130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

As Passed by the House

123rd General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. Sub. S. B. No. 11


To amend sections 101.35, 103.05, 103.13, 103.25, 111.15, 119.03, and 119.032 and to enact sections 103.051, 103.052, 103.053, 103.054, 103.0511, 119.035, 119.037, 119.038, 119.039, and 119.0311 of the Revised Code and to repeal Section 154 of Am. Sub. H.B. 215 of the 122nd General Assembly to improve opportunities for public participation in the rule-making process by enhancing the ability of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review to achieve a quorum, modifying the timeframe for legislative review of proposed rules, authorizing the Joint Committee and its staff to attend agency rule-making hearings, requiring agency rule-making hearings to be held before Joint Committee hearings, clarifying that rules that are exempt from legislative review because of federal requirements are subject to legislative review if the federal requirement ends, clarifying that rule-making hearings are legislative in form, authorizing public comment before and after rule-making hearings, providing for rule-making hearings to be recorded other than stenographically, authorizing use of advisory committees in the development of rules, requiring publication of a Register of Ohio, and requiring agencies to prepare guides for public participation in rule-making; to make revisions and corrections in the law providing for cyclical review of rules; to modify the conditions under which compensation is paid to members of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review; to amend sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code on April 1, 2001, to provide a transition to electronic filing of rules and related documents; and to amend sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 and to enact section 103.0512 of the Revised Code on April 1, 2002, to provide for rules and related documents to be filed exclusively in electronic form.


Section 1. That sections 101.35, 103.05, 103.13, 103.25, 111.15, 119.03, and 119.032 be amended and sections 103.051, 103.052, 103.053, 103.054, 103.0511, 119.035, 119.037, 119.038, 119.039, and 119.0311 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 101.35. There is hereby created in the general assembly the joint committee on agency rule review. The committee shall consist of five members of the house of representatives and five members of the senate. Within fifteen days after the commencement of the first regular session of each general assembly, the speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint the members of the committee from the house of representatives, and the president of the senate shall appoint the members of the committee from the senate. Not more than three of the members from each house shall be of the same political party. In the first regular session of a general assembly, the chairperson of the committee shall be appointed by the speaker of the house from among the house members of the committee, and the vice-chairperson shall be appointed by the president of the senate from among the senate members of the committee. In the second regular session of a general assembly, the chairperson shall be appointed by the president of the senate from among the senate members of the committee, and the vice-chairperson shall be appointed by the speaker of the house from among the house members of the committee. The chairperson, vice-chairperson, and members of the committee shall serve until their respective successors are appointed or until they are no longer members of the general assembly. When a vacancy occurs among the officers or members of the committee, it shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

Notwithstanding section 101.26 of the Revised Code, the members, when engaged in their duties as members of the committee on days when there is not a voting session of the members's MEMBER'S house of the general asembly ASSEMBLY, shall be paid at the per diem rate of one hundred fifty dollars, and their necessary traveling expenses, which shall be paid from the funds appropriated for the payment of expenses of legislative committees.

The committee has the same powers as other standing or select committees of the general assembly. Six members constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of six members is required for the recommendation of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed or effective rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, or for the suspension of a rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, under division (I) of section 119.03 or section 119.031 of the Revised Code.



The committee may meet during periods in which the general assembly has adjourned. At meetings of the committee, the committee may request a rule-making agency, as defined in section 119.01 of the Revised Code, to provide information relative to the agency's implementation of its statutory authority.


Sec. 103.05. (A) The director of the legislative service commission shall be the codifier of the rules of the administrative agencies of the state. When a rule is filed under section 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code, the director or the director's designee shall examine the rule. If the rule is not numbered or if the numbering of the rule is not in conformity with the system established by the director, the director shall give the rule its proper number by designating the proper number on the left hand margin of the rule. The number shall be the official administrative code number of the rule. Any number so assigned shall be published in any publication of the administrative code. Rules of the administrative code shall be cited and referred to by such official numbers.

The legislative service commission shall, pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, adopt, amend, and rescind any rules that are necessary to provide a uniform administrative code,; to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include in the administrative code the full text of, or a reference to, any rule filed with the commission, and; to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers as described in this section; AND TO PERMIT THE DIRECTOR TO DISCHARGE THE DIRECTOR'S DUTIES AND EXERCISE THE DIRECTOR'S POWERS WITH RESPECT TO ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING, AND ENHANCING AND IMPROVING, THE ELECTRONIC RULE-FILING SYSTEM UNDER SECTION 103.0511 OF THE REVISED CODE.

When the commission adopts rules to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include the full text of, or a reference to, a rule in the administrative code, it shall consider all of the following:

(1) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all citizens of the state;

(2) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all political subdivisions of the state;

(3) Whether the rule affects the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the state;

(4) Whether the rule applies only to the internal affairs of the agency adopting the rule;

(5) The number of persons affected by the rule;

(6) Whether the rule affects the statutory or constitutional rights of any person.

The director or the director's designee shall accept any rule that is filed under section 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code. If the director or the director's designee accepts a rule that is not in compliance with the rules of the commission, the director shall give written notice of the noncompliance to the agency that filed the rule within thirty days after the date on which the rule is filed. The notice shall indicate why the rule does not comply with the rules of the commission and how the rule can be brought into compliance. The failure of the director to give an agency notice within the thirty-day period shall presumptively establish that the rule complies with the rules of the commission.

(B) The director shall approve as acceptable any publication of the code conforming to the requirements of this division.

An Ohio administrative code approved as acceptable by the director shall:

(1) Contain a compilation of the full text of, or a reference to, each rule filed under sections 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code;

(2) Presumptively establish the rules of all agencies adopting rules under section 111.15, 4141.14, 5703.14, or Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are in effect on the day of its initial publication;

(3) Contain the full text of, or a reference to, each rule adopted after its initial publication and be updated at least quarterly;

(4) Contain an index of the rules and references to rules that are included in the code and each supplement using terms easily understood by the general public;

(5) Be published in electronic or print format following, to the extent possible, the subject matter arrangement of the Revised Code;

(6) Be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director.

(C) If the director does not approve as acceptable any publication of the administrative code, the director, subject to division (D) of this section, may prepare and publish the code, or contract with any person under this division to prepare and publish the code. Any code published under this division shall include all of the requirements of division (B) of this section. In addition, the director shall furnish any code or supplement published under this division to any person who requests the code or supplement upon payment of a charge established by the director, not to exceed the cost of preparation and publication.

Upon the request of the director of the legislative service commission under this division, the director of administrative services, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure of Chapter 125. of the Revised Code, shall let a contract for the compilation, preparation, and printing or publication of the administrative code and supplements.

(D) The director shall not prepare and publish the administrative code in a print mode or any other mode under division (B) or (C) of this section unless no other person is willing and qualified to publish a version of the code in that mode that the director has approved as acceptable.














Sec. 103.13. The Ohio legislative service commission shall:

(A) Conduct research, make investigations, and secure information or data on any subject and make reports thereon to the general assembly;

(B) Ascertain facts and make reports concerning the state budget, the revenues and expenditures of the state, and of the organization and functions of the state, its departments, subdivisions, and agencies;

(C) Make surveys, investigations, and studies, and compile data, information, and records on any question which may be referred to it by either house of the general assembly or any standing committee of the general assembly;

(D) Assist and cooperate with any interim legislative committee or other agency created by the general assembly;

(E) Prepare or advise in the preparation of any bill or resolution, when requested by any member of the general assembly;

(F) Collect, classify, and index the documents of the state which shall include executive and legislative documents and departmental reports and keep on file all bills, resolutions, and official journals printed by order of either house of the general assembly;

(G) Provide members of the general assembly with impartial and accurate information and reports concerning legislative problems in accordance with rules prescribed by the commission;

(H) Annually collect the reports required by section 4743.01 of the Revised Code and prepare a report evaluating the extent to which state boards and commissions which regulate occupations are financially self-supporting. The report shall be presented to the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives, the president and the minority leader of the senate, and the chairman CHAIRPERSON and ranking minority member of the finance committees of both houses, on or before the thirty-first day of December each year.

(I) Codify the rules of administrative agencies of the state in accordance with the provisions of section 103.05 of the Revised Code;



Sec. 103.25. The director of the legislative service commission shall take all necessary measures to protect and maintain the integrity and security of all:

(A) ALL legislative AND QUASI-LEGISLATIVE documents stored in an electronic format, including any database that contains the Revised Code or Ohio administrative code; AND


Sec. 111.15. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule" includes any rule, regulation, bylaw, or standard having a general and uniform operation adopted by an agency under the authority of the laws governing the agency; any appendix to a rule; and any internal management rule. "Rule" does not include any guideline adopted pursuant to section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code, any order respecting the duties of employees, any finding, any determination of a question of law or fact in a matter presented to an agency, or any rule promulgated pursuant to Chapter 119., section 4141.14, division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02, or section 5703.14 of the Revised Code. "Rule" includes any amendment or rescission of a rule.

(2) "Agency" means any governmental entity of the state and includes, but is not limited to, any board, department, division, commission, bureau, society, council, institution, state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college. "Agency" does not include the general assembly, the controlling board, the adjutant general's department, or any court.

(3) "Internal management rule" means any rule, regulation, bylaw, or standard governing the day-to-day staff procedures and operations within an agency.

(4) "Substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Any rule, other than a rule of an emergency nature, adopted by any agency pursuant to this section shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B)(3) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) Two certified copies of the rule shall be filed with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) Two certified copies of the rule shall be filed with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (D) of this section does not apply.

An agency that adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (D) of this section shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code. This paragraph does not apply to a rule of a state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college.

If all copies are not filed on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is made. If an agency in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by division (B)(1) of this section, the rule if filed as required by such division shall become effective on the later date designated by the agency.

Any rule that is required to be filed under division (B)(1) of this section is also subject to division (D) of this section if not exempted by division (D)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), or (8) of this section.

(2) A rule of an emergency nature necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety shall state the reasons for the necessity. Copies of the emergency rule, in final form and in compliance with division (B)(3) of this section, shall be filed as follows: two certified copies of the emergency rule shall be filed with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission, and one certified copy of the emergency rule shall be filed with the joint committee on agency rule review. The emergency rule is effective immediately upon the latest filing, except that if the agency in adopting the emergency rule designates an effective date, or date and time of day, that is later than the effective date and time provided for by division (B)(2) of this section, the emergency rule if filed as required by such division shall become effective at the later date, or later date and time of day, designated by the agency.

An emergency rule becomes invalid at the end of the ninetieth day it is in effect. Prior to that date, the agency may file the emergency rule as a nonemergency rule in compliance with division (B)(1) of this section. The agency may not refile the emergency rule in compliance with division (B)(2) of this section so that, upon the emergency rule becoming invalid under such division, the emergency rule will continue in effect without interruption for another ninety-day period.

(3) An agency shall file a rule under division (B)(1) or (2) of this section in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives an agency written notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the agency is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the agency shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

(C) All rules filed pursuant to divisions (B)(1)(a) and (2) of this section shall be recorded by the secretary of state and the director under the title of the agency adopting the rule and shall be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director. The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be lent to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

(D) At least sixty SIXTY-FIVE days before a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state files a rule under division (B)(1) of this section, it shall file two copies of the full text of the proposed rule with the joint committee on agency rule review, and the proposed rule is subject to legislative review and invalidation under division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. If a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau makes a substantive revision in a proposed rule after it is filed with the joint committee, the state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall promptly file two copies of the full text of the proposed rule in its revised form with the joint committee. The latest version of a proposed rule as filed with the joint committee supersedes each earlier version of the text of the same proposed rule. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall attach one copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of a proposed rule, and to each copy of a proposed rule in revised form, that is filed under this division.

As used in this division, "commission" includes the public utilities commission when adopting rules under a federal or state statute.

This division does not apply to any of the following:

(1) A proposed rule of an emergency nature;

(2) A rule proposed under section 1121.05, 1121.06, 1155.18, 1733.412, 4123.29, 4123.34, 4123.341, 4123.342, 4123.40, 4123.411, 4123.44, or 4123.442 of the Revised Code;

(3) A rule proposed by an agency other than a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state;

(4) A proposed internal management rule of a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state;

(5) Any proposed rule that must be adopted verbatim by an agency pursuant to federal law or rule, to become effective within sixty days of adoption, in order to continue the operation of a federally reimbursed program in this state, so long as the proposed rule contains both of the following:

(a) A statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule;

(b) A citation to the federal law or rule that requires verbatim compliance.

(6) An initial rule proposed by the director of health to impose safety standards, quality-of-care standards, and quality-of-care data reporting requirements with respect to a health service specified in section 3702.11 of the Revised Code, or an initial rule proposed by the director to impose quality standards on a facility listed in division (A)(4) of section 3702.30 of the Revised Code, if section 3702.12 of the Revised Code requires that the rule be adopted under this section;

(7) A rule of the state lottery commission pertaining to instant game rules.


(E) Whenever a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau files a proposed rule or a proposed rule in revised form under division (D) of this section, it shall also file one copy of the full text of the same proposed rule or proposed rule in revised form with the secretary of state and two copies thereof with the director of the legislative service commission. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall attach a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of a proposed rule or proposed rule in revised form that is filed with the secretary of state or the director of the legislative service commission.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in this division, the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee is not required to attach a rule summary and fiscal analysis to any copy of a proposed rule, or proposed rule in revised form, that the auditor of state proposes under section 117.12, 117.19, 117.38, or 117.43 of the Revised Code and files under division (D) or (E) of this section. If, however, the auditor of state or the designee prepares a rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of such a proposed rule for purposes of complying with section 121.24 of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or designee shall attach a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis to each copy of the original version of the proposed rule filed under division (D) or (E) of this section.

Sec. 119.03. In the adoption, amendment, or rescission of any rule, an agency shall comply with the following procedure:

(A) Reasonable public notice shall be given IN THE REGISTER OF OHIO at least thirty days prior to the date set for a hearing, in the manner and form and for the length of time as the agency determines and. THE AGENCY SHALL FILE COPIES OF THE PUBLIC NOTICE UNDER DIVISION (B) OF THIS SECTION. (THE AGENCY GIVES PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE REGISTER OF OHIO WHEN THE PUBLIC NOTICE IS PUBLISHED IN THE REGISTER UNDER THAT DIVISION.)

THE PUBLIC NOTICE shall include:

(1) A statement of the agency's intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding a rule;

(2) A synopsis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded or a general statement of the subject matter to which the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission relates;

(3) A statement of the reason or purpose for adopting, amending, or rescinding the rule;

(4) The date, time, and place of a hearing on the proposed action, which shall be not earlier than thirty THE THIRTY-FIRST nor later than fifty days THE FORTIETH DAY after the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed under division (B) of this section. In

IN addition to public notice GIVEN IN THE REGISTER OF OHIO, the agency may give whatever other notice it REASONABLY considers necessary TO ENSURE NOTICE CONSTRUCTIVELY IS GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS WHO ARE SUBJECT TO OR AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED RULE, AMENDMENT, OR RESCISSION. Each agency shall adopt a rule setting forth in detail the method that the agency shall follow in giving public notice as to the adoption, amendment, or rescission of rules. The rule shall require the

THE agency to SHALL provide A COPY OF the public notice required under division (A) of this section to any person who requests it and pays a reasonable fee, not to exceed the cost of copying and mailing. The methods used for notification may include, but are not limited to, mailing notices to all subscribers on a mailing list or mailing notices in addressed, stamped envelopes provided by the person requesting the notice.

(B) One copy of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded, accompanied by one copy of the public notice required under division (A) of this section, shall be filed with the secretary of state. Two copies of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded, accompanied by two copies of the public notice required under division (A) of this section, shall be filed with the director of the legislative service commission. (If in compliance with this division an agency files more than one proposed rule, amendment, or rescission at the same time, and has given PREPARED a public notice under division (A) of this section that applies to more than one of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions, the agency shall file only one copy of the notice with the secretary of state and only two copies of the notice with the director for all of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions to which the notice applies.) The proposed rule, amendment, or rescission and public notice shall be filed as required by this division at least sixty SIXTY-FIVE days prior to the date on which the agency, in accordance with division (D) of this section, issues an order adopting the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission. The

THE proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be available for at least thirty days prior to the date of the hearing at the office of the agency in printed or other legible form without charge to any person affected by the proposal. Failure to furnish such text to any person requesting it shall not invalidate any action of the agency in connection therewith. If

IF the agency files a substantive revision in the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission under division (H) of this section, it shall also promptly file one copy of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in its revised form with the secretary of state and two copies thereof with the director of the legislative service commission. The

THE agency shall attach a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of a proposed rule, AMENDMENT, OR RESCISSION or proposed rule, AMENDMENT, OR RESCISSION in revised form that is filed with the secretary of state or the director of the legislative service commission.


(C) On the date and at the time and place designated in the notice, the agency shall conduct a public hearing at which any person affected by the proposed action of the agency may appear and be heard in person, by his THE PERSON'S attorney, or both, may present his THE PERSON'S position, arguments, or contentions, orally or in writing, offer and examine witnesses, and present evidence tending to show that the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, if adopted or effectuated, will be unreasonable or unlawful. AN AGENCY MAY PERMIT PERSONS AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED RULE, AMENDMENT, OR RESCISSION TO PRESENT THEIR POSITIONS, ARGUMENTS, OR CONTENTIONS IN WRITING, NOT ONLY AT THE HEARING, BUT ALSO FOR A REASONABLE PERIOD BEFORE, AFTER, OR BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER THE HEARING. A PERSON WHO PRESENTS A POSITION OR ARGUMENTS OR CONTENTIONS IN WRITING BEFORE OR AFTER THE HEARING IS NOT REQUIRED TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING.


In any hearing under this section the agency may administer oaths or affirmations.

The agency shall pass upon the admissibility of evidence, but the person affected may at the time make objection to the ruling of the agency, and if the agency refuses to admit evidence the person offering the evidence shall make a proffer of the evidence, and the proffer shall be made a part of the record of such hearing.

(D) After complying with divisions (A), (B), (C), and (H) of this section, and when the time for legislative review and invalidation under division (I) of this section has expired, the agency may issue an order adopting the proposed rule or the proposed amendment or rescission of the rule, consistent with the synopsis or general statement included in the public notice. At that time the agency shall designate the effective date of the rule, amendment, or rescission, which shall not be earlier than the tenth day after the rule, amendment, or rescission has been filed in its final form as provided in section 119.04 of the Revised Code.

(E) Prior to the effective date of a rule, amendment, or rescission, the agency shall make a reasonable effort to inform those affected by the rule, amendment, or rescission and to have available for distribution to those requesting it the full text of the rule as adopted or as amended.

(F) If the governor, upon the request of an agency, determines that an emergency requires the immediate adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule, he THE GOVERNOR shall issue a written order, a copy of which shall be filed with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review, that the procedure prescribed by this section with respect to the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a specified rule is suspended. The agency may then adopt immediately the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission and it becomes effective on the date copies of the rule, amendment, or rescission, in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of section 119.04 of the Revised Code, are filed as follows: two certified copies of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be filed with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission, and one certified copy of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be filed with the joint committee on agency rule review. If all copies are not filed on the same day, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be effective on the day on which the latest filing is made. The THE DIRECTOR SHALL PUBLISH THE FULL TEXT OF THE EMERGENCY RULE, AMENDMENT, OR RESCISSION IN THE REGISTER OF OHIO.

