130th Ohio General Assembly
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H. C. R. No. 17  As Introduced
As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. C. R. No. 17

Representative Dodd 

To request that the members of the United States Congress refrain from enacting the Consumer Protection and Regulatory Modernization Act.


       WHEREAS, The Consumer Protection and Regulatory Modernization Act would allow insurers and insurance producers to opt out of state-based regulation, effectively dismantling existing state-based consumer protections and would allow nearly any function of the national insurance regulator to be carried out by self-regulatory industry groups, effectively handing the keys of supervision over to those being supervised; and

       WHEREAS, The act additionally would authorize the formation of a separate insurance guaranty fund for federally regulated insurers and requires that federal insurance offices be set up in all fifty states, concepts that are redundant to the more comprehensive, national, state-based insurance regulatory system already in place; and

       WHEREAS, In light of the current financial turmoil, the American people have called for strengthened regulatory systems — not abdication of control to those who are regulated; and

       WHEREAS, State insurance solvency oversight has kept insurance companies stable and protected policyholders from the worst of the financial meltdown, and state regulators continue to provide a local response to consumer issues at no cost to federal taxpayers; now therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 128th General Assembly of the State of Ohio, hereby request that the United States Congress refrain from enacting the Consumer Protection and Regulatory Modernization Act; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the Speaker and the Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, to the President Pro Tempore and the Secretary of the United States Senate, to the members of the Ohio Congressional delegation, and to the news media of Ohio.

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