130th Ohio General Assembly
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S. B. No. 282  As Introduced
As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 282

Senator Kearney 

To amend section 123.152 and to enact section 125.083 of the Revised Code to generally require that state agencies set aside a certain amount of purchases for which only EDGE business enterprises may compete.

Section 1.  That section 123.152 be amended and section 125.083 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 123.152. (A) As used in this section, "EDGE business enterprise" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability corporation, or joint venture certified as a participant in the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program by the director of administrative services under this section of the Revised Code.
(B) The director of administrative services shall establish a business assistance program known as the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program and shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to administer the program that do all of the following:
(1) Establish procedures by which a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability corporation, or joint venture may apply for certification as an EDGE business enterprise;
(2) Except as provided in division (B)(14) of this section, establish agency procurement goals for contracting with EDGE business enterprises in the award of contracts under Chapters 123., 125., and 153. of the Revised Code based on the availability of eligible program participants by region or geographic area, as determined by the director, and by standard industrial code or equivalent code classification.
(a) Goals established under division (B)(2) of this section shall be based on a percentage level of participation and a percentage of contractor availability.
(b) Goals established under division (B)(2) of this section shall be applied at the contract level, relative to an overall dollar goal for each state agency, in accordance with the following certification categories: construction, architecture, and engineering; professional services; goods and services; and information technology services.
(c) Goals established under division (B)(2) of this section shall be consistent with the set-aside requirements of section 125.083 of the Revised Code.
(3) Establish a system of certifying EDGE business enterprises based on a requirement that the business owner or owners show both social and economic disadvantage based on the following, as determined to be sufficient by the director:
(a) Relative wealth of the business seeking certification as well as the personal wealth of the owner or owners of the business;
(b) Social disadvantage based on any of the following:
(i) A rebuttable presumption when the business owner or owners demonstrate membership in a racial minority group or show personal disadvantage due to color, ethnic origin, gender, physical disability, long-term residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society, location in an area of high unemployment;
(ii) Some other demonstration of personal disadvantage not common to other small businesses;
(iii) By business location in a qualified census tract.
(c) Economic disadvantage based on economic and business size thresholds and eligibility criteria designed to stimulate economic development through contract awards to businesses located in qualified census tracts.
(4) Establish standards to determine when an EDGE business enterprise no longer qualifies for EDGE business enterprise certification;
(5) Develop a process for evaluating and adjusting goals established by this section to determine what adjustments are necessary to achieve participation goals established by the director;
(6) Establish a point system or comparable system to evaluate bid proposals to encourage EDGE business enterprises to participate in the procurement of professional design and information technology services;
(7) Establish a system to track data and analyze each certification category established under division (B)(2)(b) of this section;
(8) Establish a process to mediate complaints and to review EDGE business enterprise certification appeals;
(9) Implement an outreach program to educate potential participants about the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program;
(10) Establish a system to assist state agencies in identifying and utilizing EDGE business enterprises in their contracting processes;
(11) Implement a system of self-reporting by EDGE business enterprises as well as an on-site inspection process to validate the qualifications of an EDGE business enterprise;
(12) Establish a waiver mechanism to waive program goals or participation requirements for those companies that, despite their best-documented efforts, are unable to contract with certified EDGE business enterprises;
(13) Establish a process for monitoring overall program compliance in which equal employment opportunity officers primarily are responsible for monitoring their respective agencies;
(14) Establish guidelines for state universities as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code and the Ohio school facilities commission created in section 3318.30 of the Revised Code for awarding contracts pursuant to Chapters 153., 3318., and 3345. of the Revised Code to allow the universities and commission to establish agency procurement goals for contracting with EDGE business enterprises.
(C) Business and personal financial information and trade secrets submitted by encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program applicants to the director pursuant to this section are not public records for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, unless the director presents the financial information or trade secrets at a public hearing or public proceeding regarding the applicant's eligibility to participate in the program.
Sec. 125.083. (A) As used in this section, "EDGE business enterprise" has the same meaning as in section 123.152 of the Revised Code.
(B) From the purchases that the department of administrative services is required by law to make through competitive selection, the director of administrative services shall select a number of such purchases, the aggregate value of which equals approximately fifteen per cent of the estimated total value of all such purchases to be made in the current fiscal year. The director shall set aside the purchases selected for competition only by EDGE business enterprises. The competitive selection procedures for such purchases set aside shall be the same as for all other purchases the department is required to make through competitive selection, except that only EDGE business enterprises shall be qualified to compete.
(C) To the extent that any agency of the state, other than the department of administrative services, the legislative and judicial branches, boards of elections, and the adjutant general, is authorized to make purchases, the agency shall set aside a number of purchases, the aggregate value of which equals approximately fifteen per cent of the aggregate value of such purchases for the current fiscal year for competition by EDGE business enterprises only. The procedures for such purchases shall be the same as for all other such purchases made by the agency, except that only EDGE business enterprises shall be qualified to compete.
(D) In the case of purchases set aside under division (B) or (C) of this section, if no bid is submitted by an EDGE business enterprise, the purchase shall be made according to usual procedures. The contracting agency shall from time to time set aside such additional purchases for which only EDGE business enterprises may compete, as are necessary to replace those purchases previously set aside for which no EDGE business enterprises bid and to ensure that, in any fiscal year, the aggregate amount of contracts awarded to EDGE business enterprises will equal approximately fifteen per cent of the total amount of contracts awarded by the agency.
(E) The director may, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, adopt rules necessary for the implementation of this section.
(F) Nothing in this section precludes any EDGE business enterprise from competing for any other state purchases that are not specifically set aside for EDGE business enterprises.
(G) If an EDGE business enterprise is also qualified under section 125.081 of the Revised Code to compete as a minority business enterprise, a contract awarded by a state agency to the business enterprise pursuant to that section shall be considered, for purposes of this section, a contract awarded to an EDGE business enterprise.
(H) Any person who intentionally misrepresents self as owning, controlling, operating, or participating in an EDGE business enterprise for the purpose of obtaining contracts, subcontracts, or any other benefits under this section shall be guilty of theft by deception as provided for in section 2913.02 of the Revised Code.
Section 2. That existing section 123.152 of the Revised Code is hereby repealed.
Section 3.  Sections 123.152 and 125.083 of the Revised Code, as amended or enacted by this act, shall first apply to purchases made in fiscal year 2009.
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