130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

S. B. No. 133As Introduced
As Introduced

125th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 133

SENATORS Wachtmann, Schuring, Austria, Amstutz, Stivers, Harris, Dann, Spada, Coughlin, Armbruster, Jordan, Randy Gardner, Jacobson

To amend sections 102.02, 102.06, 117.10, 145.04, 145.05, 145.051, 145.06, 145.09, 145.27, 171.01, 171.03, 171.04, 742.03, 742.04, 742.05, 742.10, 742.41, 1707.01, 1707.17, 1707.19, 1707.20, 1707.22, 1707.23, 1707.25, 1707.431, 1707.44, 1707.46, 3307.03, 3307.05, 3307.06, 3307.07, 3307.11, 3307.20, 3309.03, 3309.05, 3309.06, 3309.07, 3309.14, 3309.22, 5505.04, and 5505.07; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 145.051 (145.052) and 3309.061 (3309.071); to enact new sections 145.051 and 3309.061; and sections 109.98, 111.30, 145.041, 145.053, 145.054, 145.055, 145.057, 145.092, 145.093, 145.114, 145.99, 171.06, 171.50, 742.031, 742.042, 742.043, 742.044, 742.046, 742.102, 742.103, 742.114, 742.99, 1707.142, 1707.152, 3307.041, 3307.042, 3307.051, 3307.061, 3307.072, 3307.073, 3307.074, 3307.152, 3307.99, 3309.041, 3309.042, 3309.051, 3309.072, 3309.073, 3309.074, 3309.157, 3309.99, 5505.041, 5505.042, 5505.043, 5505.044, 5505.045, 5505.046, 5505.048, 5505.062, 5505.063, 5505.064, 5505.065, 5505.122, and 5505.99 of the Revised Code regarding governance of Ohio's five public retirement systems.

Section 1. That sections 102.02, 102.06, 117.10, 145.04, 145.05, 145.051, 145.06, 145.09, 145.27, 171.01, 171.03, 171.04, 742.03, 742.04, 742.05, 742.10, 742.41, 1707.01, 1707.17, 1707.19, 1707.20, 1707.22, 1707.23, 1707.25, 1707.431, 1707.44, 1707.46, 3307.03, 3307.05, 3307.06, 3307.07, 3307.11, 3307.20, 3309.03, 3309.05, 3309.06, 3309.07, 3309.14, 3309.22, 5505.04, and 5505.07 be amended; sections 145.051 (145.052) and 3309.061 (3309.071) be amended for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses; and new sections 145.051 and 3309.061 and sections 109.98, 111.30, 145.041, 145.053, 145.054, 145.055, 145.057, 145.092, 145.093, 145.114, 145.99, 171.06, 171.50, 742.031, 742.042, 742.043, 742.044, 742.046, 742.102, 742.103, 742.114, 742.99, 1707.142, 1707.152, 3307.041, 3307.042, 3307.051, 3307.061, 3307.072, 3307.073, 3307.074, 3307.152, 3307.99, 3309.041, 3309.042, 3309.051, 3309.072, 3309.073, 3309.074, 3309.157, 3309.99, 5505.041, 5505.042, 5505.043, 5505.044, 5505.045, 5505.046, 5505.048, 5505.062, 5505.063, 5505.064, 5505.065, 5505.122, and 5505.99 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 102.02.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in division (H) of this section, all of the following shall file with the appropriate ethics commission the disclosure statement described in this division on a form prescribed by the appropriate commission: every person who is elected to or is a candidate for a state, county, or city office, or the office of member of the United States congress, and every person who is appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term in such an elective office; all members of the state board of education; the director, assistant directors, deputy directors, division chiefs, or persons of equivalent rank of any administrative department of the state; the president or other chief administrative officer of every state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code; the chief executive officer and the members of the board of each state retirement system; each employee of a state retirement board whose position involves substantial and material exercise of discretion in the formulation of policy or the expenditure or investment of retirement system funds; all members of the board of commissioners on grievances and discipline of the supreme court and the ethics commission created under section 102.05 of the Revised Code; every business manager, treasurer, or superintendent of a city, local, exempted village, joint vocational, or cooperative education school district or an educational service center; every person who is elected to or is a candidate for the office of member of a board of education of a city, local, exempted village, joint vocational, or cooperative education school district or of a governing board of an educational service center that has a total student count of twelve thousand or more as most recently determined by the department of education pursuant to section 3317.03 of the Revised Code; every person who is appointed to the board of education of a municipal school district pursuant to division (B) or (F) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code; all members of the board of directors of a sanitary district established under Chapter 6115. of the Revised Code and organized wholly for the purpose of providing a water supply for domestic, municipal, and public use that includes two municipal corporations in two counties; every public official or employee who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with schedule C of section 124.15 or schedule E-2 of section 124.152 of the Revised Code; members of the board of trustees and the executive director of the tobacco use prevention and control foundation; members of the board of trustees and the executive director of the southern Ohio agricultural and community development foundation; and every other public official or employee who is designated by the appropriate ethics commission pursuant to division (B) of this section shall file with the appropriate ethics commission on a form prescribed by the commission, a statement disclosing all of the following:.
The disclosure statement shall include all of the following:
(1) The name of the person filing the statement and each member of the person's immediate family and all names under which the person or members of the person's immediate family do business;
(2)(a) Subject to divisions (A)(2)(b) and (c) of this section and except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the Revised Code, identification of every source of income, other than income from a legislative agent identified in division (A)(2)(b) of this section, received during the preceding calendar year, in the person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief description of the nature of the services for which the income was received. If the person filing the statement is a member of the general assembly, the statement shall identify the amount of every source of income received in accordance with the following ranges of amounts: zero or more, but less than one thousand dollars; one thousand dollars or more, but less than ten thousand dollars; ten thousand dollars or more, but less than twenty-five thousand dollars; twenty-five thousand dollars or more, but less than fifty thousand dollars; fifty thousand dollars or more, but less than one hundred thousand dollars; and one hundred thousand dollars or more. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section shall not be construed to require a person filing the statement who derives income from a business or profession to disclose the individual items of income that constitute the gross income of that business or profession, except for those individual items of income that are attributable to the person's or, if the income is shared with the person, the partner's, solicitation of services or goods or performance, arrangement, or facilitation of services or provision of goods on behalf of the business or profession of clients, including corporate clients, who are legislative agents as defined in section 101.70 of the Revised Code. A person who files the statement under this section shall disclose the identity of and the amount of income received from a person who the public official or employee knows or has reason to know is doing or seeking to do business of any kind with the public official's or employee's agency.
(b) If the person filing the statement is a member of the general assembly, the statement shall identify every source of income and the amount of that income that was received from a legislative agent, as defined in section 101.70 of the Revised Code, during the preceding calendar year, in the person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief description of the nature of the services for which the income was received. Division (A)(2)(b) of this section requires the disclosure of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under section 4732.12 of the Revised Code, or patients of persons certified under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code, if those clients or patients are legislative agents. Division (A)(2)(b) of this section requires a person filing the statement who derives income from a business or profession to disclose those individual items of income that constitute the gross income of that business or profession that are received from legislative agents.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2)(c) of this section, division (A)(2)(a) of this section applies to attorneys, physicians, and other persons who engage in the practice of a profession and who, pursuant to a section of the Revised Code, the common law of this state, a code of ethics applicable to the profession, or otherwise, generally are required not to reveal, disclose, or use confidences of clients, patients, or other recipients of professional services except under specified circumstances or generally are required to maintain those types of confidences as privileged communications except under specified circumstances. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section does not require an attorney, physician, or other professional subject to a confidentiality requirement as described in division (A)(2)(c) of this section to disclose the name, other identity, or address of a client, patient, or other recipient of professional services if the disclosure would threaten the client, patient, or other recipient of professional services, would reveal details of the subject matter for which legal, medical, or professional advice or other services were sought, or would reveal an otherwise privileged communication involving the client, patient, or other recipient of professional services. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section does not require an attorney, physician, or other professional subject to a confidentiality requirement as described in division (A)(2)(c) of this section to disclose in the brief description of the nature of services required by division (A)(2)(a) of this section any information pertaining to specific professional services rendered for a client, patient, or other recipient of professional services that would reveal details of the subject matter for which legal, medical, or professional advice was sought or would reveal an otherwise privileged communication involving the client, patient, or other recipient of professional services.
(3) The name of every corporation on file with the secretary of state that is incorporated in this state or holds a certificate of compliance authorizing it to do business in this state, trust, business trust, partnership, or association that transacts business in this state in which the person filing the statement or any other person for the person's use and benefit had during the preceding calendar year an investment of over one thousand dollars at fair market value as of the thirty-first day of December of the preceding calendar year, or the date of disposition, whichever is earlier, or in which the person holds any office or has a fiduciary relationship, and a description of the nature of the investment, office, or relationship. Division (A)(3) of this section does not require disclosure of the name of any bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or building and loan association with which the person filing the statement has a deposit or a withdrawable share account.
(4) All fee simple and leasehold interests to which the person filing the statement holds legal title to or a beneficial interest in real property located within the state, excluding the person's residence and property used primarily for personal recreation;
(5) The names of all persons residing or transacting business in the state to whom the person filing the statement owes, in the person's own name or in the name of any other person, more than one thousand dollars. Division (A)(5) of this section shall not be construed to require the disclosure of debts owed by the person resulting from the ordinary conduct of a business or profession or debts on the person's residence or real property used primarily for personal recreation, except that the superintendent of financial institutions shall disclose the names of all state-chartered savings and loan associations and of all service corporations subject to regulation under division (E)(2) of section 1151.34 of the Revised Code to whom the superintendent in the superintendent's own name or in the name of any other person owes any money, and that the superintendent and any deputy superintendent of banks shall disclose the names of all state-chartered banks and all bank subsidiary corporations subject to regulation under section 1109.44 of the Revised Code to whom the superintendent or deputy superintendent owes any money.
(6) The names of all persons residing or transacting business in the state, other than a depository excluded under division (A)(3) of this section, who owe more than one thousand dollars to the person filing the statement, either in the person's own name or to any person for the person's use or benefit. Division (A)(6) of this section shall not be construed to require the disclosure of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under section 4732.12 or 4732.15 of the Revised Code, or patients of persons certified under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code, nor the disclosure of debts owed to the person resulting from the ordinary conduct of a business or profession.
(7) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the Revised Code, the source of each gift of over seventy-five dollars, or of each gift of over twenty-five dollars received by a member of the general assembly from a legislative agent, received by the person in the person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or benefit during the preceding calendar year, except gifts received by will or by virtue of section 2105.06 of the Revised Code, or received from spouses, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, or any person to whom the person filing the statement stands in loco parentis, or received by way of distribution from any inter vivos or testamentary trust established by a spouse or by an ancestor;
(8) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the Revised Code, identification of the source and amount of every payment of expenses incurred for travel to destinations inside or outside this state that is received by the person in the person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or benefit and that is incurred in connection with the person's official duties, except for expenses for travel to meetings or conventions of a national or state organization to which any state agency, including, but not limited to, any legislative agency or state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, pays membership dues, or any political subdivision or any office or agency of a political subdivision pays membership dues;
(9) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the Revised Code, identification of the source of payment of expenses for meals and other food and beverages, other than for meals and other food and beverages provided at a meeting at which the person participated in a panel, seminar, or speaking engagement or at a meeting or convention of a national or state organization to which any state agency, including, but not limited to, any legislative agency or state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, pays membership dues, or any political subdivision or any office or agency of a political subdivision pays membership dues, that are incurred in connection with the person's official duties and that exceed one hundred dollars aggregated per calendar year;
(10) If the financial disclosure statement is filed by a public official or employee described in division (B)(2) of section 101.73 of the Revised Code or division (B)(2) of section 121.63 of the Revised Code who receives a statement from a legislative agent, executive agency lobbyist, or employer that contains the information described in division (F)(2) of section 101.73 of the Revised Code or division (G)(2) of section 121.63 of the Revised Code, all of the nondisputed information contained in the statement delivered to that public official or employee by the legislative agent, executive agency lobbyist, or employer under division (F)(2) of section 101.73 or (G)(2) of section 121.63 of the Revised Code. As used in division (A)(10) of this section, "legislative agent," "executive agency lobbyist," and "employer" have the same meanings as in sections 101.70 and 121.60 of the Revised Code.
A person may file a statement required by this section in person or by mail. A person who is a candidate for elective office shall file the statement no later than the thirtieth day before the primary, special, or general election at which the candidacy is to be voted on, whichever election occurs soonest, except that a person who is a write-in candidate shall file the statement no later than the twentieth day before the earliest election at which the person's candidacy is to be voted on. A person who holds elective office shall file the statement on or before the fifteenth day of April of each year unless the person is a candidate for office. A person who is appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term in an elective office shall file the statement within fifteen days after the person qualifies for office. Other persons shall file an annual statement on or before the fifteenth day of April or, if appointed or employed after that date, within ninety days after appointment or employment. No person shall be required to file with the appropriate ethics commission more than one statement or pay more than one filing fee for any one calendar year.
The appropriate ethics commission, for good cause, may extend for a reasonable time the deadline for filing a statement under this section.
A statement filed under this section is subject to public inspection at locations designated by the appropriate ethics commission except as otherwise provided in this section.
(B) The Ohio ethics commission, the joint legislative ethics committee, and the board of commissioners on grievances and discipline of the supreme court, using the rule-making procedures of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may require any class of public officials or employees under its jurisdiction and not specifically excluded by this section whose positions involve a substantial and material exercise of administrative discretion in the formulation of public policy, expenditure of public funds, enforcement of laws and rules of the state or a county or city, or the execution of other public trusts, to file an annual statement on or before the fifteenth day of April under division (A) of this section. The appropriate ethics commission shall send the public officials or employees written notice of the requirement by the fifteenth day of February of each year the filing is required unless the public official or employee is appointed after that date, in which case the notice shall be sent within thirty days after appointment, and the filing shall be made not later than ninety days after appointment.
Except for disclosure statements filed by members of the board of trustees and the executive director of the tobacco use prevention and control foundation and members of the board of trustees and the executive director of the southern Ohio agricultural and community development foundation, disclosure statements filed under this division with the Ohio ethics commission by members of boards, commissions, or bureaus of the state for which no compensation is received other than reasonable and necessary expenses shall be kept confidential. Disclosure statements filed with the Ohio ethics commission under division (A) of this section by business managers, treasurers, and superintendents of city, local, exempted village, joint vocational, or cooperative education school districts or educational service centers shall be kept confidential, except that any person conducting an audit of any such school district or educational service center pursuant to section 115.56 or Chapter 117. of the Revised Code may examine the disclosure statement of any business manager, treasurer, or superintendent of that school district or educational service center. The Ohio ethics commission shall examine each disclosure statement required to be kept confidential to determine whether a potential conflict of interest exists for the person who filed the disclosure statement. A potential conflict of interest exists if the private interests of the person, as indicated by the person's disclosure statement, might interfere with the public interests the person is required to serve in the exercise of the person's authority and duties in the person's office or position of employment. If the commission determines that a potential conflict of interest exists, it shall notify the person who filed the disclosure statement and shall make the portions of the disclosure statement that indicate a potential conflict of interest subject to public inspection in the same manner as is provided for other disclosure statements. Any portion of the disclosure statement that the commission determines does not indicate a potential conflict of interest shall be kept confidential by the commission and shall not be made subject to public inspection, except as is necessary for the enforcement of Chapters 102. and 2921. of the Revised Code and except as otherwise provided in this division.
(C) No person shall knowingly fail to file, on or before the applicable filing deadline established under this section, a statement that is required by this section.
(D) No person shall knowingly file a false statement that is required to be filed under this section.
(E)(1) Except as provided in divisions (E)(2) and (3) of this section, the statement required by division (A) or (B) of this section shall be accompanied by a filing fee of forty dollars.
(2) The statement required by division (A) of this section shall be accompanied by the following filing fee to be paid by the person who is elected or appointed to, or is a candidate for, any of the following offices:
For state office, except member of the
state board of education $65
For office of member of United States
congress or member of general assembly $40
For county office $40
For city office $25
For office of member of the state board
of education $25
For office of member of a city, local,
exempted village, or cooperative
education board of
education or educational service
center governing board $20
For position of business manager,
treasurer, or superintendent of a
city, local, exempted village, joint
vocational, or cooperative education
school district or
educational service center $20

(3) No judge of a court of record or candidate for judge of a court of record, and no referee or magistrate serving a court of record, shall be required to pay the fee required under division (E)(1) or (2) or (F) of this section.
(4) For any public official who is appointed to a nonelective office of the state and for any employee who holds a nonelective position in a public agency of the state, the state agency that is the primary employer of the state official or employee shall pay the fee required under division (E)(1) or (F) of this section.
(F) If a statement required to be filed under this section is not filed by the date on which it is required to be filed, the appropriate ethics commission shall assess the person required to file the statement a late filing fee of ten dollars for each day the statement is not filed, except that the total amount of the late filing fee shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars.
(G)(1) The appropriate ethics commission other than the Ohio ethics commission shall deposit all fees it receives under divisions (E) and (F) of this section into the general revenue fund of the state.
(2) The Ohio ethics commission shall deposit all receipts, including, but not limited to, fees it receives under divisions (E) and (F) of this section and all moneys it receives from settlements under division (G) of section 102.06 of the Revised Code, into the Ohio ethics commission fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. All moneys credited to the fund shall be used solely for expenses related to the operation and statutory functions of the commission.
(H) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a person elected or appointed to the office of precinct, ward, or district committee member under Chapter 3517. of the Revised Code; a presidential elector; a delegate to a national convention; village or township officials and employees; any physician or psychiatrist who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with schedule C of section 124.15 or schedule E-2 of section 124.152 of the Revised Code and whose primary duties do not require the exercise of administrative discretion; or any member of a board, commission, or bureau of any county or city who receives less than one thousand dollars per year for serving in that position.
Sec. 102.06.  (A) The appropriate ethics commission shall receive and may initiate complaints against persons subject to Chapter 102. of the Revised Code concerning conduct alleged to be in violation of this chapter or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code. All complaints except those by the commission shall be by affidavit made on personal knowledge, subject to the penalties of perjury. Complaints by the commission shall be by affidavit, based upon reasonable cause to believe that a violation has occurred.
