130th Ohio General Assembly
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office in the Continental Plaza, 180 East Broad St., Columbus.

H. B. No. 148  As Introduced
As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 148

Representatives Driehaus, Hagan, R. 

Cosponsors: Representatives Antonio, Lundy, Boyd 

To amend sections 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.03, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.08, 1509.21, 1509.22, 1509.222, 1509.223, and 1509.224, to enact section 1509.051, and to repeal section 1509.226 of the Revised Code to prohibit land application and deep well injection of brine, to prohibit the conversion of wells, and to eliminate the injection fee that is levied under the Oil and Gas Law.

Section 1. That sections 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.03, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.08, 1509.21, 1509.22, 1509.222, 1509.223, and 1509.224 be amended and section 1509.051 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 1509.01.  As used in this chapter:
(A) "Well" means any borehole, whether drilled or bored, within the state for production, extraction, or injection of any gas or liquid mineral, excluding potable water to be used as such, but including natural or artificial brines and oil field waters.
(B) "Oil" means crude petroleum oil and all other hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, that are produced in liquid form by ordinary production methods, but does not include hydrocarbons that were originally in a gaseous phase in the reservoir.
(C) "Gas" means all natural gas and all other fluid hydrocarbons that are not oil, including condensate.
(D) "Condensate" means liquid hydrocarbons separated at or near the well pad or along the gas production or gathering system prior to gas processing.
(E) "Pool" means an underground reservoir containing a common accumulation of oil or gas, or both, but does not include a gas storage reservoir. Each zone of a geological structure that is completely separated from any other zone in the same structure may contain a separate pool.
(F) "Field" means the general area underlaid by one or more pools.
(G) "Drilling unit" means the minimum acreage on which one well may be drilled, but does not apply to a well for injecting gas into or removing gas from a gas storage reservoir.
(H) "Waste" includes all of the following:
(1) Physical waste, as that term generally is understood in the oil and gas industry;
(2) Inefficient, excessive, or improper use, or the unnecessary dissipation, of reservoir energy;
(3) Inefficient storing of oil or gas;
(4) Locating, drilling, equipping, operating, or producing an oil or gas well in a manner that reduces or tends to reduce the quantity of oil or gas ultimately recoverable under prudent and proper operations from the pool into which it is drilled or that causes or tends to cause unnecessary or excessive surface loss or destruction of oil or gas;
(5) Other underground or surface waste in the production or storage of oil, gas, or condensate, however caused.
(I) "Correlative rights" means the reasonable opportunity to every person entitled thereto to recover and receive the oil and gas in and under the person's tract or tracts, or the equivalent thereof, without having to drill unnecessary wells or incur other unnecessary expense.
(J) "Tract" means a single, individually taxed parcel of land appearing on the tax list.
(K) "Owner," unless referring to a mine, means the person who has the right to drill on a tract or drilling unit, to drill into and produce from a pool, and to appropriate the oil or gas produced therefrom either for the person or for others, except that a person ceases to be an owner with respect to a well when the well has been plugged in accordance with applicable rules adopted and orders issued under this chapter. "Owner" does not include a person who obtains a lease of the mineral rights for oil and gas on a parcel of land if the person does not attempt to produce or produce oil or gas from a well or obtain a permit under this chapter for a well or if the entire interest of a well is transferred to the person in accordance with division (B) of section 1509.31 of the Revised Code.
(L) "Royalty interest" means the fee holder's share in the production from a well.
(M) "Discovery well" means the first well capable of producing oil or gas in commercial quantities from a pool.
(N) "Prepared clay" means a clay that is plastic and is thoroughly saturated with fresh water to a weight and consistency great enough to settle through saltwater in the well in which it is to be used, except as otherwise approved by the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management.
(O) "Rock sediment" means the combined cutting and residue from drilling sedimentary rocks and formation.
(P) "Excavations and workings," "mine," and "pillar" have the same meanings as in section 1561.01 of the Revised Code.
(Q) "Coal bearing township" means a township designated as such by the chief of the division of mineral resources management under section 1561.06 of the Revised Code.
(R) "Gas storage reservoir" means a continuous area of a subterranean porous sand or rock stratum or strata into which gas is or may be injected for the purpose of storing it therein and removing it therefrom and includes a gas storage reservoir as defined in section 1571.01 of the Revised Code.
(S) "Safe Drinking Water Act" means the "Safe Drinking Water Act," 88 Stat. 1661 (1974), 42 U.S.C.A. 300(f), as amended by the "Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1977," 91 Stat. 1393, 42 U.S.C.A. 300(f), the "Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986," 100 Stat. 642, 42 U.S.C.A. 300(f), and the "Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996," 110 Stat. 1613, 42 U.S.C.A. 300(f), and regulations adopted under those acts.
(T) "Person" includes any political subdivision, department, agency, or instrumentality of this state; the United States and any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof; and any legal entity defined as a person under section 1.59 of the Revised Code.
(U) "Brine" means all saline geological formation water resulting from, obtained from, or produced in connection with exploration, drilling, well stimulation, production of oil or gas, or plugging of a well.
(V) "Waters of the state" means all streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, springs, irrigation systems, drainage systems, and other bodies of water, surface or underground, natural or artificial, that are situated wholly or partially within this state or within its jurisdiction, except those private waters that do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters.
(W) "Exempt Mississippian well" means a well that meets all of the following criteria:
(1) Was drilled and completed before January 1, 1980;
(2) Is located in an unglaciated part of the state;
(3) Was completed in a reservoir no deeper than the Mississippian Big Injun sandstone in areas underlain by Pennsylvanian or Permian stratigraphy, or the Mississippian Berea sandstone in areas directly underlain by Permian stratigraphy;
(4) Is used primarily to provide oil or gas for domestic use.
(X) "Exempt domestic well" means a well that meets all of the following criteria:
(1) Is owned by the owner of the surface estate of the tract on which the well is located;
(2) Is used primarily to provide gas for the owner's domestic use;
(3) Is located more than two hundred feet horizontal distance from any inhabited private dwelling house other than an inhabited private dwelling house located on the tract on which the well is located;
(4) Is located more than two hundred feet horizontal distance from any public building that may be used as a place of resort, assembly, education, entertainment, lodging, trade, manufacture, repair, storage, traffic, or occupancy by the public.
(Y) "Urbanized area" means an area where a well or production facilities of a well are located within a municipal corporation or within a township that has an unincorporated population of more than five thousand in the most recent federal decennial census prior to the issuance of the permit for the well or production facilities.
