130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

S. B. No. 290  As Introduced
As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 290

Senator Jones 

Cosponsor: Senator LaRose 

To amend sections 3734.01 and 3734.57 of the Revised Code to exempt source separated recyclable materials from the definition of "solid wastes" and to prohibit a solid waste management district from spending district money to purchase or operate assets for recycling purposes when two or more privately owned companies offer to provide or are providing recycling services for recyclable materials that are generated in the district.

Section 1. That sections 3734.01 and 3734.57 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 3734.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) "Board of health" means the board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health in any city as authorized by section 3709.05 of the Revised Code.
(B) "Director" means the director of environmental protection.
(C) "Health district" means a city or general health district as created by or under authority of Chapter 3709. of the Revised Code.
(D) "Agency" means the environmental protection agency.
(E) "Solid wastes" means such unwanted residual solid or semisolid material as results from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and community operations, excluding earth or material from construction, mining, or demolition operations, or other waste materials of the type that normally would be included in demolition debris, nontoxic fly ash and bottom ash, including at least ash that results from the combustion of coal and ash that results from the combustion of coal in combination with scrap tires where scrap tires comprise not more than fifty per cent of heat input in any month, spent nontoxic foundry sand, and slag and other substances that are not harmful or inimical to public health, and includes, but is not limited to, garbage, scrap tires, combustible and noncombustible material, street dirt, and debris. "Solid wastes" does not include any material that is an infectious waste or a hazardous waste. "Solid wastes" also does not include any material such as paper, cardboard, metal, glass, plastic, or similar material that is segregated prior to its commingling with other solid wastes by the producer or generator of the material in order to reuse or recycle the material.
(F) "Disposal" means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, emitting, or placing of any solid wastes or hazardous waste into or on any land or ground or surface water or into the air, except if the disposition or placement constitutes storage or treatment or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, the disposition or placement constitutes a beneficial use or occurs at a scrap tire recovery facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code.
(G) "Person" includes the state, any political subdivision and other state or local body, the United States and any agency or instrumentality thereof, and any legal entity defined as a person under section 1.59 of the Revised Code.
(H) "Open burning" means the burning of solid wastes in an open area or burning of solid wastes in a type of chamber or vessel that is not approved or authorized in rules adopted by the director under section 3734.02 of the Revised Code or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, in rules adopted under division (V) of this section or section 3734.73 of the Revised Code, or the burning of treated or untreated infectious wastes in an open area or in a type of chamber or vessel that is not approved in rules adopted by the director under section 3734.021 of the Revised Code.
(I) "Open dumping" means the depositing of solid wastes into a body or stream of water or onto the surface of the ground at a site that is not licensed as a solid waste facility under section 3734.05 of the Revised Code or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, as a scrap tire collection, storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facility under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code; the depositing of solid wastes that consist of scrap tires onto the surface of the ground at a site or in a manner not specifically identified in divisions (C)(2) to (5), (7), or (10) of section 3734.85 of the Revised Code; the depositing of untreated infectious wastes into a body or stream of water or onto the surface of the ground; or the depositing of treated infectious wastes into a body or stream of water or onto the surface of the ground at a site that is not licensed as a solid waste facility under section 3734.05 of the Revised Code.
(J) "Hazardous waste" means any waste or combination of wastes in solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous form that in the determination of the director, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, may do either of the following:
(1) Cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness;
(2) Pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or safety or to the environment when improperly stored, treated, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed.
"Hazardous waste" includes any substance identified by regulation as hazardous waste under the "Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976," 90 Stat. 2806, 42 U.S.C.A. 6921, as amended, and does not include any substance that is subject to the "Atomic Energy Act of 1954," 68 Stat. 919, 42 U.S.C.A. 2011, as amended.
(K) "Treat" or "treatment," when used in connection with hazardous waste, means any method, technique, or process designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics or composition of any hazardous waste; to neutralize the waste; to recover energy or material resources from the waste; to render the waste nonhazardous or less hazardous, safer to transport, store, or dispose of, or amenable for recovery, storage, further treatment, or disposal; or to reduce the volume of the waste. When used in connection with infectious wastes, "treat" or "treatment" means any method, technique, or process designed to render the wastes noninfectious, including, without limitation, steam sterilization and incineration, or, in the instance of wastes identified in division (R)(7) of this section, to substantially reduce or eliminate the potential for the wastes to cause lacerations or puncture wounds.
(L) "Manifest" means the form used for identifying the quantity, composition, origin, routing, and destination of hazardous waste during its transportation from the point of generation to the point of disposal, treatment, or storage.
