130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 231  As Introduced
As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 231

Representative Combs 

Cosponsors: Representatives Stebelton, Collier 

To amend sections 305.31, 1333.11, 4301.01, 4301.422, 4301.49, 4301.50, 4305.131, 4307.04, 4307.05, 5705.38, 5743.025, 5743.03, 5743.04, 5743.05, 5743.08, 5743.081, 5743.12, 5743.13, 5743.33, 5743.34, and 5743.35 and to enact sections 340.20, 340.201, 340.202, 340.203, 4301.425, 5743.027, 5743.028, and 5743.325 of the Revised Code to authorize electors of a county to levy a tax on alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to provide funding for expenses relating to alcohol and drug abuse and addiction services.

Section 1. That sections 305.31, 1333.11, 4301.01, 4301.422, 4301.49, 4301.50, 4305.131, 4307.04, 4307.05, 5705.38, 5743.025, 5743.03, 5743.04, 5743.05, 5743.08, 5743.081, 5743.12, 5743.13, 5743.33, 5743.34, and 5743.35 be amended and sections 340.20, 340.201, 340.202, 340.203, 4301.425, 5743.027, 5743.028, and 5743.325 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 305.31.  The procedure for submitting to a referendum any resolution adopted by a board of county commissioners pursuant to division (D)(1) of section 307.697, section 322.02, 322.06, or 324.02, or 340.20, sections 1515.22 and 1515.24, division (B)(1) of section 4301.421, section 4301.425, 4504.02, 5739.021, 5739.026, 5741.021, or 5741.023, or division (C)(1) of section 5743.024, or section 5743.027 of the Revised Code, or rule adopted pursuant to section 307.79 of the Revised Code shall be as prescribed by this section.
Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, when a petition, signed by ten per cent of the number of electors who voted for governor at the most recent general election for the office of governor in the county, is filed with the county auditor within thirty days after the date the resolution is passed or rule is adopted by the board of county commissioners, or is filed within forty-five days after the resolution is passed, in the case of a resolution adopted pursuant to section 5739.021 of the Revised Code that is passed within one year after a resolution adopted pursuant to that section has been rejected or repealed by the electors, requesting that the resolution be submitted to the electors of the county for their approval or rejection, the county auditor shall, after ten days following the filing of the petition, and not later than four p.m. of the seventy-fifth day before the day of election, transmit a certified copy of the text of the resolution or rule to the board of elections. In the case of a petition requesting that a resolution adopted under division (D)(1) of section 307.697, section 340.20, division (B)(1) of section 4301.421, or section 4301.425, division (C)(1) of section 5743.024, or section 5743.027 of the Revised Code be submitted to electors for their approval or rejection, the petition shall be signed by seven per cent of the number of electors who voted for governor at the most recent election for the office of governor in the county. The county auditor shall transmit the petition to the board together with the certified copy of the resolution or rule. The board shall examine all signatures on the petition to determine the number of electors of the county who signed the petition. The board shall return the petition to the auditor within ten days after receiving it, together with a statement attesting to the number of such electors who signed the petition. The board shall submit the resolution or rule to the electors of the county, for their approval or rejection, at the succeeding general election held in the county in any year, or on the day of the succeeding primary election held in the county in even-numbered years, occurring subsequent to seventy-five days after the auditor certifies the sufficiency and validity of the petition to the board of elections.
No resolution shall go into effect until approved by the majority of those voting upon it. However, a rule shall take effect and remain in effect unless and until a majority of the electors voting on the question of repeal approve the repeal. Sections 305.31 to 305.41 of the Revised Code do not prevent a county, after the passage of any resolution or adoption of any rule, from proceeding at once to give any notice or make any publication required by the resolution or rule.
The board of county commissioners shall make available to any person, upon request, a certified copy of any resolution or rule subject to the procedure for submitting a referendum under sections 305.31 to 305.42 of the Revised Code beginning on the date the resolution or rule is adopted by the board. The board may charge a fee for the cost of copying the resolution or rule.
As used in this section, "certified copy" means a copy containing a written statement attesting that it is a true and exact reproduction of the original resolution or rule.
Sec. 340.20.  (A) As used in this section "alcohol and drug abuse and addiction expenses" includes any operating or capital expenses liberally construed by the board of county commissioners to be appropriate for the provision by the county, or by any other political subdivision with the financial assistance of the county, of any alcohol or drug abuse and addiction treatment, care, prevention, or intervention services.
(B) For the purpose of funding alcohol and drug abuse and addiction expenses in the county, or contributing to the county's share of the funding of such services by a joint-county district in which the county participates, to pay the expenses of administering the tax, and to pay any or all of the charge the board of elections makes against the county to hold the election on the question of levying the tax, the board of county commissioners of a county may levy a tax not to exceed three dollars on each gallon of spirituous liquor sold to or purchased by liquor permit holders for resale, and sold at retail by the division of liquor control, in the county. The tax shall be levied on the number of gallons so sold. The tax may be levied for a specified number of years or for a continuing period of time.
(1) The tax may be levied pursuant to a resolution of the board of county commissioners approved by a majority of the electors in the county voting on the question of levying the tax, which resolution shall specify the rate of the tax, the number of years the tax will be levied or that it will be levied for a continuing period of time, and the purpose for which the tax is levied. The election may be held on the date of a general or special election held not sooner than seventy-five days after the date the board certifies its resolution to the board of elections. If approved by the electors, the tax takes effect on the first day of the month specified in the resolution but not sooner than the first day of the month that is at least sixty days after the certification of the election results by the board of elections. A copy of the resolution levying the tax and the certification of the board of elections shall be certified to the division of liquor control at least sixty days prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective.
A resolution under this section may be joined on the ballot as a single question with a resolution adopted under section 4301.425 or 5743.027 of the Revised Code to levy a tax for the same purposes, and for the purpose of paying the expenses of administering that tax.
(2) The question of levying a tax under this section may be initiated by filing with the board of elections of the county a petition requesting that an election be held on the question. The petition shall specify the terms of the proposed tax, as if it were a resolution under division (B)(1) of this section. The petition shall have complied with the rules enumerated in section 3501.38 of the Revised Code, and shall have been signed by qualified electors residing in the county equal in number to ten per cent of those voting for governor at the most recent gubernatorial election. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections not later than seventy-five days before the general election. The petition may be joined as a single petition with a petition proposing the levying of a tax or taxes under section 4301.425 or 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
The board of elections shall verify the petition. If the board determines that the petition is valid, it shall submit the question of levying the tax to the electors of the county at the next general election.
If approved by the electors, the tax takes effect on the first day of the month that is at least sixty days after the certification of the election results by the board of elections. A copy of the petition and the certification of the board of elections shall be certified to the division of liquor control at least sixty days prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective.
(C) All revenue generated by a tax levied under this section shall be credited to the county cigarette and alcohol tax fund.