(Z) "Well stimulation" or "stimulation of a well" means the process of enhancing well productivity, including hydraulic fracturing operations.
(AA) "Production operation" means all operations and activities and all related equipment, facilities, and other structures that may be used in or associated with the exploration and production of oil, gas, or other mineral resources that are regulated under this chapter, including operations and activities associated with site preparation, site construction, access road construction, well drilling, well completion, well stimulation, well site activities, reclamation, and plugging. "Production operation" also includes all of the following:
(1) The piping, equipment, and facilities used for the production and preparation of hydrocarbon gas or liquids for transportation or delivery;
(2) The processes of extraction and recovery, lifting, stabilization, treatment, separation, production processing, storage, waste disposal, and measurement of hydrocarbon gas and liquids, including related equipment and facilities;
(3) The processes and related equipment and facilities associated with production compression, gas lift, gas injection, fuel gas supply, well drilling, well stimulation, and well completion activities, including dikes, pits, and earthen and other impoundments used for the temporary storage of fluids and waste substances associated with well drilling, well stimulation, and well completion activities.
(BB) "Annular overpressurization" means the accumulation of fluids within an annulus with sufficient pressure to allow migration of annular fluids into underground sources of drinking water.
(CC) "Idle and orphaned well" means a well for which a bond has been forfeited or an abandoned well for which no money is available to plug the well in accordance with this chapter and rules adopted under it.
(DD) "Temporarily inactive well" means a well that has been granted temporary inactive status under section 1509.062 of the Revised Code.
(EE) "Material and substantial violation" means any of the following:
(1) Failure to obtain a permit to drill, reopen, convert, plugback, or plug a well under this chapter;
(2) Failure to obtain, maintain, update, or submit proof of insurance coverage that is required under this chapter;
(3) Failure to obtain, maintain, update, or submit proof of a surety bond that is required under this chapter;
(4) Failure to plug an abandoned well or idle and orphaned well unless the well has been granted temporary inactive status under section 1509.062 of the Revised Code or the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management has approved another option concerning the abandoned well or idle and orphaned well;
(5) Failure to restore a disturbed land surface as required by section 1509.072 of the Revised Code;
(6) Failure to reimburse the oil and gas well fund pursuant to a final order issued under section 1509.071 of the Revised Code;
(7) Failure to comply with a final nonappealable order of the chief issued under section 1509.04 of the Revised Code;
(8) Failure to submit a report, test result, fee, or document that is required in this chapter or rules adopted under it.
(FF) "Severer" has the same meaning as in section 5749.01 of the Revised Code.
(GG) "Horizontal well" means a well that is drilled for the production of oil or gas in which the wellbore reaches a horizontal or near horizontal position in the Point Pleasant, Utica, or Marcellus formation and the well is stimulated.
(HH) "Well pad" means the area that is cleared or prepared for the drilling of one or more horizontal wells.
Sec. 1509.02.  There is hereby created in the department of natural resources the division of oil and gas resources management, which shall be administered by the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management. The division has sole and exclusive authority to regulate the permitting, location, and spacing of oil and gas wells and production operations within the state, excepting only those activities regulated under federal laws for which oversight has been delegated to the environmental protection agency and activities regulated under sections 6111.02 to 6111.029 of the Revised Code. The regulation of oil and gas activities is a matter of general statewide interest that requires uniform statewide regulation, and this chapter and rules adopted under it constitute a comprehensive plan with respect to all aspects of the locating, drilling, well stimulation, completing, and operating of oil and gas wells within this state, including site construction and restoration, permitting related to those activities, and the disposal of wastes from those wells. In order to assist the division in the furtherance of its sole and exclusive authority as established in this section, the chief may enter into cooperative agreements with other state agencies for advice and consultation, including visitations at the surface location of a well on behalf of the division. Such cooperative agreements do not confer on other state agencies any authority to administer or enforce this chapter and rules adopted under it. In addition, such cooperative agreements shall not be construed to dilute or diminish the division's sole and exclusive authority as established in this section. Nothing in this section affects the authority granted to the director of transportation and local authorities in section 723.01 or 4513.34 of the Revised Code, provided that the authority granted under those sections shall not be exercised in a manner that discriminates against, unfairly impedes, or obstructs oil and gas activities and operations regulated under this chapter.
The chief shall not hold any other public office, nor shall the chief be engaged in any occupation or business that might interfere with or be inconsistent with the duties as chief.
All moneys collected by the chief pursuant to sections 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.071, 1509.13, 1509.22, 1509.222, 1509.28, 1509.34, and 1509.50 of the Revised Code, ninety per cent of moneys received by the treasurer of state from the tax levied in divisions (A)(5) and (6) of section 5749.02 of the Revised Code, all civil penalties paid under section 1509.33 of the Revised Code, and, notwithstanding any section of the Revised Code relating to the distribution or crediting of fines for violations of the Revised Code, all fines imposed under divisions (A) and (B) of section 1509.99 of the Revised Code and fines imposed under divisions (C) and (D) of section 1509.99 of the Revised Code for all violations prosecuted by the attorney general and for violations prosecuted by prosecuting attorneys that do not involve the transportation of brine by vehicle shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the oil and gas well fund, which is hereby created. Fines imposed under divisions (C) and (D) of section 1509.99 of the Revised Code for violations prosecuted by prosecuting attorneys that involve the transportation of brine by vehicle and penalties associated with a compliance agreement entered into pursuant to this chapter shall be paid to the county treasury of the county where the violation occurred.
The fund shall be used solely and exclusively for the purposes enumerated in division (B) of section 1509.071 of the Revised Code, for the expenses of the division associated with the administration of this chapter and Chapter 1571. of the Revised Code and rules adopted under them, and for expenses that are critical and necessary for the protection of human health and safety and the environment related to oil and gas production in this state. The expenses of the division in excess of the moneys available in the fund shall be paid from general revenue fund appropriations to the department.
Sec. 1509.03. (A) The chief of the division of oil and gas resources management shall adopt, rescind, and amend, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, rules for the administration, implementation, and enforcement of this chapter. The rules shall include an identification of the subjects that the chief shall address when attaching terms and conditions to a permit with respect to a well and production facilities of a well that are located within an urbanized area or with respect to a horizontal well and production facilities associated with a horizontal well. The subjects shall include all of the following:
(1) Safety concerning the drilling or operation of a well;
(2) Protection of the public and private water supply, including the amount of water used and the source or sources of the water;
(3) Fencing and screening of surface facilities of a well;
(4) Containment and disposal of drilling and production wastes;
(5) Construction of access roads for purposes of the drilling and operation of a well;
(6) Noise mitigation for purposes of the drilling of a well and the operation of a well, excluding safety and maintenance operations.
