section 5753.01 of the Revised Code.
(jj) Any receipts for which the tax imposed by this chapter is prohibited by the constitution or laws of the United States or the constitution of this state.
(3) In the case of a taxpayer when acting as a real estate broker, "gross receipts" includes only the portion of any fee for the service of a real estate broker, or service of a real estate salesperson associated with that broker, that is retained by the broker and not paid to an associated real estate salesperson or another real estate broker. For the purposes of this division, "real estate broker" and "real estate salesperson" have the same meanings as in section 4735.01 of the Revised Code.
(4) A taxpayer's method of accounting for gross receipts for a tax period shall be the same as the taxpayer's method of accounting for federal income tax purposes for the taxpayer's federal taxable year that includes the tax period. If a taxpayer's method of accounting for federal income tax purposes changes, its method of accounting for gross receipts under this chapter shall be changed accordingly.
(G) "Taxable gross receipts" means gross receipts sitused to this state under section 5751.033 of the Revised Code.
(H) A person has "substantial nexus with this state" if any of the following applies. The person:
(1) Owns or uses a part or all of its capital in this state;
(2) Holds a certificate of compliance with the laws of this state authorizing the person to do business in this state;
(3) Has bright-line presence in this state;
(4) Otherwise has nexus with this state to an extent that the person can be required to remit the tax imposed under this chapter under the Constitution of the United States.
(I) A person has "bright-line presence" in this state for a reporting period and for the remaining portion of the calendar year if any of the following applies. The person:
(1) Has at any time during the calendar year property in this state with an aggregate value of at least fifty thousand dollars. For the purpose of division (I)(1) of this section, owned property is valued at original cost and rented property is valued at eight times the net annual rental charge.
(2) Has during the calendar year payroll in this state of at least fifty thousand dollars. Payroll in this state includes all of the following:
(a) Any amount subject to withholding by the person under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code;
(b) Any other amount the person pays as compensation to an individual under the supervision or control of the person for work done in this state; and
(c) Any amount the person pays for services performed in this state on its behalf by another.
(3) Has during the calendar year taxable gross receipts of at least five hundred thousand dollars.
(4) Has at any time during the calendar year within this state at least twenty-five per cent of the person's total property, total payroll, or total gross receipts.
(5) Is domiciled in this state as an individual or for corporate, commercial, or other business purposes.
(J) "Tangible personal property" has the same meaning as in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.
(K) "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended. Any term used in this chapter that is not otherwise defined has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes unless a different meaning is clearly required. Any reference in this chapter to the Internal Revenue Code includes other laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes.
(L) "Calendar quarter" means a three-month period ending on the thirty-first day of March, the thirtieth day of June, the thirtieth day of September, or the thirty-first day of December.
(M) "Tax period" means the calendar quarter or calendar year on the basis of which a taxpayer is required to pay the tax imposed under this chapter.
(N) "Calendar year taxpayer" means a taxpayer for which the tax period is a calendar year.
(O) "Calendar quarter taxpayer" means a taxpayer for which the tax period is a calendar quarter.
(P) "Agent" means a person authorized by another person to act on its behalf to undertake a transaction for the other, including any of the following:
(1) A person receiving a fee to sell financial instruments;
(2) A person retaining only a commission from a transaction with the other proceeds from the transaction being remitted to another person;
(3) A person issuing licenses and permits under section 1533.13 of the Revised Code;
(4) A lottery sales agent holding a valid license issued under section 3770.05 of the Revised Code;
(5) A person acting as an agent of the division of liquor control under section 4301.17 of the Revised Code.
(Q) "Received" includes amounts accrued under the accrual method of accounting.
(R) "Reporting person" means a person in a consolidated elected taxpayer or combined taxpayer group that is designated by that group to legally bind the group for all filings and tax liabilities and to receive all legal notices with respect to matters under this chapter, or, for the purposes of section 5751.04 of the Revised Code, a separate taxpayer that is not a member of such a group.
Section 101.02.  That existing sections 9.33, 153.65, 718.01, 2937.221, 3354.13, 3355.10, 3357.12, 5503.31, 5503.32, 5513.01, 5533.31, 5537.01, 5537.02, 5537.03, 5537.04, 5537.05, 5537.051, 5537.06, 5537.07, 5537.08, 5537.09, 5537.11, 5537.12, 5537.13, 5537.14, 5537.15, 5537.16, 5537.17, 5537.19, 5537.20, 5537.21, 5537.22, 5537.24, 5537.25, 5537.26, 5537.27, 5537.28, 5537.30, 5728.01, 5735.05, 5735.23, 5739.02, 5747.01, and 5751.01 and sections 126.60, 126.601, 126.602, 126.603, 126.604, and 126.605 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 203.10. All items in this section are hereby appropriated as designated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the credit of the designated fund. For all appropriations made in this act, those in the first column are for fiscal year 2014 and those in the second column are for fiscal year 2015. The appropriations made in this act are in addition to any other appropriations made for the FY 2014-FY 2015 biennium.
Highway Operating Fund Group
7002 772425 Highway Construction - Turnpike $ 200,000,000 $ 300,000,000
TOTAL HOF Highway Operating Fund Group $ 200,000,000 $ 300,000,000
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 200,000,000 $ 300,000,000

Within the limits set forth in this act, the Director of Budget and Management shall establish accounts indicating the source and amount of funds for each appropriation made in this act, and shall determine the form and manner in which appropriation accounts shall be maintained. Expenditures from appropriations contained in this act shall be accounted for as though made in the transportation budget act of the 130th General Assembly.
The appropriations made in this act are subject to all provisions of the transportation budget act of the 130th General Assembly that are generally applicable to such appropriations.
Section 815.10. The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds that the following sections, presented in this act as composites of the sections as amended by the acts indicated, are the resulting versions of the sections in effect prior to the effective date of the sections as presented in this act:
Section 5739.02 of the Revised Code as amended by both Am. Sub. H.B. 487 and Am. Sub. H.B. 508 of the 129th General Assembly.
Section 5747.01 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. H.B. 167, Sub. H.B. 365, and Am. Sub. H.B. 510, all of the 129th General Assembly.
Section 5751.01 of the Revised Code as amended by both Am. Sub. H.B. 472 and Am. Sub. H.B. 510 of the 129th General Assembly.
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