Sec. 340.201.  The form of the ballot in an election held pursuant to section 340.20, 4301.425, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code shall be as follows or in any other form acceptable to the secretary of state:
"For the purpose of funding expenses related to alcohol and drug abuse and addiction services in the county (or, if appropriate, for the purpose of contributing to the county's share of the funding of such services by a joint-county district in which the county participates), shall (an) excise tax(es) be levied by .......... county at the rate of .......... (dollars on each gallon of spirituous liquor sold in the county by the Ohio division of liquor control, cents per gallon on the sale of beer at wholesale in the county, cents per gallon on the sale of wine and mixed beverages at wholesale in the county, cents per gallon on the sale of cider at wholesale in the county, or mills per cigarette on the sale of cigarettes at wholesale in the county), (for .......... years) (for a continuing period of time)?
 No  "

For an election in which questions under section 340.20, 4301.425, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code are joined as a single question, the form of the ballot shall be as above, except each of the proposed taxes shall be listed.
Sec. 340.202.  A special fund to be known as the county cigarette and alcohol tax fund is created in a county in which a tax has been adopted under section 340.20, 4301.425, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 340.203. Annually, the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or the board of alcohol and drug addiction services shall provide to the county auditor an accounting of all expenditures from the county cigarette and alcohol tax fund. In the accounting, the board shall separately state capital expenditures, operating expenditures, and expenditures for personal services.
Sec. 1333.11.  As used in sections 1333.11 to 1333.21 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Cost to the retailer" means the invoice cost of cigarettes to the retailer, or the replacement cost of cigarettes to the retailer within thirty days prior to the date of sale, in the quantity last purchased, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, to which shall be added the cost of doing business by the retailer as evidenced by the standards and the methods of accounting regularly employed by the retailer in the retailer's allocation of overhead costs and expenses, paid or incurred. "Cost to the retailer" must include, without limitation, labor, including salaries of executives and officers, rent, depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery costs, all types of licenses, insurance, advertising, and taxes, exclusive of county cigarette taxes paid or payable on the cigarettes. Where the sale to the retailer is on a cash and carry basis, the cartage to the retail outlet, if performed or paid for by the retailer, shall be added to the invoice cost of the cigarettes to the retailer. In the absence of proof of a lesser or higher cost by the retailer, the cartage cost shall be three-fourths of one per cent of the invoice cost of the cigarettes to the retailer, not including the amount added thereto by the wholesaler for the face value of state and county cigarette tax stamps affixed to each package of cigarettes.
(B) In the absence of proof of a lesser or higher cost of doing business by the retailer making the sale, the cost of doing business to the retailer shall be eight per cent of the invoice cost of the cigarettes to the retailer exclusive of the face value of county cigarette taxes paid on the cigarettes or of the replacement cost of the cigarettes to the retailer within thirty days prior to the date of sale in the quantity last purchased exclusive of the face value of county cigarette taxes paid on the cigarettes, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash.
(C) "Cost to the wholesaler" means the invoice cost of the cigarettes to the wholesaler, or the replacement cost of the cigarettes to the wholesaler within thirty days prior to the date of sale, in the quantity last purchased, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, to which shall be added a wholesaler's markup to cover in part the cost of doing business, which wholesaler's markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser or higher cost of doing business by the wholesaler as evidenced by the standards and methods of accounting regularly employed by the wholesaler in the wholesaler's allocation of overhead costs and expenses, paid or incurred, including without limitation, labor, salaries of executives and officers, rent, depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery, delivery costs, all types of licenses, taxes, insurance, and advertising, shall be three and five-tenths per cent of such invoice cost of the cigarettes to the wholesaler, to which shall be added the full face value of state and county cigarette tax stamps affixed by the wholesaler to each package of cigarettes, or of the replacement cost of the cigarettes to the wholesaler within thirty days prior to the date of sale in the quantity last purchased, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash. Where the sale by the wholesaler to the retailer is on a cash and carry basis, the wholesaler may, in the absence of proof of a lesser or higher cost, allow to the retailer an amount not to exceed three-fourths of one per cent of the "cost to the wholesaler" excluding the amount added thereto for the face value of state and county cigarette tax stamps affixed to each package of cigarettes.
(D) Any person licensed to sell cigarettes as both a wholesaler and a retailer, who does sell cigarettes at retail, shall, in determining "cost to the retailer", first compute "cost to the wholesaler" as provided in division (C) of this section; that "cost to the wholesaler" shall then be used in lieu of the lower of either invoice cost or replacement cost less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash in computing "cost to the retailer" as provided in divisions (A) and (B) of this section.
(E) In all advertisements, offers for sale, or sales involving two or more items at a combined price and in all advertisements, offers for sale, or sales involving the giving of any concession of any kind, whether it be coupons or otherwise, the retailer's or wholesaler's selling price shall not be below the "cost to the retailer" or the "cost to wholesaler", respectively, of all articles, products, commodities, and concessions included in such transactions.
(F)(1) "Sell at retail," "sales at retail," and "retail sales" include any transfer of title to tangible personal property for a valuable consideration made, in the ordinary course of trade or usual prosecution of the seller's business, to the purchaser for consumption or use.
(2) "Sell at wholesale," "sales at wholesale," and "wholesale sales" include any such transfer of title to tangible personal property for the purpose of resale.
(G) "Retailer" includes any person who is permitted to sell cigarettes at retail within this state under section 5743.15 of the Revised Code.
(H) "Wholesaler" includes any person who is permitted to sell cigarettes at wholesale within this state under that section.
(I) "Person" includes individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint-stock companies, business trusts, unincorporated organizations, receivers, or trustees.
(J) "County cigarette taxes" means the taxes levied under section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4301.01.  (A) As used in the Revised Code:
(1) "Intoxicating liquor" and "liquor" include all liquids and compounds, other than beer, containing one-half of one per cent or more of alcohol by volume which are fit to use for beverage purposes, from whatever source and by whatever process produced, by whatever name called, and whether they are medicated, proprietary, or patented. "Intoxicating liquor" and "liquor" include wine even if it contains less than four per cent of alcohol by volume, mixed beverages even if they contain less than four per cent of alcohol by volume, cider, alcohol, and all solids and confections which contain any alcohol.
(2) Except as used in sections 4301.01 to 4301.20, 4301.22 to 4301.52, 4301.56, 4301.70, 4301.72, and 4303.01 to 4303.36 of the Revised Code, "sale" and "sell" include exchange, barter, gift, offer for sale, sale, distribution and delivery of any kind, and the transfer of title or possession of beer and intoxicating liquor either by constructive or actual delivery by any means or devices whatever, including the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor by means of a controlled access alcohol and beverage cabinet pursuant to section 4301.21 of the Revised Code. "Sale" and "sell" do not include the mere solicitation of orders for beer or intoxicating liquor from the holders of permits issued by the division of liquor control authorizing the sale of the beer or intoxicating liquor, but no solicitor shall solicit any such orders until the solicitor has been registered with the division pursuant to section 4303.25 of the Revised Code.
(3) "Vehicle" includes all means of transportation by land, by water, or by air, and everything made use of in any way for such transportation.
(B) As used in this chapter:
(1) "Alcohol" means ethyl alcohol, whether rectified or diluted with water or not, whatever its origin may be, and includes synthetic ethyl alcohol. "Alcohol" does not include denatured alcohol and wood alcohol.