No person shall violate any rule of the chief adopted under this chapter.
(B)(1) Any order issuing, denying, or modifying a permit or notices required to be made by the chief pursuant to this chapter shall be made in compliance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, except that personal service may be used in lieu of service by mail. Every order issuing, denying, or modifying a permit under this chapter and described as such shall be considered an adjudication order for purposes of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Division (B)(1) of this section does not apply to a permit issued under section 1509.06 of the Revised Code.
(2) Where notice to the owners is required by this chapter, the notice shall be given as prescribed by a rule adopted by the chief to govern the giving of notices. The rule shall provide for notice by publication except in those cases where other types of notice are necessary in order to meet the requirements of the law.
(C) The chief or the chief's authorized representative may at any time enter upon lands, public or private, for the purpose of administration or enforcement of this chapter, the rules adopted or orders made thereunder, or terms or conditions of permits or registration certificates issued thereunder and may examine and copy records pertaining to the drilling, conversion, or operation of a well for injection of fluids and logs required by division (C) of section 1509.223 of the Revised Code. No person shall prevent or hinder the chief or the chief's authorized representative in the performance of official duties. If entry is prevented or hindered, the chief or the chief's authorized representative may apply for, and the court of common pleas may issue, an appropriate inspection warrant necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter within the court's territorial jurisdiction.
(D) The chief may issue orders to enforce this chapter, rules adopted thereunder, and terms or conditions of permits issued thereunder. Any such order shall be considered an adjudication order for the purposes of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. No person shall violate any order of the chief issued under this chapter. No person shall violate a term or condition of a permit or registration certificate issued under this chapter.
(E) Orders of the chief denying, suspending, or revoking a registration certificate; approving or denying approval of an application for revision of a registered transporter's plan for disposal; or to implement, administer, or enforce division (A) of section 1509.224 and sections 1509.22, 1509.222, 1509.223, and 1509.225, and 1509.226 of the Revised Code pertaining to the transportation of brine by vehicle and the disposal of brine so transported are not adjudication orders for purposes of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The chief shall issue such orders under division (A) or (B) of section 1509.224 of the Revised Code, as appropriate.
Sec. 1509.05.  No person shall drill a new well, drill an existing well any deeper, reopen a well, convert a well to any use other than its original purpose, or plug back a well to a source of supply different from the existing pool, without having a permit to do so issued by the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management, and until the original permit or a photostatic copy thereof is posted or displayed in a conspicuous and easily accessible place at the well site, with the name, current address, and telephone number of the permit holder and the telephone numbers for fire and emergency medical services maintained on the posted permit or copy. The permit or a copy shall be continuously displayed in that manner at all times during the work authorized by the permit.
Sec. 1509.051. No person shall convert a well to a use other than its original purpose.
Sec. 1509.06. (A) An application for a permit to drill a new well, drill an existing well deeper, reopen a well, convert a well to any use other than its original purpose, or plug back a well to a different source of supply, including associated production operations, shall be filed with the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management upon such form as the chief prescribes and shall contain each of the following that is applicable:
(1) The name and address of the owner and, if a corporation, the name and address of the statutory agent;
(2) The signature of the owner or the owner's authorized agent. When an authorized agent signs an application, it shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the appointment as such agent.
(3) The names and addresses of all persons holding the royalty interest in the tract upon which the well is located or is to be drilled or within a proposed drilling unit;
(4) The location of the tract or drilling unit on which the well is located or is to be drilled identified by section or lot number, city, village, township, and county;
(5) Designation of the well by name and number;
(6)(a) The geological formation to be tested or used and the proposed total depth of the well;
(b) If the well is for the injection of a liquid, identity of the geological formation to be used as the injection zone and the composition of the liquid to be injected.
(7) The type of drilling equipment to be used;
(8)(a) An identification, to the best of the owner's knowledge, of each proposed source of ground water and surface water that will be used in the production operations of the well. The identification of each proposed source of water shall indicate if the water will be withdrawn from the Lake Erie watershed or the Ohio river watershed. In addition, the owner shall provide, to the best of the owner's knowledge, the proposed estimated rate and volume of the water withdrawal for the production operations. If recycled water will be used in the production operations, the owner shall provide the estimated volume of recycled water to be used. The owner shall submit to the chief an update of any of the information that is required by division (A)(8)(a) of this section if any of that information changes before the chief issues a permit for the application.
(b) Except as provided in division (A)(8)(c) of this section, for an application for a permit to drill a new well within an urbanized area, the results of sampling of water wells within three hundred feet of the proposed well prior to commencement of drilling. In addition, the owner shall include a list that identifies the location of each water well where the owner of the property on which the water well is located denied the owner access to sample the water well. The sampling shall be conducted in accordance with the guidelines established in "Best Management Practices For Pre-drilling Water Sampling" in effect at the time that the application is submitted. The division shall furnish those guidelines upon request and shall make them available on the division's web site. If the chief determines that conditions at the proposed well site warrant a revision, the chief may revise the distance established in this division for purposes of pre-drilling water sampling.
(c) For an application for a permit to drill a new horizontal well, the results of sampling of water wells within one thousand five hundred feet of the proposed horizontal wellhead prior to commencement of drilling. In addition, the owner shall include a list that identifies the location of each water well where the owner of the property on which the water well is located denied the owner access to sample the water well. The sampling shall be conducted in accordance with the guidelines established in "Best Management Practices For Pre-drilling Water Sampling" in effect at the time that the application is submitted. The division shall furnish those guidelines upon request and shall make them available on the division's web site. If the chief determines that conditions at the proposed well site warrant a revision, the chief may revise the distance established in this division for purposes of pre-drilling water sampling.
