130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 141  As Introduced
As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 141

Representative Dodd 

Cosponsors: Representatives Okey, Wachtmann, Weddington, Letson, Boyd, Luckie 

To amend sections 711.05, 711.10, 3718.01, 3718.02, 3718.03, 3718.04, 3718.05, 3718.06, 3718.09, and 6117.51 and to enact sections 3718.011, 3718.023, 3718.024, 3718.025, and 3718.041 of the Revised Code, to amend sections 711.05 and 711.10 of the Revised Code, which are scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2009, to amend Section 120.05 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly, and to repeal Sections 120.01 and 120.02 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly to revise the Household Sewage and Small Flow On-Site Sewage Treatment Systems Law, and to declare an emergency.

Section 1.  That sections 711.05, 711.10, 3718.01, 3718.02, 3718.03, 3718.04, 3718.05, 3718.06, 3718.09, and 6117.51 be amended and sections 3718.011, 3718.023, 3718.024, 3718.025, and 3718.041 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 711.05.  (A) Upon the submission of a plat for approval, in accordance with section 711.041 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall certify on it the date of the submission. Within five days of submission of the plat, the board shall schedule a meeting to consider the plat and send a written notice by regular mail to the fiscal officer of the board of township trustees of the township in which the plat is located and the board of health of the health district in which the plat is located. The notice shall inform the trustees and the board of health of the submission of the plat and of the date, time, and location of any meeting at which the board of county commissioners will consider or act upon the proposed plat. The meeting shall take place within thirty days of submission of the plat, and no meeting shall be held until at least seven days have passed from the date the notice was sent by the board of county commissioners. The approval of the board required by section 711.041 of the Revised Code or the refusal to approve shall take place within thirty days from the date of submission or such further time as the applying party may agree to in writing; otherwise, the plat is deemed approved and may be recorded as if bearing such approval.
(B) The board may adopt general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land falling within its jurisdiction, to secure and provide for the coordination of the streets within the subdivision with existing streets and roads or with existing county highways, for the proper amount of open spaces for traffic, circulation, and utilities, and for the avoidance of future congestion of population detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, but shall not impose a greater minimum lot area than forty-eight hundred square feet. Before the board may amend or adopt rules, it shall notify all the townships in the county of the proposed amendments or rules by regular mail at least thirty days before the public meeting at which the proposed amendments or rules are to be considered.
The rules may require the board of health to review and comment on a plat before the board of county commissioners acts upon it and may also require proof of compliance with any applicable zoning resolutions, and with rules governing household sewage treatment systems, as a basis for approval of a plat. Where under section 711.101 of the Revised Code the board of county commissioners has set up standards and specifications for the construction of streets, utilities, and other improvements for common use, the general rules may require the submission of appropriate plans and specifications for approval. The board shall not require the person submitting the plat to alter the plat or any part of it as a condition for approval, as long as the plat is in accordance with general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land, adopted by the board as provided in this section, in effect at the time the plat was submitted and the plat is in accordance with any standards and specifications set up under section 711.101 of the Revised Code, in effect at the time the plat was submitted.
(C) The ground of refusal to approve any plat, submitted in accordance with section 711.041 of the Revised Code, shall be stated upon the record of the board, and, within sixty days thereafter, the person submitting any plat that the board refuses to approve may file a petition in the court of common pleas of the county in which the land described in the plat is situated to review the action of the board. A board of township trustees is not entitled to appeal a decision of the board of county commissioners under this section.
Sec. 711.10. (A) Whenever a county planning commission or a regional planning commission adopts a plan for the major streets or highways of the county or region, no plat of a subdivision of land within the county or region, other than land within a municipal corporation or land within three miles of a city or one and one-half miles of a village as provided in section 711.09 of the Revised Code, shall be recorded until it is approved by the county or regional planning commission under division (C) of this section and the approval is endorsed in writing on the plat.
(B) A county or regional planning commission may require the submission of a preliminary plan for each plat sought to be recorded. If the commission requires this submission, it shall provide for a review process for the preliminary plan. Under this review process, the planning commission shall give its approval, its approval with conditions, or its disapproval of each preliminary plan. The commission's decision shall be in writing, shall be under the signature of the secretary of the commission, and shall be issued within thirty-five business days after the submission of the preliminary plan to the commission. The disapproval of a preliminary plan shall state the reasons for the disapproval. A decision of the commission under this division is preliminary to and separate from the commission's decision to approve, conditionally approve, or refuse to approve a plat under division (C) of this section.
(C) Within five calendar days after the submission of a plat for approval under this division, the county or regional planning commission shall schedule a meeting to consider the plat and send a notice by regular mail or by electronic mail to the fiscal officer of the board of township trustees of the township in which the plat is located and the board of health of the health district in which the plat is located. The notice shall inform the trustees and the board of health of the submission of the plat and of the date, time, and location of any meeting at which the county or regional planning commission will consider or act upon the plat. The meeting shall take place within thirty calendar days after submission of the plat, and no meeting shall be held until at least seven calendar days have passed from the date the planning commission sent the notice.
The approval of the county or regional planning commission, the commission's conditional approval as described in this division, or the refusal of the commission to approve shall be endorsed on the plat within thirty calendar days after the submission of the plat for approval under this division or within such further time as the applying party may agree to in writing; otherwise that plat is deemed approved, and the certificate of the commission as to the date of the submission of the plat for approval under this division and the failure to take action on it within that time shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or evidence of approval required by this division.
A county or regional planning commission may grant conditional approval under this division to a plat by requiring a person submitting the plat to alter the plat or any part of it, within a specified period after the end of the thirty calendar days, as a condition for final approval under this division. Once all the conditions have been met within the specified period, the commission shall cause its final approval under this division to be endorsed on the plat. No plat shall be recorded until it is endorsed with the commission's final or unconditional approval under this division.
The ground of refusal of approval of any plat submitted under this division, including citation of or reference to the rule violated by the plat, shall be stated upon the record of the county or regional planning commission. Within sixty calendar days after the refusal under this division, the person submitting any plat that the commission refuses to approve under this division may file a petition in the court of common pleas of the proper county, and the proceedings on the petition shall be governed by section 711.09 of the Revised Code as in the case of the refusal of a planning authority to approve a plat. A board of township trustees is not entitled to appeal a decision of the commission under this division.
A county or regional planning commission shall adopt general rules, of uniform application, governing plats and subdivisions of land falling within its jurisdiction, to secure and provide for the proper arrangement of streets or other highways in relation to existing or planned streets or highways or to the county or regional plan, for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of firefighting apparatus, recreation, light, and air, and for the avoidance of congestion of population. The rules may provide for their modification by the commission in specific cases where unusual topographical and other exceptional conditions require the modification. The rules may require the board of health to review and comment on a plat before the commission acts upon it and also may require proof of compliance with any applicable zoning resolutions, and with rules governing household sewage treatment systems, as a basis for approval of a plat.