(2) "Beer" includes all beverages brewed or fermented wholly or in part from malt products and containing one-half of one per cent or more, but not more than twelve per cent, of alcohol by volume.
(3) "Wine" includes all liquids fit to use for beverage purposes containing not less than one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume and not more than twenty-one per cent of alcohol by volume, which is made from the fermented juices of grapes, fruits, or other agricultural products, except that as used in sections 4301.13, 4301.421, 4301.422, 4301.425, 4301.432, and 4301.44 of the Revised Code, and, for purposes of determining the rate of the tax that applies, division (B) of section 4301.43 of the Revised Code, "wine" does not include cider.
(4) "Mixed beverages," such as bottled and prepared cordials, cocktails, and highballs, are products obtained by mixing any type of whiskey, neutral spirits, brandy, gin, or other distilled spirits with, or over, carbonated or plain water, pure juices from flowers and plants, and other flavoring materials. The completed product shall contain not less than one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume and not more than twenty-one per cent of alcohol by volume.
(5) "Spirituous liquor" includes all intoxicating liquors containing more than twenty-one per cent of alcohol by volume.
(6) "Sealed container" means any container having a capacity of not more than one hundred twenty-eight fluid ounces, the opening of which is closed to prevent the entrance of air.
(7) "Person" includes firms and corporations.
(8) "Manufacture" includes all processes by which beer or intoxicating liquor is produced, whether by distillation, rectifying, fortifying, blending, fermentation, or brewing, or in any other manner.
(9) "Manufacturer" means any person engaged in the business of manufacturing beer or intoxicating liquor.
(10) "Wholesale distributor" and "distributor" means a person engaged in the business of selling to retail dealers for purposes of resale.
(11) "Hotel" has the same meaning as in section 3731.01 of the Revised Code, subject to the exceptions mentioned in section 3731.03 of the Revised Code.
(12) "Restaurant" means a place located in a permanent building provided with space and accommodations wherein, in consideration of the payment of money, hot meals are habitually prepared, sold, and served at noon and evening, as the principal business of the place. "Restaurant" does not include pharmacies, confectionery stores, lunch stands, night clubs, and filling stations.
(13) "Club" means a corporation or association of individuals organized in good faith for social, recreational, benevolent, charitable, fraternal, political, patriotic, or athletic purposes, which is the owner, lessor, or occupant of a permanent building or part of a permanent building operated solely for those purposes, membership in which entails the prepayment of regular dues, and includes the place so operated.
(14) "Night club" means a place operated for profit, where food is served for consumption on the premises and one or more forms of amusement are provided or permitted for a consideration that may be in the form of a cover charge or may be included in the price of the food and beverages, or both, purchased by patrons.
(15) "At retail" means for use or consumption by the purchaser and not for resale.
(16) "Pharmacy" means an establishment, as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, that is under the management or control of a licensed pharmacist in accordance with section 4729.27 of the Revised Code.
(17) "Enclosed shopping center" means a group of retail sales and service business establishments that face into an enclosed mall, share common ingress, egress, and parking facilities, and are situated on a tract of land that contains an area of not less than five hundred thousand square feet. "Enclosed shopping center" also includes not more than one business establishment that is located within a free-standing building on such a tract of land, so long as the sale of beer and intoxicating liquor on the tract of land was approved in an election held under former section 4301.353 of the Revised Code.
(18) "Controlled access alcohol and beverage cabinet" means a closed container, either refrigerated, in whole or in part, or nonrefrigerated, access to the interior of which is restricted by means of a device that requires the use of a key, magnetic card, or similar device and from which beer, intoxicating liquor, other beverages, or food may be sold.
(19) "Community facility" means either of the following:
(a) Any convention, sports, or entertainment facility or complex, or any combination of these, that is used by or accessible to the general public and that is owned or operated in whole or in part by the state, a state agency, or a political subdivision of the state or that is leased from, or located on property owned by or leased from, the state, a state agency, a political subdivision of the state, or a convention facilities authority created pursuant to section 351.02 of the Revised Code;
(b) An area designated as a community entertainment district pursuant to section 4301.80 of the Revised Code.
(20) "Low-alcohol beverage" means any brewed or fermented malt product, or any product made from the fermented juices of grapes, fruits, or other agricultural products, that contains either no alcohol or less than one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume. The beverages described in division (B)(20) of this section do not include a soft drink such as root beer, birch beer, or ginger beer.
(21) "Cider" means all liquids fit to use for beverage purposes that contain one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume, but not more than six per cent of alcohol by weight, and that are made through the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice of sound, ripe apples, including, without limitation, flavored, sparkling, or carbonated cider and cider made from pure condensed apple must.
(22) "Sales area or territory" means an exclusive geographic area or territory that is assigned to a particular A or B permit holder and that either has one or more political subdivisions as its boundaries or consists of an area of land with readily identifiable geographic boundaries. "Sales area or territory" does not include, however, any particular retail location in an exclusive geographic area or territory that had been assigned to another A or B permit holder before April 9, 2001.
Sec. 4301.422.  (A) Any person who makes sales of beer, cider, wine, or mixed beverages to persons for resale at retail in a county in which a tax has been enacted pursuant to section 4301.421 or, 4301.424, or 4301.425 of the Revised Code, and any manufacturer, bottler, importer, or other person who makes sales at retail in the county upon which the tax has not been paid, is liable for the tax. Each person liable for the tax shall register with the tax commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner and provide whatever information the commissioner considers necessary.
(B) Each person liable for the tax shall file a return and pay the tax to the tax commissioner by the last day of the month following the month in which the sale occurred. The return is considered to be filed when received by the tax commissioner. The return shall be prescribed by the commissioner, and no person filing such a return shall fail to provide the information specified on the return. If the return is filed and the amount of tax shown on the return to be due is paid on or before the date the return is required to be filed, the person required to file the return shall receive an administrative fee of two and one-half per cent of that person's total tax liability under section 4301.421 of the Revised Code for the purpose of offsetting additional costs incurred in collecting and remitting the tax. Any person required to file a return who fails to file timely may be required to forfeit and pay into the state treasury an amount not exceeding fifty dollars or ten per cent of the tax due, whichever is greater, as revenue arising from the tax. That amount may be collected by assessment in the manner specified in sections 4305.13 and 4305.131 of the Revised Code.
(C) A tax levied pursuant to section 4301.421 or, 4301.424, or 4301.425 of the Revised Code shall be administered by the tax commissioner. The commissioner shall have all powers and authority incident to such administration, including examination of records, audit, refund, assessment, and seizure and forfeiture of untaxed beverages. The procedures, rights, privileges, limitations, prohibitions, responsibilities, and duties specified in sections 4301.48 to 4301.52, 4305.13, 4305.131, and 4307.01 to 4307.12 of the Revised Code apply in the administration of the tax.
(D) Each person required to pay the tax levied pursuant to section 4301.421 or, 4301.424, or 4301.425 of the Revised Code who sells beer, cider, wine, or mixed beverages for resale at retail within a county in which the tax is levied shall clearly mark on all invoices, billings, and similar documents the amount of tax and the name of the county in which the tax is levied.
