130th Ohio General Assembly
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Sub. S. B. No. 89  As Reported by the Senate Health, Human Services and Aging Committee
As Reported by the Senate Health, Human Services and Aging Committee

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. S. B. No. 89

Senator Morano 

Cosponsors: Senators Fedor, Cafaro, Schiavoni, Miller, R., Miller, D., Kearney, Turner, Sawyer, Wilson, Wagoner, Gillmor, Schuring 

To amend sections 3333.28, 4723.01, 4723.06, 4723.48, 4723.482, and 4723.50; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 4723.484 (4723.485) and 4723.485 (4723.486); and to enact new section 4723.484 and section 3333.29 of the Revised Code regarding prescriptive authority of out-of-state advanced practice nurses, cooperation among hospitals and state institutions of higher education with nursing education programs, and allocations from the Nurse Education Assistance Fund.

Section 1. That sections 3333.28, 4723.01, 4723.06, 4723.48, 4723.482, and 4723.50 be amended; sections 4723.484 (4723.485), and 4723.485 (4723.486) be amended for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses; and new section 4723.484 and section 3333.29 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 3333.28.  (A) The chancellor of the Ohio board of regents shall establish the nurse education assistance program, the purpose of which shall be to make loans to students enrolled in prelicensure nurse education programs at institutions approved by the board of nursing under section 4723.06 of the Revised Code and postlicensure nurse education programs approved by the chancellor under section 3333.04 of the Revised Code or offered by an institution holding a certificate of authorization issued under Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code. The board of nursing shall assist the chancellor in administering the program.
(B) There is hereby created in the state treasury the nurse education assistance fund, which shall consist of all money transferred to it pursuant to section 4743.05 of the Revised Code. The fund shall be used by the chancellor for loans made under division (A) of this section and for expenses of administering the loan program.
(C) Between July 1, 2005, and Until January 1, 2012, the chancellor shall distribute money in the nurse education assistance fund in the following manner:
(1)(a) Fifty per cent of available funds shall be awarded as loans to registered nurses enrolled in postlicensure nurse education programs described in division (A) of this section. To be eligible for a loan, the applicant shall provide the chancellor with a letter of intent to practice as a faculty member at a prelicensure or postlicensure program for nursing in this state upon completion of the applicant's academic program.
(b) If the borrower of a loan under division (C)(1)(a) of this section secures employment as a faculty member of an approved nursing education program in this state within six months following graduation from an approved nurse education program, the chancellor may forgive the principal and interest of the student's loans received under division (C)(1)(a) of this section at a rate of twenty-five per cent per year, for a maximum of four years, for each year in which the borrower is so employed. A deferment of the service obligation, and other conditions regarding the forgiveness of loans may be granted as provided by the rules adopted under division (D)(7) of this section.
(c) Loans awarded under division (C)(1)(a) of this section shall be awarded on the basis of the student's expected family contribution, with preference given to those applicants with the lowest expected family contribution. However, the chancellor may consider other factors the chancellor determines relevant in ranking the applications.
(d) Each loan awarded to a student under division (C)(1)(a) of this section shall be not less than five thousand dollars per year.
(2) Twenty-five per cent of available funds shall be awarded to students enrolled in prelicensure nurse education programs for registered nurses, as defined in section 4723.01 of the Revised Code.
(3) Twenty-five per cent of available funds shall be awarded to students enrolled in prelicensure professional nurse education programs for licensed practical nurses, as defined in section 4723.01 of the Revised Code, or as determined by the chancellor with preference given to nurse education programs aimed at increasing enrollment in an area of need.
After January 1, 2012, the chancellor shall determine the manner in which to distribute loans under this section.
(D) Subject to the requirements specified in division (C) of this section, the chancellor shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing:
(1) Eligibility criteria for receipt of a loan;
(2) Loan application procedures;
(3) The amounts in which loans may be made and the total amount that may be loaned to an individual;
(4) The total amount of loans that can be made each year;
(5) The percentage of the money in the fund that must remain in the fund at all times as a fund balance;
(6) Interest and principal repayment schedules;
(7) Conditions under which a portion of principal and interest obligations incurred by an individual under the program will be forgiven;
(8) Ways that the program may be used to encourage individuals who are members of minority groups to enter the nursing profession;
(9) Any other matters incidental to the operation of the program.