Before adoption of its rules or amendment of its rules, the commission shall hold a public hearing on the adoption or amendment. Notice of the public hearing shall be sent to all townships in the county or region by regular mail or electronic mail at least thirty business days before the hearing. No county or regional planning commission shall adopt any rules requiring actual construction of streets or other improvements or facilities or assurance of that construction as a condition precedent to the approval of a plat of a subdivision unless the requirements have first been adopted by the board of county commissioners after a public hearing. A copy of the rules shall be certified by the planning commission to the county recorders of the appropriate counties.
After a county or regional street or highway plan has been adopted as provided in this section, the approval of plats and subdivisions provided for in this section shall be in lieu of any approvals provided for in other sections of the Revised Code, insofar as the territory within the approving jurisdiction of the county or regional planning commission, as provided in this section, is concerned. Approval of a plat shall not be an acceptance by the public of the dedication of any street, highway, or other way or open space shown upon the plat.
No county or regional planning commission shall require a person submitting a plat to alter the plat or any part of it as long as the plat is in accordance with the general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land, adopted by the commission as provided in this section, in effect at the time the plat is submitted.
A county or regional planning commission and a city or village planning commission, or platting commissioner or legislative authority of a village, with subdivision regulation jurisdiction over unincorporated territory within the county or region may cooperate and agree by written agreement that the approval of a plat by the city or village planning commission, or platting commissioner or legislative authority of a village, as provided in section 711.09 of the Revised Code, shall be conditioned upon receiving advice from or approval by the county or regional planning commission.
(D) As used in this section, "business day" means a day of the week excluding Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday as defined in section 1.14 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3718.01. As used in this chapter:
(A) "Alter" means to change by making substantive replacements of, additions to, or deletions in the design or materials or to change the location of an existing sewage treatment system.
(B) "Bedrock" means hard or soft rock stratum that underlies the soil and other unconsolidated material or that is exposed at the surface.
(C) "Board of health" means the board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health in any city as authorized by section 3709.05 of the Revised Code.
(C)(D) "Domestic septage" means the liquid or solid material removed from a sewage treatment system, portable toilet, or type III marine sanitation device as defined in 33 C.F.R. 159.3. "Domestic septage" does not include grease removed from a grease trap.
(D)(E) "Gray water recycling systems" means systems that treat and reuse wastewater discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes washers, and laundry sinks that does not contain food wastes or bodily wastes.
(F) "Household sewage treatment system" means any sewage treatment system, or part of such a system, that receives sewage from a single-family, two-family, or three-family dwelling.
(E)(G) "Infiltrative surface" means the point or area of application of treated or partially treated sewage to the soil or sand fill for purposes of treatment, dispersal, or both.
(H) "Inspection" means the on-site evaluation or analysis of the functioning design, installation, and operation of a sewage treatment system.
(F)(I) "Installer" means any person who engages in the business of installing or altering or who, as an employee of another, installs or alters any sewage treatment system.
(G)(J) "Limiting condition" means a restrictive soil layer, bedrock, a water table, or ground water that limits or precludes the treatment or dispersal of sewage in the soil of a property where a household sewage treatment system is located.
(K) "Manufacturer" means any person that manufactures sewage treatment systems or components of systems.
(H)(L) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and also includes any state, any political subdivision of a state, and any department, division, board, commission, agency, or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision.
(I)(M) "Sanitary sewerage system" means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, and all other constructions, devices, appurtenances, and facilities that convey sewage to a central sewage treatment plant and that are required to obtain a permit under Chapter 6111. of the Revised Code.
(J)(N) "Septage hauler" means any person who engages in the collection, transportation, disposal, and land application of domestic septage.
(K)(O) "Service provider" means any person who services, but does not install or alter, sewage treatment systems.
(L)(P) "Sewage" means liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution that originates from humans and human activities. "Sewage" includes liquids containing household chemicals in solution commonly discharged from a residence or from commercial, institutional, or other similar facilities.
(M)(Q) "Sewage treatment system" means a household sewage treatment system, a small flow on-site sewage treatment system, or both, as applicable.
(N)(R) "Small flow on-site sewage treatment system" means a system, other than a household sewage treatment system, that treats not more than one thousand gallons of sewage per day and that does not require a national pollutant discharge elimination system permit issued under section 6111.03 of the Revised Code or an injection well drilling or operating permit issued under section 6111.043 of the Revised Code.
(S) "Soil" means the naturally occurring pedogenically developed and undeveloped regolith overlying bedrock.
(T) "Vertical separation distance" means the distance of the infiltrative surface of the distribution system of a soil absorption system, or component thereof, to a limiting condition in the soil.
(U) "Water table" means the surface of the saturated zone below which all interconnected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric.
Sec. 3718.011. For purposes of this chapter, a sewage treatment system is causing a public health nuisance if any of the following situations occurs:
(A) The sewage treatment system is not operating in the manner for which it was designed due to mechanical failure or another type of system malfunction, including, but not limited to, the inability of the sewage treatment system to accept wastewater at the rate for which the system was designed thereby preventing or limiting the use of plumbing fixtures due to mechanical failure or hydraulic overloading.
(B) The sewage treatment system is discharging wastewater from the system's soil absorption components in an amount that exceeds the absorptive capacity of the soil resulting in ponding, seepage, or other discharge of effluent to surface or ground water. Evidence of the situation described in this division shall be collected by standard investigative methods and a standard scoring process of site conditions, including, but not limited to, dye testing, visual observations of ponded effluent, detection of sewage odors, or water quality sampling.
(C) The sewage treatment system is discharging wastewater into surface water so that the surface water fails to meet water quality standards established for a surface water body in accordance with rules adopted under section 6111.041 of the Revised Code, or, with respect to systems authorized under the NPDES permit program established under Chapter 6111. of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it, the system routinely exceeds the effluent discharge standards specified in a permit issued under that program.
(D) Wastewater from a sewage treatment system causes identified contamination of ground water so that primary drinking water standards are exceeded in violation of Chapter 3745-81 of the Administrative Code.
Sec. 3718.02. (A) Not later than one year after the effective date of this section, the The public health council, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt, and subsequently may amend and rescind, rules of general application throughout the state to administer this chapter. Rules adopted under division (A) of this section shall do at least all of the following:
(1) Require that the appropriate board of health approve or disapprove the use installation, operation, and alteration of a sewage treatment system if it is not connected to a sanitary sewerage system;. The rules shall provide that the disapproval of the installation, operation, or alteration of a sewage treatment system may be appealed in accordance with Chapter 2506. of the Revised Code by the person seeking approval of the installation, operation, or alteration of the system.
(2) Require that a board of health, or other person as established by rule, to conduct a site evaluation for any proposed installation of a sewage treatment system;
(3) Prescribe standards for the siting, design, installation, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of household sewage treatment systems that may be used in this state and for the progressive or incremental alteration, repair, or replacement of existing sewage treatment systems. The standards shall include at a minimum all of the following:
(a) Soil absorption specifications; and vertical separation distances.
