130th Ohio General Assembly
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H. B. No. 117  As Introduced
As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 117

Representative Jones 

Cosponsors: Representatives Boose, Combs, Evans, Gardner, Grossman, Hall, Hite, Morgan, Ruhl, Uecker, Wagner, Zehringer 

To amend sections 5751.20 and 5751.22 of the Revised Code to require 30% of commercial activity tax revenue to be used indefinitely for local government purposes.

Section 1. That sections 5751.20 and 5751.22 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 5751.20.  (A) As used in sections 5751.20 to 5751.22 of the Revised Code:
(1) "School district," "joint vocational school district," "local taxing unit," "recognized valuation," "fixed-rate levy," and "fixed-sum levy" have the same meanings as used in section 5727.84 of the Revised Code.
(2) "State education aid" for a school district means the sum of state aid amounts computed for the district under division (A) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code, including the amounts calculated under sections 3317.029 and 3317.0217 of the Revised Code; divisions (C)(1), (C)(4), (D), (E), and (F) of section 3317.022; divisions (B), (C), and (D) of section 3317.023; divisions (L) and (N) of section 3317.024; section 3317.0216; and any unit payments for gifted student services paid under sections 3317.05, 3317.052, and 3317.053 of the Revised Code; except that, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the amount computed for the district under Section 269.20.80 of H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly and as that section subsequently may be amended shall be substituted for the amount computed under division (D) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code, and the amount computed under Section 269.30.80 of H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly and as that section subsequently may be amended shall be included.
(3) "State education aid" for a joint vocational school district means the sum of the state aid computed for the district under division (N) of section 3317.024 and section 3317.16 of the Revised Code, except that, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the amount computed under Section 269.30.80 of H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly and as that section subsequently may be amended shall be included.
(4) "State education aid offset" means the amount determined for each school district or joint vocational school district under division (A)(1) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code.
(5) "Machinery and equipment property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(1) of this section.
(6) "Inventory property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(2) of this section.
(7) "Furniture and fixtures property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(3) of this section.
(8) "Machinery and equipment fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(1) of this section.
(9) "Inventory fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(2) of this section.
(10) "Furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(3) of this section.
(11) "Total fixed-rate levy loss" means the sum of the machinery and equipment fixed-rate levy loss, the inventory fixed-rate levy loss, the furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy loss, and the telephone company fixed-rate levy loss.
(12) "Fixed-sum levy loss" means the amount determined under division (E) of this section.
(13) "Machinery and equipment" means personal property subject to the assessment rate specified in division (F) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.
(14) "Inventory" means personal property subject to the assessment rate specified in division (E) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.
(15) "Furniture and fixtures" means personal property subject to the assessment rate specified in division (G) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.
(16) "Qualifying levies" are levies in effect for tax year 2004 or applicable to tax year 2005 or approved at an election conducted before September 1, 2005. For the purpose of determining the rate of a qualifying levy authorized by section 5705.212 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code, the rate shall be the rate that would be in effect for tax year 2010.
(17) "Telephone property" means tangible personal property of a telephone, telegraph, or interexchange telecommunications company subject to an assessment rate specified in section 5727.111 of the Revised Code in tax year 2004.
(18) "Telephone property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(4) of this section.
(19) "Telephone property fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(4) of this section.
(B) The commercial activities tax receipts fund is hereby created in the state treasury and shall consist of money arising from the tax imposed under this chapter. All money in that fund shall be credited for each fiscal year in the following percentages to the general revenue fund, to the school district tangible property tax replacement fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury for the purpose of making the payments described in section 5751.21 of the Revised Code, and to the local government tangible property tax replacement fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury for the purpose of making the payments described in section 5751.22 of the Revised Code, in the following percentages:
Fiscal year General Revenue Fund School District Tangible Property Tax Replacement Fund Local Government Tangible Property Tax Replacement Fund
2006 67.7% 22.6% 9.7%
2007 0% 70.0% 30.0%
2008 0% 70.0% 30.0%
2009 0% 70.0% 30.0%
2010 0% 70.0% 30.0%
2011 0% 70.0% 30.0%
2012 5.3% 70.0% 24.7%
2013 10.6% 70.0% 19.4%
2014 14.1% 70.0% 15.9%
2015 17.6% 70.0% 12.4%
2016 21.1% 70.0% 8.9%
2017 24.6% 70.0% 5.4%
2018 28.1% 70.0% 1.9%
2019 2011 and thereafter 30 0% 70% 0 30%

(C) Not later than September 15, 2005, the tax commissioner shall determine for each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit its machinery and equipment, inventory property, furniture and fixtures property, and telephone property tax value losses, which are the applicable amounts described in divisions (C)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section, except as provided in division (C)(5) of this section:
(1) Machinery and equipment property tax value loss is the taxable value of machinery and equipment property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004 multiplied by:
(a) For tax year 2006, thirty-three and eight-tenths per cent;
(b) For tax year 2007, sixty-one and three-tenths per cent;
(c) For tax year 2008, eighty-three per cent;
(d) For tax year 2009 and thereafter, one hundred per cent.
