130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 412  As Introduced
As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 412

Representative Blair 

Cosponsors: Representatives Adams, J., Amstutz, Blessing, Bubp, Burke, Boose, Grossman, Huffman, Lehner, Jordan, Martin, McClain, Morgan, Snitchler, Stebelton, Uecker, Wachtmann, Wagner, Zehringer 

To amend sections 122.452, 165.031, 166.02, 307.671, 307.673, 1551.13, 1728.07, 3706.042, 4115.03, 4115.033, 4115.10, 4582.12, 4582.37, 4981.23, 6117.012, and 6121.061 and to repeal section 4115.034 of the Revised Code to limit the requirement to pay the prevailing rate of wages to new construction, to increase the threshold that triggers the application of the Prevailing Wage Law to one million dollars, and to eliminate the requirement that the Director of Commerce adjust that threshold on a biennial basis.

Section 1.  That sections 122.452, 165.031, 166.02, 307.671, 307.673, 1551.13, 1728.07, 3706.042, 4115.03, 4115.033, 4115.10, 4582.12, 4582.37, 4981.23, 6117.012, and 6121.061 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 122.452.  The director of development shall not enter into any agreement for granting a loan or insuring a mortgage unless the agreement specifies that all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed for work on such projects shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by such project, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics; and providing further that should a nonpublic user beneficiary of the project undertake, as part of the project, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit, employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement which was in existence prior to the date of the commitment instrument undertaking to insure a mortgage or grant a loan then, in that event, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
Sec. 165.031.  No bonds shall be issued under this chapter unless the resolution or ordinance authorizing such issuance of bonds specifies that all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed on such projects for which the bonds are issued shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by such project, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnished by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics; and provided further that should a nonpublic user beneficiary of the project undertake, as part of the project, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement which was in existence prior to the date of the commitment instrument undertaking to issue bonds then, in that event, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
Sec. 166.02.  (A) The general assembly finds that many local areas throughout the state are experiencing economic stagnation or decline, and that the economic development programs provided for in this chapter will constitute deserved, necessary reinvestment by the state in those areas, materially contribute to their economic revitalization, and result in improving the economic welfare of all the people of the state. Accordingly, it is declared to be the public policy of the state, through the operations of this chapter and other applicable laws adopted pursuant to Section 2p or 13 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and other authority vested in the general assembly, to assist in and facilitate the establishment or development of eligible projects or assist and cooperate with any governmental agency in achieving such purpose.
(B) In furtherance of such public policy and to implement such purpose, the director of development may:
(1) After consultation with appropriate governmental agencies, enter into agreements with persons engaged in industry, commerce, distribution, or research and with governmental agencies to induce such persons to acquire, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, enlarge, improve, equip, or furnish, or otherwise develop, eligible projects and make provision therein for project facilities and governmental actions, as authorized by this chapter and other applicable laws, subject to any required actions by the general assembly or the controlling board and subject to applicable local government laws and regulations;
(2) Provide for the guarantees and loans as provided for in sections 166.06 and 166.07 of the Revised Code;
(3) Subject to release of such moneys by the controlling board, contract for labor and materials needed for, or contract with others, including governmental agencies, to provide, project facilities the allowable costs of which are to be paid for or reimbursed from moneys in the facilities establishment fund, and contract for the operation of such project facilities;
(4) Subject to release thereof by the controlling board, from moneys in the facilities establishment fund acquire or contract to acquire by gift, exchange, or purchase, including the obtaining and exercise of purchase options, property, and convey or otherwise dispose of, or provide for the conveyance or disposition of, property so acquired or contracted to be acquired by sale, exchange, lease, lease purchase, conditional or installment sale, transfer, or other disposition, including the grant of an option to purchase, to any governmental agency or to any other person without necessity for competitive bidding and upon such terms and conditions and manner of consideration pursuant to and as the director determines to be appropriate to satisfy the objectives of sections 166.01 to 166.11 of the Revised Code;
(5) Retain the services of or employ financial consultants, appraisers, consulting engineers, superintendents, managers, construction and accounting experts, attorneys, and employees, agents, and independent contractors as are necessary in the director's judgment and fix the compensation for their services;
(6) Receive and accept from any person grants, gifts, and contributions of money, property, labor, and other things of value, to be held, used and applied only for the purpose for which such grants, gifts, and contributions are made;
(7) Enter into appropriate arrangements and agreements with any governmental agency for the taking or provision by that governmental agency of any governmental action;
(8) Do all other acts and enter into contracts and execute all instruments necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this chapter;
(9) Adopt rules to implement any of the provisions of this chapter applicable to the director.
(C) The determinations by the director that facilities constitute eligible projects, that facilities are project facilities, that costs of such facilities are allowable costs, and all other determinations relevant thereto or to an action taken or agreement entered into shall be conclusive for purposes of the validity and enforceability of rights of parties arising from actions taken and agreements entered into under this chapter.
(D) Except as otherwise prescribed in this chapter, all expenses and obligations incurred by the director in carrying out the director's powers and in exercising the director's duties under this chapter, shall be payable solely from, as appropriate, moneys in the facilities establishment fund, the loan guarantee fund, the innovation Ohio loan guarantee fund, the innovation Ohio loan fund, the research and development loan fund, the logistics and distribution infrastructure fund, the logistics and distribution infrastructure taxable bond fund, or moneys appropriated for such purpose by the general assembly. This chapter does not authorize the director or the issuing authority under section 166.08 of the Revised Code to incur bonded indebtedness of the state or any political subdivision thereof, or to obligate or pledge moneys raised by taxation for the payment of any bonds or notes issued or guarantees made pursuant to this chapter.
