130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

S. B. No. 11  As Introduced
As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 11

Senator Brown 

Cosponsors: Senators Lehner, Tavares, Smith, Gentile, Kearney, Schiavoni, Cafaro, Sawyer, Turner, Skindell, LaRose 

To amend sections 3313.813, 3715.52, 3717.22, 3717.42, and 5104.051 and to enact sections 3327.18 and 3717.60 of the Revised Code to require school districts to allow alternative summer meal sponsors to use school facilities to provide food service for summer intervention services under certain conditions, to allow the distribution and consumption of meals on a school bus, and to create a healthy food license for child day-care centers and school child programs.

Section 1. That sections 3313.813, 3715.52, 3717.22, 3717.42, and 5104.051 be amended and sections 3327.18 and 3717.60 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 3313.813.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Outdoor education center" means a public or nonprofit private entity that provides to pupils enrolled in any public or chartered nonpublic elementary or secondary school an outdoor educational curriculum that the school considers to be part of its educational program.
(2) "Outside-school-hours care center" has the meaning established in 7 C.F.R. 226.2.
(B) The state board of education shall establish standards for a school lunch program, school breakfast program, child and adult care food program, special food service program for children, summer food service program for children, special milk program for children, food service equipment assistance program, and commodity distribution program established under the "National School Lunch Act," 60 Stat. 230 (1946), 42 U.S.C. 1751, as amended, and the "Child Nutrition Act of 1966," 80 Stat. 885, 42 U.S.C. 1771, as amended. Any board of education of a school district, nonprofit private school, outdoor education center, child care institution, outside-school-hours care center, or summer camp desiring to participate in such a program or required to participate under this section shall, if eligible to participate under the "National School Lunch Act," as amended, or the "Child Nutrition Act of 1966," as amended, make application to the state board of education for assistance. The board shall administer the allocation and distribution of all state and federal funds for these programs.
(C) The state board of education shall require the board of education of each school district to establish and maintain a school breakfast, lunch, and summer food service program pursuant to the "National School Lunch Act" and the "Child Nutrition Act of 1966," as described in divisions (C)(1) to (4) of this section.
(1) The state board shall require the board of education in each school district to establish a breakfast program in every school where at least one-fifth of the pupils in the school are eligible under federal requirements for free breakfasts and to establish a lunch program in every school where at least one-fifth of the pupils are eligible for free lunches. The board of education required to establish a breakfast program under this division may make a charge in accordance with federal requirements for each reduced price breakfast or paid breakfast to cover the cost incurred in providing that meal.
(2) The state board shall require the board of education in each school district to establish a breakfast program in every school in which the parents of at least one-half of the children enrolled in the school have requested that the breakfast program be established. The board of education required to establish a program under this division may make a charge in accordance with federal requirements for each meal to cover all or part of the costs incurred in establishing such a program.
(3) The state board shall require the board of education in each school district to establish one of the following for summer intervention services described in division (D) of section 3301.0711 or provided under section 3313.608 of the Revised Code, and any other summer intervention program required by law:
(a) An extension of the school breakfast program pursuant to the "National School Lunch Act" and the "Child Nutrition Act of 1966";
(b) An extension of the school lunch program pursuant to those acts;
(c) A summer food service program pursuant to those acts.
(4)(a) If the board of education of a school district determines that, for financial reasons, it cannot comply with division (C)(1) or (3) of this section, the district board may choose not to comply with either or both divisions, except as provided in division divisions (C)(4)(b) and (c) of this section. The district board publicly shall communicate to the residents of the district, in the manner it determines appropriate, its decision not to comply.
(b) If a district board chooses not to comply with division (C)(1) of this section, the state board nevertheless shall require the district board to establish a breakfast program in every school where at least one-third of the pupils in the school are eligible under federal requirements for free breakfasts and to establish a lunch program in every school where at least one-third of the pupils are eligible for free lunches. The district board may make a charge in accordance with federal requirements for each reduced price breakfast or paid breakfast to cover the cost incurred in providing that meal.
