130th Ohio General Assembly
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H. B. No. 246  As Introduced
As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 246

Representatives Yuko, Stewart 

Cosponsors: Representatives Garland, Mallory, Pillich, Hagan, Murray, Foley, Patten, Luckie, Lundy, Winburn, Boyd, Chandler, Slesnick, Letson, Snitchler, Oelslager 

To amend sections 742.38, 4123.57, and 4123.68 of the Revised Code to provide that a firefighter, police officer, or public emergency medical services worker who is disabled as a result of specified types of cancer or certain contagious or infectious diseases is presumed for purposes of the laws governing workers' compensation and the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund to have incurred the disease while performing official duties as a firefighter, police officer, or public emergency medical services worker.

Section 1. That sections 742.38, 4123.57, and 4123.68 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 742.38.  (A)(1) The board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund shall adopt rules establishing minimum medical testing and diagnostic standards or procedures to be incorporated into physical examinations administered by physicians to prospective members of the fund. The standards or procedures shall include diagnosis and evaluation of the existence of any heart disease, cardiovascular disease, or respiratory disease. The rules shall specify the form of the physician's report and the information to be included in it.
The board shall notify all employers of the establishment of the minimum standards or procedures and shall include with the notice a copy of the standards or procedures. The board shall notify all employers of any changes made to the standards or procedures. Once the standards or procedures take effect, employers shall cause each prospective member of the fund to submit to a physical examination that incorporates the standards or procedures.
(2) Division (A)(2) of this section applies to an employee who becomes a member of the fund on or after the date the minimum standards or procedures described in division (A)(1) of this section take effect. For each employee described in division (A)(2) of this section, the employer shall forward to the board a copy of the physician's report of a physical examination that incorporates the standards or procedures described in division (A)(1) of this section. If an employer fails to forward the report in the form required by the board on or before the date that is sixty days after the employee becomes a member of the fund, the board shall assess against the employer a penalty determined under section 742.353 of the Revised Code.
(B) Application for a disability benefit may be made by a member of the fund or, if the member is incapacitated as defined in rules adopted by the board, by a person acting on the member's behalf. Not later than fourteen days after receiving an application for a disability benefit from a member or a person acting on behalf of a member, the board shall notify the member's employer that an application has been filed. The notice shall state the member's position or rank. Not later than twenty-eight days after receiving the notice or filing an application on behalf of a member, the employer shall forward to the board a statement certifying the member's job description and any other information required by the board to process the application.
If the member applying for a disability benefit becomes a member of the fund prior to the date the minimum standards or procedures described in division (A)(1) of this section take effect, the board may request from the member's employer a copy of the physician's report of the member's physical examination taken on entry into the police or fire department or, if the employer does not have a copy of the report, a written statement certifying that the employer does not have a copy of the report. If an employer fails to forward the report or statement in the form required by the board on or before the date that is twenty-eight days after the date of the request, the board shall assess against the employer a penalty determined under section 742.353 of the Revised Code. The board shall maintain the information submitted under this division and division (A)(2) of this section in the member's file.
(C) For purposes of determining under division (D) of this section whether a member of the fund is disabled, the board shall adopt rules establishing objective criteria under which the board shall make the determination. The rules shall include standards that provide for all of the following:
(1) Evaluating a member's illness or injury on which an application for disability benefits is based;
(2) Defining the occupational duties of a police officer or firefighter;
(3) Providing for the board to assign competent and disinterested physicians and vocational evaluators to conduct examinations of a member;
(4) Requiring a written report for each disability application that includes a summary of findings, medical opinions, including an opinion on whether the illness or injury upon which the member's application for disability benefits is based was caused or induced by the actual performance of the member's official duties, and any recommendations or comments based on the medical opinions;
(5) Providing for the board to consider the member's potential for retraining or reemployment.
(D) This division does not apply to members of the fund who have elected to receive benefits and pensions in accordance with division (A) or (B) of section 742.37 of the Revised Code or from a police relief and pension fund or a firemen's relief and pension fund in accordance with the rules of that fund in force on April 1, 1947.
(1) As used in division (D)(1) of this section:
(a) "Totally disabled" means a member of the fund is unable to perform the duties of any gainful occupation for which the member is reasonably fitted by training, experience, and accomplishments. Absolute helplessness is not a prerequisite of being totally disabled.