THE emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall become invalid at the end of the ninetieth day it is in effect. Prior to that date the agency may adopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission as a nonemergency rule, amendment, or rescission by complying with the procedure prescribed by this section for the adoption, amendment, and rescission of nonemergency rules. The agency shall not use the procedure of this division to readopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission so that, upon the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission becoming invalid under this division, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission will continue in effect without interruption for another ninety-day period. This

THIS division does not apply to the adoption of any emergency rule, amendment, or rescission by the tax commissioner under division (C)(2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code.

(G) Rules adopted by an authority within the department of taxation or the bureau of employment services shall be effective without a hearing as provided by this section if the statutes pertaining to such agency specifically give a right of appeal to the board of tax appeals or to a higher authority within the agency or to a court, and also give the appellant a right to a hearing on such appeal. This division does not apply to the adoption of any rule, amendment, or rescission by the tax commissioner under division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code, or deny the right to file an action for declaratory judgment as provided in Chapter 2721. of the Revised Code from the decision of the board of tax appeals or of the higher authority within such agency.

(H) When any agency files a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission under division (B) of this section, it shall also file with the joint committee on agency rule review two copies of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded in the same form and two copies of the public notice required under division (A) of this section. (If in compliance with this division an agency files more than one proposed rule, amendment, or rescission at the same time, and has given a public notice under division (A) of this section that applies to more than one of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions, the agency shall file only two copies of the notice with the joint committee for all of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions to which the notice applies.) If the agency makes a substantive revision in a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission after it is filed with the joint committee, the agency shall promptly file two copies of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in its revised form with the joint committee. The latest version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as filed with the joint committee supersedes each earlier version of the text of the same proposed rule, amendment, or rescission. An agency shall attach one copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, and to each copy of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in revised form, that is filed under this division.

This division does not apply to:

(1) An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission;

(2) Any proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that must be adopted verbatim by an agency pursuant to federal law or rule, to become effective within sixty days of adoption, in order to continue the operation of a federally reimbursed program in this state, so long as the proposed rule contains both of the following:

(a) A statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule;

(b) A citation to the federal law or rule that requires verbatim compliance.


(I)(1) The joint committee on agency rule review may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof if it finds any of the following:

(a) That the rule-making agency has exceeded the scope of its statutory authority in proposing the rule, amendment, or rescission;

(b) That the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission conflicts with another rule, amendment, or rescission adopted by the same or a different rule-making agency;

(c) That the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission conflicts with the legislative intent in enacting the statute under which the rule-making agency proposed the rule, amendment, or rescission;

(d) That the rule-making agency has failed to prepare a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as required by section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both.


The house of representatives and senate may adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. The concurrent resolution shall state which of the specific rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof are invalidated. A concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be adopted prior to NOT LATER THAN the sixtieth SIXTY-FIFTH day after the original version of the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed with the joint committee, except that if more than thirty THIRTY-FIVE days after the original version is filed the rule-making agency either files a revised version of the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, or revises the rule summary and fiscal analysis in accordance with division (I)(4) of this section, a concurrent resolution invalidating the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be adopted prior to NOT LATER THAN the thirtieth day after the revised version of the proposed rule or rule summary and fiscal analysis is filed. If, after the joint committee on agency rule review recommends the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the house of representatives or senate does not, within the time remaining for adoption of the concurrent resolution, hold five floor sessions at which its journal records a roll call vote disclosing a sufficient number of members in attendance to pass a bill, the time within which that house may adopt the concurrent resolution is extended until it has held five such floor sessions.

Within five days after the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the clerk of the senate shall send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified copy of the resolution together with a certification stating the date on which the resolution takes effect. The secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission shall each note the invalidity of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof on his copy THEIR COPIES, and shall each remove the invalid proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof from the file of proposed rules. The rule-making agency shall not proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, any version of a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that has been invalidated by concurrent resolution.

Unless the house of representatives and senate adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof within the time specified by this division, the rule-making agency may proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the latest version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as filed with the joint committee. If by concurrent resolution certain of the rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof are specifically invalidated, the rule-making agency may proceed to adopt, in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the latest version of the proposed rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof as filed with the joint committee that are not specifically invalidated. The rule-making agency may not revise or amend any proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that has not been invalidated except as provided in this chapter or in section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) A proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is filed with the joint committee under division (H) of this section or division (D) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code shall be carried over for legislative review to the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly if the original or any revised version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed with the joint committee on or after the first day of December of any year.

(b) The latest version of any proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is subject to division (I)(2)(a) of this section, as filed with the joint committee, is subject to legislative review and invalidation in the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly in the same manner as if it were the original version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that had been filed with the joint committee for the first time on the first day of the session. A rule-making agency shall not adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, any version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is subject to division (I)(2)(a) of this section until the time for legislative review and invalidation, as contemplated by division (I)(2)(b) of this section, has expired.

(3) Invalidation of any version of a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof by concurrent resolution shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting or continuing proceedings to adopt any version of the same proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof for the duration of the general assembly that invalidated the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof unless the same general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution permitting the rule-making agency to institute or continue such proceedings.

The failure of the general assembly to invalidate a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall not be construed as a ratification of the lawfulness or reasonableness of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof or of the validity of the procedure by which the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof was proposed or adopted.

(4) In lieu of recommending a concurrent resolution to invalidate a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof because the rule-making agency has failed to prepare a complete and accurate fiscal analysis, the joint committee on agency rule review may issue, on a one-time basis, for rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof that have a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, a written finding that the rule summary and fiscal analysis is incomplete or inaccurate and order the rule-making agency to revise the rule summary and fiscal analysis and refile it with the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. If an emergency rule is filed as a nonemergency rule before the end of the ninetieth day of the emergency rule's effectiveness, and the joint committee issues a finding and orders the rule-making agency to refile under division (I)(4) of this section, the governor may also issue a written order stating that the emergency rule shall remain in effect for an additional sixty days after the ninetieth day of the emergency rule's effectiveness. Copies of the governor's written orders shall be filed in accordance with division (F) of this section. The joint committee shall send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified copy of the order to revise the rule summary and fiscal analysis, which shall take immediate effect.

A written order issued under division (I)(4) of this section shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting or continuing proceedings to adopt any version of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof until the rule-making agency revises the rule summary and fiscal analysis and refiles it with the joint committee along with the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. If the joint committee finds the rule summary and fiscal analysis to be complete and accurate, the joint committee shall issue a new written order noting that the rule-making agency has revised and refiled a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis. The joint committee shall send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified copy of this new order. The secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission shall each attach this order to their copies of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. The rule-making agency may then proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that was subject to the written finding and order under division (I)(4) of this section. If the joint committee determines that the revised rule summary and fiscal analysis is still inaccurate or incomplete, the joint committee shall recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution in accordance with division (I)(1) of this section.

Sec. 119.032. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" includes both an agency as defined in division (A)(2) of section 111.15 and an agency as defined in division (A) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Review date" means the review date assigned to a rule by an agency under division (B) or (E)(2) of this section or under section 111.15, 119.04, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code or a review date assigned to a rule by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (B) of this section.

(3)(a) "Rule" means only a rule whose adoption, amendment, or rescission is subject to review under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(b) "Rule" does not include a rule adopted, amended, or rescinded by the department of taxation under section 5703.14 of the Revised Code, a rule of a state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college, or a rule that is consistent with and equivalent to the form required by a federal law and that does not exceed the minimum scope and intent of that federal law.

(B) Within one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this section NOT LATER THAN MARCH 25, 1997, each agency shall assign a review date to each of its rules that is currently in effect and shall notify the joint committee on agency rule review of the review date for each such rule. The agency shall assign review dates to its rules so that approximately one-fifth of the rules are scheduled for review during each calendar year of the five-year period that begins one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this section MARCH 25, 1997, except that an agency, with the joint committee's approval, may set a review schedule for the agency's rules in which there is no requirement that approximately one-fifth of the agency's rules be assigned a review date during each calendar year of the five-year period but in which all of the agency's rules are assigned a review date during that five-year period. An agency may change the review dates it has assigned to specific rules so long as the agency complies with the five-year time deadline specified in this division. Upon

UPON the request of the agency that adopted the rule, the joint committee on agency rule review may assign EXTEND a review date to OF a rule TO A DATE that is not later than one hundred twenty EIGHTY days after the original review date assigned to the rule by the agency under this division, division (E)(2) of this section, or section 111.15, 119.04, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code. The joint committee may FURTHER extend for not longer than sixty days a review date it THAT has assigned to a rule BEEN EXTENDED under this division PARAGRAPH IF APPROPRIATE UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES.

(C) Prior to the review date of a rule, the agency that adopted the rule shall review the rule to determine all of the following:

(1) Whether the rule should be continued without amendment, be amended, or be rescinded, taking into consideration the purpose, scope, and intent of the statute under which the rule was adopted;

(2) Whether the rule needs amendment or rescission to give more flexibility at the local level;

(3) Whether the rule needs amendment or rescission to eliminate unnecessary paperwork;

(4) Whether the rule duplicates, overlaps with, or conflicts with other rules.

(D) In making the review required under division (C) of this section, the agency shall consider the continued need for the rule, the nature of any complaints or comments received concerning the rule, and any relevant factors that have changed in the subject matter area affected by the rule.

(E)(1) At least ninety days ON OR before the designated review date of a rule, the agency that adopted the rule shall provide the joint committee on agency rule review with a notice PROCEED under division (E)(2) OR (5) of this section indicating TO INDICATE that the agency has reviewed the rule.

(2) If the agency has determined that the rule does not need to be amended or rescinded, the notice AGENCY shall state FILE ALL THE FOLLOWING WITH THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON AGENCY RULE REVIEW, THE SECRETARY OF STATE, AND THE DIRECTOR OF THE LEGISLATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION: A COPY OF THE RULE, A STATEMENT OF the agency's determination, provide AND an accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis for the rule as described in section 127.18 of the Revised Code, and. THE AGENCY SHALL assign a new review date to the rule, which shall not be later than five years after the rule's immediately preceding review date. After the joint committee has reviewed such a rule for the first time, including any rule that was in effect on the effective date of this section SEPTEMBER 26, 1996, the agency in its subsequent reviews of the rule may provide the same fiscal analysis it provided to the joint committee during its immediately preceding review of the rule unless any of the conditions described in division (B)(4), (5), (6), (8), (9), or (10) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code, as they relate to the rule, have appreciably changed since the joint committee's immediately preceding review of the rule. If any of these conditions, as they relate to the rule, have appreciably changed, the agency shall provide the joint committee with an updated fiscal analysis for the rule. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its immediately preceding review date. The joint committee shall give public notice IN THE REGISTER OF OHIO of the agency's determination each week for four consecutive weeks after receiving a notice from the agency under division (E)(2) of this section. THE JOINT COMMITTEE SHALL TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE NOTICE TO THE DIRECTOR OF THE LEGISLATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION. THE DIRECTOR SHALL PUBLISH THE NOTICE IN THE REGISTER OF OHIO FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE WEEKS AFTER ITS RECEIPT.

(3) During the ninety-day period following the date the joint committee receives a notice under division (E)(2) of this section but after the four-week period described in division (E)(2) of this section has ended, the joint committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule if the joint committee determines that either of the following applies:

(a) The agency improperly applied the criteria described in divisions (C) and (D) of this section in reviewing the rule and in recommending its continuance without amendment or rescission.

(b) The agency failed to file proper notice with the joint committee regarding the rule.

(4) If the joint committee does not take the action described in division (E)(3) of this section regarding a rule during the ninety-day period after the date the joint committee receives a notice under division (E)(2) of this section regarding that rule, the rule shall continue in effect without amendment and shall be next reviewed by the joint committee by the date designated by the agency in the notice provided to the joint committee under division (E)(2) of this section.

(5) If the agency has determined that a rule reviewed under division (C) of this section needs to be amended or rescinded, the agency, at least ninety days ON OR before the rule's review date, shall file the rule as amended or rescinded in accordance with section 111.15, 119.03, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code, as applicable.

(6) Within one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this section, each EACH agency shall provide the joint committee with a list COPY of the rules that it has determined are rules described in division (A)(3)(b) of this section. At a time the joint committee designates, each agency shall appear before the joint committee and explain why it has determined that such rules are rules described in division (A)(3)(b) of this section. The joint committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, may determine that any of such rules are rules described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section. After the joint committee has made such a determination relating to a rule, the agency shall thereafter treat the rule as a rule described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section.

(F) If an agency fails to provide the notice to the joint committee required under division (E)(2) of this section regarding a rule or otherwise fails by the rule's review date to take any action regarding the rule required by this section, the joint committee, by a majority vote of the members present, may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule. The joint committee shall not recommend the adoption of such a resolution until it has afforded the agency the opportunity to appear before the joint committee to show cause why the joint committee should not recommend the adoption of such a resolution regarding that rule.

(G) If the joint committee recommends adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a rule under division (E)(3) or (F) of this section, the adoption of the concurrent resolution shall be in the manner described in division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

















Section 2. That existing sections 101.35, 103.05, 103.13, 103.25, 111.15, 119.03, and 119.032 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.

Section 3. That sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:

Sec. 103.05. (A) The director of the legislative service commission shall be the codifier of the rules of the administrative agencies of the state. When a rule is filed under section 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code, the director or the director's designee shall examine the rule. If the rule is not numbered or if the numbering of the rule is not in conformity with the system established by the director, the director shall give the rule its proper number by designating the proper number on the left hand margin of the rule. The number shall be the official administrative code number of the rule. Any number so assigned shall be published in any publication of the administrative code. Rules of the administrative code shall be cited and referred to by such official numbers.

The legislative service commission shall, pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, adopt, amend, and rescind any rules that are necessary to provide a uniform administrative code; to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include in the administrative code the full text of, or a reference to, any rule filed with the commission; to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers as described in this section; and to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers with respect to establishing and maintaining, and enhancing and improving, the electronic rule-filing system under section 103.0511 of the Revised Code.

When the commission adopts rules to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include the full text of, or a reference to, a rule in the administrative code, it shall consider all of the following:

(1) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all citizens of the state;

(2) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all political subdivisions of the state;

(3) Whether the rule affects the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the state;

(4) Whether the rule applies only to the internal affairs of the agency adopting the rule;

(5) The number of persons affected by the rule;

(6) Whether the rule affects the statutory or constitutional rights of any person.

The director or the director's designee shall accept any rule that is filed under section 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code. If the director or the director's designee accepts a rule that is not in compliance with the rules of the commission, the director shall give written notice of the noncompliance IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM to the agency that filed the rule within thirty days after the date on which the rule is filed. The notice shall indicate why the rule does not comply with the rules of the commission and how the rule can be brought into compliance. The failure of the director to give an agency notice within the thirty-day period shall presumptively establish that the rule complies with the rules of the commission.

(B) The director shall approve as acceptable any publication of the code conforming to the requirements of this division.

An Ohio administrative code approved as acceptable by the director shall:

(1) Contain a compilation of the full text of, or a reference to, each rule filed under sections 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code;

(2) Presumptively establish the rules of all agencies adopting rules under section 111.15, 4141.14, 5703.14, or Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are in effect on the day of its initial publication;

(3) Contain the full text of, or a reference to, each rule adopted after its initial publication and be updated at least quarterly;

(4) Contain an index of the rules and references to rules that are included in the code and each supplement using terms easily understood by the general public;

(5) Be published in electronic or print format following, to the extent possible, the subject matter arrangement of the Revised Code;

(6) Be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director.

(C) If the director does not approve as acceptable any publication of the administrative code, the director, subject to division (D) of this section, may prepare and publish the code, or contract with any person under this division to prepare and publish the code. Any code published under this division shall include all of the requirements of division (B) of this section. In addition, the director shall furnish any code or supplement published under this division to any person who requests the code or supplement upon payment of a charge established by the director, not to exceed the cost of preparation and publication.

Upon the request of the director of the legislative service commission under this division, the director of administrative services, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure of Chapter 125. of the Revised Code, shall let a contract for the compilation, preparation, and printing or publication of the administrative code and supplements.

(D) The director shall not prepare and publish the administrative code in a print mode or any other mode under division (B) or (C) of this section unless no other person is willing and qualified to publish a version of the code in that mode that the director has approved as acceptable.

Sec. 111.15. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule" includes any rule, regulation, bylaw, or standard having a general and uniform operation adopted by an agency under the authority of the laws governing the agency; any appendix to a rule; and any internal management rule. "Rule" does not include any guideline adopted pursuant to section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code, any order respecting the duties of employees, any finding, any determination of a question of law or fact in a matter presented to an agency, or any rule promulgated pursuant to Chapter 119., section 4141.14, division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02, or section 5703.14 of the Revised Code. "Rule" includes any amendment or rescission of a rule.

(2) "Agency" means any governmental entity of the state and includes, but is not limited to, any board, department, division, commission, bureau, society, council, institution, state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college. "Agency" does not include the general assembly, the controlling board, the adjutant general's department, or any court.

(3) "Internal management rule" means any rule, regulation, bylaw, or standard governing the day-to-day staff procedures and operations within an agency.

(4) "Substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Any rule, other than a rule of an emergency nature, adopted by any agency pursuant to this section shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B)(3) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (D) of this section does not apply.

An agency that adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (D) of this section shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code. This paragraph does not apply to a rule of a state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college.

If all copies are not filed FILINGS ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. If an agency in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by division (B)(1) of this section, the rule if filed as required by such division shall become effective on the later date designated by the agency.

Any rule that is required to be filed under division (B)(1) of this section is also subject to division (D) of this section if not exempted by division (D)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), or (8) of this section.

(2) A rule of an emergency nature necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety shall state the reasons for the necessity. Copies of the THE emergency rule, in final form and in compliance with division (B)(3) of this section, shall be filed as follows: two certified copies of the emergency rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and, the director of the legislative service commission, and one certified copy of the emergency rule shall be filed with the joint committee on agency rule review. The emergency rule is effective immediately upon COMPLETION OF the latest filing, except that if the agency in adopting the emergency rule designates an effective date, or date and time of day, that is later than the effective date and time provided for by division (B)(2) of this section, the emergency rule if filed as required by such division shall become effective at the later date, or later date and time of day, designated by the agency.

An emergency rule becomes invalid at the end of the ninetieth day it is in effect. Prior to that date, the agency may file the emergency rule as a nonemergency rule in compliance with division (B)(1) of this section. The agency may not refile the emergency rule in compliance with division (B)(2) of this section so that, upon the emergency rule becoming invalid under such division, the emergency rule will continue in effect without interruption for another ninety-day period.