(9) For an application for a permit to drill a new well within an urbanized area, a sworn statement that the applicant has provided notice by regular mail of the application to the owner of each parcel of real property that is located within five hundred feet of the surface location of the well and to the executive authority of the municipal corporation or the board of township trustees of the township, as applicable, in which the well is to be located. In addition, the notice shall contain a statement that informs an owner of real property who is required to receive the notice under division (A)(9) of this section that within five days of receipt of the notice, the owner is required to provide notice under section 1509.60 of the Revised Code to each residence in an occupied dwelling that is located on the owner's parcel of real property. The notice shall contain a statement that an application has been filed with the division of oil and gas resources management, identify the name of the applicant and the proposed well location, include the name and address of the division, and contain a statement that comments regarding the application may be sent to the division. The notice may be provided by hand delivery or regular mail. The identity of the owners of parcels of real property shall be determined using the tax records of the municipal corporation or county in which a parcel of real property is located as of the date of the notice.
(10) A plan for restoration of the land surface disturbed by drilling operations. The plan shall provide for compliance with the restoration requirements of division (A) of section 1509.072 of the Revised Code and any rules adopted by the chief pertaining to that restoration.
(11)(a) A description by name or number of the county, township, and municipal corporation roads, streets, and highways that the applicant anticipates will be used for access to and egress from the well site;
(b) For an application for a permit for a horizontal well, a copy of an agreement concerning maintenance and safe use of the roads, streets, and highways described in division (A)(11)(a) of this section entered into on reasonable terms with the public official that has the legal authority to enter into such maintenance and use agreements for each county, township, and municipal corporation, as applicable, in which any such road, street, or highway is located or an affidavit on a form prescribed by the chief attesting that the owner attempted in good faith to enter into an agreement under division (A)(11)(b) of this section with the applicable public official of each such county, township, or municipal corporation, but that no agreement was executed.
(12) Such other relevant information as the chief prescribes by rule.
Each application shall be accompanied by a map, on a scale not smaller than four hundred feet to the inch, prepared by an Ohio registered surveyor, showing the location of the well and containing such other data as may be prescribed by the chief. If the well is or is to be located within the excavations and workings of a mine, the map also shall include the location of the mine, the name of the mine, and the name of the person operating the mine.
(B) The chief shall cause a copy of the weekly circular prepared by the division to be provided to the county engineer of each county that contains active or proposed drilling activity. The weekly circular shall contain, in the manner prescribed by the chief, the names of all applicants for permits, the location of each well or proposed well, the information required by division (A)(11) of this section, and any additional information the chief prescribes. In addition, the chief promptly shall transfer an electronic copy or facsimile, or if those methods are not available to a municipal corporation or township, a copy via regular mail, of a drilling permit application to the clerk of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation or to the clerk of the township in which the well or proposed well is or is to be located if the legislative authority of the municipal corporation or the board of township trustees has asked to receive copies of such applications and the appropriate clerk has provided the chief an accurate, current electronic mailing address or facsimile number, as applicable.
(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the chief shall not issue a permit for at least ten days after the date of filing of the application for the permit unless, upon reasonable cause shown, the chief waives that period or a request for expedited review is filed under this section. However, the chief shall issue a permit within twenty-one days of the filing of the application unless the chief denies the application by order.
(2) If the location of a well or proposed well will be or is within an urbanized area, the chief shall not issue a permit for at least eighteen days after the date of filing of the application for the permit unless, upon reasonable cause shown, the chief waives that period or the chief at the chief's discretion grants a request for an expedited review. However, the chief shall issue a permit for a well or proposed well within an urbanized area within thirty days of the filing of the application unless the chief denies the application by order.
(D) An applicant may file a request with the chief for expedited review of a permit application if the well is not or is not to be located in a gas storage reservoir or reservoir protective area, as "reservoir protective area" is defined in section 1571.01 of the Revised Code. If the well is or is to be located in a coal bearing township, the application shall be accompanied by the affidavit of the landowner prescribed in section 1509.08 of the Revised Code.
In addition to a complete application for a permit that meets the requirements of this section and the permit fee prescribed by this section, a request for expedited review shall be accompanied by a separate nonrefundable filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars. Upon the filing of a request for expedited review, the chief shall cause the county engineer of the county in which the well is or is to be located to be notified of the filing of the permit application and the request for expedited review by telephone or other means that in the judgment of the chief will provide timely notice of the application and request. The chief shall issue a permit within seven days of the filing of the request unless the chief denies the application by order. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section governing expedited review of permit applications, the chief may refuse to accept requests for expedited review if, in the chief's judgment, the acceptance of the requests would prevent the issuance, within twenty-one days of their filing, of permits for which applications are pending.
(E) A well shall be drilled and operated in accordance with the plans, sworn statements, and other information submitted in the approved application.
(F) The chief shall issue an order denying a permit if the chief finds that there is a substantial risk that the operation will result in violations of this chapter or rules adopted under it that will present an imminent danger to public health or safety or damage to the environment, provided that where the chief finds that terms or conditions to the permit can reasonably be expected to prevent such violations, the chief shall issue the permit subject to those terms or conditions, including, if applicable, terms and conditions regarding subjects identified in rules adopted under section 1509.03 of the Revised Code. The issuance of a permit shall not be considered an order of the chief.
The chief shall post notice of each permit that has been approved under this section on the division's web site not later than two business days after the application for a permit has been approved.
(G) Each application for a permit required by section 1509.05 of the Revised Code, except an application to plug back an existing well that is required by that section and an application for a well drilled or reopened for purposes of section 1509.22 of the Revised Code, also shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as follows:
(1) Five hundred dollars for a permit to conduct activities in a township with a population of fewer than ten thousand;
(2) Seven hundred fifty dollars for a permit to conduct activities in a township with a population of ten thousand or more, but fewer than fifteen thousand;
(3) One thousand dollars for a permit to conduct activities in either of the following:
(a) A township with a population of fifteen thousand or more;
(b) A municipal corporation regardless of population.
(4) If the application is for a permit that requires mandatory pooling, an additional five thousand dollars.
For purposes of calculating fee amounts, populations shall be determined using the most recent federal decennial census.
Each application for the revision or reissuance of a permit shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of two hundred fifty dollars.
(H)(1) Prior to the commencement of well pad construction and prior to the issuance of a permit to drill a proposed horizontal well or a proposed well that is to be located in an urbanized area, the division shall conduct a site review to identify and evaluate any site-specific terms and conditions that may be attached to the permit. At the site review, a representative of the division shall consider fencing, screening, and landscaping requirements, if any, for similar structures in the community in which the well is proposed to be located. The terms and conditions that are attached to the permit shall include the establishment of fencing, screening, and landscaping requirements for the surface facilities of the proposed well, including a tank battery of the well.