(B) The commission shall investigate complaints, may investigate charges presented to it, and may request further information, including the specific amount of income from a source, from any person filing with the commission a statement required by section 102.02 of the Revised Code, if the information sought is directly relevant to a complaint or charges received by the commission pursuant to this section. This information is confidential, except that the commission, at its discretion, may share information gathered in the course of any investigation with, or disclose the information to, the inspector general, any appropriate prosecuting authority, any law enforcement agency, or any other appropriate ethics commission. The person so requested shall furnish the information to the commission, unless within fifteen days from the date of the request the person files an action for declaratory judgment challenging the legitimacy of the request in the court of common pleas of the county of the person's residence, the person's place of employment, or Franklin county. The requested information need not be furnished to the commission during the pendency of the judicial proceedings. Proceedings of the commission in connection with the declaratory judgment action shall be kept confidential except as otherwise provided by this section. Before the commission proceeds to take any formal action against a person who is the subject of an investigation based on charges presented to the commission, a complaint shall be filed against the person. If the commission finds that a complaint is not frivolous, and there is reasonable cause to believe that the facts alleged in a complaint constitute a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.42, or 2921.43 of the Revised Code, it shall hold a hearing. If the commission does not so find, it shall dismiss the complaint and notify the accused person in writing of the dismissal of the complaint. The commission shall not make a report of its finding unless the accused person requests a report. Upon the request of the accused person, the commission shall make a public report of its finding. The person against whom the complaint is directed shall be given reasonable notice by certified mail of the date, time, and place of the hearing and a statement of the charges and the law directly involved and shall be given the opportunity to be represented by counsel, to have counsel appointed for the person if the person is unable to afford counsel without undue hardship, to examine the evidence against the person, to produce evidence and to call and subpoena witnesses in the person's defense, to confront the person's accusers, and to cross-examine witnesses. The commission shall have a stenographic record made of the hearing. The hearing shall be closed to the public.
(C)(1)(a) If upon the basis of the hearing, the commission finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the facts alleged in the complaint are true and constitute a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.42, or 2921.43 of the Revised Code, it shall report its findings to the appropriate prosecuting authority for proceedings in prosecution of the violation and to the appointing or employing authority of the accused. If the accused person is a member of the public employees retirement board, state teachers retirement board, school employees retirement board, board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, or state highway patrol retirement board, the commission also shall report its findings to the Ohio retirement study council.
(b) If the Ohio ethics commission reports its findings to the appropriate prosecuting authority under division (C)(1)(a) of this section and the prosecuting authority has not initiated any official action on those findings within ninety days after receiving the commission's report of them, then the commission may publicly comment that no official action has been taken on its findings, except that the commission shall make no comment in violation of the Rules of Criminal Procedure or about any indictment that has been sealed pursuant to any law or those rules. The commission shall make no comment regarding the merits of its findings. As used in division (C)(1)(b) of this section, "official action" means prosecution, closure after investigation, or grand jury action resulting in a true bill of indictment or no true bill of indictment.
(2) If the appropriate ethics commission does not find by a preponderance of the evidence that the facts alleged in the complaint are true and constitute a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.42, or 2921.43 of the Revised Code or if the commission has not scheduled a hearing within ninety days after the complaint is filed or has not finally disposed of the complaint within six months after it has been heard, it shall dismiss the complaint and notify the accused person in writing of the dismissal of the complaint. The commission shall not make a report of its finding unless the accused person requests a report. Upon the request of the accused person, the commission shall make a public report of the finding, but in this case all evidence and the record of the hearing shall remain confidential unless the accused person also requests that the evidence and record be made public. Upon request by the accused person, the commission shall make the evidence and the record available for public inspection.
(D) The commission, or a member of the commission, may administer oaths, and the commission may issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and records. The commission shall issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents upon the request of an accused person. Section 101.42 of the Revised Code shall govern the issuance of these subpoenas insofar as applicable. Upon the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code. The commission or the accused person may take the depositions of witnesses residing within or without the state in the same manner as prescribed by law for the taking of depositions in civil actions in the court of common pleas.
(E) At least once each year, the Ohio ethics commission shall report on its activities of the immediately preceding year to the majority and minority leaders of the senate and house of representatives of the general assembly. The report shall indicate the total number of complaints received, initiated, and investigated by the commission, the total number of complaints for which formal hearings were held, and the total number of complaints for which formal prosecution was recommended or requested by the commission. The report also shall indicate the nature of the inappropriate conduct alleged in each complaint and the governmental entity with which any employee or official that is the subject of a complaint was employed at the time of the alleged inappropriate conduct.
(F) All papers, records, affidavits, and documents upon any complaint, inquiry, or investigation relating to the proceedings of the appropriate commission shall be sealed and are private and confidential, except as otherwise provided in this section and section 102.07 of the Revised Code.
(G)(1) When a complaint or charge is before it, the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting authority, in consultation with the person filing the complaint or charge, the accused, and any other person the commission or prosecuting authority considers necessary, may compromise or settle the complaint or charge with the agreement of the accused. The compromise or settlement may include mediation, restitution, rescission of affected contracts, forfeiture of any benefits resulting from a violation or potential violation of law, resignation of a public official or employee, or any other relief that is agreed upon between the commission or prosecuting authority and the accused.
(2) Any settlement agreement entered into under division (G)(1) of this section shall be in writing and be accompanied by a statement of the findings of the commission or prosecuting authority and the reasons for entering into the agreement. The commission or prosecuting authority shall retain the agreement and statement in the commission's or prosecuting attorney's authority's office and, in the commission's or prosecuting authority's discretion, may make the agreement, the statement, and any supporting information public, unless the agreement provides otherwise.
(3) If a settlement agreement is breached by the accused, the commission or prosecuting authority, in the commission's or prosecuting authority's discretion, may rescind the agreement and reinstitute any investigation, hearing, or prosecution of the accused. No information obtained from the accused in reaching the settlement that is not otherwise discoverable from the accused shall be used in any proceeding before the commission or by the appropriate prosecuting authority in prosecuting the violation. Notwithstanding any other section of the Revised Code, if a settlement agreement is breached, any statute of limitations for a violation of this chapter or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code is tolled from the date the complaint or charge is filed until the date the settlement agreement is breached.
Sec. 109.98. As used in this section, "state retirement board" means the public employees retirement board, board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, school employees retirement board, state teachers retirement board, and state highway patrol retirement board.
If a member of a state retirement board breaches the member's fiduciary duty to the retirement system, the attorney general may maintain a civil action against the board member for harm resulting from that breach. The attorney general may recover damages or be granted injunctive relief, which shall include the enjoinment of specified activities and the removal of the member from the board. Any damages awarded shall be paid to the retirement system.
Sec. 111.30. (A) As used in this section, "state retirement board" means the public employees retirement board, board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, school employees retirement board, state teachers retirement board, and state highway patrol retirement board.
(B) The secretary of state shall do all of the following:
(1) Adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the election of state retirement board members under sections 145.05, 742.04, 3307.07, 3309.07, and 5505.041 of the Revised Code, including special elections provided for by section 145.051 of the Revised Code;
(2) Oversee the administration of board member elections by state retirement boards;
(3) Certify the validity of nominating petitions for the elections;
(4) Certify the results of the elections;
(5) Prescribe forms for campaign finance disclosure statements for the purpose of sections 145.053, 742.042, 3307.072, 3309.072, and 5505.044 of the Revised Code and accept the forms from candidates filing them with the secretary pursuant to those sections;
(6) Oversee elections held under sections 145.06, 742.05, 3307.06, 3309.06, and 5505.042 of the Revised Code to fill vacancies in the boards;
(7) Certify the results of the elections to fill vacancies in the boards.
Sec. 117.10.  The auditor of state shall audit all public offices as provided in this chapter. The auditor of state also may audit the accounts of private institutions, associations, boards, and corporations receiving public money for their use and may require of them annual reports in such form as the auditor of state prescribes.
If the auditor of state performs or contracts for the performance of an audit, including a special audit, of the public employees retirement system, school employees retirement system, state teachers retirement system, state highway patrol retirement system, or Ohio police and fire pension fund, the auditor of state shall make a timely report of the results of the audit to the Ohio retirement study council.
The auditor of state may audit the accounts of any provider as defined in section 5111.06 of the Revised Code, if requested by the department of job and family services.
If a public office has been audited by an agency of the United States government, the auditor of state may, if satisfied that the federal audit has been conducted according to principles and procedures not contrary to those of the auditor of state, use and adopt the federal audit and report in lieu of an audit by the auditor of state's own office.
Within thirty days after the creation or dissolution or the winding up of the affairs of any public office, that public office shall notify the auditor of state in writing that this action has occurred.
Sec. 145.04.  The general administration and management of the public employees retirement system and the making effective of Chapter 145. of the Revised Code, are hereby vested in a board to be known as the "public employees retirement board," which shall consist of nine members as follows:
(A) The attorney general director of budget and management;
(B) The auditor of state;
(C) The director of administrative services;
(D) Five members, known as employee members, one of whom shall be a state employee member of the system, who shall be elected by ballot by the state employee members of the system from among their number; another of whom shall be a county employee member of the system, who shall be elected by ballot by the county employee members of the system from among their number; another of whom shall be a municipal employee member of the system, who shall be elected by ballot by the municipal employee members of the system from among their number; another of whom shall be a university or college employee member of the system, who shall be elected by ballot by the university and college employee members of the system from among their number; and another of whom shall be a park district, conservancy district, sanitary district, health district, public library, township, metropolitan housing authority, union cemetery, joint hospital, or institutional commissary employee member of the system, who shall be elected by ballot by the park district, conservancy district, sanitary district, health district, metropolitan housing authority, township, public library, union cemetery, joint hospital, and institutional commissary employee members of the system from among their number, in a manner to be approved by the board. Members of the system who are receiving a disability benefit under this chapter are ineligible for membership on the board as employee members.
(E) One member, known as the retirant member, who shall be a former member of the public employees retirement system who is a resident of this state and a recipient of age and service retirement, a disability benefit, or benefits paid under a PERS defined contribution plan. The retirant member shall be elected by ballot by former members of the system who are receiving age and service retirement, a disability benefit, or benefits paid under a PERS defined contribution plan.
Sec. 145.041. Each newly elected member of the public employees retirement board and each individual appointed to fill a vacancy on the board, prior to commencing service as a board member, shall complete the orientation program component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Each member of the board who has served a year or longer as a board member shall, not less than twice each year, attend one or more programs that are part of the continuing education component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 145.05.  (A) The terms of office of employee members of the public employees retirement board shall be for four years each beginning on the first day of January following election. The election of the county employee member of the board and the employee member of the board representing public library, health district, park district, conservancy district, sanitary district, township, metropolitan housing authority, union cemetery, joint hospital, and institutional commissary employees shall be held on the first Monday in October, 1945, and on the first Monday in October in each fourth year thereafter. The election of the state employee member of the board and the municipal employee member of the board shall be held on the first Monday in October, 1946, and on the first Monday in October in each fourth year thereafter. The election of the initial university-college employee member of the board shall be held on the first Monday in October, 1978, and elections for subsequent university-college employee members of the board shall be held on the first Monday in October in each fourth year thereafter.
(B) The term of office of the retirant member of the public employees retirement board shall be for four years beginning on the first day of January following the election. The election of the initial retirant member of the board shall be held on the first Monday in October, 1978, and elections for subsequent retirant members of the board shall be held on the first Monday in October in each fourth year thereafter.
(C) All The board shall administer all elections for employee members of the public employees retirement board shall be held under the direction of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. Any member of the public employees retirement system, except a member who is receiving a disability benefit under this chapter, is eligible for election as an employee member of the board to represent the employee group that includes the member, provided that the member has been nominated by a petition that is signed by at least five hundred members of the employee group to be represented and further provided that there shall be, including not less than twenty such signers from each of at least ten counties of the state, and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The name of any member so nominated shall be placed upon the ballot by the board as a regular candidate. Names of other eligible candidates may, at any election, be substituted for the regular candidates by writing such names upon the ballots. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes for a particular employee member position on the board shall be elected to that office on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
(D) All The board shall administer all elections for the retirant member of the public employees retirement board shall be held under the direction of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. Any former member of the public employees retirement system who is described in division (E) of section 145.04 of the Revised Code is eligible for election as the retirant member of the board to represent recipients of age and service retirement, a disability benefit, or benefits paid under a PERS defined contribution plan, provided that such person has been nominated by a petition that is signed by any combination of at least two hundred fifty eligible, former members of the system who are recipients and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. To be eligible to sign the petition, a former member of the system must be a recipient of age and service retirement, a disability benefit, or benefits paid under a PERS defined contribution plan, or any combination of such recipients that totals two hundred fifty. The petition shall contain the signatures of at least ten such recipients from each of at least five counties wherein recipients of benefits from the system reside.
The name of any person nominated in this manner shall be placed upon the ballot by the board as a regular candidate. Names of other eligible candidates may, at any election for the retirant member of the board, be substituted for the regular candidates by writing the names of such persons upon the ballot. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes for any term as the retirant member of the board shall be elected to office on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 145.051. If a person elected to serve on the public employees retirement board is unable to assume office at the January meeting of the board following the person's election, a special election shall be held in accordance with the provisions of section 145.05 of the Revised Code within three months of the January meeting. On certification of the elections results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the newly elected person shall assume office at the meeting of the board immediately following the special election.
Sec. 145.051 145.052 Notwithstanding sections 145.04 and 145.05 of the Revised Code, the public employees retirement board is not required to hold an election, including a special election under section 145.06 145.051 of the Revised Code, for a position on the board as an employee member or retirant member if only one candidate has been nominated for the position by petition in accordance with section 145.05 of the Revised Code. The candidate shall take office as if elected. The term of office shall be four years beginning on the first day of January following the date the candidate was nominated.
Sec. 145.053.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Campaign committee" means a candidate or a combination of two or more persons authorized by a candidate to receive contributions and in-kind contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the candidate.
(2) "Candidate" means an individual who has been nominated pursuant to division (C) or (D) of section 145.05 of the Revised Code for election to the public employees retirement board.
(3) "Contribution" means a loan, gift, deposit, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, payment, transfer of funds or transfer of anything of value including a transfer of funds from an inter vivos or testamentary trust or decedent's estate, and the payment by any person other than the person to whom the services are rendered for the personal services of another person, which contribution is made, received, or used for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the public employees retirement board under section 145.05 of the Revised Code, including a special election provided for by section 145.051 of the Revised Code. "Contribution" does not include:
(a) Services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a person;
(b) Ordinary home hospitality;
(c) The personal expenses of a volunteer paid for by that volunteer campaign worker.
(4) "Election day" means the following, as appropriate to the situation:
(a) The first Monday in October of a year for which section 145.05 of the Revised Code specifies that an election for a member of the public employees retirement board be held;
(b) If, pursuant to section 145.052 of the Revised Code, no election is held, the first Monday in October of a year that the election would have been held if not for section 145.052 of the Revised Code;
(c) If the election is a special election provided for by section 145.051 of the Revised Code, a day that the board shall specify that is consistent with requirements for a special election established by section 145.051 of the Revised Code.
(5) "Expenditure" means the disbursement or use of a contribution for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the public employees retirement board under section 145.05 of the Revised Code, including a special election provided for by section 145.051 of the Revised Code.
(6) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money that is used to influence the results of an election to the public employees retirement board under section 145.05 of the Revised Code or is transferred to or used in support of or in opposition to a candidate and that is made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate. The financing of the dissemination, distribution, or republication, in whole or part, of any broadcast or of any written, graphic, or other form of campaign materials prepared by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or their authorized agents is an in-kind contribution to the candidate and an expenditure by the candidate.
(7) "Personal expenses" includes ordinary expenses for accommodations, clothing, food, personal motor vehicle or airplane, and home telephone.
(B) Each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives a contribution or in-kind contribution or makes an expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the public employees retirement board shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether the election is a regular election or, pursuant to section 145.051 of the Revised Code, a special election. The statements shall also be filed regardless of whether, pursuant to section 145.052 of the Revised Code, no election is held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.
Sec. 145.054.  No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate statement in accordance with section 145.053 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 145.055.  The secretary of state, or any person acting on personal knowledge and subject to the penalties of perjury, may file a complaint with the Ohio elections commission alleging a violation of section 145.054 of the Revised Code. The complaint shall be made on a form prescribed and provided by the commission.
On receipt of a complaint under this section, the commission shall hold a hearing open to the public to determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. The commission may administer oaths and issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and reports. On the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
The commission shall provide the person accused of the violation at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The accused may be represented by an attorney and shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses.
At the hearing, the commission shall determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. If the commission determines that the violation has occurred, the commission shall either impose a fine under section 145.99 of the Revised Code or enter a finding that good cause has been shown not to impose the fine.
Sec. 145.057.  A member of the public employees retirement board who is charged with committing a felony, a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, or a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.02, 2921.11, 2921.13, 2921.31, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, or 2921.44 of the Revised Code shall be suspended from participation on the board for the period during which the charges are pending. If the charges are dismissed, the member is found not guilty, or the charges are otherwise resolved in a manner not resulting in the member being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offense of that nature, the suspension shall end, and the member may participate on the board. If the member pleads guilty to or is convicted of the offense, the position of the member on the board shall be deemed vacant. A person who has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense of that nature is ineligible for election to the public employees retirement board.
The Ohio retirement study council may hold a hearing to determine whether to remove a member of the public employees retirement board who has been suspended pursuant to this section. If it decides to hold a hearing, the council shall provide the suspended board member at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The suspended board member may be represented by an attorney. At the hearing the suspended board member, or the suspended board member's attorney, shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses. The hearing shall be open to the public. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the voting members of the council unanimously vote to remove the suspended board member, the suspended board member shall be removed from the board, and the position of the member shall be deemed vacant.
Sec. 145.06.  (A) If a vacancy occurs in the term of any employee member of the public employees retirement board, the remaining members of the board shall elect an a successor employee member from the employee group lacking representation because of the vacancy for the unexpired term. On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the successor employee member shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor employee member's term.
Any employee member of the board who fails to attend the meetings of the board for three months or longer, without valid excuse, shall be considered as having resigned, and the board shall declare the employee member's office vacated as of the date of the adoption of a proper resolution.