(3) An agency shall file a rule under division (B)(1) or (2) of this section in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives an agency written notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the agency is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the agency shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

(C) All rules filed pursuant to divisions (B)(1)(a) and (2) of this section shall be recorded by the secretary of state and the director under the title of the agency adopting the rule and shall be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director. The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be lent TRANSMITTED to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

(D) At least sixty-five days before a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state files a rule under division (B)(1) of this section, it shall file two copies of the full text of the proposed rule IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review, and the proposed rule is subject to legislative review and invalidation under division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. If a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau makes a substantive revision in a proposed rule after it is filed with the joint committee, the state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall promptly file two copies of the full text of the proposed rule in its revised form IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee. The latest version of a proposed rule as filed with the joint committee supersedes each earlier version of the text of the same proposed rule. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall attach one copy of ALSO FILE the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH a proposed rule, and to each copy of ALONG WITH a proposed rule in revised form, that is filed under this division.

As used in this division, "commission" includes the public utilities commission when adopting rules under a federal or state statute.

This division does not apply to any of the following:

(1) A proposed rule of an emergency nature;

(2) A rule proposed under section 1121.05, 1121.06, 1155.18, 1733.412, 4123.29, 4123.34, 4123.341, 4123.342, 4123.40, 4123.411, 4123.44, or 4123.442 of the Revised Code;

(3) A rule proposed by an agency other than a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state;

(4) A proposed internal management rule of a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state;

(5) Any proposed rule that must be adopted verbatim by an agency pursuant to federal law or rule, to become effective within sixty days of adoption, in order to continue the operation of a federally reimbursed program in this state, so long as the proposed rule contains both of the following:

(a) A statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule;

(b) A citation to the federal law or rule that requires verbatim compliance.

(6) An initial rule proposed by the director of health to impose safety standards, quality-of-care standards, and quality-of-care data reporting requirements with respect to a health service specified in section 3702.11 of the Revised Code, or an initial rule proposed by the director to impose quality standards on a facility listed in division (A)(4) of section 3702.30 of the Revised Code, if section 3702.12 of the Revised Code requires that the rule be adopted under this section;

(7) A rule of the state lottery commission pertaining to instant game rules.

If a rule is exempt from legislative review under division (D)(5) of this section, and if the federal law or rule pursuant to which the rule was adopted expires, is repealed or rescinded, or otherwise terminates, the rule is thereafter subject to legislative review under division (D) of this section.

(E) Whenever a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau files a proposed rule or a proposed rule in revised form under division (D) of this section, it shall also file one copy of the full text of the same proposed rule or proposed rule in revised form IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the secretary of state and two copies thereof with the director of the legislative service commission. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall attach a copy of FILE the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH a proposed rule or proposed rule in revised form that is filed with the secretary of state or the director of the legislative service commission.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in this division, the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee is not required to attach FILE a rule summary and fiscal analysis to any copy of ALONG WITH a proposed rule, or proposed rule in revised form, that the auditor of state proposes under section 117.12, 117.19, 117.38, or 117.43 of the Revised Code and files under division (D) or (E) of this section. If, however, the auditor of state or the designee prepares a rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of such a proposed rule for purposes of complying with section 121.24 of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or designee shall attach a copy of FILE the rule summary and fiscal analysis to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH the original version of the proposed rule filed under division (D) or (E) of this section.

Sec. 117.20. (A) In adopting rules pursuant to Chapter 117. of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee shall do both of the following:

(1) Before adopting any such rule, except a rule of an emergency nature, do each of the following:

(a) At least thirty-five days before any public hearing on the proposed rule-making action, mail notice of the hearing to each public office and to each statewide organization that the auditor of state or designee determines will be affected or represents persons who will be affected by the proposed rule-making action;

(b) Mail a copy of the proposed rule to any person or organization that requests a copy within five days after receipt of the request;

(c) Consult with appropriate state and local government agencies, or with persons representative of their interests, including statewide organizations of local government officials, and consult with accounting professionals and other interested persons;

(d) Conduct, on the date and at the time and place designated in the notice, a public hearing at which any person affected by the proposed rule, including statewide organizations of local government officials, may appear and be heard in person, by attorney, or both, and may present the person's or organization's position or contentions orally or in writing.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) of this section, comply with divisions (B) to (E) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code. The auditor of state is not required to attach FILE a rule summary and fiscal analysis to ALONG WITH any copy of a proposed rule, or proposed rule in revised form, that is filed with the joint committee on agency rule review, the secretary of state, or the director of the legislative service commission under division (D) or (E) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code; however, if the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee prepares a rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of a proposed rule for purposes of complying with section 121.24 of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or designee shall attach FILE a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH the original version of the proposed rule filed under division (D) or (E) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(B) The auditor of state shall diligently discharge the duties imposed by divisions (A)(1)(a), (b), and (c) of this section, but failure to mail any notice or copy of a proposed rule, or to consult with any person or organization, shall not invalidate any rule.

(C) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Revised Code, the auditor of state may prepare and disseminate, to public offices and other interested persons and organizations, advisory bulletins, directives, and instructions relating to accounting and financial reporting systems, budgeting procedures, fiscal controls, and the constructions by the auditor of state of constitutional and statutory provisions, court decisions, and opinions of the attorney general. The bulletins, directives, and instructions shall be of an advisory nature only.

(D) As used in this section, "rule" includes the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule.

Sec. 119.03. In the adoption, amendment, or rescission of any rule, an agency shall comply with the following procedure:

(A) Reasonable public notice shall be given in the register of Ohio at least thirty days prior to the date set for a hearing, in the form the agency determines. The agency shall file copies of the public notice under division (B) of this section. (The agency gives public notice in the register of Ohio when the public notice is published in the register under that division.)

The public notice shall include:

(1) A statement of the agency's intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding a rule;

(2) A synopsis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded or a general statement of the subject matter to which the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission relates;

(3) A statement of the reason or purpose for adopting, amending, or rescinding the rule;

(4) The date, time, and place of a hearing on the proposed action, which shall be not earlier than the thirty-first nor later than the fortieth day after the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed under division (B) of this section.

In addition to public notice given in the register of Ohio, the agency may give whatever other notice it reasonably considers necessary to ensure notice constructively is given to all persons who are subject to or affected by the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission.

The agency shall provide a copy of the public notice required under division (A) of this section to any person who requests it and pays a reasonable fee, not to exceed the cost of copying and mailing.

(B) One copy of the THE full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded, accompanied by one copy of the public notice required under division (A) of this section, shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the secretary of state. Two copies of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded, accompanied by two copies of the public notice required under division (A) of this section, shall be filed AND with the director of the legislative service commission. (If in compliance with this division an agency files more than one proposed rule, amendment, or rescission at the same time, and has prepared a public notice under division (A) of this section that applies to more than one of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions, the agency shall file only one copy of the notice with the secretary of state and only two copies of the notice with the director for all of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions to which the notice applies.) The proposed rule, amendment, or rescission and public notice shall be filed as required by this division at least sixty-five days prior to the date on which the agency, in accordance with division (D) of this section, issues an order adopting the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission.

The proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be available for at least thirty days prior to the date of the hearing at the office of the agency in printed or other legible form without charge to any person affected by the proposal. Failure to furnish such text to any person requesting it shall not invalidate any action of the agency in connection therewith.

If the agency files a substantive revision in the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission under division (H) of this section, it shall also promptly file one copy of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in its revised form IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the secretary of state and two copies thereof with the director of the legislative service commission.

The agency shall attach a copy of FILE the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission or proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in revised form that is filed with the secretary of state or the director of the legislative service commission.

The director of the legislative service commission shall publish in the register of Ohio the full text of the original and each revised version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission; the full text of a public notice; and the full text of a rule summary and fiscal analysis that is filed with the director under this division.

(C) On the date and at the time and place designated in the notice, the agency shall conduct a public hearing at which any person affected by the proposed action of the agency may appear and be heard in person, by the person's attorney, or both, may present the person's position, arguments, or contentions, orally or in writing, offer and examine witnesses, and present evidence tending to show that the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, if adopted or effectuated, will be unreasonable or unlawful. An agency may permit persons affected by the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission to present their positions, arguments, or contentions in writing, not only at the hearing, but also for a reasonable period before, after, or both before and after the hearing. A person who presents a position or arguments or contentions in writing before or after the hearing is not required to appear at the hearing.

At the hearing, the testimony shall be recorded. Such record shall be made at the expense of the agency. The agency is required to transcribe a record that is not sight readable only if a person requests transcription of all or part of the record and agrees to reimburse the agency for the costs of the transcription. An agency may require the person to pay in advance all or part of the cost of the transcription.

In any hearing under this section the agency may administer oaths or affirmations.

(D) After complying with divisions (A), (B), (C), and (H) of this section, and when the time for legislative review and invalidation under division (I) of this section has expired, the agency may issue an order adopting the proposed rule or the proposed amendment or rescission of the rule, consistent with the synopsis or general statement included in the public notice. At that time the agency shall designate the effective date of the rule, amendment, or rescission, which shall not be earlier than the tenth day after the rule, amendment, or rescission has been filed in its final form as provided in section 119.04 of the Revised Code.

(E) Prior to the effective date of a rule, amendment, or rescission, the agency shall make a reasonable effort to inform those affected by the rule, amendment, or rescission and to have available for distribution to those requesting it the full text of the rule as adopted or as amended.

(F) If the governor, upon the request of an agency, determines that an emergency requires the immediate adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule, the governor shall issue a written AN order, a copy THE TEXT of which shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the AGENCY, THE secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review, that the procedure prescribed by this section with respect to the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a specified rule is suspended. The agency may then adopt immediately the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission and it becomes effective on the date copies of the rule, amendment, or rescission, in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of section 119.04 of the Revised Code, are filed as follows: two certified copies of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and, the director of the legislative service commission, and one certified copy of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be filed with the joint committee on agency rule review. If all copies are not filed FILINGS ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be effective on the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. The director shall publish the full text of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission in the register of Ohio.

The emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall become invalid at the end of the ninetieth day it is in effect. Prior to that date the agency may adopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission as a nonemergency rule, amendment, or rescission by complying with the procedure prescribed by this section for the adoption, amendment, and rescission of nonemergency rules. The agency shall not use the procedure of this division to readopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission so that, upon the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission becoming invalid under this division, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission will continue in effect without interruption for another ninety-day period.

This division does not apply to the adoption of any emergency rule, amendment, or rescission by the tax commissioner under division (C)(2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code.

(G) Rules adopted by an authority within the department of taxation or the bureau of employment services shall be effective without a hearing as provided by this section if the statutes pertaining to such agency specifically give a right of appeal to the board of tax appeals or to a higher authority within the agency or to a court, and also give the appellant a right to a hearing on such appeal. This division does not apply to the adoption of any rule, amendment, or rescission by the tax commissioner under division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code, or deny the right to file an action for declaratory judgment as provided in Chapter 2721. of the Revised Code from the decision of the board of tax appeals or of the higher authority within such agency.

(H) When any agency files a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission under division (B) of this section, it shall also file IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review two copies of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded in the same form and two copies of the public notice required under division (A) of this section. (If in compliance with this division an agency files more than one proposed rule, amendment, or rescission at the same time, and has given a public notice under division (A) of this section that applies to more than one of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions, the agency shall file only two copies of the ONE notice with the joint committee for all of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions to which the notice applies.) If the agency makes a substantive revision in a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission after it is filed with the joint committee, the agency shall promptly file two copies of the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in its revised form IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee. The latest version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as filed with the joint committee supersedes each earlier version of the text of the same proposed rule, amendment, or rescission. An agency shall attach one copy of FILE the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, and to each copy of ALONG WITH a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in revised form, that is filed under this division.

This division does not apply to:

(1) An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission;

(2) Any proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that must be adopted verbatim by an agency pursuant to federal law or rule, to become effective within sixty days of adoption, in order to continue the operation of a federally reimbursed program in this state, so long as the proposed rule contains both of the following:

(a) A statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule;

(b) A citation to the federal law or rule that requires verbatim compliance.

If a rule or amendment is exempt from legislative review under division (H)(2) of this section, and if the federal law or rule pursuant to which the rule or amendment was adopted expires, is repealed or rescinded, or otherwise terminates, the rule or amendment, or its rescission, is thereafter subject to legislative review under division (H) of this section.

(I)(1) The joint committee on agency rule review may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof if it finds any of the following:

(a) That the rule-making agency has exceeded the scope of its statutory authority in proposing the rule, amendment, or rescission;

(b) That the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission conflicts with another rule, amendment, or rescission adopted by the same or a different rule-making agency;

(c) That the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission conflicts with the legislative intent in enacting the statute under which the rule-making agency proposed the rule, amendment, or rescission;

(d) That the rule-making agency has failed to prepare a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as required by section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both.

The joint committee shall not hold its public hearing on a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission earlier than the forty-first day after the original version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission was filed with the joint committee.

The house of representatives and senate may adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. The concurrent resolution shall state which of the specific rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof are invalidated. A concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be adopted not later than the sixty-fifth day after the original version of the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed with the joint committee, except that if more than thirty-five days after the original version is filed the rule-making agency either files a revised version of the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, or revises the rule summary and fiscal analysis in accordance with division (I)(4) of this section, a concurrent resolution invalidating the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be adopted not later than the thirtieth day after the revised version of the proposed rule or rule summary and fiscal analysis is filed. If, after the joint committee on agency rule review recommends the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the house of representatives or senate does not, within the time remaining for adoption of the concurrent resolution, hold five floor sessions at which its journal records a roll call vote disclosing a sufficient number of members in attendance to pass a bill, the time within which that house may adopt the concurrent resolution is extended until it has held five such floor sessions.

Within five days after the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the clerk of the senate shall send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM A certified copy TEXT of the resolution together with a certification stating the date on which the resolution takes effect. The secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission shall each note the invalidity of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof on their copies, and shall each remove the invalid proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof from the file of proposed rules. The rule-making agency shall not proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, any version of a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that has been invalidated by concurrent resolution.

Unless the house of representatives and senate adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof within the time specified by this division, the rule-making agency may proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the latest version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as filed with the joint committee. If by concurrent resolution certain of the rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof are specifically invalidated, the rule-making agency may proceed to adopt, in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the latest version of the proposed rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof as filed with the joint committee that are not specifically invalidated. The rule-making agency may not revise or amend any proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that has not been invalidated except as provided in this chapter or in section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) A proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is filed with the joint committee under division (H) of this section or division (D) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code shall be carried over for legislative review to the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly if the original or any revised version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed with the joint committee on or after the first day of December of any year.

(b) The latest version of any proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is subject to division (I)(2)(a) of this section, as filed with the joint committee, is subject to legislative review and invalidation in the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly in the same manner as if it were the original version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that had been filed with the joint committee for the first time on the first day of the session. A rule-making agency shall not adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, any version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is subject to division (I)(2)(a) of this section until the time for legislative review and invalidation, as contemplated by division (I)(2)(b) of this section, has expired.

(3) Invalidation of any version of a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof by concurrent resolution shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting or continuing proceedings to adopt any version of the same proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof for the duration of the general assembly that invalidated the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof unless the same general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution permitting the rule-making agency to institute or continue such proceedings.

The failure of the general assembly to invalidate a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall not be construed as a ratification of the lawfulness or reasonableness of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof or of the validity of the procedure by which the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof was proposed or adopted.

(4) In lieu of recommending a concurrent resolution to invalidate a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof because the rule-making agency has failed to prepare a complete and accurate fiscal analysis, the joint committee on agency rule review may issue, on a one-time basis, for rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof that have a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, a written finding that the rule summary and fiscal analysis is incomplete or inaccurate and order the rule-making agency to revise the rule summary and fiscal analysis and refile it with the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. If an emergency rule is filed as a nonemergency rule before the end of the ninetieth day of the emergency rule's effectiveness, and the joint committee issues a finding and orders the rule-making agency to refile under division (I)(4) of this section, the governor may also issue a written AN order stating that the emergency rule shall remain in effect for an additional sixty days after the ninetieth day of the emergency rule's effectiveness. Copies of the THE governor's written orders shall be filed in accordance with division (F) of this section. The joint committee shall send IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM TO the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified copy TEXT of the FINDING AND order to revise the rule summary and fiscal analysis, which shall take immediate effect.

A written AN order issued under division (I)(4) of this section shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting or continuing proceedings to adopt any version of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof until the rule-making agency revises the rule summary and fiscal analysis and refiles it IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee along with the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. If the joint committee finds the rule summary and fiscal analysis to be complete and accurate, the joint committee shall issue a new written order noting that the rule-making agency has revised and refiled a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis. The joint committee shall send IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM TO the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified copy TEXT of this new order. The secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission shall each attach AND LINK this order to their copies of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. The rule-making agency may then proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that was subject to the written finding and order under division (I)(4) of this section. If the joint committee determines that the revised rule summary and fiscal analysis is still inaccurate or incomplete, the joint committee shall recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution in accordance with division (I)(1) of this section.

Sec. 119.031. (A) The chairman CHAIRPERSON of the joint committee on agency rule review shall compare each rule, amendment, or rescission as filed in final form with the latest version of the same rule, amendment, or rescission as filed in proposed form.

(B) If, upon making the comparison required by division (A) of this section, the chairman CHAIRPERSON of the joint committee on agency rule review finds that the rule-making agency has made a substantive revision in the rule, amendment, or rescission between the time it filed the latest version of the rule, amendment, or rescission in proposed form and the time it filed the rule, amendment, or rescission in final form, he THE CHAIRPERSON shall promptly notify the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission in writing BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM of his THAT finding.

(C) The joint committee on agency rule review shall review any rule, amendment, or rescission as filed in final form if, under division (B) of this section, it is found to contain a substantive revision. The joint committee may do either or both of the following:

(1) If the joint committee makes any of the findings stated in division (I)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, it may suspend the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof. The suspension shall remain in effect until the time for legislative review and invalidation has expired under division (D) of this section, or until the general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof, whichever occurs first. The chairman CHAIRPERSON of the joint committee shall promptly notify the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission in writing BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM of the suspension.

(2) The joint committee may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof if it makes any of the findings stated in division (I)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(D) A rule, amendment, or rescission that, under division (B) of this section, is found to contain a substantive revision shall nevertheless become effective pursuant to division (B)(1) of section 111.15, division (A)(1) of section 119.04, division (B)(1) of section 4141.14, or division (A) of section 5703.14 of the Revised Code and remain in effect as filed in final form unless:

(1) Under division (C)(1) of this section, the joint committee suspends the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof; or

(2) Prior to the sixtieth day after the rule, amendment, or rescission was filed in final form, the house of representatives and senate adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof. If, after the joint committee on agency rule review recommends the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the house of representatives or senate does not, within the time remaining for adoption of the concurrent resolution, hold five floor sessions at which its journal records a roll call vote disclosing a sufficient number of members in attendance to pass a bill, the time within which that house may adopt the concurrent resolution is extended until it has held five such floor sessions.

Upon the adoption of such a concurrent resolution, the clerk of the senate shall, within five days thereafter, send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission, IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, a certified copy of the resolution together with a certification stating the date on which the resolution takes effect. The secretary of state and the director shall each note the invalidity of the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof on his copy, and shall remove the invalid rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof from the file of current rules. The director shall also indicate in the Ohio administrative code that the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof is invalid and the date of invalidation. The rule-making agency shall make appropriate adjustments to reflect the invalidity of the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof.

(E) Invalidation of a rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting proceedings to readopt any version of the same rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof for the duration of the general assembly that invalidated the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof unless the same general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution permitting the rule-making agency to institute such proceedings.