(2) Prior to the issuance of a permit to drill a proposed well, the division shall conduct a review to identify and evaluate any site-specific terms and conditions that may be attached to the permit if the proposed well will be located in a one-hundred-year floodplain or within the five-year time of travel associated with a public drinking water supply.
(I) A permit shall be issued by the chief in accordance with this chapter. A permit issued under this section for a well that is or is to be located in an urbanized area shall be valid for twelve months, and all other permits issued under this section shall be valid for twenty-four months.
(J) An applicant or a permittee, as applicable, shall submit to the chief an update of the information that is required under division (A)(8)(a) of this section if any of that information changes prior to commencement of production operations.
(K) A permittee or a permittee's authorized representative shall notify an inspector from the division at least twenty-four hours, or another time period agreed to by the chief's authorized representative, prior to the commencement of well pad construction and of drilling, reopening, converting, well stimulation, or plugback operations.
Sec. 1509.08.  Upon receipt of an application for a permit required by section 1509.05 of the Revised Code, or upon receipt of an application for a permit to plug and abandon under section 1509.13 of the Revised Code, the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management shall determine whether the well is or is to be located in a coal bearing township.
Whether or not the well is or is to be located in a coal bearing township, the chief, by order, may refuse to issue a permit required by section 1509.05 of the Revised Code to any applicant who at the time of applying for the permit is in material or substantial violation of this chapter or rules adopted or orders issued under it. The chief shall refuse to issue a permit to any applicant who at the time of applying for the permit has been found liable by a final nonappealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction for damage to streets, roads, highways, bridges, culverts, or drainways pursuant to section 4513.34 or 5577.12 of the Revised Code until the applicant provides the chief with evidence of compliance with the order. No applicant shall attempt to circumvent this provision by applying for a permit under a different name or business organization name, by transferring responsibility to another person or entity, by abandoning the well or lease, or by any other similar act.
If the well is not or is not to be located in a coal bearing township, or if it is to be located in a coal bearing township, but the landowner submits an affidavit attesting to ownership of the property in fee simple, including the coal, and has no objection to the well, the chief shall issue the permit.
If the application to drill, or reopen, or convert concerns a well that is or is to be located in a coal bearing township, the chief shall transmit to the chief of the division of mineral resources management two copies of the application and three copies of the map required in section 1509.06 of the Revised Code, except that, when the affidavit with the waiver of objection described above is submitted, the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management shall not transmit the copies.
The chief of the division of mineral resources management immediately shall notify the owner or lessee of any affected mine that the application has been filed and send to the owner or lessee two copies of the map accompanying the application setting forth the location of the well.
If the owner or lessee objects to the location of the well or objects to any location within fifty feet of the original location as a possible site for relocation of the well, the owner or lessee shall notify the chief of the division of mineral resources management of the objection, giving the reasons for the objection and, if applicable, indicating on a copy of the map the particular location or locations within fifty feet of the original location to which the owner or lessee objects as a site for possible relocation of the well, within six days after the receipt of the notice. If the chief receives no objections from the owner or lessee of the mine within ten days after the receipt of the notice by the owner or lessee, or if in the opinion of the chief the objections offered by the owner or lessee are not sufficiently well founded, the chief immediately shall notify the owner or lessee of those findings. The owner or lessee may appeal the decision of the chief to the reclamation commission under section 1513.13 of the Revised Code. The appeal shall be filed within fifteen days, notwithstanding provisions in divisions division (A)(1) of section 1513.13 of the Revised Code to the contrary, from the date on which the owner or lessee receives the notice. If the appeal is not filed within that time, the chief immediately shall approve the application, retain a copy of the application and map, and return a copy of the application to the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management with the approval noted on it. The chief of the division of oil and gas resources management then shall issue the permit if the provisions of this chapter pertaining to the issuance of such a permit have been complied with.
If the chief of the division of mineral resources management receives an objection from the owner or lessee of the mine as to the location of the well within ten days after receipt of the notice by the owner or lessee, and if in the opinion of the chief the objection is well founded, the chief shall disapprove the application and immediately return it to the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management together with the reasons for disapproval and a suggestion for a new location for the well, provided that the suggested new location shall not be a location within fifty feet of the original location to which the owner or lessee has objected as a site for possible relocation of the well if the chief of the division of mineral resources management has determined that the objection is well founded. The chief of the division of oil and gas resources management immediately shall notify the applicant for the permit of the disapproval and any suggestion made by the chief of the division of mineral resources management as to a new location for the well. The applicant may withdraw the application or amend the application to drill the well at the location suggested by the chief, or the applicant may appeal the disapproval of the application by the chief to the reclamation commission.
If the chief of the division of mineral resources management receives no objection from the owner or lessee of a mine as to the location of the well, but does receive an objection from the owner or lessee as to one or more locations within fifty feet of the original location as possible sites for relocation of the well within ten days after receipt of the notice by the owner or lessee, and if in the opinion of the chief the objection is well founded, the chief nevertheless shall approve the application and shall return it immediately to the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management together with the reasons for disapproving any of the locations to which the owner or lessee objects as possible sites for the relocation of the well. The chief of the division of oil and gas resources management then shall issue a permit if the provisions of this chapter pertaining to the issuance of such a permit have been complied with, incorporating as a term or condition of the permit that the applicant is prohibited from commencing drilling at any location within fifty feet of the original location that has been disapproved by the chief of the division of mineral resources management. The applicant may appeal to the reclamation commission the terms and conditions of the permit prohibiting the commencement of drilling at any such location disapproved by the chief of the division of mineral resources management.
Any such appeal shall be filed within fifteen days, notwithstanding provisions in division (A)(1) of section 1513.13 of the Revised Code to the contrary, from the date the applicant receives notice of the disapproval of the application, any other location within fifty feet of the original location, or terms or conditions of the permit, or the owner or lessee receives notice of the chief's decision. No approval or disapproval of an application shall be delayed by the chief of the division of mineral resources management for more than fifteen days from the date of sending the notice of the application to the mine owner or lessee as required by this section.
All appeals provided for in this section shall be treated as expedited appeals. The reclamation commission shall hear any such appeal in accordance with section 1513.13 of the Revised Code and issue a decision within thirty days of the filing of the notice of appeal.
The chief of the division of oil and gas resources management shall not issue a permit to drill a new well or reopen a well that is or is to be located within three hundred feet of any opening of any mine used as a means of ingress, egress, or ventilation for persons employed in the mine, nor within one hundred feet of any building or inflammable structure connected with the mine and actually used as a part of the operating equipment of the mine, unless the chief of the division of mineral resources management determines that life or property will not be endangered by drilling and operating the well in that location.