(E) No financial assistance for project facilities shall be provided under this chapter unless the provisions of the agreement providing for such assistance specify that all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed on such project facilities for which the assistance is granted shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by such project facilities, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this division do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies provides financing assistance as to all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project facilities and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics; and provided further that should a nonpublic user beneficiary of the eligible project undertake, as part of the eligible project, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement which was in existence prior to the date of the document authorizing such assistance then, in that event, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
(F) Any governmental agency may enter into an agreement with the director, any other governmental agency, or a person to be assisted under this chapter, to take or provide for the purposes of this chapter any governmental action it is authorized to take or provide, and to undertake on behalf and at the request of the director any action which the director is authorized to undertake pursuant to divisions (B)(3), (4), and (5) of this section or divisions (B)(3), (4), and (5) of section 166.12 of the Revised Code. Governmental agencies of the state shall cooperate with and provide assistance to the director of development and the controlling board in the exercise of their respective functions under this chapter.
Sec. 307.671.  (A) As used in this section:
(1) "Bonds" means, as the context requires: general obligation bonds of the county, or notes in anticipation thereof, described in division (B)(1)(b) of this section; revenue bonds of the port authority described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section; and urban renewal bonds, or notes in anticipation thereof, of the host municipal corporation described in division (B)(3)(a) of this section.
(2) "Corporation" means a nonprofit corporation that is organized under the laws of this state and that includes within the purposes for which it is incorporated the authorization to lease and operate facilities such as a port authority educational and cultural facility.
(3) "Debt service charges" means, for any period or payable at any time, the principal of and interest and any premium due on bonds for that period or payable at that time whether due at maturity or upon mandatory redemption, together with any required deposits to reserves for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds, and includes any payments required by the port authority to satisfy any of its obligations arising from any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements described in division (C) of this section.
(4) "Host municipal corporation" means the municipal corporation within the boundaries of which the port authority educational and cultural facility is located.
(5) "Port authority" means a port authority created pursuant to the authority of section 4582.02 of the Revised Code by a county and a host municipal corporation.
(6) "Port authority educational and cultural facility" means a facility located within an urban renewal area that may consist of a museum, archives, library, hall of fame, center for contemporary music, or other facilities necessary to provide programs of an educational and cultural nature, together with all parking facilities, walkways, and other auxiliary facilities, real and personal property, property rights, easements, and interests that may be appropriate for, or used in connection with, the operation of the facility.
(7) "Urban renewal area" means an area of a host municipal corporation that the legislative authority of the host municipal corporation has, at any time, designated as appropriate for an urban renewal project pursuant to Chapter 725. of the Revised Code.
(B) The board of county commissioners of a county, a port authority, and a host municipal corporation may enter into a cooperative agreement with a corporation, under which:
(1) The board of county commissioners agrees to do all of the following:
(a) Levy a tax under division (D) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code exclusively for the purposes described in divisions (B)(1)(c) and (d) of this section;
(b) Issue general obligation bonds of the county, or notes in anticipation thereof, pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, and equipping the port authority educational and cultural facility and contribute the proceeds from the issuance to the port authority for such purpose. The cooperative agreement may provide that such proceeds be deposited with and administered by the trustee pursuant to the trust agreement provided for in division (C) of this section.
(c) Following the issuance, sale, and delivery of the port authority revenue bonds provided for in division (B)(2)(a) of this section, and prior to the date certain stated in the cooperative agreement which shall be the date estimated for the completion of construction of the port authority educational and cultural facility, pledge and contribute to the port authority revenue from the tax levied pursuant to division (B)(1)(a) of this section, together with any investment earnings on that revenue, to pay a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing, and equipping the port authority educational and cultural facility;
(d) Following such date certain, pledge and contribute to the corporation all or such portion as provided for in the cooperative agreement of the revenue from the tax, together with any investment earnings on that revenue, to pay a portion of the costs of the corporation of leasing the port authority educational and cultural facility from the port authority.
(2) The port authority agrees to do all of the following:
(a) Issue revenue bonds of the port authority pursuant to Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, and equipping the port authority educational and cultural facility;
(b) Construct the port authority educational and cultural facility;
(c) Lease the port authority educational and cultural facility to the corporation;
(d) To the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement or the lease to the corporation, authorize the corporation to administer on behalf of the port authority the contracts for acquiring, constructing, or equipping a port authority educational and cultural facility;
(e) Use the revenue derived from the lease of the port authority educational and cultural facility to the corporation solely to pay debt service charges on the revenue bonds of the port authority described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section.
(3) The host municipal corporation agrees to do both of the following:
(a) Issue urban renewal bonds of the host municipal corporation, or notes in anticipation thereof, pursuant to Chapter 725. of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring and constructing the port authority educational and cultural facility and contribute the proceeds from the issuance to the port authority for such purpose. The cooperative agreement may provide that such proceeds be deposited with and administered by the trustee pursuant to the trust agreement provided for in division (C) of this section.
(b) To the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement, contribute to the county, for use by the county to pay debt service charges on the bonds of the county, or notes in anticipation thereof, described in division (B)(1)(b) of this section, any excess urban renewal service payments pledged by the host municipal corporation to the urban renewal bonds described in division (B)(3)(a) of this section and not required on an annual basis to pay debt service charges on the urban renewal bonds.