(E) The obligation to repay a portion of the principal and interest on a loan made under this section shall be forgiven if the recipient of the loan meets the criteria for forgiveness established by division (C)(1)(b) of this section, in the case of loans awarded under division (C)(1)(a) of this section, or by the chancellor under the rule adopted under division (D)(7) of this section, in the case of other loans awarded under this section.
(F) The receipt of a loan under this section shall not affect a student's eligibility for assistance, or the amount of that assistance, granted under section 3333.12, 3333.122, 3333.22, 3333.26, 3333.27, 5910.03, 5910.032, or 5919.34 of the Revised Code, but the rules of the chancellor may provide for taking assistance received under those sections into consideration when determining a student's eligibility for a loan under this section.
Sec. 3333.29. (A) As used in this section, "state institution of higher education" has the same meaning as in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code.
(B) The chancellor of the Ohio board of regents shall establish, within the Ohio skills bank, a mechanism to facilitate communication, cooperation, and partnerships among state institutions of higher education with nursing education programs and between state institutions of higher education and hospitals in this state to meet regional and statewide nursing education needs.
Sec. 4723.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) "Registered nurse" means an individual who holds a current, valid license issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as a registered nurse.
(B) "Practice of nursing as a registered nurse" means providing to individuals and groups nursing care requiring specialized knowledge, judgment, and skill derived from the principles of biological, physical, behavioral, social, and nursing sciences. Such nursing care includes:
(1) Identifying patterns of human responses to actual or potential health problems amenable to a nursing regimen;
(2) Executing a nursing regimen through the selection, performance, management, and evaluation of nursing actions;
(3) Assessing health status for the purpose of providing nursing care;
(4) Providing health counseling and health teaching;
(5) Administering medications, treatments, and executing regimens authorized by an individual who is authorized to practice in this state and is acting within the course of the individual's professional practice;
(6) Teaching, administering, supervising, delegating, and evaluating nursing practice.
(C) "Nursing regimen" may include preventative, restorative, and health-promotion activities.
(D) "Assessing health status" means the collection of data through nursing assessment techniques, which may include interviews, observation, and physical evaluations for the purpose of providing nursing care.
(E) "Licensed practical nurse" means an individual who holds a current, valid license issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as a licensed practical nurse.
(F) "The practice of nursing as a licensed practical nurse" means providing to individuals and groups nursing care requiring the application of basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, social, and nursing sciences at the direction of a licensed physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, chiropractor, or registered nurse. Such nursing care includes:
(1) Observation, patient teaching, and care in a diversity of health care settings;
(2) Contributions to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing;
(3) Administration of medications and treatments authorized by an individual who is authorized to practice in this state and is acting within the course of the individual's professional practice, except that administration of intravenous therapy shall be performed only in accordance with section 4723.17 or 4723.171 of the Revised Code. Medications may be administered by a licensed practical nurse upon proof of completion of a course in medication administration approved by the board of nursing.
(4) Administration to an adult of intravenous therapy authorized by an individual who is authorized to practice in this state and is acting within the course of the individual's professional practice, on the condition that the licensed practical nurse is authorized under section 4723.17 or 4723.171 of the Revised Code to perform intravenous therapy and performs intravenous therapy only in accordance with those sections;
(5) Delegation of nursing tasks as directed by a registered nurse;
(6) Teaching nursing tasks to licensed practical nurses and individuals to whom the licensed practical nurse is authorized to delegate nursing tasks as directed by a registered nurse.
(G) "Certified registered nurse anesthetist" means a registered nurse who holds a valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as a certified registered nurse anesthetist in accordance with section 4723.43 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the board of nursing.
(H) "Clinical nurse specialist" means a registered nurse who holds a valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as a clinical nurse specialist in accordance with section 4723.43 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the board of nursing.
(I) "Certified nurse-midwife" means a registered nurse who holds a valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as a certified nurse-midwife in accordance with section 4723.43 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the board of nursing.
(J) "Certified nurse practitioner" means a registered nurse who holds a valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as a certified nurse practitioner in accordance with section 4723.43 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the board of nursing.
(K) "Physician" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery, except as used in divisions (C) and (D) of section 4723.482 of the Revised Code.