(b) "Permanently disabled" means a condition of disability from which there is no present indication of recovery.
A member of the fund who is permanently and totally disabled as the result of the performance of the member's official duties as a member of a police or fire department shall be paid annual disability benefits in accordance with division (A) of section 742.39 of the Revised Code. In determining whether a member of the fund is permanently and totally disabled, the board shall consider standards adopted under division (C) of this section applicable to the determination.
(2) A member of the fund who is partially disabled as the result of the performance of the member's official duties as a member of a police or fire department shall, if the disability prevents the member from performing those duties and impairs the member's earning capacity, receive annual disability benefits in accordance with division (B) of section 742.39 of the Revised Code. In determining whether a member of the fund is partially disabled, the board shall consider standards adopted under division (C) of this section applicable to the determination.
(3)(a) A member of the fund who is disabled as a result of heart disease or any cardiovascular or respiratory disease of a chronic nature, which disease or any evidence of which disease was not revealed by the physical examination passed by the member on entry into the department, is presumed to have incurred the disease while performing the member's official duties, unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence.
(b) A member of the fund who is a member of a police department or who is a member of a fire department who has been assigned to at least three years of hazard duty as a member of a fire department, and is disabled as a result of any of the following types of cancer or disease, is presumed to have incurred the cancer or disease while performing the member's official duties:
(i) Cancer of the lung, brain, kidney, bladder, rectum, stomach, skin, or prostate;
(ii) Non-Hodgkins lymphoma;
(iii) Leukemia;
(iv) Multiple myeloma;
(v) Testicular or colorectal cancer;
(vi) A contagious or infectious disease specified in rules adopted pursuant to division (F) of section 3701.248 of the Revised Code.
The presumption described in division (D)(3)(b) of this section does not apply if competent evidence to the contrary of the presumption is shown or if the cancer or disease that resulted in a member's disability, or any evidence of that cancer or disease, was revealed by the physical examination passed by the member on entry into the department.
(4) A member of the fund who has completed five or more years of active service in a police or fire department and has incurred a disability not caused or induced by the actual performance of the member's official duties as a member of the department, or by the member's own negligence, shall if the disability prevents the member from performing those duties and impairs the member's earning capacity, receive annual disability benefits in accordance with division (C) of section 742.39 of the Revised Code. In determining whether a member of the fund is disabled, the board shall consider standards adopted under division (C) of this section applicable to the determination.
(5) The board shall notify a member of its final action awarding a disability benefit to the member within thirty days of the final action. The notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Not later than ninety days after receipt of notice from the board, the member shall elect, on a form provided by the board, either to accept or waive the disability benefit award. If the member elects to waive the disability benefit award or fails to make an election within the time period, the award is rescinded. A member who later seeks a disability benefit award shall be required to make a new application, which shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedures used for original disability benefit applications.
A person is not eligible to apply for or receive disability benefits under this division, section 742.39 of the Revised Code, or division (C)(2), (3), (4), or (5) of former section 742.37 of the Revised Code unless the person is a member of the fund on the date on which the application for disability benefits is submitted to the fund.
With the exception of persons who may make application for increased benefits as provided in division (D)(2) or (4) of this section or division (C)(3) or (5) of former section 742.37 of the Revised Code on or after July 24, 1986, or persons who may make application for benefits as provided in section 742.26 of the Revised Code, no person receiving a pension or benefit under this section or division (C) of former section 742.37 of the Revised Code may apply for any new, changed, or different benefit.
Sec. 4123.57.  Partial disability compensation shall be paid as follows.
Except as provided in this section, not earlier than twenty-six weeks after the date of termination of the latest period of payments under section 4123.56 of the Revised Code, or not earlier than twenty-six weeks after the date of the injury or contraction of an occupational disease in the absence of payments under section 4123.56 of the Revised Code, the employee may file an application with the bureau of workers' compensation for the determination of the percentage of the employee's permanent partial disability resulting from an injury or occupational disease.