(4) The corporation agrees to do all of the following:
(a) Lease the port authority educational and cultural facility from the port authority;
(b) Operate and maintain the port authority educational and cultural facility pursuant to the lease;
(c) To the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement or the lease from the port authority, administer on behalf of the port authority the contracts for acquiring, constructing, or equipping a port authority educational and cultural facility.
(C) The pledges and contributions described in divisions (B)(1)(c) and (d) of this section and provided for in the cooperative agreement shall be for the period stated in the cooperative agreement, but shall not be in excess of the period necessary to provide for the final retirement of the port authority revenue bonds provided for in division (B)(2)(a) of this section and any bonds issued by the port authority to refund such bonds, and for the satisfaction by the port authority of any of its obligations arising from any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements relating to such bonds or to the revenues pledged to such bonds. The cooperative agreement shall provide for the termination of the cooperative agreement including the pledges and contributions described in divisions (B)(1)(c) and (d) of this section if the port authority revenue bonds provided for in division (B)(2)(a) of this section have not been issued, sold, and delivered within two years of the effective date of the cooperative agreement.
The cooperative agreement shall provide that any revenue bonds of the port authority shall be secured by a trust agreement between the port authority and a corporate trustee that is a trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or outside the state. The county may be a party to such trust agreement for the purpose of securing the pledge by the county of its contribution to the corporation pursuant to division (B)(1)(d) of this section. A tax levied pursuant to division (B)(1)(a) of this section is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or diminution by statute, unless provision is made therein for an adequate substitute therefor reasonably satisfactory to the trustee under the trust agreement that secures the revenue bonds of the port authority.
(D) A pledge of money by a county under this section shall not be net indebtedness of the county for purposes of section 133.07 of the Revised Code.
(E) If the terms of the cooperative agreement so provide, any contract for the acquisition, construction, or equipping of a port authority educational and cultural facility shall be made in such manner as is determined by the board of directors of the port authority, and unless the cooperative agreement provides otherwise, such a contract is not subject to division (A) of section 4582.12 of the Revised Code. The port authority may take the assignment of and assume any contracts for the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a port authority educational and cultural facility that previously have been authorized by either or both the host municipal corporation or the corporation. Such contracts likewise are not subject to division (A) of section 4582.12 of the Revised Code.
Any contract for the acquisition, construction, or equipping of a port authority educational and cultural facility entered into, assigned, or assumed pursuant to this division shall provide that all the payment of wages to laborers and mechanics employed for the acquisition, construction, or equipping of the port authority educational and cultural facility shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the port authority educational and cultural facility, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for the determination of prevailing wage rates.
Sec. 307.673.  This section applies only in a county in which a tax is levied under section 307.697, 4301.421, 5743.024, or 5743.323 of the Revised Code on the effective date of this amendment July 19, 1995.
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "County taxes" means taxes levied by a board of county commissioners under division (D) of section 307.697, division (B) of section 4301.421, division (C) of section 5743.024, and section 5743.323 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Corporation" means a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of this state and that includes among the purposes for which it is incorporated the authority to acquire, construct, renovate, equip, lease, manage, or operate a sports facility.
(3) "Cooperative agreement" means an agreement entered into pursuant to this section.
(4) "Cost of a sports facility" means the cost of acquiring, constructing, renovating, equipping, or improving one or more sports facilities, including reconstructing, rehabilitating, remodeling, and enlarging; the cost of equipping and furnishing such a facility; and all financing costs pertaining thereto, including the cost of engineering, architectural, and other professional services, designs, plans, specifications and surveys, and estimates of costs; the costs of refinancing obligations issued by, or reimbursement of money advanced by, the parties to the cooperative agreement or other persons, the proceeds of which obligations were used to pay the costs of the sports facility; the cost of tests and inspections; the cost of any indemnity or surety bonds and premiums on insurance, all related direct and administrative costs pertaining thereto, fees and expenses of trustees, depositories, and paying agents for the obligations, capitalized interest on the obligations, amounts necessary to establish reserves as required by the obligation proceedings, the reimbursement of money advanced or applied by the parties to the cooperative agreement or other persons for the payment of any item of costs of the sports facility, and all other expenses necessary or incident to planning or determining the feasibility or practicability with respect to the sports facility; and any other such expenses as may be necessary or incident to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation, enlargement, improvement, equipping, and furnishing of the sports facility, the financing of the sports facility, placing the sports facility in use and operation, including any one, part of, or combination of such classes of costs and expenses.
(5) "Financing costs" has the same meaning as in section 133.01 of the Revised Code.
(6) "Obligations" means obligations issued or incurred to pay the cost of a sports facility, including bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, commercial paper, and other instruments in writing, anticipatory securities as defined in section 133.01 of the Revised Code, issued or incurred by an issuer pursuant to Chapter 133. or 4582. of the Revised Code or this section, or otherwise, to evidence the issuer's obligation to repay borrowed money, or to pay interest, by, or to pay at any future time other money obligations of, the issuer of the obligations, including obligations of an issuer or lessee to make payments under an installment sale, lease, lease-purchase, or similar agreement.
(7) "Owner" means any person that owns or operates a professional athletic or sports team, that is party to a cooperative agreement, or that has a lease or other agreement with a party to a cooperative agreement, and that commits to use the sports facility that is the subject of the cooperative agreement for all of the team's home games for the period specified in that agreement.
(8) "Payments," when used with reference to obligations, means payments of the principal, including any mandatory sinking fund deposits and mandatory redemption payments, interest and any redemption premium, and lease rentals, lease-purchase payments and other amounts payable under obligations in the form of installment sale, lease, lease-purchase, or similar agreements.
