130th Ohio General Assembly
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H. R. No. 356  


  Speaker Batchelder  Representative Patmon 

Honoring the City Club of Cleveland on the One Hundredth Anniversary of its founding.
       WHEREAS,  The members of the House of Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to pay tribute to the City Club of Cleveland on its Centennial; and

       WHEREAS,  This is an important occasion, and it provides an ideal time to acknowledge the exceptional advancements made by the members of the oldest continuously operating, non-partisan, free speech forum in the United States. Founded on October 28, 1912, the City Club of Cleveland is nationally recognized with a reputation as "a citadel of free speech," and it has secured a place in history as an impartial, vital center for discussion of important civic issues, holding weekly Friday forums that are broadcast on radio stations in forty states; and 

       WHEREAS,  The City Club of Cleveland's impressive contributions readily explain why it is so widely held in high esteem. All those associated with this group are to be commended for their foresight, dedication, and selfless donations of time, energy, and ability far beyond what was required or expected. These fine people have earned the respect and admiration of many and have set an example of concerned and responsible citizenship worthy of emulation; and

       WHEREAS,  The City Club of Cleveland has proudly accepted approximately 1,400 individuals into its current membership, and the One Hundred Anniversary of its founding offers a unique opportunity for the members of this outstanding organization to reflect upon its history with a sense of pride and accomplishment while looking with optimism toward the future; therefore be it

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the House of Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, applaud the City Club of Cleveland on its Centennial and salute all those who have aided in its success; and be it further

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the City Club of Cleveland.

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