(c) If the board of education of a school district chooses not to comply with division (C)(3) of this section, the state board nevertheless shall require the district board to permit an alternative summer meal sponsor to use school facilities located in a school building attendance area where at least one-half of the pupils are eligible for free lunches.
The state board shall provide each district with a list of approved alternative summer meal sponsors that may use school facilities under this division.
Subject to the provisions of sections 3313.75 and 3313.77 of the Revised Code, a school district may charge the summer meal sponsor a reasonable fee for the use of school facilities that may include the actual cost of custodial services and a prorated share of the utility costs as determined by the district. A school district also may require the summer meal sponsor to indemnify and hold harmless the district from any potential liability resulting from the operation of an alternative summer meal program under this division.
(d) If a school district cannot for good cause comply with the requirements of division (C)(2) or (4)(b) or (c) of this section at the time the state board determines that a district is subject to these requirements, the state board shall grant a reasonable extension of time. Good cause for an extension of time shall include, but need not be limited to, economic impossibility of compliance with the requirements at the time the state board determines that a district is subject to them.
(D)(1) The state board shall accept the application of any outdoor education center in the state making application for participation in a program pursuant to division (B) of this section.
(2) For purposes of participation in any program pursuant to this section, the board shall certify any outdoor education center making application as an educational unit that is part of the educational system of the state, if the center:
(a) Meets the definition of an outdoor education center;
(b) Provides its outdoor education curriculum to pupils on an overnight basis so that pupils are in residence at the center for more than twenty-four consecutive hours;
(c) Operates under public or nonprofit private ownership in a single building or complex of buildings.
(3) The board shall approve any outdoor education center certified under this division for participation in the program for which the center is making application on the same basis as any other applicant for that program.
(E) Any school district board of education or chartered nonpublic school that participates in a breakfast program pursuant to this section may offer breakfast to pupils in their classrooms during the school day.
(F) Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, in each fiscal year in which the general assembly appropriates funds for purposes of this division, the board of education of each school district and each chartered nonpublic school that participates in a breakfast program pursuant to this section shall provide a breakfast free of charge to each pupil who is eligible under federal requirements for a reduced price breakfast.
Sec. 3327.18.  To the extent permitted by federal law, a school district that elects to provide a summer food service program under the "National School Lunch Act," 60 Stat. 230 (1946), 42 U.S.C. 1751, as amended, and the "Child Nutrition Act of 1966," 80 Stat. 885, 42 U.S.C. 1771, as amended, may do any of the following:
(A) Use a school bus to transport children to summer meal service sites;
(B) Use a school bus to transport meals to summer meal service sites;
(C) Permit the serving and consumption of meals while children are seated in the school bus, as long as the bus is parked and not in motion and the district complies with section 3313.815 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3715.52.  (A) The following acts and causing them are prohibited:
(1) The manufacture, sale, or delivery, holding or offering for sale of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded;
(2) The adulteration or misbranding of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic;
(3) The receipt in commerce of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded, and the delivery or proffered delivery thereof for pay or otherwise;
(4) The sale, delivery for sale, holding for sale, or offering for sale of any article in violation of section 3715.61 or 3715.65 of the Revised Code;
(5) The dissemination of any false advertisement;
(6) The refusal to permit entry or inspection, or to permit the taking of a sample, as authorized by section 3715.70 of the Revised Code;
(7) The giving of a guaranty or undertaking that is false, except by a person who relied on a guaranty or undertaking to the same effect signed by, and containing the name and address of the person residing in this state from whom the person received in good faith the food, drug, device, or cosmetic;
(8) The removal or disposal of a detained or embargoed article in violation of section 3715.55 or 3715.551 of the Revised Code;
(9) The alteration, mutilation, destruction, obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with respect to a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if the act is done while the article is held for sale and results in the article being misbranded;
(10) Forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely representing, or without proper authority using any mark, stamp, tag, label, or other identification device authorized or required by rules adopted pursuant to sections 3715.52 to 3715.72 of the Revised Code;
(11) The using, on the labeling of any drug or in any advertisement relating to a drug, of any representation or suggestion that any application with respect to the drug is effective under section 3715.65 of the Revised Code or that the drug complies with the provisions of that section;
(12) The using by any person to the person's own advantage, or revealing, other than to the director of agriculture or to the courts when relevant in any judicial proceeding under sections 3715.52 to 3715.72 of the Revised Code, any information acquired under authority of sections 3715.01 and 3715.52 to 3715.72 of the Revised Code, concerning any information that as a trade secret is entitled to protection;
(13) The issuance by the manufacturer, packer, or distributor of a dangerous drug of any advertisements, catalogues, or price lists, except those lists specifically designed for disseminating price change information, that do not contain in clearly legible form the name and place of business of the manufacturer who mixed the final ingredients and, if different, the manufacturer who produced the drug in its finished dosage form and, if different, the packer or distributor.