(i) Soil absorption specifications established in rules shall include standards regarding the sizing of sewage treatment systems in use in the state.
(ii) In establishing soil absorption specifications and vertical separation distances, the rules shall identify those soil conditions or vertical separation distances that present a low or moderate risk of inadequate treatment or dispersal of sewage from sewage treatment systems. For low and moderate risk systems, the required vertical separation distance shall not exceed eighteen inches.
In addition, the rules shall identify those soil conditions that present a high risk of inadequate treatment or dispersal of sewage. For such high risk conditions, the vertical separation distance shall be set at a depth from twenty-four to thirty-six inches and shall not be lowered unless a reduction of vertical separation is granted in accordance with rules adopted under division (A)(3)(a)(iii) of this section.
(iii) The rules shall provide that no reduction in vertical separation distances shall be approved by the director of health for any sewage treatment system, or component thereof, until the director has submitted the proposed reduction to the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee created in section 3718.03 of the Revised Code for review and recommended approval. Any reduction that decreases the vertical separation to less than twelve inches shall require pretreatment of the sewage.
(iv) The rules shall provide that a board of health may petition the director to increase the vertical separation distance for a sewage treatment system when conditions present a high risk of inadequate treatment or dispersal of sewage. The rules also shall provide that the director may approve such a request upon a demonstration by the board of health that unusual or unique local conditions relating to terrain, bedrock, water table, soil fragments, or soil textures require the establishment of greater vertical separation distances within the jurisdiction of the board of health or a portion thereof. If, under the rules, the director approves a greater vertical separation distance, the approval is subject to appeal in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The rules shall allow a person who is denied permission by a board of health to install or replace a sewage treatment system on the ground that an appropriate vertical separation distance cannot be achieved the opportunity to appeal that decision of the board of health in accordance with Chapter 2506. of the Revised Code.
(b) Specifications for discharging systems that do not conflict with provisions related to the quality of treated sewage effluent from household sewage treatment systems that is applied to soil on the property where a household sewage treatment system is located. The specifications established in the rules for the quality of effluent from discharging systems shall comply with discharge requirements imposed by the national pollutant discharge elimination system permit program established in under section 6111.03 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it;.
(c) Requirements for the maintenance of a system according to the manufacturer's instructions, if available, including mandatory requirements for service contracts or other arrangements that assure regular maintenance and upkeep of the system;
(d) Requirements and procedures under which a person may demonstrate the required maintenance of a system in lieu of having an inspection conducted when an inspection otherwise is required.
The rules also shall require that a system that has been or is sited or installed prior to or on the effective date of the rules and that is operating on that date shall be deemed approved unless the system is declared to be a public health nuisance by a board of health.
(4) Prescribe procedures for notification to boards of health of the approval of a sewage treatment system or components of a system by the director of health under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code;
(5) Prescribe criteria and procedures under which boards of health shall issue installation and permits, operation permits, and alteration permits for sewage treatment systems. The rules shall require as a condition of an installation permit that the installer of a system must warrant that the system was installed in accordance with all applicable rules and design requirements. In addition, the rules shall require a board of health, not later than sixty days after the issuance of an installation, operation, or alteration permit, to certify to notify the director on a form provided by the director that the permit was issued. The rules shall require the notification to be in a format prescribed by the director and to include information related to the issuance of the permit. With the assistance of the department of health, a board of health, to the extent practicable, shall computerize the process of the issuance of permits for sewage treatment systems.
(6) Require a board of health to inspect a sewage treatment system not later than eighteen twelve months after its installation to ensure that the system is operating properly. The rules shall require a board of health, not later than sixty days after the inspection, to certify to the director on a form provided by the director that the inspection was performed.
(7) Require each board of health to develop a program for the enforcement of maintenance requirements established in rules adopted under division (A)(3)(c) of this section. The rules shall authorize a board of health, upon reasonable prior notice, to inspect any sewage treatment system if there is a complaint regarding the system or there is probable cause for the inspection. In addition, the rules shall authorize a board of health to inspect a sewage treatment system without prior notice in any instance in which the board has probable cause to believe that the system is endangering or threatening to endanger public health. The rules shall allow a board of health to continue an inspection program that was established by the board prior to the effective date of the rules.
(8) Require a board of health to register installers, service providers, and septage haulers that perform work within the health district; prescribe criteria and procedures for the registration; and prescribe criteria for a demonstration of competency as a part of the registration;. The rules shall establish uniform statewide bonding requirements or other financial security requirements for installers, service providers, and septage haulers as a condition of registration within any health district. The rules shall establish a methodology by which the required amount of a bond or other security may be calculated for each installer, service provider, and septage hauler. The methodology, at a minimum, shall consider the number of systems installed or serviced and the type of system installed or serviced by an installer, service provider, or septage hauler on an annual basis. The rules shall provide that no board of health shall require an additional or different bond or security requirement as a condition of registration beyond the bonding and security requirements established in the rules adopted under division (A)(8) of this section.
The rules shall establish a cost methodology for determining the fee for the registration of an installer, service provider, or septage hauler in any health district.
(8)(9) Prescribe requirements for the collection, transportation, disposal, and land application of domestic septage in this state from a sewage treatment system;
(9)(10) Require boards of health to maintain records that are determined necessary to ascertain compliance with this chapter and the rules adopted under it;
(10)(11) Require a board of health and the manufacturer of a sewage treatment system, when possible, that is authorized for use in this state in rules adopted under this section or that is approved for use in this state under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code to provide instructions for the operation and maintenance of the system. The rules shall authorize the instructions to be posted on the department of health's web site and the manufacturer's web site provide that a board of health may require a copy of a manufacturer's instructions for the operation and maintenance of a system to be filed with the board prior to the installation and use of the system in the health district in which the board has jurisdiction. In addition, the rules shall require a board of health and a manufacturer to provide a copy of the operation and maintenance instructions, if available, when a board of health or a manufacturer receives a written request for instructions.
(11)(12) Prescribe criteria for the provision of written evidence of compliance with rules pertaining to household sewage treatment for purposes of sections 711.05 and 711.10 of the Revised Code;
(12)(13) Prescribe standards for the siting, design, installation, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of small flow on-site sewage treatment systems that may be used in this state;
(14) Prescribe minimum criteria and procedures under which boards of health may establish household sewage treatment district management programs for the purpose of providing a responsive approach toward preventing or solving sewage treatment problems resulting from household sewage treatment systems within the districts established under the program. For purposes of division (A)(12)(14) of this section, a board of health may enter into a contract with any entity to administer a household sewage treatment district management program.
(13) Prescribe standards for the siting, design, installation, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of small flow on-site sewage treatment systems that may be used in this state.