(9) "Person" has the same meaning as defined in section 133.01 of the Revised Code.
(10) "Port authority" means a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code.
(11) "Sports facility" means a facility, including a stadium, that is intended to house or provide a site for one or more major league professional athletic or sports teams or activities, together with all spectator facilities, parking facilities, walkways, and auxiliary facilities, real and personal property, property rights, easements, leasehold estates, and interests that may be appropriate for, or used in connection with, the operation of the sports facility.
(B) The board of county commissioners of a county, the legislative authority of a municipal corporation, a port authority, a corporation, and an owner, or any combination thereof, may enter into one or more cooperative agreements under which the parties enter into one or more of the agreements described in divisions (B)(1) to (5) of this section.
(1) The board of county commissioners agrees to do one or more of the following:
(a) Levy a tax under division (D) of section 307.697, division (B) of section 4301.421, division (C) of section 5743.024, and section 5743.323 of the Revised Code and make available all or a portion of the revenue from those taxes for the payment of the cost of the sports facility or to make payments on obligations;
(b) Issue or incur obligations of the county pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or this section;
(c) Make available all or a portion of the revenue from those taxes or of the proceeds from the issuance of those obligations to the municipal corporation, port authority, corporation, or otherwise for the payment of the cost of a sports facility or the payment of obligations;
(d) Acquire, construct, renovate, equip, lease to or from another person, and operate, directly or by a lease or management contract with another person, one or more sports facilities;
(e) To the extent provided in the cooperative agreement or a lease with respect to a sports facility, authorize the municipal corporation, port authority, corporation, or owner to administer contracts for designing, planning, acquiring, constructing, renovating, or equipping a sports facility.
(2) The port authority agrees to do one or more of the following:
(a) Issue or incur obligations of the port authority pursuant to Chapter 133. or 4582. of the Revised Code or this section;
(b) Make available all or a portion of the proceeds from the issuance of those obligations to the municipal corporation, county, or corporation for the payment of the cost of a sports facility or the payment of obligations;
(c) Acquire, construct, renovate, equip, lease to or from another person, and operate, directly or by a lease or management contract with another person, one or more sports facilities;
(d) To the extent provided in the cooperative agreement or a lease with respect to a sports facility, authorize the municipal corporation, county, corporation, or owner to administer contracts for designing, planning, acquiring, constructing, renovating, or equipping a sports facility.
(3) The legislative authority of the municipal corporation agrees to do one or more of the following:
(a) Make available the revenue from taxes levied by the legislative authority for the payment of the cost of a sports facility or to make payments on obligations;
(b) Issue or incur obligations of the municipal corporation pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or otherwise;
(c) Make available all or a portion of the proceeds from the issuance of those obligations to the county, port authority, corporation, or otherwise for the payment of the cost of a sports facility or the payment of obligations;
(d) Acquire, construct, renovate, equip, lease to or from another person, and operate, directly or by a lease or management contract with another person, one or more sports facilities;
(e) To the extent provided in the cooperative agreement or a lease with respect to a sports facility, authorize the county, port authority, corporation, or owner to administer contracts for designing, planning, acquiring, constructing, renovating, or equipping a sports facility.
(4) The corporation agrees to do one or more of the following:
(a) Issue or incur obligations;
(b) Make available all or a portion of the proceeds from the issuance of those obligations to the county, port authority, municipal corporation, or otherwise for the payment of the cost of a sports facility or the payment of obligations;
(c) Acquire, construct, renovate, equip, lease to or from another person, and operate, directly or by a lease or management contract with another person, one or more sports facilities;
(d) To the extent provided in the cooperative agreement or a lease with respect to a sports facility, agree that the corporation will administer contracts for designing, planning, acquiring, constructing, renovating, or equipping a sports facility.
(5) The owner agrees to do one or more of the following:
(a) Use the sports facility that is the subject of the cooperative agreement for all of the home games of the owner's professional athletic or sports team for a specified period;
(b) Administer contracts for designing, planning, acquiring, constructing, renovating, or equipping a sports facility.
(C) Any obligations may be secured by a trust agreement between the issuer of obligations and a corporate trustee that is a trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company in or outside this state and authorized to exercise corporate trust powers in this state. Proceeds from the issuance of any obligations or the taxes levied and collected by any party to the cooperative agreement may be deposited with and administered by a trustee pursuant to the trust agreement.
(D) Any contract for the acquisition, construction, renovation, or equipping of a sports facility entered into, assigned, or assumed under this section shall provide that all the payment of wages to laborers and mechanics employed in the acquisition, construction, renovation, or equipping of the sports facility shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for, as those is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages are shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections.
Sec. 1551.13.  The director of development shall not enter into any agreement for undertaking or making grants of any funds or otherwise participate in any project or energy resource development facility unless the agreement or the contract, resolution, or other written document setting forth the participation of the department of development specifies that all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed for construction, reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, alteration, repair, painting, decorating, or rehabilitation on of any such project or facility shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the project or facility, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with any such project or facility and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics, and provided further that should the user-beneficiary, other than a public authority, of the project or facility undertake, as part of the project or facility, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement which was in existence prior to the date of the commitment instrument setting forth the department's participation, then, and in that event, the rate of pay under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
Sec. 1728.07.  Every approved project shall be evidenced by a financial agreement between the municipal corporation and the community urban redevelopment corporation. Such agreement shall be prepared by the community urban redevelopment corporation and submitted as a separate part of its application for project approval.