(B)(1) No person at a flea market shall sell, offer for sale, or knowingly permit the sale of any of the following products:
(a) Baby food, infant formula, or similar products;
(b) Any drug, cosmetic, or device;
(c) Any product on which is printed or stamped an expiration date or a date recommended by the manufacturer as either the last day on which the product should be offered for sale or the last day on which the product should be used.
(2) Division (B)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who keeps available for public inspection an identification card identifying the person as an authorized representative of the manufacturer or distributor of any drug, cosmetic, or device, as long as the card is not false, fraudulent, or fraudulently obtained.
(3) Division (B)(1)(c) of this section does not apply to a person or governmental entity that is licensed as a retail food establishment or food service operation under Chapter 3717. of the Revised Code or is listed in division (B)(9)(10) or (12)(13) of section 3717.42 of the Revised Code.
(4) As used in division (B)(1) of this section, "flea market" means any location, other than a permanent retail store, at which space is rented or otherwise made available to others for the conduct of business as transient vendors as defined in section 5739.17 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3717.22.  (A) The following are not retail food establishments:
(1) A food service operation licensed under this chapter, including a food service operation that provides the services of a retail food establishment pursuant to an endorsement issued under section 3717.44 of the Revised Code;
(2) An entity exempt under divisions (B)(1) to (9)(10) or (11)(12) to (13)(14) of section 3717.42 of the Revised Code from the requirement to be licensed as a food service operation and an entity exempt under division (B)(10)(11) of that section if the entity is regulated by the department of agriculture as a food processing establishment under section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;
(3) A business or that portion of a business that is regulated by the federal government or the department of agriculture as a food manufacturing or food processing business, including a business or that portion of a business regulated by the department of agriculture under Chapter 911., 913., 915., 917., 918., or 925. of the Revised Code.
(B) All of the following are exempt from the requirement to be licensed as a retail food establishment:
(1) An establishment with commercially prepackaged foods that are not potentially hazardous and contained in displays, the total space of which equals less than two hundred cubic feet;
(2) A person at a farmers market that is registered with the director of agriculture pursuant to section 3717.221 of the Revised Code that offers for sale only one or more of the following:
(a) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;
(b) Products of a cottage food production operation;
(c) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey that is produced by a maple syrup or sorghum producer or beekeeper described in division (A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;
(d) Commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially hazardous, on the condition that the food is contained in displays, the total space of which equals less than one hundred cubic feet on the premises where the person conducts business at the farmers market.
(3) A person who offers for sale at a roadside stand only fresh fruits and fresh vegetables that are unprocessed;
(4) A nonprofit organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1, as amended, that raises funds by selling foods and that, if required to be licensed, would be classified as risk level one in accordance with rules establishing licensing categories for retail food establishments adopted under section 3717.33 of the Revised Code, if the sales occur inside a building and are for not more than seven consecutive days or more than fifty-two separate days during a licensing period. This exemption extends to any individual or group raising all of its funds during the time periods specified in division (B)(4) of this section for the benefit of the nonprofit organization by selling foods under the same conditions.
