130th Ohio General Assembly
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S. R. No. 357  As Introduced
As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 357

Senators Beagle, Coley 

Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project.

       WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to commend the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project and to recognize the celebration of Freedom Summer Day at Miami University, June 20, 2014; and

       WHEREAS, Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which barred discrimination against racial, ethnic, national, and religious minorities and women, more than eight hundred individuals gathered at the former Western College for Women, now a part of Miami University, to participate in the Mississippi Summer Project, an effort to draw attention to the plight of disenfranchised African Americans. These volunteers helped educate and register African-American voters, established freedom schools, and built community centers throughout Mississippi, and their commitment to non-violent protest in the face of violent opposition inspired others to devote themselves similarly; and

       WHEREAS, At a time when many people were content to take a passive role in life, the civil rights activists, local citizens, and volunteers that assembled on the former Western College for Women campus chose to risk their own safety in order to defend the rights of others. Indeed, three individuals, Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman, paid the ultimate price for their dedication to the freedoms guaranteed under our nation's constitution; and

       WHEREAS, The Mississippi Summer Project was a gathering of passionate activists, engaged citizens, and organizations fighting for social justice and equality, and it became a seminal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. All those associated with the commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of this momentous occasion are deserving of high praise, for they are ensuring that the important details of our past are transmitted to future generations for their appreciation; therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project (Freedom Summer), honor those who participated in this milestone of the Civil Rights Movement, and pledge a recommitment to living out and expressing the ideals established at this historic event; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly authenticated copies of this Resolution to Miami University and the news media of Ohio.

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