The financial agreement shall be in the form of a contract requiring full performance within twenty years from the date of completion of the project and shall, as a minimum, include the following:
(A) That all improvements in the project to be constructed or acquired by the corporation shall be exempt from taxation, subject to section 1728.10 of the Revised Code;
(B) That the corporation shall make payments in lieu of real estate taxes not less than the amount as provided by section 1728.11 of the Revised Code; or if the municipal corporation is an impacted city, not less than the amount as provided by section 1728.111 of the Revised Code;
(C) That the corporation, its successors and assigns, shall use, develop, and redevelop the real property of the project in accordance with, and for the period of, the community development plan approved by the governing body of the municipal corporation for the blighted area in which the project is situated and shall so bind its successors and assigns by appropriate agreements and covenants running with the land enforceable by the municipal corporation.
(D) If the municipal corporation is an impacted city, the extent of the undertakings and activities of the corporation for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of blight.
(E) That the corporation or the municipal corporation, or both, shall provide for carrying out relocation of persons, families, business concerns, and others displaced by the project, pursuant to a relocation plan, including the method for the relocation of residents in decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling accommodations, and reasonable moving costs, determined to be feasible by the governing body of the municipal corporation. Where the relocation plan is carried out by the corporation, its officers, employees, agents, or lessees, the municipal corporation shall enforce and supervise the corporation's compliance with the relocation plan. If the corporation refuses or fails to comply with the relocation plan and the municipal corporation fails or refuses to enforce compliance with such plan, the director of development may request the attorney general to commence a civil action against the municipality and the corporation to require compliance with such relocation plan. Prior to requesting action by the attorney general the director shall give notice of the proposed action to the municipality and the corporation, provide an opportunity to such municipality and corporation for discussions on the matter, and allow a reasonable time in which the corporation may begin compliance with the relocation plan, or the municipality may commence enforcement of the relocation plan.
(F) That the corporation shall submit annually, within ninety days after the close of its fiscal year, its auditor's reports to the mayor and governing body of the municipal corporation;
(G) That the corporation shall, upon request, permit inspection of property, equipment, buildings, and other facilities of the corporation, and also permit examination and audit of its books, contracts, records, documents, and papers by authorized representatives of the municipal corporation;
(H) That in the event of any dispute between the parties the matters in controversy shall be resolved by arbitration in the manner provided therein;
(I) That operation under the financial agreement is terminable by the corporation in the manner provided by Chapter 1728. of the Revised Code;
(J) That the corporation shall, at all times prior to the expiration or other termination of the financial agreement, remain bound by Chapter 1728. of the Revised Code;
(K) That all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed for work on such projects, other than for residential structures containing seven or less family units, shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the project, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this division do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by law or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics.
Modifications of the financial agreement may from time to time be made by agreement between the governing body of the municipal corporation and the community urban redevelopment corporation.
Sec. 3706.042.  The Ohio air quality development authority shall not enter into any loan agreement or grant any funds for any project unless laborers and mechanics employed on such projects are paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by such project, which in accordance with sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics; and provided further that should a non-public user beneficiary of the project undertake, as part of the project, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement which was in existence prior to the date of the commitment instrument undertaking a loan or grant of funds then, in that event, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
Sec. 4115.03.  As used in sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Public authority" means any officer, board, or commission of the state, or any political subdivision of the state, authorized to enter into a contract for the construction of a public improvement or to construct the same by the direct employment of labor, or any institution supported in whole or in part by public funds and said sections apply to expenditures of such institutions made in whole or in part from public funds.
(B) "Construction" means either of the following:
(1) Any any new construction of any public improvement, the total overall project cost of which is fairly estimated to be more than fifty thousand one million dollars adjusted biennially by the director of commerce pursuant to section 4115.034 of the Revised Code and performed by other than full-time employees who have completed their probationary periods in the classified service of a public authority;
(2) Any reconstruction, enlargement, alteration, repair, remodeling, renovation, or painting of any public improvement, the total overall project cost of which is fairly estimated to be more than fifteen thousand dollars adjusted biennially by the administrator pursuant to section 4115.034 of the Revised Code and performed by other than full-time employees who have completed their probationary period in the classified civil service of a public authority.
(C) "Public improvement" includes all buildings, roads, streets, alleys, sewers, ditches, sewage disposal plants, water works, and all other structures or works constructed by a public authority of the state or any political subdivision thereof or by any person who, pursuant to a contract with a public authority, constructs any structure for a public authority of the state or a political subdivision thereof. When a public authority rents or leases a newly constructed structure within six months after completion of such construction, all work performed on such structure to suit it for occupancy by a public authority is a "public improvement." "Public improvement" does not include an improvement authorized by section 1515.08 of the Revised Code that is constructed pursuant to a contract with a soil and water conservation district, as defined in section 1515.01 of the Revised Code, or performed as a result of a petition filed pursuant to Chapter 6131., 6133., or 6135. of the Revised Code, wherein no less than seventy-five per cent of the project is located on private land and no less than seventy-five per cent of the cost of the improvement is paid for by private property owners pursuant to Chapter 1515., 6131., 6133., or 6135. of the Revised Code.
(D) "Locality" means the county wherein the physical work upon any public improvement is being performed.