The chief of the division of mineral resources management may suspend the drilling or reopening of a well in a coal bearing township after determining that the drilling or reopening activities present an imminent and substantial threat to public health or safety or to miners' health or safety and having been unable to contact the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management to request an order of suspension under section 1509.06 of the Revised Code. Before issuing a suspension order for that purpose, the chief of the division of mineral resources management shall notify the owner in a manner that in the chief's judgment would provide reasonable notification that the chief intends to issue a suspension order. The chief may issue such an order without prior notification if reasonable attempts to notify the owner have failed, but in that event notification shall be given as soon thereafter as practical. Within five calendar days after the issuance of the order, the chief shall provide the owner an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence that the activities do not present an imminent and substantial threat to public health or safety or to miners' health or safety. If, after considering the evidence presented by the owner, the chief determines that the activities do not present such a threat, the chief shall revoke the suspension order. An owner may appeal a suspension order issued by the chief of the division of mineral resources management under this section to the reclamation commission in accordance with section 1513.13 of the Revised Code or may appeal the order directly to the court of common pleas of the county in which the well is located.
Sec. 1509.21.  No (A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no person shall, without first having obtained a permit from the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management, conduct secondary or additional recovery operations, including any underground injection of fluids or carbon dioxide for the secondary or tertiary recovery of oil or natural gas or for the storage of hydrocarbons that are liquid at standard temperature or pressure, unless a rule of the chief expressly authorizes such operations without a permit. The permit shall be in addition to any permit required by section 1509.05 of the Revised Code. Secondary or additional recovery operations shall be conducted in accordance with rules and orders of the chief and any terms or conditions of the permit authorizing such operations. In addition, the chief may authorize tests to evaluate whether fluids or carbon dioxide may be injected in a reservoir and to determine the maximum allowable injection pressure. The tests shall be conducted in accordance with methods prescribed in rules of the chief or conditions of the permit. Rules adopted under this section shall include provisions regarding applications for and the issuance of permits; the terms and conditions of permits; entry to conduct inspections and to examine records to ascertain compliance with this section and rules, orders, and terms and conditions of permits adopted or issued thereunder; the provision and maintenance of information through monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting; and other provisions in furtherance of the goals of this section and the Safe Drinking Water Act. To implement the goals of the Safe Drinking Water Act, the chief shall not issue a permit for the underground injection of fluids for the secondary or tertiary recovery of oil or natural gas or for the storage of hydrocarbons that are liquid at standard temperature and pressure, unless the chief concludes that the applicant has demonstrated that the injection will not result in the presence of any contaminant in underground water that supplies or can be reasonably expected to supply any public water system, such that the presence of any such contaminant may result in the system's not complying with any national primary drinking water regulation or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons. Rules, orders, and terms or conditions of permits adopted or issued under this section shall be construed to be no more stringent than required for compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, unless essential to ensure that underground sources of drinking water will not be endangered.
(B) No person shall dispose of brine in association with a method of enhanced recovery conducted pursuant to division (A) of this section.
Sec. 1509.22.  (A) Except when acting in accordance with section 1509.226 of the Revised Code, no (1) No person shall place or cause to be placed brine in or on the land or in surface or ground water.
(2) No person shall place or cause to be placed brine, crude oil, natural gas, or other fluids associated with the exploration or development of oil and gas resources in surface or ground water or in or on the land in such quantities or in such manner as actually causes or could reasonably be anticipated to cause either of the following:
(1)(a) Water used for consumption by humans or domestic animals to exceed the standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act;
(2)(b) Damage or injury to public health or safety or the environment.
(3) Divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section apply regardless of whether brine, crude oil, natural gas, or other fluids associated with the exploration or development of oil and gas resources have been treated in a public water system or other treatment system or process.
(B) No person shall store or dispose of brine in violation of a plan approved under division (A) of section 1509.222 or section 1509.226 of the Revised Code, in violation of a resolution submitted under section 1509.226 of the Revised Code, or in violation of rules or orders applicable to those plans or resolutions.
(C) The chief of the division of oil and gas resources management shall adopt rules and issue orders regarding storage and disposal of brine and other waste substances; however, the storage and disposal of brine and other waste substances and the chief's rules relating to storage and disposal are subject to all of the following standards:
(1) Brine from any well except an exempt Mississippian well shall be disposed of only by injection into an underground formation, including annular disposal if approved by rule of the chief, which injection shall be subject to division (D) of this section; by surface application in accordance with section 1509.226 of the Revised Code; in association with a method of enhanced recovery as provided in section 1509.21 of the Revised Code; or by other methods approved by the chief for testing or implementing a new technology or method of disposal. Brine from exempt Mississippian wells shall not be discharged directly into the waters of the state.
(2) Muds, cuttings, and other waste substances shall not be disposed of in violation of any rule.
(3) Pits or steel tanks shall be used as authorized by the chief for containing brine and other waste substances resulting from, obtained from, or produced in connection with drilling, well stimulation, reworking, reconditioning, plugging back, or plugging operations. The pits and steel tanks shall be constructed and maintained to prevent the escape of brine and other waste substances.
(4) A dike or pit may be used for spill prevention and control. A dike or pit so used shall be constructed and maintained to prevent the escape of brine and crude oil, and the reservoir within such a dike or pit shall be kept reasonably free of brine, crude oil, and other waste substances.
(5) Earthen impoundments constructed pursuant to the division's specifications may be used for the temporary storage of fluids used in the stimulation of a well.
(6) No pit, earthen impoundment, or dike shall be used for the temporary storage of brine or other substances except in accordance with divisions (C)(3) to (5) of this section.
(7) No pit or dike shall be used for the ultimate disposal of brine or other liquid waste substances.
(D)(1) No Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, no person, without first having obtained a permit from the chief, shall inject brine or other waste substances resulting from, obtained from, or produced in connection with oil or gas drilling, exploration, or production into an underground formation unless a rule of the chief expressly authorizes the injection without a permit. The permit shall be in addition to any permit required by section 1509.05 of the Revised Code, and the permit application shall be accompanied by a permit fee of one thousand dollars. The chief shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code regarding the injection into wells of brine and other waste substances resulting from, obtained from, or produced in connection with oil or gas drilling, exploration, or production. The rules shall include provisions regarding all of the following:
(a) Applications for and issuance of the permits required by this division;
(b) Entry to conduct inspections and to examine and copy records to ascertain compliance with this division and rules, orders, and terms and conditions of permits adopted or issued under it;
(c) The provision and maintenance of information through monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. In addition, the rules shall require the owner of an injection well who has been issued a permit under division (D) of this section to quarterly submit electronically to the chief information concerning each shipment of brine or other waste substances received by the owner for injection into the well.