(B) If a vacancy occurs during the term of office of the retirant member of the board, the remaining members of the board shall elect a successor retirant member who, on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor retirant member's term. The successor retirant member shall be a former member of the public employees retirement system who is eligible for election under section 145.04 of the Revised Code as the retirant member of the board.
If a retirant member of the board fails to attend the meetings of the board for three months or longer, without valid excuse, the retirant member shall be considered as having resigned, and the board shall declare the member's office vacated as of the date of the adoption of a proper resolution.
If as a result of changed circumstances the retirant member would no longer qualify for membership on the board as the retirant member, the retirant member's office shall be considered vacant, and a successor retirant member shall be chosen in the manner specified in this division.
(C) If a person elected to serve on the board is unable to assume office at the January meeting of the board following the person's election, a special election shall be held in accordance with the provisions of section 145.05 of the Revised Code within three months of the January meeting and the newly elected person shall assume office at the meeting of the board immediately following the special election Elections under this section to fill a vacancy on the board shall be conducted under the supervision of the secretary of state pursuant to section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 145.09.  The public employees retirement board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, and shall appoint an executive director who shall serve as secretary to the board, an actuary, and other employees as necessary for the transaction of the business of the public employees retirement system. The compensation of all persons so appointed shall be fixed by the board. Every
Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.
Every expense voucher of an employee, officer, or board member of the public employees retirement system shall itemize all purchases and expenditures.
The board shall perform other functions as required for the proper execution of this chapter, and may adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code for the proper administration and management of this chapter.
The board may take all appropriate action to avoid payment by the system or its members of federal or state income taxes on contributions to the system or amounts earned on such contributions.
Notice of proposed rules shall be given to interested parties and rules adopted by the board shall be published and otherwise made available. When it files a rule with the joint committee on agency rule review pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the board shall submit to the Ohio retirement study council a copy of the full text of the rule, and if applicable, a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis required by division (B) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code.
The board may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with. All of its business shall be transacted, all of its funds invested, all warrants for money drawn and payments made, and all of its cash and securities and other property shall be held in the name of the board, or in the name of its nominee, provided that nominees are authorized by retirement board resolution for the purpose of facilitating the ownership and transfer of investments.
If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.
Sec. 145.092. The public employees retirement board shall do all of the following:
(A) In consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, review any existing policy regarding the travel and payment of travel expenses of members and employees of the public employees retirement board and adopt rules in accordance with section 145.09 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding travel and payment of travel expenses;
(B) Review any existing policy regarding compensation and bonuses paid to employees of the board and adopt rules in accordance with section 145.09 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding employee compensation and bonuses;
(C) Provide copies of the rules adopted under this section to each member of the Ohio retirement study council.
Sec. 145.093. The public employees retirement board periodically shall provide ethics training to members and employees of the board. The training shall include training regarding the requirements and prohibitions of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code and any other training the board considers appropriate.
The board shall establish a procedure to ensure that each employee of the board is informed of the procedure for filing a complaint alleging violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code with the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting attorney.
Sec. 145.114.  The attorney general may maintain a civil action under section 109.98 of the Revised Code against a member of the public employees retirement board for harm resulting from a breach of the member's fiduciary duty. The attorney general may recover damages or be granted injunctive relief, which shall include the enjoinment of specified activities and the removal of the member from the board. Any damages awarded shall be paid to the public employees retirement system.
Sec. 145.27.  (A)(1) As used in this division, "personal history record" means information maintained by the public employees retirement board on an individual who is a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, retirant, or beneficiary that includes the address, telephone number, social security number, record of contributions, correspondence with the public employees retirement system, or other information the board determines to be confidential.
(2) The records of the board shall be open to public inspection, except that the following shall be excluded, except with the written authorization of the individual concerned:
(a) The individual's statement of previous service and other information as provided for in section 145.16 of the Revised Code;
(b) The amount of a monthly allowance or benefit paid to the individual;
(c) The individual's personal history record.
(B) All medical reports and recommendations required by this chapter are privileged, except that copies of such medical reports or recommendations shall be made available to the personal physician, attorney, or authorized agent of the individual concerned upon written release from the individual or the individual's agent, or when necessary for the proper administration of the fund, to the board assigned physician.
(C) Any person who is a member or contributor of the system shall be furnished with a statement of the amount to the credit of the individual's account upon written request. The board is not required to answer more than one such request of a person in any one year. The board may issue annual statements of accounts to members and contributors.
(D) Notwithstanding the exceptions to public inspection in division (A)(2) of this section, the board may furnish the following information:
(1) If a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, or retirant is subject to an order issued under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, on written request of a prosecutor as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to the prosecutor the information requested from the individual's personal history record.
(2) Pursuant to a court or administrative order issued pursuant to Chapter 3119., 3121., 3123., or 3125. of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to a court or child support enforcement agency the information required under that section.
(3) At the written request of any person, the board shall provide to the person a list of the names and addresses of members, former members, contributors, former contributors, retirants, or beneficiaries. The costs of compiling, copying, and mailing the list shall be paid by such person.
(4) Within fourteen days after receiving from the director of job and family services a list of the names and social security numbers of recipients of public assistance pursuant to section 5101.181 of the Revised Code, the board shall inform the auditor of state of the name, current or most recent employer address, and social security number of each member whose name and social security number are the same as that of a person whose name or social security number was submitted by the director. The board and its employees shall, except for purposes of furnishing the auditor of state with information required by this section, preserve the confidentiality of recipients of public assistance in compliance with division (A) of section 5101.181 of the Revised Code.
(5) The system shall comply with orders issued under section 3105.87 of the Revised Code.
On the written request of an alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, the system shall furnish to the alternate payee information on the amount and status of any amounts payable to the alternate payee under an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code.
(6) At the written request of any person, the board shall make available to the person copies of all documents, including resumes, in the board's possession regarding filling a vacancy of an employee member or retirant member of the board. The person who made the request shall pay the cost of compiling, copying, and mailing the documents.
(E) A statement that contains information obtained from the system's records that is signed by the executive director or an officer of the system and to which the system's official seal is affixed, or copies of the system's records to which the signature and seal are attached, shall be received as true copies of the system's records in any court or before any officer of this state.
Sec. 145.99. Whoever violates section 145.054 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each day of the violation.
Fines imposed by the Ohio elections commission under this section shall be paid into the Ohio elections commission fund created under section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 171.01.  There As used in this chapter, "state retirement systems" means the public employees retirement system, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, school employees retirement system, and state highway patrol retirement system.
There is hereby created the Ohio retirement study council, consisting of fourteen members to. Members of the council shall be appointed as follows:
(A) Three members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, not more than two of whom may be members of the same political party;
(B) Three members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, not more than two of whom may be members of the same political party;
(C) Two members, one appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, the other appointed by the president of the senate. Each of these members shall be a former member of the general assembly who served at least one term on the council while a member of the general assembly. The members shall be appointed at the same time as the members appointed under division (B) of this section and shall serve until the thirty-first day of December of the following year.
(D) Three members appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party, one of whom shall represent the state and its employees; one of whom shall represent nonstate governments and their employees; and one of whom shall represent educational employers and their employees. Of these three members, at least one shall be a person with investment expertise. Terms of the existing members appointed by the governor shall not be affected. Terms of office of members appointed by the governor shall be for three years, commencing on the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June. Each member appointed by the governor shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the appointment was made. Any member appointed by the governor to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term. Any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
(D) Five ex officio members as follows: the executive director of the public employees retirement system, the executive director of the state teachers retirement system, the executive director of the school employees retirement system, the executive secretary of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, and the secretary of the state highway patrol retirement board, who shall be nonvoting members.
A vacancy on the council shall be filled by the person qualified to make the original appointment for the unexpired term, in the same manner as the original appointment.
The members of the council who are appointed from the membership of the senate and the house of representatives shall serve during their terms as members of the general assembly and until their successors are appointed and qualified, notwithstanding the adjournment of the general assembly of which they are members or the expiration of their terms as members of such general assembly.
Sec. 171.03.  The Ohio retirement study council may:
(A) Appoint a director to manage and direct the duties of the staff of the council. The director shall be a person who has had training and experience in areas related to the duties of the council.
(B) Appoint such professional, technical, and clerical employees as are necessary, and employ or hire on a consulting basis such actuarial, legal, investment, or other technical services required for the performance of its duties;
(C) Fix the compensation of the director and all other employees of the council. The employees of the council shall be members of the public employees retirement system.
(D) Require the public employees retirement board, the state teachers retirement board, the school employees retirement board, the state highway patrol retirement system, the Ohio police and fire pension fund, and any agency or official of this state or its political subdivisions to provide it with any information necessary to carry out its duties;
(E) Administer oaths and hold public hearings at such times and places within the state as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes and intent of Chapter 171. of the Revised Code;
(F) Establish a uniform format for any report that the state retirement boards are required to submit to the council and regular reporting requirements;
(G) Request that the auditor of state peform or contract for the performance of a financial or special audit of a state retirement system.
Sec. 171.04.  The Ohio retirement study council shall:
(A) Make an impartial review from time to time of all laws governing the administration and financing of the pension and retirement funds under Chapters 145., 146., 742., 3307., 3309., and 5505. of the Revised Code and recommend to the general assembly any changes it may find desirable with respect to the allowances and benefits, sound financing of the cost of benefits, the prudent investment of funds, and the improvement of the language, structure, and organization of the laws;
(B) Make an annual report to the governor and to the general assembly covering its evaluation and recommendations with respect to the operations of the state retirement systems and their funds;
(C) Study all changes in the retirement laws proposed to the general assembly and report to the general assembly on their probable costs, actuarial implications, and desirability as a matter of public policy;
(D) Review semiannually the policies, objectives, and criteria adopted under sections 145.11, 742.11, 3307.15, 3309.15, and 5505.06 of the Revised Code for the operation of the investment programs of the state retirement systems, including a review of asset allocation targets and ranges, risk factors, asset class benchmarks, time horizons, total return objectives, relative volatility, and performance evaluation guidelines. The council shall, not later than thirty days after completing a review, submit to the governor and the general assembly a report summarizing its findings.
(E) Have prepared by an independent actuary, at least once every ten years, an actuarial review of the annual actuarial valuations and quinquennial actuarial investigations prepared under sections 145.22, 742.14, 3307.20, 3309.21, and 5505.12 of the Revised Code, including a review of the actuarial assumptions and methods, the data underlying the valuations and investigations, and the adequacy of each system's employee and employer contribution rates to amortize its unfunded actuarial pension liability, if any, and to support the payment of benefits authorized by Chapter 145., 742., 3307., 3309., or 5505. of the Revised Code. The council shall submit to the governor and the general assembly a report summarizing the review.
(F) Have conducted by an independent auditor at least once every five years a fiduciary performance audit of each of the state retirement systems.
All costs associated with an audit conducted pursuant to division (F) of this section shall be paid by the retirement system audited.
(G) Review all proposed rules submitted to the council pursuant to sections 145.09, 742.10, 3307.04, 3309.04, and 5505.04 of the Revised Code and submit any recommendations to the joint committee on agency rule review.
Sec. 171.06. The attorney general is the legal adviser to the Ohio retirement study council.
Sec. 171.50. The boards of the state retirement systems shall jointly develop a retirement board member education program and submit the program to the Ohio retirement study council.
The boards shall jointly pay all costs associated with establishing and conducting the retirement board member education program.
The retirement board member education program shall consist of an orientation component for newly elected and appointed members and a continuing education component for board members who have served for at least one year. The program shall incorporate into its curriculum each of the following topics: board member duties and responsibilities, retirement system member benefits and health care management, ethics, governance processes and procedures, actuarial soundness, investments, and any other subject matter the boards believe is reasonably related to the duties of a board member.
All program sessions, classes, and other events shall be held in Ohio.
Sec. 742.03.  (A) As used in this section and in sections 742.04 and 742.05 of the Revised Code:
(1) "Police officer" means a member of the fund who is or has been an employee of a police department and is not a police retirant.
(2) "Firefighter" means a member of the fund who is or has been an employee of a fire department and is not a firefighter retirant.
(3) "Firefighter retirant" means a member of the fund who is receiving an age and service or disability benefit as a result of service in a fire department or a surviving spouse of a deceased member who is receiving a benefit as a result of the deceased member's service in a fire department. "Firefighter retirant" does not include a member of the fund who is participating in the deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.43 of the Revised Code.
(4) "Police retirant" means a member of the fund who is receiving an age and service or disability benefit as a result of service in a police department or a surviving spouse of a deceased member who is receiving a benefit as a result of the deceased member's service in a police department. "Police retirant" does not include a member of the fund who is participating in the deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.43 of the Revised Code.
(B) The administration, control, and management of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, created under section 742.02 of the Revised Code, is vested in a board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, which shall consist of nine members as follows:
(1) The attorney general director of budget and management;
(2) The auditor of state;
(3) The fiscal officer of a municipal corporation who shall be appointed by the governor. This member's term shall be for three years, commencing on the fourth day of June and ending on the third day of June. The fiscal officer member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which appointed. Any fiscal officer member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the fiscal officer member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term. Any fiscal officer member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the fiscal officer member's term until such member's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
(4) Four members known as employee members.
Two employee members shall be police officers elected by police officers. Two employee members shall be firefighters elected by firefighters. Employee members of the board shall be elected for terms of four years as provided by section 742.04 of the Revised Code.
(5) One member known as the firefighter retirant member, who shall be a resident of this state elected by the firefighter retirants. The firefighter retirant member shall be elected for a term of four years as provided by section 742.04 of the Revised Code.
(6) One member known as the police retirant member, who shall be a resident of this state elected by the police retirants. The police retirant member shall be elected for a term of four years as provided by section 742.04 of the Revised Code.
(C) No employee member of the board who retires while a member of the board shall be eligible to become a retirant member for three years after the date of the member's retirement.
Sec. 742.031. Each newly elected member of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund and each individual appointed to fill a vacancy on the board, prior to commencing service as a board member, shall complete the orientation program component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Each member of the board who has served a year or longer as a board member shall, not less than twice each year, attend one or more programs that are part of the continuing education component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 742.04.  As used in this section, "county" means the county of residence of an individual who signs a nominating petition.
Election The board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund shall administer the election of the employee members, firefighter retirant member, and police retirant member of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund shall be under the supervision and direction of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Nominating petitions for candidates for an employee member of the board elected by police officers shall be signed by at least one hundred police officers, with at least twenty signers from each of at least five counties of the state, and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Nominating petitions for candidates for an employee member of the board elected by firefighters shall be signed by at least one hundred firefighters, with at least twenty signers from each of at least five counties of the state, and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Nominating petitions for candidates for an employee member of the board shall be filed in the office of the board not later than four p.m. on the first Monday in April preceding the date of the expiration of the term of the employee member of the board whose successor is to be elected.
The board shall determine the sufficiency of the nominating petitions filed with it and the board's decision shall be final.
The board shall cause ballots to be prepared for the election of employee members of the board which shall contain the names of all candidates for whom proper certified nominating petitions have been filed with the board.
A police officer or firefighter is eligible to vote in an election if the police officer or firefighter is a member of the fund on the first Monday in March preceding the date of the expiration of the term of the employee member of the board whose successor is to be elected. The board shall determine whether a member of the fund is eligible to vote at an election and its decision shall be final.
On or before the first Monday in May preceding the date of the expiration of the term of the employee member of the board whose successor is to be elected, the board shall cause ballots to be sent to each member of the fund who is eligible to vote at such election to the address of such member as shown on the records of the board.
Ballots shall be returned to the board not later than the third Tuesday in May following the date that the ballots were mailed to the members of the fund eligible to vote at such election.
The board shall cause the ballots to be counted and shall declare On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected as an employee member of the board for a term of four years beginning on the first Monday in June following such election.
Nominating petitions for candidates for the police retirant member of the board shall be signed by at least fifty police retirants, with at least ten signers from at least five counties of the state, and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Nominating petitions for candidates for the firefighter retirant member of the board shall be signed by at least fifty firefighter retirants, with at least ten signers from at least five counties of the state, and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Nominating petitions for candidates for the retirant members of the board shall be filed in the office of the board not later than four p.m. on the first Monday in April preceding the date of the expiration of the term of the retirant member of the board whose successor is to be elected.
The board shall determine the sufficiency of the nominating petitions filed with it, and the board's decision shall be final.
The board shall cause ballots to be prepared for the election of these board members which shall contain the names of all candidates for whom proper certified nominating petitions have been filed with the board.
A retirant is eligible to vote in an election if the retirant is a police retirant or firefighter retirant on the first Monday in April preceding the date of the expiration of the term of the retirant member of the board whose successor is to be elected. The board shall determine whether a police retirant or firefighter retirant is eligible to vote at an election and its decision shall be final.
On or before the first Monday in May preceding the date of the expiration of the term of a retirant member of the board whose successor is to be elected, the board shall cause ballots to be sent to each person who is eligible to vote in the election to the address of the person as shown on the records of the board.
Ballots shall be returned to the board not later than the third Tuesday in May following the date that the ballots were mailed to the persons eligible to vote in the election.
The board shall cause the ballots to be counted and shall declare On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected as the police retirant member or the firefighter retirant member of the board for a term of four years beginning on the first Monday in June following the election.
Sec. 742.042. (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Campaign committee" means a candidate or a combination of two or more persons authorized by a candidate to receive contributions and in-kind contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the candidate.
(2) "Candidate" means an individual who has been nominated pursuant to section 742.04 of the Revised Code for election to the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund.
(3) "Contribution" means a loan, gift, deposit, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, payment, transfer of funds or transfer of anything of value including a transfer of funds from an inter vivos or testamentary trust or decedent's estate, and the payment by any person other than the person to whom the services are rendered for the personal services of another person, which contribution is made, received, or used for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund under section 742.04 of the Revised Code. "Contribution" does not include:
(a) Services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a person;
(b) Ordinary home hospitality;
(c) The personal expenses of a volunteer paid for by that volunteer campaign worker.
(4) "Election day" means the following, as appropriate to the situation:
(a) The third Tuesday in May of a year for which section 742.04 of the Revised Code specifies that an election for a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund be held;
(b) If, pursuant to section 742.041 of the Revised Code, no election is held, the third Tuesday in May of a year that the election would have been held if not for section 742.041 of the Revised Code.