(M) "Storage," when used in connection with hazardous waste, means the holding of hazardous waste for a temporary period in such a manner that it remains retrievable and substantially unchanged physically and chemically and, at the end of the period, is treated; disposed of; stored elsewhere; or reused, recycled, or reclaimed in a beneficial manner. When used in connection with solid wastes that consist of scrap tires, "storage" means the holding of scrap tires for a temporary period in such a manner that they remain retrievable and, at the end of that period, are beneficially used; stored elsewhere; placed in a scrap tire monocell or monofill facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code; processed at a scrap tire recovery facility licensed under that section or a solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility subject to regulation under this chapter; or transported to a scrap tire monocell, monofill, or recovery facility, any other solid waste facility authorized to dispose of scrap tires, or a facility that will beneficially use the scrap tires, that is located in another state and is operating in compliance with the laws of the state in which the facility is located.
(N) "Facility" means any site, location, tract of land, installation, or building used for incineration, composting, sanitary landfilling, or other methods of disposal of solid wastes or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, for the collection, storage, or processing of the solid wastes; for the transfer of solid wastes; for the treatment of infectious wastes; or for the storage, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste.
(O) "Closure" means the time at which a hazardous waste facility will no longer accept hazardous waste for treatment, storage, or disposal, the time at which a solid waste facility will no longer accept solid wastes for transfer or disposal or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, for storage or processing, or the effective date of an order revoking the permit for a hazardous waste facility or the registration certificate, permit, or license for a solid waste facility, as applicable. "Closure" includes measures performed to protect public health or safety, to prevent air or water pollution, or to make the facility suitable for other uses, if any, including, but not limited to, the removal of processing residues resulting from solid wastes that consist of scrap tires; the establishment and maintenance of a suitable cover of soil and vegetation over cells in which hazardous waste or solid wastes are buried; minimization of erosion, the infiltration of surface water into such cells, the production of leachate, and the accumulation and runoff of contaminated surface water; the final construction of facilities for the collection and treatment of leachate and contaminated surface water runoff, except as otherwise provided in this division; the final construction of air and water quality monitoring facilities, except as otherwise provided in this division; the final construction of methane gas extraction and treatment systems; or the removal and proper disposal of hazardous waste or solid wastes from a facility when necessary to protect public health or safety or to abate or prevent air or water pollution. With regard to a solid waste facility that is a scrap tire facility, "closure" includes the final construction of facilities for the collection and treatment of leachate and contaminated surface water runoff and the final construction of air and water quality monitoring facilities only if those actions are determined to be necessary.
(P) "Premises" means either of the following:
(1) Geographically contiguous property owned by a generator;
(2) Noncontiguous property that is owned by a generator and connected by a right-of-way that the generator controls and to which the public does not have access. Two or more pieces of property that are geographically contiguous and divided by public or private right-of-way or rights-of-way are a single premises.
(Q) "Post-closure" means that period of time following closure during which a hazardous waste facility is required to be monitored and maintained under this chapter and rules adopted under it, including, without limitation, operation and maintenance of methane gas extraction and treatment systems, or the period of time after closure during which a scrap tire monocell or monofill facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code is required to be monitored and maintained under this chapter and rules adopted under it.
(R) "Infectious wastes" includes all of the following substances or categories of substances:
(1) Cultures and stocks of infectious agents and associated biologicals, including, without limitation, specimen cultures, cultures and stocks of infectious agents, wastes from production of biologicals, and discarded live and attenuated vaccines;
(2) Laboratory wastes that were, or are likely to have been, in contact with infectious agents that may present a substantial threat to public health if improperly managed;
(3) Pathological wastes, including, without limitation, human and animal tissues, organs, and body parts, and body fluids and excreta that are contaminated with or are likely to be contaminated with infectious agents, removed or obtained during surgery or autopsy or for diagnostic evaluation, provided that, with regard to pathological wastes from animals, the animals have or are likely to have been exposed to a zoonotic or infectious agent;
(4) Waste materials from the rooms of humans, or the enclosures of animals, that have been isolated because of diagnosed communicable disease that are likely to transmit infectious agents. Such waste materials from the rooms of humans do not include any wastes of patients who have been placed on blood and body fluid precautions under the universal precaution system established by the centers for disease control in the public health service of the United States department of health and human services, except to the extent specific wastes generated under the universal precautions system have been identified as infectious wastes by rules adopted under division (R)(8) of this section.
(5) Human and animal blood specimens and blood products that are being disposed of, provided that, with regard to blood specimens and blood products from animals, the animals were or are likely to have been exposed to a zoonotic or infectious agent. "Blood products" does not include patient care waste such as bandages or disposable gowns that are lightly soiled with blood or other body fluids unless those wastes are soiled to the extent that the generator of the wastes determines that they should be managed as infectious wastes.
(6) Contaminated carcasses, body parts, and bedding of animals that were intentionally exposed to infectious agents from zoonotic or human diseases during research, production of biologicals, or testing of pharmaceuticals, and carcasses and bedding of animals otherwise infected by zoonotic or infectious agents that may present a substantial threat to public health if improperly managed;
(7) Sharp wastes used in the treatment, diagnosis, or inoculation of human beings or animals or that have, or are likely to have, come in contact with infectious agents in medical, research, or industrial laboratories, including, without limitation, hypodermic needles and syringes, scalpel blades, and glass articles that have been broken;
(8) Any other waste materials generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of biologicals, that the public health council created in section 3701.33 of the Revised Code, by rules adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, identifies as infectious wastes after determining that the wastes present a substantial threat to human health when improperly managed because they are contaminated with, or are likely to be contaminated with, infectious agents.