Whenever the application is filed, the bureau shall send a copy of the application to the employee's employer or the employer's representative and shall schedule the employee for a medical examination by the bureau medical section. The bureau shall send a copy of the report of the medical examination to the employee, the employer, and their representatives. Thereafter, the administrator of workers' compensation shall review the employee's claim file and make a tentative order as the evidence before the administrator at the time of the making of the order warrants. If the administrator determines that there is a conflict of evidence, the administrator shall send the application, along with the claimant's file, to the district hearing officer who shall set the application for a hearing.
The administrator shall notify the employee, the employer, and their representatives, in writing, of the tentative order and of the parties' right to request a hearing. Unless the employee, the employer, or their representative notifies the administrator, in writing, of an objection to the tentative order within twenty days after receipt of the notice thereof, the tentative order shall go into effect and the employee shall receive the compensation provided in the order. In no event shall there be a reconsideration of a tentative order issued under this division.
If the employee, the employer, or their representatives timely notify the administrator of an objection to the tentative order, the matter shall be referred to a district hearing officer who shall set the application for hearing with written notices to all interested persons. Upon referral to a district hearing officer, the employer may obtain a medical examination of the employee, pursuant to rules of the industrial commission.
(A) The district hearing officer, upon the application, shall determine the percentage of the employee's permanent disability, except as is subject to division (B) of this section, based upon that condition of the employee resulting from the injury or occupational disease and causing permanent impairment evidenced by medical or clinical findings reasonably demonstrable. The employee shall receive sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the employee's average weekly wage, but not more than a maximum of thirty-three and one-third per cent of the statewide average weekly wage as defined in division (C) of section 4123.62 of the Revised Code, per week regardless of the average weekly wage, for the number of weeks which equals the percentage of two hundred weeks. Except on application for reconsideration, review, or modification, which is filed within ten days after the date of receipt of the decision of the district hearing officer, in no instance shall the former award be modified unless it is found from medical or clinical findings that the condition of the claimant resulting from the injury has so progressed as to have increased the percentage of permanent partial disability. A staff hearing officer shall hear an application for reconsideration filed and the staff hearing officer's decision is final. An employee may file an application for a subsequent determination of the percentage of the employee's permanent disability. If such an application is filed, the bureau shall send a copy of the application to the employer or the employer's representative. No sooner than sixty days from the date of the mailing of the application to the employer or the employer's representative, the administrator shall review the application. The administrator may require a medical examination or medical review of the employee. The administrator shall issue a tentative order based upon the evidence before the administrator, provided that if the administrator requires a medical examination or medical review, the administrator shall not issue the tentative order until the completion of the examination or review.
The employer may obtain a medical examination of the employee and may submit medical evidence at any stage of the process up to a hearing before the district hearing officer, pursuant to rules of the commission. The administrator shall notify the employee, the employer, and their representatives, in writing, of the nature and amount of any tentative order issued on an application requesting a subsequent determination of the percentage of an employee's permanent disability. An employee, employer, or their representatives may object to the tentative order within twenty days after the receipt of the notice thereof. If no timely objection is made, the tentative order shall go into effect. In no event shall there be a reconsideration of a tentative order issued under this division. If an objection is timely made, the application for a subsequent determination shall be referred to a district hearing officer who shall set the application for a hearing with written notice to all interested persons. No application for subsequent percentage determinations on the same claim for injury or occupational disease shall be accepted for review by the district hearing officer unless supported by substantial evidence of new and changed circumstances developing since the time of the hearing on the original or last determination.
No award shall be made under this division based upon a percentage of disability which, when taken with all other percentages of permanent disability, exceeds one hundred per cent. If the percentage of the permanent disability of the employee equals or exceeds ninety per cent, compensation for permanent partial disability shall be paid for two hundred weeks.
Compensation payable under this division accrues and is payable to the employee from the date of last payment of compensation, or, in cases where no previous compensation has been paid, from the date of the injury or the date of the diagnosis of the occupational disease.
When an award under this division has been made prior to the death of an employee, all unpaid installments accrued or to accrue under the provisions of the award are payable to the surviving spouse, or if there is no surviving spouse, to the dependent children of the employee, and if there are no children surviving, then to other dependents as the administrator determines.
(B) In cases included in the following schedule the compensation payable per week to the employee is the statewide average weekly wage as defined in division (C) of section 4123.62 of the Revised Code per week and shall continue during the periods provided in the following schedule:
For the loss of a first finger, commonly known as a thumb, sixty weeks.