(E) "Prevailing wages" means the sum of the following:
(1) The basic hourly rate of pay;
(2) The rate of contribution irrevocably made by a contractor or subcontractor to a trustee or to a third person pursuant to a fund, plan, or program;
(3) The rate of costs to the contractor or subcontractor which may be reasonably anticipated in providing the following fringe benefits to laborers and mechanics pursuant to an enforceable commitment to carry out a financially responsible plan or program which was communicated in writing to the laborers and mechanics affected:
(a) Medical or hospital care or insurance to provide such;
(b) Pensions on retirement or death or insurance to provide such;
(c) Compensation for injuries or illnesses resulting from occupational activities if it is in addition to that coverage required by Chapters 4121. and 4123. of the Revised Code;
(d) Supplemental unemployment benefits that are in addition to those required by Chapter 4141. of the Revised Code;
(e) Life insurance;
(f) Disability and sickness insurance;
(g) Accident insurance;
(h) Vacation and holiday pay;
(i) Defraying of costs for apprenticeship or other similar training programs which are beneficial only to the laborers and mechanics affected;
(j) Other bona fide fringe benefits.
None of the benefits enumerated in division (E)(3) of this section may be considered in the determination of prevailing wages if federal, state, or local law requires contractors or subcontractors to provide any of such benefits.
(F) "Interested party," with respect to a particular public improvement, means:
(1) Any person who submits a bid for the purpose of securing the award of a contract for construction of the public improvement;
(2) Any person acting as a subcontractor of a person mentioned in division (F)(1) of this section;
(3) Any bona fide organization of labor which has as members or is authorized to represent employees of a person mentioned in division (F)(1) or (2) of this section and which exists, in whole or in part, for the purpose of negotiating with employers concerning the wages, hours, or terms and conditions of employment of employees;
(4) Any association having as members any of the persons mentioned in division (F)(1) or (2) of this section.
(G) Except as used in division (A) of this section, "officer" means an individual who has an ownership interest or holds an office of trust, command, or authority in a corporation, business trust, partnership, or association.
Sec. 4115.033.  No public authority shall subdivide a public improvement project into component parts or projects, the cost of which is fairly estimated to be less than the threshold levels level set forth in divisions division (B)(1) and (2) of section 4115.03 of the Revised Code, unless the projects are conceptually separate and unrelated to each other, or encompass independent and unrelated needs of the public authority.
Sec. 4115.10.  (A) No person, firm, corporation, or public authority that constructs a public improvement with its own forces, the total overall project cost of which is fairly estimated to be more than the amounts amount set forth in division (B)(1) or (2) of section 4115.03 of the Revised Code, adjusted biennially by the director of commerce pursuant to section 4115.034 of the Revised Code, shall violate the wage provisions of sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code, or suffer, permit, or require any employee to work for less than the rate of wages so fixed, or violate the provisions of section 4115.07 of the Revised Code. Any employee upon any public improvement, except an employee to whom or on behalf of whom restitution is made pursuant to division (C) of section 4115.13 of the Revised Code, who is paid less than the fixed rate of wages applicable thereto may recover from such person, firm, corporation, or public authority that constructs a public improvement with its own forces the difference between the fixed rate of wages and the amount paid to the employee and in addition thereto a sum equal to twenty-five per cent of that difference. The person, firm, corporation, or public authority who fails to pay the rate of wages so fixed also shall pay a penalty to the director of seventy-five per cent of the difference between the fixed rate of wages and the amount paid to the employees on the public improvement. The director shall deposit all moneys received from penalties paid to the director pursuant to this section into the penalty enforcement fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. The director shall use the fund for the enforcement of sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code. The employee may file suit for recovery within ninety days of the director's determination of a violation of sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code or is barred from further action under this division. Where If the employee prevails in a suit, the employer shall pay the costs and reasonable attorney's fees allowed by the court.
(B) Any employee upon any public improvement who is paid less than the prevailing rate of wages applicable thereto may file a complaint in writing with the director upon a form furnished by the director. The complaint shall include documented evidence to demonstrate that the employee was paid less than the prevailing wage in violation of this chapter. Upon receipt of a properly completed written complaint of any employee paid less than the prevailing rate of wages applicable, the director shall take an assignment of a claim in trust for the assigning employee and bring any legal action necessary to collect the claim. The employer shall pay the costs and reasonable attorney's fees allowed by the court if the employer is found in violation of sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code.
(C) If after investigation pursuant to section 4115.13 of the Revised Code, the director determines there is a violation of sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code and a period of sixty days has elapsed from the date of the determination, and if:
(1) No employee has brought suit pursuant to division (A) of this section;
(2) No employee has requested that the director take an assignment of a wage claim pursuant to division (B) of this section;.
The director shall bring any legal action necessary to collect any amounts owed to employees and the director. The director shall pay over to the affected employees the amounts collected to which the affected employees are entitled under division (A) of this section. In any action in which the director prevails, the employer shall pay the costs and reasonable attorney's fees allowed by the court.
(D) Where persons are employed and their rate of wages has been determined as provided in section 4115.04 of the Revised Code, no person, either for self or any other person, shall request, demand, or receive, either before or after the person is engaged, that the person so engaged pay back, return, donate, contribute, or give any part or all of the person's wages, salary, or thing of value, to any person, upon the statement, representation, or understanding that failure to comply with such request or demand will prevent the procuring or retaining of employment, and no person shall, directly or indirectly, aid, request, or authorize any other person to violate this section. This division does not apply to any agent or representative of a duly constituted labor organization acting in the collection of dues or assessments of such organization.
(E) The director shall enforce sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code.
(F) For the purpose of supplementing existing resources and to assist in enforcing division (E) of this section, the director may contract with a person registered as a public accountant under Chapter 4701. of the Revised Code to conduct an audit of a person, firm, corporation, or public authority.