(E) Each person required to pay the tax levied by section 4301.421 or, 4301.424, or 4301.425 of the Revised Code shall maintain complete records of all sales for at least three years. The records shall be open to inspection by the tax commissioner.
(F) All money collected by the tax commissioner under this section shall be paid to the treasurer of state as revenue arising from the tax imposed by section 4301.421 or, 4301.424, or 4301.425 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4301.425.  (A) As used in this section, "alcohol and drug abuse and addiction expenses" has the same meaning as in section 340.20 of the Revised Code.
(B) For the purpose of funding alcohol and drug abuse and addiction expenses in the county under Chapter 340. of the Revised Code or contributing to the county's share of the funding of such services by a joint-county district in which the county participates under that chapter, to pay the expenses of administering the tax, and to pay any or all of the charge the board of elections makes against the county to hold the election on the question of levying the tax, the board of county commissioners may levy a tax on the sale of beer at a rate not to exceed sixteen cents per gallon, on the sale of cider at a rate not to exceed twenty-four cents per gallon, and on the sale of wine and mixed beverages at a rate not to exceed thirty-two cents per gallon. The tax shall be imposed on all beer, cider, wine, and mixed beverages sold for resale at retail in the county, and on all beer, cider, wine, and mixed beverages sold at retail in the county by the manufacturer, bottler, importer, or other person upon which the tax has not been paid. The tax shall not be levied on the sale of wine to be used for known sacramental purposes. The tax may be levied for a specified number of years or for a continuing period of time. The tax shall be in addition to the taxes imposed by sections 4301.42, 4301.43, 4301.432, and 4305.01 of the Revised Code. The tax shall not be considered a cost in any computation required under rules of the liquor control commission regulating minimum prices or mark-ups.
Only one sale of the same article shall be used in computing, reporting, and paying the amount of tax due.
(1) The tax may be levied pursuant to a resolution of the county commissioners approved by a majority of the electors in the county voting on the question of levying the tax, which resolution shall specify the rate of the tax, the number of years the tax will be levied or that it will be levied for a continuing period of time, and the purpose for which the tax is levied. The election may be held on the date of a general election or special election held not sooner than seventy-five days after the date the board certifies its resolution to the board of elections. If approved by the electors, the tax takes effect on the first day of the month specified in the resolution but not sooner than the first day of the month that is at least sixty days after the certification of the election results by the board of elections. A copy of the resolution levying the tax and the certification of the board of elections shall be certified to the tax commissioner at least sixty days prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective.
A resolution under this division may be joined on the ballot as a single question with a resolution adopted under section 340.20 or 5743.027 of the Revised Code to levy a tax for the same purposes and for the purpose of paying the expenses of administering the tax.
(2) The question of levying of a tax under this section may be initiated by filing with the board of elections of the county a petition requesting that an election be held on the question. The petition shall specify the terms of the proposed tax, as if it were a resolution under division (B)(1) of this section. The petition shall have complied with the rules enumerated in section 3501.38 of the Revised Code, and shall have been signed by qualified electors residing in the county equal in number to ten per cent of those voting for governor at the most recent gubernatorial election. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections not later than seventy-five days before the general election. The petition may be joined as a single petition with a petition proposing the levying of a tax or taxes under section 340.20 or 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
The board of elections shall verify the petition. If the board determines that the petition is valid, it shall submit the question of levying the tax to the electors of the county at the next general election.
If approved by the electors, the tax takes effect on the first day of the month that is at least sixty days after the certification of the election results by the board of elections. A copy of the petition and the certification of the board of elections shall be certified to the tax commissioner at least sixty days prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective.
(C) The form of the ballot in an election held pursuant to this section shall be as prescribed in section 340.201 of the Revised Code.
(D) All revenue generated by a tax levied under this section shall be credited to the county cigarette and alcohol tax fund.
Sec. 4301.49.  No person shall prevent or hinder the tax commissioner from making a full inspection of any place where beer, wine, or mixed beverages subject to the tax imposed by section 4301.42, 4301.421, 4301.424, 4301.425, or 4301.43 of the Revised Code is manufactured, sold, or stored. No person shall prevent or hinder the full inspection of invoices, books, records, or papers required to be kept under this chapter and Chapters 4305. and 4307. of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4301.50.  No person, firm, or corporation or his or its an employee or agent thereof shall distribute or sell any beverage upon which the tax provided for by sections 4301.42, 4301.421, 4301.424, 4301.425, 4301.43, 4301.432, and 4305.01 of the Revised Code has not been paid. Any person, firm, or corporation or his or its an employee or agent who thereof that violates this section or any rule of the tax commissioner shall be subject to all penalties provided in division (A) of section 4307.99 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4305.131.  (A) If any permit holder fails to pay the taxes levied by section 4301.42, 4301.43, 4301.432, or 4305.01 of the Revised Code in the manner prescribed by section 4303.33 of the Revised Code, or by section 4301.421 or, 4301.424, or 4301.425 of the Revised Code in the manner prescribed in section 4301.422 of the Revised Code, and by the rules of the tax commissioner, the commissioner may make an assessment against the permit holder based upon any information in the commissioner's possession.
No assessment shall be made against any permit holder for any taxes imposed by section 4301.42, 4301.421, 4301.424, 4301.425, 4301.43, 4301.432, or 4305.01 of the Revised Code more than three years after the last day of the calendar month in which the sale was made or more than three years after the return for that period is filed, whichever is later. This section does not bar an assessment against any permit holder or registrant as provided in section 4303.331 of the Revised Code who fails to file a return as required by section 4301.422 or 4303.33 of the Revised Code, or who files a fraudulent return.
A penalty of up to thirty per cent may be added to the amount of every assessment made under this section. The commissioner may adopt rules providing for the imposition and remission of penalties added to assessments made under this section.
The commissioner shall give the party assessed written notice of the assessment in the manner provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code. With the notice, the commissioner shall provide instructions on how to petition for reassessment and request a hearing on the petition.
(B) Unless the party assessed files with the tax commissioner within sixty days after service of the notice of assessment, either personally or by certified mail, a written petition for reassessment, signed by the party assessed or that party's authorized agent having knowledge of the facts, the assessment becomes final and the amount of the assessment is due and payable from the party assessed to the treasurer of state. The petition shall indicate the objections of the party assessed, but additional objections may be raised in writing if received by the commissioner prior to the date shown on the final determination. If the petition has been properly filed, the commissioner shall proceed under section 5703.60 of the Revised Code.
(C) After an assessment becomes final, if any portion of the assessment remains unpaid, including accrued interest, a certified copy of the tax commissioner's entry making the assessment final may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas in the county in which the permit holder's place of business is located or the county in which the party assessed resides. If the party assessed maintains no place of business in this state and is not a resident of this state, the certified copy of the entry may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of Franklin county.
Immediately upon the filing of the entry, the clerk shall enter a judgment for the state against the party assessed in the amount shown on the entry. The judgment may be filed by the clerk in a loose-leaf book entitled "special judgments for state beer and liquor sales taxes," and shall have the same effect as other judgments. Execution shall issue upon the judgment upon the request of the commissioner, and all laws applicable to sales on execution shall apply to sales made under the judgment, except as otherwise provided in this chapter and Chapters 4301. and 4307. of the Revised Code.