(F) The failure of the general assembly to invalidate a rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall not be construed as a ratification of the lawfulness or reasonableness of the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof or of the validity of the procedure by which the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof was adopted.

(G) As used in this section, a rule, amendment, or rescission is filed:

(1) "In proposed form" when it is filed in such form with the joint committee under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code;

(2) "In final form" when it is filed in such form with the joint committee under division (B)(1)(b) of section 111.15, division (A)(1)(b) of section 119.04, division (B)(1)(b) of section 4141.14, or division (A)(2) of section 5703.14 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 119.032. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" includes both an agency as defined in division (A)(2) of section 111.15 and an agency as defined in division (A) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Review date" means the review date assigned to a rule by an agency under division (B) or (E)(2) of this section or under section 111.15, 119.04, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code or a review date assigned to a rule by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (B) of this section.

(3)(a) "Rule" means only a rule whose adoption, amendment, or rescission is subject to review under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(b) "Rule" does not include a rule adopted, amended, or rescinded by the department of taxation under section 5703.14 of the Revised Code, a rule of a state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college, or a rule that is consistent with and equivalent to the form required by a federal law and that does not exceed the minimum scope and intent of that federal law.

(B) Not later than March 25, 1997, each agency shall assign a review date to each of its rules that is currently in effect and shall notify the joint committee on agency rule review of the review date for each such rule. The agency shall assign review dates to its rules so that approximately one-fifth of the rules are scheduled for review during each calendar year of the five-year period that begins March 25, 1997, except that an agency, with the joint committee's approval, may set a review schedule for the agency's rules in which there is no requirement that approximately one-fifth of the agency's rules be assigned a review date during each calendar year of the five-year period but in which all of the agency's rules are assigned a review date during that five-year period. An agency may change the review dates it has assigned to specific rules so long as the agency complies with the five-year time deadline specified in this division.

Upon the request of the agency that adopted the rule, the joint committee on agency rule review may extend a review date of a rule to a date that is not later than one hundred eighty days after the original review date assigned to the rule by the agency under this division, division (E)(2) of this section, or section 111.15, 119.04, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code. The joint committee may further extend a review date that has been extended under this paragraph if appropriate under the circumstances.

(C) Prior to the review date of a rule, the agency that adopted the rule shall review the rule to determine all of the following:

(1) Whether the rule should be continued without amendment, be amended, or be rescinded, taking into consideration the purpose, scope, and intent of the statute under which the rule was adopted;

(2) Whether the rule needs amendment or rescission to give more flexibility at the local level;

(3) Whether the rule needs amendment or rescission to eliminate unnecessary paperwork;

(4) Whether the rule duplicates, overlaps with, or conflicts with other rules.

(D) In making the review required under division (C) of this section, the agency shall consider the continued need for the rule, the nature of any complaints or comments received concerning the rule, and any relevant factors that have changed in the subject matter area affected by the rule.

(E)(1) On or before the designated review date of a rule, the agency that adopted the rule shall proceed under division (E)(2) or (5) of this section to indicate that the agency has reviewed the rule.

(2) If the agency has determined that the rule does not need to be amended or rescinded, the agency shall file all the following, IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, with the joint committee on agency rule review, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission: a copy of the rule, a statement of the agency's determination, and an accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis for the rule as described in section 127.18 of the Revised Code. The agency shall assign a new review date to the rule, which shall not be later than five years after the rule's immediately preceding review date. After the joint committee has reviewed such a rule for the first time, including any rule that was in effect on September 26, 1996, the agency in its subsequent reviews of the rule may provide the same fiscal analysis it provided to the joint committee during its immediately preceding review of the rule unless any of the conditions described in division (B)(4), (5), (6), (8), (9), or (10) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code, as they relate to the rule, have appreciably changed since the joint committee's immediately preceding review of the rule. If any of these conditions, as they relate to the rule, have appreciably changed, the agency shall provide the joint committee with an updated fiscal analysis for the rule. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its immediately preceding review date. The joint committee shall give public notice in the register of Ohio of the agency's determination after receiving a notice from the agency under division (E)(2) of this section. The joint committee shall transmit a copy of the notice IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM to the director of the legislative service commission. The director shall publish the notice in the register of Ohio for four consecutive weeks after its receipt.

(3) During the ninety-day period following the date the joint committee receives a notice under division (E)(2) of this section but after the four-week period described in division (E)(2) of this section has ended, the joint committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule if the joint committee determines that either of the following applies:

(a) The agency improperly applied the criteria described in divisions (C) and (D) of this section in reviewing the rule and in recommending its continuance without amendment or rescission.

(b) The agency failed to file proper notice with the joint committee regarding the rule.

(4) If the joint committee does not take the action described in division (E)(3) of this section regarding a rule during the ninety-day period after the date the joint committee receives a notice under division (E)(2) of this section regarding that rule, the rule shall continue in effect without amendment and shall be next reviewed by the joint committee by the date designated by the agency in the notice provided to the joint committee under division (E)(2) of this section.

(5) If the agency has determined that a rule reviewed under division (C) of this section needs to be amended or rescinded, the agency, on or before the rule's review date, shall file the rule as amended or rescinded in accordance with section 111.15, 119.03, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code, as applicable.

(6) Each agency shall provide the joint committee with a copy of the rules that it has determined are rules described in division (A)(3)(b) of this section. At a time the joint committee designates, each agency shall appear before the joint committee and explain why it has determined that such rules are rules described in division (A)(3)(b) of this section. The joint committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, may determine that any of such rules are rules described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section. After the joint committee has made such a determination relating to a rule, the agency shall thereafter treat the rule as a rule described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section.

(F) If an agency fails to provide the notice to the joint committee required under division (E)(2) of this section regarding a rule or otherwise fails by the rule's review date to take any action regarding the rule required by this section, the joint committee, by a majority vote of the members present, may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule. The joint committee shall not recommend the adoption of such a resolution until it has afforded the agency the opportunity to appear before the joint committee to show cause why the joint committee should not recommend the adoption of such a resolution regarding that rule.

(G) If the joint committee recommends adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a rule under division (E)(3) or (F) of this section, the adoption of the concurrent resolution shall be in the manner described in division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 119.0311. Each agency shall prepare and publish, and as it becomes necessary or advisable, revise and republish, a guide to its rule-making process that functions generally to assist members of the public who participate, or who may wish to participate, in the agency's rule-making. The agency's guide is to include:

(A) A statement of the agency's regulatory mission;

(B) A description of how the agency is organized to achieve its regulatory mission;

(C) An explanation of rule-making the agency is authorized or required to engage in to achieve its regulatory mission;

(D) An explanation of the agency's rule-making process;

(E) An indication of the points in the agency's rule-making process at which members of the public can participate;

(F) An explanation of how members of the public can participate in the agency's rule-making process at each indicated point of participation; and

(G) Other information the agency reasonably concludes will assist members of the public meaningfully to participate in the agency's rule-making.

An agency's guide is not to be adopted as a rule, but rather as a narrative explanation of the matters outlined in this section. An agency's failure to conform its rule-making process to its guide is not cause for invalidating a rule, amendment, or rescission adopted by the agency.

The agency shall publish or republish its guide both in the register of Ohio and as a printed pamphlet.

The agency shall submit a copy of its guide, in pamphlet or preferably AND in electronic form, to the director of the legislative service commission. The director thereupon shall publish the agency's guide in the register of Ohio.

The agency shall provide a copy of its pamphlet guide to any person upon request. The agency may charge the person a fee for this service, but the fee is not to exceed the per copy cost of producing the pamphlet guide and the actual cost of delivering it to the person.

Sec. 119.04. (A)(1) Any rule adopted by any agency shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (A)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

If all copies are not filed FILINGS ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. If an agency in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by this division, the rule if filed as required by this division shall become effective on the later date designated by the agency.

An agency that adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code. This paragraph does not apply to the department of taxation.

(2) The agency shall file the rule in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives an agency written notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the agency is not in compliance with the rules of the commission, the agency shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

(3) As used in this section, "rule" includes an amendment or rescission of a rule.

(B) The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules filed under division (A)(1)(a) of this section in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be lent TRANSMITTED to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

Any rule that has been adopted in compliance with section 119.03 of the Revised Code and that is in effect before January 1, 1977, may be divided into sections, numbered, provided with a subject heading, and filed with the secretary of state and the director to comply with the provisions of this section without carrying out the adoption procedure required by section 119.03 of the Revised Code. The codification of existing rules to comply with this section shall not constitute adoption, amendment, or rescission.

Sec. 121.24. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" means any agency as defined in division (A)(2) of section 111.15 or division (A) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Employee" means a person who is employed by a small business or small organization for at least one thousand eight hundred hours per year.

(3) A rule is "filed in final form" when it is filed with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review under division (B)(1) of section 111.15, division (A)(1) of section 119.04, division (B)(1) of section 4141.14, or division (A) of section 5703.14 of the Revised Code.

(4) "History trail" means the supplementary information required to be provided on each copy of a proposed rule, which information is not part of the text of the rule, and sets forth the statute prescribing the procedure in accordance with which the proposed rule is required to be adopted, the statute that authorizes the agency to adopt the proposed rule, the statute that the agency intends to amplify or implement by adopting the proposed rule, the effective dates of any previous versions of the rule that is the subject of the proposal, and other similar information as prescribed in rules of the legislative service commission.

(5) "Individual" means any individual who is affected by a rule in the individual's capacity as an officer or employee of a small business or small organization.

(6) "Rule summary and fiscal analysis" means a rule summary and fiscal analysis of a proposed rule that provides the information required by division (B) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code, and that has been prepared in the form prescribed by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (E) of that section.

(7) "Rate" means any rate, classification, fare, toll, rental, or charge of a public utility.

(8) "Rule" means any rule, regulation, or standard having a general and uniform operation, including any appendix thereto, that is adopted, promulgated, and enforced by an agency under the authority of the laws governing the agency. "Rule" includes the adoption of a new rule or the amendment or rescission of an existing rule. "Rule" does not include any of the following:

(a) A rule proposed under section 1121.05, 1121.06, 1155.18, or 1163.22 of the Revised Code;

(b) A rule governing the internal management of an agency that does not affect private rights;

(c) A rule authorized by law to be issued as a temporary written order;

(d) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(8)(d) of this section, a rule or order, whether of a quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial nature, proposed by the public utilities commission. Any rule or order, whether of a quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial nature, proposed by the public utilities commission that determines a rate of a public utility to be just and reasonable is a "rule" for purposes of this section, unless the rule or order contains findings that the public utility, in applying for approval of the rate under section 4909.18 of the Revised Code, stated facts and grounds sufficient for the commission to determine that the proposed rate was just and reasonable.

(e) A proposed rule, the adoption of which is mandated by a federal law or rule, and which must be adopted substantially as prescribed by federal law or rule, to become effective within one hundred twenty days of adoption, so long as the history trail of the proposed rule contains a statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule and a citation to the federal law or rule that mandates substantial compliance;

(9) "Small business" means an independently owned and operated business having fewer than four hundred employees.

(10) "Small organization" means an unincorporated association, sheltered workshop, or nonprofit enterprise having fewer than four hundred employees. This definition is not limited to the types of small organizations expressly mentioned, and includes all other types of small organizations, so long as such organizations have fewer than four hundred employees.

(B) If an agency intends to adopt a rule, and reasonably believes that the proposed rule, if adopted, will be likely to affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations, the agency shall comply with the following procedure in adopting the rule, in addition to any other procedure required by section 111.15, 117.16, 119.03, 119.032, 119.04, 127.18, 4141.14, or 5117.02 of the Revised Code or any other statute of this state:

(1) The agency shall prepare a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of the proposed rule.

(2) After complying with division (B)(1) of this section, and at least sixty days before the agency files the proposed rule in final form, the agency shall file with the office of small business, one copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, the full text of the original version of the proposed rule and one copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis of such proposed rule.

(3) During a period commencing on the date the original version of the proposed rule is filed pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section and ending forty days thereafter:

(a) The chairperson of the standing committee of the senate or house of representatives having jurisdiction over individuals, small businesses, or small organizations, or any other person having an interest in the proposed rule, may submit written comments IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM to the agency, to the joint committee on agency rule review, or to both, concerning the expected effect of the proposed rule, if adopted, upon individuals, small businesses, and small organizations. The agency and joint committee shall accept all such timely submitted written comments.

(b) The chairperson of the standing committee of the senate or house of representatives having jurisdiction over individuals, small businesses, or small organizations, IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, may request the agency to appear before the committee and testify, answer questions asked by members of the committee, and produce information in the possession of the agency as requested by the committee, concerning the expected effect of the proposed rule, if adopted, upon individuals, small businesses, or small organizations. Upon receipt of a request from the chairperson of the appropriate standing committee of the senate or house of representatives under division (B)(3)(b) of this section, the agency shall designate an officer or employee of the agency to appear before the committee, and shall otherwise comply with the request, in the manner directed by the request.

(4) The agency shall not proceed to file the proposed rule in final form until it has considered any written comments timely submitted to it under division (B)(3)(a) of this section, has identified the issues raised by the comments, has assessed the proposed rule in light of the issues raised by the comments, and has made such revisions in the proposed rule as it considers advisable in light of its assessment.

An agency is not required to put any revised version of a proposed rule through the procedure of divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section.

(C) Any original version of a proposed rule, rule summary and fiscal analysis, or written comment filed or submitted under division (B) of this section shall be preserved by the agency with which it is filed or to which it is submitted, and is a public record open to public inspection.

(D) Each agency shall prepare a plan that provides for the periodic review, at least once every five years, of each rule of the agency that is not otherwise subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code and that affects individuals, small businesses, or small organizations. The purpose of each periodic review shall be to determine whether the rule that is being reviewed should be continued without change or amended or rescinded, consistent with the purpose, scope, and intent of the applicable statute authorizing adoption of the rule, so as to minimize the economic impact of the rule upon individuals, small businesses, or small organizations. Accordingly, in making each periodic review of a rule, the agency shall consider the continued need for the rule, the nature of any written complaints or comments that the agency has received with regard to the rule, the extent to which the rule duplicates, overlaps, or conflicts with other currently effective rules, and the degree to which technology, economic conditions, and other relevant factors have changed in the area affected by the rule.

Each agency shall annually report to the governor and general assembly, with regard to each of its rules that have been reviewed under this division during the preceding calendar year, the title and administrative code rule number of the rule, a brief summary of the content and operation of the rule, and a brief summary of the results of the review. If the agency is otherwise required to make an annual report to the governor and general assembly, the agency shall report this information in an appropriately designated section of its annual report, WHETHER ITS ANNUAL REPORT IS IN PRINT OR ELECTRONIC FORM OR BOTH. If, however, the agency is not otherwise required to make an annual report to the governor and general assembly, the agency, on or before the first day of February, shall report this information in a separate report, IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, to the governor and general assembly. In addition to the submissions required by section 101.68 of the Revised Code, and in addition to any requirement of that section to submit notice of the availability of a report instead of copies of the report, the agency shall submit copies of its annual or separate report IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, which provides the information required by this division, to the chairpersons of the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives having jurisdiction over individuals, small businesses, and small organizations.

Each agency having rules in effect on the effective date of this section JANUARY 1, 1985, that affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations shall divide those rules into groups, so that at least one-fifth of those rules are reviewed during each year of a five-year period commencing on the effective date of this section JANUARY 1, 1985. A rule that is newly adopted after the effective date of this section JANUARY 1, 1985, shall be reviewed five years after its effective date. When a rule has once been reviewed, it shall thereafter be reviewed again at five-year intervals.

(E) Each agency shall designate an individual or office within the agency to be responsible for complying with this division. Each individual or office that has been so designated shall, within ten days after receiving a request therefor from any person:

(1) Provide the person with copies of any rule proposed by the agency that would affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations;

(2) Provide the person with copies of the rule summary and fiscal analysis of any rule proposed by the agency that would affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations; or

(3) Find, collate, and make available to the person any information in the possession of the agency regarding a rule proposed by the agency, which information would be of interest to individuals, small businesses, or small organizations.

The agency shall inform the office of small business in writing of the name, address, and telephone number of each individual or office designated under this division. The agency shall promptly inform the office of small business in writing of any change in the information thus provided.

(F) Division (B) of this section does not apply to any emergency rule adopted under division (B)(2) of section 111.15 or division (F) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, except that the emergency rule becomes subject to such division when it is adopted pursuant to the procedure of section 111.15 or 119.03 of the Revised Code for the adoption of rules not of an emergency nature.

(G) The department of taxation shall provide a copy of the full text of any rule proposed by the department that may affect any business IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM to the office of small business, and the department shall designate an office within the agency responsible for providing a copy of any such rule within ten days of receiving a request from any person.

Sec. 121.39. (A) As used in this section, "environmental protection" means any of the following:

(1) Protection of human health or safety, biological resources, or natural resources by preventing, reducing, or remediating the pollution or degradation of air, land, or water resources or by preventing or limiting the exposure of humans, animals, or plants to pollution;

(2) Appropriation or regulation of privately-owned PRIVATELY OWNED property to preserve air, land, or water resources in a natural state or to wholly or partially restore them to a natural state;

(3) Regulation of the collection, management, treatment, reduction, storage, or disposal of solid, hazardous, radioactive, or other wastes;

(4) Plans or programs to promote or regulate the conservation, recycling, or re-use REUSE of energy, materials, or wastes.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of this section, when proposed legislation dealing with environmental protection or containing a component dealing with environmental protection is referred to a committee of the general assembly, other than a committee on rules or reference, the sponsor of the legislation, at the time of the first hearing of the legislation before the committee, shall submit to the members of the committee a written statement identifying either the documentation that is the basis of the legislation or the federal requirement or requirements with which the legislation is intended to comply. If the legislation is not based on documentation or has not been introduced to comply with a federal requirement or requirements, the written statement from the sponsor shall so indicate.

Also at the time of the first hearing of the legislation before the committee, a statewide organization that represents businesses in this state and that elects its board of directors may submit to the members of the committee a written estimate of the costs to the regulated community in this state of complying with the legislation if it is enacted.

At any hearing of the legislation before the committee, a representative of any state agency, environmental advocacy organization, or consumer advocacy organization or any private citizen may present documentation containing an estimate of the monetary and other costs to public health and safety and the environment and to consumers and residential utility customers, and the effects on property values, if the legislation is not enacted.

(C) Until such time as the statement required under division (B) of this section is submitted to the committee to which proposed legislation dealing with environmental protection or containing a component dealing with environmental protection was referred, the legislation shall not be reported by that committee. This requirement does not apply if the component dealing with environmental protection is removed from the legislation or if two-thirds of the members of the committee vote in favor of a motion to report the proposed legislation.