(15) Prescribe standards for the use of subsurface drains to remove any subsurface water from an area to be used for soil absorption of sewage in the soil of a sewage treatment system;
(16) Authorize a board of health to require a property owner whose property is serviced by a sewage treatment system to connect to an available central sewer system under any of the following circumstances and conditions:
(a) The central sewer system is located not more than three hundred feet from the structure owned by the property owner measured from the foundation of the structure to the right-of-way where the central sewer system is located.
(b) There is an administrative or judicial order requiring connection to a central sewer system.
(c) The property is the subject of a sewer assessment process initiated by a county, municipal corporation, or other political subdivision.
The rules shall provide that after a property owner is required to connect to a central sewer system, the property owner is prohibited from installing, replacing, or continuing to use a sewage treatment system. The rules shall establish exceptions for extenuating circumstances that allow a property owner to continue to use a sewage treatment system.
The rules shall provide that if a property owner is required to connect to a central sewer system, a board of health shall afford the property owner a period of time not to exceed three years to install the connection to the central sewer system. The rules shall authorize a board of health to require connection to a central sewer system within an expedited time frame if a sewage treatment system owned by a property owner is causing a public health nuisance and the cost of connection to a central sewer system is not excessive.
Governmental entities constructing central sewer systems shall construct the central sewer systems in a manner that minimizes the distance between the foundations of the structures to be serviced by the central sewer system and the connecting point of the central sewer system. The rules shall provide that a property owner that is required under rules to connect to a municipal central sewer system not be required to submit to annexation by the municipal corporation as a condition of connecting to the municipal central sewer system.
A board of health shall not require the connection to a central sewer system under rules adopted under division (A)(16) of this section if a board of county commissioners has adopted a resolution requiring connection under section 6117.51 of the Revised Code.
(17) Prescribe standards for the inspection of septage hauling truck tanks by boards of health, including, but not limited to, tank seal safety specifications;
(18) Establish standards and testing methods to ensure that all septic tanks, other disposal component tanks, dosing tanks, pump vaults, household sewage treatment disposal system holding tanks and privy vaults, or other applicable sewage disposal system components manufactured after the effective date of this section and used in this state are watertight and structurally sound;
(19) Require a board of health to give notice and an opportunity for a hearing to an affected property owner regarding any of the following:
(a) The denial of an installation, operation, or alteration permit for a sewage treatment system;
(b) The imposition of a condition on the installation of a sewage treatment system;
(c) The required replacement of a sewage treatment system.
The rules also shall establish procedures for giving such notice and for conducting the hearing required in rules adopted under division (A)(19) of this section.
(20) Prescribe standards for the regulation of gray water recycling systems;
(21) Prohibit a sewage treatment system from causing a public health nuisance;
(22) Define economic impact for purposes of division (B) of this section and section 3718.022 of the Revised Code.
The council may adopt other rules under division (A) of this section that it determines are necessary to implement this chapter and to protect the public health and welfare.
At least sixty days prior to adopting a rule under division (A) of this section, the council shall provide boards of health and any other interested parties an opportunity to comment on the rule.
(B)(1) In accordance with section 3709.20 or 3709.21 of the Revised Code, as applicable, and subject to review by and approval of the director under division (C) of section 3718.05 of the Revised Code, a board of health may adopt rules necessary for the public health providing for more stringent standards governing household sewage treatment systems, installers, service providers, or septage haulers than those established in rules of the public health council adopted under division (A) of this section. A In proposing or adopting the rules, a board of health shall consider and document the economic impact of the rules on property owners within the applicable health district.
(2) A board that intends to adopt such rules shall notify the department of health of the proposed rules and submit a copy of the proposed rules at least ninety days prior to the proposed date of adoption. The director shall approve or disapprove any such proposed rule within ninety days after receiving notice of it under this division a copy of the proposed rule from the board of health. If the director fails to approve or disapprove a proposed rule within ninety days after receiving notice of it, the proposed rule shall be deemed approved.
(3) In reviewing a proposed rule, the director shall approve the rule if all of the following apply:
(a) The proposed rule does not conflict with a rule adopted by the public health council.
(b) The proposed rule is authorized by division (B) of this section.
(c) The proposed rule is no less stringent than rules adopted by the public health council.
(d) The proposed rule does not require design changes to a sewage treatment system, or component thereof, that differ from the design authorized in rules adopted under division (A) of this section or approved by the director under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code.
(e) The proposed rule does not require operation or maintenance procedures for a sewage treatment system that conflict with procedures authorized in rules adopted under division (A) of this section or approved by the director under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code or that conflict with operation or maintenance instructions provided by the manufacturer of the system to the director.
(4) If a board of health fails to submit a proposed rule to the director or fails to demonstrate that the board has considered the economic impact of the proposed rule, the rule shall have no force or effect and is not enforceable.
Sec. 3718.023.  (A) A board of health shall approve or deny the installation, operation, or alteration of sewage treatment systems the use of which has been authorized in rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code or that have been approved for use in this state by the director of health under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code. The board shall approve an installation, operation, or alteration only in the health district in which the board has jurisdiction. A board shall approve the installation, operation, or alteration of a sewage treatment system through the issuance of a permit in accordance with rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code. A board shall not approve the installation, operation, or alteration of a sewage treatment system if the installation, operation, or alteration is not appropriate for the site at which the use of the system is or is proposed to be located. In determining whether to approve or disapprove the installation, operation, or alteration of a sewage treatment system, a board shall consider and document the economic impact on the property owner, the state of available technology, and the nature and economics of various alternatives. In addition, the board shall ensure that a system, when installed and maintained properly, will not create a public health nuisance, shall ensure that a system will maintain long-term treatment of sewage, and shall require a system to comply with the requirements established in division (B) of this section and other applicable requirements of this chapter.
The board shall permit a property owner to select a sewage treatment system for use by the property owner from those systems that have been approved for use in the state, from the least expensive system to the most expensive system, and a property owner may select any such system regardless of its cost, provided that the system selected will comply with all applicable requirements and standards established under this chapter and rules adopted under it.
(B) A board of health shall ensure that the design and installation of a soil absorption system prevents public health nuisances and will maintain long-term treatment of sewage. In addition, a board of health shall ensure that a sewage treatment system that is installed after the effective date of this section shall not discharge into a ditch, stream, pond, lake, natural or artificial waterway, drain tile, or other surface water or onto the surface of the ground unless authorized by a national pollutant discharge elimination system permit issued under Chapter 6111. of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it. In addition, a board shall ensure that a sewage treatment system shall not discharge into an abandoned well, a drainage well, a dry well, a cesspool, a sinkhole, or another connection to ground water. If a household sewage treatment system serving a two- or three-family dwelling or a small flow on-site sewage treatment system is classified as a class V injection well, a board of health shall ensure that the system complies with rules adopted under section 6111.043 of the Revised Code and with Chapter 3745-34 of the Administrative Code.
(C) For purposes of the approval or denial of the installation, operation, or alteration of a sewage treatment system under this section, "economic impact" means all of the following, as applicable:
(1) The cost to the property owner for the installation of the proposed sewage treatment system;
(2) The cost of an alternative system that, when installed and maintained properly, will not create a public health nuisance compared to the proposed sewage treatment system;
(3) The costs of repairing the sewage treatment system as opposed to replacing the system with a new system.