(5) An establishment that offers food contained in displays of less than five hundred square feet, and if required to be licensed would be classified as risk level one pursuant to rules establishing licensing categories for retail food establishments adopted under section 3717.33 of the Revised Code, on the condition that the establishment offers the food for sale at retail not more than six months in each calendar year;
(6) A cottage food production operation, on the condition that the operation offers its products directly to the consumer from the site where the products are produced;
(7) A maple syrup and sorghum processor and beekeeper described in division (A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code, on the condition that the processor or beekeeper offers only maple syrup, sorghum, or honey directly to the consumer from the site where those products are processed;
(8) A person who annually maintains five hundred or fewer birds, on the condition that the person offers the eggs from those birds directly to the consumer from the location where the eggs are produced or at a farm product auction to which division (B)(11) of this section applies;
(9) A person who annually raises and slaughters one thousand or fewer chickens, on the condition that the person offers dressed chickens directly to the consumer from the location where the chickens are raised and slaughtered or at a farm product auction to which division (B)(11) of this section applies;
(10) A person who raises, slaughters, and processes the meat of nonamenable species described in divisions (A) and (B) of section 918.12 of the Revised Code, on the condition that the person offers the meat directly to the consumer from the location where the meat is processed or at a farm product auction to which division (B)(11) of this section applies;
(11) A farm product auction, on the condition that it is registered with the director pursuant to section 3717.221 of the Revised Code that offers for sale at the farm product auction only one or more of the following:
(a) The products described in divisions (B)(8) to (10) of this section that are produced, raised, slaughtered, or processed, as appropriate, by persons described in divisions (B)(8) to (10) of this section;
(b) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;
(c) Products of a cottage food production operation;
(d) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey that is produced by a maple syrup or sorghum producer or beekeeper described in division (A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code.
(12) An establishment that, with respect to offering food for sale, offers only alcoholic beverages or prepackaged beverages that are not potentially hazardous;
(13) An establishment that, with respect to offering food for sale, offers only alcoholic beverages, prepackaged beverages that are not potentially hazardous, or commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially hazardous, on the condition that the commercially prepackaged food is contained in displays, the total space of which equals less than two hundred cubic feet on the premises of the establishment;
(14) An establishment that, with respect to offering food for sale, offers only fountain beverages that are not potentially hazardous;
(15) A person who offers for sale only one or more of the following foods at a festival or celebration, on the condition that the festival or celebration is organized by a political subdivision of the state and lasts for a period not longer than seven consecutive days:
(a) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;
(b) Products of a cottage food production operation;
(c) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey if produced by a maple syrup or sorghum processor or beekeeper as described in division (A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;
(d) Commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially hazardous, on the condition that the food is contained in displays, the total space of which equals less than one hundred cubic feet;
(e) Fruit butter produced at the festival or celebration and sold from the production site.
(16) A farm market on the condition that it is registered with the director pursuant to section 3717.221 of the Revised Code that offers for sale at the farm market only one or more of the following:
(a) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;
(b) Products of a cottage food production operation;
(c) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey that is produced by a maple syrup or sorghum producer or beekeeper described in division (A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;
(d) Commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially hazardous, on the condition that the food is contained in displays, the total space of which equals less than one hundred cubic feet on the premises where the person conducts business at the farm market;
(e) Cider and other juices manufactured on site at the farm market;
(f) The products or items described in divisions (B)(8) to (10) of this section, on the condition that those products or items were produced by the person offering to sell them, and further conditioned that, with respect to eggs offered, the person offering to sell them annually maintains five hundred or fewer birds, and with respect to dressed chickens offered, the person annually raises and slaughters one thousand or fewer chickens.
Sec. 3717.42.  (A) The following are not food service operations:
(1) A retail food establishment licensed under this chapter, including a retail food establishment that provides the services of a food service operation pursuant to an endorsement issued under section 3717.24 of the Revised Code;
(2) An entity exempt from the requirement to be licensed as a retail food establishment under division (B) of section 3717.22 of the Revised Code;
(3) A business or that portion of a business that is regulated by the federal government or the department of agriculture as a food manufacturing or food processing business, including a business or that portion of a business regulated by the department of agriculture under Chapter 911., 913., 915., 917., 918., or 925. of the Revised Code.