(d) The provision and electronic reporting quarterly of information concerning brine and other waste substances from a transporter that is registered under section 1509.222 of the Revised Code prior to the injection of the transported brine or other waste substances;
(e) Any other provisions in furtherance of the goals of this section and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
(2) The chief may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code authorizing tests to evaluate whether fluids other than brine or carbon dioxide may be injected in a reservoir and to determine the maximum allowable injection pressure, which shall be conducted in accordance with methods prescribed in the rules or in accordance with conditions of the a permit issued by the chief for that purpose. In addition, the chief may adopt rules that do both of the following:
(a) Establish the total depth of a well for which a permit has been applied for or issued under this division;
(b) Establish requirements and procedures to protect public health and safety.
(3) To implement the goals of the Safe Drinking Water Act Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, the chief shall not issue a permit for the injection of brine or other waste substances resulting from, obtained from, or produced in connection with oil or gas drilling, exploration, or production unless the chief concludes that the applicant has demonstrated that the injection will not result in the presence of any contaminant in ground water that supplies or can reasonably be expected to supply any public water system, such that the presence of the contaminant may result in the system's not complying with any national primary drinking water regulation or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons.
(4) The chief may issue an order to the owner of a well in existence on the effective date of this amendment September 10, 2012, to make changes in the operation of the well in order to correct problems or to address safety concerns.
(5) This division and rules, orders, and terms and conditions of permits adopted or issued under it shall be construed to be no more stringent than required for compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act unless essential to ensure that underground sources of drinking water will not be endangered.
(E) The owner holding a permit, or an assignee or transferee who has assumed the obligations and liabilities imposed by this chapter and any rules adopted or orders issued under it pursuant to section 1509.31 of the Revised Code, and the operator of a well shall be liable for a violation of this section or any rules adopted or orders or terms or conditions of a permit issued under it.
(F) An owner shall replace the water supply of the holder of an interest in real property who obtains all or part of the holder's supply of water for domestic, agricultural, industrial, or other legitimate use from an underground or surface source where the supply has been substantially disrupted by contamination, diminution, or interruption proximately resulting from the owner's oil or gas operation, or the owner may elect to compensate the holder of the interest in real property for the difference between the fair market value of the interest before the damage occurred to the water supply and the fair market value after the damage occurred if the cost of replacing the water supply exceeds this difference in fair market values. However, during the pendency of any order issued under this division, the owner shall obtain for the holder or shall reimburse the holder for the reasonable cost of obtaining a water supply from the time of the contamination, diminution, or interruption by the operation until the owner has complied with an order of the chief for compliance with this division or such an order has been revoked or otherwise becomes not effective. If the owner elects to pay the difference in fair market values, but the owner and the holder have not agreed on the difference within thirty days after the chief issues an order for compliance with this division, within ten days after the expiration of that thirty-day period, the owner and the chief each shall appoint an appraiser to determine the difference in fair market values, except that the holder of the interest in real property may elect to appoint and compensate the holder's own appraiser, in which case the chief shall not appoint an appraiser. The two appraisers appointed shall appoint a third appraiser, and within thirty days after the appointment of the third appraiser, the three appraisers shall hold a hearing to determine the difference in fair market values. Within ten days after the hearing, the appraisers shall make their determination by majority vote and issue their final determination of the difference in fair market values. The chief shall accept a determination of the difference in fair market values made by agreement of the owner and holder or by appraisers under this division and shall make and dissolve orders accordingly. This division does not affect in any way the right of any person to enforce or protect, under applicable law, the person's interest in water resources affected by an oil or gas operation.
(G) In any action brought by the state for a violation of division (A) of this section involving any well at which annular disposal is used, there shall be a rebuttable presumption available to the state that the annular disposal caused the violation if the well is located within a one-quarter-mile radius of the site of the violation.
(H)(1) There is levied on the owner of an injection well who has been issued a permit under division (D) of this section the following fees:
(a) Five cents per barrel of each substance that is delivered to a well to be injected in the well when the substance is produced within the division of oil and gas resources management regulatory district in which the well is located or within an adjoining oil and gas resources management regulatory district;
(b) Twenty cents per barrel of each substance that is delivered to a well to be injected in the well when the substance is not produced within the division of oil and gas resources management regulatory district in which the well is located or within an adjoining oil and gas resources management regulatory district.
(2) The maximum number of barrels of substance per injection well in a calendar year on which a fee may be levied under division (H) of this section is five hundred thousand. If in a calendar year the owner of an injection well receives more than five hundred thousand barrels of substance to be injected in the owner's well and if the owner receives at least one substance that is produced within the division's regulatory district in which the well is located or within an adjoining regulatory district and at least one substance that is not produced within the division's regulatory district in which the well is located or within an adjoining regulatory district, the fee shall be calculated first on all of the barrels of substance that are not produced within the division's regulatory district in which the well is located or within an adjoining district at the rate established in division (H)(2) of this section. The fee then shall be calculated on the barrels of substance that are produced within the division's regulatory district in which the well is located or within an adjoining district at the rate established in division (H)(1) of this section until the maximum number of barrels established in division (H)(2) of this section has been attained.
(3) The owner of an injection well who is issued a permit under division (D) of this section shall collect the fee levied by division (H) of this section on behalf of the division of oil and gas resources management and forward the fee to the division. The chief shall transmit all money received under division (H) of this section to the treasurer of state who shall deposit the money in the state treasury to the credit of the oil and gas well fund created in section 1509.02 of the Revised Code. The owner of an injection well who collects the fee levied by this division may retain up to three per cent of the amount that is collected.
(4) The chief shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing requirements and procedures for collection of the fee levied by division (H) of this section.
Sec. 1509.222.  (A)(1) Except as provided in section 1509.226 of the Revised Code, no No person shall transport brine by vehicle in this state unless the business entity that employs the person first registers with and obtains a registration certificate and identification number from the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management.