The portion of the assessment not paid within sixty days after the day the assessment was issued shall bear interest at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code from the day the commissioner issues the assessment until it is paid. Interest shall be paid in the same manner as the tax and may be collected by the issuance of an assessment under this section.
(D) All money collected under this section shall be considered as revenue arising from the taxes imposed by sections 4301.42, 4301.421, 4301.424, 4301.425, 4301.43, 4301.432, and 4305.01 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4307.04.  The tax commissioner shall enforce and administer sections 4301.42, 4301.421, 4301.422, 4301.423, 4301.424, 4301.425, 4303.33, 4303.331, 4305.01, and 4307.01 to 4307.12 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may adopt such rules as are necessary to carry out such sections and may adopt different detail rules applicable to diverse methods and conditions of sale of bottled beverages in this state. All books, papers, invoices, and records of any manufacturer, bottler, or wholesale or retail dealer in this state, whether or not required under sections 4307.01 to 4307.12 of the Revised Code to be kept by that person, showing that person's sales receipts and purchases of bottled beverages, shall at all times, during the usual business hours of the day, be open for the inspection of the commissioner. The commissioner may investigate and examine the stock of bottled beverages in and upon any premises where the same is placed, stored, or sold.
Sec. 4307.05.  (A) The tax commissioner shall refund to persons required to pay the tax levied under section 4301.42, 4301.421, 4301.424, 4301.425, 4301.43, 4301.432, 4303.33, or 4305.01 of the Revised Code the amount of tax paid illegally or erroneously or paid on an illegal or erroneous assessment. Applications for refund shall be filed with the commissioner, on the form prescribed by the commissioner, within three years from the date of the illegal or erroneous payment of the tax or assessment.
On the filing of the application, the commissioner shall determine the amount of the refund to which the applicant is entitled. If the amount is not less than that claimed, the commissioner shall certify the amount to the director of budget and management and treasurer of state for payment from the tax refund fund created by section 5703.052 of the Revised Code. If the amount is less than that claimed, the commissioner shall proceed in accordance with section 5703.70 of the Revised Code.
(B) The holder of a B-3 permit is entitled to a refund of the actual amount of tax paid on wine sold for sacramental purposes, upon the conditions that the permit holder make affidavit that the wine was so sold, that the tax had been paid on the wine, and that the permit holder furnish both of the following:
(1) A written acknowledgment from the purchaser that the purchaser has received the wine and that the price paid did not include the tax;
(2) The name and address of the purchaser.
Application for a refund shall be made as an application for refund of tax erroneously paid and shall be subject to the requirements and procedures of division (A) of this section. On the filing of the application, the commissioner shall determine the amount of refund due and certify that amount to the director of budget and management and treasurer of state for payment from the tax refund fund. When a refund is granted for payment of an illegal or erroneous assessment issued by the commissioner, the refund shall include interest on the amount of the refund from the date of the overpayment. The interest shall be computed at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5705.38.  (A) This division does not apply to school district appropriation measures. On or about the first day of each year, the taxing authority of each subdivision or other taxing unit shall pass an appropriation measure, and thereafter during the year it may pass any supplemental appropriation measures as it finds necessary, based on the revised tax budget or the official certificate of estimated resources or amendments of the certificate. If it desires to postpone the passage of the annual appropriation measure until an amended certificate is received based on the actual balances, it may pass a temporary appropriation measure for meeting the ordinary expenses of the taxing unit until no later than the first day of April of the current year, and the appropriations made in the temporary measure shall be chargeable to the appropriations in the annual appropriation measure for that fiscal year when passed.
(B) A board of education shall pass its annual appropriation measure by the first day of October. If, by the first day of October, a board has not received either the amended certificates of estimated resources required by division (B) of section 5705.36 of the Revised Code or certifications that no amended certificates need be issued, the adoption of the annual appropriation measure shall be delayed until the amended certificates or certifications are received. Prior to the passage of the annual appropriation measure, the board may pass a temporary appropriation measure for meeting the ordinary expenses of the district until it passes an annual appropriation measure, and appropriations made in the temporary measure shall be chargeable to the appropriations in the annual appropriation measure for that fiscal year when passed. During the fiscal year and after the passage of the annual appropriation measure, a district may pass any supplemental appropriation measures as it finds necessary, based on the revised tax budget or the official certificate of estimated resources or amendments of the certificate. School district appropriation measures shall be in the form as the auditor of state, after consultation with the tax commissioner, prescribes.
(C) Appropriation measures shall be classified so as to set forth separately the amounts appropriated for each office, department, and division, and, within each, the amount appropriated for personal services. In
(1) In the case of a municipal university, the board of directors of which have assumed, in the manner provided by law, custody and control of the funds of the university, funds shall be appropriated as a lump sum for the use of the university.
(2) In the case of a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or a board of alcohol and drug addiction services, funds shall be appropriated annually from the county cigarette and alcohol tax fund as a lump sum for the use of the board. Once appropriated, the board has custody and control over the funds.
Sec. 5743.025.  In addition to the return required by section 5743.03 of the Revised Code, each retail dealer in a county in which a tax is levied under section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code shall, within thirty days after the date on which the tax takes effect, make and file a return, on forms prescribed by the tax commissioner, showing the total number of cigarettes which such retail dealer had on hand as of the beginning of business on the date on which the tax takes effect, and such other information as the commissioner deems necessary for the administration of section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code. Each retail dealer shall deliver the return together with a remittance of the additional amount of tax due on the cigarettes shown on such return to the treasurer of state. The treasurer of state shall stamp or otherwise mark on the return the date it was received and shall also show thereon by stamp or otherwise the tax payment remitted with the return. Thereafter, the treasurer of state shall immediately transmit all returns filed under this section to the tax commissioner. Any retail dealer who fails to file a return under this section shall, for each day the retail dealer so fails, forfeit and pay into the state treasury the sum of one dollar as revenue arising from the tax imposed by section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, 5743.027 of the Revised Code, and such sum may be collected by assessment in the manner provided in section 5743.081 of the Revised Code. For thirty days after the effective date of a tax imposed by section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, 5743.027 of the Revised Code, a retail dealer may possess for sale or sell in the county in which the tax is levied cigarettes not bearing the stamp or impression required by section 5743.03 of the Revised Code to evidence payment of the county tax but on which the tax has or will be paid.
Sec. 5743.027.  (A) As used in this section, "alcohol and drug abuse and addiction expenses" has the same meaning as in section 340.20 of the Revised Code.
(B) For the purpose of funding alcohol and drug abuse and addiction expenses in the county under Chapter 340. of the Revised Code or contributing to the county's share of the funding of such services by a joint-county district in which the county participates under that chapter, to pay the expenses of administering the tax, and to pay any or all of the charge the board of elections makes against the county to hold the election on the question of levying the tax, the board of county commissioners may levy a tax on sales of cigarettes sold for resale at retail in the county. The tax shall not exceed two and twenty-five hundredths of a mill per cigarette, and shall be computed on each cigarette sold. The tax may be levied for a specified number of years or for a continuing period of time.