(B) All of the following are exempt from the requirement to be licensed as a food service operation:
(1) A private home in which individuals related by blood, marriage, or law reside and in which the food that is prepared or served is intended only for those individuals and their nonpaying guests;
(2) A private home operated as a bed-and-breakfast that prepares and offers food to guests, if the home is owner-occupied, the number of available guest bedrooms does not exceed six, breakfast is the only meal offered, and the number of guests served does not exceed sixteen;
(3) A stand operated on the premises of a private home by one or more children under the age of twelve, if the food served is not potentially hazardous;
(4) A residential facility that accommodates not more than sixteen residents; is licensed, certified, registered, or otherwise regulated by the federal government or by the state or a political subdivision of the state; and prepares food for or serves food to only the residents of the facility, the staff of the facility, and any nonpaying guests of residents or staff;
(5) A church, school, fraternal or veterans' organization, volunteer fire organization, or volunteer emergency medical service organization preparing or serving food intended for individual portion service on its premises for not more than seven consecutive days or not more than fifty-two separate days during a licensing period. This exemption extends to any individual or group raising all of its funds during the time periods specified in division (B)(5) of this section for the benefit of the church, school, or organization by preparing or serving food intended for individual portion service under the same conditions.
(6) A common carrier that prepares or serves food, if the carrier is regulated by the federal government;
(7) A food service operation serving thirteen or fewer individuals daily;
(8) A type A or type B family day-care home, as defined in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code, that prepares or serves food for the children receiving day-care;
(9) A child day-care center or school child program that holds a healthy food license issued under section 3717.60 of the Revised Code and prepares or serves food, as authorized by the license, for the children in the center's or program's care;
(10) A vending machine location where the only foods dispensed are foods from one or both of the following categories:
(a) Prepackaged foods that are not potentially hazardous;
(b) Nuts, panned or wrapped bulk chewing gum, or panned or wrapped bulk candies.
(10)(11) A place servicing the vending machines at a vending machine location described in division (B)(9) of this section;
(11)(12) A commissary servicing vending machines that dispense only milk, milk products, or frozen desserts that are under a state or federal inspection and analysis program;
(12)(13) A "controlled location vending machine location," which means a vending machine location at which all of the following apply:
(a) The vending machines dispense only foods that are not potentially hazardous;
(b) The machines are designed to be filled and maintained in a sanitary manner by untrained persons;
(c) Minimal protection is necessary to ensure against contamination of food and equipment.
(13)(14) A private home that prepares and offers food to guests, if the home is owner-occupied, meals are served on the premises of that home, the number of meals served does not exceed one hundred fifteen per week, and the home displays a notice in a place conspicuous to all of its guests informing them that the home is not required to be licensed as a food service operation;
(14)(15) An individual who prepares full meals or meal components, such as pies or baked goods, in the individual's home to be served off the premises of that home, if the number of meals or meal components prepared for that purpose does not exceed twenty in a seven-day period.
Sec. 3717.60.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Child day-care center" has the same meaning as in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Healthy food license" means a license that authorizes a child day-care center or school child program to receive, serve, and store any of the following for the children in the center's or program's care:
(a) Fruit;
(b) Vegetables;
(c) Single-serving dairy products, if included in the licensing category applicable to the license held by the center or program.
(3) "School child program" has the same meaning as in section 3301.52 of the Revised Code.
(B) A child day-care center or school child program seeking a healthy food license or renewal of a license shall apply to the entity specified in rules adopted under this section on a form provided by the entity. The entity shall issue or renew a license if the applicant meets the requirements established in rules adopted under this section.
A healthy food license remains valid until scheduled to expire unless earlier suspended or revoked pursuant to rules adopted under this section.
(C) A child day-care center or school child program holding a healthy food license shall comply with the standards and procedures established in rules adopted under this section.
