130th Ohio General Assembly
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Am. Sub. H. B. No. 359  As Passed by the House
As Passed by the House

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. Sub. H. B. No. 359

Representative Huffman 

Cosponsors: Representatives McGregor, J., Peterson, Healy, McGregor, R., Jones, Bacon, Adams, Lundy, Stebelton, Evans, Gibbs, Letson, Slesnick, Patton, Batchelder, Bolon, Boyd, Brown, Chandler, Combs, DeBose, DeGeeter, Dolan, Domenick, Dyer, Flowers, Hite, Hughes, Luckie, Newcomb, Oelslager, Setzer, Skindell, Stewart, D., Strahorn, Williams, S., Yuko 

To amend sections 321.261 and 323.47 of the Revised Code to authorize the prosecutor and treasurer of a county with a population greater than 100,000 to utilize surplus delinquent tax collections to facilitate nuisance abatement of deteriorated residential buildings in foreclosure and to prosecute criminal and civil real estate transaction-related violations of the law, and to require all taxes, penalties, and assessments known to be a lien against foreclosed property when the deed is transferred to be discharged out of the proceeds of judicial and partition sales.

Section 1. That sections 321.261 and 323.47 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 321.261.  (A) Five per cent of all delinquent real property, personal property, and manufactured and mobile home taxes and assessments collected by the county treasurer shall be deposited in the delinquent tax and assessment collection fund, which shall be created in the county treasury. The Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, the moneys in the fund, one-half of which shall be appropriated by the board of county commissioners to the treasurer and one-half of which shall be appropriated to the county prosecuting attorney, shall be used solely in connection with the collection of delinquent real property, personal property, and manufactured and mobile home taxes and assessments.
Annually by the first day of December, the treasurer and the prosecuting attorney each shall submit a report to the board regarding the use of the moneys appropriated to their respective offices from the delinquent tax and assessment collection fund. Each report shall specify the amount appropriated to the office during the current calendar year, an estimate of the amount so appropriated that will be expended by the end of the year, a summary of how the amount appropriated has been expended in connection with delinquent tax collection activities, and an estimate of the amount that will be credited to the fund during the ensuing calendar year.
(B) In a county having a population of more than one hundred thousand according to the department of development's 2006 census estimate, if the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney determines that the amount appropriated to the office from the county's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund under division (A) of this section exceeds the amount required to be used as prescribed by that division, the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney may expend the excess to assist townships or municipal corporations located in the county as provided in this division, provided that the combined amount so expended each year in a county shall not exceed three million dollars. Upon application for the funds by a township or municipal corporation, the county treasurer and prosecuting attorney may assist the township or municipal corporation in abating foreclosed residential nuisances, including paying the costs of securing such buildings, lot maintenance, and demolition. At the prosecuting attorney's discretion, the prosecuting attorney also may apply the funds to costs of prosecuting alleged violations of criminal and civil laws governing real estate and related transactions, including fraud, abuse, and predatory lending.
For the purposes of this division, "predatory lending" includes, but is not limited to:
(1) An act, conduct, or omission violating sections 1322.07, 1322.071, and 1322.075 of the Revised Code;
(2) Failing to provide a consumer with clear and balanced information regarding mortgage loan terms, the level of risk, and the severity of borrowing on terms that may result in a significant increase in payment obligation or negative amortization;
(3) Making unsubstantiated statements as to the future direction of interest rates, or one-sided representations about the cash savings or expanded buying power to be realized from a loan that may result in a significant increase in payment obligation or negative amortization;
(4) Any combination of factors caused by obscuring a significant risk under the loan that results in unfavorable and unjustifiable loan terms for a borrower.
Sec. 323.47.  If land held by tenants in common is sold upon proceedings in partition, or taken by the election of any of the parties to such proceedings, or real estate is sold at judicial sale, or by administrators, executors, guardians, or trustees, the court shall order that the taxes, penalties, and assessments then due and payable, and interest thereon, that are or will be a lien on such land or real estate at the time the deed is transferred following the sale, be discharged out of the proceeds of such sale or election. For purposes of determining such amount, the county treasurer may shall estimate the amount of taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties that will be payable a lien on the land or real estate at the time the deed of the property is transferred to the purchaser. If the county treasurer's estimate exceeds the amount of taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties actually payable that are a lien when the deed is transferred to the purchaser, the officer who conducted the sale shall refund to the purchaser the difference between the estimate and the actual amount actually payable of the lien. If the amount of taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties actually payable that are a lien when the deed is transferred to the purchaser exceeds the county treasurer's estimate, the officer shall certify the amount of the excess to the treasurer, who shall enter that amount on the real and public utility property tax duplicate opposite the property; the amount of the excess shall be payable at the next succeeding date prescribed for payment of taxes in section 323.12 of the Revised Code.
Section 2. That existing sections 321.261 and 323.47 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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