(5) "Expenditure" means the disbursement or use of a contribution for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund under section 742.04 of the Revised Code.
(6) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money that is used to influence the results of an election to the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund under section 742.04 of the Revised Code or is transferred to or used in support of or in opposition to a candidate and that is made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate. The financing of the dissemination, distribution, or republication, in whole or part, of any broadcast or of any written, graphic, or other form of campaign materials prepared by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or their authorized agents is an in-kind contribution to the candidate and an expenditure by the candidate.
(7) "Personal expenses" includes ordinary expenses for accommodations, clothing, food, personal motor vehicle or airplane, and home telephone.
(B) Each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives a contribution or in-kind contribution or makes an expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether, pursuant to section 742.041 of the Revised Code, no election is held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.
Sec.  742.043.  No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate statement in accordance with section 742.042 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 742.044.  The secretary of state, or any person acting on personal knowledge and subject to the penalties of perjury, may file a complaint with the Ohio elections commission alleging a violation of section 742.043 of the Revised Code. The complaint shall be made on a form prescribed and provided by the commission.
On receipt of a complaint under this section, the commission shall hold a hearing open to the public to determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. The commission may administer oaths and issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and reports. On the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
The commission shall provide the person accused of the violation at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The accused may be represented by an attorney and shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses.
At the hearing, the commission shall determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. If the commission determines that the violation has occurred, the commission shall either impose a fine under section 742.99 of the Revised Code or enter a finding that good cause has been shown not to impose the fine.
Sec. 742.046. A member of the board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund who is charged with committing a felony, a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, or a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.02, 2921.11, 2921.13, 2921.31, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, or 2921.44 of the Revised Code shall be suspended from participation on the board for the period during which the charges are pending. If the charges are dismissed, the member is found not guilty, or the charges are otherwise resolved in a manner not resulting in the member being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offense of that nature, the suspension shall end, and the member may participate on the board. If the member pleads guilty to or is convicted of the offense, the position of the member on the board shall be deemed vacant. A person who has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense of that nature is ineligible for election to the board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund.
The Ohio retirement study council may hold a hearing to determine whether to remove a member of the board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund who has been suspended pursuant to this section. If it decides to hold a hearing, the council shall provide the suspended board member at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The suspended board member may be represented by an attorney. At the hearing the suspended board member, or the suspended board member's attorney, shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses. The hearing shall be open to the public. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the voting members of the council unanimously vote to remove the suspended board member, the suspended board member shall be removed from the board, and the position of the member shall be deemed vacant.
Sec. 742.05.  Any vacancy occurring in the term of a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund who is the fiscal officer of a municipal corporation shall be filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired term of such member.
Any If a vacancy occurring occurs in the term of an employee member of the board shall be filled by, the remaining employee members and the retirant members of the board for the unexpired term of such shall elect a successor employee member. On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the successor employee member shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor employee member's term.
Any If a vacancy occurring occurs in the term of a retirant member of the board shall be filled by, the employee members and the remaining retirant member of the board for the unexpired term shall elect a successor retirant member. On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the successor retirant member shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor retirant member's term.
Elections under this section to fill a vacancy on the board shall be conducted under the supervision of the secretary of state pursuant to section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
If a member of the board who is the fiscal officer of a municipal corporation ceases to be a fiscal officer of a municipal corporation, a vacancy shall exist.
If an employee member of the board ceases to be a member of the fund, a vacancy shall exist.
If as a result of changed circumstances a retirant member no longer qualifies for membership on the board as a retirant member, a vacancy shall exist.
Any employee or retirant member of the board or member of the board who is the fiscal officer of a municipal corporation who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the board, without valid excuse, shall be considered as having resigned from the board and the board shall declare the member's office vacated and as of the date of the adoption of a proper resolution a vacancy shall exist.
Sec. 742.10.  The board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, employ and fix the compensation of employees, and adopt rules for the proper administration and management of the fund.
Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board of trustees may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.
If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.
The attorney general shall prescribe procedures for the adoption of rules authorized under this chapter, consistent with the provisions of section 111.15 of the Revised Code under which all rules shall be filed in order to be effective. Such procedures shall establish methods by which notice of proposed rules is given to interested parties and rules adopted by the board published and otherwise made available. When it files a rule with the joint committee on agency rule review pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the board shall submit to the Ohio retirement study council a copy of the full text of the rule, and if applicable, a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis required by division (B) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code.
All rules adopted pursuant to this chapter, prior to August 20, 1976, shall be published and made available to interested parties by January 1, 1977.
Sec. 742.102.  The board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund shall do all of the following:
(A) In consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, review any existing policy regarding the travel and payment of travel expenses of members of the board of trustees and employees of the fund and adopt rules in accordance with section 742.10 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding travel and payment of travel expenses;
(B) Review any existing policy regarding compensation and bonuses paid to employees of the fund and adopt rules in accordance with section 742.10 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding employee compensation and bonuses;
(C) Provide copies of the rules adopted under this section to each member of the Ohio retirement study council.
Sec. 742.103. The board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund periodically shall provide ethics training to members and employees of the board. The training shall include training regarding the requirements and prohibitions of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code and any other training the board considers appropriate.
The board shall establish a procedure to ensure that each employee of the board is informed of the procedure for filing a complaint alleging violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code with the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting attorney.
Sec. 742.114. The attorney general may maintain a civil action under section 109.98 of the Revised Code against a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund for harm resulting from a breach of the member's fiduciary duty.
Sec. 742.41.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Other system retirant" has the same meaning as in section 742.26 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Personal history record" includes a member's, former member's, or other system retirant's name, address, telephone number, social security number, record of contributions, correspondence with the Ohio police and fire pension fund, status of any application for benefits, and any other information deemed confidential by the trustees of the fund.
(B) The treasurer of state shall furnish annually to the board of trustees of the fund a sworn statement of the amount of the funds in the treasurer of state's custody belonging to the Ohio police and fire pension fund. The records of the fund shall be open for public inspection except for the following, which shall be excluded, except with the written authorization of the individual concerned:
(1) The individual's personal history record;
(2) Any information identifying, by name and address, the amount of a monthly allowance or benefit paid to the individual.
(C) All medical reports and recommendations required are privileged, except that copies of such medical reports or recommendations shall be made available to the personal physician, attorney, or authorized agent of the individual concerned upon written release received from the individual or the individual's agent or, when necessary for the proper administration of the fund, to the board-assigned physician.
(D) Any person who is a member of the fund or an other system retirant shall be furnished with a statement of the amount to the credit of the person's individual account upon the person's written request. The fund need not answer more than one such request of a person in any one year.
(E) Notwithstanding the exceptions to public inspection in division (B) of this section, the fund may furnish the following information:
(1) If a member, former member, or other system retirant is subject to an order issued under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, on written request of a prosecutor as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, the fund shall furnish to the prosecutor the information requested from the individual's personal history record.
(2) Pursuant to a court order issued pursuant to Chapter 3119., 3121., 3123., or 3125. of the Revised Code, the fund shall furnish to a court or child support enforcement agency the information required under that section.
(3) At the request of any organization or association of members of the fund, the fund shall provide a list of the names and addresses of members of the fund and other system retirants. The fund shall comply with the request of such organization or association at least once a year and may impose a reasonable charge for the list.
(4) Within fourteen days after receiving from the director of job and family services a list of the names and social security numbers of recipients of public assistance pursuant to section 5101.181 of the Revised Code, the fund shall inform the auditor of state of the name, current or most recent employer address, and social security number of each member or other system retirant whose name and social security number are the same as that of a person whose name or social security number was submitted by the director. The fund and its employees shall, except for purposes of furnishing the auditor of state with information required by this section, preserve the confidentiality of recipients of public assistance in compliance with division (A) of section 5101.181 of the Revised Code.
(5) The fund shall comply with orders issued under section 3105.87 of the Revised Code.
On the written request of an alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, the fund shall furnish to the alternate payee information on the amount and status of any amounts payable to the alternate payee under an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code.
(6) At the written request of any person, the fund shall make available to the person copies of all documents, including resumes, in the fund's possession regarding filling a vacancy of a police officer employee member, firefighter employee member, police retirant member, or firefighter retirant member of the board of trustees. The person who made the request shall pay the cost of compiling, copying, and mailing the documents.
(F) A statement that contains information obtained from the fund's records that is signed by the secretary of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund and to which the board's official seal is affixed, or copies of the fund's records to which the signature and seal are attached, shall be received as true copies of the fund's records in any court or before any officer of this state.
Sec. 742.99. Whoever violates section 742.043 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each day of the violation.
Fines imposed by the Ohio elections commission under this section shall be paid into the Ohio elections commission fund created under section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 1707.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) Whenever the context requires it, "division" or "division of securities" may be read as "director of commerce" or as "commissioner of securities."
(B) "Security" means any certificate or instrument that represents title to or interest in, or is secured by any lien or charge upon, the capital, assets, profits, property, or credit of any person or of any public or governmental body, subdivision, or agency. It includes shares of stock, certificates for shares of stock, membership interests in limited liability companies, voting-trust certificates, warrants and options to purchase securities, subscription rights, interim receipts, interim certificates, promissory notes, all forms of commercial paper, evidences of indebtedness, bonds, debentures, land trust certificates, fee certificates, leasehold certificates, syndicate certificates, endowment certificates, certificates or written instruments in or under profit-sharing or participation agreements or in or under oil, gas, or mining leases, or certificates or written instruments of any interest in or under the same, receipts evidencing preorganization or reorganization subscriptions, preorganization certificates, reorganization certificates, certificates evidencing an interest in any trust or pretended trust, any investment contract, any life settlement interest, any instrument evidencing a promise or an agreement to pay money, warehouse receipts for intoxicating liquor, and the currency of any government other than those of the United States and Canada, but sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code do not apply to the sale of real estate.
(C)(1) "Sale" has the full meaning of "sale" as applied by or accepted in courts of law or equity, and includes every disposition, or attempt to dispose, of a security or of an interest in a security. "Sale" also includes a contract to sell, an exchange, an attempt to sell, an option of sale, a solicitation of a sale, a solicitation of an offer to buy, a subscription, or an offer to sell, directly or indirectly, by agent, circular, pamphlet, advertisement, or otherwise.
(2) "Sell" means any act by which a sale is made.
(3) The use of advertisements, circulars, or pamphlets in connection with the sale of securities in this state exclusively to the purchasers specified in division (D) of section 1707.03 of the Revised Code is not a sale when the advertisements, circulars, and pamphlets describing and offering those securities bear a readily legible legend in substance as follows: "This offer is made on behalf of dealers licensed under sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, and is confined in this state exclusively to institutional investors and licensed dealers."
(4) The offering of securities by any person in conjunction with a licensed dealer by use of advertisement, circular, or pamphlet is not a sale if that person does not otherwise attempt to sell securities in this state.
(5) Any security given with, or as a bonus on account of, any purchase of securities is conclusively presumed to constitute a part of the subject of that purchase and has been "sold."
(6) "Sale" by an owner, pledgee, or mortgagee, or by a person acting in a representative capacity, includes sale on behalf of such party by an agent, including a licensed dealer or salesperson.
(D) "Person," except as otherwise provided in this chapter, means a natural person, firm, partnership, limited partnership, partnership association, syndicate, joint-stock company, unincorporated association, trust or trustee except where the trust was created or the trustee designated by law or judicial authority or by a will, and a corporation or limited liability company organized under the laws of any state, any foreign government, or any political subdivision of a state or foreign government.
(E)(1) "Dealer," except as otherwise provided in this chapter, means every person, other than a salesperson, who engages or professes to engage, in this state, for either all or part of the person's time, directly or indirectly, either in the business of the sale of securities for the person's own account, or in the business of the purchase or sale of securities for the account of others in the reasonable expectation of receiving a commission, fee, or other remuneration as a result of engaging in the purchase and sale of securities. "Dealer" does not mean any of the following:
(a) Any issuer, including any officer, director, employee, or trustee of, or member or manager of, or partner in, or any general partner of, any issuer, that sells, offers for sale, or does any act in furtherance of the sale of a security that represents an economic interest in that issuer, provided no commission, fee, or other similar remuneration is paid to or received by the issuer for the sale;
(b) Any licensed attorney, public accountant, or firm of such attorneys or accountants, whose activities are incidental to the practice of the attorney's, accountant's, or firm's profession;
(c) Any person that, for the account of others, engages in the purchase or sale of securities that are issued and outstanding before such purchase and sale, if a majority or more of the equity interest of an issuer is sold in that transaction, and if, in the case of a corporation, the securities sold in that transaction represent a majority or more of the voting power of the corporation in the election of directors;
(d) Any person that brings an issuer together with a potential investor and whose compensation is not directly or indirectly based on the sale of any securities by the issuer to the investor;
(e) Any bank;
(f) Any person that the division of securities by rule exempts from the definition of "dealer" under division (E)(1) of this section.
(2) "Licensed dealer" means a dealer licensed under this chapter.
(F)(1) "Salesman" or "salesperson" means every natural person, other than a dealer, who is employed, authorized, or appointed by a dealer to sell securities within this state.
(2) The general partners of a partnership, and the executive officers of a corporation or unincorporated association, licensed as a dealer are not salespersons within the meaning of this definition, nor are such clerical or other employees of an issuer or dealer as are employed for work to which the sale of securities is secondary and incidental; but the division of securities may require a license from any such partner, executive officer, or employee if it determines that protection of the public necessitates the licensing.
(3) "Licensed salesperson" means a salesperson licensed under this chapter.
(G) "Issuer" means every person who has issued, proposes to issue, or issues any security.
(H) "Director" means each director or trustee of a corporation, each trustee of a trust, each general partner of a partnership, except a partnership association, each manager of a partnership association, and any person vested with managerial or directory power over an issuer not having a board of directors or trustees.
(I) "Incorporator" means any incorporator of a corporation and any organizer of, or any person participating, other than in a representative or professional capacity, in the organization of an unincorporated issuer.
(J) "Fraud," "fraudulent," "fraudulent acts," "fraudulent practices," or "fraudulent transactions" means anything recognized on or after July 22, 1929, as such in courts of law or equity; any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud or to obtain money or property by means of any false pretense, representation, or promise; any fictitious or pretended purchase or sale of securities; and any act, practice, transaction, or course of business relating to the purchase or sale of securities that is fraudulent or that has operated or would operate as a fraud upon the seller or purchaser.
(K) Except as otherwise specifically provided, whenever any classification or computation is based upon "par value," as applied to securities without par value, the average of the aggregate consideration received or to be received by the issuer for each class of those securities shall be used as the basis for that classification or computation.
(L)(1) "Intangible property" means patents, copyrights, secret processes, formulas, services, good will, promotion and organization fees and expenses, trademarks, trade brands, trade names, licenses, franchises, any other assets treated as intangible according to generally accepted accounting principles, and securities, accounts receivable, or contract rights having no readily determinable value.
(2) "Tangible property" means all property other than intangible property and includes securities, accounts receivable, and contract rights, when the securities, accounts receivable, or contract rights have a readily determinable value.
(M) "Public utilities" means those utilities defined in sections 4905.02, 4905.03, 4907.02, and 4907.03 of the Revised Code; in the case of a foreign corporation, it means those utilities defined as public utilities by the laws of its domicile; and in the case of any other foreign issuer, it means those utilities defined as public utilities by the laws of the situs of its principal place of business. The term always includes railroads whether or not they are so defined as public utilities.
(N) "State" means any state of the United States, any territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any province of Canada.
(O) "Bank" means any bank, trust company, savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union that is incorporated or organized under the laws of the United States, any state of the United States, Canada, or any province of Canada and that is subject to regulation or supervision by that country, state, or province.
(P) "Include," when used in a definition, does not exclude other things or persons otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.
(Q)(1) "Registration by description" means that the requirements of section 1707.08 of the Revised Code have been complied with.
(2) "Registration by qualification" means that the requirements of sections 1707.09 and 1707.11 of the Revised Code have been complied with.
(3) "Registration by coordination" means that there has been compliance with section 1707.091 of the Revised Code. Reference in this chapter to registration by qualification also shall be deemed to include registration by coordination unless the context otherwise indicates.
(R) "Intoxicating liquor" includes all liquids and compounds that contain more than three and two-tenths per cent of alcohol by weight and are fit for use for beverage purposes.
(S) "Institutional investor" means any corporation, bank, insurance company, pension fund or pension fund trust, employees' profit-sharing fund or employees' profit-sharing trust, any association engaged, as a substantial part of its business or operations, in purchasing or holding securities, or any trust in respect of which a bank is trustee or cotrustee. "Institutional investor" does not include any business entity formed for the primary purpose of evading sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code.
(T) "Securities Act of 1933," 48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. 77a, "Securities Exchange Act of 1934," 48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. 78a, "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, "Investment Advisers Act of 1940," 54 Stat. 847, 15 U.S.C. 80b, and "Investment Company Act of 1940," 54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. 80a mean the federal statutes of those names as amended before or after March 18, 1999.
(U) "Securities and exchange commission" means the securities and exchange commission established by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
(V)(1) "Control bid" means the purchase of or offer to purchase any equity security of a subject company from a resident of this state if either of the following applies:
(a) After the purchase of that security, the offeror would be directly or indirectly the beneficial owner of more than ten per cent of any class of the issued and outstanding equity securities of the issuer.
(b) The offeror is the subject company, there is a pending control bid by a person other than the issuer, and the number of the issued and outstanding shares of the subject company would be reduced by more than ten per cent.
(2) For purposes of division (V)(1) of this section, "control bid" does not include any of the following:
(a) A bid made by a dealer for the dealer's own account in the ordinary course of business of buying and selling securities;
(b) An offer to acquire any equity security solely in exchange for any other security, or the acquisition of any equity security pursuant to an offer, for the sole account of the offeror, in good faith and not for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this chapter, and not involving any public offering of the other security within the meaning of Section 4 of Title I of the "Securities Act of 1933," 48 Stat. 77, 15 U.S.C.A. 77d(2), as amended;
(c) Any other offer to acquire any equity security, or the acquisition of any equity security pursuant to an offer, for the sole account of the offeror, from not more than fifty persons, in good faith and not for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this chapter.