(D) Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of this section, prior to adopting a rule or an amendment proposed to a rule dealing with environmental protection or containing a component dealing with environmental protection, a state agency shall do all of the following:

(1) Consult with organizations that represent political subdivisions, environmental interests, business interests, and other persons affected by the proposed rule or amendment;

(2) Consider documentation relevant to the need for, the environmental benefits or consequences of, other benefits of, and the technological feasibility of the proposed rule or amendment;

(3) Specifically identify whether the proposed rule or amendment is being adopted or amended to enable the state to obtain or maintain approval to administer and enforce a federal environmental law or to participate in a federal environmental program, whether the proposed rule or amendment is more stringent than its federal counterpart, and, if the proposed rule or amendment is more stringent, the rationale for not incorporating its federal counterpart;

(4) Include with the proposed rule or amendment and the rule summary and fiscal analysis required under sections 121.24 and 127.18 of the Revised Code, when they are filed with the joint committee on agency rule review in accordance with division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, one of the following IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM, as applicable:

(a) The information identified under division (D)(3) of this section and, if the proposed rule or amendment is more stringent than its federal counterpart, as identified in that division, the documentation considered under division (D)(2) of this section;

(b) If an amendment proposed to a rule is being adopted or amended under a state statute that establishes standards with which the amendment shall comply, and the proposed amendment is more stringent than the rule that it is proposing to amend, the documentation considered under division (D)(2) of this section;

(c) If division (D)(4)(a) or (b) of this section is not applicable, the documentation considered under division (D)(2) of this section.

If the agency subsequently files a revision of such a proposed rule or amendment in accordance with division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, the revision shall be accompanied IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM by the applicable information or documentation.

Division (D) of this section does not apply to any emergency rule adopted under division (B)(2) of section 111.15 or division (F) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, but does apply to any such rule that subsequently is adopted as a nonemergency rule under either of those divisions.

The information or documentation submitted under division (D)(4) of this section may be in the form of a summary or index of available knowledge or information and shall consist of or be based upon the best available generally accepted knowledge or information in the appropriate fields, as determined by the agency that prepared the documentation.

(E) The statement required under division (B) and the information or documentation required under division (D) of this section need not be prepared or submitted with regard to a proposed statute or rule, or an amendment to a rule, if the statute, rule, or amendment is procedural or budgetary in nature, or governs the organization or operation of a state agency, and will not affect the substantive rights or obligations of any person other than a state agency or an employee or contractor of a state agency.

(F) The insufficiency, incompleteness, or inadequacy of a statement, information, documentation, or a summary of information or documentation provided in accordance with division (B) or (D) of this section shall not be grounds for invalidation of any statute, rule, or amendment to a rule.

(G) This section applies only to the following:

(1) Legislation and components of legislation dealing with environmental protection that are introduced in the general assembly after the effective date of this section MARCH 5, 1996;

(2) Rules and rule amendments dealing with environmental protection that are filed with the joint committee on agency rule review in accordance with division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code after the effective date of this section MARCH 5, 1996.

Sec. 127.18. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule-making agency" has the same meaning as in division (I) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Rule" includes the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule.

(3) "Proposed rule" means the original version of a proposed rule, and each revised version of the same proposed rule, that is filed with the joint committee on agency rule review under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(B) A rule-making agency shall prepare, in the form prescribed by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (E) of this section, a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of each proposed rule that it files under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. The rule summary and fiscal analysis shall include all of the following information:

(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the rule-making agency, and the name and telephone number of an individual or office within the agency designated by that agency to be responsible for coordinating and making available information in the possession of the agency regarding the proposed rule;

(2) The Ohio administrative code rule number of the proposed rule;

(3) A brief summary of, and the legal basis for, the proposed rule, including citations identifying the statute that prescribes the procedure in accordance with which the rule-making agency is required to adopt the proposed rule, the statute that authorizes the agency to adopt the proposed rule, and the statute that the agency intends to amplify or implement by adopting the proposed rule;

(4) An estimate, in dollars, of the amount by which the proposed rule would increase or decrease revenues or expenditures during the current biennium;

(5) A citation identifying the appropriation that authorizes each expenditure that would be necessitated by the proposed rule;

(6) A summary of the estimated cost of compliance with the rule to all directly affected persons;

(7) The reasons why the rule is being proposed;

(8) If the rule has a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, an estimate in dollars of the cost of compliance with the rule, or, if dollar amounts cannot be determined, a written explanation of why it was not possible to ascertain dollar amounts;

(9) If the rule has a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations and is the result of a federal requirement, a clear explanation that the proposed state rule does not exceed the scope and intent of the requirement, or, if the state rule does exceed the minimum necessary federal requirement, a justification of the excess cost, and an estimate of the costs, including those costs for local governments, exceeding the federal requirement;

(10) If the rule has a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, a comprehensive cost estimate that includes the procedure and method of calculating the costs of compliance and identifies major cost categories including personnel costs, new equipment or other capital costs, operating costs, and indirect central service costs related to the rule. The fiscal analysis shall also include a written explanation of the agency's and the affected local government's ability to pay for the new requirements and a statement of any impact the rule will have on economic development.

(11) Any other information the joint committee on agency rule review considers necessary to make the proposed rule or the fiscal effect of the proposed rule fully understandable.

(C) The rule-making agency shall attach one copy of FILE the rule summary and fiscal analysis to each copy of IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM ALONG WITH the proposed rule that it files under divisions (D) and (E) of section 111.15 or divisions (B) and (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. The joint committee on agency rule review shall not accept any proposed rule for filing unless a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, completely and accurately prepared, has been attached to each copy of IS FILED ALONG WITH the proposed rule.

(D) The joint committee on agency rule review shall review the fiscal effect of each proposed rule that is filed under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(E) The joint committee on agency rule review shall prescribe the form in which each rule-making agency shall prepare its rule summary and fiscal analysis of a proposed rule.

(F) This section does not require the auditor of state or his THE AUDITOR OF STATE'S designee to prepare or attach a rule summary and fiscal analysis to any copy of a rule proposed under section 117.12, 117.19, 117.38, or 117.43 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 4141.14. (A) All rules of the administrator of the bureau of employment services adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be approved by the unemployment compensation review commission before the rules become effective. All such rules shall specify on their face their effective date and the date on which they will expire, if known. Approval by the unemployment compensation review commission shall also be required before amendments to, or rescission of, any rules of the administrator adopted pursuant to this chapter become effective. If the commission disapproves a rule of the administrator, it shall determine and promulgate a rule that it considers appropriate after affording a hearing to the administrator.

(B)(1) Any rule promulgated pursuant to this section shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B)(2) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

If all copies are not filed FILINGS ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. If the bureau of employment services or the unemployment compensation review commission in adopting a rule pursuant to this chapter designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by this division, the rule if filed as required by this division shall become effective on the later date designated by the bureau or commission.

If the commission or bureau adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, the commission or bureau shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code.

(2) The bureau and commission shall file the rule in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives the bureau of employment services or the unemployment compensation review commission written notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the bureau or review commission is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the bureau or review commission shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules filed under division (B)(1)(a) of this section in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be lent TRANSMITTED to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

(C) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule" includes an amendment or rescission of a rule.

(2) "Substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 5117.02. (A) The tax commissioner shall adopt rules, or amendments and rescissions of rules, for the administration of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code.

(B) As a means of efficiently administering the program established by sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner may extend, by as much as a total of thirty days, any date specified in such sections for the performance of a particular action by an individual or an officer.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the tax commissioner shall, in accordance with divisions (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (H) of section 119.03 and section 119.04 of the Revised Code, adopt whatever rules, or amendments or rescissions of rules are required by or are otherwise necessary to implement sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code. A rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division is not exempt from the hearing requirements of section 119.03 of the Revised Code pursuant to division (G) of that section, or subject to section 111.15 or 5703.14 of the Revised Code.

(2) If an emergency necessitates the immediate adoption of a rule, or the immediate adoption of an amendment or rescission of a rule that is required by or otherwise necessary to implement sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner may immediately adopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission without complying with division (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), or (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code so long as he THE COMMISSIONER states the reasons for the necessity in the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission. The emergency rule, amendment, or rescission is effective on the day copies of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission, in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of section 119.04 of the Revised Code, are IS filed as follows: two certified copies of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and, the director of the legislative service commission, and one certified copy of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be filed with the joint committee on agency rule review. If all copies are not filed FILINGS ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission is effective on the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division is not subject to section 111.15, division (F) of section 119.03, or section 5703.14 of the Revised Code. An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division continues in effect until amended or rescinded by the tax commissioner in accordance with division (C)(1) or (2) of this section, except that the rescission of an emergency rescission does not revive the rule rescinded.

(D) Except where otherwise provided, each form, application, notice, and the like used in fulfilling the requirements of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code shall be approved by the tax commissioner.

Sec. 5703.14. (A) Any rule adopted by the board of tax appeals and any rule of the department of taxation adopted by the tax commissioner shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B) of this section is filed by the board or the commissioner as follows:

(1) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(2) Two certified copies of the THE rule shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (A)(2) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

If all copies are not filed FILINGS ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. If the board or the commissioner in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by this division, the rule if filed as required by this division shall become effective on the later date designated by the board or commissioner.

(B) The board and commissioner shall file the rule in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(1) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(2) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(3) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(4) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or his THE DIRECTOR'S designee gives the board or commissioner written notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the board or commissioner is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the board or commissioner shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the legislative service commission as directed in the notice.

All rules of the department and board filed pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section shall be recorded by the secretary of state and the director under the name of the department or board and shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director. The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be lent TRANSMITTED to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it. Each such rule shall also be made available to interested parties upon request directed to the department.

(C) Applications for review of any rule adopted and promulgated by the commissioner may be filed with the board by any person who has been or may be injured by the operation of the rule. The appeal may be taken at any time after the rule is filed with the secretary of the state, the director of the legislative service commission, and, if applicable, the joint committee on agency rule review. Failure to file an appeal does not preclude any person from seeking any other remedy against the application of the rule to him THE PERSON. The applications shall set forth, or have attached thereto and incorporated by reference, a true copy of the rule, and shall allege that the rule complained of is unreasonable and shall state the grounds upon which the allegation is based. Upon the filing of the application, the board shall notify the commissioner of the filing of the application, fix a time for hearing the application, notify the commissioner and the applicant of the time for the hearing, and afford both an opportunity to be heard. The appellant, the tax commissioner, and any other interested persons that the board permits, may introduce evidence. The burden of proof to show that the rule is unreasonable shall be upon the appellant. After the hearing, the board shall determine whether the rule complained of is reasonable or unreasonable. A determination that the rule complained of is unreasonable shall require a majority vote of the three members of the board, and the reasons for the determination shall be entered on the journal of the board.

Upon determining that the rule complained of is unreasonable, the board shall file copies of its determination as follows:

(1) Two certified copies of the THE determination shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission, who shall note the date of their receipt of the certified copies conspicuously in their files of the rules of the department;

(2) Two certified copies of the THE determination shall be filed IN BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC FORM with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (C)(2) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

On the tenth day after the copies of the determination have HAS been received by the secretary of state, the director, and, if applicable, the joint committee, the rule referred to in the determination shall cease to be in effect. If all copies FILINGS of the determination are not filed ARE NOT COMPLETED on the same day, the rule shall remain in effect until the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is made COMPLETED. This section does not apply to licenses issued under sections 5735.02, 5739.17, and 5743.15 of the Revised Code, which shall be governed by sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code.

The board is not required to hear an application for the review of any rule where the grounds of the allegation that the rule is unreasonable have been previously contained in an application for review and have been previously heard and passed upon by the board.

(D) This section does not apply to the adoption of any rule, or to the amendment or rescission of any rule by the tax commissioner under division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code.

(E) As used in this section, "substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4. That existing sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.

Section 5. Sections 3 and 4 of this act take effect April 1, 2001.

Section 6. That sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 be amended and section 103.0512 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 103.05. (A) The director of the legislative service commission shall be the codifier of the rules of the administrative agencies of the state. When a rule is filed under section 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code, the director or the director's designee shall examine the rule. If the rule is not numbered or if the numbering of the rule is not in conformity with the system established by the director, the director shall give the rule its proper number by designating the proper number on the left hand margin of the rule. The number shall be the official administrative code number of the rule. Any number so assigned shall be published in any publication of the administrative code. Rules of the administrative code shall be cited and referred to by such official numbers.

The legislative service commission shall, pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, adopt, amend, and rescind any rules that are necessary to provide a uniform administrative code; to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include in the administrative code the full text of, or a reference to, any rule filed with the commission; to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers as described in this section; and to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers with respect to establishing and maintaining, and enhancing and improving, the electronic rule-filing system under section 103.0511 of the Revised Code.

When the commission adopts rules to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include the full text of, or a reference to, a rule in the administrative code, it shall consider all of the following:

(1) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all citizens of the state;

(2) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all political subdivisions of the state;

(3) Whether the rule affects the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the state;

(4) Whether the rule applies only to the internal affairs of the agency adopting the rule;

(5) The number of persons affected by the rule;

(6) Whether the rule affects the statutory or constitutional rights of any person.

The director or the director's designee shall accept any rule that is filed under section 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code. If the director or the director's designee accepts a rule that is not in compliance with the rules of the commission, the director shall give notice of the noncompliance in both print and electronic form to the agency that filed the rule within thirty days after the date on which the rule is filed. The notice shall indicate why the rule does not comply with the rules of the commission and how the rule can be brought into compliance. The failure of the director to give an agency notice within the thirty-day period shall presumptively establish that the rule complies with the rules of the commission.

(B) The director shall approve as acceptable any publication of the code conforming to the requirements of this division.

An Ohio administrative code approved as acceptable by the director shall:

(1) Contain a compilation of the full text of, or a reference to, each rule filed under sections 111.15, 119.04, 4141.14, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code;

(2) Presumptively establish the rules of all agencies adopting rules under section 111.15, 4141.14, 5703.14, or Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are in effect on the day of its initial publication;

(3) Contain the full text of, or a reference to, each rule adopted after its initial publication and be updated at least quarterly;

(4) Contain an index of the rules and references to rules that are included in the code and each supplement using terms easily understood by the general public;

(5) Be published in electronic or print format following, to the extent possible, the subject matter arrangement of the Revised Code;

(6) Be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director.

(C) If the director does not approve as acceptable any publication of the administrative code, the director, subject to division (D) of this section, may prepare and publish the code, or contract with any person under this division to prepare and publish the code. Any code published under this division shall include all of the requirements of division (B) of this section. In addition, the director shall furnish any code or supplement published under this division to any person who requests the code or supplement upon payment of a charge established by the director, not to exceed the cost of preparation and publication.

Upon the request of the director of the legislative service commission under this division, the director of administrative services, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure of Chapter 125. of the Revised Code, shall let a contract for the compilation, preparation, and printing or publication of the administrative code and supplements.

(D) The director shall not prepare and publish the administrative code in a print mode or any other mode under division (B) or (C) of this section unless no other person is willing and qualified to publish a version of the code in that mode that the director has approved as acceptable.


Sec. 111.15. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule" includes any rule, regulation, bylaw, or standard having a general and uniform operation adopted by an agency under the authority of the laws governing the agency; any appendix to a rule; and any internal management rule. "Rule" does not include any guideline adopted pursuant to section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code, any order respecting the duties of employees, any finding, any determination of a question of law or fact in a matter presented to an agency, or any rule promulgated pursuant to Chapter 119., section 4141.14, division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02, or section 5703.14 of the Revised Code. "Rule" includes any amendment or rescission of a rule.

(2) "Agency" means any governmental entity of the state and includes, but is not limited to, any board, department, division, commission, bureau, society, council, institution, state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college. "Agency" does not include the general assembly, the controlling board, the adjutant general's department, or any court.

(3) "Internal management rule" means any rule, regulation, bylaw, or standard governing the day-to-day staff procedures and operations within an agency.

(4) "Substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Any rule, other than a rule of an emergency nature, adopted by any agency pursuant to this section shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B)(3) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (D) of this section does not apply.

An agency that adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (D) of this section shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code. This paragraph does not apply to a rule of a state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college.

If all filings are not completed on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is completed. If an agency in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by division (B)(1) of this section, the rule if filed as required by such division shall become effective on the later date designated by the agency.

Any rule that is required to be filed under division (B)(1) of this section is also subject to division (D) of this section if not exempted by division (D)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), or (8) of this section.

(2) A rule of an emergency nature necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety shall state the reasons for the necessity. The emergency rule, in final form and in compliance with division (B)(3) of this section, shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review. The emergency rule is effective immediately upon completion of the latest filing, except that if the agency in adopting the emergency rule designates an effective date, or date and time of day, that is later than the effective date and time provided for by division (B)(2) of this section, the emergency rule if filed as required by such division shall become effective at the later date, or later date and time of day, designated by the agency.

An emergency rule becomes invalid at the end of the ninetieth day it is in effect. Prior to that date, the agency may file the emergency rule as a nonemergency rule in compliance with division (B)(1) of this section. The agency may not refile the emergency rule in compliance with division (B)(2) of this section so that, upon the emergency rule becoming invalid under such division, the emergency rule will continue in effect without interruption for another ninety-day period.

(3) An agency shall file a rule under division (B)(1) or (2) of this section in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives an agency notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the agency is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the agency shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

(C) All rules filed pursuant to divisions (B)(1)(a) and (2) of this section shall be recorded by the secretary of state and the director under the title of the agency adopting the rule and shall be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director. The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be transmitted to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

(D) At least sixty-five days before a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state files a rule under division (B)(1) of this section, it shall file the full text of the proposed rule in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review, and the proposed rule is subject to legislative review and invalidation under division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. If a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau makes a substantive revision in a proposed rule after it is filed with the joint committee, the state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall promptly file the full text of the proposed rule in its revised form in both print and electronic form with the joint committee. The latest version of a proposed rule as filed with the joint committee supersedes each earlier version of the text of the same proposed rule. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall also file the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, in both print and electronic form along with a proposed rule, and along with a proposed rule in revised form, that is filed under this division.

As used in this division, "commission" includes the public utilities commission when adopting rules under a federal or state statute.

This division does not apply to any of the following:

(1) A proposed rule of an emergency nature;

(2) A rule proposed under section 1121.05, 1121.06, 1155.18, 1733.412, 4123.29, 4123.34, 4123.341, 4123.342, 4123.40, 4123.411, 4123.44, or 4123.442 of the Revised Code;

(3) A rule proposed by an agency other than a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state;

(4) A proposed internal management rule of a board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the government of the state;

(5) Any proposed rule that must be adopted verbatim by an agency pursuant to federal law or rule, to become effective within sixty days of adoption, in order to continue the operation of a federally reimbursed program in this state, so long as the proposed rule contains both of the following:

(a) A statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule;

(b) A citation to the federal law or rule that requires verbatim compliance.

(6) An initial rule proposed by the director of health to impose safety standards, quality-of-care standards, and quality-of-care data reporting requirements with respect to a health service specified in section 3702.11 of the Revised Code, or an initial rule proposed by the director to impose quality standards on a facility listed in division (A)(4) of section 3702.30 of the Revised Code, if section 3702.12 of the Revised Code requires that the rule be adopted under this section;

(7) A rule of the state lottery commission pertaining to instant game rules.

If a rule is exempt from legislative review under division (D)(5) of this section, and if the federal law or rule pursuant to which the rule was adopted expires, is repealed or rescinded, or otherwise terminates, the rule is thereafter subject to legislative review under division (D) of this section.