(S) "Infectious agent" means a type of microorganism, helminth, or virus that causes, or significantly contributes to the cause of, increased morbidity or mortality of human beings.
(T) "Zoonotic agent" means a type of microorganism, helminth, or virus that causes disease in vertebrate animals and that is transmissible to human beings and causes or significantly contributes to the cause of increased morbidity or mortality of human beings.
(U) "Solid waste transfer facility" means any site, location, tract of land, installation, or building that is used or intended to be used primarily for the purpose of transferring solid wastes that were generated off the premises of the facility from vehicles or containers into other vehicles for transportation to a solid waste disposal facility. "Solid waste transfer facility" does not include any facility that consists solely of portable containers that have an aggregate volume of fifty cubic yards or less nor any facility where legitimate recycling activities are conducted.
(V) "Beneficially use" means to use a scrap tire in a manner that results in a commodity for sale or exchange or in any other manner authorized as a beneficial use in rules adopted by the director in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(W) "Commercial car," "commercial tractor," "farm machinery," "motor bus," "vehicles," "motor vehicle," and "semitrailer" have the same meanings as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.
(X) "Construction equipment" means road rollers, traction engines, power shovels, power cranes, and other equipment used in construction work, or in mining or producing or processing aggregates, and not designed for or used in general highway transportation.
(Y) "Motor vehicle salvage dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4738.01 of the Revised Code.
(Z) "Scrap tire" means an unwanted or discarded tire.
(AA) "Scrap tire collection facility" means any facility that meets all of the following qualifications:
(1) The facility is used for the receipt and storage of whole scrap tires from the public prior to their transportation to a scrap tire storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code; a solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility subject to regulation under this chapter; a premises within the state where the scrap tires will be beneficially used; or a scrap tire storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facility, any other solid waste disposal facility authorized to dispose of scrap tires, or a facility that will beneficially use the scrap tires, that is located in another state, and that is operating in compliance with the laws of the state in which the facility is located.
(2) The facility exclusively stores scrap tires in portable containers.
(3) The aggregate storage of the portable containers in which the scrap tires are stored does not exceed five thousand cubic feet.
(BB) "Scrap tire monocell facility" means an individual site within a solid waste landfill that is used exclusively for the environmentally sound storage or disposal of whole scrap tires or scrap tires that have been shredded, chipped, or otherwise mechanically processed.
(CC) "Scrap tire monofill facility" means an engineered facility used or intended to be used exclusively for the storage or disposal of scrap tires, including at least facilities for the submergence of whole scrap tires in a body of water.
(DD) "Scrap tire recovery facility" means any facility, or portion thereof, for the processing of scrap tires for the purpose of extracting or producing usable products, materials, or energy from the scrap tires through a controlled combustion process, mechanical process, or chemical process. "Scrap tire recovery facility" includes any facility that uses the controlled combustion of scrap tires in a manufacturing process to produce process heat or steam or any facility that produces usable heat or electric power through the controlled combustion of scrap tires in combination with another fuel, but does not include any solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility that is designed, constructed, and used for the primary purpose of incinerating mixed municipal solid wastes and that burns scrap tires in conjunction with mixed municipal solid wastes, or any tire retreading business, tire manufacturing finishing center, or tire adjustment center having on the premises of the business a single, covered scrap tire storage area at which not more than four thousand scrap tires are stored.
(EE) "Scrap tire storage facility" means any facility where whole scrap tires are stored prior to their transportation to a scrap tire monocell, monofill, or recovery facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code; a solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility subject to regulation under this chapter; a premises within the state where the scrap tires will be beneficially used; or a scrap tire storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facility, any other solid waste disposal facility authorized to dispose of scrap tires, or a facility that will beneficially use the scrap tires, that is located in another state, and that is operating in compliance with the laws of the state in which the facility is located.
(FF) "Used oil" means any oil that has been refined from crude oil, or any synthetic oil, that has been used and, as a result of that use, is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities. "Used oil" includes only those substances identified as used oil by the United States environmental protection agency under the "Used Oil Recycling Act of 1980," 94 Stat. 2055, 42 U.S.C.A. 6901a, as amended.
(GG) "Accumulated speculatively" has the same meaning as in rules adopted by the director under section 3734.12 of the Revised Code.