(W) "Offeror" means a person who makes, or in any way participates or aids in making, a control bid and includes persons acting jointly or in concert, or who intend to exercise jointly or in concert any voting rights attached to the securities for which the control bid is made and also includes any subject company making a control bid for its own securities.
(X)(1) "Investment adviser" means any person who, for compensation, engages in the business of advising others, either directly or through publications or writings, as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities, or who, for compensation and as a part of regular business, issues or promulgates analyses or reports concerning securities.
(2) "Investment adviser" does not mean any of the following:
(a) Any attorney, accountant, engineer, or teacher, whose performance of investment advisory services described in division (X)(1) of this section is solely incidental to the practice of the attorney's, accountant's, engineer's, or teacher's profession;
(b) A publisher of any bona fide newspaper, news magazine, or business or financial publication of general and regular circulation;
(c) A person who acts solely as an investment adviser representative;
(d) A bank holding company, as defined in the "Bank Holding Company Act of 1956," 70 Stat. 133, 12 U.S.C. 1841, that is not an investment company;
(e) A bank, or any receiver, conservator, or other liquidating agent of a bank;
(f) Any licensed dealer or licensed salesperson whose performance of investment advisory services described in division (X)(1) of this section is solely incidental to the conduct of the dealer's or salesperson's business as a licensed dealer or licensed salesperson and who receives no special compensation for the services;
(g) Any person, the advice, analyses, or reports of which do not relate to securities other than securities that are direct obligations of, or obligations guaranteed as to principal or interest by, the United States, or securities issued or guaranteed by corporations in which the United States has a direct or indirect interest, and that have been designated by the secretary of the treasury as exempt securities as defined in the "Securities Exchange Act of 1934," 48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. 78c;
(h) Any person that is excluded from the definition of investment adviser pursuant to section 202(a)(11)(A) to (E) of the "Investment Advisers Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. 80b-2(a)(11), or that has received an order from the securities and exchange commission under section 202(a)(11)(F) of the "Investment Advisers Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. 80b-2(a)(11)(F), declaring that the person is not within the intent of section 202(a)(11) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
(i) A person who acts solely as a state retirement system investment officer;
(j) Any other person that the division designates by rule, if the division finds that the designation is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors or clients and consistent with the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of this chapter.
(Y)(1) "Subject company" means an issuer that satisfies both of the following:
(a) Its principal place of business or its principal executive office is located in this state, or it owns or controls assets located within this state that have a fair market value of at least one million dollars.
(b) More than ten per cent of its beneficial or record equity security holders are resident in this state, more than ten per cent of its equity securities are owned beneficially or of record by residents in this state, or more than one thousand of its beneficial or record equity security holders are resident in this state.
(2) The division of securities may adopt rules to establish more specific application of the provisions set forth in division (Y)(1) of this section. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in division (Y)(1) of this section and any rules adopted under this division, the division, by rule or in an adjudicatory proceeding, may make a determination that an issuer does not constitute a "subject company" under division (Y)(1) of this section if appropriate review of control bids involving the issuer is to be made by any regulatory authority of another jurisdiction.
(Z) "Beneficial owner" includes any person who directly or indirectly through any contract, arrangement, understanding, or relationship has or shares, or otherwise has or shares, the power to vote or direct the voting of a security or the power to dispose of, or direct the disposition of, the security. "Beneficial ownership" includes the right, exercisable within sixty days, to acquire any security through the exercise of any option, warrant, or right, the conversion of any convertible security, or otherwise. Any security subject to any such option, warrant, right, or conversion privilege held by any person shall be deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of outstanding securities of the class owned by that person, but shall not be deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of the class owned by any other person. A person shall be deemed the beneficial owner of any security beneficially owned by any relative or spouse or relative of the spouse residing in the home of that person, any trust or estate in which that person owns ten per cent or more of the total beneficial interest or serves as trustee or executor, any corporation or entity in which that person owns ten per cent or more of the equity, and any affiliate or associate of that person.
(AA) "Offeree" means the beneficial or record owner of any security that an offeror acquires or offers to acquire in connection with a control bid.
(BB) "Equity security" means any share or similar security, or any security convertible into any such security, or carrying any warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase any such security, or any such warrant or right, or any other security that, for the protection of security holders, is treated as an equity security pursuant to rules of the division of securities.
(CC)(1) "Investment adviser representative" means a supervised person of an investment adviser, provided that the supervised person has more than five clients who are natural persons other than excepted persons defined in division (EE) of this section, and that more than ten per cent of the supervised person's clients are natural persons other than excepted persons defined in division (EE) of this section. "Investment adviser representative" does not mean any of the following:
(a) A supervised person that does not on a regular basis solicit, meet with, or otherwise communicate with clients of the investment adviser;
(b) A supervised person that provides only investment advisory services described in division (X)(1) of this section by means of written materials or oral statements that do not purport to meet the objectives or needs of specific individuals or accounts;
(c) Any other person that the division designates by rule, if the division finds that the designation is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors or clients and is consistent with the provisions fairly intended by the policy and provisions of this chapter.
(2) For the purpose of the calculation of clients in division (CC)(1) of this section, a natural person and the following persons are deemed a single client: Any minor child of the natural person; any relative, spouse, or relative of the spouse of the natural person who has the same principal residence as the natural person; all accounts of which the natural person or the persons referred to in division (CC)(2) of this section are the only primary beneficiaries; and all trusts of which the natural person or persons referred to in division (CC)(2) of this section are the only primary beneficiaries. Persons who are not residents of the United States need not be included in the calculation of clients under division (CC)(1) of this section.
(3) If subsequent to March 18, 1999, amendments are enacted or adopted defining "investment adviser representative" for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or additional rules or regulations are promulgated by the securities and exchange commission regarding the definition of "investment adviser representative" for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the division of securities shall, by rule, adopt the substance of the amendments, rules, or regulations, unless the division finds that the amendments, rules, or regulations are not necessary for the protection of investors or in the public interest.
(DD) "Supervised person" means a natural person who is any of the following:
(1) A partner, officer, or director of an investment adviser, or other person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions with respect to an investment adviser;
(2) An employee of an investment adviser;
(3) A person who provides investment advisory services described in division (X)(1) of this section on behalf of the investment adviser and is subject to the supervision and control of the investment adviser.
(EE) "Excepted person" means a natural person to whom any of the following applies:
(1) Immediately after entering into the investment advisory contract with the investment adviser, the person has at least seven hundred fifty thousand dollars under the management of the investment adviser.
(2) The investment adviser reasonably believes either of the following at the time the investment advisory contract is entered into with the person:
(a) The person has a net worth, together with assets held jointly with a spouse, of more than one million five hundred thousand dollars.
(b) The person is a qualified purchaser as defined in division (FF) of this section.
(3) Immediately prior to entering into an investment advisory contract with the investment adviser, the person is either of the following:
(a) An executive officer, director, trustee, general partner, or person serving in a similar capacity, of the investment adviser;
(b) An employee of the investment adviser, other than an employee performing solely clerical, secretarial, or administrative functions or duties for the investment adviser, which employee, in connection with the employee's regular functions or duties, participates in the investment activities of the investment adviser, provided that, for at least twelve months, the employee has been performing such nonclerical, nonsecretarial, or nonadministrative functions or duties for or on behalf of the investment adviser or performing substantially similar functions or duties for or on behalf of another company.
If subsequent to March 18, 1999, amendments are enacted or adopted defining "excepted person" for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or additional rules or regulations are promulgated by the securities and exchange commission regarding the definition of "excepted person" for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the division of securities shall, by rule, adopt the substance of the amendments, rules, or regulations, unless the division finds that the amendments, rules, or regulations are not necessary for the protection of investors or in the public interest.
(FF)(1) "Qualified purchaser" means either of the following:
(a) A natural person who owns not less than five million dollars in investments as defined by rule by the division of securities;
(b) A natural person, acting for the person's own account or accounts of other qualified purchasers, who in the aggregate owns and invests on a discretionary basis, not less than twenty-five million dollars in investments as defined by rule by the division of securities.
(2) If subsequent to March 18, 1999, amendments are enacted or adopted defining "qualified purchaser" for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or additional rules or regulations are promulgated by the securities and exchange commission regarding the definition of "qualified purchaser" for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the division of securities shall, by rule, adopt the amendments, rules, or regulations, unless the division finds that the amendments, rules, or regulations are not necessary for the protection of investors or in the public interest.
(GG)(1) "Purchase" has the full meaning of "purchase" as applied by or accepted in courts of law or equity and includes every acquisition of, or attempt to acquire, a security or an interest in a security. "Purchase" also includes a contract to purchase, an exchange, an attempt to purchase, an option to purchase, a solicitation of a purchase, a solicitation of an offer to sell, a subscription, or an offer to purchase, directly or indirectly, by agent, circular, pamphlet, advertisement, or otherwise.
(2) "Purchase" means any act by which a purchase is made.
(3) Any security given with, or as a bonus on account of, any purchase of securities is conclusively presumed to constitute a part of the subject of that purchase.
(HH) "Life settlement interest" means the entire interest or any fractional interest in an insurance policy or certificate of insurance, or in an insurance benefit under such a policy or certificate, that is the subject of a life settlement contract.
For purposes of this division, "life settlement contract" means an agreement for the purchase, sale, assignment, transfer, devise, or bequest of any portion of the death benefit or ownership of any life insurance policy or contract, in return for consideration or any other thing of value that is less than the expected death benefit of the life insurance policy or contract. "Life settlement contract" includes a viatical settlement contract as defined in section 3916.01 of the Revised Code, but does not include any of the following:
(1) A loan by an insurer under the terms of a life insurance policy, including, but not limited to, a loan secured by the cash value of the policy;
(2) An agreement with a bank that takes an assignment of a life insurance policy as collateral for a loan;
(3) The provision of accelerated benefits as defined in section 3915.21 of the Revised Code;
(4) Any agreement between an insurer and a reinsurer;
(5) An agreement by an individual to purchase an existing life insurance policy or contract from the original owner of the policy or contract, if the individual does not enter into more than one life settlement contract per calendar year;
(6) The initial purchase of an insurance policy or certificate of insurance from its owner by a viatical settlement provider, as defined in section 3916.01 of the Revised Code, that is licensed under Chapter 3916. of the Revised Code.
(II) "State retirement system" means the public employees retirement system, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, school employees retirement system, and state highway patrol retirement system.
(JJ) "State retirement system investment officer" means an individual employed by a state retirement system in a position in which the individual has significant responsibility for investment decisions, investment strategies, or advising the board of the state retirement system with regard to the state retirement system's investments. "State retirement system investment officer" does not include the chief administrative officer of a state retirement system.
Sec. 1707.142. No person shall act as a state retirement system investment officer unless the person is licensed as a state retirement system investment officer by the division of securities.
Sec. 1707.152. (A) Application for a state retirement system investment officer's license shall be made in accordance with this section by filing with the division of securities the information, materials, and forms specified in rules adopted by the division.
(B)(1) The division may investigate any applicant for a license and may require any additional information as it considers necessary to determine the applicant's business repute and qualifications to act as an investment officer.
(2) If the application for a state retirement system investment officer's license involves investigation outside of this state, the applicant may be required by the division to advance sufficient funds to pay any of the actual expenses of the investigation. The division shall furnish the applicant with an itemized statement of the expenses the applicant is required to pay.
(C) The division shall by rule require an applicant for a state retirement system investment officer's license to pass an examination designated by the division or achieve a specified professional designation unless the applicant meets both of the following requirements:
(1) Acts as a state retirement system investment officer on the effective date of this section;
(2) Has experience or equivalent education acceptable to the division.
(D) If the division finds that the applicant is of good business repute, appears to be qualified to act as a state retirement system investment officer, and has complied with this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter by the division, the division, on payment of the fees prescribed by division (B) of section 1707.17 of the Revised Code, shall issue to the applicant a license authorizing the applicant to act as a state retirement system investment officer.
Sec. 1707.17.  (A)(1) The license of every dealer in and salesperson of securities shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year, and may be renewed upon the filing with the division of securities of an application for renewal, and the payment of the fee prescribed in this section. The division shall give notice, without unreasonable delay, of its action on any application for renewal of a dealer's or salesperson's license.
(2) The license of every investment adviser and investment adviser representative licensed under section 1707.141 or 1707.161 of the Revised Code shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year. The licenses may be renewed upon the filing with the division of an application for renewal, and the payment of the fee prescribed in division (B) of this section. The division shall give notice, without unreasonable delay, of its action on any application for renewal.
(3) An investment adviser required to make a notice filing under division (B) of section 1707.141 of the Revised Code annually shall file with the division the notice filing and the fee prescribed in division (B) of this section, no later than the thirty-first day of December of each year.
(4) The license of every state retirement system investment officer licensed under section 1707.152 of the Revised Code shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year. The licenses may be renewed on the filing with the division of an application for renewal, and the payment of the fee prescribed in division (B) of this section. The division shall give notice, without unreasonable delay, of its action on any application for renewal.
(B)(1) The fee for each dealer's license, and for each annual renewal thereof, shall be one hundred dollars. The fee for the examination of applicant dealers, when administered by the division, shall be seventy-five dollars.
(2) The fee for each salesperson's license, and for each annual renewal thereof, shall be fifty dollars. The fee for the examination of an applicant salesperson, when administered by the division, shall be fifty dollars.
(3) The fee for each investment adviser's license, and for each annual renewal thereof, shall be fifty dollars.
(4) The fee for each investment adviser notice filing required by division (B) of section 1707.141 of the Revised Code shall be fifty dollars.
(5) The fee for each investment adviser representative's license, and for each annual renewal thereof, shall be thirty-five dollars.
(6) The fee for each state retirement system investment officer's license, and for each annual renewal thereof, shall be fifty dollars.
(C) A dealer's, salesperson's, investment adviser's, or investment adviser representative's, or state retirement system investment officer's license may be issued at any time for the remainder of the calendar year. In that event, the annual fee shall not be reduced.
Sec. 1707.19.  (A) An original license, or a renewal thereof, applied for by a dealer or salesperson of securities, or by an investment adviser or an, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer, may be refused, and any such license granted may be suspended and, after notice and hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may be revoked, by the division of securities, if the division determines that the applicant or the licensed dealer, salesperson, investment adviser, or investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer:
(1) Is not of good business repute;
(2) Is conducting an illegitimate or fraudulent business;
(3) Is, in the case of a dealer or investment adviser, insolvent;
(4) Has knowingly violated any provision of sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, or any regulation or order made thereunder;
(5) Has knowingly made a false statement of a material fact or an omission of a material fact in an application for a license, in a description or application that has been filed, or in any statement made to the division under such sections;
(6) Has refused to comply with any lawful order or requirement of the division under section 1707.23 of the Revised Code;
(7) Has been guilty of any fraudulent act in connection with the sale of any securities or in connection with acting as an investment adviser or, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer;
(8) Conducts business in purchasing or selling securities at such variations from the existing market as in the light of all the circumstances are unconscionable;
(9) Conducts business in violation of such rules and regulations as the division prescribes for the protection of investors, clients, or prospective clients, or state retirement systems;
(10)(a) Has failed to furnish to the division any information with respect to the purchases or sales of securities within this state that may be reasonably requested by the division as pertinent to the protection of investors in this state.
(b) Has failed to furnish to the division any information with respect to acting as an investment adviser or an, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer within this state that may be reasonably requested by the division.
(B) For the protection of investors and state retirement systems the division may prescribe reasonable rules defining fraudulent, evasive, deceptive, or grossly unfair practices or devices in the purchase or sale of securities.
(C) For the protection of investors, clients, or prospective clients, or state retirement systems the division may prescribe reasonable rules regarding the acts and practices of an investment adviser or an, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer.
(D) Pending any investigation or hearing provided for in sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, the division may order the suspension of any dealer's, salesperson's, investment adviser's, or investment adviser representative's, or state retirement system investment officer's license by notifying the party concerned of such suspension and the cause for it. If it is a salesperson whose license is suspended, the division shall also notify the dealer employing the salesperson. If it is an investment adviser representative whose license is suspended, the division also shall notify the investment adviser with whom the investment adviser representative is employed or associated. If it is a state retirement system investment officer whose license is suspended, the division shall also notify the state retirement system with whom the state retirement system investment officer is employed.
(E)(1) The suspension or revocation of the dealer's license suspends the licenses of all the dealer's salespersons.
(2) The suspension or revocation of the investment adviser's license suspends the licenses of all the investment adviser's investment adviser representatives. The suspension or revocation of an investment adviser's registration under section 203 of the "Investment Advisers Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. 80b-3, suspends the licenses of all the investment adviser's investment adviser representatives.
(F) It is sufficient cause for refusal, revocation, or suspension of the license in case of a partnership, partnership association, corporation, or unincorporated association if any general partner of the partnership, manager of the partnership association, or executive officer of the corporation or unincorporated association is not of good business repute or has been guilty of any act or omission which would be cause for refusing or revoking the license of an individual dealer, salesperson, investment adviser, or investment adviser representative.
Sec. 1707.20.  (A) The division of securities may adopt, amend, and rescind such rules, forms, and orders as are necessary to carry out sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, including rules and forms governing registration statements, applications, and reports, and defining any terms, whether or not used in sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, insofar as the definitions are not inconsistent with these sections. For the purpose of rules and forms, the division may classify securities, persons, and matters within its jurisdiction, and prescribe different requirements for different classes.
(B) No rule, form, or order may be made, amended, or rescinded unless the division finds that the action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors, clients, or prospective clients, or state retirement systems and consistent with the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code. In prescribing rules and forms and in otherwise administering sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, the division may cooperate with the securities administrators of the other states and the securities and exchange commission with a view of effectuating the policy of this section to achieve maximum uniformity in the form and content of registration statements, applications, reports, and overall securities regulation wherever practicable.
(C) The division may by rule or order prescribe:
(1) The form and content of financial statements required under sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code;
(2) The circumstances under which consolidated financial statements shall be filed;
(3) Whether any required financial statements shall be certified by independent or certified public accountants. All financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.
(D) All rules and forms of the division shall be published; and in addition to fulfilling the requirements of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the division shall prescribe, and shall publish and make available its rules regarding the sale of securities, the administration of sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, and the procedure and practice before the division.