Only one sale of the same article shall be used in computing the amount of tax due.
(1) The tax may be levied pursuant to a resolution of the county commissioners approved by a majority of the electors in the county voting on the question of levying the tax, which resolution shall specify the rate of the tax, the number of years the tax will be levied or that it will be levied for a continuing period of time, and the purposes for which the tax is levied. The election may be held on the date of a general or special election held not sooner than seventy-five days after the date the board certifies its resolution to the board of elections. If approved by the electors, the tax takes effect on the first day of the month specified in the resolution but not sooner than the first day of the month that is at least sixty days after the certification of the election results by the board of elections. A copy of the resolution levying the tax and the certification of the board of elections shall be certified to the tax commissioner at least sixty days prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective.
A resolution under this section may be joined on the ballot as a single question with a resolution adopted under section 340.20 or 4301.425 of the Revised Code to levy a tax for the same purposes and for the purpose of paying the expenses of administering the tax.
(2) The question of levying of a tax under this section may be initiated by filing with the board of elections of the county a petition requesting that an election be held on the question. The petition shall specify the terms of the proposed tax, as if it were a resolution under division (B)(1) of this section. The petition shall have complied with the rules enumerated in section 3501.38 of the Revised Code, and shall have been signed by qualified electors residing in the county equal in number to ten per cent of those voting for governor at the most recent gubernatorial election. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections not later than seventy-five days before the general election. The petition may be joined as a single petition with a petition proposing the levying of a tax or taxes under section 340.20 or 4301.425 of the Revised Code.
The board of elections shall verify the petition. If the board determines that the petition is valid, it shall submit the question of levying the tax to the electors of the county at the next general election.
If approved by the electors, the tax takes effect on the first day of the month that is at least sixty days after the certification of the election results by the board of elections. A copy of the petition and the certification of the board of elections shall be certified to the tax commissioner at least sixty days prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective.
(C) The form of the ballot in an election held pursuant to this section shall be as prescribed in section 340.201 of the Revised Code.
(D) The county treasurer shall credit all amounts received from the tax commissioner under section 5743.028 of the Revised Code to the county cigarette and alcohol tax fund.
Sec. 5743.028.  The treasurer of state shall credit all moneys arising from each county's taxes levied under sections 5743.027 and 5743.325 of the Revised Code as follows:
(A) To the tax refund fund created by section 5703.052 of the Revised Code, amounts equal to the refunds from each tax levied under section 5743.027 of the Revised Code certified by the tax commissioner pursuant to section 5743.05 of the Revised Code;
(B) Following the crediting of amounts pursuant to division (A) of this section:
(1) To the permissive tax distribution fund, an amount equal to ninety-eight per cent of the remainder;
(2) To the local excise tax administrative fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury, an amount equal to two per cent of the remainder, for use by the tax commissioner in defraying costs incurred in administering the taxes.
On or before the second working day of each month, the treasurer of state shall certify to the tax commissioner the amount of each county's taxes levied under sections 5743.027 and 5743.325 of the Revised Code and paid to the treasurer of state during the preceding month.
On or before the tenth day of each month, the tax commissioner shall distribute the amount credited to the permissive tax distribution fund during the preceding month by providing for payment of the appropriate amount to the county treasurer of each county levying the taxes.
Sec. 5743.03. (A) Except as provided in section 5743.04 of the Revised Code, the taxes imposed under sections 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, and 5743.026, and 5743.027 of the Revised Code shall be paid by the purchase of stamps. A stamp shall be affixed to each package of an aggregate denomination not less than the amount of the tax upon the contents thereof. The stamp, so affixed, shall be prima-facie evidence of payment of the tax.
Except as is provided in the rules prescribed by the tax commissioner under authority of sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code, and unless tax stamps have been previously affixed, they shall be so affixed by each wholesale dealer, and canceled by writing or stamping across the face thereof the number assigned to such wholesale dealer by the tax commissioner for that purpose, prior to the delivery of any cigarettes to any person in this state, or in the case of a tax levied pursuant to section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code, prior to the delivery of cigarettes to any person in the county in which the tax is levied.
(B) Except as provided in the rules prescribed by the commissioner under authority of sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code, each retail dealer, within twenty-four hours after the receipt of any cigarettes at the retail dealer's place of business, shall inspect the cigarettes to ensure that tax stamps are affixed. The inspection shall be completed before the cigarettes are delivered to any person in this state, or, in the case of a tax levied pursuant to section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code, before the cigarettes are delivered to any person in the county in which the tax is levied.
(C) Whenever any cigarettes are found in the place of business of any retail dealer without proper tax stamps affixed thereto and canceled, it is presumed that such cigarettes are kept therein in violation of sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code.
(D) Each wholesale dealer who purchases cigarettes without proper tax stamps affixed thereto shall, on or before the thirty-first day of the month following the close of each semiannual period, which period shall end on the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December of each year, make and file a return of the preceding semiannual period, on such form as is prescribed by the tax commissioner, showing the dealer's entire purchases and sales of cigarettes and stamps or impressions for such semiannual period and accurate inventories as of the beginning and end of each semiannual period of cigarettes, stamped or unstamped; cigarette tax stamps affixed or unaffixed and unused meter impressions; and such other information as the commissioner finds necessary to the proper administration of sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may extend the time for making and filing returns and may remit all or any part of amounts of penalties that may become due under sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code. The wholesale dealer shall deliver the return together with a remittance of the tax deficiency reported thereon to the treasurer of state. The treasurer of state shall stamp or otherwise mark on the return the date it was received and shall also show thereon by stamp or otherwise a payment or nonpayment of the deficiency shown by the return. Thereafter, the treasurer of state shall immediately transmit all returns filed under this section to the commissioner.
(E) Any wholesale dealer who fails to file a return under this section and the rules of the commissioner, other than a report required pursuant to division (F) of this section, may be required, for each day the dealer so fails, to forfeit and pay into the state treasury the sum of one dollar as revenue arising from the tax imposed by sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code and such sum may be collected by assessment in the manner provided in section 5743.081 of the Revised Code. If the commissioner finds it necessary in order to insure the payment of the tax imposed by sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code, the commissioner may require returns and payments to be made other than semiannually. The returns shall be signed by the wholesale dealer or an authorized agent thereof.
(F) Each person required to file a tax return under section 5743.03, 5743.52, or 5743.62 of the Revised Code shall report to the commissioner the quantity of all cigarettes and roll-your-own cigarette tobacco sold in Ohio for each brand not covered by the tobacco master settlement agreement for which the person is liable for the taxes levied under section 5743.02, 5743.51, or 5743.62 of the Revised Code.
As used in this division, "tobacco master settlement agreement" has the same meaning as in section 183.01 of the Revised Code.