Sec. 3734.57.  (A) The following fees are hereby levied on the transfer or disposal of solid wastes in this state:
(1) One dollar per ton through June 30, 2014, one-half of the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the hazardous waste facility management fund created in section 3734.18 of the Revised Code and one-half of the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the hazardous waste clean-up fund created in section 3734.28 of the Revised Code;
(2) An additional one dollar per ton through June 30, 2014, the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the solid waste fund, which is hereby created. The environmental protection agency shall use money in the solid waste fund to pay the costs of administering and enforcing the laws pertaining to solid wastes, infectious wastes, and construction and demolition debris, including, without limitation, ground water evaluations related to solid wastes, infectious wastes, and construction and demolition debris, under this chapter and Chapter 3714. of the Revised Code and any rules adopted under them, providing compliance assistance to small businesses, and paying a share of the administrative costs of the environmental protection agency pursuant to section 3745.014 of the Revised Code.
(3) An additional two dollars and fifty cents per ton through June 30, 2014, the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the environmental protection fund created in section 3745.015 of the Revised Code;
(4) An additional twenty-five cents per ton through June 30, 2013, the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the soil and water conservation district assistance fund created in section 1515.14 of the Revised Code.
In the case of solid wastes that are taken to a solid waste transfer facility located in this state prior to being transported for disposal at a solid waste disposal facility located in this state or outside of this state, the fees levied under this division shall be collected by the owner or operator of the transfer facility as a trustee for the state. The amount of fees required to be collected under this division at such a transfer facility shall equal the total tonnage of solid wastes received at the facility multiplied by the fees levied under this division. In the case of solid wastes that are not taken to a solid waste transfer facility located in this state prior to being transported to a solid waste disposal facility, the fees shall be collected by the owner or operator of the solid waste disposal facility as a trustee for the state. The amount of fees required to be collected under this division at such a disposal facility shall equal the total tonnage of solid wastes received at the facility that was not previously taken to a solid waste transfer facility located in this state multiplied by the fees levied under this division. Fees levied under this division do not apply to materials separated from a mixed waste stream for recycling by a generator or materials removed from the solid waste stream through recycling, as "recycling" is defined in rules adopted under section 3734.02 of the Revised Code.
The owner or operator of a solid waste transfer facility or disposal facility, as applicable, shall prepare and file with the director of environmental protection each month a return indicating the total tonnage of solid wastes received at the facility during that month and the total amount of the fees required to be collected under this division during that month. In addition, the owner or operator of a solid waste disposal facility shall indicate on the return the total tonnage of solid wastes received from transfer facilities located in this state during that month for which the fees were required to be collected by the transfer facilities. The monthly returns shall be filed on a form prescribed by the director. Not later than thirty days after the last day of the month to which a return applies, the owner or operator shall mail to the director the return for that month together with the fees required to be collected under this division during that month as indicated on the return or may submit the return and fees electronically in a manner approved by the director. If the return is filed and the amount of the fees due is paid in a timely manner as required in this division, the owner or operator may retain a discount of three-fourths of one per cent of the total amount of the fees that are required to be paid as indicated on the return.
The owner or operator may request an extension of not more than thirty days for filing the return and remitting the fees, provided that the owner or operator has submitted such a request in writing to the director together with a detailed description of why the extension is requested, the director has received the request not later than the day on which the return is required to be filed, and the director has approved the request. If the fees are not remitted within thirty days after the last day of the month to which the return applies or are not remitted by the last day of an extension approved by the director, the owner or operator shall not retain the three-fourths of one per cent discount and shall pay an additional ten per cent of the amount of the fees for each month that they are late. For purposes of calculating the late fee, the first month in which fees are late begins on the first day after the deadline has passed for timely submitting the return and fees, and one additional month shall be counted every thirty days thereafter.
The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may request a refund or credit of fees levied under this division and remitted to the director that have not been paid to the owner or operator. Such a request shall be made only if the fees have not been collected by the owner or operator, have become a debt that has become worthless or uncollectable for a period of six months or more, and may be claimed as a deduction, including a deduction claimed if the owner or operator keeps accounts on an accrual basis, under the "Internal Revenue Code of 1954," 68A Stat. 50, 26 U.S.C. 166, as amended, and regulations adopted under it. Prior to making a request for a refund or credit, an owner or operator shall make reasonable efforts to collect the applicable fees. A request for a refund or credit shall not include any costs resulting from those efforts to collect unpaid fees.
A request for a refund or credit of fees shall be made in writing, on a form prescribed by the director, and shall be supported by evidence that may be required in rules adopted by the director under this chapter. After reviewing the request, and if the request and evidence submitted with the request indicate that a refund or credit is warranted, the director shall grant a refund to the owner or operator or shall permit a credit to be taken by the owner or operator on a subsequent monthly return submitted by the owner or operator. The amount of a refund or credit shall not exceed an amount that is equal to ninety days' worth of fees owed to an owner or operator by a particular debtor of the owner or operator. A refund or credit shall not be granted by the director to an owner or operator more than once in any twelve-month period for fees owed to the owner or operator by a particular debtor.