(L) "Collaboration" or "collaborating" means the following:
(1) In the case of a clinical nurse specialist, except as provided in division (L)(3) of this section, or a certified nurse practitioner, that one or more podiatrists acting within the scope of practice of podiatry in accordance with section 4731.51 of the Revised Code and with whom the nurse has entered into a standard care arrangement or one or more physicians with whom the nurse has entered into a standard care arrangement are continuously available to communicate with the clinical nurse specialist or certified nurse practitioner either in person or by radio, telephone, or other form of telecommunication;
(2) In the case of a certified nurse-midwife, that one or more physicians with whom the certified nurse-midwife has entered into a standard care arrangement are continuously available to communicate with the certified nurse-midwife either in person or by radio, telephone, or other form of telecommunication;
(3) In the case of a clinical nurse specialist who practices the nursing specialty of mental health or psychiatric mental health without being authorized to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices, that one or more physicians are continuously available to communicate with the nurse either in person or by radio, telephone, or other form of telecommunication.
(M) "Supervision," as it pertains to a certified registered nurse anesthetist, means that the certified registered nurse anesthetist is under the direction of a podiatrist acting within the podiatrist's scope of practice in accordance with section 4731.51 of the Revised Code, a dentist acting within the dentist's scope of practice in accordance with Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code, or a physician, and, when administering anesthesia, the certified registered nurse anesthetist is in the immediate presence of the podiatrist, dentist, or physician.
(N) "Standard care arrangement" means a written, formal guide for planning and evaluating a patient's health care that is developed by one or more collaborating physicians or podiatrists and a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner and meets the requirements of section 4723.431 of the Revised Code.
(O) "Advanced practice nurse" means a certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner.
(P) "Dialysis care" means the care and procedures that a dialysis technician is authorized to provide and perform, as specified in section 4723.72 of the Revised Code.
(Q) "Dialysis technician" means an individual who holds a current, valid certificate or temporary certificate issued under this chapter that authorizes the individual to practice as a dialysis technician in accordance with section 4723.72 of the Revised Code.
(R) "Certified community health worker" means an individual who holds a current, valid certificate as a community health worker issued by the board of nursing under section 4723.85 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4723.06.  (A) The board of nursing shall:
(1) Administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter, including the taking of disciplinary action for violations of section 4723.28 of the Revised Code, any other provisions of this chapter, or rules adopted under this chapter;
(2) Develop criteria that an applicant must meet to be eligible to sit for the examination for licensure to practice as a registered nurse or as a licensed practical nurse;
(3) Issue and renew nursing licenses, dialysis technician certificates, and community health worker certificates, as provided in this chapter;
(4) Define the minimum curricula and standards for educational programs of the schools of professional nursing and schools of practical nursing in this state;
(5) Survey, inspect, and grant full approval to prelicensure nursing education programs that meet the standards established by rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code. Prelicensure nursing education programs include, but are not limited to, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, diploma, and doctor of nursing programs leading to initial licensure to practice nursing as a registered nurse and practical nurse programs leading to initial licensure to practice nursing as a licensed practical nurse.
(6) Grant conditional approval, by a vote of a quorum of the board, to a new prelicensure nursing education program or a program that is being reestablished after having ceased to operate, if the program meets and maintains the minimum standards of the board established by rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code. If the board does not grant conditional approval, it shall hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to consider conditional approval of the program. If the board grants conditional approval, at its first meeting after the first class has completed the program, the board shall determine whether to grant full approval to the program. If the board does not grant full approval or if it appears that the program has failed to meet and maintain standards established by rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code, the board shall hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to consider the program. Based on results of the adjudication, the board may continue or withdraw conditional approval, or grant full approval.
(7) Place on provisional approval, for a period of time specified by the board, a program that has ceased to meet and maintain the minimum standards of the board established by rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code. At the end of the period, the board shall reconsider whether the program meets the standards and shall grant full approval if it does. If it does not, the board may withdraw approval, pursuant to an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(8) Approve continuing nursing education programs and courses under standards established in rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code;
(9) Approve peer support programs, under rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code, for nurses, for dialysis technicians, and for certified community health workers;
(10) Establish a program for monitoring chemical dependency in accordance with section 4723.35 of the Revised Code;
(11) Establish the practice intervention and improvement program in accordance with section 4723.282 of the Revised Code;
(12) Issue and renew certificates of authority to practice nursing as a certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner;
(13) Approve under section 4723.46 of the Revised Code national certifying organizations for examination and certification of certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse-midwives, or certified nurse practitioners;
(14) Issue and renew certificates to prescribe in accordance with sections 4723.48 and 4723.485 4723.486 of the Revised Code;
(15) Grant approval to the planned classroom and clinical study required by section 4723.483 4723.482 of the Revised Code to be eligible for a certificate to prescribe;
(16) Make an annual edition of the formulary established in rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code available to the public either in printed form or by electronic means and, as soon as possible after any revision of the formulary becomes effective, make the revision available to the public in printed form or by electronic means;
(17) Provide guidance and make recommendations to the general assembly, the governor, state agencies, and the federal government with respect to the regulation of the practice of nursing and the enforcement of this chapter;
(18) Make an annual report to the governor, which shall be open for public inspection;
(19) Maintain and have open for public inspection the following records:
(a) A record of all its meetings and proceedings;
(b) A file of holders of nursing licenses, registrations, and certificates granted under this chapter; dialysis technician certificates granted under this chapter; and community health worker certificates granted under this chapter. The file shall be maintained in the form prescribed by rule of the board.
