130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. R. No. 469  As Adopted


  Speaker Batchelder  Representatives Budish, Fende, Adams, J., Adams, R., Amstutz, Anielski, Antonio, Ashford, Baker, Barnes, Beck, Blair, Blessing, Boose, Boyce, Boyd, Brenner, Bubp, Buchy, Butler, Carney, Celebrezze, Celeste, Cera, Clyde, Combs, Conditt, Damschroder, DeVitis, Derickson, Dovilla, Driehaus, Duffey, Fedor, Foley, Gardner, Garland, Gerberry, Gonzales, Goodwin, Goyal, Grossman, Hackett, Hagan, C., Hagan, R., Hall, Hayes, Heard, Henne, Hill, Hottinger, Huffman, Johnson, Kozlowski, Landis, Letson, Luckie, Lundy, Lynch, Maag, Mallory, Martin, McClain, McGregor, Milkovich, Murray, Newbold, O'Brien, Okey, Patmon, Pelanda, Phillips, Pillich, Ramos, Reece, Roegner, Rosenberger, Ruhl, Scherer, Schuring, Sears, Slaby, M., Slesnick, Smith, Sprague, Stautberg, Stebelton, Stinziano, Sykes, Szollosi, Terhar, Thompson, Uecker, Wachtmann, Williams, Winburn, Young, Yuko 

In memory of Jason Gresko.
       WHEREAS,  The members of the House of Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Jason Gresko on the sorrowful occasion of his death; and

       WHEREAS,  Jason Gresko left an indelible impression on the people whose lives he touched, and he will be remembered as a spirited individual who contributed immeasurably to the world around him. A part-time member of the Willoughby Police Department, which he joined in 2003, he was also an officer with the Cleveland Clinic Police Department, and he was named the 2009 Willoughby Special Officer of the Year; and 

       WHEREAS,  Jason Gresko displayed exceptional concern and insight and was tireless in his work to better the world around him. His concern for improving the quality of life in our society was clearly evident in his personal sacrifices of time and energy to others, and he flourished in the circle of his family, including his wife and his daughter. His absence will be keenly felt; and

       WHEREAS,  At a time when many people are content to take a passive role in life, law enforcement officers often risk their own safety, and in fact their lives, to ensure the well-being of their fellow citizens. The devotion to duty that Jason Gresko showed in all of his endeavors earned him the genuine respect and gratitude of his colleagues and of the community he so capably served. The world is a richer place for his having been in it, and he will be sorely missed; therefore be it

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the House of Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, mourn the loss and salute the memory of a truly unique individual, Jason Gresko; and be it further

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the family of Jason Gresko.

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