If, after receiving a refund or credit from the director, an owner or operator receives payment of all or part of the fees, the owner or operator shall remit the fees with the next monthly return submitted to the director together with a written explanation of the reason for the submittal.
For purposes of computing the fees levied under this division or division (B) of this section, any solid waste transfer or disposal facility that does not use scales as a means of determining gate receipts shall use a conversion factor of three cubic yards per ton of solid waste or one cubic yard per ton for baled waste, as applicable.
The fees levied under this division and divisions (B) and (C) of this section are in addition to all other applicable fees and taxes and shall be paid by the customer or a political subdivision to the owner or operator of a solid waste transfer or disposal facility. In the alternative, the fees shall be paid by a customer or political subdivision to a transporter of waste who subsequently transfers the fees to the owner or operator of such a facility. The fees shall be paid notwithstanding the existence of any provision in a contract that the customer or a political subdivision may have with the owner or operator or with a transporter of waste to the facility that would not require or allow such payment regardless of whether the contract was entered prior to or after the effective date of this amendment October 16, 2009. For those purposes, "customer" means a person who contracts with, or utilizes the solid waste services of, the owner or operator of a solid waste transfer or disposal facility or a transporter of solid waste to such a facility.
(B) For the purposes specified in division (G) of this section, the solid waste management policy committee of a county or joint solid waste management district may levy fees upon the following activities:
(1) The disposal at a solid waste disposal facility located in the district of solid wastes generated within the district;
(2) The disposal at a solid waste disposal facility within the district of solid wastes generated outside the boundaries of the district, but inside this state;
(3) The disposal at a solid waste disposal facility within the district of solid wastes generated outside the boundaries of this state.
The solid waste management plan of the county or joint district approved under section 3734.521 or 3734.55 of the Revised Code and any amendments to it, or the resolution adopted under this division, as appropriate, shall establish the rates of the fees levied under divisions (B)(1), (2), and (3) of this section, if any, and shall specify whether the fees are levied on the basis of tons or cubic yards as the unit of measurement. A solid waste management district that levies fees under this division on the basis of cubic yards shall do so in accordance with division (A) of this section.
The fee levied under division (B)(1) of this section shall be not less than one dollar per ton nor more than two dollars per ton, the fee levied under division (B)(2) of this section shall be not less than two dollars per ton nor more than four dollars per ton, and the fee levied under division (B)(3) of this section shall be not more than the fee levied under division (B)(1) of this section.
Prior to the approval of the solid waste management plan of a district under section 3734.55 of the Revised Code, the solid waste management policy committee of a district may levy fees under this division by adopting a resolution establishing the proposed amount of the fees. Upon adopting the resolution, the committee shall deliver a copy of the resolution to the board of county commissioners of each county forming the district and to the legislative authority of each municipal corporation and township under the jurisdiction of the district and shall prepare and publish the resolution and a notice of the time and location where a public hearing on the fees will be held. Upon adopting the resolution, the committee shall deliver written notice of the adoption of the resolution; of the amount of the proposed fees; and of the date, time, and location of the public hearing to the director and to the fifty industrial, commercial, or institutional generators of solid wastes within the district that generate the largest quantities of solid wastes, as determined by the committee, and to their local trade associations. The committee shall make good faith efforts to identify those generators within the district and their local trade associations, but the nonprovision of notice under this division to a particular generator or local trade association does not invalidate the proceedings under this division. The publication shall occur at least thirty days before the hearing. After the hearing, the committee may make such revisions to the proposed fees as it considers appropriate and thereafter, by resolution, shall adopt the revised fee schedule. Upon adopting the revised fee schedule, the committee shall deliver a copy of the resolution doing so to the board of county commissioners of each county forming the district and to the legislative authority of each municipal corporation and township under the jurisdiction of the district. Within sixty days after the delivery of a copy of the resolution adopting the proposed revised fees by the policy committee, each such board and legislative authority, by ordinance or resolution, shall approve or disapprove the revised fees and deliver a copy of the ordinance or resolution to the committee. If any such board or legislative authority fails to adopt and deliver to the policy committee an ordinance or resolution approving or disapproving the revised fees within sixty days after the policy committee delivered its resolution adopting the proposed revised fees, it shall be conclusively presumed that the board or legislative authority has approved the proposed revised fees. The committee shall determine if the resolution has been ratified in the same manner in which it determines if a draft solid waste management plan has been ratified under division (B) of section 3734.55 of the Revised Code.
The committee may amend the schedule of fees levied pursuant to a resolution adopted and ratified under this division by adopting a resolution establishing the proposed amount of the amended fees. The committee may repeal the fees levied pursuant to such a resolution by adopting a resolution proposing to repeal them. Upon adopting such a resolution, the committee shall proceed to obtain ratification of the resolution in accordance with this division.
Not later than fourteen days after declaring the new fees to be ratified or the fees to be repealed under this division, the committee shall notify by certified mail the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility that is required to collect the fees of the ratification and the amount of the fees or of the repeal of the fees. Collection of any fees shall commence or collection of repealed fees shall cease on the first day of the second month following the month in which notification is sent to the owner or operator.