Sec. 3718.024.  The director of health in cooperation with a board of health shall assess the familiarity of the board's staff with best management practices in the use of sewage treatment systems, as necessary, and conduct appropriate training to educate the board's staff in those best management practices and in the use of any new sewage treatment system technology that is recommended for use by the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee created in section 3718.03 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3718.025.  The environmental protection agency shall not require a board of health to enter into a memorandum of understanding or any other agreement with the agency regarding the issuance of national pollutant discharge elimination system permits for off-lot household sewage treatment systems. Rather, a representative of a board of health may meet with a person who intends to install such a system to determine the feasibility of the system and refer the person to the agency to secure a national pollutant discharge elimination system permit for the system if needed. The environmental protection agency shall make revisions to any applicable general national pollutant discharge elimination system permits, issued pursuant to the federal Water Pollution Control Act as defined in section 6111.01 of the Revised Code, so that such a memorandum of understanding is not required. A board of health voluntarily may enter into a memorandum of understanding with the environmental protection agency to implement a general national pollutant discharge elimination system permit. The agency shall work with boards of health to facilitate securing national pollutant discharge elimination system permits on behalf of property owners in counties without a memorandum of understanding.
Sec. 3718.03. (A) There is hereby created the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee consisting of the director of health or the director's designee and ten thirteen members who are knowledgeable about sewage treatment systems and technologies. The director or the director's designee shall serve as committee secretary and may vote on actions taken by the committee. Of the ten thirteen members, four five shall be appointed by the governor, three four shall be appointed by the president of the senate, and three four shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
(1) Of the members appointed by the governor, one shall represent academia and shall be active in teaching or research in the area of on-site wastewater treatment, one shall be a representative of the public who is not employed by the state or any of its political subdivisions and who does not have a pecuniary interest in household sewage treatment systems, one shall be an a registered professional engineer from employed by the environmental protection agency, and one shall be selected from among soil scientists in the division of soil and water conservation in the department of natural resources, and one shall be a representative of a statewide organization representing townships.
(2) Of the members appointed by the president of the senate, one shall be a health commissioner who is a member of and recommended by the association of Ohio health commissioners, one shall represent the interests of manufacturers of household sewage treatment systems, and one shall represent installers and service providers, and one shall be a person with demonstrated experience in the design of sewage treatment systems.
(3) Of the members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, one shall be a health commissioner who is a member of and recommended by the association of Ohio health commissioners, one shall represent the interests of manufacturers of household sewage treatment systems, and one shall be a sanitarian who is registered under Chapter 4736. of the Revised Code and who is a member of the Ohio environmental health association, and one shall be a registered professional engineer with experience in sewage treatment systems.
(B) Terms of members appointed to the committee shall be for three years, with each term ending on the same day of the same month as did the term that it succeeds. Each member shall serve from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed.
Members may be reappointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as provided for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration date of the term for which the member was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. A member shall continue to serve after the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor is appointed or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. The applicable appointing authority may remove a member from the committee for failure to attend two consecutive meetings without showing good cause for the absences.
(C) The technical advisory committee annually shall select from among its members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson and a. The secretary to shall keep a record of its proceedings. A majority vote of the members of the full committee is necessary to take action on any matter. The committee may adopt bylaws governing its operation, including bylaws that establish the frequency of meetings.
(D) Serving as a member of the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee does not constitute holding a public office or position of employment under the laws of this state and does not constitute grounds for removal of public officers or employees from their offices or positions of employment. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation for attending committee meetings.
(E) A member of the committee shall not have a conflict of interest with the position. For the purposes of this division, "conflict of interest" means the taking of any action that violates any provision of Chapter 102. or 2921. of the Revised Code.
(F) The sewage treatment system technical advisory committee shall do all of the following:
(1) Develop with the department of health standards and, guidelines, and protocols for approving or disapproving a sewage treatment system or components of a system under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code;. Any guideline requiring the submission of scientific information or testing data shall specify, in writing, the protocol and format to be used in submitting the information or data.
(2) Develop with the department an application form to be submitted to the director by an applicant for approval or disapproval of a sewage treatment system or components of a system and specify the information that must be included with an application form;
(3) Advise Make recommendations to the director on regarding the approval or disapproval of an application sent to the director under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code requesting approval of a sewage treatment system or components of a system;
(4) Pursue and recruit in an active manner the research, development, introduction, and timely approval of innovative and cost-effective household sewage treatment systems and components of a system for use in this state, which shall include conducting pilot projects to assess the effectiveness of a system or components of a system;
(5) By January 1, 2008, provide the household sewage and small flow on-site sewage treatment system study commission created by Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly with a list of available alternative systems and the estimated cost of each system Review and, at the option of the committee, submit comments regarding the proposed adoption, amendment, or rescission of rules under division (A) of section 3718.02 of the Revised Code.
(G) The chairperson of the committee shall prepare and submit an annual report concerning the activities of the committee to the general assembly not later than ninety days after the end of the calendar year. The report shall discuss the number of applications submitted under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code for the approval of a new sewage treatment system or a component of a system, the number of such systems and components that were approved, any information that the committee considers beneficial to the general assembly, and any other information that the chairperson determines is beneficial to the general assembly. If other members of the committee determine that certain information should be included in the report, they shall submit the information to the chairperson not later than thirty days after the end of the calendar year.
(H) The department shall provide meeting space for the committee. The committee shall be assisted in its duties by the staff of the department.
(I) Sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised Code do not apply to the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee.
Sec. 3718.04.  (A) A manufacturer seeking approval for the installation and use of a sewage treatment system or a component of a system in this state that differs in design or function from systems or components of systems the use of which is authorized in rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code shall request an application form from the department of health. The applicant shall complete the form and include with it all of the information that is required by the department and the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee. The applicant shall submit a completed application and all required information to the director of health.
(B) Upon receipt of an application, the director shall examine the application and all accompanying information to determine if the application is complete. If the director determines that the application is not complete, the director shall notify the applicant not later than fourteen sixty days after determining submission of the application that the application is not complete, provide a description of the information that is missing from the application, and return the application and all accompanying information to the applicant. The applicant may resubmit the application to the director if the application includes the information that was identified by the director. Not later than fourteen thirty days after receipt of a complete application, the director shall notify the committee of the complete application and send a copy of the complete application and all accompanying information to the committee together with a request that the committee advise recommend that the director on the approval approve or disapproval of disapprove the system.
Not later than ninety days after receipt of a complete application, the committee shall recommend approval or disapproval of the application and submit its recommendation in writing to the director. The director shall approve or disapprove the application not later than sixty days after the committee submits its recommendation to the director or, if the committee fails to recommend approval or disapproval within the required time, not later than one hundred twenty days after the submission of a complete application. If the director fails to approve or disapprove an application within the required time, the application shall be deemed approved.