For the loss of a second finger, commonly called index finger, thirty-five weeks.
For the loss of a third finger, thirty weeks.
For the loss of a fourth finger, twenty weeks.
For the loss of a fifth finger, commonly known as the little finger, fifteen weeks.
The loss of a second, or distal, phalange of the thumb is considered equal to the loss of one half of such thumb; the loss of more than one half of such thumb is considered equal to the loss of the whole thumb.
The loss of the third, or distal, phalange of any finger is considered equal to the loss of one-third of the finger.
The loss of the middle, or second, phalange of any finger is considered equal to the loss of two-thirds of the finger.
The loss of more than the middle and distal phalanges of any finger is considered equal to the loss of the whole finger. In no case shall the amount received for more than one finger exceed the amount provided in this schedule for the loss of a hand.
For the loss of the metacarpal bone (bones of the palm) for the corresponding thumb, or fingers, add ten weeks to the number of weeks under this division.
For ankylosis (total stiffness of) or contractures (due to scars or injuries) which makes any of the fingers, thumbs, or parts of either useless, the same number of weeks apply to the members or parts thereof as given for the loss thereof.
If the claimant has suffered the loss of two or more fingers by amputation or ankylosis and the nature of the claimant's employment in the course of which the claimant was working at the time of the injury or occupational disease is such that the handicap or disability resulting from the loss of fingers, or loss of use of fingers, exceeds the normal handicap or disability resulting from the loss of fingers, or loss of use of fingers, the administrator may take that fact into consideration and increase the award of compensation accordingly, but the award made shall not exceed the amount of compensation for loss of a hand.
For the loss of a hand, one hundred seventy-five weeks.
For the loss of an arm, two hundred twenty-five weeks.
For the loss of a great toe, thirty weeks.
For the loss of one of the toes other than the great toe, ten weeks.
The loss of more than two-thirds of any toe is considered equal to the loss of the whole toe.
The loss of less than two-thirds of any toe is considered no loss, except as to the great toe; the loss of the great toe up to the interphalangeal joint is co-equal to the loss of one-half of the great toe; the loss of the great toe beyond the interphalangeal joint is considered equal to the loss of the whole great toe.
For the loss of a foot, one hundred fifty weeks.
For the loss of a leg, two hundred weeks.
For the loss of the sight of an eye, one hundred twenty-five weeks.
For the permanent partial loss of sight of an eye, the portion of one hundred twenty-five weeks as the administrator in each case determines, based upon the percentage of vision actually lost as a result of the injury or occupational disease, but, in no case shall an award of compensation be made for less than twenty-five per cent loss of uncorrected vision. "Loss of uncorrected vision" means the percentage of vision actually lost as the result of the injury or occupational disease.
For the permanent and total loss of hearing of one ear, twenty-five weeks; but in no case shall an award of compensation be made for less than permanent and total loss of hearing of one ear.
For the permanent and total loss of hearing, one hundred twenty-five weeks; but, except pursuant to the next preceding paragraph, in no case shall an award of compensation be made for less than permanent and total loss of hearing.
In case an injury or occupational disease results in serious facial or head disfigurement which either impairs or may in the future impair the opportunities to secure or retain employment, the administrator shall make an award of compensation as it deems proper and equitable, in view of the nature of the disfigurement, and not to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars. For the purpose of making the award, it is not material whether the employee is gainfully employed in any occupation or trade at the time of the administrator's determination.
When an award under this division has been made prior to the death of an employee all unpaid installments accrued or to accrue under the provisions of the award shall be payable to the surviving spouse, or if there is no surviving spouse, to the dependent children of the employee and if there are no such children, then to such dependents as the administrator determines.
When an employee has sustained the loss of a member by severance, but no award has been made on account thereof prior to the employee's death, the administrator shall make an award in accordance with this division for the loss which shall be payable to the surviving spouse, or if there is no surviving spouse, to the dependent children of the employee and if there are no such children, then to such dependents as the administrator determines.
(C) Compensation for partial impairment under divisions (A) and (B) of this section is in addition to the compensation paid the employee pursuant to section 4123.56 of the Revised Code. A claimant may receive compensation under divisions (A) and (B) of this section.