Fees levied under this division also may be established, amended, or repealed by a solid waste management policy committee through the adoption of a new district solid waste management plan, the adoption of an amended plan, or the amendment of the plan or amended plan in accordance with sections 3734.55 and 3734.56 of the Revised Code or the adoption or amendment of a district plan in connection with a change in district composition under section 3734.521 of the Revised Code.
Not later than fourteen days after the director issues an order approving a district's solid waste management plan, amended plan, or amendment to a plan or amended plan that establishes, amends, or repeals a schedule of fees levied by the district, the committee shall notify by certified mail the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility that is required to collect the fees of the approval of the plan or amended plan, or the amendment to the plan, as appropriate, and the amount of the fees, if any. In the case of an initial or amended plan approved under section 3734.521 of the Revised Code in connection with a change in district composition, other than one involving the withdrawal of a county from a joint district, the committee, within fourteen days after the change takes effect pursuant to division (G) of that section, shall notify by certified mail the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility that is required to collect the fees that the change has taken effect and of the amount of the fees, if any. Collection of any fees shall commence or collection of repealed fees shall cease on the first day of the second month following the month in which notification is sent to the owner or operator.
If, in the case of a change in district composition involving the withdrawal of a county from a joint district, the director completes the actions required under division (G)(1) or (3) of section 3734.521 of the Revised Code, as appropriate, forty-five days or more before the beginning of a calendar year, the policy committee of each of the districts resulting from the change that obtained the director's approval of an initial or amended plan in connection with the change, within fourteen days after the director's completion of the required actions, shall notify by certified mail the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility that is required to collect the district's fees that the change is to take effect on the first day of January immediately following the issuance of the notice and of the amount of the fees or amended fees levied under divisions (B)(1) to (3) of this section pursuant to the district's initial or amended plan as so approved or, if appropriate, the repeal of the district's fees by that initial or amended plan. Collection of any fees set forth in such a plan or amended plan shall commence on the first day of January immediately following the issuance of the notice. If such an initial or amended plan repeals a schedule of fees, collection of the fees shall cease on that first day of January.
If, in the case of a change in district composition involving the withdrawal of a county from a joint district, the director completes the actions required under division (G)(1) or (3) of section 3734.521 of the Revised Code, as appropriate, less than forty-five days before the beginning of a calendar year, the director, on behalf of each of the districts resulting from the change that obtained the director's approval of an initial or amended plan in connection with the change proceedings, shall notify by certified mail the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility that is required to collect the district's fees that the change is to take effect on the first day of January immediately following the mailing of the notice and of the amount of the fees or amended fees levied under divisions (B)(1) to (3) of this section pursuant to the district's initial or amended plan as so approved or, if appropriate, the repeal of the district's fees by that initial or amended plan. Collection of any fees set forth in such a plan or amended plan shall commence on the first day of the second month following the month in which notification is sent to the owner or operator. If such an initial or amended plan repeals a schedule of fees, collection of the fees shall cease on the first day of the second month following the month in which notification is sent to the owner or operator.
If the schedule of fees that a solid waste management district is levying under divisions (B)(1) to (3) of this section is amended or repealed, the fees in effect immediately prior to the amendment or repeal shall continue to be collected until collection of the amended fees commences or collection of the repealed fees ceases, as applicable, as specified in this division. In the case of a change in district composition, money so received from the collection of the fees of the former districts shall be divided among the resulting districts in accordance with division (B) of section 343.012 of the Revised Code and the agreements entered into under division (B) of section 343.01 of the Revised Code to establish the former and resulting districts and any amendments to those agreements.
For the purposes of the provisions of division (B) of this section establishing the times when newly established or amended fees levied by a district are required to commence and the collection of fees that have been amended or repealed is required to cease, "fees" or "schedule of fees" includes, in addition to fees levied under divisions (B)(1) to (3) of this section, those levied under section 3734.573 or 3734.574 of the Revised Code.
(C) For the purposes of defraying the added costs to a municipal corporation or township of maintaining roads and other public facilities and of providing emergency and other public services, and compensating a municipal corporation or township for reductions in real property tax revenues due to reductions in real property valuations resulting from the location and operation of a solid waste disposal facility within the municipal corporation or township, a municipal corporation or township in which such a solid waste disposal facility is located may levy a fee of not more than twenty-five cents per ton on the disposal of solid wastes at a solid waste disposal facility located within the boundaries of the municipal corporation or township regardless of where the wastes were generated.