(G) The report required by division (F) of this section shall be made on a form prescribed by the commissioner and shall be filed not later than the last day of each month for the previous month, except that if the commissioner determines that the quantity reported by a person does not warrant monthly reporting, the commissioner may authorize reporting at less frequent intervals. The commissioner may assess a penalty of not more than two hundred fifty dollars for each month or portion thereof that a person fails to timely file a required report, and such sum may be collected by assessment in the manner provided in section 5743.081 of the Revised Code. All money collected under this division shall be considered as revenue arising from the taxes imposed by sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5743.04.  The tax commissioner shall design and procure the stamps provided for in section 5743.03 of the Revised Code and shall enforce and administer sections 5743.01 to 5743.44 of the Revised Code. With respect to packages containing any number of cigarettes other than twenty, if the commissioner finds that it is practicable to collect the taxes levied under sections 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, and 5743.026, and 5743.027 of the Revised Code by any method other than that provided in this section and section 5743.03 of the Revised Code, the commissioner may by rule prescribe such other method for payment of the taxes upon such packages of cigarettes as will adequately protect the revenue; provided, that in any case where the commissioner prescribes that the taxes upon such packages of cigarettes shall be paid on the basis of returns filed by a wholesale or retail dealer, said returns, together with a remittance of all taxes due as shown thereon, shall be filed with the treasurer of state not later than the tenth day of the month following the month in which such cigarettes are sold in this state. The commissioner may promulgate rules in accordance with sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code as the commissioner deems necessary to carry out sections 5743.01 to 5743.44 of the Revised Code and may adopt different detailed rules applicable to diverse methods and conditions of sale of cigarettes, prescribing, in each class of cases, upon whom, as between the wholesale dealer and the retail dealer, the primary duty of affixing stamps shall rest, and the manner in which stamps shall be affixed. A copy of such rules shall be furnished to every licensed dealer as provided in sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code. Any such rule so furnished which excuses a wholesale dealer from affixing stamps under the circumstances of the particular case shall be a defense in the prosecution of such dealer for violation of section 5743.03 of the Revised Code.
The commissioner, after determining that it is practicable to evidence payment of the taxes levied under sections 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, and 5743.026, and 5743.027 of the Revised Code by impression made by a metering device, shall by resolution provide that such metering device may be used in lieu of the stamps otherwise provided for in section 5743.03 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may authorize any wholesale or retail dealer to use the metering device approved by the commissioner. Such device before being used shall be sealed by the treasurer of state, and shall be used only in accordance with the rules prescribed by the commissioner.
Wholesale and retail dealers authorized to use said device shall prepay the tax represented by meter impressions and shall deliver the metering device to the treasurer of state or county treasurer in the county in which the place of business of any wholesaler or retailer is located if such treasurer is designated by the treasurer of state, who shall seal the meter in accordance with the prepayments so made.
Sec. 5743.05.  All stamps provided for by section 5743.03 of the Revised Code, when procured by the tax commissioner, shall be immediately delivered to the treasurer of state, who shall execute a receipt therefor showing the number and aggregate face value of each denomination received by the treasurer of state and any other information that the commissioner requires to enforce the collection and distribution of all taxes imposed under section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code, and deliver the receipt to the commissioner. The treasurer of state shall sell the stamps and, on the fifth day of each month, make a report showing all sales made during the preceding month, with the names of purchasers, the number of each denomination, the aggregate face value purchased by each, and any other information as the commissioner requires to enforce the collection and distribution of all taxes imposed under section 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code, and deliver it to the commissioner. The treasurer of state shall be accountable for all stamps received and unsold. The stamps shall be sold and accounted for at their face value, except the commissioner shall, by rule certified to the treasurer of state, authorize the sale of stamps and meter impressions to wholesale or retail dealers in this state, or to wholesale dealers outside this state, at a discount of not less than one and eight-tenths per cent or more than ten per cent of their face value, as a commission for affixing and canceling the stamps or meter impressions.
The commissioner, by rule certified to the treasurer of state, shall authorize the delivery of stamps and meter impressions to wholesale dealers in this state and to wholesale dealers outside this state on credit. If such a dealer has not been in good credit standing with this state for five consecutive years preceding the purchase, the tax commissioner shall require the dealer to file with the commissioner a bond to the state in the amount and in the form prescribed by the commissioner, with surety to the satisfaction of the commissioner, conditioned on payment to the treasurer of state within thirty days for stamps or meter impressions delivered within that time. If such a dealer has been in good credit standing with this state for five consecutive years preceding the purchase, the tax commissioner shall not require that the dealer file such a bond but shall require payment for the stamps and meter impressions within thirty days after purchase of the stamps and meter impressions. Stamps and meter impressions sold to a dealer not required to file a bond shall be sold at face value. The maximum amount that may be sold on credit to a dealer not required to file a bond shall equal one hundred ten per cent of the dealer's average monthly purchases over the preceding calendar year. The maximum amount shall be adjusted to reflect any changes in the tax rate and may be adjusted, upon application to the tax commissioner by the dealer, to reflect changes in the business operations of the dealer. The maximum amount shall be applicable to the period of July through April. Payment by a dealer not required to file a bond shall be remitted by electronic funds transfer as prescribed by section 5743.051 of the Revised Code. If a dealer not required to file a bond fails to make the payment in full within the thirty-day period, the treasurer of state shall not thereafter sell stamps or meter impressions to that dealer until the dealer pays the outstanding amount, including penalty and interest on that amount as prescribed in this chapter, and the commissioner thereafter may require the dealer to file a bond until the dealer is restored to good standing. The commissioner shall limit delivery of stamps and meter impressions on credit to the period running from the first day of July of the fiscal year until the first day of the following May. Any discount allowed as a commission for affixing and canceling stamps or meter impressions shall be allowed with respect to sales of stamps and meter impressions on credit.
The treasurer of state shall redeem and pay for any destroyed, unused, or spoiled tax stamps and any unused meter impressions at their net value, and shall refund to wholesale dealers the net amount of state and county taxes paid erroneously or paid on cigarettes that have been sold in interstate or foreign commerce or that have become unsalable, and the net amount of county taxes that were paid on cigarettes that have been sold at retail or for retail sale outside a taxing county.
An application for a refund of tax shall be filed with the tax commissioner, on the form prescribed by the commissioner for that purpose, within three years from the date the tax stamps are destroyed or spoiled, from the date of the erroneous payment, or from the date that cigarettes on which taxes have been paid have been sold in interstate or foreign commerce or have become unsalable.
On the filing of the application, the commissioner shall determine the amount of refund to which the applicant is entitled, payable from receipts of the state tax, and, if applicable, payable from receipts of a county tax. If the amount is less than that claimed, the commissioner shall certify the amount to the director of budget and management and treasurer of state for payment from the tax refund fund created by section 5703.052 of the Revised Code. If the amount is less than that claimed, the commissioner shall proceed in accordance with section 5703.70 of the Revised Code.