In all cases arising under division (B) of this section, if it is determined by any one of the following: (1) the amputee clinic at University hospital, Ohio state university; (2) the rehabilitation services commission; (3) an amputee clinic or prescribing physician approved by the administrator or the administrator's designee, that an injured or disabled employee is in need of an artificial appliance, or in need of a repair thereof, regardless of whether the appliance or its repair will be serviceable in the vocational rehabilitation of the injured employee, and regardless of whether the employee has returned to or can ever again return to any gainful employment, the bureau shall pay the cost of the artificial appliance or its repair out of the surplus created by division (B) of section 4123.34 of the Revised Code.
In those cases where a rehabilitation services commission recommendation that an injured or disabled employee is in need of an artificial appliance would conflict with their state plan, adopted pursuant to the "Rehabilitation Act of 1973," 87 Stat. 355, 29 U.S.C.A. 701, the administrator or the administrator's designee or the bureau may obtain a recommendation from an amputee clinic or prescribing physician that they determine appropriate.
(D) If an employee of a state fund employer makes application for a finding and the administrator finds that the employee has contracted silicosis as defined in division (X)(Y), or coal miners' pneumoconiosis as defined in division (Y)(Z), or asbestosis as defined in division (AA)(BB) of section 4123.68 of the Revised Code, and that a change of such employee's occupation is medically advisable in order to decrease substantially further exposure to silica dust, asbestos, or coal dust and if the employee, after the finding, has changed or shall change the employee's occupation to an occupation in which the exposure to silica dust, asbestos, or coal dust is substantially decreased, the administrator shall allow to the employee an amount equal to fifty per cent of the statewide average weekly wage per week for a period of thirty weeks, commencing as of the date of the discontinuance or change, and for a period of one hundred weeks immediately following the expiration of the period of thirty weeks, the employee shall receive sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the loss of wages resulting directly and solely from the change of occupation but not to exceed a maximum of an amount equal to fifty per cent of the statewide average weekly wage per week. No such employee is entitled to receive more than one allowance on account of discontinuance of employment or change of occupation and benefits shall cease for any period during which the employee is employed in an occupation in which the exposure to silica dust, asbestos, or coal dust is not substantially less than the exposure in the occupation in which the employee was formerly employed or for any period during which the employee may be entitled to receive compensation or benefits under section 4123.68 of the Revised Code on account of disability from silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners' pneumoconiosis. An award for change of occupation for a coal miner who has contracted coal miners' pneumoconiosis may be granted under this division even though the coal miner continues employment with the same employer, so long as the coal miner's employment subsequent to the change is such that the coal miner's exposure to coal dust is substantially decreased and a change of occupation is certified by the claimant as permanent. The administrator may accord to the employee medical and other benefits in accordance with section 4123.66 of the Revised Code.
(E) If a firefighter or police officer makes application for a finding and the administrator finds that the firefighter or police officer has contracted a cardiovascular and pulmonary disease as defined in division (W) of section 4123.68 of the Revised Code, and that a change of the firefighter's or police officer's occupation is medically advisable in order to decrease substantially further exposure to smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes, and other toxic vapors, and if the firefighter, or police officer, after the finding, has changed or changes occupation to an occupation in which the exposure to smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes, and other toxic vapors is substantially decreased, the administrator shall allow to the firefighter or police officer an amount equal to fifty per cent of the statewide average weekly wage per week for a period of thirty weeks, commencing as of the date of the discontinuance or change, and for a period of seventy-five weeks immediately following the expiration of the period of thirty weeks the administrator shall allow the firefighter or police officer sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the loss of wages resulting directly and solely from the change of occupation but not to exceed a maximum of an amount equal to fifty per cent of the statewide average weekly wage per week. No such firefighter or police officer is entitled to receive more than one allowance on account of discontinuance of employment or change of occupation and benefits shall cease for any period during which the firefighter or police officer is employed in an occupation in which the exposure to smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes, and other toxic vapors is not substantially less than the exposure in the occupation in which the firefighter or police officer was formerly employed or for any period during which the firefighter or police officer may be entitled to receive compensation or benefits under section 4123.68 of the Revised Code on account of disability from a cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. The administrator may accord to the firefighter or police officer medical and other benefits in accordance with section 4123.66 of the Revised Code.
