130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. R. No. 337  


Representative Jordan 

Honoring Liberty Presbyterian Church on its Bicentennial.


       WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 128th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to congratulate Liberty Presbyterian Church on its Two Hundredth Anniversary; and

       WHEREAS, Since its inception, Liberty Presbyterian Church has offered its members the pathway to a more meaningful life by illuminating and demonstrating the precepts on which the church was founded. Organized in 1810 by three pioneer families, the church constructed its first building in 1820, expanding and improving it over the years, and the current barn structure was dedicated in 1995. The spirit of love and Christian fellowship that exists among the parishioners not only prevails within the church edifice itself but also extends beyond those sacred walls to touch the lives of everyone encountered by these devout disciples; and

       WHEREAS, Under the capable leadership of its pastors, both past and present, Liberty Presbyterian Church has experienced continual growth and has provided a source of moral guidance and spiritual motivation for its congregation. The church has enhanced the quality of life within the surrounding area, and through its generous efforts, it has earned the gratitude and respect of the many citizens it has so capably served; and

       WHEREAS, An occasion such as this is an important milestone that represents dedication and commitment. For two centuries, the members of Liberty Presbyterian Church have kept their faith alive in the Delaware community, and on this special anniversary, they have accepted the challenge of carrying their beliefs into the future; therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of the 128th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commend Liberty Presbyterian Church on its Two Hundredth Anniversary and pay tribute to all those joining in the celebration of this joyous event; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Liberty Presbyterian Church.

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