(c) A list of prelicensure nursing education programs approved by the board;
(d) A list of approved peer support programs for nurses, dialysis technicians, and certified community health workers.
(B) The board may fulfill the requirement of division (A)(8) of this section by authorizing persons who meet the standards established in rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code to approve continuing nursing education programs and courses. Persons so authorized shall approve continuing nursing education programs and courses in accordance with standards established in rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code.
Persons seeking authorization to approve continuing nursing education programs and courses shall apply to the board and pay the appropriate fee established under section 4723.08 of the Revised Code. Authorizations to approve continuing nursing education programs and courses shall expire, and may be renewed according to the schedule established in rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code.
In addition to approving continuing nursing education programs under division (A)(8) of this section, the board may sponsor continuing education activities that are directly related to the statutes and rules pertaining to the practice of nursing in this state.
Sec. 4723.48.  (A) A clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner seeking authority to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices shall file with the board of nursing a written application for a certificate to prescribe. The board of nursing shall issue a certificate to prescribe to each applicant who meets the requirements specified in section 4723.482 or 4723.484 4723.485 of the Revised Code.
Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the initial certificate to prescribe that the board issues to an applicant shall be issued as an externship certificate. Under an externship certificate, the nurse may obtain experience in prescribing drugs and therapeutic devices by participating in an externship that evaluates the nurse's competence, knowledge, and skill in pharmacokinetic principles and their clinical application to the specialty being practiced. During the externship, the nurse may prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices only when one or more physicians are providing supervision in accordance with rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
After completing the externship, the holder of an externship certificate may apply for a new certificate to prescribe. On receipt of the new certificate, the nurse may prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices in collaboration with one or more physicians or podiatrists.
(B) In the case of an applicant who on May 17, 2000, was approved to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices under section 4723.56 of the Revised Code, as that section existed on that date, the initial certificate to prescribe that the board issues to the applicant under this section shall not be an externship certificate. The applicant shall be issued a certificate to prescribe that permits the recipient to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices in collaboration with one or more physicians or podiatrists.
In the case of an applicant who meets the requirements of division (C) of section 4723.482 of the Revised Code, the initial certificate to prescribe that the board issues to the applicant under this section shall not be an externship certificate. The applicant shall be issued a certificate to prescribe that permits the recipient to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices in collaboration with one or more physicians or podiatrists.
Sec. 4723.482.  (A) An Except as provided in divisions (C) and (D) of this section, an applicant shall include with the application submitted under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code all of the following:
(1) Subject to section 4723.483 of the Revised Code, evidence of holding a current, valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter to practice as a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner;
(2) Except for a person who on May 17, 2000, was approved to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices under section 4723.56 of the Revised Code, as that section existed on that date, evidence of successfully completing the instruction in advanced pharmacology and related topics specified in division (B) of this section;
(3) The fee required by section 4723.08 of the Revised Code for a certificate to prescribe;
(4) Any additional information the board of nursing requires pursuant to rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
(B) All of the following apply to the instruction required under division (A)(2) of this section:
(1) The instruction must be obtained not longer than three years before the application for the certificate to prescribe is filed.