(F) An order issued under this section is appealable pursuant to section 4123.511 of the Revised Code but is not appealable to court under section 4123.512 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4123.68.  Every employee who is disabled because of the contraction of an occupational disease or the dependent of an employee whose death is caused by an occupational disease, is entitled to the compensation provided by sections 4123.55 to 4123.59 and 4123.66 of the Revised Code subject to the modifications relating to occupational diseases contained in this chapter. An order of the administrator issued under this section is appealable pursuant to sections 4123.511 and 4123.512 of the Revised Code.
The following diseases are occupational diseases and compensable as such when contracted by an employee in the course of the employment in which such employee was engaged and due to the nature of any process described in this section. A disease which meets the definition of an occupational disease is compensable pursuant to this chapter though it is not specifically listed in this section.
Description of disease or injury and description of process:
(A) Anthrax: Handling of wool, hair, bristles, hides, and skins.
(B) Glanders: Care of any equine animal suffering from glanders; handling carcass of such animal.
(C) Lead poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of lead or its preparations or compounds.
(D) Mercury poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of mercury or its preparations or compounds.
(E) Phosphorous poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of phosphorous or its preparations or compounds.
(F) Arsenic poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of arsenic or its preparations or compounds.
(G) Poisoning by benzol or by nitro-derivatives and amido-derivatives of benzol (dinitro-benzol, anilin, and others): Any industrial process involving the use of benzol or nitro-derivatives or amido-derivatives of benzol or its preparations or compounds.
(H) Poisoning by gasoline, benzine, naphtha, or other volatile petroleum products: Any industrial process involving the use of gasoline, benzine, naphtha, or other volatile petroleum products.
(I) Poisoning by carbon bisulphide: Any industrial process involving the use of carbon bisulphide or its preparations or compounds.
(J) Poisoning by wood alcohol: Any industrial process involving the use of wood alcohol or its preparations.
(K) Infection or inflammation of the skin on contact surfaces due to oils, cutting compounds or lubricants, dust, liquids, fumes, gases, or vapors: Any industrial process involving the handling or use of oils, cutting compounds or lubricants, or involving contact with dust, liquids, fumes, gases, or vapors.
(L) Epithelion cancer or ulceration of the skin or of the corneal surface of the eye due to carbon, pitch, tar, or tarry compounds: Handling or industrial use of carbon, pitch, or tarry compounds.
(M) Compressed air illness: Any industrial process carried on in compressed air.
(N) Carbon dioxide poisoning: Any process involving the evolution or resulting in the escape of carbon dioxide.
(O) Brass or zinc poisoning: Any process involving the manufacture, founding, or refining of brass or the melting or smelting of zinc.
(P) Manganese dioxide poisoning: Any process involving the grinding or milling of manganese dioxide or the escape of manganese dioxide dust.
(Q) Radium poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of radium and other radioactive substances in luminous paint.
(R) Tenosynovitis and prepatellar bursitis: Primary tenosynovitis characterized by a passive effusion or crepitus into the tendon sheath of the flexor or extensor muscles of the hand, due to frequently repetitive motions or vibrations, or prepatellar bursitis due to continued pressure.
(S) Chrome ulceration of the skin or nasal passages: Any industrial process involving the use of or direct contact with chromic acid or bichromates of ammonium, potassium, or sodium or their preparations.
(T) Potassium cyanide poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of or direct contact with potassium cyanide.
(U) Sulphur dioxide poisoning: Any industrial process in which sulphur dioxide gas is evolved by the expansion of liquid sulphur dioxide.
(V) Berylliosis: Berylliosis means a disease of the lungs caused by breathing beryllium in the form of dust or fumes, producing characteristic changes in the lungs and demonstrated by x-ray examination, by biopsy or by autopsy.