Sec. 4582.12.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of section 307.671 of the Revised Code, division (A) of this section does not apply to a port authority educational and cultural facility acquired, constructed, and equipped pursuant to a cooperative agreement entered into under section 307.671 of the Revised Code.
Except as provided in division (C) of this section, when the cost of a contract for the construction of any building, structure, or other improvement undertaken by a port authority involves an expenditure exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars and the port authority is the contracting entity, the port authority shall make a written contract after notice calling for bids for the award of the contract has been given by publication twice, with at least seven days between publications, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the jurisdiction of the port authority. Each such contract shall be let to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with section 9.312 of the Revised Code. Every contract let shall be in writing and if the contract involves work or construction, it shall be accompanied by or shall refer to plans and specifications for the work to be done, prepared for and approved by the port authority, signed by an authorized officer of the port authority and by the contractor, and shall be executed in triplicate.
Each bid shall be awarded in accordance with sections 153.54, 153.57, and 153.571 of the Revised Code.
The port authority may reject any and all bids.
(B) The board of directors of a port authority by rule may provide criteria for the negotiation and award without competitive bidding of any contract as to which the port authority is the contracting entity for the construction of any building, structure, or other improvement under any of the following circumstances:
(1) There exists a real and present emergency that threatens damage or injury to persons or property of the port authority or other persons, provided that a statement specifying the nature of the emergency that is the basis for the negotiation and award of a contract without competitive bidding shall be signed by the officer of the port authority that executes that contract at the time of the contract's execution and shall be attached to the contract.
(2) A commonly recognized industry or other standard or specification does not exist and cannot objectively be articulated for the improvement.
(3) The contract is for any energy conservation measure as defined in section 307.041 of the Revised Code.
(4) With respect to material to be incorporated into the improvement, only a single source or supplier exists for the material.
(5) A single bid is received by the port authority after complying with the provisions of division (A) of this section.
(C)(1) If a contract is to be negotiated and awarded without competitive bidding for the reason set forth in division (B)(2) of this section, the port authority shall publish a notice calling for technical proposals at least twice, with at least seven days between publications, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the port authority. After receipt of the technical proposals, the port authority may negotiate with and award a contract for the improvement to the proposer making the proposal considered to be the most advantageous to the port authority.
(2) If a contract is to be negotiated and awarded without competitive bidding for the reason set forth in division (B)(4) of this section, any construction activities related to the incorporation of the material into the improvement also may be provided without competitive bidding by the source or supplier of that material.
(D) No contract for the construction or repair of any building, structure, or other improvement and no loan agreement for the borrowing of funds for any such improvement undertaken by a port authority, where the port authority is the contracting entity, shall be executed unless laborers and mechanics employed on such improvements are paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the improvement. The in accordance with sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for the determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to the laborers and mechanics.
Sec. 4582.37.  No port authority shall enter into any contract for the construction or repair of any port authority facility and no loan agreement for the borrowing of funds for any such port authority facility undertaken by a port authority shall be executed unless laborers and mechanics employed on the facility are paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the facility, which in accordance with sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with the facility and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to the laborers and mechanics; and provided further that should a nonpublic user beneficiary of the facility undertake construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement that was in existence prior to the commitment instrument undertaking a loan or grant of funds then, in that event, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
Except as provided in this section, construction on any port authority facility to which this section applies is hereby deemed to be construction of a public improvement within section 4115.03 of the Revised Code. All contractors and subcontractors working on such projects, facilities, or port authority facilities shall be subject to and comply with sections 4115.03 to 4115.16 of the Revised Code, and the director of commerce shall, and any interested party may, bring proceedings under those sections to enforce compliance. The director shall make the determination of wages as required under this section and shall designate one of the director's employees to act as the prevailing wage coordinator under section 4115.071 of the Revised Code for any project, facility, or port authority facility for which a coordinator has not been designated by any port authority.
Sec. 4981.23.  No bonds shall be issued under sections 4981.11 to 4981.26 of the Revised Code unless the resolution authorizing such issuance of bonds specifies that all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed on such projects for which the bonds are issued shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by such project, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply where the federal government or any of its agencies furnished by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with such project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to such laborers and mechanics; and provided further that should a nonpublic user beneficiary of the project undertake, as part of the project, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement which was in existence prior to the date of the commitment instrument undertaking to issue bonds then, in that event, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to such employees.
Sec. 6117.012.  (A) A board of county commissioners may adopt rules requiring owners of property within the district whose property is served by a connection to sewers maintained and operated by the board or to sewers that are connected to interceptor sewers maintained and operated by the board to do any of the following:
(1) Disconnect storm water inflows to sanitary sewers maintained and operated by the board and not operated as a combined sewer, or to connections with those sewers;
(2) Disconnect non-storm water inflows to storm water sewers maintained and operated by the board and not operated as a combined sewer, or to connections with those storm water sewers;
(3) Reconnect or relocate any such disconnected inflows in compliance with board rules and applicable building codes, health codes, or other relevant codes;
(4) Prevent sewer back-ups into properties that have experienced one or more back-ups of sanitary or combined sewers maintained and operated by the board;
(5) Prevent storm water from entering a combined sewer and causing an overflow or an inflow to a sanitary sewer, which prevention may include projects or programs that separate the storm water from a combined sewer or that utilize a prevention or replacement facility to prevent or minimize storm water from entering a combined sewer or a sanitary sewer.
(B) Any inflow required to be disconnected or any sewer back-up required to be prevented under a rule adopted pursuant to divisions (A)(1) to (4) of this section constitutes a nuisance subject to injunctive relief and abatement pursuant to Chapter 3767. of the Revised Code or as otherwise permitted by law.