(2) The instruction must be obtained through a course of study consisting of planned classroom and clinical study that is approved by the board of nursing in accordance with standards established in rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
(3) The content of the instruction must be specific to the applicant's nursing specialty and include all of the following:
(a) A minimum of thirty contact hours of training in advanced pharmacology that includes pharmacokinetic principles and clinical application and the use of drugs and therapeutic devices in the prevention of illness and maintenance of health;
(b) Training in the fiscal and ethical implications of prescribing drugs and therapeutic devices;
(c) Training in the state and federal laws that apply to the authority to prescribe;
(d) Any additional training required pursuant to rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
(C) An applicant who practiced or is practicing as a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner in another jurisdiction or as an employee of the United States government, and is not seeking authority to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices by meeting the requirements of division (A) or (D) of this section, shall include with the application submitted under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code all of the following:
(1) Subject to section 4723.483 of the Revised Code, evidence of holding a current, valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter to practice as a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner;
(2) The fee required by section 4723.08 of the Revised Code for a certificate to prescribe;
(3) Either of the following:
(a) Evidence of having held, for a continuous period of at least one year during the three years immediately preceding the date of application, valid authority issued by another jurisdiction to prescribe therapeutic devices and drugs, including at least some controlled substances;
(b) Evidence of having been employed by the United States government and authorized, for a continuous period of at least one year during the three years immediately preceding the date of application, to prescribe therapeutic devices and drugs, including at least some controlled substances, in conjunction with that employment.
(4) If the applicant includes the evidence described in division (C)(3)(a) of this section, documentation from a licensed physician in a form acceptable to the board that the prescribing component of the nurse's practice was overseen or supervised by a licensed physician in the other jurisdiction;
(5) If the applicant includes the evidence described in division (C)(3)(b) of this section, documentation from a licensed physician employed by the United States government in a form acceptable to the board that the prescribing component of the nurse's practice was overseen or supervised by a licensed physician employed by the United States government;
(6) Evidence of having completed a two-hour course of instruction approved by the board in the laws of this state that govern drugs and prescriptive authority;
(7) Any additional information the board requires pursuant to rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
(D) An applicant who practiced or is practicing as a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner in another jurisdiction or as an employee of the United States government, and is not seeking authority to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices by meeting the requirements of division (A) or (C) of this section, shall include with the application submitted under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code all of the following:
(1) Subject to section 4723.483 of the Revised Code, evidence of holding a current, valid certificate of authority issued under this chapter to practice as a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner;
(2) The fee required by section 4723.08 of the Revised Code for a certificate to prescribe;
(3) Either of the following:
(a) Evidence of having held, for a continuous period of at least one year during the three years immediately preceding the date of application, valid authority issued by another jurisdiction to prescribe therapeutic devices and drugs, excluding controlled substances;
(b) Evidence of having been employed by the United States government and authorized, for a continuous period of at least one year during the three years immediately preceding the date of application, to prescribe therapeutic devices and drugs, excluding controlled substances, in conjunction with that employment.
(4) If the applicant includes the evidence described in division (D)(3)(a) of this section, documentation from a licensed physician in a form acceptable to the board that the prescribing component of the nurse's practice was overseen or supervised by a licensed physician in the other jurisdiction;
(5) If the applicant includes the evidence described in division (D)(3)(b) of this section, documentation from a licensed physician employed by the United States government in a form acceptable to the board that the prescribing component of the nurse's practice was overseen or supervised by a licensed physician employed by the United States government;
(6) Any additional information the board requires pursuant to rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4723.484. (A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, to successfully complete an externship as required under section 4723.485 of the Revised Code, the holder of an externship certificate must complete at least one thousand five hundred hours during which the certificate holder's prescribing practices are supervised in accordance with division (A) of section 4723.48 of the Revised Code.
(B) A holder of an externship certificate who obtained the certificate by meeting the requirements of division (D) of section 4723.482 of the Revised Code, to successfully complete an externship as required under section 4723.485 of the Revised Code, must do both of the following:
(1) Complete at least five hundred hours during which the certificate holder's prescribing practices are supervised in accordance with division (A) of section 4723.48 of the Revised Code;
(2) Complete a two-hour course of instruction approved by the board of nursing in the laws of this state that govern drugs and prescriptive authority.
Sec. 4723.484 4723.485 (A) A certificate to prescribe issued under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code as an externship certificate is valid for not more than one year, unless earlier suspended or revoked by the board of nursing. The certificate may be extended for an additional year if the holder submits to the board evidence of continued participation in an externship. If an externship is terminated for any reason, the nurse shall notify the board.
(B) To be eligible for a certificate to prescribe after receiving an externship certificate, an applicant shall include with the application submitted under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code all of the following:
(1) A statement from a supervising physician attesting to the applicant's successful completion of the externship;
(2) The fee required by section 4723.08 of the Revised Code for a certificate to prescribe;
(3) Any additional information the board requires pursuant to rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 4723.485 4723.486 (A) A certificate to prescribe issued under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code that is not issued as an externship certificate is valid for two years, unless otherwise provided in rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code or earlier suspended or revoked by the board. The board of nursing shall renew certificates to prescribe according to procedures and a renewal schedule established in rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
(B) The board may renew a certificate to prescribe if the holder submits to the board all of the following:
(1) Evidence of having completed during the previous two years at least twelve hours of continuing education in advanced pharmacology, or, if the certificate has been held for less than a full renewal period, the number of hours required by the board in rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code;
(2) The fee required under section 4723.08 of the Revised Code for renewal of a certificate to prescribe;
(3) Any additional information the board requires pursuant to rules adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code.