(E) No provision of sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code imposing any liability applies to any act done or omitted in good faith in conformity with any rule, form, or order of the division of securities, notwithstanding that the rule, form, or order may later be amended or rescinded or be determined by judicial or other authority to be invalid for any reason, except that the issuance of an order granting effectiveness to a registration under section 1707.09 or 1707.091 of the Revised Code for the purposes of this division shall not be deemed an order other than as the establishment of the fact of registration.
Sec. 1707.22.  Whenever a dealer's, salesperson's, investment adviser's, or investment adviser representative's, or state retirement system investment officer's license has been refused, suspended, or revoked, or a renewal thereof has been denied, by the division of securities, or whenever the division has refused to qualify securities or has suspended or revoked the registration of any particular security by description or by qualification, or the right to buy, sell, or deal in any particular security whether it is registered or qualified or exempt, or whether the transactions in it are registered or exempt, the aggrieved party may appeal in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
An order sustaining the refusal of the division to grant or renew a dealer's, salesperson's, investment adviser's, or investment adviser representative's, or state retirement system investment officer's license or to grant qualification of securities, or an order sustaining the division in suspending or revoking a dealer's, salesperson's, investment adviser's, or investment adviser representative's, or state retirement system investment officer's license, the registration of any particular security by description or by qualification, or the right to buy, sell, or deal in any particular security, shall not bar, after ten days from the order, a new registration by description, or a new application of the plaintiff for such a license or qualification or for a withdrawal of a revocation or suspension; nor shall an order in favor of the plaintiff prevent the division, after proper notice and hearing, from thereafter revoking or suspending such license, registration, or right to buy, sell, or deal in a particular security, for any proper cause which may, after the order, accrue or be discovered.
Sec. 1707.23.  Whenever it appears to the division of securities, from its files, upon complaint, or otherwise, that any person has engaged in, is engaged in, or is about to engage in any practice declared to be illegal or prohibited by this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter by the division, or defined as fraudulent in this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter by the division, or any other deceptive scheme or practice in connection with the sale of securities, or acting as an investment adviser or, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer, or when the division believes it to be in the best interests of the public and necessary for the protection of investors, the division may do any of the following:
(A) Require any person to file with it, on such forms as it prescribes, an original or additional statement or report in writing, under oath or otherwise, as to any facts or circumstances concerning the issuance, sale, or offer for sale of securities within this state by the person, as to the person's acts or practices as an investment adviser or, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer within this state, and as to other information as it deems material or relevant thereto;
(B) Examine any investment adviser, investment adviser representative, state retirement system investment officer, or any seller, dealer, salesperson, or issuer of any securities, and any of their agents, employees, partners, officers, directors, members, or shareholders, wherever located, under oath; and examine records, books, documents, accounts, and papers as the division deems material or relevant to the inquiry;
(C) Require the attendance of witnesses, and the production of books, records, and papers, as are required either by the division or by any party to a hearing before the division, and for that purpose issue a subpoena for any witness, or a subpoena duces tecum to compel the production of any books, records, or papers. The subpoena shall be served by personal service or by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the subpoena is returned because of inability to deliver, or if no return is received within thirty days of the date of mailing, the subpoena may be served by ordinary mail. If no return of ordinary mail is received within thirty days after the date of mailing, service shall be deemed to have been made. If the subpoena is returned because of inability to deliver, the division may designate a person or persons to effect either personal or residence service upon the witness. The person designated to effect personal or residence service under this division may be the sheriff of the county in which the witness resides or may be found or any other duly designated person. The fees and mileage of the person serving the subpoena shall be the same as those allowed by the courts of common pleas in criminal cases, and shall be paid from the funds of the division. Fees and mileage for the witness shall be the same as those allowed for witnesses by the courts of common pleas in criminal cases, and shall be paid from the funds of the division upon request of the witness following the hearing.
(D) Proceed under section 1707.19 of the Revised Code to refuse a license applied for by a dealer, salesperson, investment adviser, or investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer or to suspend the license of any licensed dealer, licensed salesperson, licensed investment adviser, or licensed investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer and ultimately, if the division determines, revoke such license under that section;
(E) Initiate criminal proceedings under section 1707.042 or 1707.44 of the Revised Code or rules adopted under those sections by the division by laying before the prosecuting attorney of the proper county any evidence of criminality which comes to its knowledge; and in the event of the neglect or refusal of the prosecuting attorney to prosecute such violations, or at the request of the prosecuting attorney, the division shall submit the evidence to the attorney general, who may proceed in the prosecution with all the rights, privileges, and powers conferred by law on prosecuting attorneys, including the power to appear before grand juries and to interrogate witnesses before such grand juries.
(F) Require any dealers immediately to furnish to the division copies of prospectuses, circulars, or advertisements respecting securities that they publish or generally distribute, or require any investment advisers immediately to furnish to the division copies of brochures, advertisements, publications, analyses, reports, or other writings that they publish or distribute;
(G) Require any dealers to mail to the division, prior to sale, notices of intention to sell, in respect to all securities which are not exempt under section 1707.02 of the Revised Code, or which are sold in transactions not exempt under section 1707.03 or 1707.04 of the Revised Code;
(H) Issue and cause to be served by certified mail upon all persons affected an order requiring the person or persons to cease and desist from the acts or practices appearing to the division to constitute violations of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter by the division. The order shall state specifically the section or sections of this chapter or the rule or rules adopted under this chapter by the division that appear to the division to have been violated and the facts constituting the violation. If after the issuance of the order it appears to the division that any person or persons affected by the order have engaged in any act or practice from which the person or persons shall have been required, by the order, to cease and desist, the director of commerce may apply to the court of common pleas of any county for, and upon proof of the validity of the order of the division, the delivery of the order to the person or persons affected, and of the illegality and the continuation of the acts or practices that are the subject of the order, the court may grant an injunction implementing the order of the division.
(I) Issue and initiate contempt proceedings in this state regarding subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum at the request of the securities administrator of another state, if it appears to the division that the activities for which the information is sought would violate this chapter if the activities had occurred in this state.
Sec. 1707.25.  In case any person fails to file any statement or report required by sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code, to obey any subpoena the issuance of which is provided for in those sections, or to produce books, records, or papers, give testimony, or answer questions, as required by those sections, the director of commerce may apply to a court of common pleas of any county for, and upon proof of such failure the court may grant, an injunction restraining the acting as an investment adviser or, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer, or the issuance, sale, or offer for sale of any securities by the person or by its agents, employees, partners, officers, directors, or shareholders, until such failure has been remedied and other relief as the facts may warrant has been had. Such injunctive relief is available in addition to the other remedies provided for in sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code.
Where the person refusing to comply with such order of court is an issuer of securities, the court may enjoin the sale by any dealer of any securities of the issuer, and the division of securities may revoke the qualification of the securities of the issuer, or suspend or revoke the sale of any securities of the issuer which have been registered by description, and such securities shall not thereafter be sold by any dealer until the order of the court or of the division is withdrawn.
Sec. 1707.431.  For purposes of this section, the following persons shall not be deemed to have effected, participated in, or aided the seller in any way in making, a sale or contract of sale in violation of sections 1707.01 to 1707.45 of the Revised Code:
(A) Any attorney, accountant, or engineer whose performance is incidental to the practice of the person's profession;
(B) Any person, other than an investment adviser or an, investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer, who brings any issuer together with any potential investor, without receiving, directly or indirectly, a commission, fee, or other remuneration based on the sale of any securities by the issuer to the investor. Remuneration received by the person solely for the purpose of offsetting the reasonable out-of-pocket costs incurred by the person shall not be deemed a commission, fee, or other remuneration.
Any person claiming exemption under this division for a publicly advertised meeting shall file a notice with the division of securities indicating an intent to cause or hold such a meeting at least twenty-one days prior to the meeting. The division may, upon receipt of such notice, issue an order denying the availability of an exemption under this division not more than fourteen days after receipt of the notice based on a finding that the applicant is not entitled to the exemption. Notwithstanding the notice described in this section, a failure to file the notice does not create a presumption that a person was participating in or aiding in the making of a sale or contract of sale in violation of this chapter.
(C) Any person whom the division exempts from this provision by rule.
Sec. 1707.44.  (A)(1) No person shall engage in any act or practice that violates division (A), (B), or (C) of section 1707.14 of the Revised Code, and no salesperson shall sell securities in this state without being licensed pursuant to section 1707.16 of the Revised Code.
(2) No person shall engage in any act or practice that violates division (A) of section 1707.141 or section 1707.161 of the Revised Code.
(3) No person shall engage in any act or practice that violates section 1707.142 of the Revised Code.
(B) No person shall knowingly make or cause to be made any false representation concerning a material and relevant fact, in any oral statement or in any prospectus, circular, description, application, or written statement, for any of the following purposes:
(1) Registering securities or transactions, or exempting securities or transactions from registration, under this chapter;
(2) Securing the qualification of any securities under this chapter;
(3) Procuring the licensing of any dealer, salesperson, investment adviser, or investment adviser representative, or state retirement system investment officer under this chapter;
(4) Selling any securities in this state;
(5) Advising for compensation, as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities;
(6) Submitting a notice filing to the division under section 1707.092 or 1707.141 of the Revised Code.
(C) No person shall knowingly sell, cause to be sold, offer for sale, or cause to be offered for sale, any security which comes under any of the following descriptions:
(1) Is not exempt under section 1707.02 of the Revised Code, nor the subject matter of one of the transactions exempted in section 1707.03, 1707.04, or 1707.34 of the Revised Code, has not been registered by coordination or qualification, and is not the subject matter of a transaction that has been registered by description;
(2) The prescribed fees for registering by description, by coordination, or by qualification have not been paid in respect to such security;
(3) Such person has been notified by the division, or has knowledge of the notice, that the right to buy, sell, or deal in such security has been suspended or revoked, or that the registration by description, by coordination, or by qualification under which it may be sold has been suspended or revoked;
(4) The offer or sale is accompanied by a statement that the security offered or sold has been or is to be in any manner indorsed by the division.
(D) No person who is an officer, director, or trustee of, or a dealer for, any issuer, and who knows such issuer to be insolvent in that the liabilities of the issuer exceed its assets, shall sell any securities of or for any such issuer, without disclosing the fact of the insolvency to the purchaser.
(E) No person with intent to aid in the sale of any securities on behalf of the issuer, shall knowingly make any representation not authorized by such issuer or at material variance with statements and documents filed with the division by such issuer.
(F) No person, with intent to deceive, shall sell, cause to be sold, offer for sale, or cause to be offered for sale, any securities of an insolvent issuer, with knowledge that such issuer is insolvent in that the liabilities of the issuer exceed its assets, taken at their fair market value.
(G) No person in purchasing or selling securities shall knowingly engage in any act or practice that is, in this chapter, declared illegal, defined as fraudulent, or prohibited.
(H) No licensed dealer shall refuse to buy from, sell to, or trade with any person because the person appears on a blacklist issued by, or is being boycotted by, any foreign corporate or governmental entity, nor sell any securities of or for any issuer who is known in relation to the issuance or sale of such securities to have engaged in such practices.
(I) No dealer in securities, knowing that the dealer's liabilities exceed the reasonable value of the dealer's assets, shall accept money or securities, except in payment of or as security for an existing debt, from a customer who is ignorant of the dealer's insolvency, and thereby cause the customer to lose any part of the customer's securities or the value of those securities, by doing either of the following without the customer's consent:
(1) Pledging, selling, or otherwise disposing of such securities, when the dealer has no lien on or any special property in such securities;
(2) Pledging such securities for more than the amount due, or otherwise disposing of such securities for the dealer's own benefit, when the dealer has a lien or indebtedness on such securities.
It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this division that, at the time the securities involved were pledged, sold, or disposed of, the dealer had in the dealer's possession or control, and available for delivery, securities of the same kinds and in amounts sufficient to satisfy all customers entitled to the securities, upon demand and tender of any amount due on the securities.
(J) No person, with purpose to deceive, shall make, issue, publish, or cause to be made, issued, or published any statement or advertisement as to the value of securities, or as to alleged facts affecting the value of securities, or as to the financial condition of any issuer of securities, when the person knows that such statement or advertisement is false in any material respect.
(K) No person, with purpose to deceive, shall make, record, or publish or cause to be made, recorded, or published, a report of any transaction in securities which is false in any material respect.
(L) No dealer shall engage in any act that violates the provisions of section 15(c) or 15(g) of the "Securities Exchange Act of 1934," 48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C.A. 78o(c) or (g), or any rule or regulation promulgated by the securities and exchange commission thereunder. If, subsequent to October 11, 1994, additional amendments to section 15(c) or 15(g) are adopted, or additional rules or regulations are promulgated pursuant to such sections, the division of securities shall, by rule, adopt the amendments, rules, or regulations, unless the division finds that the amendments, rules, or regulations are not necessary for the protection of investors or in the public interest.
(M)(1) No investment adviser or investment adviser representative shall do any of the following:
(a) Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud any person;
(b) Engage in any act, practice, or course of business that operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person;
(c) In acting as principal for the investment adviser's or investment adviser representative's own account, knowingly sell any security to or purchase any security from a client, or in acting as salesperson for a person other than such client, knowingly effect any sale or purchase of any security for the account of such client, without disclosing to the client in writing before the completion of the transaction the capacity in which the investment adviser or investment adviser representative is acting and obtaining the consent of the client to the transaction. Division (M)(1)(c) of this section does not apply to any investment adviser registered with the securities and exchange commission under section 203 of the "Investment Advisers Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. 80b-3, or to any transaction with a customer of a licensed dealer or salesperson if the licensed dealer or salesperson is not acting as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative in relation to the transaction.
(d) Engage in any act, practice, or course of business that is fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative. The division of securities may adopt rules reasonably designed to prevent such acts, practices, or courses of business as are fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative.
(2) No investment adviser or investment adviser representative licensed or required to be licensed under this chapter shall take or have custody of any securities or funds of any person, except as provided in rules adopted by the division.
(3) In the solicitation of clients or prospective clients, no person shall make any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made not misleading in light of the circumstances under which the statements were made.
(N) No state retirement system investment officer shall do any of the following:
(1) Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud any person;
(2) Engage in any act, practice, or course of business that operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit on any person;
(3) Engage in any act, practice, or course of business that is fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative.
The division of securities may adopt rules reasonably designed to prevent such acts, practices, or courses of business as are fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative.
(4) Take or have custody of any securities or funds of any person, except as provided in rules adopted by the division.
Sec. 1707.46.  The principal executive officer of the division of securities shall be the commissioner of securities, who shall be appointed by the director of commerce. The commissioner of securities shall enforce all the laws and administrative rules enacted or adopted to regulate the sale of bonds, stocks, and other securities and to prevent fraud in such sales. The commissioner also shall enforce all the laws and administrative rules enacted or adopted to regulate investment advisers and, investment adviser representatives, and state retirement system investment officers and to prevent fraud in their acts, practices, and transactions.
The commissioner shall be paid at a rate not less than pay range 47 set out in schedule E-2 of section 124.152 of the Revised Code, to be paid as other operating expenses of the division.
Sec. 3307.03.  A state teachers retirement system is hereby established for the teachers of the public schools of the state which includes the several funds created and placed under the management of a state teachers retirement board for the payment of retirement allowances and other benefits under Chapter 3307. of the Revised Code. The board may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and do all things necessary to carry out such sections. All of its business shall be transacted, and all of its funds invested, all warrants for money drawn and payments made, and all of its cash, securities, and other property shall be held in the name of the board or in the name of its nominee, provided that nominees are authorized by retirement board resolution for the purpose of facilitating the ownership and transfer of investments and are restricted to members of the board, the executive director, and designated members of the staff, or a partnership or corporation composed of any of the foregoing persons.
If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.
Sec. 3307.041. The state teachers retirement board shall do all of the following:
(A) In consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, review any existing policy regarding the travel and payment of travel expenses of members and employees of the state teachers retirement board and adopt rules in accordance with section 3307.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding travel and payment of travel expenses;
(B) Review any existing policy regarding compensation and bonuses paid to employees of the board and adopt rules in accordance with section 3307.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding employee compensation and bonuses;
(C) Provide copies of the rules adopted under this section to each member of the Ohio retirement study council.
Sec. 3307.042. The state teachers retirement board periodically shall provide ethics training to members and employees of the board. The training shall include training regarding the requirements and prohibitions of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code and any other training the board considers appropriate.
The board shall establish a procedure to ensure that each employee of the board is informed of the procedure for filing a complaint alleging violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code with the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting attorney.
Sec. 3307.05.  The state teachers retirement board shall consist of the following nine members:
(A) The superintendent of public instruction director of budget and management;
(B) The auditor of state;
(C) The attorney general;
(D) Five members, known as teacher members, who shall be members of the state teachers retirement system;
(E) A (D) Two former member members of the system, known as the retired teacher member members, who shall be a superannuate and superannuates who is are not otherwise employed in a position positions requiring the retired teacher member them to make contributions to the system.
Sec. 3307.051. Each newly elected member of the state teachers retirement board and each individual appointed to fill a vacancy on the board, prior to commencing service as a board member, shall complete the orientation program component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Each member of the board who has served a year or longer as a board member shall, not less than twice each year, attend one or more programs that are part of the continuing education component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3307.06.  (A) Annually on the first Monday of May, one teacher member, as defined in division (D) of section 3307.05 of the Revised Code, shall be elected by ballot to the state teachers retirement board, except that, beginning with the annual election for teacher members in May, 1978, and in the annual election of each fourth year thereafter, two teacher members shall be elected to the board. Elected teacher members shall begin their respective terms of office on the first day of September following their election and shall serve for a term of four years.
(B) The retired teacher member members of the board, as defined in division (E) of section 3307.05 of the Revised Code, shall be elected for a term of four years, except that the initial retired teacher member shall be elected for a term of three years. The retired teacher member members shall be elected to the board at the annual election for teacher members of the board, as provided in division (A) of this section, in the year in which the term of the current retired teacher member members would expire. The retired teacher member members shall begin his term their respective terms of office on the first day of September following his their election.
No teacher member of the board who retires while a member of the board shall be eligible to become a retired teacher member of the board for three years after the date of the member's retirement.