(E) Whenever a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau files a proposed rule or a proposed rule in revised form under division (D) of this section, it shall also file the full text of the same proposed rule or proposed rule in revised form in both print and electronic form with the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a state board, commission, department, division, or bureau shall file the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, in both print and electronic form along with a proposed rule or proposed rule in revised form that is filed with the secretary of state or the director of the legislative service commission.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in this division, the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee is not required to file a rule summary and fiscal analysis along with a proposed rule, or proposed rule in revised form, that the auditor of state proposes under section 117.12, 117.19, 117.38, or 117.43 of the Revised Code and files under division (D) or (E) of this section. If, however, the auditor of state or the designee prepares a rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of such a proposed rule for purposes of complying with section 121.24 of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or designee shall file the rule summary and fiscal analysis in both print and electronic form along with the original version of the proposed rule filed under division (D) or (E) of this section.

Sec. 117.20. (A) In adopting rules pursuant to Chapter 117. of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee shall do both of the following:

(1) Before adopting any such rule, except a rule of an emergency nature, do each of the following:

(a) At least thirty-five days before any public hearing on the proposed rule-making action, mail notice of the hearing to each public office and to each statewide organization that the auditor of state or designee determines will be affected or represents persons who will be affected by the proposed rule-making action;

(b) Mail a copy of the proposed rule to any person or organization that requests a copy within five days after receipt of the request;

(c) Consult with appropriate state and local government agencies, or with persons representative of their interests, including statewide organizations of local government officials, and consult with accounting professionals and other interested persons;

(d) Conduct, on the date and at the time and place designated in the notice, a public hearing at which any person affected by the proposed rule, including statewide organizations of local government officials, may appear and be heard in person, by attorney, or both, and may present the person's or organization's position or contentions orally or in writing.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) of this section, comply with divisions (B) to (E) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code. The auditor of state is not required to file a rule summary and fiscal analysis along with any copy of a proposed rule, or proposed rule in revised form, that is filed with the joint committee on agency rule review, the secretary of state, or the director of the legislative service commission under division (D) or (E) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code; however, if the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee prepares a rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of a proposed rule for purposes of complying with section 121.24 of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or designee shall file a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis in both print and electronic form along with the original version of the proposed rule filed under division (D) or (E) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(B) The auditor of state shall diligently discharge the duties imposed by divisions (A)(1)(a), (b), and (c) of this section, but failure to mail any notice or copy of a proposed rule, or to consult with any person or organization, shall not invalidate any rule.

(C) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Revised Code, the auditor of state may prepare and disseminate, to public offices and other interested persons and organizations, advisory bulletins, directives, and instructions relating to accounting and financial reporting systems, budgeting procedures, fiscal controls, and the constructions by the auditor of state of constitutional and statutory provisions, court decisions, and opinions of the attorney general. The bulletins, directives, and instructions shall be of an advisory nature only.

(D) As used in this section, "rule" includes the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule.

Sec. 119.03. In the adoption, amendment, or rescission of any rule, an agency shall comply with the following procedure:

(A) Reasonable public notice shall be given in the register of Ohio at least thirty days prior to the date set for a hearing, in the form the agency determines. The agency shall file copies of the public notice under division (B) of this section. (The agency gives public notice in the register of Ohio when the public notice is published in the register under that division.)

The public notice shall include:

(1) A statement of the agency's intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding a rule;

(2) A synopsis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded or a general statement of the subject matter to which the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission relates;

(3) A statement of the reason or purpose for adopting, amending, or rescinding the rule;

(4) The date, time, and place of a hearing on the proposed action, which shall be not earlier than the thirty-first nor later than the fortieth day after the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed under division (B) of this section.

In addition to public notice given in the register of Ohio, the agency may give whatever other notice it reasonably considers necessary to ensure notice constructively is given to all persons who are subject to or affected by the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission.

The agency shall provide a copy of the public notice required under division (A) of this section to any person who requests it and pays a reasonable fee, not to exceed the cost of copying and mailing.

(B) The full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded, accompanied by the public notice required under division (A) of this section, shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the secretary of state and with the director of the legislative service commission. (If in compliance with this division an agency files more than one proposed rule, amendment, or rescission at the same time, and has prepared a public notice under division (A) of this section that applies to more than one of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions, the agency shall file only one notice with the secretary of state and with the director for all of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions to which the notice applies.) The proposed rule, amendment, or rescission and public notice shall be filed as required by this division at least sixty-five days prior to the date on which the agency, in accordance with division (D) of this section, issues an order adopting the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission.

The proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be available for at least thirty days prior to the date of the hearing at the office of the agency in printed or other legible form without charge to any person affected by the proposal. Failure to furnish such text to any person requesting it shall not invalidate any action of the agency in connection therewith.

If the agency files a substantive revision in the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission under division (H) of this section, it shall also promptly file the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in its revised form in both print and electronic form with the secretary of state and with the director of the legislative service commission.

The agency shall file the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, in both print and electronic form along with a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission or proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in revised form that is filed with the secretary of state or the director of the legislative service commission.

The director of the legislative service commission shall publish in the register of Ohio the full text of the original and each revised version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission; the full text of a public notice; and the full text of a rule summary and fiscal analysis that is filed with the director under this division.

(C) On the date and at the time and place designated in the notice, the agency shall conduct a public hearing at which any person affected by the proposed action of the agency may appear and be heard in person, by the person's attorney, or both, may present the person's position, arguments, or contentions, orally or in writing, offer and examine witnesses, and present evidence tending to show that the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, if adopted or effectuated, will be unreasonable or unlawful. An agency may permit persons affected by the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission to present their positions, arguments, or contentions in writing, not only at the hearing, but also for a reasonable period before, after, or both before and after the hearing. A person who presents a position or arguments or contentions in writing before or after the hearing is not required to appear at the hearing.

At the hearing, the testimony shall be recorded. Such record shall be made at the expense of the agency. The agency is required to transcribe a record that is not sight readable only if a person requests transcription of all or part of the record and agrees to reimburse the agency for the costs of the transcription. An agency may require the person to pay in advance all or part of the cost of the transcription.

In any hearing under this section the agency may administer oaths or affirmations.

(D) After complying with divisions (A), (B), (C), and (H) of this section, and when the time for legislative review and invalidation under division (I) of this section has expired, the agency may issue an order adopting the proposed rule or the proposed amendment or rescission of the rule, consistent with the synopsis or general statement included in the public notice. At that time the agency shall designate the effective date of the rule, amendment, or rescission, which shall not be earlier than the tenth day after the rule, amendment, or rescission has been filed in its final form as provided in section 119.04 of the Revised Code.

(E) Prior to the effective date of a rule, amendment, or rescission, the agency shall make a reasonable effort to inform those affected by the rule, amendment, or rescission and to have available for distribution to those requesting it the full text of the rule as adopted or as amended.

(F) If the governor, upon the request of an agency, determines that an emergency requires the immediate adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule, the governor shall issue an order, the text of which shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the agency, the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review, that the procedure prescribed by this section with respect to the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a specified rule is suspended. The agency may then adopt immediately the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission and it becomes effective on the date the rule, amendment, or rescission, in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of section 119.04 of the Revised Code, are filed in both print and electronic form with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review. If all filings are not completed on the same day, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall be effective on the day on which the latest filing is completed. The director shall publish the full text of the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission in the register of Ohio.

The emergency rule, amendment, or rescission shall become invalid at the end of the ninetieth day it is in effect. Prior to that date the agency may adopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission as a nonemergency rule, amendment, or rescission by complying with the procedure prescribed by this section for the adoption, amendment, and rescission of nonemergency rules. The agency shall not use the procedure of this division to readopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission so that, upon the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission becoming invalid under this division, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission will continue in effect without interruption for another ninety-day period.

This division does not apply to the adoption of any emergency rule, amendment, or rescission by the tax commissioner under division (C)(2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code.

(G) Rules adopted by an authority within the department of taxation or the bureau of employment services shall be effective without a hearing as provided by this section if the statutes pertaining to such agency specifically give a right of appeal to the board of tax appeals or to a higher authority within the agency or to a court, and also give the appellant a right to a hearing on such appeal. This division does not apply to the adoption of any rule, amendment, or rescission by the tax commissioner under division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code, or deny the right to file an action for declaratory judgment as provided in Chapter 2721. of the Revised Code from the decision of the board of tax appeals or of the higher authority within such agency.

(H) When any agency files a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission under division (B) of this section, it shall also file in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rule to be rescinded in the same form and the public notice required under division (A) of this section. (If in compliance with this division an agency files more than one proposed rule, amendment, or rescission at the same time, and has given a public notice under division (A) of this section that applies to more than one of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions, the agency shall file only one notice with the joint committee for all of the proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions to which the notice applies.) If the agency makes a substantive revision in a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission after it is filed with the joint committee, the agency shall promptly file the full text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in its revised form in both print and electronic form with the joint committee. The latest version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as filed with the joint committee supersedes each earlier version of the text of the same proposed rule, amendment, or rescission. An agency shall file the rule summary and fiscal analysis prepared under section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both, in both print and electronic form along with a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, and along with a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission in revised form, that is filed under this division.

This division does not apply to:

(1) An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission;

(2) Any proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that must be adopted verbatim by an agency pursuant to federal law or rule, to become effective within sixty days of adoption, in order to continue the operation of a federally reimbursed program in this state, so long as the proposed rule contains both of the following:

(a) A statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule;

(b) A citation to the federal law or rule that requires verbatim compliance.

If a rule or amendment is exempt from legislative review under division (H)(2) of this section, and if the federal law or rule pursuant to which the rule or amendment was adopted expires, is repealed or rescinded, or otherwise terminates, the rule or amendment, or its rescission, is thereafter subject to legislative review under division (H) of this section.

(I)(1) The joint committee on agency rule review may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof if it finds any of the following:

(a) That the rule-making agency has exceeded the scope of its statutory authority in proposing the rule, amendment, or rescission;

(b) That the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission conflicts with another rule, amendment, or rescission adopted by the same or a different rule-making agency;

(c) That the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission conflicts with the legislative intent in enacting the statute under which the rule-making agency proposed the rule, amendment, or rescission;

(d) That the rule-making agency has failed to prepare a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as required by section 121.24 or 127.18 of the Revised Code, or both.

The joint committee shall not hold its public hearing on a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission earlier than the forty-first day after the original version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission was filed with the joint committee.

The house of representatives and senate may adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. The concurrent resolution shall state which of the specific rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof are invalidated. A concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be adopted not later than the sixty-fifth day after the original version of the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed with the joint committee, except that if more than thirty-five days after the original version is filed the rule-making agency either files a revised version of the text of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission, or revises the rule summary and fiscal analysis in accordance with division (I)(4) of this section, a concurrent resolution invalidating the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission shall be adopted not later than the thirtieth day after the revised version of the proposed rule or rule summary and fiscal analysis is filed. If, after the joint committee on agency rule review recommends the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the house of representatives or senate does not, within the time remaining for adoption of the concurrent resolution, hold five floor sessions at which its journal records a roll call vote disclosing a sufficient number of members in attendance to pass a bill, the time within which that house may adopt the concurrent resolution is extended until it has held five such floor sessions.

Within five days after the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the clerk of the senate shall send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission in both print and electronic form a certified text of the resolution together with a certification stating the date on which the resolution takes effect. The secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission shall each note the invalidity of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, and shall each remove the invalid proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof from the file of proposed rules. The rule-making agency shall not proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, any version of a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that has been invalidated by concurrent resolution.

Unless the house of representatives and senate adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof within the time specified by this division, the rule-making agency may proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the latest version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission as filed with the joint committee. If by concurrent resolution certain of the rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof are specifically invalidated, the rule-making agency may proceed to adopt, in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the latest version of the proposed rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof as filed with the joint committee that are not specifically invalidated. The rule-making agency may not revise or amend any proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that has not been invalidated except as provided in this chapter or in section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) A proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is filed with the joint committee under division (H) of this section or division (D) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code shall be carried over for legislative review to the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly if the original or any revised version of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission is filed with the joint committee on or after the first day of December of any year.

(b) The latest version of any proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is subject to division (I)(2)(a) of this section, as filed with the joint committee, is subject to legislative review and invalidation in the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly in the same manner as if it were the original version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that had been filed with the joint committee for the first time on the first day of the session. A rule-making agency shall not adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, any version of a proposed rule, amendment, or rescission that is subject to division (I)(2)(a) of this section until the time for legislative review and invalidation, as contemplated by division (I)(2)(b) of this section, has expired.

(3) Invalidation of any version of a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof by concurrent resolution shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting or continuing proceedings to adopt any version of the same proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof for the duration of the general assembly that invalidated the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof unless the same general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution permitting the rule-making agency to institute or continue such proceedings.

The failure of the general assembly to invalidate a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall not be construed as a ratification of the lawfulness or reasonableness of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof or of the validity of the procedure by which the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof was proposed or adopted.

(4) In lieu of recommending a concurrent resolution to invalidate a proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof because the rule-making agency has failed to prepare a complete and accurate fiscal analysis, the joint committee on agency rule review may issue, on a one-time basis, for rules, amendments, rescissions, or parts thereof that have a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, a finding that the rule summary and fiscal analysis is incomplete or inaccurate and order the rule-making agency to revise the rule summary and fiscal analysis and refile it with the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. If an emergency rule is filed as a nonemergency rule before the end of the ninetieth day of the emergency rule's effectiveness, and the joint committee issues a finding and orders the rule-making agency to refile under division (I)(4) of this section, the governor may also issue an order stating that the emergency rule shall remain in effect for an additional sixty days after the ninetieth day of the emergency rule's effectiveness. The governor's orders shall be filed in accordance with division (F) of this section. The joint committee shall send in both print and electronic form to the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified text of the finding and order to revise the rule summary and fiscal analysis, which shall take immediate effect.

An order issued under division (I)(4) of this section shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting or continuing proceedings to adopt any version of the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof until the rule-making agency revises the rule summary and fiscal analysis and refiles it in both print and electronic form with the joint committee along with the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. If the joint committee finds the rule summary and fiscal analysis to be complete and accurate, the joint committee shall issue a new order noting that the rule-making agency has revised and refiled a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis. The joint committee shall send in both print and electronic form to the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission a certified text of this new order. The secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission shall each attach and link this order to the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof. The rule-making agency may then proceed to adopt in accordance with division (D) of this section, or to file in accordance with division (B)(1) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the proposed rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof that was subject to the finding and order under division (I)(4) of this section. If the joint committee determines that the revised rule summary and fiscal analysis is still inaccurate or incomplete, the joint committee shall recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution in accordance with division (I)(1) of this section.

Sec. 119.031. (A) The chairperson of the joint committee on agency rule review shall compare each rule, amendment, or rescission as filed in final form with the latest version of the same rule, amendment, or rescission as filed in proposed form.

(B) If, upon making the comparison required by division (A) of this section, the chairperson of the joint committee on agency rule review finds that the rule-making agency has made a substantive revision in the rule, amendment, or rescission between the time it filed the latest version of the rule, amendment, or rescission in proposed form and the time it filed the rule, amendment, or rescission in final form, the chairperson shall promptly notify the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission in both print and electronic form of that finding.

(C) The joint committee on agency rule review shall review any rule, amendment, or rescission as filed in final form if, under division (B) of this section, it is found to contain a substantive revision. The joint committee may do either or both of the following:

(1) If the joint committee makes any of the findings stated in division (I)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, it may suspend the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof. The suspension shall remain in effect until the time for legislative review and invalidation has expired under division (D) of this section, or until the general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof, whichever occurs first. The chairperson of the joint committee shall promptly notify the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission in both print and electronic form of the suspension.

(2) The joint committee may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof if it makes any of the findings stated in division (I)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(D) A rule, amendment, or rescission that, under division (B) of this section, is found to contain a substantive revision shall nevertheless become effective pursuant to division (B)(1) of section 111.15, division (A)(1) of section 119.04, division (B)(1) of section 4141.14, or division (A) of section 5703.14 of the Revised Code and remain in effect as filed in final form unless:

(1) Under division (C)(1) of this section, the joint committee suspends the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof; or

(2) Prior to the sixtieth day after the rule, amendment, or rescission was filed in final form, the house of representatives and senate adopt a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof. If, after the joint committee on agency rule review recommends the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, the house of representatives or senate does not, within the time remaining for adoption of the concurrent resolution, hold five floor sessions at which its journal records a roll call vote disclosing a sufficient number of members in attendance to pass a bill, the time within which that house may adopt the concurrent resolution is extended until it has held five such floor sessions.

Upon the adoption of such a concurrent resolution, the clerk of the senate shall, within five days thereafter, send the rule-making agency, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission, in both print and electronic form, a certified copy of the resolution together with a certification stating the date on which the resolution takes effect. The secretary of state and the director shall each note the invalidity of the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof, and shall remove the invalid rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof from the file of current rules. The director shall also indicate in the Ohio administrative code that the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof is invalid and the date of invalidation. The rule-making agency shall make appropriate adjustments to reflect the invalidity of the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof.

(E) Invalidation of a rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall prevent the rule-making agency from instituting proceedings to readopt any version of the same rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof for the duration of the general assembly that invalidated the rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof unless the same general assembly adopts a concurrent resolution permitting the rule-making agency to institute such proceedings.

(F) The failure of the general assembly to invalidate a rule, amendment, rescission, or part thereof under this section shall not be construed as a ratification of the lawfulness or reasonableness of the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof or of the validity of the procedure by which the rule, amendment, rescission, or any part thereof was adopted.

(G) As used in this section, a rule, amendment, or rescission is filed:

(1) "In proposed form" when it is filed in such form with the joint committee under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code;

(2) "In final form" when it is filed in such form with the joint committee under division (B)(1)(b) of section 111.15, division (A)(1)(b) of section 119.04, division (B)(1)(b) of section 4141.14, or division (A)(2) of section 5703.14 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 119.032. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" includes both an agency as defined in division (A)(2) of section 111.15 and an agency as defined in division (A) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Review date" means the review date assigned to a rule by an agency under division (B) or (E)(2) of this section or under section 111.15, 119.04, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code or a review date assigned to a rule by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (B) of this section.

(3)(a) "Rule" means only a rule whose adoption, amendment, or rescission is subject to review under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(b) "Rule" does not include a rule adopted, amended, or rescinded by the department of taxation under section 5703.14 of the Revised Code, a rule of a state college or university, community college district, technical college district, or state community college, or a rule that is consistent with and equivalent to the form required by a federal law and that does not exceed the minimum scope and intent of that federal law.

(B) Not later than March 25, 1997, each agency shall assign a review date to each of its rules that is currently in effect and shall notify the joint committee on agency rule review of the review date for each such rule. The agency shall assign review dates to its rules so that approximately one-fifth of the rules are scheduled for review during each calendar year of the five-year period that begins March 25, 1997, except that an agency, with the joint committee's approval, may set a review schedule for the agency's rules in which there is no requirement that approximately one-fifth of the agency's rules be assigned a review date during each calendar year of the five-year period but in which all of the agency's rules are assigned a review date during that five-year period. An agency may change the review dates it has assigned to specific rules so long as the agency complies with the five-year time deadline specified in this division.