(2) Inventory property tax value loss is the taxable value of inventory property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004 multiplied by:
(a) For tax year 2006, a fraction, the numerator of which is five and three-fourths and the denominator of which is twenty-three;
(b) For tax year 2007, a fraction, the numerator of which is nine and one-half and the denominator of which is twenty-three;
(c) For tax year 2008, a fraction, the numerator of which is thirteen and one-fourth and the denominator of which is twenty-three;
(d) For tax year 2009 and thereafter a fraction, the numerator of which is seventeen and the denominator of which is twenty-three.
(3) Furniture and fixtures property tax value loss is the taxable value of furniture and fixture property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004 multiplied by:
(a) For tax year 2006, twenty-five per cent;
(b) For tax year 2007, fifty per cent;
(c) For tax year 2008, seventy-five per cent;
(d) For tax year 2009 and thereafter, one hundred per cent.
The taxable value of property reported by taxpayers used in divisions (C)(1), (2), and (3) of this section shall be such values as determined to be final by the tax commissioner as of August 31, 2005. Such determinations shall be final except for any correction of a clerical error that was made prior to August 31, 2005, by the tax commissioner.
(4) Telephone property tax value loss is the taxable value of telephone property as taxpayers would have reported that property for tax year 2004 if the assessment rate for all telephone property for that year were twenty-five per cent, multiplied by:
(a) For tax year 2006, zero per cent;
(b) For tax year 2007, zero per cent;
(c) For tax year 2008, zero per cent;
(d) For tax year 2009, sixty per cent;
(e) For tax year 2010, eighty per cent;
(f) For tax year 2011 and thereafter, one hundred per cent.
(5) Division (C)(5) of this section applies to any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit in a county in which is located a facility currently or formerly devoted to the enrichment or commercialization of uranium or uranium products, and for which the total taxable value of property listed on the general tax list of personal property for any tax year from tax year 2001 to tax year 2004 was fifty per cent or less of the taxable value of such property listed on the general tax list of personal property for the next preceding tax year.
In computing the fixed-rate levy losses under divisions (D)(1), (2), and (3) of this section for any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit to which division (C)(5) of this section applies, the taxable value of such property as listed on the general tax list of personal property for tax year 2000 shall be substituted for the taxable value of such property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004, in the taxing district containing the uranium facility, if the taxable value listed for tax year 2000 is greater than the taxable value reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004. For the purpose of making the computations under divisions (D)(1), (2), and (3) of this section, the tax year 2000 valuation is to be allocated to machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures property in the same proportions as the tax year 2004 values. For the purpose of the calculations in division (A) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code, the tax year 2004 taxable values shall be used.
To facilitate the calculations required under division (C) of this section, the county auditor, upon request from the tax commissioner, shall provide by August 1, 2005, the values of machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures for all single-county personal property taxpayers for tax year 2004.
(D) Not later than September 15, 2005, the tax commissioner shall determine for each tax year from 2006 through 2009 for each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit its machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy losses, and for each tax year from 2006 through 2011 its telephone property fixed-rate levy loss, which are the applicable amounts described in divisions (D)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section:
(1) The machinery and equipment fixed-rate levy loss is the machinery and equipment property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.
(2) The inventory fixed-rate loss is the inventory property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.
(3) The furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy loss is the furniture and fixture property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.