(2) No more than one registration certificate shall be required of any business entity. Registration certificates issued under this section are not transferable. An applicant shall file an application with the chief, containing such information in such form as the chief prescribes. The application shall include at least all of the following:
(a) A list that identifies each vehicle, vessel, railcar, and container that will be used in the transportation of brine;
(b) A plan for disposal that provides for compliance with the requirements of this chapter and rules of the chief pertaining to the transportation of brine by vehicle and the disposal of brine so transported and that lists all disposal sites that the applicant intends to use;
(c) The bond required by section 1509.225 of the Revised Code;
(d) A certificate issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state certifying that the applicant has in force a liability insurance policy in an amount not less than three hundred thousand dollars bodily injury coverage and three hundred thousand dollars property damage coverage to pay damages for injury to persons or property caused by the collecting, handling, transportation, or disposal of brine.
The insurance policy required by division (A)(2)(d) of this section shall be maintained in effect during the term of the registration certificate. The policy or policies providing the coverage shall require the insurance company to give notice to the chief if the policy or policies lapse for any reason. Upon such termination of the policy, the chief may suspend the registration certificate until proper insurance coverage is obtained.
(3) Each application for a registration certificate shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of five hundred dollars.
(4) If a business entity that has been issued a registration certificate under this section changes its name due to a business reorganization or merger, the business entity shall revise the bond or certificates of deposit required by section 1509.225 of the Revised Code and obtain a new certificate from an insurance company in accordance with division (A)(2)(e) of this section to reflect the change in the name of the business entity.
(B) The chief shall issue an order denying an application for a registration certificate if the chief finds that either of the following applies:
(1) The applicant, at the time of applying for the registration certificate, has been found liable by a final nonappealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction for damage to streets, roads, highways, bridges, culverts, or drainways pursuant to section 4513.34 or 5577.12 of the Revised Code until the applicant provides the chief with evidence of compliance with the order.
(2) The applicant's plan for disposal does not provide for compliance with the requirements of this chapter and rules of the chief pertaining to the transportation of brine by vehicle and the disposal of brine so transported.
(C) No applicant shall attempt to circumvent division (B) of this section by applying for a registration certificate under a different name or business organization name, by transferring responsibility to another person or entity, or by any similar act.
(D) A registered transporter shall apply to revise a disposal plan under procedures that the chief shall prescribe by rule. However, at a minimum, an application for a revision shall list all sources and disposal sites of brine currently transported. The chief shall deny any application for a revision of a plan under this division if the chief finds that the proposed revised plan does not provide for compliance with the requirements of this chapter and rules of the chief pertaining to the transportation of brine by vehicle and the disposal of brine so transported. Approvals and denials of revisions shall be by order of the chief.
(E) The chief may adopt rules, issue orders, and attach terms and conditions to registration certificates as may be necessary to administer, implement, and enforce sections 1509.222 to 1509.226 1509.225 of the Revised Code for protection of public health or safety or conservation of natural resources.
Sec. 1509.223.  (A) No permit holder or owner of a well shall enter into an agreement with or permit any person to transport brine produced from the well who is not registered pursuant to section 1509.222 of the Revised Code or exempt from registration under section 1509.226 of the Revised Code.
(B) Each registered transporter shall file with the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management, on or before the fifteenth day of April, a statement concerning brine transported, including quantities transported and source and delivery points, during the last preceding calendar year, and such other information in such form as the chief may prescribe.
(C) Each registered transporter shall keep on each vehicle used to transport brine a daily log and have it available upon the request of the chief or an authorized representative of the chief or a peace officer. The log shall, at a minimum, include all of the following information:
(1) The name of the owner or owners of the well or wells producing the brine to be transported;
(2) The date and time the brine is loaded;
(3) The name of the driver;
(4) The amount of brine loaded at each collection point;
(5) The disposal location;
(6) The date and time the brine is disposed of and the amount of brine disposed of at each location.
The chief, by rule, may establish procedures for the electronic submission to the chief of the information that is required to be included in the daily log. No registered transporter shall falsify or fail to keep or submit the log required by this division.
(D) Each registered transporter shall legibly identify with reflective paints all vehicles employed in transporting or disposing of brine. Letters shall be no less than four inches in height and shall indicate the identification number issued by the chief, the word "brine," and the name and telephone number of the transporter.
(E) The chief shall maintain and keep a current list of persons registered to transport brine under section 1509.222 of the Revised Code. The list shall be open to public inspection. It is an affirmative defense to a charge under division (A) of this section that at the time the permit holder or owner of a well entered into an agreement with or permitted a person to transport brine, the person was shown on the list as currently registered to transport brine.
Sec. 1509.224.  (A) In addition to any other remedies provided in this chapter, if the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management has reason to believe that a pattern of the same or similar violations of any requirements of section 1509.22, 1509.222, or 1509.223 of the Revised Code, or any rule adopted thereunder or term or condition of the registration certificate issued thereunder exists or has existed, and the violations are caused by the transporter's indifference, lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care, or are willfully caused by the transporter, the chief shall immediately issue an order to the transporter to show cause why the certificate should not be suspended or revoked. After the issuance of the order, the chief shall provide the transporter an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence at an informal hearing conducted by the chief. If, at the conclusion of the hearing, the chief finds that such a pattern of violations exists or has existed, the chief shall issue an order suspending or revoking the transporter's registration certificate. An order suspending or revoking a certificate under this section may be appealed under sections 1509.36 and 1509.37 of the Revised Code, or notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, may be appealed directly to the court of common pleas of Franklin county.
(B) Before issuing an order denying a registration certificate; approving or denying approval of an application for revision of a registered transporter's plan for disposal; or to implement, administer, or enforce section 1509.22, 1509.222, 1509.223, or 1509.225, or 1509.226 of the Revised Code and rules and terms and conditions of registration certificates adopted or issued thereunder pertaining to the transportation of brine by vehicle and the disposal of brine so transported, the chief shall issue a preliminary order indicating the chief's intent to issue a final order. The preliminary order shall clearly state the nature of the chief's proposed action and the findings on which it is based and shall state that the preliminary order becomes a final order thirty days after its issuance unless the person to whom the preliminary order is directed submits to the chief a written request for an informal hearing before the chief within that thirty-day period. At the hearing the person may present evidence as to why the preliminary order should be revoked or modified. Based upon the findings from the informal hearing, the chief shall revoke, issue, or modify and issue the preliminary order as a final order. A final order may be appealed under sections 1509.36 and 1509.37 of the Revised Code.
Section 2. That existing sections 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.03, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.08, 1509.21, 1509.22, 1509.222, 1509.223, and 1509.224 and section 1509.226 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.
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