The legislative authority of a municipal corporation or township may levy fees under this division by enacting an ordinance or adopting a resolution establishing the amount of the fees. Upon so doing the legislative authority shall mail a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution to the board of county commissioners or directors of the county or joint solid waste management district in which the municipal corporation or township is located or, if a regional solid waste management authority has been formed under section 343.011 of the Revised Code, to the board of trustees of that regional authority, the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility in the municipal corporation or township that is required to collect the fee by the ordinance or resolution, and the director of environmental protection. Although the fees levied under this division are levied on the basis of tons as the unit of measurement, the legislative authority, in its ordinance or resolution levying the fees under this division, may direct that the fees be levied on the basis of cubic yards as the unit of measurement based upon a conversion factor of three cubic yards per ton generally or one cubic yard per ton for baled wastes.
Not later than five days after enacting an ordinance or adopting a resolution under this division, the legislative authority shall so notify by certified mail the owner or operator of each solid waste disposal facility that is required to collect the fee. Collection of any fee levied on or after March 24, 1992, shall commence on the first day of the second month following the month in which notification is sent to the owner or operator.
(D)(1) The fees levied under divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section do not apply to the disposal of solid wastes that:
(a) Are disposed of at a facility owned by the generator of the wastes when the solid waste facility exclusively disposes of solid wastes generated at one or more premises owned by the generator regardless of whether the facility is located on a premises where the wastes are generated;
(b) Are generated from the combustion of coal, or from the combustion of primarily coal in combination with scrap tires, regardless of whether the disposal facility is located on the premises where the wastes are generated.
(2) Except as provided in section 3734.571 of the Revised Code, any fees levied under division (B)(1) of this section apply to solid wastes originating outside the boundaries of a county or joint district that are covered by an agreement for the joint use of solid waste facilities entered into under section 343.02 of the Revised Code by the board of county commissioners or board of directors of the county or joint district where the wastes are generated and disposed of.
(3) When solid wastes, other than solid wastes that consist of scrap tires, are burned in a disposal facility that is an incinerator or energy recovery facility, the fees levied under divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section shall be levied upon the disposal of the fly ash and bottom ash remaining after burning of the solid wastes and shall be collected by the owner or operator of the sanitary landfill where the ash is disposed of.
(4) When solid wastes are delivered to a solid waste transfer facility, the fees levied under divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall be levied upon the disposal of solid wastes transported off the premises of the transfer facility for disposal and shall be collected by the owner or operator of the solid waste disposal facility where the wastes are disposed of.
(5) The fees levied under divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section do not apply to sewage sludge that is generated by a waste water treatment facility holding a national pollutant discharge elimination system permit and that is disposed of through incineration, land application, or composting or at another resource recovery or disposal facility that is not a landfill.
(6) The fees levied under divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section do not apply to solid wastes delivered to a solid waste composting facility for processing. When any unprocessed solid waste or compost product is transported off the premises of a composting facility and disposed of at a landfill, the fees levied under divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section shall be collected by the owner or operator of the landfill where the unprocessed waste or compost product is disposed of.
(7) When solid wastes that consist of scrap tires are processed at a scrap tire recovery facility, the fees levied under divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section shall be levied upon the disposal of the fly ash and bottom ash or other solid wastes remaining after the processing of the scrap tires and shall be collected by the owner or operator of the solid waste disposal facility where the ash or other solid wastes are disposed of.
(8) The director of environmental protection may issue an order exempting from the fees levied under this section solid wastes, including, but not limited to, scrap tires, that are generated, transferred, or disposed of as a result of a contract providing for the expenditure of public funds entered into by the administrator or regional administrator of the United States environmental protection agency, the director of environmental protection, or the director of administrative services on behalf of the director of environmental protection for the purpose of remediating conditions at a hazardous waste facility, solid waste facility, or other location at which the administrator or regional administrator or the director of environmental protection has reason to believe that there is a substantial threat to public health or safety or the environment or that the conditions are causing or contributing to air or water pollution or soil contamination. An order issued by the director of environmental protection under division (D)(8) of this section shall include a determination that the amount of the fees not received by a solid waste management district as a result of the order will not adversely impact the implementation and financing of the district's approved solid waste management plan and any approved amendments to the plan. Such an order is a final action of the director of environmental protection.
(E) The fees levied under divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall be collected by the owner or operator of the solid waste disposal facility where the wastes are disposed of as a trustee for the county or joint district and municipal corporation or township where the wastes are disposed of. Moneys from the fees levied under division (B) of this section shall be forwarded to the board of county commissioners or board of directors of the district in accordance with rules adopted under division (H) of this section. Moneys from the fees levied under division (C) of this section shall be forwarded to the treasurer or such other officer of the municipal corporation as, by virtue of the charter, has the duties of the treasurer or to the fiscal officer of the township, as appropriate, in accordance with those rules.
(F) Moneys received by the treasurer or other officer of the municipal corporation under division (E) of this section shall be paid into the general fund of the municipal corporation. Moneys received by the fiscal officer of the township under that division shall be paid into the general fund of the township. The treasurer or other officer of the municipal corporation or the township fiscal officer, as appropriate, shall maintain separate records of the moneys received from the fees levied under division (C) of this section.