(C) If a vacancy occurs during the term of office of any elected member of the board, the remaining members of the board shall elect a successor member who. On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code the successor member shall hold office for the remainder of his the predecessor's term. The successor member shall qualify for board membership under the same division of section 3307.05 of the Revised Code as his the member's predecessor in office. Elections under this division shall be conducted under the supervision of the secretary of state pursuant to section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
(D)(E) If as a result of changed circumstances an elected member of the board would no longer qualify for board membership under that division of section 3307.05 of the Revised Code on the basis of which he the member was elected, or if such a member fails to attend the meetings of the board for four months or longer, without being excused, his the member's position on the board shall be considered vacant, and a successor member shall be chosen elected, under division (C)(D) of this section, for the remainder of his the unexpired term.
Sec. 3307.061. A member of the state teachers retirement board who is charged with committing a felony, a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, or a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.02, 2921.11, 2921.13, 2921.31, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, or 2921.44 of the Revised Code shall be suspended from participation on the board for the period during which the charges are pending. If the charges are dismissed, the member is found not guilty, or the charges are otherwise resolved in a manner not resulting in the member being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offense of that nature, the suspension shall end, and the member may participate on the board. If the member pleads guilty to or is convicted of the offense, the position of the member on the board shall be deemed vacant. A person who has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense of that nature is ineligible for election to the state teachers retirement board.
The Ohio retirement study council may hold a hearing to determine whether to remove a member of the state teachers retirement board who has been suspended pursuant to this section. If it decides to hold a hearing, the council shall provide the suspended board member at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The suspended board member may be represented by an attorney. At the hearing the suspended board member, or the suspended board member's attorney, shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses. The hearing shall be open to the public. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the voting members of the council unanimously vote to remove the suspended board member, the suspended board member shall be removed from the board, and the position of the member shall be deemed vacant.
Sec. 3307.07.  All The state teachers retirement board shall administer all elections of members of the state teachers retirement board shall be held under the direction of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. Any member of the state teachers retirement system, who has been nominated by a petition that is signed by five hundred or more members of the system and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, shall be eligible for election as a teacher member of the board. The petition shall contain the signatures of twenty or more members of the system from each of at least ten counties wherein members of the system are employed.
Any retired teacher who is a superannuate and a resident of Ohio is eligible for election as the a retired teacher member of the board, if such retired teacher has been nominated by a petition that is signed by five hundred or more retired teachers, who are also superannuates, and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The petition shall contain the signatures of twenty or more retired teachers from each of at least ten counties wherein superannuates under the system reside.
The board shall place the name of any eligible candidate upon the appropriate ballot as a regular candidate. At any election, qualified voters, as defined in this section, may vote for the regular candidates or for other eligible candidates, in which case the names of such persons shall be written upon the appropriate ballots, except that members of the system and former members of the system who are superannuates shall vote respectively for teacher members and the retired teacher member members of the board. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes for any term of office shall be elected to the board on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. If, at any election, teacher members or retired teacher members are to be elected for concurrent terms, eligible candidates shall be placed on the ballot, and the candidates who receive the highest numbers of votes shall be elected to the board on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
Elected members of the board shall be elected on the basis of the total number of ballots cast by qualified voters, who shall consist of members of the system and former members of the system who are superannuates.
Sec. 3307.072. (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Campaign committee" means a candidate or a combination of two or more persons authorized by a candidate to receive contributions and in-kind contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the candidate.
(2) "Candidate" means an individual who has been nominated pursuant to section 3307.07 of the Revised Code for election to the state teachers retirement board.
(3) "Contribution" means a loan, gift, deposit, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, payment, transfer of funds or transfer of anything of value including a transfer of funds from an inter vivos or testamentary trust or decedent's estate, and the payment by any person other than the person to whom the services are rendered for the personal services of another person, which contribution is made, received, or used for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the state teachers retirement board under section 3307.07 of the Revised Code. "Contribution" does not include:
(a) Services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a person;
(b) Ordinary home hospitality;
(c) The personal expenses of a volunteer paid for by that volunteer campaign worker.
(4) "Election day" means the following, as appropriate to the situation:
(a) The first Monday in May of a year for which section 3307.06 of the Revised Code specifies that an election for a member of the state teachers retirement board be held;
(b) If, pursuant to section 3307.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held, the first Monday in May of a year that the election would have been held if not for section 3307.071 of the Revised Code.
(5) "Expenditure" means the disbursement or use of a contribution for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the state teachers retirement board under section 3307.07 of the Revised Code.
(6) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money that is used to influence the results of an election to the state teachers retirement board under section 3307.07 of the Revised Code or is transferred to or used in support of or in opposition to a candidate and that is made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate. The financing of the dissemination, distribution, or republication, in whole or part, of any broadcast or of any written, graphic, or other form of campaign materials prepared by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or their authorized agents is an in-kind contribution to the candidate and an expenditure by the candidate.
(7) "Personal expenses" includes ordinary expenses for accommodations, clothing, food, personal motor vehicle or airplane, and home telephone.
(B) Each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives a contribution or in-kind contribution or makes an expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the state teachers retirement board shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether, pursuant to section 3307.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.
Sec. 3307.073. No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate statement in accordance with section 3307.072 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3307.074. The secretary of state, or any person acting on personal knowledge and subject to the penalties of perjury, may file a complaint with the Ohio elections commission alleging a violation of section 3307.073 of the Revised Code. The complaint shall be made on a form prescribed and provided by the commission.
On receipt of a complaint under this section, the commission shall hold a hearing open to the public to determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. The commission may administer oaths and issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and reports. On the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
The commission shall provide the person accused of the violation at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The accused may be represented by an attorney and shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses.
At the hearing, the commission shall determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. If the commission determines that the violation has occurred, the commission shall either impose a fine under section 3307.99 of the Revised Code or enter a finding that good cause has been shown not to impose the fine.
Sec. 3307.11.  The state teachers retirement board shall elect from its membership, a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. The board shall employ an executive director who shall serve as secretary, and shall employ other persons necessary to operate the system and to fulfill the board's duties and responsibilities under Chapter 3307. of the Revised Code. The
Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.
The compensation of all employees and all other expenses of the board necessary for the proper operation of the system shall be paid in such amounts as the board approves.
Every expense voucher of an employee, officer, or board member of the state teachers retirement system shall itemize all purchases and expenditures.
The board shall receive all applications for retirement under the plans described in section 3307.031 of the Revised Code, shall provide for the payment of all retirement allowances and other benefits payable under this chapter, and shall make other expenditures authorized by this chapter.
Sec. 3307.152. The attorney general may maintain a civil action under section 109.98 of the Revised Code against a member of the state teachers retirement board for harm resulting from a breach of the member's fiduciary duty.
Sec. 3307.20.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Personal history record" means information maintained by the state teachers retirement board on an individual who is a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, retirant, or beneficiary that includes the address, telephone number, social security number, record of contributions, correspondence with the state teachers retirement system, or other information the board determines to be confidential.
(2) "Retirant" has the same meaning as in section 3307.50 of the Revised Code.
(B) The records of the board shall be open to public inspection, except for the following, which shall be excluded, except with the written authorization of the individual concerned:
(1) The individual's personal records provided for in section 3307.23 of the Revised Code;
(2) The individual's personal history record;
(3) Any information identifying, by name and address, the amount of a monthly allowance or benefit paid to the individual.
(C) All medical reports and recommendations under sections 3307.62, 3307.64, and 3307.66 of the Revised Code are privileged, except that copies of such medical reports or recommendations shall be made available to the personal physician, attorney, or authorized agent of the individual concerned upon written release received from the individual or the individual's agent, or, when necessary for the proper administration of the fund, to the board assigned physician.
(D) Any person who is a member or contributor of the system shall be furnished, on written request, with a statement of the amount to the credit of the person's account. The board need not answer more than one request of a person in any one year.
(E) Notwithstanding the exceptions to public inspection in division (B) of this section, the board may furnish the following information:
(1) If a member, former member, retirant, contributor, or former contributor is subject to an order issued under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, on written request of a prosecutor as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to the prosecutor the information requested from the individual's personal history record.
(2) Pursuant to a court or administrative order issued under section 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.02, 3121.03, or 3123.06 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to a court or child support enforcement agency the information required under that section.
(3) At the written request of any person, the board shall provide to the person a list of the names and addresses of members, former members, retirants, contributors, former contributors, or beneficiaries. The costs of compiling, copying, and mailing the list shall be paid by such person.
(4) Within fourteen days after receiving from the director of job and family services a list of the names and social security numbers of recipients of public assistance pursuant to section 5101.181 of the Revised Code, the board shall inform the auditor of state of the name, current or most recent employer address, and social security number of each member whose name and social security number are the same as that of a person whose name or social security number was submitted by the director. The board and its employees shall, except for purposes of furnishing the auditor of state with information required by this section, preserve the confidentiality of recipients of public assistance in compliance with division (A) of section 5101.181 of the Revised Code.
(5) The system shall comply with orders issued under section 3105.87 of the Revised Code.
On the written request of an alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, the system shall furnish to the alternate payee information on the amount and status of any amounts payable to the alternate payee under an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code.
(6) At the written request of any person, the board shall make available to the person copies of all documents, including resumes, in the board's possession regarding filling a vacancy of a teacher member or retired teacher member of the board. The person who made the request shall pay the cost of compiling, copying, and mailing the documents.
(F) A statement that contains information obtained from the system's records that is signed by an officer of the retirement system and to which the system's official seal is affixed, or copies of the system's records to which the signature and seal are attached, shall be received as true copies of the system's records in any court or before any officer of this state.
Sec. 3307.99. Whoever violates section 3307.073 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each day of the violation.
Fines imposed by the Ohio elections commission under this section shall be paid into the Ohio elections commission fund created under section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3309.03.  A school employees retirement system is hereby established for the employees as defined in section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, which shall include the several funds created and placed under the management of the school employees retirement board for the payment of retirement allowances and other benefits provided in Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code. The board may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and do all things necessary to carry out Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code. All of its business shall be transacted, all of its funds invested, all warrants for money drawn and payments made, and all of its cash, securities, and other property shall be held in the name of the board, or in the name of its nominee, provided that nominees are authorized by retirement board resolution for such purposes. The board may take all appropriate action to avoid payment by the system or its members of federal or state income taxes on contributions to the system or amounts earned on those contributions.
If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.
Sec. 3309.041. The school employees retirement board shall do all of the following:
(A) In consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, review any existing policy regarding the travel and payment of travel expenses of members and employees of the school employees retirement board and adopt rules in accordance with section 3309.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding travel and payment of travel expenses;
(B) Review any existing policy regarding compensation and bonuses paid to employees of the board and adopt rules in accordance with section 3309.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding employee compensation and bonuses;
(C) Provide copies of the rules adopted under this section to each member of the Ohio retirement study council.
Sec. 3309.042. The school employees retirement board periodically shall provide ethics training to members and employees of the board. The training shall include training regarding the requirements and prohibitions of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code and any other training the board considers appropriate.
The board shall establish a procedure to ensure that each employee of the board is informed of the procedure for filing a complaint alleging violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code with the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting attorney.
Sec. 3309.05.  The school employees retirement board shall consist of the following seven members:
(A) The auditor of state;
(B) The attorney general director of budget and management;
(C) Four members, known as employee members, who shall be members of the school employees retirement system, and who shall be elected by ballot by the members of the system;
(D) One member, known as the retirant member, who shall be a former member of the retirement system who is a resident of this state and currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code. The retirant member shall be elected by ballot by former members of the system who are currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3309.051. Each newly elected member of the school employees retirement board and each individual appointed to fill a vacancy on the board, prior to commencing service as a board member, shall complete the orientation program component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Each member of the board who has served a year or longer as a board member shall, not less than twice each year, attend one or more programs that are part of the continuing education component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3309.06. (A) Elections for employee and retirant members of the school employees retirement board shall be held on the first Monday of March. Terms of office of the employee members and the retirant member of the board shall be for four years each, commencing on the first day of July following the election and ending on the thirtieth day of June. The initial terms of the retirant member and the new employee member shall commence on July 1, 1984, and end on June 30, 1988. Vancancies occurring in
(B) If a vacancy occurs during the terms term of an employee members member or the retirant member of the board shall be filled by, the remaining members of the board for the unexpired terms shall elect a successor employee member or successor retirant member. Employee On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the successor employee member or successor retirant member shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor employee member's or predecessor retirant member's term. Elections under this division shall be conducted under the supervision of the secretary of state pursuant to section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
(C) Employee members or the retirant member of the board who fail to attend the meetings of the board for four months or longer, without being excused, shall be considered as having resigned and successors shall be elected for their unexpired terms pursuant to division (B) of this section. If as a result of changed circumstances the retirant member would no longer qualify for membership on the board as the retirant member, the office shall be considered vacant, and a successor retirant member shall be elected pursuant to division (B) of this section.
Sec. 3309.061. A member of the school employees retirement board who is charged with committing a felony, a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, or a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.02, 2921.11, 2921.13, 2921.31, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, or 2921.44 of the Revised Code shall be suspended from participation on the board for the period during which the charges are pending. If the charges are dismissed, the member is found not guilty, or the charges are otherwise resolved in a manner not resulting in the member being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offense of that nature, the suspension shall end, and the member may participate on the board. If the member pleads guilty to or is convicted of the offense, the position of the member on the board shall be deemed vacant. A person who has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense of that nature is ineligible for election to the school employees retirement board.
The Ohio retirement study council may hold a hearing to determine whether to remove a member of the school employees retirement board who has been suspended pursuant to this section. If it decides to hold a hearing, the council shall provide the suspended board member at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The suspended board member may be represented by an attorney. At the hearing the suspended board member, or the suspended board member's attorney, shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses. The hearing shall be open to the public. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the voting members of the council unanimously vote to remove the suspended board member, the suspended board member shall be removed from the board, and the position of the member shall be deemed vacant.
Sec. 3309.07.  (A) All The school employees retirement board shall administer all elections for employee or retirant members of the school employees retirement board shall be held under the direction of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
(B) Any member of the school employees retirement system, other than a disability benefit recipient, shall be eligible for election as an employee member of the board who has been nominated by a petition that is signed by at least five hundred members, provided that there shall be and certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The petition shall contain the signatures of not less than twenty signers members each from at least ten counties wherein such members are employed. The petition shall specify the term of office and position. The name of any member so nominated shall be placed upon the ballot by the board as a regular candidate. Other names of eligible candidates may at any election be substituted for the regular candidates by writing such names upon the ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for any term as member of the board shall be elected for such term on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. In any year in which two employee member positions must be filled, the candidates who receive the highest and second highest number of votes shall be elected to the offices on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
(C) Any former member of the school employees retirement system described in division (D) of section 3309.05 of the Revised Code is eligible for election as the retirant member of the board to represent former members currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, provided that such person has been nominated by a petition that is certified under section 111.30 of the Revised Code and signed by at least one hundred fifty former members of the system who are currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code. The petition shall contain the signatures of at least ten such recipients from each of at least five counties wherein recipients of benefits from this system reside. The petition shall specify the term of office and position. The name of any person so nominated shall be placed upon the ballot by the board as a regular candidate. Other names of eligible candidates may at any election be substituted for the regular candidates by writing such names upon the ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for any term as member of the board shall be elected for such term on certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.
No employee member of the board who retires while a member of the board shall be eligible to become a retirant member of the board for three years after the date of the member's retirement.
Sec. 3309.061 3309.071 Notwithstanding sections 3309.05, 3309.06, and 3309.07 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement board is not required to hold an election for a position on the board as an employee member or retirant member if only one candidate has been nominated for the position by petition in accordance with section 3309.07 of the Revised Code. The candidate shall take office as if elected. The term of office shall be four years beginning on the first day of July following the date the candidate was nominated.
Sec. 3309.072. (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Campaign committee" means a candidate or a combination of two or more persons authorized by a candidate to receive contributions and in-kind contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the candidate.
(2) "Candidate" means an individual who has been nominated pursuant to section 3309.07 of the Revised Code for election to the school employees retirement board.
(3) "Contribution" means a loan, gift, deposit, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, payment, transfer of funds or transfer of anything of value including a transfer of funds from an inter vivos or testamentary trust or decedent's estate, and the payment by any person other than the person to whom the services are rendered for the personal services of another person, which contribution is made, received, or used for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code. "Contribution" does not include:
(a) Services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a person;
(b) Ordinary home hospitality;
(c) The personal expenses of a volunteer paid for by that volunteer campaign worker.
(4) "Election day" means the following, as appropriate to the situation:
(a) The first Monday in March of a year for which section 3309.06 of the Revised Code specifies that an election for a member of the school employees retirement board be held;
(b) If, pursuant to section 3309.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held, the first Monday in March of a year that the election would have been held if not for section 3309.071 of the Revised Code.
(5) "Expenditure" means the disbursement or use of a contribution for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code.
(6) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money that is used to influence the results of an election to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code or is transferred to or used in support of or in opposition to a candidate and that is made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate. The financing of the dissemination, distribution, or republication, in whole or part, of any broadcast or of any written, graphic, or other form of campaign materials prepared by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or their authorized agents is an in-kind contribution to the candidate and an expenditure by the candidate.
(7) "Personal expenses" includes ordinary expenses for accommodations, clothing, food, personal motor vehicle or airplane, and home telephone.
(B) Each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives a contribution or in-kind contribution or makes an expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the school employees retirement board shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether, pursuant to section 3309.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.
Sec. 3309.073. No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate statement in accordance with section 3309.072 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3309.074. The secretary of state, or any person acting on personal knowledge and subject to the penalties of perjury, may file a complaint with the Ohio elections commission alleging a violation of section 3309.073 of the Revised Code. The complaint shall be made on a form prescribed and provided by the commission.
On receipt of a complaint under this section, the commission shall hold a hearing open to the public to determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. The commission may administer oaths and issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and reports. On the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
The commission shall provide the person accused of the violation at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The accused may be represented by an attorney and shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses.
At the hearing, the commission shall determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. If the commission determines that the violation has occurred, the commission shall either impose a fine under section 3309.99 of the Revised Code or enter a finding that good cause has been shown not to impose the fine.
Sec. 3309.14.  The school employees retirement board shall secure the service of such technical and administrative employees as are necessary for the transaction of the business of the school employees retirement system. The
Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.