(4) The telephone property fixed-rate levy loss is the telephone property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.
(E) Not later than September 15, 2005, the tax commissioner shall determine for each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit its fixed-sum levy loss. The fixed-sum levy loss is the amount obtained by subtracting the amount described in division (E)(2) of this section from the amount described in division (E)(1) of this section:
(1) The sum of the machinery and equipment property tax value loss, the inventory property tax value loss, and the furniture and fixtures property tax value loss, and, for 2008 through 2017 the telephone property tax value loss of the district or unit multiplied by the sum of the fixed-sum tax rates of qualifying levies. For 2006 through 2010, this computation shall include all qualifying levies remaining in effect for the current tax year and any school district levies imposed under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code that are qualifying levies not remaining in effect for the current year. For 2011 through 2017 in the case of school district levies imposed under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code and for all years after 2010 in the case of other fixed-sum levies, this computation shall include only qualifying levies remaining in effect for the current year. For purposes of this computation, a qualifying school district levy imposed under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code remains in effect in a year after 2010 only if, for that year, the board of education levies a school district levy imposed under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code for an annual sum at least equal to the annual sum levied by the board in tax year 2004 less the amount of the payment certified under this division for 2006.
(2) The total taxable value in tax year 2004 less the sum of the machinery and equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and telephone property tax value losses in each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit multiplied by one-half of one mill per dollar.
(3) For the calculations in divisions (E)(1) and (2) of this section, the tax value losses are those that would be calculated for tax year 2009 under divisions (C)(1), (2), and (3) of this section and for tax year 2011 under division (C)(4) of this section.
(4) To facilitate the calculation under divisions (D) and (E) of this section, not later than September 1, 2005, any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit that has a qualifying levy that was approved at an election conducted during 2005 before September 1, 2005, shall certify to the tax commissioner a copy of the county auditor's certificate of estimated property tax millage for such levy as required under division (B) of section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, which is the rate that shall be used in the calculations under such divisions.
If the amount determined under division (E) of this section for any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit is greater than zero, that amount shall equal the reimbursement to be paid pursuant to division (E) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(3) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code, and the one-half of one mill that is subtracted under division (E)(2) of this section shall be apportioned among all contributing fixed-sum levies in the proportion that each levy bears to the sum of all fixed-sum levies within each school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit.
(F) Not later than October 1, 2005, the tax commissioner shall certify to the department of education for every school district and joint vocational school district the machinery and equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and telephone property tax value losses determined under division (C) of this section, the machinery and equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and telephone fixed-rate levy losses determined under division (D) of this section, and the fixed-sum levy losses calculated under division (E) of this section. The calculations under divisions (D) and (E) of this section shall separately display the levy loss for each levy eligible for reimbursement.
(G) Not later than October 1, 2005, the tax commissioner shall certify the amount of the fixed-sum levy losses to the county auditor of each county in which a school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit with a fixed-sum levy loss reimbursement has territory.
Sec. 5751.22.  (A) Not later than January 1, 2006, the tax commissioner shall compute the payments to be made to each local taxing unit for each year according to divisions (A)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section, and shall distribute the payments in the manner prescribed by division (C) of this section. The calculation of the fixed-sum levy loss shall cover a time period sufficient to include all fixed-sum levies for which the commissioner determined, pursuant to division (E) of section 5751.20 of the Revised Code, that a fixed-sum levy loss is to be reimbursed.
(1) Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, for machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy losses determined under division (D) of section 5751.20 of the Revised Code, payments shall be made in an amount equal to each of those losses multiplied by the following:
(a) For tax years 2006 through 2010, one hundred per cent;
(b) For tax year 2011, a fraction, the numerator of which is fourteen and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(c) For tax year 2012, a fraction, the numerator of which is eleven and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(d) For tax year 2013, a fraction, the numerator of which is nine and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(e) For tax year 2014, a fraction, the numerator of which is seven and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(f) For tax year 2015, a fraction, the numerator of which is five and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(g) For tax year 2016, a fraction, the numerator of which is three and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(h) For tax year 2017, a fraction, the numerator of which is one and the denominator of which is seventeen;
(i) For tax years 2018 and thereafter, no fixed-rate payments shall be made.