(G) Moneys received by the board of county commissioners or board of directors under division (E) of this section or section 3734.571, 3734.572, 3734.573, or 3734.574 of the Revised Code shall be paid to the county treasurer, or other official acting in a similar capacity under a county charter, in a county district or to the county treasurer or other official designated by the board of directors in a joint district and kept in a separate and distinct fund to the credit of the district. If a regional solid waste management authority has been formed under section 343.011 of the Revised Code, moneys received by the board of trustees of that regional authority under division (E) of this section shall be kept by the board in a separate and distinct fund to the credit of the district. Moneys in the special fund of the county or joint district arising from the fees levied under division (B) of this section and the fee levied under division (A) of section 3734.573 of the Revised Code shall be expended by the board of county commissioners or directors of the district in accordance with the district's solid waste management plan or amended plan approved under section 3734.521, 3734.55, or 3734.56 of the Revised Code exclusively for the following purposes:
(1) Preparation of the solid waste management plan of the district under section 3734.54 of the Revised Code, monitoring implementation of the plan, and conducting the periodic review and amendment of the plan required by section 3734.56 of the Revised Code by the solid waste management policy committee;
(2) Implementation of the approved solid waste management plan or amended plan of the district, including, without limitation, the development and implementation of solid waste recycling or reduction programs;. However, on and after the effective date of this amendment, the board of county commissioners or directors of a district shall not spend money in the district's special fund to acquire or operate assets for the collection or processing of recyclable material if two or more privately owned entities offer to provide or provide collection or processing of recyclable material that is generated in the district.
(3) Providing financial assistance to boards of health within the district, if solid waste facilities are located within the district, for enforcement of this chapter and rules, orders, and terms and conditions of permits, licenses, and variances adopted or issued under it, other than the hazardous waste provisions of this chapter and rules adopted and orders and terms and conditions of permits issued under those provisions;
(4) Providing financial assistance to each county within the district to defray the added costs of maintaining roads and other public facilities and of providing emergency and other public services resulting from the location and operation of a solid waste facility within the county under the district's approved solid waste management plan or amended plan;
(5) Pursuant to contracts entered into with boards of health within the district, if solid waste facilities contained in the district's approved plan or amended plan are located within the district, for paying the costs incurred by those boards of health for collecting and analyzing samples from public or private water wells on lands adjacent to those facilities;
(6) Developing and implementing a program for the inspection of solid wastes generated outside the boundaries of this state that are disposed of at solid waste facilities included in the district's approved solid waste management plan or amended plan;
(7) Providing financial assistance to boards of health within the district for the enforcement of section 3734.03 of the Revised Code or to local law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction within the district for enforcing anti-littering laws and ordinances;
(8) Providing financial assistance to boards of health of health districts within the district that are on the approved list under section 3734.08 of the Revised Code to defray the costs to the health districts for the participation of their employees responsible for enforcement of the solid waste provisions of this chapter and rules adopted and orders and terms and conditions of permits, licenses, and variances issued under those provisions in the training and certification program as required by rules adopted under division (L) of section 3734.02 of the Revised Code;
(9) Providing financial assistance to individual municipal corporations and townships within the district to defray their added costs of maintaining roads and other public facilities and of providing emergency and other public services resulting from the location and operation within their boundaries of a composting, energy or resource recovery, incineration, or recycling facility that either is owned by the district or is furnishing solid waste management facility or recycling services to the district pursuant to a contract or agreement with the board of county commissioners or directors of the district;
(10) Payment of any expenses that are agreed to, awarded, or ordered to be paid under section 3734.35 of the Revised Code and of any administrative costs incurred pursuant to that section. In the case of a joint solid waste management district, if the board of county commissioners of one of the counties in the district is negotiating on behalf of affected communities, as defined in that section, in that county, the board shall obtain the approval of the board of directors of the district in order to expend moneys for administrative costs incurred.
Prior to the approval of the district's solid waste management plan under section 3734.55 of the Revised Code, moneys in the special fund of the district arising from the fees shall be expended for those purposes in the manner prescribed by the solid waste management policy committee by resolution.
Notwithstanding division (G)(6) of this section as it existed prior to October 29, 1993, or any provision in a district's solid waste management plan prepared in accordance with division (B)(2)(e) of section 3734.53 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to that date, any moneys arising from the fees levied under division (B)(3) of this section prior to January 1, 1994, may be expended for any of the purposes authorized in divisions (G)(1) to (10) of this section.
(H) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code prescribing procedures for collecting and forwarding the fees levied under divisions (B) and (C) of this section to the boards of county commissioners or directors of county or joint solid waste management districts and to the treasurers or other officers of municipal corporations and the fiscal officers of townships. The rules also shall prescribe the dates for forwarding the fees to the boards and officials and may prescribe any other requirements the director considers necessary or appropriate to implement and administer divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section.
Section 2. That existing sections 3734.01 and 3734.57 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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