130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. R. No. 97  As Adopted by the House
As Adopted by the House

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. R. No. 97

Representative Sears 

Cosponsors: Representatives Fedor, Adams, J., Adams, R., Anielski, Balderson, Barnes, Beck, Blair, Blessing, Boose, Brenner, Bubp, Buchy, Carey, Celeste, Combs, Conditt, Derickson, Dovilla, Duffey, Gardner, Goodwin, Hackett, Hagan, C., Hall, Hayes, Henne, Hottinger, Huffman, Johnson, Kozlowski, Letson, Maag, Mallory, Martin, Mecklenborg, Newbold, Peterson, Roegner, Ruhl, Schuring, Slaby, Stautberg, Stebelton, Szollosi, Thompson, Uecker, Wachtmann, Weddington, Williams, Young Speaker Batchelder 

To urge Congress to support the continued and increased importation of oil derived from Canadian oil sands and urge Congress to ask the U.S. Secretary of State to approve the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline project from Alberta to Oklahoma.


       WHEREAS, The United States is still many years away from ending its dependence on nonrenewable energy resources despite the recent focus on renewable energy. In order to fuel our economy, the United States will need more oil and natural gas while also requiring additional alternative energy sources such as ethanol and other renewable energy sources; and

       WHEREAS, The United States currently depends on foreign imports for more than half of our petroleum usage. As the largest consumer of petroleum in the world, our dependence on foreign oil has created difficult geopolitical relationships with damaging consequences for our national security; and

       WHEREAS, Canadian oil reserves are vast and are second only to Saudi Arabia as determined by using current measurements and technology. Oil sands now account for more than half of western Canada's total oil output; and

       WHEREAS, A recent study by the U.S. Department of Energy found that increasing importation of oil derived from Canadian oil sands by the United States has the potential to substantially reduce our country's dependency on sources outside of North America. Canada is a friendly neighbor with whom the United States has an excellent trading and political relationship. Canadian oil sands provide greater fuel supply reliability and reduce the risk of supply disruptions to consumers; and

       WHEREAS, Canada sends more than 99% of its oil exports to the United States, the bulk of which goes to Midwestern refineries. Oil companies are investing huge sums to expand and upgrade refineries in the Midwest and elsewhere to make gasoline and other refined products from Canadian oil derived from oil sands. The expansion and upgrade projects will create many new construction jobs over the next five years and, in Ohio, substantially add to our states's gross state product; and

       WHEREAS, The same money used to buy Canadian oil will likely later be spent directly on U.S. goods and services in contrast with the money sent to hostile oil-producing governments that is later used to further anti-democratic agendas. Supporting the continued shift towards reliable and secure sources of Canadian oil is of vital interest to the United States and the state of Ohio; now therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of the state of Ohio, support continued and increased importation of oil derived from Canadian oil sands, urge Congress to support that continued and increased importation, and urge Congress to ask the U.S. Secretary of State to approve the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline project from Alberta to Oklahoma that has been awaiting a presidential permit since 2008 to reduce dependence on unstable governments, improve our national security, and strengthen ties with an important ally; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, to the President Pro Tempore and Secretary of the United States Senate, to the members of the Ohio Congressional delegation, and to the news media of Ohio.

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