(C) In approving or disapproving an application, the director shall use the standards and, guidelines, and protocols that the committee developed with the department for that purpose. The director shall not approve an application that fails to comply with those standards and, guidelines, and protocols. If the committee advises recommends approval or disapproval of an application, the director concerning the application, the director shall consider the advice committee's recommendation before approving or disapproving the application. However, if If the committee fails to provide advice or if the committee fails to provide advice within a reasonable period of time before the director is required to approve or disapprove the application recommend approval or disapproval of the application within the required time, the director may approve or disapprove the application without considering the advice of the committee. Not later than ninety days after receipt of a complete application, the director shall approve or disapprove the application in writing. If the director fails to approve or disapprove the application within that ninety-day period, the application shall be deemed approved The director shall establish and include any appropriate terms and conditions with the approval of a sewage treatment system or component of a system for use in this state. For purposes of establishing soil absorption specifications for a sewage treatment system, the terms and conditions shall include standards regarding the sizing of the system.
(D) If the director approves an application under this section, the director shall notify the applicant in writing. The director also shall notify boards of health in accordance with the procedures established in rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code that the sewage treatment system or component of a system that is the subject of the application is approved for statewide use. If the director disapproves an application under this section, the director shall notify the applicant in writing and provide a brief explanation for the disapproval.
(E) Decisions of the director approving or disapproving applications under this section may be appealed in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(F) No approval shall be required under this section with respect to a sewage treatment system or component of a system that has been approved by the director prior to the effective date of this amendment unless the manufacturer of the system or component changes the design or seeks modifications to any terms and conditions of the prior approval.
(G) The director may revoke the approval of a sewage treatment system or component of a system if the director finds, based on substantial evidence, that the system or component fails to comply with applicable standards for the system or component. The revocation of an approval under this division may be appealed in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3718.041. An installer or manufacturer of a sewage treatment system or component of a system the use of which has been authorized in rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code may request from the director of health a written statement acknowledging that the system or component of a system is approved for use in this state and that the approval is equivalent in all respects to the approval of a system or component of a system under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code. The director may approve or deny such a request as the director determines appropriate.
Sec. 3718.05. The director of health shall do all of the following:
(A) Administer and enforce this chapter and the rules of the public health council adopted under it;
(B) Examine records of boards of health, in accordance with rules adopted by the council, that are determined necessary to ascertain compliance with this chapter and rules adopted under it;
(C) Review and approve or disapprove rules proposed by boards of health under division (B) of section 3718.02 of the Revised Code. The director shall not disapprove a proposed rule unless the director determines that the proposed rule conflicts with this chapter or rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code by the public health council or fails to promote public health or environmental protection. If the director disapproves a proposed rule, the director shall provide a written explanation of the director's disapproval to the board of health that proposed the rule.
(D) Survey boards of health as required by section 3718.07 of the Revised Code;
(E) Develop with the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee standards and, guidelines, and protocols for use by the director in approving or disapproving a sewage treatment system under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code and an application form for use by applicants for that approval, including identification of the information that must be included with the form;
(F) Provide instructions on the operation and maintenance of a sewage treatment system. The director shall provide the operation and maintenance instructions on the department of health's web site. In addition, the director shall provide a copy of the operation and maintenance instructions when the director receives a written request for the instructions.
(G) Develop educational programs, in conjunction with boards of health, to educate owners of sewage treatment systems regarding the proper operation and maintenance of those systems.
Sec. 3718.06. (A)(1) A board of health shall establish fees in accordance with section 3709.09 of the Revised Code for the purpose of carrying out its duties under this chapter and rules adopted under it, including a fee fees for an installation permit permits, operation permits, and alteration permits issued by the board. All fees so established and collected by the board shall be deposited in a special fund of the district to be used exclusively by the board in carrying out those duties.
(2) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the public health council may establish by rule a fee to be collected from applicants for installation permits, operation permits, and alteration permits issued under rules adopted under this chapter. The director of health shall use not more than seventy-five per cent of the proceeds from that fee for administering and enforcing this chapter and the rules adopted under it by the council. The director shall use not less than twenty-five per cent of the proceeds from that fee to establish a program in cooperation with boards of health to fund installation and evaluation of sewage treatment system new technology pilot projects through grants or other agreements. In the selection of pilot projects, the director shall consult with the sewage treatment system technical advisory committee. A board of health shall collect the fee at the same time that it collects the fee established by it under division (A)(1) of this section for installation, operation, and alteration permits.
Not later than sixty days after the last day of the month in which an installation, operation, or alteration permit is issued, a board shall certify the amount collected under division (A)(2) of this section and transmit the amount to the treasurer of state. All money so received shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general operations fund created in section 3701.83 of the Revised Code. The director shall use the money so credited solely for the administration and enforcement of this chapter and the rules adopted under it by the public health council as required by this section.
(B) The director may submit recommendations to the public health council regarding the amount of the fee collected under division (A)(2) of this section for installation, operation, and alteration permits. When making the recommendations, the director shall submit a report stating the current and projected expenses of administering and enforcing this chapter and the rules adopted under it by the council and of the sewage treatment system new technology pilot projects program established under this section and the total of all money that has been deposited to the credit of the general operations fund under division (A)(2) of this section. The director may include in the report any recommendations for modifying the requirements established under this chapter and the rules adopted under it by the council.
Sec. 3718.09. (A) A board of health may issue, modify, suspend, or revoke enforcement orders to a registration or permit holder or other person directing the holder or person to abate a violation of this chapter, any rule adopted or order issued under it, or a condition of a registration or permit issued under it within a specified, reasonable time. If an order issued under this division is neglected or disregarded, the applicable board of health may proceed in accordance with section 3707.02 of the Revised Code.
(B) The health commissioner or the commissioner's designated representative, without prior notice or hearing and in accordance with the rules of the public health council, may issue an emergency order requiring any action necessary to meet a public health emergency or to prevent or abate an imminent and substantial threat to surface water or ground water regarding domestic septage management or regarding a sewage treatment system that is being operated in a manner that does not comply with this chapter or rules adopted under it. A person to whom such an emergency order is issued immediately shall comply with the order. A person so ordered may apply to the issuer of the order for a hearing, which shall be held as soon as possible, but not later than twenty days after the issuer's receipt of the application for a hearing.
(C) The director of health may file an injunctive action in a court of competent jurisdiction against a board of health that allows a sewage treatment system to cause a public health nuisance, provided that the director provides reasonable notice to the board and an opportunity to abate the nuisance prior to filing the action.