Upon the request of the agency that adopted the rule, the joint committee on agency rule review may extend a review date of a rule to a date that is not later than one hundred eighty days after the original review date assigned to the rule by the agency under this division, division (E)(2) of this section, or section 111.15, 119.04, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code. The joint committee may further extend a review date that has been extended under this paragraph if appropriate under the circumstances.

(C) Prior to the review date of a rule, the agency that adopted the rule shall review the rule to determine all of the following:

(1) Whether the rule should be continued without amendment, be amended, or be rescinded, taking into consideration the purpose, scope, and intent of the statute under which the rule was adopted;

(2) Whether the rule needs amendment or rescission to give more flexibility at the local level;

(3) Whether the rule needs amendment or rescission to eliminate unnecessary paperwork;

(4) Whether the rule duplicates, overlaps with, or conflicts with other rules.

(D) In making the review required under division (C) of this section, the agency shall consider the continued need for the rule, the nature of any complaints or comments received concerning the rule, and any relevant factors that have changed in the subject matter area affected by the rule.

(E)(1) On or before the designated review date of a rule, the agency that adopted the rule shall proceed under division (E)(2) or (5) of this section to indicate that the agency has reviewed the rule.

(2) If the agency has determined that the rule does not need to be amended or rescinded, the agency shall file all the following, in both print and electronic form, with the joint committee on agency rule review, the secretary of state, and the director of the legislative service commission: a copy of the rule, a statement of the agency's determination, and an accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis for the rule as described in section 127.18 of the Revised Code. The agency shall assign a new review date to the rule, which shall not be later than five years after the rule's immediately preceding review date. After the joint committee has reviewed such a rule for the first time, including any rule that was in effect on September 26, 1996, the agency in its subsequent reviews of the rule may provide the same fiscal analysis it provided to the joint committee during its immediately preceding review of the rule unless any of the conditions described in division (B)(4), (5), (6), (8), (9), or (10) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code, as they relate to the rule, have appreciably changed since the joint committee's immediately preceding review of the rule. If any of these conditions, as they relate to the rule, have appreciably changed, the agency shall provide the joint committee with an updated fiscal analysis for the rule. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its immediately preceding review date. The joint committee shall give public notice in the register of Ohio of the agency's determination after receiving a notice from the agency under division (E)(2) of this section. The joint committee shall transmit a copy of the notice in both print and electronic form to the director of the legislative service commission. The director shall publish the notice in the register of Ohio for four consecutive weeks after its receipt.

(3) During the ninety-day period following the date the joint committee receives a notice under division (E)(2) of this section but after the four-week period described in division (E)(2) of this section has ended, the joint committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule if the joint committee determines that either of the following applies:

(a) The agency improperly applied the criteria described in divisions (C) and (D) of this section in reviewing the rule and in recommending its continuance without amendment or rescission.

(b) The agency failed to file proper notice with the joint committee regarding the rule.

(4) If the joint committee does not take the action described in division (E)(3) of this section regarding a rule during the ninety-day period after the date the joint committee receives a notice under division (E)(2) of this section regarding that rule, the rule shall continue in effect without amendment and shall be next reviewed by the joint committee by the date designated by the agency in the notice provided to the joint committee under division (E)(2) of this section.

(5) If the agency has determined that a rule reviewed under division (C) of this section needs to be amended or rescinded, the agency, on or before the rule's review date, shall file the rule as amended or rescinded in accordance with section 111.15, 119.03, or 4141.14 of the Revised Code, as applicable.

(6) Each agency shall provide the joint committee with a copy of the rules that it has determined are rules described in division (A)(3)(b) of this section. At a time the joint committee designates, each agency shall appear before the joint committee and explain why it has determined that such rules are rules described in division (A)(3)(b) of this section. The joint committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, may determine that any of such rules are rules described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section. After the joint committee has made such a determination relating to a rule, the agency shall thereafter treat the rule as a rule described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section.

(F) If an agency fails to provide the notice to the joint committee required under division (E)(2) of this section regarding a rule or otherwise fails by the rule's review date to take any action regarding the rule required by this section, the joint committee, by a majority vote of the members present, may recommend the adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating the rule. The joint committee shall not recommend the adoption of such a resolution until it has afforded the agency the opportunity to appear before the joint committee to show cause why the joint committee should not recommend the adoption of such a resolution regarding that rule.

(G) If the joint committee recommends adoption of a concurrent resolution invalidating a rule under division (E)(3) or (F) of this section, the adoption of the concurrent resolution shall be in the manner described in division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 119.0311. Each agency shall prepare and publish, and as it becomes necessary or advisable, revise and republish, a guide to its rule-making process that functions generally to assist members of the public who participate, or who may wish to participate, in the agency's rule-making. The agency's guide is to include:

(A) A statement of the agency's regulatory mission;

(B) A description of how the agency is organized to achieve its regulatory mission;

(C) An explanation of rule-making the agency is authorized or required to engage in to achieve its regulatory mission;

(D) An explanation of the agency's rule-making process;

(E) An indication of the points in the agency's rule-making process at which members of the public can participate;

(F) An explanation of how members of the public can participate in the agency's rule-making process at each indicated point of participation; and

(G) Other information the agency reasonably concludes will assist members of the public meaningfully to participate in the agency's rule-making.

An agency's guide is not to be adopted as a rule, but rather as a narrative explanation of the matters outlined in this section. An agency's failure to conform its rule-making process to its guide is not cause for invalidating a rule, amendment, or rescission adopted by the agency.

The agency shall publish or republish its guide both in the register of Ohio and as a printed pamphlet.

The agency shall submit a copy of its guide, in pamphlet and in electronic form, to the director of the legislative service commission. The director thereupon shall publish the agency's guide in the register of Ohio.

The agency shall provide a copy of its pamphlet guide to any person upon request. The agency may charge the person a fee for this service, but the fee is not to exceed the per copy cost of producing the pamphlet guide and the actual cost of delivering it to the person.

Sec. 119.04. (A)(1) Any rule adopted by any agency shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (A)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

If all filings are not completed on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is completed. If an agency in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by this division, the rule if filed as required by this division shall become effective on the later date designated by the agency.

An agency that adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code. This paragraph does not apply to the department of taxation.

(2) The agency shall file the rule in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives an agency notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the agency is not in compliance with the rules of the commission, the agency shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

(3) As used in this section, "rule" includes an amendment or rescission of a rule.

(B) The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules filed under division (A)(1)(a) of this section in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be transmitted to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

Any rule that has been adopted in compliance with section 119.03 of the Revised Code and that is in effect before January 1, 1977, may be divided into sections, numbered, provided with a subject heading, and filed with the secretary of state and the director to comply with the provisions of this section without carrying out the adoption procedure required by section 119.03 of the Revised Code. The codification of existing rules to comply with this section shall not constitute adoption, amendment, or rescission.

Sec. 121.24. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" means any agency as defined in division (A)(2) of section 111.15 or division (A) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Employee" means a person who is employed by a small business or small organization for at least one thousand eight hundred hours per year.

(3) A rule is "filed in final form" when it is filed with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review under division (B)(1) of section 111.15, division (A)(1) of section 119.04, division (B)(1) of section 4141.14, or division (A) of section 5703.14 of the Revised Code.

(4) "History trail" means the supplementary information required to be provided on each copy of a proposed rule, which information is not part of the text of the rule, and sets forth the statute prescribing the procedure in accordance with which the proposed rule is required to be adopted, the statute that authorizes the agency to adopt the proposed rule, the statute that the agency intends to amplify or implement by adopting the proposed rule, the effective dates of any previous versions of the rule that is the subject of the proposal, and other similar information as prescribed in rules of the legislative service commission.

(5) "Individual" means any individual who is affected by a rule in the individual's capacity as an officer or employee of a small business or small organization.

(6) "Rule summary and fiscal analysis" means a rule summary and fiscal analysis of a proposed rule that provides the information required by division (B) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code, and that has been prepared in the form prescribed by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (E) of that section.

(7) "Rate" means any rate, classification, fare, toll, rental, or charge of a public utility.

(8) "Rule" means any rule, regulation, or standard having a general and uniform operation, including any appendix thereto, that is adopted, promulgated, and enforced by an agency under the authority of the laws governing the agency. "Rule" includes the adoption of a new rule or the amendment or rescission of an existing rule. "Rule" does not include any of the following:

(a) A rule proposed under section 1121.05, 1121.06, 1155.18, or 1163.22 of the Revised Code;

(b) A rule governing the internal management of an agency that does not affect private rights;

(c) A rule authorized by law to be issued as a temporary written order;

(d) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(8)(d) of this section, a rule or order, whether of a quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial nature, proposed by the public utilities commission. Any rule or order, whether of a quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial nature, proposed by the public utilities commission that determines a rate of a public utility to be just and reasonable is a "rule" for purposes of this section, unless the rule or order contains findings that the public utility, in applying for approval of the rate under section 4909.18 of the Revised Code, stated facts and grounds sufficient for the commission to determine that the proposed rate was just and reasonable.

(e) A proposed rule, the adoption of which is mandated by a federal law or rule, and which must be adopted substantially as prescribed by federal law or rule, to become effective within one hundred twenty days of adoption, so long as the history trail of the proposed rule contains a statement that it is proposed for the purpose of complying with a federal law or rule and a citation to the federal law or rule that mandates substantial compliance;

(9) "Small business" means an independently owned and operated business having fewer than four hundred employees.

(10) "Small organization" means an unincorporated association, sheltered workshop, or nonprofit enterprise having fewer than four hundred employees. This definition is not limited to the types of small organizations expressly mentioned, and includes all other types of small organizations, so long as such organizations have fewer than four hundred employees.

(B) If an agency intends to adopt a rule, and reasonably believes that the proposed rule, if adopted, will be likely to affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations, the agency shall comply with the following procedure in adopting the rule, in addition to any other procedure required by section 111.15, 117.16, 119.03, 119.032, 119.04, 127.18, 4141.14, or 5117.02 of the Revised Code or any other statute of this state:

(1) The agency shall prepare a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the original version of the proposed rule.

(2) After complying with division (B)(1) of this section, and at least sixty days before the agency files the proposed rule in final form, the agency shall file with the office of small business, in both print and electronic form, the full text of the original version of the proposed rule and the rule summary and fiscal analysis of such proposed rule.

(3) During a period commencing on the date the original version of the proposed rule is filed pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section and ending forty days thereafter:

(a) The chairperson of the standing committee of the senate or house of representatives having jurisdiction over individuals, small businesses, or small organizations, or any other person having an interest in the proposed rule, may submit comments in both print and electronic form to the agency, to the joint committee on agency rule review, or to both, concerning the expected effect of the proposed rule, if adopted, upon individuals, small businesses, and small organizations. The agency and joint committee shall accept all such timely submitted written comments.

(b) The chairperson of the standing committee of the senate or house of representatives having jurisdiction over individuals, small businesses, or small organizations, in both print and electronic form, may request the agency to appear before the committee and testify, answer questions asked by members of the committee, and produce information in the possession of the agency as requested by the committee, concerning the expected effect of the proposed rule, if adopted, upon individuals, small businesses, or small organizations. Upon receipt of a request from the chairperson of the appropriate standing committee of the senate or house of representatives under division (B)(3)(b) of this section, the agency shall designate an officer or employee of the agency to appear before the committee, and shall otherwise comply with the request, in the manner directed by the request.

(4) The agency shall not proceed to file the proposed rule in final form until it has considered any comments timely submitted to it under division (B)(3)(a) of this section, has identified the issues raised by the comments, has assessed the proposed rule in light of the issues raised by the comments, and has made such revisions in the proposed rule as it considers advisable in light of its assessment.

An agency is not required to put any revised version of a proposed rule through the procedure of divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section.

(C) Any original version of a proposed rule, rule summary and fiscal analysis, or written comment filed or submitted under division (B) of this section shall be preserved by the agency with which it is filed or to which it is submitted, and is a public record open to public inspection.

(D) Each agency shall prepare a plan that provides for the periodic review, at least once every five years, of each rule of the agency that is not otherwise subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code and that affects individuals, small businesses, or small organizations. The purpose of each periodic review shall be to determine whether the rule that is being reviewed should be continued without change or amended or rescinded, consistent with the purpose, scope, and intent of the applicable statute authorizing adoption of the rule, so as to minimize the economic impact of the rule upon individuals, small businesses, or small organizations. Accordingly, in making each periodic review of a rule, the agency shall consider the continued need for the rule, the nature of any written complaints or comments that the agency has received with regard to the rule, the extent to which the rule duplicates, overlaps, or conflicts with other currently effective rules, and the degree to which technology, economic conditions, and other relevant factors have changed in the area affected by the rule.

Each agency shall annually report to the governor and general assembly, with regard to each of its rules that have been reviewed under this division during the preceding calendar year, the title and administrative code rule number of the rule, a brief summary of the content and operation of the rule, and a brief summary of the results of the review. If the agency is otherwise required to make an annual report to the governor and general assembly, the agency shall report this information in an appropriately designated section of its annual report, whether its annual report is in print or electronic form or both. If, however, the agency is not otherwise required to make an annual report to the governor and general assembly, the agency, on or before the first day of February, shall report this information in a separate report, in both print and electronic form, to the governor and general assembly. In addition to the submissions required by section 101.68 of the Revised Code, and in addition to any requirement of that section to submit notice of the availability of a report instead of copies of the report, the agency shall submit its annual or separate report in both print and electronic form, which provides the information required by this division, to the chairpersons of the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives having jurisdiction over individuals, small businesses, and small organizations.

Each agency having rules in effect on January 1, 1985, that affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations shall divide those rules into groups, so that at least one-fifth of those rules are reviewed during each year of a five-year period commencing on January 1, 1985. A rule that is newly adopted after January 1, 1985, shall be reviewed five years after its effective date. When a rule has once been reviewed, it shall thereafter be reviewed again at five-year intervals.

(E) Each agency shall designate an individual or office within the agency to be responsible for complying with this division. Each individual or office that has been so designated shall, within ten days after receiving a request therefor from any person:

(1) Provide the person with copies of any rule proposed by the agency that would affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations;

(2) Provide the person with copies of the rule summary and fiscal analysis of any rule proposed by the agency that would affect individuals, small businesses, or small organizations; or

(3) Find, collate, and make available to the person any information in the possession of the agency regarding a rule proposed by the agency, which information would be of interest to individuals, small businesses, or small organizations.

The agency shall inform the office of small business in writing of the name, address, and telephone number of each individual or office designated under this division. The agency shall promptly inform the office of small business in writing of any change in the information thus provided.

(F) Division (B) of this section does not apply to any emergency rule adopted under division (B)(2) of section 111.15 or division (F) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, except that the emergency rule becomes subject to such division when it is adopted pursuant to the procedure of section 111.15 or 119.03 of the Revised Code for the adoption of rules not of an emergency nature.

(G) The department of taxation shall provide a copy of the full text of any rule proposed by the department that may affect any business in both print and electronic form to the office of small business, and the department shall designate an office within the agency responsible for providing a copy of any such rule within ten days of receiving a request from any person.

Sec. 121.39. (A) As used in this section, "environmental protection" means any of the following:

(1) Protection of human health or safety, biological resources, or natural resources by preventing, reducing, or remediating the pollution or degradation of air, land, or water resources or by preventing or limiting the exposure of humans, animals, or plants to pollution;

(2) Appropriation or regulation of privately owned property to preserve air, land, or water resources in a natural state or to wholly or partially restore them to a natural state;

(3) Regulation of the collection, management, treatment, reduction, storage, or disposal of solid, hazardous, radioactive, or other wastes;

(4) Plans or programs to promote or regulate the conservation, recycling, or reuse of energy, materials, or wastes.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of this section, when proposed legislation dealing with environmental protection or containing a component dealing with environmental protection is referred to a committee of the general assembly, other than a committee on rules or reference, the sponsor of the legislation, at the time of the first hearing of the legislation before the committee, shall submit to the members of the committee a written statement identifying either the documentation that is the basis of the legislation or the federal requirement or requirements with which the legislation is intended to comply. If the legislation is not based on documentation or has not been introduced to comply with a federal requirement or requirements, the written statement from the sponsor shall so indicate.

Also at the time of the first hearing of the legislation before the committee, a statewide organization that represents businesses in this state and that elects its board of directors may submit to the members of the committee a written estimate of the costs to the regulated community in this state of complying with the legislation if it is enacted.

At any hearing of the legislation before the committee, a representative of any state agency, environmental advocacy organization, or consumer advocacy organization or any private citizen may present documentation containing an estimate of the monetary and other costs to public health and safety and the environment and to consumers and residential utility customers, and the effects on property values, if the legislation is not enacted.

(C) Until such time as the statement required under division (B) of this section is submitted to the committee to which proposed legislation dealing with environmental protection or containing a component dealing with environmental protection was referred, the legislation shall not be reported by that committee. This requirement does not apply if the component dealing with environmental protection is removed from the legislation or if two-thirds of the members of the committee vote in favor of a motion to report the proposed legislation.

(D) Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of this section, prior to adopting a rule or an amendment proposed to a rule dealing with environmental protection or containing a component dealing with environmental protection, a state agency shall do all of the following:

(1) Consult with organizations that represent political subdivisions, environmental interests, business interests, and other persons affected by the proposed rule or amendment;

(2) Consider documentation relevant to the need for, the environmental benefits or consequences of, other benefits of, and the technological feasibility of the proposed rule or amendment;

(3) Specifically identify whether the proposed rule or amendment is being adopted or amended to enable the state to obtain or maintain approval to administer and enforce a federal environmental law or to participate in a federal environmental program, whether the proposed rule or amendment is more stringent than its federal counterpart, and, if the proposed rule or amendment is more stringent, the rationale for not incorporating its federal counterpart;

(4) Include with the proposed rule or amendment and the rule summary and fiscal analysis required under sections 121.24 and 127.18 of the Revised Code, when they are filed with the joint committee on agency rule review in accordance with division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, one of the following in both print and electronic form, as applicable:

(a) The information identified under division (D)(3) of this section and, if the proposed rule or amendment is more stringent than its federal counterpart, as identified in that division, the documentation considered under division (D)(2) of this section;

(b) If an amendment proposed to a rule is being adopted or amended under a state statute that establishes standards with which the amendment shall comply, and the proposed amendment is more stringent than the rule that it is proposing to amend, the documentation considered under division (D)(2) of this section;

(c) If division (D)(4)(a) or (b) of this section is not applicable, the documentation considered under division (D)(2) of this section.

If the agency subsequently files a revision of such a proposed rule or amendment in accordance with division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, the revision shall be accompanied in both print and electronic form by the applicable information or documentation.

Division (D) of this section does not apply to any emergency rule adopted under division (B)(2) of section 111.15 or division (F) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, but does apply to any such rule that subsequently is adopted as a nonemergency rule under either of those divisions.

The information or documentation submitted under division (D)(4) of this section may be in the form of a summary or index of available knowledge or information and shall consist of or be based upon the best available generally accepted knowledge or information in the appropriate fields, as determined by the agency that prepared the documentation.

(E) The statement required under division (B) and the information or documentation required under division (D) of this section need not be prepared or submitted with regard to a proposed statute or rule, or an amendment to a rule, if the statute, rule, or amendment is procedural or budgetary in nature, or governs the organization or operation of a state agency, and will not affect the substantive rights or obligations of any person other than a state agency or an employee or contractor of a state agency.