(C) A board of county commissioners may use sewer district funds; county general fund moneys; the proceeds of bonds issued under Chapter 133. or 165. of the Revised Code; and, to the extent permitted by their terms, loans, grants, or other moneys from appropriate state or federal funds, for either of the following:
(1) The cost of disconnections, reconnections, relocations, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention required by rules adopted pursuant to division (A) of this section, performed by the county or under contract with the county;
(2) Payments to the property owner or a contractor hired by the property owner pursuant to a competitive process established by district rules, for the cost of disconnections, reconnections, relocations, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention required by rules adopted pursuant to division (A) of this section after the board, pursuant to its rules, has approved the work to be performed and after the county has received from the property owner a statement releasing the county from all liability in connection with the disconnections, reconnections, relocations, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention.
(D) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, the board of county commissioners shall require in its rules regarding disconnections, reconnections, relocations of sewers, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention the reimbursement of moneys expended pursuant to division (C) of this section by either of the following methods:
(1) A charge to the property owner in the amount of the payment made pursuant to division (C) of this section for immediate payment or payment in installments with interest as determined by the board not to exceed ten per cent, which payments may be billed as a separate item with the rents charged to that owner for use of the sewers. The board may approve installment payments for a period of not more than fifteen years. If charges are to be paid in installments, the board shall certify to the county auditor information sufficient to identify each subject parcel of property, the total of the charges to be paid in installments, and the total number of installments to be paid. The auditor shall record the information in the sewer improvement record until these charges are paid in full. Charges not paid when due shall be certified to the county auditor, who shall place the charges upon the real property tax list and duplicate against that property. Those charges shall be a lien on the property from the date they are placed on the tax list and duplicate and shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes.
(2) A special assessment levied against the property, payable in the number of years the board determines, not to exceed fifteen years, with interest as determined by the board not to exceed ten per cent. The board shall certify the assessments to the county auditor, stating the amount and time of payment. The auditor shall record the information in the county sewer improvement record, showing separately the assessments to be collected, and shall place the assessments upon the real property tax list and duplicate for collection. The assessments shall be a lien on the property from the date they are placed on the tax list and duplicate and shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes.
(E) The county may adopt a resolution specifying a maximum amount of the cost of any disconnection, reconnection, relocation, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention required pursuant to division (A) of this section that may be paid by the county for each affected parcel of property without requiring reimbursement. That amount may be allowed only if there is a building code, health code, or other relevant code, or a federally imposed or state-imposed consent decree that is filed or otherwise recorded in a court of competent jurisdiction, applicable to the affected parcel that prohibits in the future any inflows, combined sewer overflows, or sewer back-ups not allowed under rules adopted pursuant to division (A)(1), (4), or (5) of this section. The board, by rule, shall establish criteria for determining how much of the maximum amount for each qualifying parcel need not be reimbursed.
(F) Disconnections, reconnections, relocations, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention required under this section and performed by a contractor under contract with the property owner or by a county shall not be considered a public improvement, and those performed by the county shall be considered a public improvement as defined in for purposes of section 4115.03 of the Revised Code.
Disconnections, reconnections, relocations, combined sewer overflow prevention, or sewer back-up prevention required under this section performed by a contractor under contract with the property owner shall not be subject to competitive bidding or public bond laws.
(G) Property owners shall be responsible for maintaining any improvements made or facilities constructed on private property to reconnect or relocate disconnected inflows, for combined sewer overflow prevention, or for sewer back-up prevention pursuant to this section unless a public easement or other agreement exists for the county to maintain that improvement or facility.
(H) A board of county commissioners may provide rate reductions of and credits against charges for the use of sewers to a property owner that implements a project or program that prevents storm water from entering a combined sewer and causing an overflow. Such a project or program may include the use of a prevention or replacement facility to handle storm water that has been separated from a combined sewer. The revised rates or charges shall be collected and paid to the county treasurer in accordance with section 6117.02 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 6121.061.  The Ohio water development authority shall not issue any bonds or otherwise participate in any project authorized by this chapter or Chapter 6123. of the Revised Code unless the contract, resolution, or other written document setting forth the board's participation specifies that all the payment of wages paid to laborers and mechanics employed on the projects shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the project, which is subject to sections 4115.03 to 4115.21 and 4115.99 of the Revised Code. When required by those sections, such wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code those sections for determination of prevailing wage rates, provided that the requirements of this section do not apply to loans made to boards of county commissioners under division (V) of section 6121.04 of the Revised Code or where the federal government or any of its agencies furnishes by loan or grant all or any part of the funds used in connection with the project and prescribes predetermined minimum wages to be paid to the laborers and mechanics, and provided that if a non-public user beneficiary of the project undertakes, as part of the project, construction to be performed by its regular bargaining unit employees who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement that was in existence prior to the date of the commitment instrument setting forth the board's participation, the rate of pay provided under the collective bargaining agreement may be paid to those employees.
Section 2.  That existing sections 122.452, 165.031, 166.02, 307.671, 307.673, 1551.13, 1728.07, 3706.042, 4115.03, 4115.033, 4115.10, 4582.12, 4582.37, 4981.23, 6117.012, and 6121.061 and section 4115.034 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 3.  Section 4582.37 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both H.B. 471 and Am. S.B. 137 of the 123rd General Assembly. The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds that the composite is the resulting version of the section in effect prior to the effective date of the section as presented in this act.
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