Sec. 6117.51.  If the board of health of the health district within which a new public sewer construction project is proposed or located passes a resolution stating that the reason for the project is to reduce or eliminate an existing health problem or a hazard of water pollution, the board of county commissioners of the county, by resolution, may order the owner of any premises located in a sewer district in the county, the owner's agent, lessee, or tenant, or any other occupant of the premises to connect the premises to the sewer for the purpose of discharging sewage or other waste that the board determines is originating on the premises, to make use of the connection, and to cease the discharge of the sewage or other waste into a cesspool, ditch, private sewer, privy, septic tank, semipublic disposal system as defined in division (B)(1)(a) of section 3709.085 of the Revised Code, or other outlet if the board finds that the sewer is available for use and is accessible to the premises following a determination and certification to the board by a registered professional engineer designated by it as to the availability and accessibility of the sewer. This section does not apply to any of the following:
(A) Any discharge authorized by a permit issued under division (J) of section 6111.03 of the Revised Code other than a discharge to or from a semipublic disposal system as defined in division (B)(1)(a) of section 3709.085 of the Revised Code;
(B) Wastes resulting from the keeping of animals;
(C) Any premises that are not served by a common sewage collection system when the foundation wall of the structure from which sewage or other waste originates is more than two three hundred feet from the nearest boundary of the right-of-way within which the sewer is located;
(D) Any premises that are served by a common sewage collection system when both the foundation wall of the structure from which the sewage or other waste originates and the common sewage collection system are more than two three hundred feet from the nearest boundary of the right-of-way within which the public sewer is located;
(E) Any dwelling house located on property that is listed on the county's agricultural land tax list as being valued for tax purposes as land devoted exclusively to agricultural use under section 5713.31 of the Revised Code, when the foundation wall of the dwelling house is two three hundred feet or less from the nearest boundary of the right-of-way within which the sewer is located, if both of the following also apply:
(1) The sewer right-of-way for the property on which the dwelling house is located was obtained by appropriation due to a public exigency pursuant to division (B) of section 307.08, 6101.181, 6115.211, 6117.39, or 6119.11 of the Revised Code.
(2) The local health department has certified that the household sewage disposal system is functioning properly.
The board shall not direct an order under this section to a resident tenant unless it determines that the terms of the tenancy are such that the owner lacks sufficient rights of access to permit the owner to comply with the terms of the order.
An owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant shall comply with the order of the board within ninety days after the completion of service of the order upon that person as provided in this section. The board, upon written application filed prior to the expiration of the ninety-day period, may waive compliance with any order either temporarily or permanently and conditionally or unconditionally.
In its resolution, the board shall direct its clerk, or the clerk's designee, to serve its order upon the owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant. Service of the order shall be made personally, by leaving the order at the usual place of residence with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, or by certified mail addressed to the owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant at that person's last known address or to the address to which tax bills are sent. If it appears by the return of service or the return of the order forwarded by certified mail that the owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant cannot be found, that person shall be served by publication of the order once in a newspaper of general circulation within the county, or if that person refuses service, that person shall be served by ordinary mail addressed to that person's last known address or to the address to which tax bills are sent. The return of the person serving the order or a certified copy of the return, or a returned receipt for the order forwarded by certified mail accepted by the addressee or anyone purporting to act for the addressee, is prima-facie evidence of the service of the order under this section. The return of the person attempting to serve the order, or the return to the sender of the order forwarded by certified mail with an indication on the return of the refusal of the addressee to accept delivery, is prima-facie evidence of the refusal of service.
No owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant shall violate an order issued under this section. Upon request of the board, the prosecuting attorney shall prosecute in a court of competent jurisdiction any owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant who violates an order issued under this section. Each day that a violation continues after conviction for the violation of an order issued under this section and the final determination thereof is a separate offense. The court, for good cause shown, may grant a reasonable additional period of time for compliance after conviction.
Any owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant violating an order issued under this section also may be enjoined from continuing in violation. Upon request of the board, the prosecuting attorney shall bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction against the owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or occupant violating an order.
The Ohio water development authority created under section 6121.02 of the Revised Code, in addition to its other powers, has the same power and shall be governed by the same procedures in a waste water facilities service area, or in any area adjacent to a public sewer operated by the authority, as a board of county commissioners in a county sewer district under this section, except that the authority shall act by order, and the attorney general, upon request of the authority, shall prosecute any person who violates an order of the authority issued under this section.
Section 2.  That existing sections 711.05, 711.10, 3718.01, 3718.02, 3718.03, 3718.04, 3718.05, 3718.06, 3718.09, and 6117.51 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 3. That Section 120.05 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 120.05. Sections 120.03 and 120.04 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly take effect on July 1, 2009 the effective date of H.B. .... of the 128th General Assembly.
Section 4. That existing Section 120.05 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly is hereby repealed.
Section 5. That Section 120.01 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly is hereby repealed.
Section 6. The purpose of Section 5 of this act is to provide for reinstating the operation of sections 3718.02, 3718.05, 3718.06, 3718.07, 3718.08, 3718.09, 3718.10, 3718.99, and 6111.441 of the Revised Code on the effective date of this act rather than on July 1, 2009, as provided in Section 120.01 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly.
Section 7. That Section 120.02 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly is hereby repealed.
Section 8. That sections 711.05 and 711.10 of the Revised Code, which are scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2009, be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 711.05.  (A) Upon the submission of a plat for approval, in accordance with section 711.041 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall certify on it the date of the submission. Within five days of submission of the plat, the board shall schedule a meeting to consider the plat and send a written notice by regular mail to the fiscal officer of the board of township trustees of the township in which the plat is located and the board of health of the health district in which the plat is located. The notice shall inform the trustees and the board of health of the submission of the plat and of the date, time, and location of any meeting at which the board of county commissioners will consider or act upon the proposed plat. The meeting shall take place within thirty days of submission of the plat, and no meeting shall be held until at least seven days have passed from the date the notice was sent by the board of county commissioners. The approval of the board required by section 711.041 of the Revised Code or the refusal to approve shall take place within thirty days from the date of submission or such further time as the applying party may agree to in writing; otherwise, the plat is deemed approved and may be recorded as if bearing such approval.
(B) The board may adopt general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land falling within its jurisdiction, to secure and provide for the coordination of the streets within the subdivision with existing streets and roads or with existing county highways, for the proper amount of open spaces for traffic, circulation, and utilities, and for the avoidance of future congestion of population detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, but shall not impose a greater minimum lot area than forty-eight hundred square feet. Before the board may amend or adopt rules, it shall notify all the townships in the county of the proposed amendments or rules by regular mail at least thirty days before the public meeting at which the proposed amendments or rules are to be considered.
The rules may require the board of health to review and comment on a plat before the board of county commissioners acts upon it and may also require proof of compliance with any applicable zoning resolutions, and with household sewage treatment rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code, as a basis for approval of a plat. Where under section 711.101 of the Revised Code the board of county commissioners has set up standards and specifications for the construction of streets, utilities, and other improvements for common use, the general rules may require the submission of appropriate plans and specifications for approval. The board shall not require the person submitting the plat to alter the plat or any part of it as a condition for approval, as long as the plat is in accordance with general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land, adopted by the board as provided in this section, in effect at the time the plat was submitted and the plat is in accordance with any standards and specifications set up under section 711.101 of the Revised Code, in effect at the time the plat was submitted.