If a refund is granted for payment of an illegal or erroneous assessment issued by the department, the refund shall include interest on the amount of the refund from the date of the overpayment. The interest shall be computed at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5743.08.  Whenever the tax commissioner discovers any cigarettes which are being shipped, or which have been shipped, or transported in violation of section 2927.023 of the Revised Code, or discovers cigarettes, subject to the taxes levied under section 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code, and upon which the taxes have not been paid or that are held for sale or distribution in violation of any other provision of this chapter, the commissioner may seize and take possession of such cigarettes, which shall thereupon be forfeited to the state, and the commissioner, within a reasonable time thereafter sell or destroy the forfeited cigarettes. If the commissioner sells cigarettes under this section, the commissioner shall use proceeds from the sale to pay the costs incurred in the proceedings. Any proceeds remaining after all costs have been paid shall be considered revenue arising from the taxes levied under this chapter. Seizure and sale shall not be deemed to relieve any person from the fine or imprisonment provided for violation of sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code. A sale shall be made where it is most convenient and economical. The tax commissioner may order the destruction of the forfeited cigarettes if the quantity or quality of the cigarettes is not sufficient to warrant their sale.
Sec. 5743.081.  (A) If any wholesale dealer or retail dealer fails to pay the tax levied under section 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code as required by sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code, and by the rules of the tax commissioner, or fails to collect the tax from the purchaser or consumer, the commissioner may make an assessment against the wholesale or retail dealer based upon any information in the commissioner's possession.
The commissioner may make an assessment against any wholesale or retail dealer who fails to file a return required by section 5743.03 or 5743.025 of the Revised Code.
No assessment shall be made against any wholesale or retail dealer for any taxes imposed under section 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code more than three years after the last day of the calendar month that immediately follows the semiannual period prescribed in section 5743.03 of the Revised Code in which the sale was made, or more than three years after the semiannual return for such period is filed, whichever is later. This section does not bar an assessment against any wholesale or retail dealer who fails to file a return as required by section 5743.025 or 5743.03 of the Revised Code, or who files a fraudulent return.
A penalty of up to thirty per cent may be added to the amount of every assessment made under this section. The commissioner may adopt rules providing for the imposition and remission of penalties added to assessments made under this section.
The commissioner shall give the party assessed written notice of the assessment in the manner provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code. The notice shall specify separately any portion of the assessment that represents a county tax. With the notice, the commissioner shall provide instructions on how to petition for reassessment and request a hearing on the petition.
(B) Unless the party assessed files with the tax commissioner within sixty days after service of the notice of assessment, either personally or by certified mail, a written petition for reassessment signed by the party assessed or that party's authorized agent having knowledge of the facts, the assessment becomes final and the amount of the assessment is due and payable from the party assessed to the treasurer of state. The petition shall indicate the objections of the party assessed, but additional objections may be raised in writing if received by the commissioner prior to the date shown on the final determination. If the petition has been properly filed, the commissioner shall proceed under section 5703.60 of the Revised Code.
(C) After an assessment becomes final, if any portion of the assessment remains unpaid, including accrued interest, a certified copy of the tax commissioner's entry making the assessment final may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas in the county in which the wholesale or retail dealer's place of business is located or the county in which the party assessed resides. If the party assessed maintains no place of business in this state and is not a resident of this state, the certified copy of the entry may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of Franklin county.
Immediately upon the filing of the commissioner's entry, the clerk shall enter a judgment for the state against the party assessed in the amount shown on the entry. The judgment may be filed by the clerk in a loose-leaf book entitled "special judgments for state cigarette sales tax," and shall have the same effect as other judgments. Execution shall issue upon the judgment upon the request of the tax commissioner, and all laws applicable to sales on execution shall apply to sales made under the judgment, except as otherwise provided in sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code.
The portion of the assessment not paid within sixty days after the assessment was issued shall bear interest at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code from the day the commissioner issues the assessment until it is paid. Interest shall be paid in the same manner as the tax and may be collected by the issuance of an assessment under this section.
(D) All money collected by the tax commissioner under this section shall be paid to the treasurer of state, and when paid shall be considered as revenue arising from the taxes imposed by sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5743.12.  No person shall make a false entry upon an invoice, package, or container of cigarettes upon which an entry is required by sections 5743.01 to 5743.20 of the Revised Code, nor shall any person present any such false entry for the inspection of the tax commissioner with intent to evade the tax levied under section 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5743.13.  No person shall falsely or fraudulently make, forge, alter, or counterfeit any stamp prescribed by the tax commissioner under section 5743.03 of the Revised Code, or cause to be falsely or fraudulently made, forged, altered, or counterfeited any such stamp, or possess any counterfeiting device, or knowingly and willfully utter, publish, pass, or tender as true, any such false, altered, forged, or counterfeited stamp, or use more than once any such stamp for the purpose of evading the tax levied under section 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, or 5743.026, or 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5743.325.  For the same purposes for which it levies a tax under section 5743.027 of the Revised Code the board of county commissioners of a county that levies a tax under that section, by resolution adopted by a majority of the board, shall levy a tax at the same rate on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in the county, provided that the tax shall not apply if the tax levied by section 5743.027 of the Revised Code has been paid. The tax shall take effect on the date that a tax levied under that section takes effect, and shall remain in effect as long as the tax levied under that section remains effective.
Sec. 5743.33.  Except as provided in section 5747.331 of the Revised Code, every person who has acquired cigarettes for use, storage, or other consumption subject to the tax levied under section 5743.32, 5743.321, 5743.323, or 5743.324, or 5743.325 of the Revised Code, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of the month following receipt of such cigarettes, file with the tax commissioner a return showing the amount of cigarettes acquired, together with remittance of the tax thereon. No such person shall transport within this state, cigarettes that have a wholesale value in excess of three hundred dollars, unless that person has obtained consent to transport the cigarettes from the department of taxation prior to such transportation. Such consent shall not be required if the applicable taxes levied under sections 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, and 5743.026, and 5743.027 of the Revised Code have been paid. Application for the consent shall be in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner.
Every person transporting such cigarettes shall possess the consent while transporting or possessing the cigarettes within this state and shall produce the consent upon request of any law enforcement officer or authorized agent of the tax commissioner.
Any person transporting such cigarettes without the consent required by this section, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, including the applicable taxes imposed under sections 5743.02, 5743.021, 5743.024, and 5743.026, and 5743.027 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 5743.34.  If any person required to pay the tax levied under section 5743.32, 5743.321, 5743.323, or 5743.324, or 5743.325 of the Revised Code, fails to make remittance, the tax commissioner may issue an assessment against that person based on any information in the commissioner's possession.
Sections 5743.081 and 5743.082 of the Revised Code relating to the assessments or findings, appeals from assessments or findings, the effect of assessments or findings before or after hearing and before or after filing the same in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas, and all sections relating to the procedure, authority, duties, liabilities, powers, and privileges of the person assessed, the commissioner, the clerk, and all other public officials, shall be applicable to assessments made pursuant to this section.
Sec. 5743.35.  No person required by section 5743.33 of the Revised Code to file a return with the tax commissioner shall fail to make such return, or fail to pay the applicable taxes levied under section 5743.32, 5743.321, 5743.323, or 5743.324, or 5743.325 of the Revised Code, or fail to pay any lawful assessment issued by the commissioner.
Section 2. That existing sections 305.31, 1333.11, 4301.01, 4301.422, 4301.49, 4301.50, 4305.131, 4307.04, 4307.05, 5705.38, 5743.025, 5743.03, 5743.04, 5743.05, 5743.08, 5743.081, 5743.12, 5743.13, 5743.33, 5743.34, and 5743.35 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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