Any qualifying levy that is a fixed-rate levy that is not applicable to a tax year after 2010 shall not qualify for any reimbursement after the tax year to which it is last applicable.
(2) Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, for telephone property fixed-rate levy losses determined under division (D)(4) of section 5751.20 of the Revised Code, payments shall be made in an amount equal to each of those losses multiplied by the following:
(a) For tax years 2009 through 2011, one hundred per cent;
(b) For tax year 2012, seven-eighths;
(c) For tax year 2013, six-eighths;
(d) For tax year 2014, five-eighths;
(e) For tax year 2015, four-eighths;
(f) For tax year 2016, three-eighths;
(g) For tax year 2017, two-eighths;
(h) For tax year 2018, one-eighth;
(i) For tax years 2019 and thereafter, no fixed-rate payments shall be made.
Any qualifying levy that is a fixed-rate levy that is not applicable to a tax year after 2011 shall not qualify for any reimbursement after the tax year to which it is last applicable.
(3) For fixed-sum levy losses determined under division (E) of section 5751.20 of the Revised Code, payments shall be made in the amount of one hundred per cent of the fixed-sum levy loss for payments required to be made in 2006 and thereafter.
(4) For taxes levied within the ten-mill limitation for debt purposes in tax year 2005, payments shall be made based on the schedule in division (A)(1) of this section for each of the calendar years 2006 through 2010. For each of the calendar years 2011 through 2017, the percentages for calendar year 2010 shall be used, as long as the qualifying levy continues to be used for debt purposes. If the purpose of such a qualifying levy is changed, that levy becomes subject to the payment schedules in divisions (A)(1)(a) to (h) of this section. No payments shall be made for such levies after calendar year 2017.
(B) Beginning in 2007, by the thirty-first day of January of each year, the tax commissioner shall review the calculation originally made under division (A) of this section of the fixed-sum levy losses determined under division (E) of section 5751.20 of the Revised Code. If the commissioner determines that a fixed-sum levy that had been scheduled to be reimbursed in the current year has expired, a revised calculation for that and all subsequent years shall be made.
(C) Payments to local taxing units required to be made under division (A) of this section shall be paid from the local government tangible property tax replacement fund to the county undivided income tax fund in the proper county treasury. Beginning in May 2006, one-seventh of the amount certified under that division shall be paid by the last day of May each year, and three-sevenths shall be paid by the last day of August and October each year. Within forty-five days after receipt of such payments, the county treasurer shall distribute amounts determined under division (A) of this section to the proper local taxing unit as if they had been levied and collected as taxes, and the local taxing unit shall apportion the amounts so received among its funds in the same proportions as if those amounts had been levied and collected as taxes.
(D) For each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2019, if the total amount in the local government tangible property tax replacement fund is insufficient to make all payments under division (C) of this section at the times the payments are to be made, the director of budget and management shall transfer from the general revenue fund to the local government tangible property tax replacement fund the difference between the total amount to be paid and the amount in the local government tangible property tax replacement fund. For each fiscal year after 2019, at the time payments under division (A)(2) of this section are to be made, the director of budget and management shall transfer from the general revenue fund to the local government property tax replacement fund the amount necessary to make such payments.
(E) On the fifteenth day of June of each year from 2006 through 2018 2011, the director of budget and management may transfer any balance in the local government tangible property tax replacement fund to the general revenue fund. At the end of each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2012 and ending with fiscal year 2018, any balance in the local government tangible property tax replacement fund shall remain in the fund to be used in future fiscal years for local government purposes. In each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2019, all amounts credited to the local government tangible property tax replacement fund shall be appropriated for local government purposes. As used in this division, "local government purposes" means providing monetary assistance to local taxing units including, but not limited to, supplementing payments from the local government fund and continuing the payments provided in divisions (A) and (C) of this section.
(F) If all or a part of the territories of two or more local taxing units are merged, or unincorporated territory of a township is annexed by a municipal corporation, the tax commissioner shall adjust the payments made under this section to each of the local taxing units in proportion to the tax value loss apportioned to the merged or annexed territory, or as otherwise provided by a written agreement between the legislative authorities of the local taxing units certified to the commissioner not later than the first day of June of the calendar year in which the payment is to be made.
Section 2.  That existing sections 5751.20 and 5751.22 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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