(C) The ground of refusal to approve any plat, submitted in accordance with section 711.041 of the Revised Code, shall be stated upon the record of the board, and, within sixty days thereafter, the person submitting any plat that the board refuses to approve may file a petition in the court of common pleas of the county in which the land described in the plat is situated to review the action of the board. A board of township trustees is not entitled to appeal a decision of the board of county commissioners under this section.
Sec. 711.10. (A) Whenever a county planning commission or a regional planning commission adopts a plan for the major streets or highways of the county or region, no plat of a subdivision of land within the county or region, other than land within a municipal corporation or land within three miles of a city or one and one-half miles of a village as provided in section 711.09 of the Revised Code, shall be recorded until it is approved by the county or regional planning commission under division (C) of this section and the approval is endorsed in writing on the plat.
(B) A county or regional planning commission may require the submission of a preliminary plan for each plat sought to be recorded. If the commission requires this submission, it shall provide for a review process for the preliminary plan. Under this review process, the planning commission shall give its approval, its approval with conditions, or its disapproval of each preliminary plan. The commission's decision shall be in writing, shall be under the signature of the secretary of the commission, and shall be issued within thirty-five business days after the submission of the preliminary plan to the commission. The disapproval of a preliminary plan shall state the reasons for the disapproval. A decision of the commission under this division is preliminary to and separate from the commission's decision to approve, conditionally approve, or refuse to approve a plat under division (C) of this section.
(C) Within five calendar days after the submission of a plat for approval under this division, the county or regional planning commission shall schedule a meeting to consider the plat and send a notice by regular mail or by electronic mail to the fiscal officer of the board of township trustees of the township in which the plat is located and the board of health of the health district in which the plat is located. The notice shall inform the trustees and the board of health of the submission of the plat and of the date, time, and location of any meeting at which the county or regional planning commission will consider or act upon the plat. The meeting shall take place within thirty calendar days after submission of the plat, and no meeting shall be held until at least seven calendar days have passed from the date the planning commission sent the notice.
The approval of the county or regional planning commission, the commission's conditional approval as described in this division, or the refusal of the commission to approve shall be endorsed on the plat within thirty calendar days after the submission of the plat for approval under this division or within such further time as the applying party may agree to in writing; otherwise that plat is deemed approved, and the certificate of the commission as to the date of the submission of the plat for approval under this division and the failure to take action on it within that time shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or evidence of approval required by this division.
A county or regional planning commission may grant conditional approval under this division to a plat by requiring a person submitting the plat to alter the plat or any part of it, within a specified period after the end of the thirty calendar days, as a condition for final approval under this division. Once all the conditions have been met within the specified period, the commission shall cause its final approval under this division to be endorsed on the plat. No plat shall be recorded until it is endorsed with the commission's final or unconditional approval under this division.
The ground of refusal of approval of any plat submitted under this division, including citation of or reference to the rule violated by the plat, shall be stated upon the record of the county or regional planning commission. Within sixty calendar days after the refusal under this division, the person submitting any plat that the commission refuses to approve under this division may file a petition in the court of common pleas of the proper county, and the proceedings on the petition shall be governed by section 711.09 of the Revised Code as in the case of the refusal of a planning authority to approve a plat. A board of township trustees is not entitled to appeal a decision of the commission under this division.
A county or regional planning commission shall adopt general rules, of uniform application, governing plats and subdivisions of land falling within its jurisdiction, to secure and provide for the proper arrangement of streets or other highways in relation to existing or planned streets or highways or to the county or regional plan, for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of firefighting apparatus, recreation, light, and air, and for the avoidance of congestion of population. The rules may provide for their modification by the commission in specific cases where unusual topographical and other exceptional conditions require the modification. The rules may require the board of health to review and comment on a plat before the commission acts upon it and also may require proof of compliance with any applicable zoning resolutions, and with household sewage treatment rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code, as a basis for approval of a plat.
Before adoption of its rules or amendment of its rules, the commission shall hold a public hearing on the adoption or amendment. Notice of the public hearing shall be sent to all townships in the county or region by regular mail or electronic mail at least thirty business days before the hearing. No county or regional planning commission shall adopt any rules requiring actual construction of streets or other improvements or facilities or assurance of that construction as a condition precedent to the approval of a plat of a subdivision unless the requirements have first been adopted by the board of county commissioners after a public hearing. A copy of the rules shall be certified by the planning commission to the county recorders of the appropriate counties.
After a county or regional street or highway plan has been adopted as provided in this section, the approval of plats and subdivisions provided for in this section shall be in lieu of any approvals provided for in other sections of the Revised Code, insofar as the territory within the approving jurisdiction of the county or regional planning commission, as provided in this section, is concerned. Approval of a plat shall not be an acceptance by the public of the dedication of any street, highway, or other way or open space shown upon the plat.
No county or regional planning commission shall require a person submitting a plat to alter the plat or any part of it as long as the plat is in accordance with the general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land, adopted by the commission as provided in this section, in effect at the time the plat is submitted.
A county or regional planning commission and a city or village planning commission, or platting commissioner or legislative authority of a village, with subdivision regulation jurisdiction over unincorporated territory within the county or region may cooperate and agree by written agreement that the approval of a plat by the city or village planning commission, or platting commissioner or legislative authority of a village, as provided in section 711.09 of the Revised Code, shall be conditioned upon receiving advice from or approval by the county or regional planning commission.
(D) As used in this section, "business day" means a day of the week excluding Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday as defined in section 1.14 of the Revised Code.
Section 9. That existing sections 711.05 and 711.10 of the Revised Code, which are scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2009, are hereby repealed.
Section 10. Sections 8 and 9 of this act take effect July 1, 2009.
Section 11. Not later than thirty days after the effective date of this section, the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint the new members to the Sewage Treatment System Technical Advisory Committee that are required to be appointed under section 3718.03 of the Revised Code as amended by this act.
The Governor shall appoint the person representing a statewide organization representing townships for an initial term of one year. Thereafter, the person appointed to that position shall be appointed to a three-year term as required by section 3718.03 of the Revised Code.
The President of the Senate shall appoint the person who is required to have demonstrated experience in the design of household sewage treatment systems for an initial term of two years. Thereafter, the person appointed to that position shall be appointed to a three-year term as required by section 3718.03 of the Revised Code.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint the person that is required to be a registered professional engineer with experience in sewage treatment systems for an initial term of three years. Thereafter, the person appointed to that position shall be appointed to a three-year term as required by section 3718.03 of the Revised Code.
Section 12. This act is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The reason for such necessity is that provisions of law that were suspended by the enactment of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly are scheduled to be reinstated on July 1, 2009, and this act is necessary to revise the law governing sewage treatment systems prior to that date. Therefore, this act shall go into immediate effect.
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