This chapter does not entitle an employee or his the employee's dependents to compensation, medical treatment, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death from berylliosis unless the employee has been subjected to injurious exposure to beryllium dust or fumes in his the employee's employment in this state preceding his the employee's disablement and only in the event of such disability or death resulting within eight years after the last injurious exposure; provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death from exposure occurring after January 1, 1976. In the event of death following continuous total disability commencing within eight years after the last injurious exposure, the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
Before awarding compensation for partial or total disability or death due to berylliosis, the administrator of workers' compensation shall refer the claim to a qualified medical specialist for examination and recommendation with regard to the diagnosis, the extent of the disability, the nature of the disability, whether permanent or temporary, the cause of death, and other medical questions connected with the claim. An employee shall submit to such examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, as the administrator requires. In the event that an employee refuses to submit to examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, after notice from the administrator, or in the event that a claimant for compensation for death due to berylliosis fails to produce necessary consents and permits, after notice from the administrator, so that such autopsy examination and tests may be performed, then all rights for compensation are forfeited. The reasonable compensation of such specialist and the expenses of examinations and tests shall be paid, if the claim is allowed, as part of the expenses of the claim, otherwise they shall be paid from the surplus fund.
(W) Cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory diseases incurred by fire fighters firefighters or police officers following exposure to heat, smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes and other toxic substances: Any cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory disease of a fire fighter firefighter or police officer caused or induced by the cumulative effect of exposure to heat, the inhalation of smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes and other toxic substances in the performance of his the firefighter's or police officer's duty constitutes a presumption, which may be refuted by affirmative evidence, that such occurred in the course of and arising out of his the firefighter's or police officer's employment. For the purpose of this section, "fire fighter firefighter" means any regular member of a lawfully constituted fire department of a municipal corporation or township, whether paid or volunteer, and "police officer" means any regular member of a lawfully constituted police department of a municipal corporation, township or county, whether paid or volunteer.
This chapter does not entitle a fire fighter firefighter, or police officer, or his the firefighter's or police officer's dependents to compensation, medical treatment, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death from a cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory disease, unless the fire fighter firefighter or police officer has been subject to injurious exposure to heat, smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes, and other toxic substances in his the firefighter's or police officer's employment in this state preceding his the firefighter's or police officer's disablement, some portion of which has been after January 1, 1967, except as provided in division (E) of section 4123.57 of the Revised Code.
Compensation on account of cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory diseases of fire fighters firefighters and police officers is payable only in the event of temporary total disability, permanent total disability, or death, in accordance with section 4123.56, 4123.58, or 4123.59 of the Revised Code. Medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable in accordance with this chapter. Compensation, medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable only in the event of such disability or death resulting within eight years after the last injurious exposure; provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death from exposure occurring after January 1, 1976. In the event of death following continuous total disability commencing within eight years after the last injurious exposure, the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
This chapter does not entitle a fire fighter firefighter or police officer, or his the firefighter's or police officer's dependents, to compensation, medical, hospital, and nursing expenses, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death due to a cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory disease in the event of failure or omission on the part of the fire fighter firefighter or police officer truthfully to state, when seeking employment, the place, duration, and nature of previous employment in answer to an inquiry made by the employer.
Before awarding compensation for disability or death under this division, the administrator shall refer the claim to a qualified medical specialist for examination and recommendation with regard to the diagnosis, the extent of disability, the cause of death, and other medical questions connected with the claim. A fire fighter firefighter or police officer shall submit to such examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, as the administrator requires. In the event that a fire fighter firefighter or police officer refuses to submit to examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, after notice from the administrator, or in the event that a claimant for compensation for death under this division fails to produce necessary consents and permits, after notice from the administrator, so that such autopsy examination and tests may be performed, then all rights for compensation are forfeited. The reasonable compensation of such specialists and the expenses of examination and tests shall be paid, if the claim is allowed, as part of the expenses of the claim, otherwise they shall be paid from the surplus fund.
(X)(1) Cancer or disease contracted by a firefighter, police officer, or public emergency medical services worker: Any of the following types of cancer or disease contracted by a firefighter, police officer, or public emergency medical services worker who, in the case of a firefighter or public emergency medical services worker, has been assigned at least three years of hazard duty as a firefighter or public emergency medical services worker, constitutes a presumption, which may be refuted by affirmative evidence, that the cancer or disease was contracted in the course of and arising out of the firefighter's, police officer's, or public emergency medical services worker's employment:
(a) Cancer of the lung, brain, kidney, bladder, rectum, stomach, skin, or prostate;
(b) Non-Hodgkins lymphoma;
(c) Leukemia;
(d) Multiple myeloma;
(e) Testicular or colorectal cancer;
(f) A contagious or infectious disease specified in rules adopted pursuant to division (F) of section 3701.248 of the Revised Code.