(F) The insufficiency, incompleteness, or inadequacy of a statement, information, documentation, or a summary of information or documentation provided in accordance with division (B) or (D) of this section shall not be grounds for invalidation of any statute, rule, or amendment to a rule.

(G) This section applies only to the following:

(1) Legislation and components of legislation dealing with environmental protection that are introduced in the general assembly after March 5, 1996;

(2) Rules and rule amendments dealing with environmental protection that are filed with the joint committee on agency rule review in accordance with division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code after March 5, 1996.

Sec. 127.18. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule-making agency" has the same meaning as in division (I) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Rule" includes the adoption, amendment, or rescission of a rule.

(3) "Proposed rule" means the original version of a proposed rule, and each revised version of the same proposed rule, that is filed with the joint committee on agency rule review under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(B) A rule-making agency shall prepare, in the form prescribed by the joint committee on agency rule review under division (E) of this section, a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of each proposed rule that it files under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. The rule summary and fiscal analysis shall include all of the following information:

(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the rule-making agency, and the name and telephone number of an individual or office within the agency designated by that agency to be responsible for coordinating and making available information in the possession of the agency regarding the proposed rule;

(2) The Ohio administrative code rule number of the proposed rule;

(3) A brief summary of, and the legal basis for, the proposed rule, including citations identifying the statute that prescribes the procedure in accordance with which the rule-making agency is required to adopt the proposed rule, the statute that authorizes the agency to adopt the proposed rule, and the statute that the agency intends to amplify or implement by adopting the proposed rule;

(4) An estimate, in dollars, of the amount by which the proposed rule would increase or decrease revenues or expenditures during the current biennium;

(5) A citation identifying the appropriation that authorizes each expenditure that would be necessitated by the proposed rule;

(6) A summary of the estimated cost of compliance with the rule to all directly affected persons;

(7) The reasons why the rule is being proposed;

(8) If the rule has a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, an estimate in dollars of the cost of compliance with the rule, or, if dollar amounts cannot be determined, a written explanation of why it was not possible to ascertain dollar amounts;

(9) If the rule has a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations and is the result of a federal requirement, a clear explanation that the proposed state rule does not exceed the scope and intent of the requirement, or, if the state rule does exceed the minimum necessary federal requirement, a justification of the excess cost, and an estimate of the costs, including those costs for local governments, exceeding the federal requirement;

(10) If the rule has a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations, a comprehensive cost estimate that includes the procedure and method of calculating the costs of compliance and identifies major cost categories including personnel costs, new equipment or other capital costs, operating costs, and indirect central service costs related to the rule. The fiscal analysis shall also include a written explanation of the agency's and the affected local government's ability to pay for the new requirements and a statement of any impact the rule will have on economic development.

(11) Any other information the joint committee on agency rule review considers necessary to make the proposed rule or the fiscal effect of the proposed rule fully understandable.

(C) The rule-making agency shall file the rule summary and fiscal analysis in both print and electronic form along with the proposed rule that it files under divisions (D) and (E) of section 111.15 or divisions (B) and (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. The joint committee on agency rule review shall not accept any proposed rule for filing unless a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, completely and accurately prepared, is filed along with the proposed rule.

(D) The joint committee on agency rule review shall review the fiscal effect of each proposed rule that is filed under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code.

(E) The joint committee on agency rule review shall prescribe the form in which each rule-making agency shall prepare its rule summary and fiscal analysis of a proposed rule.

(F) This section does not require the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee to prepare or attach a rule summary and fiscal analysis to any copy of a rule proposed under section 117.12, 117.19, 117.38, or 117.43 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 4141.14. (A) All rules of the administrator of the bureau of employment services adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be approved by the unemployment compensation review commission before the rules become effective. All such rules shall specify on their face their effective date and the date on which they will expire, if known. Approval by the unemployment compensation review commission shall also be required before amendments to, or rescission of, any rules of the administrator adopted pursuant to this chapter become effective. If the commission disapproves a rule of the administrator, it shall determine and promulgate a rule that it considers appropriate after affording a hearing to the administrator.

(B)(1) Any rule promulgated pursuant to this section shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B)(2) of this section is filed as follows:

(a) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(b) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

If all filings are not completed on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is completed. If the bureau of employment services or the unemployment compensation review commission in adopting a rule pursuant to this chapter designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by this division, the rule if filed as required by this division shall become effective on the later date designated by the bureau or commission.

If the commission or bureau adopts or amends a rule that is subject to division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, the commission or bureau shall assign a review date to the rule that is not later than five years after its effective date. If no review date is assigned to a rule, or if a review date assigned to a rule exceeds the five-year maximum, the review date for the rule is five years after its effective date. A rule with a review date is subject to review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code.

(2) The bureau and commission shall file the rule in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(a) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(b) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(c) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(d) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives the bureau of employment services or the unemployment compensation review commission notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the bureau or review commission is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the bureau or review commission shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the commission as directed in the notice.

The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules filed under division (B)(1)(a) of this section in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be transmitted to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it.

(C) As used in this section:

(1) "Rule" includes an amendment or rescission of a rule.

(2) "Substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 5117.02. (A) The tax commissioner shall adopt rules, or amendments and rescissions of rules, for the administration of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code.

(B) As a means of efficiently administering the program established by sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner may extend, by as much as a total of thirty days, any date specified in such sections for the performance of a particular action by an individual or an officer.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the tax commissioner shall, in accordance with divisions (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (H) of section 119.03 and section 119.04 of the Revised Code, adopt whatever rules, or amendments or rescissions of rules are required by or are otherwise necessary to implement sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code. A rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division is not exempt from the hearing requirements of section 119.03 of the Revised Code pursuant to division (G) of that section, or subject to section 111.15 or 5703.14 of the Revised Code.

(2) If an emergency necessitates the immediate adoption of a rule, or the immediate adoption of an amendment or rescission of a rule that is required by or otherwise necessary to implement sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner may immediately adopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission without complying with division (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), or (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code so long as the commissioner states the reasons for the necessity in the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission. The emergency rule, amendment, or rescission is effective on the day the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission, in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of section 119.04 of the Revised Code, is filed in both print and electronic form with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review. If all filings are not completed on the same day, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission is effective on the day on which the latest filing is completed. An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division is not subject to section 111.15, division (F) of section 119.03, or section 5703.14 of the Revised Code. An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division continues in effect until amended or rescinded by the tax commissioner in accordance with division (C)(1) or (2) of this section, except that the rescission of an emergency rescission does not revive the rule rescinded.

(D) Except where otherwise provided, each form, application, notice, and the like used in fulfilling the requirements of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code shall be approved by the tax commissioner.

Sec. 5703.14. (A) Any rule adopted by the board of tax appeals and any rule of the department of taxation adopted by the tax commissioner shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the rule in final form and in compliance with division (B) of this section is filed by the board or the commissioner as follows:

(1) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission;

(2) The rule shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (A)(2) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

If all filings are not completed on the same day, the rule shall be effective on the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is completed. If the board or the commissioner in adopting a rule designates an effective date that is later than the effective date provided for by this division, the rule if filed as required by this division shall become effective on the later date designated by the board or commissioner.

(B) The board and commissioner shall file the rule in compliance with the following standards and procedures:

(1) The rule shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director for the Ohio administrative code.

(2) The rule shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission.

(3) The rule shall clearly state the date on which it is to be effective and the date on which it will expire, if known.

(4) Each rule that amends or rescinds another rule shall clearly refer to the rule that is amended or rescinded. Each amendment shall fully restate the rule as amended.

If the director of the legislative service commission or the director's designee gives the board or commissioner notice pursuant to section 103.05 of the Revised Code that a rule filed by the board or commissioner is not in compliance with the rules of the legislative service commission, the board or commissioner shall within thirty days after receipt of the notice conform the rule to the rules of the legislative service commission as directed in the notice.

All rules of the department and board filed pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section shall be recorded by the secretary of state and the director under the name of the department or board and shall be numbered in accordance with the numbering system devised by the director. The secretary of state and the director shall preserve the rules in an accessible manner. Each such rule shall be a public record open to public inspection and may be transmitted to any law publishing company that wishes to reproduce it. Each such rule shall also be made available to interested parties upon request directed to the department.

(C) Applications for review of any rule adopted and promulgated by the commissioner may be filed with the board by any person who has been or may be injured by the operation of the rule. The appeal may be taken at any time after the rule is filed with the secretary of the state, the director of the legislative service commission, and, if applicable, the joint committee on agency rule review. Failure to file an appeal does not preclude any person from seeking any other remedy against the application of the rule to the person. The applications shall set forth, or have attached thereto and incorporated by reference, a true copy of the rule, and shall allege that the rule complained of is unreasonable and shall state the grounds upon which the allegation is based. Upon the filing of the application, the board shall notify the commissioner of the filing of the application, fix a time for hearing the application, notify the commissioner and the applicant of the time for the hearing, and afford both an opportunity to be heard. The appellant, the tax commissioner, and any other interested persons that the board permits, may introduce evidence. The burden of proof to show that the rule is unreasonable shall be upon the appellant. After the hearing, the board shall determine whether the rule complained of is reasonable or unreasonable. A determination that the rule complained of is unreasonable shall require a majority vote of the three members of the board, and the reasons for the determination shall be entered on the journal of the board.

Upon determining that the rule complained of is unreasonable, the board shall file copies of its determination as follows:

(1) The determination shall be filed in both print and electronic form with both the secretary of state and the director of the legislative service commission, who shall note the date of their receipt of the certified copies conspicuously in their files of the rules of the department;

(2) The determination shall be filed in both print and electronic form with the joint committee on agency rule review. Division (C)(2) of this section does not apply to any rule to which division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code does not apply.

On the tenth day after the determination has been received by the secretary of state, the director, and, if applicable, the joint committee, the rule referred to in the determination shall cease to be in effect. If all filings of the determination are not completed on the same day, the rule shall remain in effect until the tenth day after the day on which the latest filing is completed. This section does not apply to licenses issued under sections 5735.02, 5739.17, and 5743.15 of the Revised Code, which shall be governed by sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code.

The board is not required to hear an application for the review of any rule where the grounds of the allegation that the rule is unreasonable have been previously contained in an application for review and have been previously heard and passed upon by the board.

(D) This section does not apply to the adoption of any rule, or to the amendment or rescission of any rule by the tax commissioner under division (C)(1) or (2) of section 5117.02 of the Revised Code.

(E) As used in this section, "substantive revision" has the same meaning as in division (J) of section 119.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 7. That existing sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.

Section 8. Sections 6 and 7 of this act take effect April 1, 2002.

Section 9. Sections 103.051, 103.052, 103.053, 103.054, 119.038, and 119.039 of the Revised Code take effect October 1, 1999. Beginning October 1, 1999, the Director of the Legislative Service Commission shall proceed to set up the Register of Ohio for publication. The director shall first publish the Register of Ohio on July 3, 2000.

Section 10. The amendments to divisions (A) and (B) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act, except for the amendments to division (A)(4) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act, take effect July 1, 2000. The requirement that public notices, original and revised versions of proposed rules, and rule summary and fiscal analyses be published in the Register of Ohio apply both (A) to filings of these documents that occur on or after July 1, 2000, in the course of rule-making proceedings that are pending on that date and (B) to filings of these documents in rule-making proceedings that are commenced on or after July 1, 2000.

Section 11. On and after July 1, 2000, until April 1, 2001, an agency's giving public notice of its intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding a rule in the Register of Ohio under division (A) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code is not sufficient by itself to give public notice of the agency's intention. Therefore, on and after July 1, 2000, until April 1, 2001, an agency, in addition to giving public notice in the Register of Ohio, shall continue to give public notice of its intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding a rule in the same manner as it gave public notice under division (A) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code as the division existed before July 1, 2000. On and after April 1, 2001, an agency's giving public notice in the Register of Ohio is sufficient by itself to give public notice.

Section 12. Section 119.037 of the Revised Code takes effect April 1, 2001.

Section 13. Sections 9 to 12 of this act are intended gradually to phase in the Register of Ohio as a single source of public information about rule-making proceedings.

Section 14. The amendment to division (D) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act takes effect at the earliest time permitted by law and first applies to rule-making proceedings that are commenced on and after that date. The amendment does not affect a rule-making proceeding that is pending on its effective date; the proceeding is to be carried through to completion under division (D) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code as the division existed at the time the proceeding was commenced.

Section 15. The amendments to divisions (A)(4) and (C) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act take effect at the earliest time permitted by law and first apply to rule-making proceedings that are commenced on or after that effective date. The amendments do not affect a rule-making proceeding that is pending on their effective date; the proceeding is to be carried through to completion under divisions (A)(4) and (C) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code as the divisions existed at the time the proceeding was commenced.

Section 16. The amendments to division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act take effect at the earliest time permitted by law and first apply to rule-making proceedings that are subject to division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code and that are commenced on or after that effective date. The amendments do not affect a rule-making proceeding that is subject to division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code and that is pending on their effective date; the proceeding is to be carried through to completion under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, and under division (I) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code, as the divisions existed at the time the proceeding was commenced.

Section 17. Except as otherwise provided in this section, section 119.032 of the Revised Code, as amended within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act, takes effect at the earliest time permitted by law. The amendment to the fifth sentence of, and the new sentence added to the end of, division (E)(2) of section 119.032 of the Revised Code as amended within the purview of Sections 1 and 2 of this act take effect July 1, 2000.

Section 18. The Director of the Legislative Service Commission shall implement the electronic rule-filing system required by section 103.0511 of the Revised Code according to the following schedule:
TaskNot later than

Begin initial set up of electronic rule-filing systemOctober 1, 1999
Complete initial set up of electronic rule-filing systemMarch 31, 2001
Begin testing electronic rule-filing system as initially set upApril 1, 2001
Complete testing electronic rule-filing system as initially set upSeptember 30, 2001
Begin final set up of electronic rule-filing systemOctober 1, 2001
Complete final set up of electronic rule-filing systemMarch 31, 2002
Inaugurate exclusive use of electronic rule-filing systemApril 1, 2002

In implementing the electronic rule-filing system, time is of the essence. The director shall complete an implementation period earlier than the date prescribed in the schedule if earlier completion is feasible under the circumstances. The director may extend a deadline for a reasonable time if circumstances make it infeasible for a deadline to be met without sacrificing the quality or reliability of the system. In either instance, the director as reasonably necessary may adjust subsequent deadlines prescribed in the schedule. In no event, however, is electronic filing of rules and of rule-making and rule-related documents to be required earlier than April 1, 2001. And nor is the electronic rule filing system to be inaugurated earlier or later than April 1, 2002.

Section 19. During the initial set up period of the electronic rule-filing system:

(A) The Director of the Legislative Service Commission shall identify the requirements of the electronic rule-filing system, prepare a complete list of participants in the system, prepare a comprehensive plan for the system, and take action as necessary to implement the plan.

(B) Each other participant in the electronic rule-filing system shall take action as necessary to connect into the system.

During implementation of the plan, the director may conduct field trials of the electronic rule-filing system using other participants in the system the director selects. An other participant who is selected to participate in a field trial shall cooperate with the director both in the field trial and in its evaluation.

Section 20. During the testing period of the electronic rule-filing system:

(A) The Governor and each agency shall file rules and rule-making and rule-related documents, and the Director of the Legislative Service Commission, Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, Secretary of State, Clerk of the Senate, Clerk of the House of Representatives, Office of Small Business, General Assembly, committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, and other participants in the system shall respond to rules and rule-making and rule-related filings, in both paper and electronic form as contemplated by sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code as they result from Sections 3 and 4 of this act.

(B) The director and each other participant in the electronic rule-filing system shall test the system, identify deficiencies in its operation, develop plans for correcting the deficiencies, and take action as necessary to implement the corrective plans.

Section 21. During the final set up period of the electronic rule-filing system:

(A) The Governor and each agency shall continue to file rules and rule-making and rule-related documents, and the Director of the Legislative Service Commission, Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, Secretary of State, Clerk of the Senate, Clerk of the House of Representatives, Office of Small Business, General Assembly, committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, and other participants in the system shall continue to respond to these filings, in both paper and electronic form, as during the testing period.

(B) The director and each other participant in the electronic rule-filing system shall complete taking corrective action as necessary to ensure reliable operation of the system upon its inauguration as a means of filing rules and rule-making and rule-related documents exclusively in electronic form.

Section 22. If during the testing or final set up periods of the electronic rule-filing system there is an expected or unexpected shut down of the whole or part of the system, such as for correction of a deficiency or because of hardware or software failure, the Director of the Legislative Service Commission may temporarily authorize an agency that is required to file rules and other rule-making and related documents in both print and electronic form nevertheless to file rules and other rule-making and rule-related documents in only print form.

Section 23. On and after inauguration of the electronic rule-filing system, the Governor and each agency shall file rules and rule-making and rule-related documents, and the Director of the Legislative Service Commission, Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, Secretary of State, Clerk of the Senate, Clerk of the House of Representatives, Office of Small Business, General Assembly, committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, and other participants in the system shall respond to these filings, exclusively in electronic form as contemplated by sections 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, and 5703.14 of the Revised Code as they result from Sections 6 and 7 of this act.

Section 24. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a rule-making or rule-related document not contemplated by section 103.05, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.031, 119.032, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.24, 121.39, 127.18, 4141.14, 5117.02, or 5703.14 of the Revised Code is required to be filed along with a rule, the document is to be filed and responded to as follows:

(A) During the period beginning April 1, 2001, and ending March 31, 2002, in both print and electronic form.

(B) On and after April 1, 2002, exclusively in electronic form.

If multiple copies of a document contemplated by this section are required to be filed, the multiple-copy requirement ceases to apply on and after April 1, 2001. If the effectiveness of a filing is timed with reference to the latest filing, the filing takes effect upon the latest filing to be completed in both print and electronic form between April 1, 2001, and March 31, 2002, and upon the latest filing to be completed in electronic form on and after April 1, 2002.

The Director of the Legislative Service Commission shall keep a record of any document filed under this section and shall recommend legislation to bring its filing requirements into conformity with the Electronic Rule-Filing Act.

Section 25. Section 154 of Am. Sub. H.B. 215 of the 122nd General Assembly is hereby repealed.

Section 26. The $150 per diem compensation authorized by section 101.35 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. Sub. H.B. 215 of the 122nd General Assembly is available only to a member of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review whose term in the General Assembly began on or after the effective date of Section 154 of that act.

Section 27. (A) Sections 103.051 to 103.054 and 119.037, 119.038, and 119.039 of the Revised Code are to be known as the "Register of Ohio Act."

(B) Sections 103.0511 and 103.0512 of the Revised Code are to be known as the "Electronic Rule-Filing Act."

(C) Section 119.0311 of the Revised Code is to be known as the "Guide to Public Participation in Rule-Making Act."

Section 28. Section 121.24 of the Revised Code is presented in Section 3 of this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Sub. H.B. 473 and Am. Sub. H.B. 538 of the 121st General Assembly, with the new language of neither of the acts shown in capital letters. This is in recognition of the principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that such amendments are to be harmonized where not substantively irreconcilable and constitutes a legislative finding that such is the resulting version in effect prior to April 1, 2001.
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