(D) The director of health shall adopt rules governing healthy food licenses. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The rules shall include all of the following:
(1) Standards and procedures for applying for a license or renewal of a license, including the length of the license;
(2) The amount of the fees to be charged for issuing and renewing licenses;
(3) Procedures for selecting a local entity to enforce this section;
(4) Standards and procedures for reviewing and approving applications for licenses;
(5) Standards and procedures for conducting inspections of the child day-care centers and school child programs holding healthy food licenses, including a schedule of frequency for conducting the inspections;
(6) Standards and procedures for conducting investigations of complaints pertaining to centers and programs holding healthy food licenses;
(7) Specification of the fruits, vegetables, and, if applicable, single-serving dairy products that may be received, stored, and served by the center or program holding a healthy food license;
(8) Specifications regarding the manner in which a child day-care center or school child program may receive, serve, and store fruit, vegetables, and single-serving dairy products, except that the specifications shall not be the same as or more restrictive than the specifications for food service operations governed under this chapter;
(9) Licensing categories that apply to healthy food licenses and requirements for each category based on whether the license authorizes the holder to receive, serve, and store fruit and vegetables only or authorizes the holder to receive, serve, and store single-serving dairy products in addition to fruit and vegetables;
(10) Standards and procedures for suspending or revoking a license;
(11) Any other matter the director considers relevant to the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this section.
Sec. 5104.051.  (A)(1) The department of commerce is responsible for the inspections of child day-care centers as required by division (A)(1) of section 5104.05 of the Revised Code. Where there is a municipal, township, or county building department certified under section 3781.10 of the Revised Code to exercise enforcement authority with respect to the category of building occupancy which includes day-care centers, all inspections required under division (A)(1) of section 5104.05 of the Revised Code shall be made by that department according to the standards established by the board of building standards. Inspections in areas of the state where there is no municipal, township, or county building department certified under section 3781.10 of the Revised Code to exercise enforcement authority with respect to the category of building occupancy which includes day-care centers shall be made by personnel of the department of commerce. Inspections of centers shall be contingent upon payment of a fee by the applicant to the department having jurisdiction to inspect.
(2) The department of commerce is responsible for the inspections of type A family day-care homes as required by division (B)(3) of section 5104.05 of the Revised Code. Where there is a municipal, township, or county building department certified under section 3781.10 of the Revised Code to exercise enforcement authority with respect to the category of building occupancy which includes type A homes, all inspections required under division (B)(3) of section 5104.05 of the Revised Code shall be made by that department according to the standards established by the board of building standards. Inspections in areas of the state where there is no municipal, township, or county building department certified under section 3781.10 of the Revised Code to exercise enforcement authority with respect to the category of building occupancy which includes type A homes shall be made by personnel of the department of commerce. Inspections of type A homes shall be contingent upon payment of a fee by the applicant to the department having jurisdiction to inspect.
(B) The state fire marshal is responsible for the inspections required by divisions (A)(2) and (B)(1) of section 5104.05 of the Revised Code. In municipal corporations and in townships outside municipal corporations where there is a fire prevention official, the inspections shall be made by the fire chief or the fire prevention official under the supervision of and according to the standards established by the state fire marshal. In townships outside municipal corporations where there is no fire prevention official, inspections shall be made by the employees of the state fire marshal.
(C) The state fire marshal shall enforce all statutes and rules pertaining to fire safety and fire prevention in child day-care centers and type A family day-care homes. In the event of a dispute between the state fire marshal and any other responsible officer under sections 5104.05 and 5104.051 of the Revised Code with respect to the interpretation or application of a specific fire safety statute or rule, the interpretation of the state fire marshal shall prevail.
(D) As used in this division, "licensor" has the same meaning as in section 3717.01 of the Revised Code.
The Except as provided in division (E) of this section, the licensor for food service operations in the city or general health district in which the center is located is responsible for the inspections required under by Chapter 3717. of the Revised Code.
(E) The entity specified in rules adopted by the director of health under section 3717.60 of the Revised Code is responsible for inspections required by that section.
(F) Any moneys collected by the department of commerce under this section shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code.
Section 2. That existing sections 3313.813, 3715.52, 3717.22, 3717.42, and 5104.051 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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