The compensation of all persons engaged by the board and all other expenses of the board necessary for the proper operation of the system shall be paid at such rates and in such amounts as the board approves. Every expense voucher of an employee, officer, or board member of the school employees retirement system shall itemize all purchases and expenditures.
The board shall receive and act upon all applications for retirement under Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code, and shall provide for the payment of all retirement allowances and other benefits and shall make other expenditures required or authorized by this chapter.
Sec. 3309.157. The attorney general may maintain a civil action under section 109.98 of the Revised Code against a member of the school employees retirement board for harm resulting from a breach of the member's fiduciary duty. The attorney general may recover damages or be granted injunctive relief, which shall include the enjoinment of specified activities and the removal of the member from the board. Any damages awarded shall be paid to the school employees retirement system.
Sec. 3309.22.  (A)(1) As used in this division, "personal history record" means information maintained by the board on an individual who is a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, retirant, or beneficiary that includes the address, telephone number, social security number, record of contributions, correspondence with the system, and other information the board determines to be confidential.
(2) The records of the board shall be open to public inspection, except for the following, which shall be excluded, except with the written authorization of the individual concerned:
(a) The individual's statement of previous service and other information as provided for in section 3309.28 of the Revised Code;
(b) Any information identifying by name and address the amount of a monthly allowance or benefit paid to the individual;
(c) The individual's personal history record.
(B) All medical reports and recommendations required by the system are privileged except that copies of such medical reports or recommendations shall be made available to the personal physician, attorney, or authorized agent of the individual concerned upon written release received from the individual or the individual's agent, or when necessary for the proper administration of the fund, to the board assigned physician.
(C) Any person who is a contributor of the system shall be furnished, on written request, with a statement of the amount to the credit of the person's account. The board need not answer more than one such request of a person in any one year.
(D) Notwithstanding the exceptions to public inspection in division (A)(2) of this section, the board may furnish the following information:
(1) If a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, or retirant is subject to an order issued under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, on written request of a prosecutor as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to the prosecutor the information requested from the individual's personal history record.
(2) Pursuant to a court or administrative order issued under section 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.02, 3121.03, or 3123.06 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to a court or child support enforcement agency the information required under that section.
(3) At the written request of any person, the board shall provide to the person a list of the names and addresses of members, former members, retirants, contributors, former contributors, or beneficiaries. The costs of compiling, copying, and mailing the list shall be paid by such person.
(4) Within fourteen days after receiving from the director of job and family services a list of the names and social security numbers of recipients of public assistance pursuant to section 5101.181 of the Revised Code, the board shall inform the auditor of state of the name, current or most recent employer address, and social security number of each contributor whose name and social security number are the same as that of a person whose name or social security number was submitted by the director. The board and its employees shall, except for purposes of furnishing the auditor of state with information required by this section, preserve the confidentiality of recipients of public assistance in compliance with division (A) of section 5101.181 of the Revised Code.
(5) The system shall comply with orders issued under section 3105.87 of the Revised Code.
On the written request of an alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, the system shall furnish to the alternate payee information on the amount and status of any amounts payable to the alternate payee under an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code.
(6) At the written request of any person, the board shall make available to the person copies of all documents, including resumes, in the board's possession regarding filling a vacancy of an employee member or retirant member of the board. The person who made the request shall pay the cost of compiling, copying, and mailing the documents.
(E) A statement that contains information obtained from the system's records that is signed by an officer of the retirement system and to which the system's official seal is affixed, or copies of the system's records to which the signature and seal are attached, shall be received as true copies of the system's records in any court or before any officer of this state.
Sec. 3309.99. Whoever violates section 3309.073 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each day of the violation.
Fines imposed by the Ohio elections commission under this section shall be paid into the Ohio elections commission fund created under section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5505.04.  (A) The general administration and management of the state highway patrol retirement system and the making effective of this chapter are hereby vested in the state highway patrol retirement board. The board may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and do all things necessary to carry out this chapter.
The board shall consist of the auditor of state, the director of budget and management, the superintendent of the state highway patrol, a retirant-member who is a resident of this state, and four employee-members.
The board shall annually elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among its members. The vice-chairperson shall act as chairperson in the absence of the chairperson. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum and any action taken shall be approved by four or more of the members. The board shall meet not less than once each year, upon sufficient notice to the members. All meetings of the board shall be open to the public except executive sessions as set forth in division (G) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, and any portions of any sessions discussing medical records or the degree of disability of a member excluded from public inspection by this section.
(B) The attorney general shall prescribe procedures for the adoption of rules authorized under this chapter, consistent with the provision of section 111.15 of the Revised Code under which all rules shall be filed in order to be effective. Such procedures shall establish methods by which notice of proposed rules are given to interested parties and rules adopted by the board published and otherwise made available. When it files a rule with the joint committee on agency rule review pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the board shall submit to the Ohio retirement study council a copy of the full text of the rule, and if applicable, a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis required by division (B) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code.
(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(4) of this section, the retirant-member of the board shall be elected for a four-year term by a general election of service and disability retirants conducted in a manner approved by the board. The term of the initial retirant-member shall commence in August 1990. A person who at the time of retirement is an employee-member of the board is not eligible to become a retirant-member until three years after such person's retirement date.
(2) Except as provided in division (C)(4) of this section, employee-members of the board shall be elected for terms of four years by a general election of contributing members conducted in a manner approved by the board. The term of office of each employee-member shall commence in August of the year in which such member is elected.
(3) Except as provided in division (C)(4) of this section, any vacancy occurring in the term of the retirant-member or any employee-member of the board shall be filled by an election conducted in the same manner as other retirant-member and employee-member elections. The retirant-member or employee-member elected shall fill the unexpired term.
(4) The state highway patrol retirement board is not required to hold an election for a position on the board as a retirant-member, employee-member, or vacancy for a retirant-member or employee-member if only one candidate has been nominated for the position or vacancy in the manner approved by the board. The candidate shall take office as if elected. In the case of a retirant-member or employee-member, the term of office shall be four years beginning in August of the year the candidate was nominated. In the case of a vacancy, the candidate shall fill the unexpired term.
(D)(1) As used in this division, "personal history record" means information maintained by the board on an individual who is a member, former member, retirant, or beneficiary that includes the address, telephone number, social security number, record of contributions, correspondence with the system, and other information the board determines to be confidential.
(2) The records of the board shall be open to public inspection, except for the following which shall be excluded: the member's, former member's, retirant's, or beneficiary's personal history record and the amount of a monthly allowance or benefit paid to a retirant, beneficiary, or survivor, except with the written authorization of the individual concerned. All medical reports and recommendations are privileged except that copies of such medical reports or recommendations shall be made available to the individual's personal physician, attorney, or authorized agent upon written release received from such individual or such individual's agent, or when necessary for the proper administration of the fund to the board-assigned physician.
(E)(D) Notwithstanding the exceptions to public inspection in division (D)(C)(2) of this section, the board may furnish the following information:
(1) If a member, former member, or retirant is subject to an order issued under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, on written request of a prosecutor as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to the prosecutor the information requested from the individual's personal history record.
(2) Pursuant to a court order issued under Chapters 3119., 3121., and 3123. of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to a court or child support enforcement agency the information required under those chapters.
(3) At the written request of any nonprofit organization or association providing services to retirement system members, retirants, or beneficiaries, the board shall provide to the organization or association a list of the names and addresses of members, former members, retirants, or beneficiaries if the organization or association agrees to use such information solely in accordance with its stated purpose of providing services to such individuals and not for the benefit of other persons, organizations, or associations. The costs of compiling, copying, and mailing the list shall be paid by such entity.
(4) Within fourteen days after receiving from the director of job and family services a list of the names and social security numbers of recipients of public assistance pursuant to section 5101.181 of the Revised Code, the board shall inform the auditor of state of the name, current or most recent employer address, and social security number of each member whose name and social security number are the same as those of a person whose name or social security number was submitted by the director. The board and its employees, except for purposes of furnishing the auditor of state with information required by this section, shall preserve the confidentiality of recipients of public assistance in compliance with division (A) of section 5101.181 of the Revised Code.
(5) The system shall comply with orders issued under section 3105.87 of the Revised Code.
On the written request of an alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, the system shall furnish to the alternate payee information on the amount and status of any amounts payable to the alternate payee under an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code.
(6) At the written request of any person, the board shall make available to the person copies of all documents, including resumes, in the board's possession regarding filling a vacancy of an employee member or retirant member of the board. The person who made the request shall pay the cost of compiling, copying, and mailing the documents.
(F)(E) A statement that contains information obtained from the system's records that is certified and signed by an officer of the retirement system and to which the system's official seal is affixed, or copies of the system's records to which the signature and seal are attached, shall be received as true copies of the system's records in any court or before any officer of this state.
Sec. 5505.041. The state highway patrol retirement board shall administer elections of the retirant member and employee members of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. A person who at the time of retirement is an employee member of the board is not eligible to become a retirant member of the board until three years after the person's retirement date. Service and disability retirants may vote in elections for the retirant member of the board. Contributing members may vote in elections for the employee member of the board.
On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the person elected as the retirant member of the board or an employee member of the board shall serve a four-year term beginning on the first day of August following the election.
Sec. 5505.042. Except as provided in section 5505.043 of the Revised Code, any vacancy occurring in the term of the retirant member of the state highway patrol retirement board or an employee member of the board shall be filled by an election conducted in the same manner as other retirant member and employee member elections under section 5505.041 of the Revised Code. On certification of the election results under section 111.30 of the Revised Code, the retirant member or employee member elected shall fill the unexpired term.
Sec. 5505.043. The state highway patrol retirement board is not required to hold an election for a position on the board as a retirant member, employee member, or vacancy for a retirant member or employee member if only one candidate has been nominated for the position or vacancy in accordance with rules governing the election adopted under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The candidate shall take office as if elected. In the case of a retirant member or employee member, the term of office shall be four years beginning in August of the year the candidate was nominated. In the case of a vacancy, the candidate shall fill the unexpired term.
Sec. 5505.044. (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Campaign committee" means a candidate or a combination of two or more persons authorized by a candidate to receive contributions and in-kind contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the candidate.
(2) "Candidate" means an individual who has been nominated in accordance with rules adopted under section 5505.047 of the Revised Code for election to the state highway patrol retirement board.
(3) "Contribution" means a loan, gift, deposit, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, payment, transfer of funds or transfer of anything of value including a transfer of funds from an inter vivos or testamentary trust or decedent's estate, and the payment by any person other than the person to whom the services are rendered for the personal services of another person, which contribution is made, received, or used for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the state highway patrol retirement board under section 5505.041 or 5505.042 of the Revised Code. "Contribution" does not include:
(a) Services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a person;
(b) Ordinary home hospitality;
(c) The personal expenses of a volunteer paid for by that volunteer campaign worker.
(4) "Election day" means the following, as appropriate to the situation:
(a) The last day that ballots for an election to the state highway patrol retirement board under section 5505.041 or 5505.042 of the Revised Code may be returned in order for the ballot to be counted;
(b) If, pursuant to section 5505.043 of the Revised Code, no election is held, the last day that ballots would have been required to be returned in order to be counted if an election was to be held under section 5505.041 or 5505.042 of the Revised Code.
(5) "Expenditure" means the disbursement or use of a contribution for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the state highway patrol retirement board under section 5505.041 or 5505.042 of the Revised Code.
(6) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money that is used to influence the results of an election to the state highway patrol retirement board under section 5505.041 or 5505.042 of the Revised Code or is transferred to or used in support of or in opposition to a candidate and that is made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate. The financing of the dissemination, distribution, or republication, in whole or in part, of any broadcast or of any written, graphic, or other form of campaign materials prepared by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or their authorized agents is an in-kind contribution to the candidate and an expenditure by the candidate.
(7) "Personal expenses" includes ordinary expenses for accommodations, clothing, food, personal motor vehicle or airplane, and home telephone.
(B) Each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives a contribution or in-kind contribution or makes an expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the state highway patrol retirement board shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether an election is held or, pursuant to section 5505.043 of the Revised Code, an election is not held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.
Sec. 5505.045. No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate statement in accordance with section 5505.044 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5505.046. The secretary of state, or any person acting on personal knowledge and subject to the penalties of perjury, may file a complaint with the Ohio elections commission alleging a violation of section 5505.045 of the Revised Code. The complaint shall be made on a form prescribed and provided by the commission.
On receipt of a complaint under this section, the commission shall hold a hearing open to the public to determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. The commission may administer oaths and issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and reports. On the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
The commission shall provide the person accused of the violation at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The accused may be represented by an attorney and shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses.
At the hearing, the commission shall determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. If the commission determines that the violation has occurred, the commission shall either impose a fine under section 5505.99 of the Revised Code or enter a finding that good cause has been shown not to impose the fine.
Sec. 5505.048. A member of the state highway patrol retirement board who is charged with committing a felony, a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, or a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 2921.02, 2921.11, 2921.13, 2921.31, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, or 2921.44 of the Revised Code shall be suspended from participation on the board for the period during which the charges are pending. If the charges are dismissed, the member is found not guilty, or the charges are otherwise resolved in a manner not resulting in the member being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offense of that nature, the suspension shall end, and the member may participate on the board. If the member pleads guilty to or is convicted of the offense, the position of the member on the board shall be deemed vacant. A person who has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense of that nature is ineligible for election to the state highway patrol retirement board.
The Ohio retirement study council may hold a hearing to determine whether to remove a member of the state highway patrol retirement board who has been suspended pursuant to this section. If it decides to hold a hearing, the council shall provide the suspended board member at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The suspended board member may be represented by an attorney. At the hearing, the suspended board member, or the suspended board member's attorney, shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses. The hearing shall be open to the public. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the voting members of the council unanimously vote to remove the suspended board member, the suspended board member shall be removed from the board, and the position of the member shall be deemed vacant.
Sec. 5505.062. The state highway patrol retirement board shall do all of the following:
(A) In consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, review any existing policy regarding the travel and payment of travel expenses of members and employees of the state highway patrol retirement board and adopt rules in accordance with section 5505.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding travel and payment of travel expenses;
(B) Review any existing policy regarding compensation and bonuses paid to employees of the board and adopt rules in accordance with section 5505.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding employee compensation and bonuses;
(C) Provide copies of the rules adopted under this section to each member of the Ohio retirement study council.
Sec. 5505.063. The state highway patrol retirement board periodically shall provide ethics training to members and employees of the board. The training shall include training regarding the requirements and prohibitions of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code and any other training the board considers appropriate.
The board shall establish a procedure to ensure that each employee of the board is informed of the procedure for filing a complaint alleging violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code with the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting attorney.
Sec. 5505.064.  Each newly elected member of the state highway patrol retirement board and each individual appointed to fill a vacancy on the board, prior to commencing service as a board member, shall complete the orientation program component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Each member of the board who has served a year or longer as a board member shall, not less than twice each year, attend one or more programs that are part of the continuing education component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5505.065. The attorney general may maintain a civil action under section 109.98 of the Revised Code against a member of the state highway patrol retirement board for harm resulting from a breach of the member's fiduciary duty.
Sec. 5505.07.  (A) The state highway patrol retirement board may employ a secretary and secure the services of employees for the transaction of business of the state highway patrol retirement system. The
Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.
The compensation of all persons engaged by the board and all other expenses of the board necessary for the proper operation of the pension fund shall be paid at such rates and in such amounts as the board approves. Every expense voucher of an employee, officer, or board member of the state highway patrol retirement system shall itemize all purchases and expenditures.
(B) The clerical procedures required in the operation of the retirement system shall be performed by the staff of the secretary appointed by the board. The cost of such clerical procedures and the services performed by the secretary of the retirement system shall be paid by the retirement system.
(C) The board shall appoint an actuary who shall be its technical advisor.
(D) The board shall from time to time adopt such mortality and other tables of experience, and such rate or rates of interest, as are required in the proper operation of the retirement system.
(E) The board shall determine by appropriate rules the service to be credited any member in any calendar year.
The board shall perform other functions and adopt rules as required for the proper execution of Chapter 5505. of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5505.122. If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the state highway patrol retirement board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.
Sec. 5505.99. Whoever violates section 5505.045 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each day of the violation.
Fines imposed by the Ohio elections commission under this section shall be paid into the Ohio elections commission fund created under section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.
Section 2. That existing sections 102.02, 102.06, 117.10, 145.04, 145.05, 145.051, 145.06, 145.09, 145.27, 171.01, 171.03, 171.04, 742.03, 742.04, 742.05, 742.10, 742.41, 1707.01, 1707.17, 1707.19, 1707.20, 1707.22, 1707.23, 1707.25, 1707.431, 1707.44, 1707.46, 3307.03, 3307.05, 3307.06, 3309.061, 3307.07, 3307.11, 3307.20, 3309.03, 3309.05, 3309.06, 3309.07, 3309.14, 3309.22, 5505.04, and 5505.07 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 3. Section 1707.142 of the Revised Code, as enacted by this act, shall take effect ninety days after the effective date of this section.
Section 4. The amendment to sections 3307.05, 3307.06, and 3307.07 of the Revised Code in this act shall not affect the term of any elected member of the State Teachers Retirement Board serving on the effective date of this section. The term of the additional retired teacher member position as created by this act, shall commence September 1, 2004.
Section 5. The Ohio Ethics Commission has authority to investigate allegations of violations of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code by members or employees of the state retirement boards. This express statement of authority is an affirmance of the commission's authority to conduct these investigations. It does not imply and shall not be construed to mean that the Ohio Ethics Commission did not have authority to investigate violations of this nature prior to the enactment of this act.
Section 6.  Section 742.41 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Sub. H.B. 535 and Am. Sub. S.B. 180 of the 123rd General Assembly. Section 1707.01 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both S.B. 32 and Sub. S.B. 108 of the 124th General Assembly. Section 3307.20 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Sub. H.B. 535 and Am. Sub. S.B. 180 of the 123rd General Assembly. Section 3309.22 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by Sub. H.B. 535, Sub. S.B. 270, and Am. Sub. S.B. 180 all of the 123rd General Assembly. Section 5505.04 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Sub. H.B. 535 and Am. Sub. S.B. 180 of the 123rd General Assembly. The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds that the composites are the resulting versions of the sections in effect prior to the effective dates of the sections as presented in this act.
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