130th Ohio General Assembly
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S. C. R. No. 19  As Introduced
As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 19

Senator Jordan 

Cosponsor: Senator Jones 

To urge the United States Congress to investigate whether federal agencies have engaged in unconstitutional surveillance of United States citizens and to take appropriate action on its findings.


       WHEREAS, During the past seven years, the National Security Agency allegedly has obtained secret court orders to require telephone companies such as Verizon Communications to provide the Agency with daily logs of all telephone communications, whether between the United States and abroad or wholly within the United States, including local calls; and

       WHEREAS, During the past six years, under the PRISM program, the National Security Agency allegedly has obtained secret court orders to require internet companies such as Google, Facebook, and Apple to provide the Agency with direct access to a wide range of user information, including communications sent by American citizens to persons outside the United States; and

       WHEREAS, The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of the people to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and prohibits the government from issuing a warrant without probable cause and a particular description of the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized; now therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly of the State of Ohio, urge the United States Congress to investigate whether the National Security Agency or any other federal agency has engaged in unconstitutional surveillance of United States citizens; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That, if any federal agency has conducted unconstitutional surveillance of United States citizens, we urge Congress immediately to defund and dismantle the programs used to do so and to order that any illegally obtained data, records, or personal information regarding United States citizens be destroyed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the Speaker and the Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore and the Secretary of the United States Senate, the members of the Ohio Congressional delegation, and the news media of Ohio.

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