(C) The continuing education in pharmacology required under division (B)(1) of this section must be received from an accredited institution recognized by the board. The hours of continuing education required are in addition to any other continuing education requirement that must be completed pursuant to this chapter.
Sec. 4723.50.  (A) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the board of nursing shall adopt rules as necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter pertaining to the authority of clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse-midwives, and certified nurse practitioners to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices and the issuance and renewal of certificates to prescribe. Initial rules shall be adopted not later than twenty months after the effective date of this section May 17, 2000.
The board shall adopt rules that are consistent with the recommendations the board receives from the committee on prescriptive governance pursuant to section 4723.492 of the Revised Code. After reviewing a recommendation submitted by the committee, the board may either adopt the recommendation as a rule or ask the committee to reconsider and resubmit the recommendation. The board shall not adopt any rule that does not conform to a recommendation made by the committee.
(B) The board shall adopt rules under this section that do all of the following:
(1) Establish a formulary listing the types of drugs and therapeutic devices that may be prescribed by a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner. The formulary may include controlled substances, as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code. The formulary shall not permit the prescribing of any drug or device to perform or induce an abortion.
(2) Establish safety standards to be followed by a nurse when personally furnishing to patients complete or partial supplies of antibiotics, antifungals, scabicides, contraceptives, prenatal vitamins, antihypertensives, drugs and devices used in the treatment of diabetes, drugs and devices used in the treatment of asthma, and drugs used in the treatment of dyslipidemia.
(3) Establish criteria for the components of the standard care arrangements described in section 4723.431 of the Revised Code that apply to a nurse's authority to prescribe. The rules shall be consistent with that section and include all of the following:
(a) Quality assurance standards;
(b) Standards for periodic review by a collaborating physician or podiatrist of the records of patients treated by the nurse;
(c) Acceptable travel time between the location at which the nurse is engaging in the prescribing components of the nurse's practice and the location of the nurse's collaborating physician or podiatrist;
(d) Any other criteria recommended by the committee on prescriptive governance.
(4) Establish standards and procedures for issuance and renewal of a certificate to prescribe, including specification of any additional information the board may require under division (A)(4), (C)(7), or (D)(6) of section 4723.482 or division (B)(3) of section 4723.484 4723.485 of the Revised Code;
(5) Establish requirements for board approval of the instruction in advanced pharmacology and related topics required by section 4723.482 of the Revised Code;
(6) Establish requirements for board approval of the two-hour course of instruction in the laws of this state as required under division (C)(6) of section 4723.482 of the Revised Code and division (B)(2) of section 4723.484 of the Revised Code;
(7) Establish standards and procedures for the appropriate conduct of an externship required by division (B)(1) of as described in section 4723.484 of the Revised Code, including the following:
(a) Standards and procedures to be used in evaluating a nurse's participation in an externship. Regardless of the method of evaluation used, a nurse shall not be required to participate in an externship longer than one thousand eight hundred hours.;
(b) Standards and procedures for the supervision that a physician must provide during an externship, including supervision provided by working with the nurse and supervision provided by making timely reviews of the records of patients treated by the nurse. The manner in which supervision must be provided may vary according to the location where the nurse is practicing and with the nurse's level of experience.
Section 2. That existing sections 3333.28, 4723.01, 4723.06, 4723.48, 4723.482, 4723.484, 4723.485, and 4723.50 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
Section 3. Notwithstanding the requirement of division (A) of section 4723.50 of the Revised Code that the Board of Nursing adopt rules consistent with the recommendations the Board receives from the Committee on Prescriptive Governance, the Board shall amend the rules that were adopted under section 4723.50 of the Revised Code to reflect the amendment by this act of sections 4723.48 and 4723.482 and the enactment by this act of new section 4723.484 of the Revised Code. Until the rules have been amended accordingly, the Board shall not enforce any rule that is inconsistent with sections 4723.48 and 4723.482 of the Revised Code as amended by this act and new section 4723.484 as enacted by this act.
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