(2) As used in division (X)(1) of this section:
(a) "Public emergency medical services worker" means a person who holds a current valid certificate issued under Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code and is a member of a public retirement system.
(b) "Public retirement system" has the same meaning as in section 2907.15 of the Revised Code.
(Y) Silicosis: Silicosis means a disease of the lungs caused by breathing silica dust (silicon dioxide) producing fibrous nodules distributed through the lungs and demonstrated by x-ray examination, by biopsy or by autopsy.
(Y)(Z) Coal miners' pneumoconiosis: Coal miners' pneumoconiosis, commonly referred to as "black lung disease," resulting from working in the coal mine industry and due to exposure to the breathing of coal dust, and demonstrated by x-ray examination, biopsy, autopsy or other medical or clinical tests.
This chapter does not entitle an employee or his the employee's dependents to compensation, medical treatment, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death from silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners' pneumoconiosis unless the employee has been subject to injurious exposure to silica dust (silicon dioxide), asbestos, or coal dust in his the employee's employment in this state preceding his the employee's disablement, some portion of which has been after October 12, 1945, except as provided in division (E) of section 4123.57 of the Revised Code.
Compensation on account of silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners' pneumoconiosis are payable only in the event of temporary total disability, permanent total disability, or death, in accordance with sections 4123.56, 4123.58, and 4123.59 of the Revised Code. Medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable in accordance with this chapter. Compensation, medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable only in the event of such disability or death resulting within eight years after the last injurious exposure; provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death occurring after January 1, 1976, and further provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to any asbestosis cases. In the event of death following continuous total disability commencing within eight years after the last injurious exposure, the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
This chapter does not entitle an employee or his the employee's dependents to compensation, medical, hospital and nursing expenses, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death due to silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners' pneumoconiosis in the event of the failure or omission on the part of the employee truthfully to state, when seeking employment, the place, duration, and nature of previous employment in answer to an inquiry made by the employer.
Before awarding compensation for disability or death due to silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners' pneumoconiosis, the administrator shall refer the claim to a qualified medical specialist for examination and recommendation with regard to the diagnosis, the extent of disability, the cause of death, and other medical questions connected with the claim. An employee shall submit to such examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, as the administrator requires. In the event that an employee refuses to submit to examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, after notice from the administrator, or in the event that a claimant for compensation for death due to silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners' pneumoconiosis fails to produce necessary consents and permits, after notice from the commission, so that such autopsy examination and tests may be performed, then all rights for compensation are forfeited. The reasonable compensation of such specialist and the expenses of examinations and tests shall be paid, if the claim is allowed, as a part of the expenses of the claim, otherwise they shall be paid from the surplus fund.
(Z)(AA) Radiation illness: Any industrial process involving the use of radioactive materials.
Claims for compensation and benefits due to radiation illness are payable only in the event death or disability occurred within eight years after the last injurious exposure provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death from exposure occurring after January 1, 1976. In the event of death following continuous disability which commenced within eight years of the last injurious exposure the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
(AA)(BB) Asbestosis: Asbestosis means a disease caused by inhalation or ingestion of asbestos, demonstrated by x-ray examination, biopsy, autopsy, or other objective medical or clinical tests.
All conditions, restrictions, limitations, and other provisions of this section, with reference to the payment of compensation or benefits on account of silicosis or coal miners' pneumoconiosis apply to the payment of compensation or benefits on account of any other occupational disease of the respiratory tract resulting from injurious exposures to dust.
The refusal to produce the necessary consents and permits for autopsy examination and testing shall not result in forfeiture of compensation provided the administrator finds that such refusal was the result of bona fide religious convictions or teachings to which the claimant for compensation adhered prior to the death of the decedent.
Section 2. That existing sections 742.38, 4123.57, and 4123.68 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 3. The amendment made by this act to section 742.38 of the Revised Code applies to an application for a disability benefit that is filed on or after the effective date of this act.
Section 4. The amendments made by this act to sections 4123.57 and 4123.68 of the Revised Code apply only to claims pursuant to Chapters 4121. and 4123. of the Revised Code arising on and after the effective date of this act.
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